#! /bin/bash # # This script is called during external module building to create dependencies # both upon the RHEL kernel, and on additional external modules. Symbols that # cannot be reconciled against those provided by the kernel are assumed to be # provided by an external module and "ksym" replaces th regular "kernel" dep. IFS=$'\n' # Extract all of the symbols provided by this module. all_provides() { if [[ -n $(nm "$@" | sed -r -ne 's:^0*([0-9a-f]+) A __crc_(.+):0x\1 \2:p') ]]; then nm "$@" \ | sed -r -ne 's:^0*([0-9a-f]+) A __crc_(.+):0x\1 \2:p' \ | awk --non-decimal-data '{printf("0x%08x\t%s\n", $1, $2)}' \ | LC_ALL=C sort -k2,2 -u else ELFRODATA=$(readelf -R .rodata "$@" | awk '/0x/{printf $2$3$4$5}') if [[ -n $(readelf -h "$@" | grep "little endian") ]]; then RODATA=$(echo $ELFRODATA | sed 's/\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)/\4\3\2\1/g') else RODATA=$ELFRODATA fi for sym in $(nm "$@" | sed -r -ne 's:^0*([0-9a-f]+) R __crc_(.+):0x\1 \2:p'); do echo $sym $RODATA done \ | awk --non-decimal-data '{printf("0x%08s\t%s\n", substr($3,($1*2)+1,8), $2)}' \ | LC_ALL=C sort -k2,2 -u fi } # Extract all of the requirements of this module. all_requires() { for module in "$@"; do set -- $(/sbin/modinfo -F vermagic "$module" | sed -e 's: .*::' -e q) /sbin/modprobe --dump-modversions "$module" \ | awk --non-decimal-data ' BEGIN { FS = "\t" ; OFS = "\t" } {printf("0x%08x\t%s\n", $1, $2)}' \ | sed -r -e 's:$:\t'"$1"':' done \ | LC_ALL=C sort -k2,2 -u } # Filter out requirements fulfilled by the module itself. mod_requires() { LC_ALL=C join -t $'\t' -j 2 -v 1 \ <(all_requires "$@") \ <(all_provides "$@") \ | LC_ALL=C sort -k1,1 -u } if ! [ -e /sbin/modinfo -a -e /sbin/modprobe ]; then cat > /dev/null exit 0 fi check_kabi() { arch=$(uname -m) kabi_file="/lib/modules/kabi-current/kabi_stablelist_$arch" # If not installed, output a warning and return (continue) if [ ! -f "$kabi_file" ]; then echo "" >&2 echo "********************************************************************************" >&2 echo "*********************** KERNEL ABI COMPATIBILITY WARNING ***********************" >&2 echo "********************************************************************************" >&2 echo "The kernel ABI reference files (provided by "kabi-stablelists") were not found." >&2 echo "No compatibility check was performed. Please install the kABI reference files" >&2 echo "and rebuild if you would like to verify compatibility with kernel ABI." >&2 echo "" >&2 return fi unset non_kabi for symbol in "$@"; do if ! egrep "^[[:space:]]$symbol\$" $kabi_file >/dev/null; then non_kabi=("${non_kabi[@]}" "$symbol") fi done if [ ${#non_kabi[@]} -gt 0 ]; then echo "" >&2 echo "********************************************************************************" >&2 echo "*********************** KERNEL ABI COMPATIBILITY WARNING ***********************" >&2 echo "********************************************************************************" >&2 echo "The following kernel symbols are not guaranteed to remain compatible with" >&2 echo "future kernel updates to this RHEL release:" >&2 echo "" >&2 for symbol in "${non_kabi[@]}"; do printf "\t$symbol\n" >&2 done echo "" >&2 echo "Red Hat recommends that you consider using only official kernel ABI symbols" >&2 echo "where possible. Requests for additions to the kernel ABI can be filed with" >&2 echo "your partner or customer representative (component: driver-update-program)." >&2 echo "" >&2 fi } modules=($(grep -E '/lib/modules/.+\.ko$')) if [ ${#modules[@]} -gt 0 ]; then kernel=$(/sbin/modinfo -F vermagic "${modules[0]}" | sed -e 's: .*::' -e q) # get all that kernel provides symvers=$(mktemp -t ${0##*/}.XXXXX) cat /usr/src/kernels/$kernel/Module.symvers | awk ' BEGIN { FS = "\t" ; OFS = "\t" } { print $2 "\t" $1 } ' \ | sed -r -e 's:$:\t'"$kernel"':' \ | LC_ALL=C sort -k1,1 -u > $symvers # Symbols matching with the kernel get a "kernel" dependency LC_ALL=C join -t $'\t' -j 1 $symvers <(mod_requires "${modules[@]}") | LC_ALL=C sort -u \ | awk '{ FS = "\t" ; OFS = "\t" } { print "kernel(" $1 ") = " $2 }' # Symbols from elsewhere get a "ksym" dependency LC_ALL=C join -t $'\t' -j 1 -v 2 $symvers <(mod_requires "${modules[@]}") | LC_ALL=C sort -u \ | awk '{ FS = "\t" ; OFS = "\t" } { print "ksym(" $1 ") = " $2 }' # Check kABI if the kabi-stablelists package is installed # Do this last so we can try to output this error at the end kabi_check_symbols=($(LC_ALL=C join -t $'\t' -j 1 $symvers <(mod_requires "${modules[@]}") | LC_ALL=C sort -u \ | awk '{ FS = "\t" ; OFS = "\t" } { print $1 }')) check_kabi "${kabi_check_symbols[@]}" fi