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kdump_module_init() {
if ! [[ -d "${initdir}/tmp" ]]; then
mkdir -p "${initdir}/tmp"
. /lib/kdump/
check() {
[[ $debug ]] && set -x
#kdumpctl sets this explicitly
if [ -z "$IN_KDUMP" ] || [ ! -f /etc/kdump.conf ]
return 1
return 0
depends() {
local _dep="base shutdown"
add_opt_module() {
[[ " $omit_dracutmodules " != *\ $1\ * ]] && _dep="$_dep $1"
is_squash_available() {
for kmodule in squashfs overlay loop; do
if [ -z "$KDUMP_KERNELVER" ]; then
modprobe --dry-run $kmodule &>/dev/null || return 1
modprobe -S $KDUMP_KERNELVER --dry-run $kmodule &>/dev/null || return 1
# check that the dracut squash module is available
[ -d "$(dracut_module_path squash)" ] || return 1
if is_squash_available && ! is_fadump_capable; then
add_opt_module squash
dwarning "Required modules to build a squashed kdump image is missing!"
if is_wdt_active; then
add_opt_module watchdog
if is_ssh_dump_target; then
_dep="$_dep ssh-client"
if [ "$(uname -m)" = "s390x" ]; then
_dep="$_dep znet"
if [ -n "$( find /sys/devices -name drm )" ] || [ -d /sys/module/hyperv_fb ]; then
add_opt_module drm
if is_generic_fence_kdump || is_pcs_fence_kdump; then
_dep="$_dep network"
echo $_dep
kdump_is_bridge() {
[ -d /sys/class/net/"$1"/bridge ]
kdump_is_bond() {
[ -d /sys/class/net/"$1"/bonding ]
kdump_is_team() {
[ -f /usr/bin/teamnl ] && teamnl $1 ports &> /dev/null
kdump_is_vlan() {
[ -f /proc/net/vlan/"$1" ]
# $1: netdev name
source_ifcfg_file() {
local ifcfg_file
dwarning "Network Scripts are deprecated. You are encouraged to set up network by NetworkManager."
ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_filename $1)
if [ -f "${ifcfg_file}" ]; then
. ${ifcfg_file}
dwarning "The ifcfg file of $1 is not found!"
# $1: nmcli connection show output
kdump_setup_dns() {
local _netdev="$1"
local _nm_show_cmd="$2"
local _nameserver _dns _tmp array
local _dnsfile=${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/42dns.conf
_tmp=$(get_nmcli_value_by_field "$_nm_show_cmd" "IP4.DNS")
array=(${_tmp//|/ })
if [[ ${array[@]} ]]; then
for _dns in "${array[@]}"
echo "nameserver=$_dns" >> "$_dnsfile"
dwarning "Failed to get DNS info via nmcli output. Now try sourcing ifcfg script"
source_ifcfg_file "$_netdev"
[ -n "$DNS1" ] && echo "nameserver=$DNS1" > "$_dnsfile"
[ -n "$DNS2" ] && echo "nameserver=$DNS2" >> "$_dnsfile"
while read content;
_nameserver=$(echo $content | grep ^nameserver)
[ -z "$_nameserver" ] && continue
_dns=$(echo $_nameserver | cut -d' ' -f2)
[ -z "$_dns" ] && continue
if [ ! -f $_dnsfile ] || [ ! $(cat $_dnsfile | grep -q $_dns) ]; then
echo "nameserver=$_dns" >> "$_dnsfile"
done < "/etc/resolv.conf"
Implement IP netmask calculation to replace "ipcalc -m" Resolves: bz1947347 Upstream: Fedora Conflict: None commit 1ca1b71780b83aa7ede1246d435c9a4207473a3b Author: Coiby Xu <> Date: Thu Apr 8 11:44:26 2021 +0800 Implement IP netmask calculation to replace "ipcalc -m" Recently, dracut-network drops depedency on dhcp-client which requires ipcalc. Thus the dependency chain "kexec-tools -> dracut-network -> dhcp-client -> ipcalc" is broken. When NIC is configured to a static IP, kexec-tools depended on "ipcalc -m" to get netmask. This commit implements the shell equivalent of "ipcalc -m". The following test code shows cal_netmask_by_prefix is consistent with "ipcalc -m", #!/bin/bash . for i in {0..128}; do mask_expected=$(ipcalc -m fe::/$i| cut -d"=" -f2) mask_actual=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix $i "-6") if [[ "$mask_expected" != "$mask_actual" ]]; then echo "prefix="$i, "expected="$mask_expected, "acutal="$mask_actual exit fi done echo "IPv6 tests passed" for i in {0..32}; do mask_expected=$(ipcalc -m$i| cut -d"=" -f2) mask_actual=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix $i "") if [[ "$mask_expected" != "$mask_actual" ]]; then echo "prefix="$i, "expected="$mask_expected, "acutal="$mask_actual exit fi done echo "IPv4 tests passed" i=-2 res=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix "$i" "") if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then echo "cal_netmask_by_prefix should exit when prefix<0" exit fi res=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix "$i" "") if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then echo "cal_netmask_by_prefix should exit when prefix<0" exit fi i=33 $(cal_netmask_by_prefix $i "") if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then echo "cal_netmask_by_prefix should exit when prefix>32 for IPv4" exit fi i=129 $(cal_netmask_by_prefix $i "-6") if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then echo "cal_netmask_by_prefix should exit when prefix>128 for IPv4" exit fi echo "Bad prefixes tests passed" echo "All tests passed" Reported-by: Jie Li <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <> Acked-by: Kairui Song <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <>
2021-05-11 05:18:43 +00:00
# $1: repeat times
# $2: string to be repeated
# $3: separator
repeatedly_join_str() {
local _count="$1"
local _str="$2"
local _separator="$3"
local i _res
if [[ "$_count" -le 0 ]]; then
echo -n ""
while [[ "$i" -lt "$_count" ]]; do
echo -n "$_res"
# $1: prefix
# $2: ipv6_flag="-6" indicates it's IPv6
# Given a prefix, calculate the netmask (equivalent of "ipcalc -m")
# by concatenating three parts,
# 1) the groups with all bits set 1
# 2) a group with partial bits set to 0
# 3) the groups with all bits set to 0
cal_netmask_by_prefix() {
local _prefix="$1"
local _ipv6_flag="$2" _ipv6
local _bits_per_octet=8
local _count _res _octets_per_group _octets_total _seperator _total_groups
local _max_group_value _max_group_value_repr _bits_per_group _tmp _zero_bits
if [[ "$_ipv6_flag" == "-6" ]]; then
if [[ "$_prefix" -lt 0 || "$_prefix" -gt 128 ]] || \
( ((!_ipv6)) && [[ "$_prefix" -gt 32 ]] ); then
derror "Bad prefix:$_prefix for calculating netmask"
exit 1
if ((_ipv6)); then
_bits_per_group=$((_octets_per_group * _bits_per_octet))
_max_group_value=$(((1 << _bits_per_group) - 1))
if ((_ipv6)); then
_max_group_value_repr=$(printf "%x" $_max_group_value)
_first_part=$(repeatedly_join_str "$_count" "$_max_group_value_repr" "$_seperator")
_zero_bits=$(expr $_tmp % $_bits_per_group)
if [[ "$_zero_bits" -ne 0 ]]; then
_second_part=$((_max_group_value >> _zero_bits << _zero_bits))
if ((_ipv6)); then
_second_part=$(printf "%x" $_second_part)
if [[ -z "$_first_part" ]]; then
if [[ "$_count" -eq 0 ]]; then
echo -n "$_res"
if ((_ipv6)) && [[ "$_count" -gt 1 ]] ; then
# use condensed notion for IPv6
_third_part=$(repeatedly_join_str "$_count" "0" "$_seperator")
if [[ -z "$_res" ]] && ((!_ipv6)) ; then
echo -n "${_third_part}"
echo -n "${_res}${_seperator}${_third_part}"
#$1: netdev name
#$2: srcaddr
#if it use static ip echo it, or echo null
kdump_static_ip() {
rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname Resolves: bz1950932 Upstream: Fedora Conflict: None commit 8a33ffffbcaab4d1baabed889c2a063649dcbab8 Author: Coiby Xu <> Date: Thu May 6 09:20:27 2021 +0800 rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname This fixes bz1854037 which happens because kexec-tools generates rd.route for eth0 instead of for kdump-eth0, 1. "rd.route= rd.route=" is passed to the dracut cmdline by kexec-tools 2. In the 2rd kernel, dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/ calls /usr/libexec/nm-initrd-generator to generate two .nmconnection files based on the dracut cmdline, i.e. kdump-eth0.nmconnection and eth0.nmconnection, - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/kdump-eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=kdump-eth0 uuid=3ef53b1b-3908-437e-a15f-cf1f3ea2678b type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=kdump-eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= wait-device-timeout=60000 [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] address1=, dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= may-fail=false method=manual [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=disabled [proxy] - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=eth0 uuid=f224dc22-2891-4d7b-8f66-745029df4b53 type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= method=auto route1=, route2=, [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=auto [proxy] 3. Since there's eth0.nmconnection, NetworkManager will try to get an IP for eth0 regardless of the fact it's a slave NIC and time out ``` $ ip link show 2: kdump-eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:0d:3a:11:86:8b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 3: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master kdump-eth0 state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 ``` Reported-by: Huijing Hei <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <> Acked-by: Kairui Song <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <>
2021-05-13 07:37:03 +00:00
local _netdev="$1" _srcaddr="$2" kdumpnic="$3" _ipv6_flag
Implement IP netmask calculation to replace "ipcalc -m" Resolves: bz1947347 Upstream: Fedora Conflict: None commit 1ca1b71780b83aa7ede1246d435c9a4207473a3b Author: Coiby Xu <> Date: Thu Apr 8 11:44:26 2021 +0800 Implement IP netmask calculation to replace "ipcalc -m" Recently, dracut-network drops depedency on dhcp-client which requires ipcalc. Thus the dependency chain "kexec-tools -> dracut-network -> dhcp-client -> ipcalc" is broken. When NIC is configured to a static IP, kexec-tools depended on "ipcalc -m" to get netmask. This commit implements the shell equivalent of "ipcalc -m". The following test code shows cal_netmask_by_prefix is consistent with "ipcalc -m", #!/bin/bash . for i in {0..128}; do mask_expected=$(ipcalc -m fe::/$i| cut -d"=" -f2) mask_actual=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix $i "-6") if [[ "$mask_expected" != "$mask_actual" ]]; then echo "prefix="$i, "expected="$mask_expected, "acutal="$mask_actual exit fi done echo "IPv6 tests passed" for i in {0..32}; do mask_expected=$(ipcalc -m$i| cut -d"=" -f2) mask_actual=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix $i "") if [[ "$mask_expected" != "$mask_actual" ]]; then echo "prefix="$i, "expected="$mask_expected, "acutal="$mask_actual exit fi done echo "IPv4 tests passed" i=-2 res=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix "$i" "") if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then echo "cal_netmask_by_prefix should exit when prefix<0" exit fi res=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix "$i" "") if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then echo "cal_netmask_by_prefix should exit when prefix<0" exit fi i=33 $(cal_netmask_by_prefix $i "") if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then echo "cal_netmask_by_prefix should exit when prefix>32 for IPv4" exit fi i=129 $(cal_netmask_by_prefix $i "-6") if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then echo "cal_netmask_by_prefix should exit when prefix>128 for IPv4" exit fi echo "Bad prefixes tests passed" echo "All tests passed" Reported-by: Jie Li <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <> Acked-by: Kairui Song <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <>
2021-05-11 05:18:43 +00:00
local _netmask _gateway _ipaddr _target _nexthop _prefix
_ipaddr=$(ip addr show dev $_netdev permanent | awk "/ $_srcaddr\/.* /{print \$2}")
if is_ipv6_address $_srcaddr; then
if [ -n "$_ipaddr" ]; then
_gateway=$(ip $_ipv6_flag route list dev $_netdev | \
awk '/^default /{print $3}' | head -n 1)
if [ "x" != "x"$_ipv6_flag ]; then
# _ipaddr="2002::56ff:feb6:56d5/64", _netmask is the number after "/"
Implement IP netmask calculation to replace "ipcalc -m" Resolves: bz1947347 Upstream: Fedora Conflict: None commit 1ca1b71780b83aa7ede1246d435c9a4207473a3b Author: Coiby Xu <> Date: Thu Apr 8 11:44:26 2021 +0800 Implement IP netmask calculation to replace "ipcalc -m" Recently, dracut-network drops depedency on dhcp-client which requires ipcalc. Thus the dependency chain "kexec-tools -> dracut-network -> dhcp-client -> ipcalc" is broken. When NIC is configured to a static IP, kexec-tools depended on "ipcalc -m" to get netmask. This commit implements the shell equivalent of "ipcalc -m". The following test code shows cal_netmask_by_prefix is consistent with "ipcalc -m", #!/bin/bash . for i in {0..128}; do mask_expected=$(ipcalc -m fe::/$i| cut -d"=" -f2) mask_actual=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix $i "-6") if [[ "$mask_expected" != "$mask_actual" ]]; then echo "prefix="$i, "expected="$mask_expected, "acutal="$mask_actual exit fi done echo "IPv6 tests passed" for i in {0..32}; do mask_expected=$(ipcalc -m$i| cut -d"=" -f2) mask_actual=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix $i "") if [[ "$mask_expected" != "$mask_actual" ]]; then echo "prefix="$i, "expected="$mask_expected, "acutal="$mask_actual exit fi done echo "IPv4 tests passed" i=-2 res=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix "$i" "") if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then echo "cal_netmask_by_prefix should exit when prefix<0" exit fi res=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix "$i" "") if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then echo "cal_netmask_by_prefix should exit when prefix<0" exit fi i=33 $(cal_netmask_by_prefix $i "") if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then echo "cal_netmask_by_prefix should exit when prefix>32 for IPv4" exit fi i=129 $(cal_netmask_by_prefix $i "-6") if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then echo "cal_netmask_by_prefix should exit when prefix>128 for IPv4" exit fi echo "Bad prefixes tests passed" echo "All tests passed" Reported-by: Jie Li <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <> Acked-by: Kairui Song <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <>
2021-05-11 05:18:43 +00:00
_prefix=$(cut -d'/' -f2 <<< "$_ipaddr")
_netmask=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix "$_prefix" "$_ipv6_flag")
if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then
derror "Failed to calculate netmask for $_ipaddr"
exit 1
echo -n "${_srcaddr}::${_gateway}:${_netmask}::"
/sbin/ip $_ipv6_flag route show | grep -v default |\
grep ".*via.* $_netdev " | grep -v "^[[:space:]]*nexthop" |\
while read _route; do
_target=`echo $_route | cut -d ' ' -f1`
_nexthop=`echo $_route | cut -d ' ' -f3`
if [ "x" != "x"$_ipv6_flag ]; then
rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname Resolves: bz1950932 Upstream: Fedora Conflict: None commit 8a33ffffbcaab4d1baabed889c2a063649dcbab8 Author: Coiby Xu <> Date: Thu May 6 09:20:27 2021 +0800 rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname This fixes bz1854037 which happens because kexec-tools generates rd.route for eth0 instead of for kdump-eth0, 1. "rd.route= rd.route=" is passed to the dracut cmdline by kexec-tools 2. In the 2rd kernel, dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/ calls /usr/libexec/nm-initrd-generator to generate two .nmconnection files based on the dracut cmdline, i.e. kdump-eth0.nmconnection and eth0.nmconnection, - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/kdump-eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=kdump-eth0 uuid=3ef53b1b-3908-437e-a15f-cf1f3ea2678b type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=kdump-eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= wait-device-timeout=60000 [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] address1=, dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= may-fail=false method=manual [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=disabled [proxy] - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=eth0 uuid=f224dc22-2891-4d7b-8f66-745029df4b53 type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= method=auto route1=, route2=, [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=auto [proxy] 3. Since there's eth0.nmconnection, NetworkManager will try to get an IP for eth0 regardless of the fact it's a slave NIC and time out ``` $ ip link show 2: kdump-eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:0d:3a:11:86:8b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 3: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master kdump-eth0 state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 ``` Reported-by: Huijing Hei <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <> Acked-by: Kairui Song <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <>
2021-05-13 07:37:03 +00:00
echo "rd.route=$_target:$_nexthop:$kdumpnic"
done >> ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/45route-static.conf
rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname Resolves: bz1950932 Upstream: Fedora Conflict: None commit 8a33ffffbcaab4d1baabed889c2a063649dcbab8 Author: Coiby Xu <> Date: Thu May 6 09:20:27 2021 +0800 rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname This fixes bz1854037 which happens because kexec-tools generates rd.route for eth0 instead of for kdump-eth0, 1. "rd.route= rd.route=" is passed to the dracut cmdline by kexec-tools 2. In the 2rd kernel, dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/ calls /usr/libexec/nm-initrd-generator to generate two .nmconnection files based on the dracut cmdline, i.e. kdump-eth0.nmconnection and eth0.nmconnection, - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/kdump-eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=kdump-eth0 uuid=3ef53b1b-3908-437e-a15f-cf1f3ea2678b type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=kdump-eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= wait-device-timeout=60000 [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] address1=, dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= may-fail=false method=manual [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=disabled [proxy] - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=eth0 uuid=f224dc22-2891-4d7b-8f66-745029df4b53 type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= method=auto route1=, route2=, [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=auto [proxy] 3. Since there's eth0.nmconnection, NetworkManager will try to get an IP for eth0 regardless of the fact it's a slave NIC and time out ``` $ ip link show 2: kdump-eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:0d:3a:11:86:8b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 3: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master kdump-eth0 state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 ``` Reported-by: Huijing Hei <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <> Acked-by: Kairui Song <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <>
2021-05-13 07:37:03 +00:00
kdump_handle_mulitpath_route $_netdev $_srcaddr $kdumpnic
kdump_handle_mulitpath_route() {
rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname Resolves: bz1950932 Upstream: Fedora Conflict: None commit 8a33ffffbcaab4d1baabed889c2a063649dcbab8 Author: Coiby Xu <> Date: Thu May 6 09:20:27 2021 +0800 rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname This fixes bz1854037 which happens because kexec-tools generates rd.route for eth0 instead of for kdump-eth0, 1. "rd.route= rd.route=" is passed to the dracut cmdline by kexec-tools 2. In the 2rd kernel, dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/ calls /usr/libexec/nm-initrd-generator to generate two .nmconnection files based on the dracut cmdline, i.e. kdump-eth0.nmconnection and eth0.nmconnection, - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/kdump-eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=kdump-eth0 uuid=3ef53b1b-3908-437e-a15f-cf1f3ea2678b type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=kdump-eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= wait-device-timeout=60000 [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] address1=, dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= may-fail=false method=manual [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=disabled [proxy] - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=eth0 uuid=f224dc22-2891-4d7b-8f66-745029df4b53 type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= method=auto route1=, route2=, [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=auto [proxy] 3. Since there's eth0.nmconnection, NetworkManager will try to get an IP for eth0 regardless of the fact it's a slave NIC and time out ``` $ ip link show 2: kdump-eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:0d:3a:11:86:8b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 3: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master kdump-eth0 state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 ``` Reported-by: Huijing Hei <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <> Acked-by: Kairui Song <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <>
2021-05-13 07:37:03 +00:00
local _netdev="$1" _srcaddr="$2" kdumpnic="$3" _ipv6_flag
local _target _nexthop _route _weight _max_weight _rule
if is_ipv6_address $_srcaddr; then
while IFS="" read _route; do
if [[ "$_route" =~ [[:space:]]+nexthop ]]; then
_route=$(echo "$_route" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')
# Parse multipath route, using previous _target
[[ "$_target" == 'default' ]] && continue
[[ "$_route" =~ .*via.*\ $_netdev ]] || continue
_weight=`echo "$_route" | cut -d ' ' -f7`
if [[ "$_weight" -gt "$_max_weight" ]]; then
_nexthop=`echo "$_route" | cut -d ' ' -f3`
if [ "x" != "x"$_ipv6_flag ]; then
rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname Resolves: bz1950932 Upstream: Fedora Conflict: None commit 8a33ffffbcaab4d1baabed889c2a063649dcbab8 Author: Coiby Xu <> Date: Thu May 6 09:20:27 2021 +0800 rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname This fixes bz1854037 which happens because kexec-tools generates rd.route for eth0 instead of for kdump-eth0, 1. "rd.route= rd.route=" is passed to the dracut cmdline by kexec-tools 2. In the 2rd kernel, dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/ calls /usr/libexec/nm-initrd-generator to generate two .nmconnection files based on the dracut cmdline, i.e. kdump-eth0.nmconnection and eth0.nmconnection, - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/kdump-eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=kdump-eth0 uuid=3ef53b1b-3908-437e-a15f-cf1f3ea2678b type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=kdump-eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= wait-device-timeout=60000 [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] address1=, dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= may-fail=false method=manual [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=disabled [proxy] - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=eth0 uuid=f224dc22-2891-4d7b-8f66-745029df4b53 type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= method=auto route1=, route2=, [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=auto [proxy] 3. Since there's eth0.nmconnection, NetworkManager will try to get an IP for eth0 regardless of the fact it's a slave NIC and time out ``` $ ip link show 2: kdump-eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:0d:3a:11:86:8b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 3: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master kdump-eth0 state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 ``` Reported-by: Huijing Hei <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <> Acked-by: Kairui Song <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <>
2021-05-13 07:37:03 +00:00
rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname Resolves: bz1950932 Upstream: Fedora Conflict: None commit 8a33ffffbcaab4d1baabed889c2a063649dcbab8 Author: Coiby Xu <> Date: Thu May 6 09:20:27 2021 +0800 rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname This fixes bz1854037 which happens because kexec-tools generates rd.route for eth0 instead of for kdump-eth0, 1. "rd.route= rd.route=" is passed to the dracut cmdline by kexec-tools 2. In the 2rd kernel, dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/ calls /usr/libexec/nm-initrd-generator to generate two .nmconnection files based on the dracut cmdline, i.e. kdump-eth0.nmconnection and eth0.nmconnection, - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/kdump-eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=kdump-eth0 uuid=3ef53b1b-3908-437e-a15f-cf1f3ea2678b type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=kdump-eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= wait-device-timeout=60000 [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] address1=, dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= may-fail=false method=manual [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=disabled [proxy] - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=eth0 uuid=f224dc22-2891-4d7b-8f66-745029df4b53 type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= method=auto route1=, route2=, [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=auto [proxy] 3. Since there's eth0.nmconnection, NetworkManager will try to get an IP for eth0 regardless of the fact it's a slave NIC and time out ``` $ ip link show 2: kdump-eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:0d:3a:11:86:8b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 3: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master kdump-eth0 state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 ``` Reported-by: Huijing Hei <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <> Acked-by: Kairui Song <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <>
2021-05-13 07:37:03 +00:00
[[ -n "$_rule" ]] && echo "$_rule"
_target=`echo "$_route" | cut -d ' ' -f1`
_rule="" _max_weight=0 _weight=0
done >> ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/45route-static.conf\
<<< "$(/sbin/ip $_ipv6_flag route show)"
[[ -n $_rule ]] && echo $_rule >> ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/45route-static.conf
kdump_get_mac_addr() {
cat /sys/class/net/$1/address
#Bonding or team master modifies the mac address
#of its slaves, we should use perm address
kdump_get_perm_addr() {
local addr=$(ethtool -P $1 | sed -e 's/Permanent address: //')
if [ -z "$addr" ] || [ "$addr" = "00:00:00:00:00:00" ]
derror "Can't get the permanent address of $1"
echo "$addr"
# Prefix kernel assigned names with "kdump-". EX: eth0 -> kdump-eth0
# Because kernel assigned names are not persistent between 1st and 2nd
# kernel. We could probably end up with eth0 being eth1, eth0 being
# eth1, and naming conflict happens.
kdump_setup_ifname() {
local _ifname
# If ifname already has 'kdump-' prefix, we must be switching from
# fadump to kdump. Skip prefixing 'kdump-' in this case as adding
# another prefix may truncate the ifname. Since an ifname with
# 'kdump-' is already persistent, this should be fine.
if [[ $1 =~ eth* ]] && [[ ! $1 =~ ^kdump-* ]]; then
echo "$_ifname"
kdump_setup_bridge() {
local _netdev=$1
local _brif _dev _mac _kdumpdev
for _dev in `ls /sys/class/net/$_netdev/brif/`; do
if kdump_is_bond "$_dev"; then
$(kdump_setup_bond "$_dev" "$(get_nmcli_connection_show_cmd_by_ifname "$_dev")")
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
exit 1
elif kdump_is_team "$_dev"; then
kdump_setup_team "$_dev"
elif kdump_is_vlan "$_dev"; then
kdump_setup_vlan "$_dev"
_mac=$(kdump_get_mac_addr $_dev)
_kdumpdev=$(kdump_setup_ifname $_dev)
echo -n " ifname=$_kdumpdev:$_mac" >> ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/41bridge.conf
echo " bridge=$_netdev:$(echo $_brif | sed -e 's/,$//')" >> ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/41bridge.conf
# drauct takes bond=<bondname>[:<bondslaves>:[:<options>]] syntax to parse
# bond. For example:
# bond=bond0:eth0,eth1:mode=balance-rr
kdump_setup_bond() {
local _netdev="$1"
local _nm_show_cmd="$2"
local _dev _mac _slaves _kdumpdev _bondoptions
for _dev in `cat /sys/class/net/$_netdev/bonding/slaves`; do
_mac=$(kdump_get_perm_addr $_dev)
_kdumpdev=$(kdump_setup_ifname $_dev)
echo -n " ifname=$_kdumpdev:$_mac" >> ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/42bond.conf
echo -n " bond=$_netdev:$(echo $_slaves | sed 's/,$//')" >> ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/42bond.conf
_bondoptions=$(get_nmcli_value_by_field "$_nm_show_cmd" "bond.options")
if [[ -z "_bondoptions" ]]; then
dwarning "Failed to get bond configuration via nmlci output. Now try sourcing ifcfg script."
source_ifcfg_file $_netdev
_bondoptions="$(echo $BONDING_OPTS | xargs echo | tr " " ",")"
if [[ -z "_bondoptions" ]]; then
derror "Get empty bond options"
exit 1
echo ":$_bondoptions" >> ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/42bond.conf
kdump_setup_team() {
local _netdev=$1
local _dev _mac _slaves _kdumpdev
for _dev in `teamnl $_netdev ports | awk -F':' '{print $2}'`; do
_mac=$(kdump_get_perm_addr $_dev)
_kdumpdev=$(kdump_setup_ifname $_dev)
echo -n " ifname=$_kdumpdev:$_mac" >> ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/44team.conf
echo " team=$_netdev:$(echo $_slaves | sed -e 's/,$//')" >> ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/44team.conf
#Buggy version teamdctl outputs to stderr!
#Try to use the latest version of teamd.
teamdctl "$_netdev" config dump > ${initdir}/tmp/$$-$_netdev.conf
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
derror "teamdctl failed."
exit 1
inst_dir /etc/teamd
inst_simple ${initdir}/tmp/$$-$_netdev.conf "/etc/teamd/$_netdev.conf"
rm -f ${initdir}/tmp/$$-$_netdev.conf
kdump_setup_vlan() {
local _netdev=$1
local _phydev="$(awk '/^Device:/{print $2}' /proc/net/vlan/"$_netdev")"
local _netmac="$(kdump_get_mac_addr $_phydev)"
local _kdumpdev
#Just support vlan over bond and team
if kdump_is_bridge "$_phydev"; then
derror "Vlan over bridge is not supported!"
exit 1
elif kdump_is_bond "$_phydev"; then
$(kdump_setup_bond "$_phydev" "$(get_nmcli_connection_show_cmd_by_ifname "$_phydev")")
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
exit 1
echo " vlan=$(kdump_setup_ifname $_netdev):$_phydev" > ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/43vlan.conf
_kdumpdev="$(kdump_setup_ifname $_phydev)"
echo " vlan=$(kdump_setup_ifname $_netdev):$_kdumpdev ifname=$_kdumpdev:$_netmac" > ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/43vlan.conf
# setup s390 znet cmdline
# $1: netdev (ifname)
# $2: nmcli connection show output
kdump_setup_znet() {
local _netdev="$1"
local _nmcli_cmd="$2"
local s390_prefix="802-3-ethernet.s390-"
local _options=""
NETTYPE=$(get_nmcli_value_by_field "$_nmcli_cmd" "${s390_prefix}nettype")
SUBCHANNELS=$(get_nmcli_value_by_field "$_nmcli_cmd" "${s390_prefix}subchannels")
_options=$(get_nmcli_value_by_field "$_nmcli_cmd" "${s390_prefix}options")
if [[ -z "$NETTYPE" || -z "$SUBCHANNELS" || -z "$_options" ]]; then
dwarning "Failed to get znet configuration via nmlci output. Now try sourcing ifcfg script."
source_ifcfg_file $_netdev
for i in $OPTIONS; do
if [[ -z "$NETTYPE" || -z "$SUBCHANNELS" || -z "$_options" ]]; then
exit 1
echo rd.znet=${NETTYPE},${SUBCHANNELS},${_options} rd.znet_ifname=$_netdev:${SUBCHANNELS} > ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/30znet.conf
local _route=$(/sbin/ip -o route get to $1 2>&1)
[ $? != 0 ] && die "Bad kdump network destination: $1"
echo $_route
if `echo $1 | grep -q $2`; then
echo ${1##*$2} | cut -d ' ' -f1
local _remote=$(get_remote_host $1) _remote_temp
if is_hostname $_remote; then
_remote_temp=`getent ahosts $_remote | grep -v : | head -n 1`
if [ -z "$_remote_temp" ]; then
_remote_temp=`getent ahosts $_remote | head -n 1`
_remote=`echo $_remote_temp | cut -d' ' -f1`
echo $_remote
# Setup dracut to bring up network interface that enable
# initramfs accessing giving destination
# $1: destination host
kdump_install_net() {
local _destaddr _srcaddr _route _netdev _nm_show_cmd kdumpnic
local _static _proto _ip_conf _ip_opts _ifname_opts
_destaddr=$(kdump_get_remote_ip $1)
_route=$(kdump_get_ip_route $_destaddr)
_srcaddr=$(kdump_get_ip_route_field "$_route" "src")
_netdev=$(kdump_get_ip_route_field "$_route" "dev")
_nm_show_cmd=$(get_nmcli_connection_show_cmd_by_ifname "$_netdev")
_netmac=$(kdump_get_mac_addr $_netdev)
kdumpnic=$(kdump_setup_ifname $_netdev)
if [ "$(uname -m)" = "s390x" ]; then
$(kdump_setup_znet "$_netdev" "$_nm_show_cmd")
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
derror "Failed to set up znet"
exit 1
rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname Resolves: bz1950932 Upstream: Fedora Conflict: None commit 8a33ffffbcaab4d1baabed889c2a063649dcbab8 Author: Coiby Xu <> Date: Thu May 6 09:20:27 2021 +0800 rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname This fixes bz1854037 which happens because kexec-tools generates rd.route for eth0 instead of for kdump-eth0, 1. "rd.route= rd.route=" is passed to the dracut cmdline by kexec-tools 2. In the 2rd kernel, dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/ calls /usr/libexec/nm-initrd-generator to generate two .nmconnection files based on the dracut cmdline, i.e. kdump-eth0.nmconnection and eth0.nmconnection, - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/kdump-eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=kdump-eth0 uuid=3ef53b1b-3908-437e-a15f-cf1f3ea2678b type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=kdump-eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= wait-device-timeout=60000 [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] address1=, dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= may-fail=false method=manual [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=disabled [proxy] - /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/eth0.nmconnection [connection] id=eth0 uuid=f224dc22-2891-4d7b-8f66-745029df4b53 type=ethernet autoconnect-retries=1 interface-name=eth0 multi-connect=1 permissions= [ethernet] mac-address-blacklist= [ipv4] dhcp-timeout=90 dns=; dns-search= method=auto route1=, route2=, [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=eui64 dhcp-timeout=90 dns-search= method=auto [proxy] 3. Since there's eth0.nmconnection, NetworkManager will try to get an IP for eth0 regardless of the fact it's a slave NIC and time out ``` $ ip link show 2: kdump-eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:0d:3a:11:86:8b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 3: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master kdump-eth0 state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 ``` Reported-by: Huijing Hei <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <> Acked-by: Kairui Song <> Signed-off-by: Coiby Xu <>
2021-05-13 07:37:03 +00:00
_static=$(kdump_static_ip $_netdev $_srcaddr $kdumpnic)
if [ -n "$_static" ]; then
elif is_ipv6_address $_srcaddr; then
_ip_opts=" ip=${_static}$kdumpnic:${_proto}"
# dracut doesn't allow duplicated configuration for same NIC, even they're exactly the same.
# so we have to avoid adding duplicates
# We should also check /proc/cmdline for existing ip=xx arg.
# For example, iscsi boot will specify ip=xxx arg in cmdline.
if [ ! -f $_ip_conf ] || ! grep -q $_ip_opts $_ip_conf &&\
! grep -q "ip=[^[:space:]]*$_netdev" /proc/cmdline; then
echo "$_ip_opts" >> $_ip_conf
if kdump_is_bridge "$_netdev"; then
kdump_setup_bridge "$_netdev"
elif kdump_is_bond "$_netdev"; then
$(kdump_setup_bond "$_netdev" "$_nm_show_cmd")
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
exit 1
elif kdump_is_team "$_netdev"; then
kdump_setup_team "$_netdev"
elif kdump_is_vlan "$_netdev"; then
kdump_setup_vlan "$_netdev"
_ifname_opts=" ifname=$kdumpnic:$_netmac"
echo "$_ifname_opts" >> $_ip_conf
kdump_setup_dns "$_netdev" "$_nm_show_cmd"
if [ ! -f ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/50neednet.conf ]; then
# network-manager module needs this parameter
echo "rd.neednet" >> ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/50neednet.conf
# Save netdev used for kdump as cmdline
# Whoever calling kdump_install_net() is setting up the default gateway,
# ie. bootdev/kdumpnic. So don't override the setting if calling
# kdump_install_net() for another time. For example, after setting eth0 as
# the default gate way for network dump, eth1 in the fence kdump path will
# call kdump_install_net again and we don't want eth1 to be the default
# gateway.
if [ ! -f ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/60kdumpnic.conf ] &&
[ ! -f ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/70bootdev.conf ]; then
echo "kdumpnic=$kdumpnic" > ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/60kdumpnic.conf
echo "bootdev=$kdumpnic" > ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/70bootdev.conf
# install etc/kdump/pre.d and /etc/kdump/post.d
kdump_install_pre_post_conf() {
if [ -d /etc/kdump/pre.d ]; then
for file in /etc/kdump/pre.d/*; do
if [ -x "$file" ]; then
dracut_install $file
elif [ $file != "/etc/kdump/pre.d/*" ]; then
echo "$file is not executable"
if [ -d /etc/kdump/post.d ]; then
for file in /etc/kdump/post.d/*; do
if [ -x "$file" ]; then
dracut_install $file
elif [ $file != "/etc/kdump/post.d/*" ]; then
echo "$file is not executable"
local _target _fstype
local _mntpoint _save_path
is_user_configured_dump_target && return
_save_path=$(get_bind_mount_source $(get_save_path))
_target=$(get_target_from_path $_save_path)
_mntpoint=$(get_mntpoint_from_target $_target)
_fstype=$(get_fs_type_from_target $_target)
if is_fs_type_nfs $_fstype; then
kdump_install_net "$_target"
_target=$(kdump_get_persistent_dev $_target)
echo "$_fstype $_target" >> ${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf
# don't touch the path under root mount
if [ "$_mntpoint" != "/" ]; then
#erase the old path line, then insert the parsed path
sed -i "/^path/d" ${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf
echo "path $_save_path" >> ${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf
#install kdump.conf and what user specifies in kdump.conf
kdump_install_conf() {
local _opt _val _pdev
(read_strip_comments /etc/kdump.conf) > ${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf
while read _opt _val;
# remove inline comments after the end of a directive.
case "$_opt" in
_pdev=$(persistent_policy="by-id" kdump_get_persistent_dev $_val)
sed -i -e "s#^$_opt[[:space:]]\+$_val#$_opt $_pdev#" ${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf
_pdev=$(kdump_get_persistent_dev $_val)
sed -i -e "s#^$_opt[[:space:]]\+$_val#$_opt $_pdev#" ${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf
kdump_install_net "$_val"
if [[ $(get_dracut_args_fstype "$_val") = nfs* ]] ; then
kdump_install_net "$(get_dracut_args_target "$_val")"
dracut_install $_val
dracut_install "${_val%%[[:blank:]]*}"
done <<< "$(read_strip_comments /etc/kdump.conf)"
kdump_configure_fence_kdump "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf"
inst "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf" "/etc/kdump.conf"
rm -f ${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf
# Remove user custom configurations sysctl.conf & sysctl.d/*
# and apply some optimization for kdump
overwrite_sysctl_conf() {
# As custom configurations like vm.min_free_kbytes can lead
# to OOM issues in kdump kernel, avoid them
rm -f "${initdir}/etc/sysctl.conf"
rm -rf "${initdir}/etc/sysctl.d"
rm -rf "${initdir}/run/sysctl.d"
rm -rf "${initdir}/usr/lib/sysctl.d"
mkdir -p "${initdir}/etc/sysctl.d"
echo "vm.zone_reclaim_mode = 3" > "${initdir}/etc/sysctl.d/99-zone-reclaim.conf"
kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val() {
local result
# The open-iscsi 742 release changed to using flat files in
# /var/lib/iscsi.
result=$(/sbin/iscsiadm --show -m session -r ${1} | grep "^${2} = ")
result=${result##* = }
echo $result
kdump_get_iscsi_initiator() {
local _initiator
local initiator_conf="/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi"
[ -f "$initiator_conf" ] || return 1
while read _initiator; do
[ -z "${_initiator%%#*}" ] && continue # Skip comment lines
case $_initiator in
echo "rd.iscsi.initiator=${initiator}"
return 0;;
*) ;;
done < ${initiator_conf}
return 1
# Figure out iBFT session according to session type
is_ibft() {
[ "$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val $1 "node.discovery_type")" = fw ]
kdump_setup_iscsi_device() {
local path=$1
local tgt_name; local tgt_ipaddr;
local username; local password; local userpwd_str;
local username_in; local password_in; local userpwd_in_str;
local netroot_str ; local initiator_str;
local netroot_conf="${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/50iscsi.conf"
local initiator_conf="/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi"
dinfo "Found iscsi component $1"
# Check once before getting explicit values, so we can bail out early,
# e.g. in case of pure-hardware(all-offload) iscsi.
if ! /sbin/iscsiadm -m session -r ${path} &>/dev/null ; then
return 1
if is_ibft ${path}; then
# Remove software iscsi cmdline generated by 95iscsi,
# and let kdump regenerate here.
rm -f ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/95iscsi.conf
tgt_name=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val ${path} "")
tgt_ipaddr=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val ${path} "node.conn\[0\].address")
# get and set username and password details
username=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val ${path} "node.session.auth.username")
[ "$username" == "<empty>" ] && username=""
password=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val ${path} "node.session.auth.password")
[ "$password" == "<empty>" ] && password=""
username_in=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val ${path} "node.session.auth.username_in")
[ -n "$username" ] && userpwd_str="$username:$password"
# get and set incoming username and password details
[ "$username_in" == "<empty>" ] && username_in=""
password_in=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val ${path} "node.session.auth.password_in")
[ "$password_in" == "<empty>" ] && password_in=""
[ -n "$username_in" ] && userpwd_in_str=":$username_in:$password_in"
kdump_install_net "$tgt_ipaddr"
# prepare netroot= command line
# FIXME: Do we need to parse and set other parameters like protocol, port
# iscsi_iface_name, netdev_name, LUN etc.
if is_ipv6_address $tgt_ipaddr; then
[[ -f $netroot_conf ]] || touch $netroot_conf
# If netroot target does not exist already, append.
if ! grep -q $netroot_str $netroot_conf; then
echo $netroot_str >> $netroot_conf
dinfo "Appended $netroot_str to $netroot_conf"
# Setup initator
[ $? -ne "0" ] && derror "Failed to get initiator name" && return 1
# If initiator details do not exist already, append.
if ! grep -q "$initiator_str" $netroot_conf; then
echo "$initiator_str" >> $netroot_conf
dinfo "Appended "$initiator_str" to $netroot_conf"
kdump_check_iscsi_targets () {
# If our prerequisites are not met, fail anyways.
type -P iscsistart >/dev/null || return 1
kdump_check_setup_iscsi() (
local _dev
[[ -L /sys/dev/block/$_dev ]] || return
cd "$(readlink -f /sys/dev/block/$_dev)"
until [[ -d sys || -d iscsi_session ]]; do
cd ..
[[ -d iscsi_session ]] && kdump_setup_iscsi_device "$PWD"
[[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $mount_needs ]] && {
for_each_host_dev_and_slaves_all kdump_check_setup_iscsi
# hostname -a is deprecated, do it by ourself
get_alias() {
local ips
local entries
local alias_set
ips=$(hostname -I)
for ip in $ips
# in /etc/hosts, alias can come at the 2nd column
entries=$(grep $ip /etc/hosts | awk '{ $1=""; print $0 }')
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
alias_set="$alias_set $entries"
echo $alias_set
is_localhost() {
local hostnames=$(hostname -A)
local shortnames=$(hostname -A -s)
local aliasname=$(get_alias)
local nodename=$1
hostnames="$hostnames $shortnames $aliasname"
for name in ${hostnames}; do
if [ "$name" == "$nodename" ]; then
return 0
return 1
# retrieves fence_kdump nodes from Pacemaker cluster configuration
get_pcs_fence_kdump_nodes() {
local nodes
pcs cluster sync > /dev/null 2>&1 && pcs cluster cib-upgrade > /dev/null 2>&1
# get cluster nodes from cluster cib, get interface and ip address
nodelist=`pcs cluster cib | xmllint --xpath "/cib/status/node_state/@uname" -`
# nodelist is formed as 'uname="node1" uname="node2" ... uname="nodeX"'
# we need to convert each to node1, node2 ... nodeX in each iteration
for node in ${nodelist}; do
# convert $node from 'uname="nodeX"' to 'nodeX'
eval $node
# Skip its own node name
if is_localhost $nodename; then
nodes="$nodes $nodename"
echo $nodes
# retrieves fence_kdump args from config file
get_pcs_fence_kdump_args() {
if [ -f $FENCE_KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE ]; then
get_generic_fence_kdump_nodes() {
local filtered
local nodes
nodes=$(get_option_value "fence_kdump_nodes")
for node in ${nodes}; do
# Skip its own node name
if is_localhost $node; then
filtered="$filtered $node"
echo $filtered
# setup fence_kdump in cluster
# setup proper network and install needed files
kdump_configure_fence_kdump () {
local kdump_cfg_file=$1
local nodes
local args
if is_generic_fence_kdump; then
elif is_pcs_fence_kdump; then
# set appropriate options in kdump.conf
echo "fence_kdump_nodes $nodes" >> ${kdump_cfg_file}
if [ -n "$args" ]; then
echo "fence_kdump_args $args" >> ${kdump_cfg_file}
# fence_kdump not configured
return 1
# setup network for each node
for node in ${nodes}; do
kdump_install_net $node
dracut_install /etc/hosts
dracut_install /etc/nsswitch.conf
dracut_install $FENCE_KDUMP_SEND
# Install a random seed used to feed /dev/urandom
# By the time kdump service starts, /dev/uramdom is already fed by systemd
kdump_install_random_seed() {
local poolsize=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize`
if [ ! -d ${initdir}/var/lib/ ]; then
mkdir -p ${initdir}/var/lib/
dd if=/dev/urandom of=${initdir}/var/lib/random-seed \
bs=$poolsize count=1 2> /dev/null
kdump_install_systemd_conf() {
local failure_action=$(get_option_value "failure_action")
# Kdump turns out to require longer default systemd mount timeout
# than 1st kernel(90s by default), we use default 300s for kdump.
grep -r "^[[:space:]]*DefaultTimeoutStartSec=" ${initdir}/etc/systemd/system.conf* &>/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
mkdir -p ${initdir}/etc/systemd/system.conf.d
echo "[Manager]" > ${initdir}/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/kdump.conf
echo "DefaultTimeoutStartSec=300s" >> ${initdir}/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/kdump.conf
# Forward logs to console directly, and don't read Kmsg, this avoids
# unneccessary memory consumption and make console output more useful.
# Only do so for non fadump image.
mkdir -p ${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d
echo "[Journal]" > ${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/kdump.conf
echo "Storage=volatile" >> ${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/kdump.conf
echo "ReadKMsg=no" >> ${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/kdump.conf
echo "ForwardToConsole=yes" >> ${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/kdump.conf
install() {
if is_ssh_dump_target; then
dracut_install -o /etc/adjtime /etc/localtime
inst "$moddir/monitor_dd_progress" "/kdumpscripts/monitor_dd_progress"
chmod +x ${initdir}/kdumpscripts/monitor_dd_progress
inst "/bin/dd" "/bin/dd"
inst "/bin/tail" "/bin/tail"
inst "/bin/date" "/bin/date"
inst "/bin/sync" "/bin/sync"
inst "/bin/cut" "/bin/cut"
inst "/bin/head" "/bin/head"
inst "/bin/awk" "/bin/awk"
inst "/bin/sed" "/bin/sed"
inst "/sbin/makedumpfile" "/sbin/makedumpfile"
inst "/sbin/vmcore-dmesg" "/sbin/vmcore-dmesg"
inst "/usr/bin/printf" "/sbin/printf"
inst "/usr/bin/logger" "/sbin/logger"
inst "/usr/bin/chmod" "/sbin/chmod"
inst "/lib/kdump/" "/lib/"
inst "/lib/kdump/" "/lib/"
inst "/lib/kdump/" "/lib/"
inst "$moddir/" "/usr/bin/"
inst "$moddir/kdump-capture.service" "$systemdsystemunitdir/kdump-capture.service"
systemctl -q --root "$initdir" add-wants kdump-capture.service
inst "$moddir/" "/usr/bin/"
inst "$moddir/kdump-error-handler.service" "$systemdsystemunitdir/kdump-error-handler.service"
# Replace existing emergency service and emergency target
cp "$moddir/kdump-emergency.service" "$initdir/$systemdsystemunitdir/emergency.service"
cp "$moddir/" "$initdir/$systemdsystemunitdir/"
# Also redirect dracut-emergency to kdump error handler
ln_r "$systemdsystemunitdir/emergency.service" "$systemdsystemunitdir/dracut-emergency.service"
# Check for all the devices and if any device is iscsi, bring up iscsi
# target. Ideally all this should be pushed into dracut iscsi module
# at some point of time.
# nfs/ssh dump will need to get host ip in second kernel and need to call 'ip' tool, see get_host_ip for more detail
if is_nfs_dump_target || is_ssh_dump_target; then
inst "ip"
# For the lvm type target under kdump, in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf we can
# safely replace "reserved_memory=XXXX"(default value is 8192) with
# "reserved_memory=1024" to lower memory pressure under kdump. We do
# it unconditionally here, if "/etc/lvm/lvm.conf" doesn't exist, it
# actually does nothing.
sed -i -e \
's/\(^[[:space:]]*reserved_memory[[:space:]]*=\)[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*/\1 1024/' \
${initdir}/etc/lvm/lvm.conf &>/dev/null
# Save more memory by dropping switch root capability
if ! is_fadump_capable; then