#!/bin/bash FC=($(fedpkg verrel | awk -F. '{print $NF}')) SRC=($(ls config-* 2>/dev/null)) TGT=($(ls kernel-*.$FC/linux-*.noarch/configs/kernel-*-*.config \ kernel-*.$FC/linux-*.noarch/configs/kernel-*-*-debug.config 2>/dev/null)) TGT1=(${TGT[*]#kernel-*.$FC/linux-*.noarch/configs/kernel-*-}) ALL_OPTS="cdfimn" if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then echo -e "Usage:\n $(basename $0) [-$ALL_OPTS] input target\n" echo -e " Sort input config file into the same order as the target\n" echo -e " -c: insert comments about non-matching/impossible items" echo -e " -d: show raw unsorted output with extra debug text" echo -e " -f: force output to match what is in the target config," echo -e " and/or remove impossible config items" echo -e " -i: find impossible config items" echo -e " -m: find changed config items" echo -e " -n: do not sort output\n" echo -e " input: source config file" ' [' "${SRC[*]#config-}" ']\n' echo -e " target: output arch name" ' [' "${TGT1[*]%.config}" ']\n' exit 1 fi while getopts "$ALL_OPTS" OPTION ; do case $OPTION in c) ADDCOMMENT=1 ;; d) DEBUG=1 ;; f) FORCE=1 ;; i) FIND_IMPOSS=1 ;; m) FIND_CHANGED=1 ;; n) NOSORT=1 ;; \?) exit 2 ;; esac done if [ "$FORCE" -a "$ADDCOMMENT" ] ; then echo "-f and -c options cannot be used together" exit 2 fi shift $((OPTIND-1)) TEMPFILES="xx00 xx01 xx98 xx99" TEMPLEFT= for FILE in $TEMPFILES ; do [ -f "$FILE" ] && TEMPLEFT="Y" done if [ "$TEMPLEFT" ] ; then echo "WARNING! Output files named xx?? already exist." >&2 read -p "Press <Enter> to erase files, or Ctrl-C to exit..." echo >&2 fi rm -f $TEMPFILES SRCFILE=config-$1 [ ! -f $SRCFILE ] && echo "Input file" $SRCFILE "missing" && exit 2 TGTFILE=kernel-*.$FC/linux-*.noarch/configs/kernel-*-$2.config [ ! -f $TGTFILE ] && echo "No target file matching" $TGTFILE "exists" && exit 2 [ "$FIND_IMPOSS" ] && \ find kernel-*.$FC/*.noarch -name Kconfig\* -type f \ | xargs egrep -s -h '^[[:space:]]*(menu)?config[[:space:]]+' \ | sed -r 's/^[[:space:]]*(menu)?config[[:space:]]+/CONFIG_/' \ | sort | uniq >xx98 extract_optname() { # extract the option name from $TEXT, setting $OPTNAME OPTNAME= if [ "${TEXT:0:7}" = "CONFIG_" ] ; then OPTNAME=${TEXT%%=*} elif [ "${TEXT:0:9}" = "# CONFIG_" ] ; then OPTNAME=${TEXT%" is not set"} OPTNAME=${OPTNAME#\# } fi } print_saved_comments() { if [ $IX -gt 0 ] ; then [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo " ->" $IX "comments were saved" (( IX-- )) for IX in $(seq 0 $IX) ; do echo "$LINE":"${SAVECOMMENT[$IX]}" done unset SAVECOMMENT IX=0 fi } assign_line_number() { # use input line numbers if not sorting [ "$NOSORT" ] && LINE=$IN # make sure it has a line number [ -z "$LINE" ] && LINE=999999 } IX=0 IN=0 declare -a SAVECOMMENT cat ${SRCFILE} | { while read TEXT ; do LINE= COMMENT= # replace empty lines [ -z "$TEXT" ] && TEXT='//' if [ "${TEXT:0:7}" = "CONFIG_" -o "${TEXT:0:9}" = "# CONFIG_" ] ; then LINE=$(grep -n "^$TEXT" $TGTFILE | head -1 | cut -f 1 -d ':') if [ -z "$LINE" ] ; then [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo "nofind ->" "$TEXT" extract_optname if [ "$OPTNAME" ] ; then if [ "$FIND_CHANGED" ] ; then for FINDTEXT in "^${OPTNAME}=" "^# ${OPTNAME} is not set" ; do if [ -z "$LINE" ] ; then [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo "looking for ->" "$FINDTEXT" LINE=$(grep -n "$FINDTEXT" $TGTFILE | head -1 | cut -f 1 -d ':') if [ "$LINE" ] ; then CHANGED=$(grep "$FINDTEXT" $TGTFILE | head -1) if [ "$FORCE" ] ; then TEXT=$CHANGED [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo 'forced ->' "$TEXT" else if [ "$ADDCOMMENT" ] ; then if [ ${CHANGED:0:1} = '#' ] ; then NEWOPT="not set" else NEWOPT=${CHANGED#$OPTNAME} fi COMMENT="# -- Next option changed to \"${NEWOPT}\" at target line $LINE --" fi fi fi fi done fi if [ "$FIND_IMPOSS" -a -z "$LINE" -a -z "$COMMENT" ] ; then POSSIBLE=$(grep -n "^$OPTNAME" xx98) if [ -z "$POSSIBLE" ] ; then if [ "$ADDCOMMENT" ] ; then COMMENT="# -- Next option is impossible --" elif [ "$FORCE" ] ; then [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo 'impossible ->' "$TEXT" TEXT="" fi fi fi fi fi else # not a config variable COMMENT="$TEXT" TEXT= fi [ "$DEBUG" -a "$COMMENT" ] && echo "comment ->" "$LINE" "$COMMENT" [ "$DEBUG" -a "$TEXT" ] && echo "text ->" "$LINE" "$TEXT" if [ "$TEXT" ] ; then assign_line_number # print the saved comments first print_saved_comments # now print the latest comment and text [ "$COMMENT" ] && echo "$LINE":"$COMMENT" echo "$LINE":"$TEXT" elif [ "$COMMENT" ] ; then # no output yet, save the comment SAVECOMMENT[$IX]="$COMMENT" let IX++ [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo 'savecomment (#'${IX}')' fi let IN++ done # flush the buffers assign_line_number print_saved_comments [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo "$IN lines read from input" } >xx99 if [ "$DEBUG" ] ; then # just show the raw output with debug info, then exit cat xx99 else # split output into two files, for matched and unmatched items cat xx99 | sort -s -t ":" -k 1g | csplit -k -s - /^999999/ 2>/dev/null cat xx00 | cut -f 2- -d ':' | sed 's/^\/\/$//' if [ -s xx01 ] ; then echo echo '# ------------ UNMATCHED OPTIONS ------------' echo cat xx01 | cut -f 2- -d ':' | sed 's/^\/\/$//' fi fi rm -f $TEMPFILES