# these are all substituted by autoconf %define major 0 %define minor 13 %define sub 8 %define extralevel %{nil} %define release_name libsmbios %define release_version %{major}.%{minor}.%{sub}%{extralevel} Name: %{release_name} Version: %{release_version} Release: 1%{?dist} License: GPL style Group: System Environment/Libraries Source: http://linux.dell.com/libsmbios/download/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz URL: http://linux.dell.com/libsmbios/main Summary: Open BIOS parsing libs Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) # libsmbios only ever makes sense on intel compatible arches # no DMI tables on ppc, s390, etc. ExclusiveArch: x86_64 ia64 %{ix86} BuildRequires: libxml2-devel #EPEL4/5 dont have cppunit/cppunit-devel, so skip build tests # everything else should be able to pull in cppunit to run unit tests # during build. Doesnt affect binaries produced, so doesnt affect # build reproducability. %if %(test "%{dist}" != ".el4" -a "%{dist}" != ".el5" && echo 1 || echo 0) BuildRequires: cppunit-devel %endif # no doxygen native for suse %if %(test ! -e /etc/SuSE-release && echo 1 || echo 0) BuildRequires: doxygen %endif %description Libsmbios is a library and utilities that can be used by client programs to get information from standard BIOS tables, such as the SMBIOS table. %package libs Summary: Libsmbios shared libraries Group: System Environment/Libraries Obsoletes: libsmbiosxml-libs < 0:%{version}-%{release} Provides: libsmbiosxml-libs = %{version}-%{release} %package bin Summary: The "supported" sample binaries that use libsmbios Group: Applications/System Requires: libsmbios-libs = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: libsmbiosxml-bin < 0:%{version}-%{release} Provides: libsmbiosxml-bin = %{version}-%{release} %package unsupported-bin Summary: Unsupported sample binaries using libsmbios Group: Applications/System Requires: libsmbios-libs = %{version}-%{release} %package devel Summary: Development headers and archives Group: Development/Libraries Requires: libsmbios-libs = %{version}-%{release} %description libs Libsmbios is a library and utilities that can be used by client programs to get information from standard BIOS tables, such as the SMBIOS table. %description devel Libsmbios is a library and utilities that can be used by client programs to get information from standard BIOS tables, such as the SMBIOS table. This package contains the headers and .a files necessary to compile new client programs against libsmbios. %description bin Libsmbios is a library and utilities that can be used by client programs to get information from standard BIOS tables, such as the SMBIOS table. This package contains some sample binaries that use libsmbios. %description unsupported-bin Libsmbios is a library and utilities that can be used by client programs to get information from standard BIOS tables, such as the SMBIOS table. This package contains some sample binaries that use libsmbios. %prep %setup -q find . -type d -exec chmod -f 755 {} \; find doc include libraries bin-unsupported build bin-supported cppunit -type f -exec chmod -f 644 {} \; chmod 755 cppunit/*.sh %build export EXTRA_CXXFLAGS="%{optflags}" export EXTRA_CFLAGS="%{optflags}" export RELEASE_MAJOR=%{major} export RELEASE_MINOR=%{minor} export RELEASE_SUBLEVEL=%{sub} export RELEASE_EXTRALEVEL=%{extralevel} %configure mkdir -p doc/full/html make -e %{?_smp_mflags} [ ! -d /usr/include/cppunit ] || make -e check %install [ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && rm -rf %{buildroot} make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/include cp -a include/smbios %{buildroot}/usr/include/ rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/lib*.la %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %post libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %files libs %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc COPYING-GPL COPYING-OSL README %{_libdir}/libsmbios.so.* %{_libdir}/libsmbiosxml.so.* %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc COPYING-GPL COPYING-OSL README bin-unsupported/getopts_LICENSE.txt /usr/include/smbios %{_libdir}/libsmbios.a %{_libdir}/libsmbios.so %{_libdir}/libsmbiosxml.a %{_libdir}/libsmbiosxml.so %doc doc/full/html %files bin %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc COPYING-GPL COPYING-OSL README bin-unsupported/getopts_LICENSE.txt %{_bindir}/assetTag %{_bindir}/dellBiosUpdate %{_bindir}/getSystemId %{_bindir}/propertyTag %{_bindir}/serviceTag %{_bindir}/tokenCtl %{_bindir}/verifySmiPassword %{_bindir}/wakeupCtl %{_bindir}/dellLcdBrightness %{_bindir}/dellWirelessCtl %files unsupported-bin %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc COPYING-GPL COPYING-OSL README include/smbios/config/boost_LICENSE_1_0_txt bin-unsupported/getopts_LICENSE.txt %{_bindir}/dellLEDCtl %{_bindir}/activateCmosToken %{_bindir}/ascii2enUS_scancode %{_bindir}/createUnitTestFiles %{_bindir}/disable_console_redir %{_bindir}/dumpCmos %{_bindir}/getPasswordFormat %{_bindir}/isCmosTokenActive %{_bindir}/probes %{_bindir}/smitest %{_bindir}/stateByteCtl %{_bindir}/upBootCtl %{_bindir}/dumpSmbios #%{_bindir}/sysid # ./ChangeLog is appended by configure %changelog * Tue Aug 6 2007 Michael E Brown <michael_e_brown at dell.com> - 0.13.8 - new upstream * Tue Apr 3 2007 Michael E Brown <michael_e_brown at dell.com> - 0.13.6 - critical bugfix for dellBiosUpdate utility for packet mode - autoconf/automake support for automatically building docs - more readable 'make' lines by splitting out env vars - remove run_cppunit option... always run unit tests. - update autoconf/automake utilities to latest version - fix LDFLAGS to not overwrite user entered LDFLAGS - add automatic doxygen build of docs - fix urls of public repos - remove yum repo page in favor of official page from docs - split dmi table entry point from smbios table entry point - support legacy _DMI_ tables - fix support for EFI-based imacs without proper _SM_ anchor * Tue Mar 20 2007 Michael E Brown <michael_e_brown at dell.com> - 0.13.5 - rpmlint cleanups - Add dellLEDCtl binary - update AUTHORS file to add credit for dellLEDCtl - update doc/DellToken.txt to add a few more useful tokens. - updated build system to create documentation - skip cppunit dep on .elX builds (not in EPEL yet) * Mon Mar 12 2007 Michael E Brown <michael_e_brown at dell.com> - 0.13.4-1 - Added dellWirelessCtl binary - Added 'static' makefile target to build static binaries and clean them as well - fix for signed/unsigned bug in probes binary. CPU temp misreported - simplify interface for DELL_CALLING_INTERFACE_SMI, autodetect Port/Magic - document all of the tokens for controlling wireless on dell notebooks - enums for SMI args/res to make code match docs better (cbRES1 = res[0], which was confusing. - helper functions isTokenActive() and activateToken() to simplify token API. - Added missing windows .cpp files to the dist tarball for those who compile windows from dist tarball vs source control - Add support for EFI based machines without backwards compatible smbios table entry point in 0xF0000 block. - Added wirelessSwitchControl() and wirelessRadioControl() API for newer laptops. - fixed bug in TokenDA activate() code where it wasnt properly using SMI (never worked, but apparently wasnt used until now.) * Tue Oct 3 2006 Michael E Brown <Michael_E_Brown@Dell.com> - 0.13.0-1 - autotools conversion - add Changelog * Tue Sep 26 2006 Michael E Brown <michael_e_brown at dell.com> - 0.12.4-1 - Changes per Fedora Packaging Guidelines to prepare to submit to Extras. - Add in a changelog entry per Fedora Packaging Guidelines...