2023-04-04 13:25:23 -06:00

415 lines
13 KiB

# This is the system-wide configuration file for latexmk version 4.11.
# See the latexmk(1) man page for more information.
# The following options are given their default values.
# Uncomment them and change the values if the defaults do not suit your needs.
# Allow missing subdirectories of aux_dir to be created as needed
# $allow_subdir_creation = 1;
# When previewing, whether to make the viewer read from the generated file or
# from a temporary copy
# $always_view_file_via_temporary = 0;
# If nonzero, always analyze .log files for input files in the <...> and (...)
# constructions. Otherwise, only do the analysis when fls file doesn't exist
# or is out of date.
# $analyze_input_log_always = 1;
# Whether to read rc files automatically
# $auto_rc_use = 1;
# Directory for aux files (log, aux, etc.)
# $aux_dir = '';
# Whether to report on aux_dir & out_dir after initialization & normalization
# $aux_out_dir_report = 0;
# If nonzero, treat certain warnings as errors
# $bad_warning_is_error = 0;
# If nonzero, DVI-to-postscript conversion adds a banner message on each page
# $banner = 0;
# The darkness of the banner, a number between 0 (black) and 1 (white)
# $banner_intensity = 0.95;
# The banner message to print across each page if $banner is nonzero
# $banner_message = 'DRAFT';
# The size of the banner message (about 1100 divided by the message length)
# $banner_scale = 220;
# The name of the biber executable
# $biber = 'biber %O %S';
# The switch that puts biber in silent mode
# $biber_silent_switch = '--onlylog';
# The name of the BibTeX executable
# $bibtex = 'bibtex %O %S';
# Apply bibtex hack for old versions that don't handle output-directory
# $bibtex_fudge = 1;
# The switch that puts BibTeX in silent mode
# $bibtex_silent_switch = '-terse';
# Whether to run bibtex to update bbl files: 0 means never run bibtex and do
# not delete bbl files on cleanup, 1 means run bibtex only if the source files
# exist and the bbl files are out of date and do not delete bbl files on
# cleanup, 1.5 is the same as 1 but deletes bbl files on cleanup if source
# files exist, and 2 means run bibtex whenever the bbl files are out of date
# and delete bbl files on cleanup.
# $bibtex_use = 1;
# Whether to clean latexmk's file database too
# $cleanup_fdb = 0;
# Whether cleanup deletes files generated by custom dependencies
# $cleanup_includes_cusdep_generated = 0
# Whether cleanup deletes files generated by (pdf)latex, found from \openout
# lines in the log file.
# $cleanup_includes_generated = 0
# How much cleaning to do: 0 specifies normal operation (no cleaning),
# 1 specifies a full cleanup, and 2 specifies a cleanup that leaves dvi, dviF,
# pdf, ps, psF, and xdv files.
# $cleanup_mode = 0;
# Whether to just cleanup, or also generate files
# $cleanup_only = 0;
# Command to use in pvc mode for compiling
# $compiling_cmd = "";
# A custom dependency list; see the man page for details
# @cus_dep_list = ();
# The default list of files to not be processed; see the man page for details
# @default_excluded_files = ( );
# The default list of files to be processed; see the man page for details
# @default_files = ('*.tex');
# Whether to display lists of dependencies
# $dependents_list = 0;
# Whether lists of dependencies include phony targets
# $dependents_phony = 0;
# File for dependency list output. Default is stdout.
# $deps_file = '-';
# Whether to get diagnostic output from latexmk
# $diagnostics = 0;
# Whether to change to the directory of the source file
# $do_cd = 0;
# The DVI file filter to be run on newly produced DVI files
# $dvi_filter = '';
# Default switches to pass to the dvilualatex program
# $dvilualatex_default_switches = '';
# The command line switch to make dvilualatex run in silent mode
# $dvilualatex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode';
# Whether to generate DVI output
# 0 = Do not generate DVI output
# 1 = Generate DVI output using latex
# 2 = Generate DVI output using dvilualatex
# $dvi_mode = 0;
# The command to start a DVI previewer
# $dvi_previewer = 'start xdvi %O %S';
$dvi_previewer = 'xdg-open %O %S';
# The command to start a DVI previewer in landscape mode
# $dvi_previewer_landscape = 'start xdvi -paper usr %O %S';
$dvi_previewer_landscape = 'xdg-open %O %S';
# The command to run when the DVI viewer is set to be updated by a command
# $dvi_update_command = undef;
# How to make the DVI viewer update its display when the DVI file changes.
# See the man page for a description of each method.
# $dvi_update_method = 2;
$dvi_update_method = 1;
# When DVI update method 2 is used, the number of the Unix signal to send
# $dvi_update_signal = $signo{USR1}
# The command to convert a DVI file into a PDF file.
# See the warnings on the man page
# $dvipdf = 'dvipdf -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY %O %S %D';
# Command line switch for dvipdf to make it run in silent mode
# $dvipdf_silent_switch = '-q';
# The command to convert a DVI file into a PostScript file
# $dvips = 'dvips %O -o %D %S';
# The command to convert a DVI file into a PostScript file in landscape mode
# $dvips_landscape = 'dvips -tlandscape %O -o %D %S';
# Command line switch for dvips when a PDF file is to be generated
# $dvips_pdf_switch = '-P pdf';
# Command line switch for dvips to make it run in silent mode
# $dvips_silent_switch = '-q';
# Whether to emulate -aux-directory on systems that do not support it, such as
# TeXLive
# $emulate_aux = 1;
# Nonzero if emulate_aux has to be switched on during a run
# $emulate_aux_switched = 0;
# Command to use in pvc mode for failures
# $failure_cmd = "";
# The extension of the file which latexmk generates to contain a database
# of information on source files.
# $fdb_ext = 'fdb_latexmk';
# Version number for kind of fdb_file
# $fdb_ver = 4;
# If nonzero, continue processing past minor LaTeX errors
# This option is made nonzero if the -pvc command line option is used.
# $force_mode = 0;
# The list of extensions for files that are generated in one run and consumed
# by later runs of one of the LaTeX tools. The 'aux' and 'bbl' extensions are
# treated specially.
# @generated_exts = ( 'aux', 'bcf', 'fls', 'idx', 'ind', 'lof', 'lot', 'out',
# 'toc', 'blg', 'ilg', 'log', 'xdv' );
# 1 = process files regardless of timestamps
# 2 = do a full cleanup first
# 3 = just force primary rule(s) to run
# $go_mode = 0;
# The basename of generated files
# $jobname = "";
# The command to search for tex-related files
# $kpsewhich = 'kpsewhich %S';
# Show calls to and results from kpsewhich
# $kpsewhich_show = 0;
# If nonzero, run in landscape mode; otherwise in portrait mode
# $landscape_mode = 0;
# Default switches to pass to the LaTeX program
# $latex_default_switches = '';
# The command line switch to make LaTeX run in silent mode
# $latex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode';
# Whether to treat log files as binary (1) or text (0). This is normally only
# necessary on Windows platforms with MikTeX, where some control characters are
# embedded in the log file.
# $log_file_binary = 0
# The program that prints PostScript files
# $lpr = 'lpr %O %S';
# The program that prints DVI files
# $lpr_dvi = 'NONE $lpr_dvi variable is not configured to allow printing of dvi files';
# The program that prints PDF files
# $lpr_pdf = 'NONE $lpr_pdf variable is not configured to allow printing of pdf files';
# Default switches to pass to the lualatex program
# $lualatex_default_switches = '';
# The command line switch to make lualatex run in silent mode
# $lualatex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode';
# Command to run make
# $make = 'make';
# The name of the makeindex program
# $makeindex = 'makeindex %O -o %D %S';
# Whether or not to cd to aux dir when running makeindex. Set to 1 to avoid
# security-related prohibition on makeindex writing to aux_dir when it is
# not specified as a subdirectory of cwd.
# $makeindex_fudge = 1;
# The command line switch to make makeindex run in silent mode
# $makeindex_silent_switch = '-q';
# Maximum number of log file warnings to report
# $max_logfile_warnings = 7;
# The maximum number of times latex will be invoked in an effort to fix up
# references.
# $max_repeat = 5;
# Set to 1 to give special treatment to Ctrl-c and Ctrl-Break in -pvc mode on
# Windows. This is unnecessary on Unix platforms.
# $MSWin_fudge_break = 1;
# This variable is used only when running in continuous-preview mode. If zero,
# check for a previously running previewer on the same file and update it. If
# nonzero, always start a new previewer.
# $new_viewer_always = 0;
# Zero to preserve filenames, nonzero to normalize filenames.
# $normalize_names = 2;
# Directory for output files
# $out_dir = '';
# 0 = do not create a PDF file
# 1 = Create a PDF file with pdflatex
# 2 = Create a PDF file by compile-to-dvi+divps+ps2pdf
# 3 = Create a PDF file by compile-to-dvi+dvipdf
# 4 = Create a PDF file with lualatex
# 5 = Create a PDF file with xelatex + xdvipdfmx
# $pdf_mode = 0;
# The command to invoke a PDF previewer
# $pdf_previewer = 'start acroread %O %S';
$pdf_previewer = 'xdg-open %O %S';
# The command to run when the PDF viewer is set to be updated by a command
# $pdf_update_command = '';
# How to make the PDF viewer update its display when the PDF file changes.
# See the man page for a description of each method.
# $pdf_update_method = 1;
# When PDF update method 2 is used, the number of the Unix signal to send
# $pdf_update_signal = $signo{HUP}
# Default switches to pass to the pdflatex program
# $pdflatex_default_switches = '';
# The command line switch to make pdflatex run in silent mode
# $pdflatex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode';
# Where the pid is in the output of $pscmd; see the man page
# $pid_position = 1;
# Always make a PostScript file
# $postscript_mode = 0;
# If nonzero, run a previewer to preview the document
# $preview_mode = 0;
# The type of file to printout: 'auto', 'dvi', 'none', 'pdf', or 'ps'
# $print_type = 'auto';
# If nonzero, print the document using lpr each time it is created
# $printout_mode = 0;
# Filter to run on newly created PostScript files
# $ps_filter = '';
# The command to invoke a PostScript previewer
# $ps_previewer = 'start gv %O %S';
$ps_previewer = 'xdg-open %O %S';
# The command to invoke a PostScript previewer in landscape mode
# $ps_previewer_landscape = 'start gv -swap %O %S';
$ps_previewer_landscape = 'xdg-open %O %S';
# The command to run when the PostScript viewer is set to be updated by a
# command
# $ps_update_command = undef;
# How to make the PostScript viewer update its display when the PostScript
# file changes. See the man page for a description of each method.
# $ps_update_method = 0;
$ps_update_method = 1;
# When PostScript update method 2 is used, the number of the Unix signal to
# send
# $ps_update_signal = $signo{HUP}
# Command to convert a PostScript file to a PDF file
# $ps2pdf = 'ps2pdf -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY %O %S %D';
# Command used to list all the processes currently run by the user
# $pscmd = "ps -f -u $ENV{USER}";
# When previewing in -pvc mode, whether to make the viewer read from the
# generated file or from a temporary copy
# $pvc_view_file_via_temporary = 1;
# Quote filenames in external commands. This is essential for filenames
# containing spaces.
# $quote_filenames = 1;
# Whether to report on rc files read
# $rc_report = 1;
# Whether to use the recorder option on (pdf)latex
# $recorder = 1;
# Whether to display lists of dependencies.
# $rules_list = 0;
# The character that separates paths in a list of paths
# $search_path_separator = ':';
# Whether to suppress latex messages
# $silent = 0;
# Whether to suppress a summary of warnings in the log file
# $silence_logfile_warnings = 0;
# The time to sleep in seconds between checking for source file changes when
# running in continuous update mode
# $sleep_time = 2;
# Command to use in pvc mode for success
# $success_cmd = "";
# Space-separated list of extra files to search for when no files are specified
# on the command line and the @default_files list is empty. Wildcards are
# allowed. These files are in addition to *.tex in the current directory.
# $texfile_search = "";
# The directory to store temporary files; omit the trailing '/'
# $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR} || '/tmp';
# Whether to use make to try to create missing files
# $use_make_for_missing_files = 0;
# Whether a file that is deleted should be regarded as changed:
# 0 = no, 1 = only in non-preview-continuous mode, 2 = yes.
# $user_deleted_file_treated_as_changed = 0;
# Which kind of file is to be previewed if a previewer is used. The possible
# values are 'default', 'dvi', 'ps', 'pdf', and 'none'. The value of 'default'
# means that the PDF is viewed if it is generated, else PostScript is viewed if
# it is generated, else DVI is viewed.
# $view = 'default';
# Command to use in pvc mode for warnings
# $warning_cmd = "";
# 0 = Do not generate xdv output
# 1 = Generate xdv output with xelatex
# $xdv_mode = 0;
# The command to convert an XDV file into a PDF file.
# $xdvipdfmx = 'xdvipdfmx -E -o %D %O %S';
# Command line switch for xdvipdfmx to make it run in silent mode
# $xdvipdfmx_silent_switch = '-q';
# Default switches to pass to the xelatex program
# $xelatex_default_switches = '-no-pdf';
# The command line switch to make xelatex run in silent mode
# $xelatex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode';