2021-05-26 03:06:15 +00:00
ret = 0
nsuccess = 0
nfail = 0
NETNS_0 = " ns- $( mktemp -u XXXXXX) "
NETNS_1 = " ns- $( mktemp -u XXXXXX) "
# $1: return value
# $2: log message
libndp_log( ) {
local rc = $1
local msg = " $2 "
if [ $rc -eq 0 ] ; then
printf "[libndp gating]: %-30s [ PASS ]\n" " $msg "
nsuccess = $(( nsuccess+1))
printf "[libndp gating]: %-30s [ FAIL ]\n" " $msg "
nfail = $(( nfail+1)) && ret = 1
install_tcpreplay( ) {
which tcpreplay && return 0
2021-06-01 10:28:16 +00:00
local ver = "4.3.4"
wget https://github.com/appneta/tcpreplay/releases/download/v${ ver } /tcpreplay-${ ver } .tar.xz
tar xf tcpreplay-${ ver } .tar.xz
cd tcpreplay-${ ver }
2021-05-26 03:06:15 +00:00
./configure && make && make install
cd ../
which tcpreplay
clean_up( ) {
ip netns del ${ NETNS_0 } & > /dev/null
ip netns del ${ NETNS_1 } & > /dev/null
ip link del veth0 & > /dev/null
ip link del veth1 & > /dev/null
trap clean_up EXIT
setup( ) {
install_tcpreplay & > tcpreplay.log || \
{ libndp_log $? "Install tcpreplay" && cat tcpreplay.log; return 1; }
ip netns add " ${ NETNS_0 } "
ip netns add " ${ NETNS_1 } "
ip -netns " ${ NETNS_0 } " link set lo up
ip -netns " ${ NETNS_1 } " link set lo up
ip link add type veth
ip link set veth0 netns " ${ NETNS_0 } "
ip link set veth1 netns " ${ NETNS_1 } "
ip -netns " ${ NETNS_0 } " link set veth0 addr 00:00:00:00:00:01
ip -netns " ${ NETNS_1 } " link set veth1 addr 00:00:00:00:00:02
ip -netns " ${ NETNS_0 } " link set veth0 up
ip -netns " ${ NETNS_1 } " link set veth1 up
monitor_nd( )
ip netns exec " ${ NETNS_1 } " unbuffer ndptool -i veth1 monitor & > monitor.log &
sleep 2
# TODO: maybe fuzz the pcap file and see if ndptool still works
ip netns exec " ${ NETNS_0 } " tcpreplay -l 2 -i veth0 nd.pcap
sleep 2 && kill -9 $!
grep -q "Type: NS" monitor.log; libndp_log $? "Monitor NS"
grep -q "Type: NA" monitor.log; libndp_log $? "Monitor NA"
# commit this due to bug 1082933
# grep -q "Type: RS" monitor.log; libndp_log $? "Monitor RS"
grep -q "Type: RA" monitor.log; libndp_log $? "Monitor RA"
# TODO: add ICMPv6 redirect support
send_nd( )
ip netns exec " ${ NETNS_1 } " tcpdump -i veth1 -nn -l & > rs.log &
sleep 2
ip netns exec " ${ NETNS_0 } " ndptool -i veth0 -t rs send
sleep 2 && kill -9 $!
#ip netns exec "${NETNS_0}" ndptool -i veth0 -t ra send
ip netns exec " ${ NETNS_1 } " tcpdump -i veth1 -nn -l & > ns.log &
sleep 2
ip netns exec " ${ NETNS_0 } " ndptool -i veth0 -t ns send
sleep 2 && kill -9 $!
ip netns exec " ${ NETNS_1 } " tcpdump -i veth1 -nn -l & > ns_t.log &
sleep 2
ip netns exec " ${ NETNS_0 } " ndptool -i veth0 -t ns -T fe80::200:ff:fe00:2 send
sleep 2 && kill -9 $!
#ip netns exec "${NETNS_0}" ndptool -i veth0 -t na send
ip netns exec " ${ NETNS_1 } " tcpdump -i veth1 -nn -l & > na_d_t.log &
sleep 2
ip netns exec " ${ NETNS_0 } " ndptool -i veth0 -t na -D fe80::200:ff:fe00:2 -T fe80::200:ff:fe00:1 send
sleep 2 && kill -9 $!
ip netns exec " ${ NETNS_1 } " tcpdump -i veth1 -nn -l & > na_u.log &
sleep 2
ip netns exec " ${ NETNS_0 } " ndptool -i veth0 -U -t na send
sleep 2 && kill -9 $!
grep -q "fe80::200:ff:fe00:1 > ff02::2: ICMP6, router solicitation" rs.log; libndp_log $? "Send RS"
grep -q "fe80::200:ff:fe00:1 > ff02::1: ICMP6, neighbor solicitation, who has ::" ns.log; libndp_log $? "Send NS"
grep -q "fe80::200:ff:fe00:1 > ff02::1:ff00:2: ICMP6, neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::200:ff:fe00:2" ns_t.log; libndp_log $? "Send NS with target"
grep -q "fe80::200:ff:fe00:1 > fe80::200:ff:fe00:2: ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is fe80::200:ff:fe00:1" na_d_t.log; libndp_log $? "Send NA with dest and target"
grep -q "fe80::200:ff:fe00:1 > ff02::1: ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is ::" na_u.log; libndp_log $? "Send unsolicited NA"
setup || exit 1
printf "\nTests passed: %3d\n" ${ nsuccess }
printf "Tests failed: %3d\n" ${ nfail }
if [ ${ nfail } -ne 0 ] ; then
echo -e "\nDEBUG INFO:\n"
for log in ` ls *.log` ; do
echo " # cat $log "
cat $log
exit $ret