#!/bin/sh # # Kdump common variables and functions # DEFAULT_PATH="/var/crash/" FENCE_KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/sysconfig/fence_kdump" FENCE_KDUMP_SEND="/usr/libexec/fence_kdump_send" FADUMP_ENABLED_SYS_NODE="/sys/kernel/fadump_enabled" if [ -f /lib/kdump/kdump-logger.sh ]; then . /lib/kdump/kdump-logger.sh elif [ -f /lib/kdump-logger.sh ]; then . /lib/kdump-logger.sh fi is_fadump_capable() { # Check if firmware-assisted dump is enabled # if no, fallback to kdump check if [ -f $FADUMP_ENABLED_SYS_NODE ]; then rc=`cat $FADUMP_ENABLED_SYS_NODE` [ $rc -eq 1 ] && return 0 fi return 1 } perror_exit() { derror "$@" exit 1 } is_fs_type_nfs() { [ "$1" = "nfs" ] || [ "$1" = "nfs4" ] } is_ssh_dump_target() { grep -q "^ssh[[:blank:]].*@" /etc/kdump.conf } is_nfs_dump_target() { if grep -q "^nfs" /etc/kdump.conf; then return 0; fi if is_fs_type_nfs $(get_dracut_args_fstype "$(grep "^dracut_args .*\-\-mount" /etc/kdump.conf)"); then return 0 fi local _save_path=$(get_save_path) local _target=$(get_target_from_path $_save_path) local _fstype=$(get_fs_type_from_target $_target) if is_fs_type_nfs $_fstype; then return 0 fi return 1 } is_raw_dump_target() { grep -q "^raw" /etc/kdump.conf } is_fs_dump_target() { egrep -q "^ext[234]|^xfs|^btrfs|^minix" /etc/kdump.conf } strip_comments() { echo $@ | sed -e 's/\(.*\)#.*/\1/' } # Read from kdump config file stripping all comments read_strip_comments() { # strip heading spaces, and print any content starting with # neither space or #, and strip everything after # sed -n -e "s/^\s*\([^# \t][^#]\+\).*/\1/gp" $1 } # Check if fence kdump is configured in Pacemaker cluster is_pcs_fence_kdump() { # no pcs or fence_kdump_send executables installed? type -P pcs > /dev/null || return 1 [ -x $FENCE_KDUMP_SEND ] || return 1 # fence kdump not configured? (pcs cluster cib | grep 'type="fence_kdump"') &> /dev/null || return 1 } # Check if fence_kdump is configured using kdump options is_generic_fence_kdump() { [ -x $FENCE_KDUMP_SEND ] || return 1 grep -q "^fence_kdump_nodes" /etc/kdump.conf } to_dev_name() { local dev="${1//\"/}" case "$dev" in UUID=*) dev=`blkid -U "${dev#UUID=}"` ;; LABEL=*) dev=`blkid -L "${dev#LABEL=}"` ;; esac echo $dev } is_user_configured_dump_target() { grep -E -q "^ext[234]|^xfs|^btrfs|^minix|^raw|^nfs|^ssh" /etc/kdump.conf || is_mount_in_dracut_args; } get_user_configured_dump_disk() { local _target _target=$(egrep "^ext[234]|^xfs|^btrfs|^minix|^raw" /etc/kdump.conf 2>/dev/null |awk '{print $2}') [ -n "$_target" ] && echo $_target && return _target=$(get_dracut_args_target "$(grep "^dracut_args .*\-\-mount" /etc/kdump.conf)") [ -b "$_target" ] && echo $_target } get_root_fs_device() { findmnt -k -f -n -o SOURCE / } get_save_path() { local _save_path=$(awk '$1 == "path" {print $2}' /etc/kdump.conf) [ -z "$_save_path" ] && _save_path=$DEFAULT_PATH # strip the duplicated "/" echo $_save_path | tr -s / } get_block_dump_target() { local _target _path if is_ssh_dump_target || is_nfs_dump_target; then return fi _target=$(get_user_configured_dump_disk) [ -n "$_target" ] && echo $(to_dev_name $_target) && return # Get block device name from local save path _path=$(get_save_path) _target=$(get_target_from_path $_path) [ -b "$_target" ] && echo $(to_dev_name $_target) } is_dump_to_rootfs() { grep -E "^(failure_action|default)[[:space:]]dump_to_rootfs" /etc/kdump.conf >/dev/null } get_failure_action_target() { local _target if is_dump_to_rootfs; then # Get rootfs device name _target=$(get_root_fs_device) [ -b "$_target" ] && echo $(to_dev_name $_target) && return # Then, must be nfs root echo "nfs" fi } # Get kdump targets(including root in case of dump_to_rootfs). get_kdump_targets() { local _target _root local kdump_targets _target=$(get_block_dump_target) if [ -n "$_target" ]; then kdump_targets=$_target elif is_ssh_dump_target; then kdump_targets="ssh" else kdump_targets="nfs" fi # Add the root device if dump_to_rootfs is specified. _root=$(get_failure_action_target) if [ -n "$_root" -a "$kdump_targets" != "$_root" ]; then kdump_targets="$kdump_targets $_root" fi echo "$kdump_targets" } # Return the bind mount source path, return the path itself if it's not bind mounted # Eg. if /path/to/src is bind mounted to /mnt/bind, then: # /mnt/bind -> /path/to/src, /mnt/bind/dump -> /path/to/src/dump # # findmnt uses the option "-v, --nofsroot" to exclusive the [/dir] # in the SOURCE column for bind-mounts, then if $_mntpoint equals to # $_mntpoint_nofsroot, the mountpoint is not bind mounted directory. # # Below is just an example for mount info # /dev/mapper/atomicos-root[/ostree/deploy/rhel-atomic-host/var], if the # directory is bind mounted. The former part represents the device path, rest # part is the bind mounted directory which quotes by bracket "[]". get_bind_mount_source() { local _path=$1 # In case it's a sub path in a mount point, get the mount point first local _mnt_top=$(df $_path | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}') local _mntpoint=$(findmnt $_mnt_top | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') local _mntpoint_nofsroot=$(findmnt -v $_mnt_top | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "$_mntpoint" = $_mntpoint_nofsroot ]]; then echo $_path && return fi _mntpoint=${_mntpoint#*$_mntpoint_nofsroot} _mntpoint=${_mntpoint#[} _mntpoint=${_mntpoint%]} _path=${_path#$_mnt_top} echo $_mntpoint$_path } # Return the current underlaying device of a path, ignore bind mounts get_target_from_path() { local _target _target=$(df $1 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}') [[ "$_target" == "/dev/root" ]] && [[ ! -e /dev/root ]] && _target=$(get_root_fs_device) echo $_target } is_mounted() { findmnt -k -n $1 &>/dev/null } get_mount_info() { local _info_type=$1 _src_type=$2 _src=$3; shift 3 local _info=$(findmnt --real -k -n -r -o $_info_type --$_src_type $_src $@) [ -z "$_info" ] && [ -e "/etc/fstab" ] && _info=$(findmnt --real -s -n -r -o $_info_type --$_src_type $_src $@) echo $_info } get_fs_type_from_target() { get_mount_info FSTYPE source $1 -f } get_mntopt_from_target() { get_mount_info OPTIONS source $1 -f } # Find the general mount point of a dump target, not the bind mount point get_mntpoint_from_target() { # Expcilitly specify --source to findmnt could ensure non-bind mount is returned get_mount_info TARGET source $1 -f } # Get the path where the target will be mounted in kdump kernel # $1: kdump target device get_kdump_mntpoint_from_target() { local _mntpoint=$(get_mntpoint_from_target $1) # mount under /sysroot if dump to root disk or mount under # mount under /kdumproot if dump target is not mounted in first kernel # mount under /kdumproot/$_mntpoint in other cases in 2nd kernel. # systemd will be in charge to umount it. if [ -z "$_mntpoint" ];then _mntpoint="/kdumproot" else if [ "$_mntpoint" = "/" ];then _mntpoint="/sysroot" else _mntpoint="/kdumproot/$_mntpoint" fi fi # strip duplicated "/" echo $_mntpoint | tr -s "/" } # get_option_value # retrieves value of option defined in kdump.conf get_option_value() { strip_comments `grep "^$1[[:space:]]\+" /etc/kdump.conf | tail -1 | cut -d\ -f2-` } kdump_get_persistent_dev() { local dev="${1//\"/}" case "$dev" in UUID=*) dev=`blkid -U "${dev#UUID=}"` ;; LABEL=*) dev=`blkid -L "${dev#LABEL=}"` ;; esac echo $(get_persistent_dev "$dev") } is_ipv6_address() { echo $1 | grep -q ":" } # get ip address or hostname from nfs/ssh config value get_remote_host() { local _config_val=$1 # ipv6 address in kdump.conf is around with "[]", # factor out the ipv6 address _config_val=${_config_val#*@} _config_val=${_config_val%:/*} _config_val=${_config_val#[} _config_val=${_config_val%]} echo $_config_val } is_hostname() { local _hostname=`echo $1 | grep ":"` if [ -n "$_hostname" ]; then return 1 fi echo $1 | grep -q "[a-zA-Z]" } # Copied from "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions" get_hwaddr() { if [ -f "/sys/class/net/${1}/address" ]; then awk '{ print toupper($0) }' < /sys/class/net/${1}/address elif [ -d "/sys/class/net/${1}" ]; then LC_ALL= LANG= ip -o link show ${1} 2>/dev/null | \ awk '{ print toupper(gensub(/.*link\/[^ ]* ([[:alnum:]:]*).*/, "\\1", 1)); }' fi } get_ifcfg_by_device() { grep -E -i -l "^[[:space:]]*DEVICE=\"*${1}\"*[[:space:]]*$" \ /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 2>/dev/null | head -1 } get_ifcfg_by_hwaddr() { grep -E -i -l "^[[:space:]]*HWADDR=\"*${1}\"*[[:space:]]*$" \ /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 2>/dev/null | head -1 } get_ifcfg_by_uuid() { grep -E -i -l "^[[:space:]]*UUID=\"*${1}\"*[[:space:]]*$" \ /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 2>/dev/null | head -1 } get_ifcfg_by_name() { grep -E -i -l "^[[:space:]]*NAME=\"*${1}\"*[[:space:]]*$" \ /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 2>/dev/null | head -1 } is_nm_running() { [ "$(LANG=C nmcli -t --fields running general status 2>/dev/null)" = "running" ] } is_nm_handling() { LANG=C nmcli -t --fields device,state dev status 2>/dev/null \ | grep -q "^\(${1}:connected\)\|\(${1}:connecting.*\)$" } # $1: netdev name get_ifcfg_nmcli() { local nm_uuid nm_name local ifcfg_file # Get the active nmcli config name of $1 if is_nm_running && is_nm_handling "${1}" ; then # The configuration "uuid" and "name" generated by nm is wrote to # the ifcfg file as "UUID=" and "NAME=". nm_uuid=$(LANG=C nmcli -t --fields uuid,device c show --active 2>/dev/null \ | grep "${1}" | head -1 | cut -d':' -f1) nm_name=$(LANG=C nmcli -t --fields name,device c show --active 2>/dev/null \ | grep "${1}" | head -1 | cut -d':' -f1) ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_uuid "${nm_uuid}") [ -z "${ifcfg_file}" ] && ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_name "${nm_name}") fi echo -n "${ifcfg_file}" } # $1: netdev name get_ifcfg_legacy() { local ifcfg_file ifcfg_file="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-${1}" [ -f "${ifcfg_file}" ] && echo -n "${ifcfg_file}" && return ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_name "${1}") [ -f "${ifcfg_file}" ] && echo -n "${ifcfg_file}" && return local hwaddr=$(get_hwaddr "${1}") if [ -n "$hwaddr" ]; then ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_hwaddr "${hwaddr}") [ -f "${ifcfg_file}" ] && echo -n "${ifcfg_file}" && return fi ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_device "${1}") echo -n "${ifcfg_file}" } # $1: netdev name # Return the ifcfg file whole name(including the path) of $1 if any. get_ifcfg_filename() { local ifcfg_file ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_nmcli "${1}") if [ -z "${ifcfg_file}" ]; then ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_legacy "${1}") fi echo -n "${ifcfg_file}" } # returns 0 when omission of a module is desired in dracut_args # returns 1 otherwise is_dracut_mod_omitted() { local dracut_args dracut_mod=$1 set -- $(grep "^dracut_args" /etc/kdump.conf) while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in -o|--omit) [[ " ${2//[^[:alnum:]]/ } " == *" $dracut_mod "* ]] && return 0 esac shift done return 1 } is_wdt_active() { local active [ -d /sys/class/watchdog ] || return 1 for dir in /sys/class/watchdog/*; do [ -f "$dir/state" ] || continue active=$(< "$dir/state") [ "$active" = "active" ] && return 0 done return 1 } # If "dracut_args" contains "--mount" information, use it # directly without any check(users are expected to ensure # its correctness). is_mount_in_dracut_args() { grep -q "^dracut_args .*\-\-mount" /etc/kdump.conf } # If $1 contains dracut_args "--mount", return get_dracut_args_fstype() { echo $1 | grep "\-\-mount" | sed "s/.*--mount .\(.*\)/\1/" | cut -d' ' -f3 } # If $1 contains dracut_args "--mount", return get_dracut_args_target() { echo $1 | grep "\-\-mount" | sed "s/.*--mount .\(.*\)/\1/" | cut -d' ' -f1 } check_crash_mem_reserved() { local mem_reserved mem_reserved=$(cat /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_size) if [ $mem_reserved -eq 0 ]; then derror "No memory reserved for crash kernel" return 1 fi return 0 } check_kdump_feasibility() { if [ ! -e /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_loaded ]; then derror "Kdump is not supported on this kernel" return 1 fi check_crash_mem_reserved return $? } check_current_kdump_status() { if [ ! -f /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_loaded ];then derror "Perhaps CONFIG_CRASH_DUMP is not enabled in kernel" return 1 fi rc=`cat /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_loaded` if [ $rc == 1 ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # remove_cmdline_param [] ... [] # Remove a list of kernel parameters from a given kernel cmdline and print the result. # For each "arg" in the removing params list, "arg" and "arg=xxx" will be removed if exists. remove_cmdline_param() { local cmdline=$1 shift for arg in $@; do cmdline=`echo $cmdline | \ sed -e "s/\b$arg=[^ ]*//g" \ -e "s/^$arg\b//g" \ -e "s/[[:space:]]$arg\b//g" \ -e "s/\s\+/ /g"` done echo $cmdline } # # This function returns the "apicid" of the boot # cpu (cpu 0) if present. # get_bootcpu_apicid() { awk ' \ BEGIN { CPU = "-1"; } \ $1=="processor" && $2==":" { CPU = $NF; } \ CPU=="0" && /^apicid/ { print $NF; } \ ' \ /proc/cpuinfo } # # append_cmdline # This function appends argument "$2=$3" to string ($1) if not already present. # append_cmdline() { local cmdline=$1 local newstr=${cmdline/$2/""} # unchanged str implies argument wasn't there if [ "$cmdline" == "$newstr" ]; then cmdline="${cmdline} ${2}=${3}" fi echo $cmdline } # This function check iomem and determines if we have more than # 4GB of ram available. Returns 1 if we do, 0 if we dont need_64bit_headers() { return `tail -n 1 /proc/iomem | awk '{ split ($1, r, "-"); \ print (strtonum("0x" r[2]) > strtonum("0xffffffff")); }'` } # Check if secure boot is being enforced. # # Per Peter Jones, we need check efivar SecureBoot-$(the UUID) and # SetupMode-$(the UUID), they are both 5 bytes binary data. The first four # bytes are the attributes associated with the variable and can safely be # ignored, the last bytes are one-byte true-or-false variables. If SecureBoot # is 1 and SetupMode is 0, then secure boot is being enforced. # # Assume efivars is mounted at /sys/firmware/efi/efivars. is_secure_boot_enforced() { local secure_boot_file setup_mode_file local secure_boot_byte setup_mode_byte # On powerpc, os-secureboot-enforcing DT property indicates whether secureboot # is enforced. Return success, if it is found. if [ -f /proc/device-tree/ibm,secureboot/os-secureboot-enforcing ]; then return 0 fi # Detect secure boot on x86 and arm64 secure_boot_file=$(find /sys/firmware/efi/efivars -name SecureBoot-* 2>/dev/null) setup_mode_file=$(find /sys/firmware/efi/efivars -name SetupMode-* 2>/dev/null) if [ -f "$secure_boot_file" ] && [ -f "$setup_mode_file" ]; then secure_boot_byte=$(hexdump -v -e '/1 "%d\ "' $secure_boot_file|cut -d' ' -f 5) setup_mode_byte=$(hexdump -v -e '/1 "%d\ "' $setup_mode_file|cut -d' ' -f 5) if [ "$secure_boot_byte" = "1" ] && [ "$setup_mode_byte" = "0" ]; then return 0 fi fi # Detect secure boot on s390x if [[ -e "/sys/firmware/ipl/secure" && "$(cat /sys/firmware/ipl/secure)" == "1" ]]; then return 0 fi return 1 } # # prepare_kexec_args # This function prepares kexec argument. # prepare_kexec_args() { local kexec_args=$1 local found_elf_args ARCH=`uname -m` if [ "$ARCH" == "i686" -o "$ARCH" == "i386" ] then need_64bit_headers if [ $? == 1 ] then found_elf_args=`echo $kexec_args | grep elf32-core-headers` if [ -n "$found_elf_args" ] then dwarn "Warning: elf32-core-headers overrides correct elf64 setting" else kexec_args="$kexec_args --elf64-core-headers" fi else found_elf_args=`echo $kexec_args | grep elf64-core-headers` if [ -z "$found_elf_args" ] then kexec_args="$kexec_args --elf32-core-headers" fi fi fi echo $kexec_args } # # Detect initrd and kernel location, results are stored in global enviromental variables: # KDUMP_BOOTDIR, KDUMP_KERNELVER, KDUMP_KERNEL, DEFAULT_INITRD, and KDUMP_INITRD # # Expectes KDUMP_BOOTDIR, KDUMP_IMG, KDUMP_IMG_EXT, KDUMP_KERNELVER to be loaded from config already # and will prefer already set values so user can specify custom kernel/initramfs location # prepare_kdump_bootinfo() { local boot_imglist boot_dirlist boot_initrdlist curr_kver="$(uname -r)" local machine_id if [ -z "$KDUMP_KERNELVER"]; then KDUMP_KERNELVER="$(uname -r)" fi read machine_id < /etc/machine-id boot_dirlist=${KDUMP_BOOTDIR:-"/boot /boot/efi /efi /"} boot_imglist="$KDUMP_IMG-$KDUMP_KERNELVER$KDUMP_IMG_EXT $machine_id/$KDUMP_KERNELVER/$KDUMP_IMG" # Use BOOT_IMAGE as reference if possible, strip the GRUB root device prefix in (hd0,gpt1) format local boot_img="$(cat /proc/cmdline | sed "s/^BOOT_IMAGE=\((\S*)\)\?\(\S*\) .*/\2/")" if [ -n "$boot_img" ]; then boot_imglist="$boot_img $boot_imglist" fi for dir in $boot_dirlist; do for img in $boot_imglist; do if [ -f "$dir/$img" ]; then KDUMP_KERNEL=$(echo $dir/$img | tr -s '/') break 2 fi done done if ! [ -e "$KDUMP_KERNEL" ]; then derror "Failed to detect kdump kernel location" return 1 fi # Set KDUMP_BOOTDIR to where kernel image is stored KDUMP_BOOTDIR=$(dirname $KDUMP_KERNEL) # Default initrd should just stay aside of kernel image, try to find it in KDUMP_BOOTDIR boot_initrdlist="initramfs-$KDUMP_KERNELVER.img initrd" for initrd in $boot_initrdlist; do if [ -f "$KDUMP_BOOTDIR/$initrd" ]; then DEFAULT_INITRD="$KDUMP_BOOTDIR/$initrd" break fi done # Get kdump initrd from default initrd filename # initramfs-5.7.9-200.fc32.x86_64.img => initramfs-5.7.9-200.fc32.x86_64kdump.img # initrd => initrdkdump if [[ -z "$DEFAULT_INITRD" ]]; then KDUMP_INITRD=${KDUMP_BOOTDIR}/initramfs-${KDUMP_KERNELVER}kdump.img elif [[ $(basename $DEFAULT_INITRD) == *.* ]]; then KDUMP_INITRD=${DEFAULT_INITRD%.*}kdump.${DEFAULT_INITRD##*.} else KDUMP_INITRD=${DEFAULT_INITRD}kdump fi } get_watchdog_drvs() { local _wdtdrvs _drv _dir for _dir in /sys/class/watchdog/*; do # device/modalias will return driver of this device [[ -f "$_dir/device/modalias" ]] || continue _drv=$(< "$_dir/device/modalias") _drv=$(modprobe --set-version "$KDUMP_KERNELVER" -R $_drv 2>/dev/null) for i in $_drv; do if ! [[ " $_wdtdrvs " == *" $i "* ]]; then _wdtdrvs="$_wdtdrvs $i" fi done done echo $_wdtdrvs } # # prepare_cmdline # This function performs a series of edits on the command line. # Store the final result in global $KDUMP_COMMANDLINE. prepare_cmdline() { local cmdline id if [ -z "$1" ]; then cmdline=$(cat /proc/cmdline) else cmdline="$1" fi # These params should always be removed cmdline=$(remove_cmdline_param "$cmdline" crashkernel panic_on_warn) # These params can be removed configurably cmdline=$(remove_cmdline_param "$cmdline" "$2") # Always remove "root=X", as we now explicitly generate all kinds # of dump target mount information including root fs. # # We do this before KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND, if one really cares # about it(e.g. for debug purpose), then can pass "root=X" using # KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND. cmdline=$(remove_cmdline_param "$cmdline" root) # With the help of "--hostonly-cmdline", we can avoid some interitage. cmdline=$(remove_cmdline_param "$cmdline" rd.lvm.lv rd.luks.uuid rd.dm.uuid rd.md.uuid fcoe) # Remove netroot, rd.iscsi.initiator and iscsi_initiator since # we get duplicate entries for the same in case iscsi code adds # it as well. cmdline=$(remove_cmdline_param "$cmdline" netroot rd.iscsi.initiator iscsi_initiator) cmdline="${cmdline} $3" id=$(get_bootcpu_apicid) if [ ! -z ${id} ] ; then cmdline=$(append_cmdline "${cmdline}" disable_cpu_apicid ${id}) fi echo ${cmdline} }