#!/bin/sh # Adjusts the configuration options to build the variants correctly # # arg1: configuration to go in the primary variant # arg2: are we only generating debug configs PRIMARY=$1 DEBUGBUILDSENABLED=$2 if [ -z "$2" ]; then exit 1 fi if [ -z "$PRIMARY" ]; then PRIMARY=rhel fi if [ "$PRIMARY" = "fedora" ]; then SECONDARY=rhel else SECONDARY=fedora fi for i in kernel-rt-*-"$PRIMARY".config; do NEW=kernel-rt-"$VERSION"-$(echo "$i" | cut -d - -f3- | sed s/-"$PRIMARY"//) #echo $NEW mv "$i" "$NEW" done rm -f kernel-rt-*-"$SECONDARY".config if [ "$DEBUGBUILDSENABLED" -eq 0 ]; then for i in kernel-rt-*debug*.config; do base=$(echo "$i" | sed -r s/-?debug//g) NEW=kernel-rt-$(echo "$base" | cut -d - -f3-) mv "$i" "$NEW" done fi