#! /bin/bash -efu debug() { if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then echo "$*" >&2 fi } msg_usage() { cat <<_EOF_ Run language coverage test. Usage: $PROG Options: -h, --help Display this help and exit -v, --verbose Turn on debug -l, --lang=LANG Test LANG language coverage (default: en) -p, --path=PATH Test fonts on PATH -n, --name=NAME Set NAME to store a log file. -a, --artifactsdir=DIR test environment dir to store artifacts -e, --exclude=FILE Exclude FILE to check. -i, --include=FILE Include File to check. _EOF_ } PROG="${PROG:-${0##*/}}" DEBUG="${DEBUG:-}" OPT_LANG="${OPT_LANG:-en}" OPT_PATH=() OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR="${OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR:-}" OPT_EXCLUDE=() OPT_INCLUDE=() OPT_NAME="${OPT_NAME:-}" opt=$(getopt -n "$0" --options "hvl:p:n:a:e:i:" --longoptions "help,verbose,lang:,path:,name:,artifactsdir:,exclude:,include:" -- "$@") eval set -- "$opt" while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in -n|--name) OPT_NAME="$2" shift 2 ;; -i|--include) OPT_INCLUDE+=("$2") shift 2 ;; -e|--exclude) OPT_EXCLUDE+=("$2") shift 2 ;; -a|--artifactsdir) OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR="$2" shift 2 ;; -p|--path) OPT_PATH+=("$2") shift 2 ;; -l|--lang) OPT_LANG="$2" shift 2 ;; -v|--verbose) DEBUG="-v" shift ;; -h|--help) msg_usage exit 0 ;; --) shift ;; *) msg_usage exit 1 esac done if [ -z "$OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR" ] || [ -z "$OPT_LANG" ] || [ -z "$OPT_PATH" ]; then echo "Use: $PROG -h for help." exit 0 fi STR_TEST_DASHED=$(echo "${OPT_NAME:-$OPT_LANG}" | sed -e 's/\//-/g') clean_exit() { rc=$?; trap - SIGINT SIGTERM SIGABRT EXIT echo "Run test $OPT_LANG: done." for pid in $(ps -o pid --no-headers --ppid $$); do if [ -n "$(ps -p $pid -o pid=)" ]; then kill -s HUP $pid fi done local log_file_name="$STR_TEST_DASHED.log" local log_file_path="$OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR/$log_file_name" local status if [[ $rc -eq 127 ]]; then status="ERROR" elif grep -q "RESULT: WARN" "$log_file_path"; then status="ERROR" elif grep -q "RESULT: FAIL" "$log_file_path"; then status="FAIL" elif grep -q "RESULT: PASS" "$log_file_path"; then status="PASS" elif grep -q "WARN" "$log_file_path"; then status="ERROR" elif grep -q "FAIL" "$log_file_path"; then status="FAIL" elif grep -q "PASS" "$log_file_path"; then status="PASS" else status="ERROR" fi echo "$status $OPT_LANG" >> "$OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR/test.log" mv "$log_file_path" "$OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR/${status}_${log_file_name}" local results="$OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR/results.yml" local result=$(echo $status | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') test -f "$results" || echo 'results:' > "$results" echo "- {result: $result, test: $OPT_LANG}" >> "$results" exit 0 } trap clean_exit SIGINT SIGTERM SIGABRT EXIT mkdir -p "$OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR" export OUTPUTFILE="$(realpath "$OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR")/$STR_TEST_DASHED-out.log" logfile_stdout="$OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR/$STR_TEST_DASHED.log" logfile_stderr="$OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR/$STR_TEST_DASHED-err.log" exec 3>&1 4>&2 1> >(tee -a "$logfile_stdout" >&3) 2> >(tee -a "$logfile_stderr" >&4) expand_regex() { local p ret=() local regex="$1" shift debug "Expanding $regex" for p; do set +f debug "$p: $regex" (cd $p; local x=$(find -regextype posix-egrep -regex "./$regex" -print|sed -e 's,^\./,,g') debug "$x" ret+=($x) set -f echo -n ${ret[@]} ) done echo -n ${ret[@]} } iv=() ev=() x=() for p in ${OPT_INCLUDE[@]}; do x=$(expand_regex $p ${OPT_PATH[@]}) if [ "x$x" == "x" ]; then echo "RESULT: WARN: No matches on \"$p\". maybe typo or something changed?" continue fi iv=("${iv[@]}" "${x[@]}") done for p in ${OPT_EXCLUDE[@]}; do x=$(expand_regex $p ${OPT_PATH[@]}) if [ "x$x" == "x" ]; then echo "RESULT: WARN: No matches on \"$p\". maybe typo or something changed?" continue fi ev=("${ev[@]}" "${x[@]}") done OPT_EXCLUDE=(${ev[@]}) OPT_INCLUDE=(${iv[@]}) debug "Path: ${OPT_PATH[@]}" debug "Lang: $OPT_LANG" debug "Artifacts dir: $OPT_ARTIFACTS_DIR" debug "Exclude: ${#OPT_EXCLUDE[@]}: ${OPT_EXCLUDE[@]}" debug "Include: ${#OPT_INCLUDE[@]}: ${OPT_INCLUDE[@]}" contains() { local e match="$1" shift for e; do [[ "$e" == "$match" ]] && return 1; done return 0 } debug "Check language coverage" set +f for p in ${OPT_PATH[@]}; do for i in `find $p -regex '.*/*\.\(t1\)?\(ttf\)?\(otf\)?\(ttc\)?\(pcf.*\)?\(pfa\)?'`; do set -f debug "$i" if test -f $i; then n=`basename $i` set +e contains "$n" "${OPT_EXCLUDE[@]}" ret=$? set -e if [ $ret -eq 1 ]; then debug "ignoring $i" continue fi if [ ${#OPT_INCLUDE[@]} -ne 0 ]; then set +e contains "$n" "${OPT_INCLUDE[@]}" ret=$? set -e if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then debug "$i isn't targeted file" continue fi NOT_MATCHED=("${NOT_MATCHED[@]/$n}") fi debug " $i" res=`fc-validate -l $OPT_LANG $i` if echo $res | grep -q Missing; then echo "RESULT: FAIL: $i doesn't satisfy $OPT_LANG language coverage." else echo "RESULT: PASS: $i satisfy $OPT_LANG language coverage." fi fi done done