- no longer need patches for #555875, #561174, #563431, RT#6661,
- replace buildrequires on tetex-latex with one on texlive-latex, which is
the package that provides it now
- temporarily bundling the krb5-appl package (split upstream as of 1.8)
until its package review is complete
- profile.d scriptlets are now only needed by -workstation-clients
- adjust paths in init scripts
- drop upstreamed fix for KDC denial of service (CVE-2010-0283)
- drop patch to check the user's password correctly using crypt(), which
isn't a code path we hit when we're using PAM
would happen if ftpd was given the name of a user who wasn't known to
the local system, limited to being triggerable by gssapi-authenticated
clients by the default xinetd config (Olivier Fourdan, #569472)
- scrub out references to $RPM_SOURCE_DIR (jdennis)
- include a symlink to the readme with the name LICENSE so that people can
find it more easily (jdennis)
but matches the man page better
- take port numbers off of the server names; i'm assuming that it's rare
for them to need specifying because i assume the defaults are used more
often than not
- don't trip AD lockout on wrong password (#542687, #554351)
- incorporates fixes for CVE-2009-4212 and CVE-2009-3295
- fixes gss_krb5_copy_ccache() when SPNEGO is used
- move sim_client/sim_server, gss-client/gss-server, uuclient/uuserver to
the devel subpackage, better lining up with the expected krb5/krb5-appl
split in 1.8
- drop kvno,kadmin,k5srvutil,ktutil from -workstation-servers, as it
already depends on -workstation which also includes them
than seven days away when the KDC reports it via the last-req field,
just as we already do when it reports expiration via the key-expiration
field (#556495)
- link with libtinfo rather than libncurses, when we can, in future RHEL
than seven days away when the KDC reports it via the last-req field,
just as we already do when it reports expiration via the key-expiration
field (#556495)
port, kpropd can always bind to the krb5_prop port, and that kadmind
can always bind to the kerberos-adm port (#555279)
- correct inadvertent use of macros in the changelog (rpmlint)