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2022-06-23 17:24:45 +00:00
From f5adf078b700d60e5863e03cb71401e546789f2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Petr Stodulka <pstodulk@redhat.com>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2022 10:34:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 26/39] Drop the checkcpu actor from the el8toel9 repo
The actor has been supposed to be removed a time ago already
as this functionality is handled in generic way by
As this actor still exists it breaks the expectation the CPU check
is driven by the `device_driver_deprecation_data.json` file. Regarding
that, we cannot dynamically react to changes around supported CPUs
on s390x (IBM Z) architecture for IPU 8 -> 9.
This relates to BZ: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2087664
The bz is reported for IPU 7 -> 8, however the problem is on IPU 8 -> 9
as well and we cannot handle via data files due to this actor.
So dropping it.
.../el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/actor.py | 23 --------
.../el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/libraries/cpu.py | 41 -------------
.../actors/checkcpu/tests/test_checkcpu.py | 57 -------------------
3 files changed, 121 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/actor.py
delete mode 100644 repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/libraries/cpu.py
delete mode 100644 repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/tests/test_checkcpu.py
diff --git a/repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/actor.py b/repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/actor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b61bd34..00000000
--- a/repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/actor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-from leapp.actors import Actor
-from leapp.libraries.actor import cpu
-from leapp.models import CPUInfo, Report
-from leapp.tags import ChecksPhaseTag, IPUWorkflowTag
-class CheckCPU(Actor):
- """
- Check whether the CPU is supported by the target system. Inhibit upgrade if not.
- Currently we know just about cases with s390x where the set of CPUs supported
- by RHEL 9 is subset of CPUs supported on RHEL 8. We can detect such cases based
- on the machine field inside the /proc/cpuinfo file. expected values of the
- field on supported machines are: 3906, 3907, 8561, 8562.
- """
- name = "checkcpu"
- consumes = (CPUInfo,)
- produces = (Report,)
- tags = (ChecksPhaseTag, IPUWorkflowTag,)
- def process(self):
- cpu.process()
diff --git a/repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/libraries/cpu.py b/repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/libraries/cpu.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 79682247..00000000
--- a/repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/libraries/cpu.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-from leapp import reporting
-from leapp.exceptions import StopActorExecutionError
-from leapp.libraries.common.config import architecture
-from leapp.libraries.stdlib import api
-from leapp.models import CPUInfo
-SUPPORTED_MACHINE_TYPES = [3906, 3907, 8561, 8562]
-def process():
- if not architecture.matches_architecture(architecture.ARCH_S390X):
- return
- cpuinfo = next(api.consume(CPUInfo), None)
- if cpuinfo is None:
- raise StopActorExecutionError(message=("Missing information about CPU."))
- if not cpuinfo.machine_type:
- # this is not expected to happen, but in case...
- api.current_logger().warning("The machine (CPU) type is empty.")
- if cpuinfo.machine_type not in SUPPORTED_MACHINE_TYPES:
- summary = ("The system is not possible to upgrade because of unsupported"
- " type of the processor. Based on the official documentation,"
- " z14 and z15 processors are supported on the Red Hat Enterprise"
- " Linux 9 system for the IBM Z architecture. The supported processors"
- " have machine types {}. The detected machine type of the CPU is '{}'."
- .format(", ".join([str(i) for i in SUPPORTED_MACHINE_TYPES]), cpuinfo.machine_type))
- report = [
- reporting.Title("The processor is not supported by the target system."),
- reporting.Summary(summary),
- reporting.Severity(reporting.Severity.HIGH),
- reporting.Tags([reporting.Tags.SANITY]),
- reporting.Flags([reporting.Flags.INHIBITOR]),
- reporting.ExternalLink(
- title="Considerations in adopting RHEL 8",
- url=("https://access.redhat.com/ecosystem/hardware/#/search?p=1&"
- "c_version=Red%20Hat%20Enterprise%20Linux%208&ch_architecture=s390x"))
- ]
- # FIXME(dhorak): update the URL to the document once it exists
- reporting.create_report(report)
diff --git a/repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/tests/test_checkcpu.py b/repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/tests/test_checkcpu.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cb11986..00000000
--- a/repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkcpu/tests/test_checkcpu.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import pytest
-from leapp import reporting
-from leapp.exceptions import StopActorExecutionError
-from leapp.libraries.actor import cpu
-from leapp.libraries.common import testutils
-from leapp.libraries.common.config import architecture
-from leapp.libraries.common.testutils import CurrentActorMocked
-from leapp.libraries.stdlib import api
-from leapp.models import CPUInfo
-def test_non_ibmz_arch(monkeypatch):
- monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'current_actor', CurrentActorMocked(architecture.ARCH_X86_64))
- monkeypatch.setattr(reporting, "create_report", testutils.create_report_mocked())
- cpu.process()
- assert not reporting.create_report.called
-def test_ibmz_arch_missing_cpuinfo(monkeypatch):
- monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'current_actor', CurrentActorMocked(architecture.ARCH_S390X))
- monkeypatch.setattr(reporting, "create_report", testutils.create_report_mocked())
- monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'consume', lambda x: iter([]))
- with pytest.raises(StopActorExecutionError):
- cpu.process()
- assert not reporting.create_report.called
-def test_ibmz_cpu_supported(monkeypatch):
- monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'current_actor', CurrentActorMocked(architecture.ARCH_S390X))
- monkeypatch.setattr(reporting, "create_report", testutils.create_report_mocked())
- for sup_arch in cpu.SUPPORTED_MACHINE_TYPES:
- monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'consume', lambda x: iter([CPUInfo(machine_type=sup_arch)]))
- cpu.process()
- assert not reporting.create_report.called
-def test_ibmz_cpu_unsupported(monkeypatch):
- title_msg = 'The processor is not supported by the target system.'
- monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'current_actor', CurrentActorMocked(architecture.ARCH_S390X))
- monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'consume', lambda x: iter([CPUInfo(machine_type=666)]))
- monkeypatch.setattr(reporting, "create_report", testutils.create_report_mocked())
- cpu.process()
- assert reporting.create_report.called
- assert title_msg == reporting.create_report.report_fields['title']
- assert reporting.Flags.INHIBITOR in reporting.create_report.report_fields['flags']
-def test_ibmz_cpu_is_empty(monkeypatch, caplog):
- monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'current_actor', CurrentActorMocked(architecture.ARCH_S390X))
- monkeypatch.setattr(reporting, "create_report", testutils.create_report_mocked())
- monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'consume', lambda x: iter([CPUInfo(machine_type=None)]))
- with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
- cpu.process()
- assert 'The machine (CPU) type is empty.' in caplog.text