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# This is the system-wide configuration file for latexmk.
# See the latexmk(1) man page for more information.
# The following options are given their default values.
# Uncomment them and change the values if the defaults do not suit your needs.
# If nonzero, DVI-to-postscript conversion adds a banner message on each page
# $banner = 0;
# The darkness of the banner, a number between 0 (black) and 1 (white)
# $banner_intensity = 0.95;
# The banner message to print across each page if $banner is nonzero
# $banner_message = 'DRAFT';
# The size of the banner message (about 1100 divided by the message length)
# $banner_scale = 220.0;
# An array of directory names where BibTeX should look for .bib files.
# @BIBINPUTS = $ENV('BIBINPUTS') converted to an array of strings
# The name of the BibTeX executable
# $bibtex = 'bibtex';
# The switch that puts BibTeX in silent mode
# $bibtex_silent_switch = '-terse';
# How much cleaning to do: 0 specifies normal operation (no cleaning),
# 1 specifies a full cleanup, 2 specifies a cleanup that leaves DVI,
# PostScript, and PDF files, and 3 specifies a cleanup that also leaves dep
# and aux files. You probably should not set this option.
# $cleanup_mode = 0;
# Extra file extensions to remove when cleaning
# $clean_ext = "";
# Extra file extensions to remove when doing a full clean
# $clean_full_ext = "";
# A custom dependency list; see the man page for details
# @cus_dep_list = ();
# The default list of files to be processed; see the man page for details
# @default_files = ('*.tex');
# The DVI file filter to be run on newly produced DVI files
# $dvi_filter = '';
# The command to start a DVI previewer
# $dvi_previewer = 'start xdvi';
$dvi_previewer = 'xdg-open';
# The command to start a DVI previewer in landscape mode
# $dvi_previewer_landscape = 'start xdvi -paper usr';
$dvi_previewer_landscape = 'xdg-open';
# The command to convert a DVI file into a PDF file.
# See the warnings on the man page
# $dvipdf = 'dvipdf';
# The command to convert a DVI file into a PostScript file
# $dvips = 'dvips';
# The command to convert a DVI file into a PostScript file in landscape mode
# $dvips = 'dvips -tlandscape';
# Command line switch for dvips when a PDF file is to be generated
# $dvips_pdf_switch = '-P pdf';
# Command line switch for dvips to make it run in silent mode
# $dvips_silent_switch = '-q';
# How to make the DVI viewer update its display when the DVI file changes.
# See the man page for a description of each method.
# $dvi_update_method = 2;
$dvi_update_method = 1;
# When DVI update method 2 is used, the number of the Unix signal to send
# $dvi_update_signal = SIGUSR1 (a system-dependent value)
# If nonzero, the dependency file is always generated
# $force_generate_and_save_includes = 0;
# If nonzero, continue processing past minor LaTeX errors
# This option is made nonzero if the -pvs command line option is used.
# $force_mode = 0;
# If nonzero, force latexmk to include files that don't exist when generating
# dependency files.
# $force_include_mode = 0;
# If nonzero, generate the dependency file if it does not exist or is older
# than the base .tex file
# $generate_and_save_includes = 0;
# The list of extensions for files that are generated in one run and consumed
# by later runs of one of the LaTeX tools. The 'aux' and 'bbl' extensions are
# treated specially, and hence are not in this list.
# @generated_exts = ( 'ind', 'lof', 'lot', 'out', 'toc' );
# If nonzero, process files regardless of timestamps
# $go_mode = 0;
# If nonzero, extract dependency information from the log file instead of the
# .tex file. If zero, extract dependency information from the .tex file.
# $includes_from_log = 1;
# If nonzero, run makeindex to produce a document index. Normally, latexmk
# should be able to figure out when this is necessary.
# $index_mode = 0;
# If nonzero, run in landscape mode
# $landscape_mode = 0;
# The name of the LaTeX program
# $latex = 'latex';
# The command line switch to make LaTeX run in silent mode
# $latex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode';
# The program that prints PostScript files
# $lpr = 'lpr';
# The program that prints DVI files
# $lpr_dvi = 'NONE $lpr_dvi variable is not configured to allow printing of dvi files';
# The program that prints PDF files
# $lpr_pdf = 'NONE $lpr_pdf variable is not configured to allow printing of pdf files';
# The name of the makeindex program
# $makeindex = 'makeindex';
# The command line switch to make makeindex run in silent mode
# $makeindex_silent_switch = '-q';
# This variable is used only when running in continuous-preview mode. If zero,
# check for a previously running previewer on the same file and update it. If
# nonzero, always start a new previewer.
# $new_viewer_always = 0;
# If zero, generate a DVI file. If 1, generate a PDF file using pdflatex.
# If 2, generate a PostScript file, then convert it using ps2pdf.
# If 3, generate a DVI file, then convert it using dvipdf.
# $pdf_mode = 0;
# The name of the LaTeX program that produces PDF files by default
# $pdflatex = 'pdflatex';
# The command line switch to make pdflatex run in silent mode
# $pdflatex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode';
# The command to invoke a PDF previewer
# $pdf_previewer = 'start acroread';
$pdf_previewer = 'xdg-open';
# How to make the PDF viewer update its display when the PDF file changes.
# See the man page for a description of each method.
# $pdf_update_method = 1;
# When PDF update method 2 is used, the number of the Unix signal to send
# $pdf_update_signal = SIGHUP (a system-dependent value)
# Where the pid is in the output of $pscmd; see the man page
# $pid_position = 1;
# If zero, generate a DVI file. If nonzero, generate a PostScript file
# $postscript_mode = 0;
# If nonzero, run a previewer to view the document and keep the DVI file up
# to date
# $preview_continuous_mode = 0;
# If nonzero, run a previewer to preview the document
# $preview_mode = 0;
# If nonzero, print the document using lpr each time it is created
# $printout_mode = 0;
# The type of file to printout: 'dvi', 'none', 'pdf', or 'ps'
# $print_type = 'ps';
# Command used to list all the processes currently run by the user
# $pscmd = "ps --width 200 -f -u $ENV{USER}";
# Command to convert a PostScript file to a PDF file
# $ps2pdf = 'ps2pdf';
# Filter to run on newly created PostScript files
# $ps_filter = '';
# The command to invoke a PostScript previewer
# $ps_previewer = 'start gv -watch';
$ps_previewer = 'xdg-open';
# The command to invoke a PostScript previewer in landscape mode
# $ps_previewer_landscape = 'start gv -swap -watch';
$ps_previwer = 'xdg-open';
# How to make the PostScript viewer update its display when the PostScript
# file changes. See the man page for a description of each method.
# $ps_update_method = 0;
$ps_update_method = 1;
# When PostScript update method 2 is used, the number of the Unix signal to
# send
# $ps_update_signal = SIGHUP (a system-dependent value)
# The time to sleep in seconds between checking for source file changes when
# running in continuous update mode
# $sleep_time = 2;
# The directory to store temporary files; omit the trailing '/'
# $tmpdir = '/tmp';