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c9s ... c8

7 changed files with 868 additions and 1 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

.latexmk.metadata Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
3930b94677075d6fb24f61289fd36fbfb447c546 SOURCES/

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
Latexmk almost works out of the box. Two changes have been made to
conform to Fedora conventions. First, the default DVI, PostScript, and
PDF previewers have been changed to 'xdg-open'; see below for more
information. Second, the site-wide configuration file is
/etc/latexmk.conf only, as opposed to the list of names searched by the
original latexmk.
The command xdg-open views a file using the viewer selected by the user
for that type of file. See the xdg-mime(1) command for more
information. Unfortunately, the use of xdg-open precludes the updating
of the previewing application, as latexmk cannot know which application
is doing the previewing. It also breaks viewing of landscape documents
for some previewers. For best results, you should customize latexmk for
the particular previewers you intend to use. Following are the settings
for some commonly used previewers, to be placed in the site, user, or
project configuration file. Note that an update method of 1 means that
there is no way for latexmk to cause the program to refresh; you have to
take some action of your own to see changes to the document.
1. xdvi
$dvi_previewer = 'start xdvi';
$dvi_previewer_landscape = 'start xdvi -paper usr';
$dvi_update_method = 2;
2. pxdvi
$dvi_previewer = 'start pxdvi';
$dvi_previewer_landscape = 'start pxdvi -paper usr';
$dvi_update_method = 2;
3. kdvi
$dvi_previewer = 'start kdvi';
$dvi_previewer_landscape = 'start kdvi';
$dvi_update_method = 0;
1. gv
$ps_previewer = 'start gv -watch';
$ps_previewer_landscape = 'start gv -swap -watch';
$ps_update_method = 0;
2. evince
$ps_previewer = 'start evince -w';
$ps_previewer_landscape = 'start evince -w';
$ps_update_method = 0;
3. kghostview
$ps_previewer = 'start kghostview';
$ps_previewer_landscape = 'start kghostview --orientation=landscape';
$ps_update_method = 1;
If you can remember to set the "Watch File" option in
kghostview, then instead set:
$ps_update_method = 0;
Unfortunately, there appears to be no command line argument to
set the "Watch File" option.
1. gv
$pdf_previewer = 'start gv -watch';
$pdf_update_method = 0;
2. evince
$pdf_previewer = 'start evince -w';
$pdf_update_method = 0;
3. kghostview
$pdf_previewer = 'start kghostview';
$pdf_update_method = 1;
See the remark on the "Watch File" option above.
4. kpdf
$pdf_previewer = 'start kpdf;
$pdf_update_method = 1;
The "Watch File" remark above for kghostview applies to kpdf also.
5. acroread
$pdf_previewer = 'start acroread';
$pdf_update_method = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
--- latexmk.1.orig 2018-03-16 13:00:50.000000000 -0600
+++ latexmk.1 2018-03-16 19:57:52.766699450 -0600
@@ -1165,6 +1165,7 @@ system RC file, in the following order,
+ On a Fedora system, it only looks for "/etc/latexmk.conf".
On a MS-Windows system it looks for "C:\\latexmk\\LatexMk".
On a cygwin system (i.e., a MS-Windows system in which Perl is
that of cygwin), \fIlatexmk\fR reads the first it finds of
--- 2018-03-16 12:55:50.000000000 -0600
+++ 2018-03-16 19:57:52.782699425 -0600
@@ -900,13 +900,9 @@ else {
## /usr/local/share, depending on the local conventions.
## But /usr/local/lib/latexmk is put in the list for
## compatibility with older versions of latexmk.
- @rc_system_files = ();
- foreach ( 'LatexMk', 'latexmkrc' ) {
- push @rc_system_files,
- ( "/opt/local/share/latexmk/$_",
- "/usr/local/share/latexmk/$_",
- "/usr/local/lib/latexmk/$_" );
- }
+ ## Fedora change: only look in /etc
+ @rc_system_files = ( '/etc/latexmk.conf' );
$search_path_separator = ':'; # Separator of elements in search_path
$dvi_update_signal = $signo{USR1}

SOURCES/latexmk.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
# This is the system-wide configuration file for latexmk version 4.11.
# See the latexmk(1) man page for more information.
# The following options are given their default values.
# Uncomment them and change the values if the defaults do not suit your needs.
# Allow missing subdirectories of aux_dir to be created as needed
# $allow_subdir_creation = 1;
# When previewing, whether to make the viewer read from the generated file or
# from a temporary copy
# $always_view_file_via_temporary = 0;
# If nonzero, always analyze .log files for input files in the <...> and (...)
# constructions. Otherwise, only do the analysis when fls file doesn't exist
# or is out of date.
# $analyze_input_log_always = 1;
# Whether to read rc files automatically
# $auto_rc_use = 1;
# Directory for aux files (log, aux, etc.)
# $aux_dir = '';
# If nonzero, DVI-to-postscript conversion adds a banner message on each page
# $banner = 0;
# The darkness of the banner, a number between 0 (black) and 1 (white)
# $banner_intensity = 0.95;
# The banner message to print across each page if $banner is nonzero
# $banner_message = 'DRAFT';
# The size of the banner message (about 1100 divided by the message length)
# $banner_scale = 220;
# Directories where BibTeX should look for .bib files.
# The name of the biber executable
# $biber = 'biber %O %B';
# The switch that puts biber in silent mode
# $biber_silent_switch = '--onlylog';
# The name of the BibTeX executable
# $bibtex = 'bibtex %O %B';
# The switch that puts BibTeX in silent mode
# $bibtex_silent_switch = '-terse';
# Whether to run bibtex to update bbl files: 0 means never run bibtex and do
# not delete bbl files on cleanup, 1 means run bibtex only if the source files
# exist and the bbl files are out of date and do not delete bbl files on
# cleanup, 1.5 is the same as 1 but deletes bbl files on cleanup if source
# files exist, and 2 means run bibtex whenever the bbl files are out of date
# and delete bbl files on cleanup.
# $bibtex_use = 1;
# Extra file extensions to remove when cleaning
# $clean_ext = "";
# Extra file extensions to remove when doing a full clean
# $clean_full_ext = "";
# Whether to clean latexmk's file database too
# $cleanup_fdb = 0;
# Whether cleanup deletes files generated by custom dependencies
# $cleanup_includes_cusdep_generated = 0
# Whether cleanup deletes files generated by (pdf)latex, found from \openout
# lines in the log file.
# $cleanup_includes_generated = 0
# How much cleaning to do: 0 specifies normal operation (no cleaning),
# 1 specifies a full cleanup, and 2 specifies a cleanup that leaves dvi, dviF,
# pdf, ps, psF, and xdv files.
# $cleanup_mode = 0;
# Whether to just cleanup, or also generate files
# $cleanup_only = 0;
# Command to use in pvc mode for compiling
# $compiling_cmd = "";
# A custom dependency list; see the man page for details
# @cus_dep_list = ();
# The default list of files to not be processed; see the man page for details
# @default_excluded_files = ( );
# The default list of files to be processed; see the man page for details
# @default_files = ('*.tex');
# Whether to display lists of dependencies
# $dependents_list = 0;
# Whether lists of dependencies include phony targets
# $dependents_phony = 0;
# File for dependency list output. Default is stdout.
# $deps_file = '-';
# Whether to get diagnostic output from latexmk
# $diagnostics = 0;
# Whether to change to the directory of the source file
# $do_cd = 0;
# The DVI file filter to be run on newly produced DVI files
# $dvi_filter = '';
# Always make a DVI file
# $dvi_mode = 0;
# The command to start a DVI previewer
# $dvi_previewer = 'start xdvi %O %S';
$dvi_previewer = 'xdg-open %O %S';
# The command to start a DVI previewer in landscape mode
# $dvi_previewer_landscape = 'start xdvi -paper usr %O %S';
$dvi_previewer_landscape = 'xdg-open %O %S';
# The command to run when the DVI viewer is set to be updated by a command
# $dvi_update_command = '';
# How to make the DVI viewer update its display when the DVI file changes.
# See the man page for a description of each method.
# $dvi_update_method = 2;
$dvi_update_method = 1;
# When DVI update method 2 is used, the number of the Unix signal to send
# $dvi_update_signal = $signo{USR1}
# The command to convert a DVI file into a PDF file.
# See the warnings on the man page
# $dvipdf = 'dvipdf %O %S %D';
# Command line switch for dvipdf to make it run in silent mode
# $dvipdf_silent_switch = '-q';
# The command to convert a DVI file into a PostScript file
# $dvips = 'dvips %O -o %D %S';
# The command to convert a DVI file into a PostScript file in landscape mode
# $dvips_landscape = 'dvips -tlandscape %O -o %D %S';
# Command line switch for dvips when a PDF file is to be generated
# $dvips_pdf_switch = '-P pdf';
# Command line switch for dvips to make it run in silent mode
# $dvips_silent_switch = '-q';
# Which treatment of default extension and filenames with multiple extensions
# is used. The possibilities are:
# - miktex_old, for MikTeX version 1.20d or earlier
# - unix, for web2c 7.3.1 or later
# $extension_treatment = 'unix';
# Command to use in pvc mode for failures
# $failure_cmd = "";
# The extension of the file which latexmk generates to contain a database
# of information on source files.
# $fdb_ext = 'fdb_latexmk';
# Version number for kind of fdb_file
# $fdb_ver = 3;
# If nonzero, continue processing past minor LaTeX errors
# This option is made nonzero if the -pvc command line option is used.
# $force_mode = 0;
# The list of extensions for files that are generated in one run and consumed
# by later runs of one of the LaTeX tools. The 'aux' and 'bbl' extensions are
# treated specially.
# @generated_exts = ( 'aux', 'bcf', 'fls', 'idx', 'ind', 'lof', 'lot', 'out', 'toc' );
# 1 = process files regardless of timestamps
# 2 = do a full cleanup first
# $go_mode = 0;
# The basename of generated files
# $jobname = "";
# The command to search for tex-related files
# $kpsewhich = 'kpsewhich %S';
# Show calls to and results from kpsewhich
# $kpsewhich_show = 0;
# If nonzero, run in landscape mode; otherwise in portrait mode
# $landscape_mode = 0;
# The name of the LaTeX program
# $latex = 'latex %O %S';
# Default switches to pass to the LaTeX program
# $latex_default_switches = '';
# The command line switch to make LaTeX run in silent mode
# $latex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode';
# Whether to treat log files as binary (1) or text (0). This is normally only
# necessary on Windows platforms with MikTeX, where some control characters are
# embedded in the log file.
# $log_file_binary = 0
# The program that prints PostScript files
# $lpr = 'lpr %O %S';
# The program that prints DVI files
# $lpr_dvi = 'NONE $lpr_dvi variable is not configured to allow printing of dvi files';
# The program that prints PDF files
# $lpr_pdf = 'NONE $lpr_pdf variable is not configured to allow printing of pdf files';
# The name of the LUALaTeX program
# $lualatex = 'lualatex %O %S';
# Default switches to pass to the lualatex program
# $lualatex_default_switches = '';
# The command line switch to make lualatex run in silent mode
# $lualatex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode';
# Command to run make
# $make = 'make';
# The name of the makeindex program
# $makeindex = 'makeindex %O -o %D %S';
# The command line switch to make makeindex run in silent mode
# $makeindex_silent_switch = '-q';
# The maximum number of times latex will be invoked in an effort to fix up
# references.
# $max_repeat = 5;
# Set to 1 to give special treatment to Ctrl-c and Ctrl-Break in -pvc mode on
# Windows. This is unnecessary on Unix platforms.
$MSWin_fudge_break = 0;
# This variable is used only when running in continuous-preview mode. If zero,
# check for a previously running previewer on the same file and update it. If
# nonzero, always start a new previewer.
# $new_viewer_always = 0;
# Directory for output files
# $out_dir = '';
# 0 = do not create a PDF file
# 1 = Create a PDF file with pdflatex
# 2 = Create a PDF file with ps2pdf
# 3 = Create a PDF file with dvipdf
# 4 = Create a PDF file with lualatex
# 5 = Create a PDF file with xelatex + xdvipdfmx
# $pdf_mode = 0;
# The command to invoke a PDF previewer
# $pdf_previewer = 'start acroread %O %S';
$pdf_previewer = 'xdg-open %O %S';
# The command to run when the PDF viewer is set to be updated by a command
# $pdf_update_command = '';
# How to make the PDF viewer update its display when the PDF file changes.
# See the man page for a description of each method.
# $pdf_update_method = 1;
# When PDF update method 2 is used, the number of the Unix signal to send
# $pdf_update_signal = $signo{HUP}
# The name of the LaTeX program that produces PDF files by default
# $pdflatex = 'pdflatex %O %S';
# Default switches to pass to the pdflatex program
# $pdflatex_default_switches = '';
# The command line switch to make pdflatex run in silent mode
# $pdflatex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode';
# Where the pid is in the output of $pscmd; see the man page
# $pid_position = 1;
# Always make a PostScript file
# $postscript_mode = 0;
# If nonzero, run a previewer to view the document and keep the DVI file up
# to date
# $preview_continuous_mode = 0;
# If nonzero, run a previewer to preview the document
# $preview_mode = 0;
# The type of file to printout: 'auto', 'dvi', 'none', 'pdf', or 'ps'
# $print_type = 'auto';
# If nonzero, print the document using lpr each time it is created
# $printout_mode = 0;
# Filter to run on newly created PostScript files
# $ps_filter = '';
# The command to invoke a PostScript previewer
# $ps_previewer = 'start gv %O %S';
$ps_previewer = 'xdg-open %O %S';
# The command to invoke a PostScript previewer in landscape mode
# $ps_previewer_landscape = 'start gv -swap %O %S';
$ps_previewer_landscape = 'xdg-open %O %S';
# The command to run when the PostScript viewer is set to be updated by a
# command
# $ps_update_command = '';
# How to make the PostScript viewer update its display when the PostScript
# file changes. See the man page for a description of each method.
# $ps_update_method = 0;
$ps_update_method = 1;
# When PostScript update method 2 is used, the number of the Unix signal to
# send
# $ps_update_signal = $signo{HUP}
# Command to convert a PostScript file to a PDF file
# $ps2pdf = 'ps2pdf %O %S %D';
# Command used to list all the processes currently run by the user
# $pscmd = "ps -f -u $ENV{USER}";
# When previewing in -pvc mode, whether to make the viewer read from the
# generated file or from a temporary copy
# $pvc_view_file_via_temporary = 1;
# Quote filenames in external commands. This is essential for filenames
# containing spaces.
# $quote_filenames = 1;
# Whether to use the recorder option on (pdf)latex
# $recorder = 1;
# Whether to display lists of dependencies.
# $rules_list = 0;
# The character that separates paths in a list of paths
# $search_path_separator = ':';
# Whether to display timing information
# $show_time = 0;
# Whether to suppress latex messages
# $silent = 0;
# Whether to suppress a summary of warnings in the log file
# $silence_logfile_warnings = 0;
# The time to sleep in seconds between checking for source file changes when
# running in continuous update mode
# $sleep_time = 2;
# Command to use in pvc mode for success
# $success_cmd = "";
# Space-separated list of extra files to search for when no files are specified
# on the command line and the @default_files list is empty. Wildcards are
# allowed. These files are in addition to *.tex in the current directory.
# $texfile_search = "";
# Directories where BibTeX should look for .bib files.
# The directory to store temporary files; omit the trailing '/'
# $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR} || '/tmp';
# Whether to use make to try to create missing files
# $use_make_for_missing_files = 0;
# Which kind of file is to be previewed if a previewer is used. The possible
# values are 'default', 'dvi', 'ps', 'pdf', and 'none'. The value of 'default'
# means that the PDF is viewed if it is generated, else PostScript is viewed if
# it is generated, else DVI is viewed.
# $view = 'default';
# Nonzero to treat warnings as errors and exit with nonzero exit status
# $warning_as_errors = 0;
# Command to use in pvc mode for warnings
# $warning_cmd = "";
# The command to convert an XDV file into a PDF file.
# $xdvipdfmx = 'xdvipdfmx -o %D %O %S';
# Command line switch for xdvipdfmx to make it run in silent mode
# $xdvipdfmx_silent_switch = '-q';
# The name of the LaTeX program that produces XDV files by default
# $xelatex = 'xelatex -no-pdf %O %S';
# Default switches to pass to the xelatex program
# $xelatex_default_switches = '';
# The command line switch to make xelatex run in silent mode
# $xelatex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode';

SPECS/latexmk.spec Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
Name: latexmk
Version: 4.57
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: A make-like utility for LaTeX files
%global upstreamver %(sed 's/\\.//' <<< %{version})
License: GPLv2+
Source1: latexmk.conf
Source2: latexmk-README.fedora
# Change the system-wide configuration file to /etc/latexmk.conf and fix the
# man page accordingly. This patch has not been submitted upstream, as
# upstream needs to be backwards compatible with previous versions of latexmk.
# Fedora has only ever used /etc/latexmk.conf.
Patch0: latexmk-conf.patch
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: perl-generators
Requires: tex-latex-bin, ghostscript, xdg-utils
Latexmk is a perl script for running LaTeX the correct number of times to
resolve cross references, etc.; it also runs auxiliary programs (bibtex,
makeindex if necessary, and dvips and/or a previewer as requested). It has
a number of other useful capabilities, for example to start a previewer and
then run latex whenever the source files are updated, so that the previewer
gives an up-to-date view of the document. The script runs on both UNIX and
MS-WINDOWS (95, ME, XP, etc). This script is a corrected and improved
version of the original version of latexmk.
Before using a previewer, read the file README.fedora.
%setup -q -n %{name}
fixtimestamp() {
touch -r $1.orig $1
rm -f $1.orig
# Fix encoding
pushd example_rcfiles
mv texinfo-latexmkrc texinfo-latexmkrc.orig
iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8 texinfo-latexmkrc.orig > texinfo-latexmkrc
fixtimestamp texinfo-latexmkrc
# Invoke perl directly
sed -i.orig "s|^#\!/usr/bin/env perl|#\!/usr/bin/perl -w|"
cp -p %{SOURCE2} README.fedora
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}
install -m 0755 -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/latexmk
install -m 0644 -p latexmk.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
install -m 0644 -p %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}
# Remove files we don't want in the docs
rm -f extra-scripts/*.bat
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/latexmk.conf
%doc CHANGES INSTALL README README.fedora extra-scripts example_rcfiles
%doc latexmk.pdf
%license COPYING
* Mon Jun 25 2018 Than Ngo <> - 4.57-1
- Update to 4.57
* Fri Mar 16 2018 Jerry James <> - 4.55d-1
- Update to 4.55d
* Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 4.55a-2
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Feb 3 2018 Jerry James <> - 4.55a-1
- Update to 4.55a
* Wed Jan 17 2018 Jerry James <> - 4.55-1
- Update to 4.55
- Update URLs
* Fri Nov 24 2017 Jerry James <> - 4.54-1
- Update to 4.54
* Wed Aug 9 2017 Jerry James <> - 4.53a-1
- Update to 4.53a
* Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 4.52c-3
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 4.52c-2
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jan 24 2017 Jerry James <> - 4.52c-1
- Update to 4.52c
* Sat Jan 14 2017 Jerry James <> - 4.51-1
- Update to 4.51
* Tue Oct 25 2016 Jerry James <> - 4.48-1
- Update to 4.48
* Thu Apr 28 2016 Jerry James <> - 4.45-1
- Update to 4.45
* Thu Feb 25 2016 Jerry James <> - 4.44-1
- Update to 4.44
* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 4.43a-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Nov 26 2015 Jerry James <> - 4.43a-1
- Update to 4.43a:
- Source files in directories with non-ASCII names are not correctly detected
under MiKTeX
- On cleanup, synctex.gz files are deleted only by -C, not by -c
* Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 4.42-2
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jan 12 2015 Jerry James <> - 4.42-1
- Update to 4.42:
- -c also deletes $deps_file if it is used
- Fix bugs associated with the -cd option
- Add missfont.log and the generated synctex.gz to standard cleaned-up files
* Tue Dec 9 2014 Jerry James <> - 4.40h-1
- Fix license handling
- Relax LaTeX Requires slightly
- Update to 4.40h:
- When -jobname option is used, quote it on command line.
- Change maintainer's preferred e-mail.
- Attempt to improve handling of errors from (pdf)latex.
- Fix up for the making of -eps-converted-to.pdf
- Improve listing of warning lines from log file.
- Fix failure when using both -cd and -output-directory
- If user's home directory can't be determined, then don't read ~/.latexmkrc
- Introduce configuration variable $silence_logfile_warnings
- In setting $pscmd, allow for non-existent environment variable USER
- Miscellaneous corrections.
* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 4.40-2
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jan 27 2014 Jerry James <> - 4.40-1
- Update to 4.40:
- Fix failure to clean up correctly when root filename contains '['.
* Mon Dec 2 2013 Jerry James <> - 4.39-1
- Update to 4.39:
- Automatic creation of subdirectories of auxdir
- Add error diagnostics to if_source
- Allow print_type = 'auto'
- Fix use of directories with names containing perl glob characters
- Ensure that subdirectories are created properly
- In output of dependencies, include pathname of target file(s) in the rule.
- In -pvc mode, writing of deps file is per make not per overall run.
* Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 4.37-2
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jul 9 2013 Jerry James <> - 4.37-1
- Update URLs
- Update to 4.37:
- Fix failure when current dir's name contains special regexp characters
- Make -rules work with -pvc
- Add -lualatex option
- Allow $clean_ext and $clean_full_ext to contain wildcards
- Fix bug when using revtex4-1.cls
* Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 4.35-2
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Nov 19 2012 Jerry James <> - 4.35-1
- Update to 4.35 (fix retaining old dependency info with -gg)
* Wed Oct 24 2012 Jerry James <> - 4.34-1
- Update to 4.34 (eliminate unnecessary runs of latex/pdflatex)
* Mon Aug 20 2012 Jerry James <> - 4.33c-1
- Update to 4.33c (improved error handling for latex/pdflatex)
* Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 4.31-2
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Apr 2 2012 Jerry James <> - 4.31-1
- Update to 4.31 (numerous new features documented at
* Tue Jan 10 2012 Jerry James <> - 4.30a-2
- Mass rebuild for Fedora 17
* Mon Dec 12 2011 Jerry James <> - 4.30a-1
- Add latexmk.pdf to docs
- Update to 4.30a:
- Fix use of bibtex when $aux_dir and/or $out_dir are set
- Documentation of $search_path separator variable
- Work with feynmp package and mpost
- Let dvips find files in the output directory
- In search for cus-deps that can make a missing file, look in $out_dir
- Parse biber 0.9.7 error messages
* Mon Nov 28 2011 Jerry James <> - 4.28a-1
- Update to 4.28a:
- Corrects handling of missing files needed by bibtex or biber
- Corrects duplicate invocations of dvipdf and ps2pdf
* Mon Oct 17 2011 Jerry James <> - 4.27a-1
- Update to 4.27a:
- Fixes making ps/pdf files via a temporary file with no %%D placeholder
- Adds png to list of graphics extensions for pdflatex
- Adds -norc option to prevent auto-reading of rc files
- Adds -aux-directory and -output-directory options
* Mon Aug 15 2011 Jerry James <> - 4.26-1
- Update to 4.26 (fix some bugs in error reporting)
* Mon Jul 11 2011 Jerry James <> - 4.25-1
- Update to 4.25 (add deps output file to dependency information)
* Tue Apr 19 2011 Jerry Jamse <> - 4.23a-1
- Update to 4.23a (fix detection of source files listed in .fls file)
* Mon Mar 28 2011 Jerry James <> - 4.23-1
- Update to 4.23 (several bug fixes, new dependency-tracking functionality)
- Drop BuildRoot and %%clean
* Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 4.22e-2
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Feb 7 2011 Jerry James <> - 4.22e-1
- Update to 4.22e (fixes incorrect error handling when reading init files)
* Mon Jan 3 2011 Jerry James <> - 4.22-1
- Update to 4.22 (fixes more parse problems, adds biber support)
* Mon Aug 2 2010 Jerry James <> - 4.18-1
- Update to 4.18 (parses natbib's citation-undefined warning)
- Drop latexmk-man.patch, upstreamed.
* Tue Jul 6 2010 Jerry James <> - 4.17-1
- Update to 4.17 (fixes log file misparse with filename-space-message sequence)
- Add latexmk-man.patch to fix insufficiently escaped man page constructs.
* Mon May 24 2010 Jerry James <> - 4.16a-1
- Update to 4.16a (solves problem with preview files on NFS filesystems)
* Mon May 17 2010 Jerry James <> - 4.16-1
- Update to 4.16 (solves problem with misparsed log files)
* Wed Apr 21 2010 Jerry James <> - 4.15c-1
- Update to 4.15c (solves failure to detect some dependent files)
* Mon Apr 12 2010 Jerry James <> - 4.15-1
- Update to 4.15 (some diagnostic and error-handling improvements)
* Mon Jan 25 2010 Jerry James <> - 4.13a-1
- Update to 4.13a (fixes bug with -C not deleting files).
* Mon Jan 18 2010 Jerry James <> - 4.13-1
- Update to 4.13.
* Tue Dec 29 2009 Jerry James <> - 4.12-1
- Update to 4.12 to get new option to not run bibtex.
- Add a missing semicolon to the conf file (bz 551082).
* Tue Dec 1 2009 Jerry James <> - 4.11-1
- Update to 4.11.
* Mon Aug 24 2009 Jerry James <> - 4.10-1
- Update to 4.10 to correctly handle files produced by epstopdf.
* Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 4.07-2
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jun 1 2009 Jerry James <> - 4.07-1
- Update to 4.07 to correct problem with exiting from preview-continuous mode.
* Mon Apr 13 2009 Jerry James <> - 4.05-1
- Update to 4.05 to correct problems when running latex and pdflatex on the
same source file.
* Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 4.03-2
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jan 6 2009 Jerry James <> - 4.03-1
- Update to 4.03 to fix log file parsing
* Mon Dec 1 2008 Jerry James <> - 4.02b-1
- Update to 4.02b to fix bz 473430
* Mon Oct 13 2008 Jerry James <> - 4.01-1
- New version 4.01.
* Wed Sep 24 2008 Jerry James <> - 4.00e-1
- New version 4.00e.
- Drop the perl patch; the script finds it just fine
* Fri Aug 31 2007 Jerry James <> - 3.20-1
- New version 3.20.
- Texlive isn't as near as I thought; require the tetex packages for now.
* Tue Aug 21 2007 Jerry James <> - 3.08n-5
- Update license tag
* Tue Mar 27 2007 Jerry James <> - 3.08n-4
- Avoid tetex vs. texlive issues by Requiring the binaries.
* Tue Mar 20 2007 Jerry James <> - 3.08n-3
- Use xdg-open for the DVI and PostScript previewers also.
- Describe previewer configuration in README.fedora.
* Mon Mar 19 2007 Jerry James <> - 3.08n-2
- Use xdg-open instead of explicitly invoking evince.
- Package the extra-scripts directory as documentation.
- Fix a few other packaging infelicities as pointed out in Extras review.
* Tue Feb 27 2007 Jerry James <> - 3.08n-1
- Initial RPM

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
latexmk package is retired on c9s for CS-362