4.0.0 org.jdom @artifactID@-junit jar JDOM Junit @version@ A complete, Java-based solution for accessing, manipulating, and outputting XML data http://www.jdom.org JDOM http://www.jdom.org JDOM-interest Mailing List jdom-interest@jdom.org http://jdom.markmail.org/ Similar to Apache License but with the acknowledgment clause removed https://raw.github.com/hunterhacker/jdom/master/LICENSE.txt repo git@github.com:/hunterhacker/jdom scm:git:git@github.com:hunterhacker/jdom scm:git:git@github.com:hunterhacker/jdom hunterhacker Jason Hunter jhunter@servlets.com rolfl Rolf Lear jdom@tuis.net org.jdom @artifactID@ @version@ jaxen jaxen 1.1.4 true xerces xercesImpl 2.10.0 true junit junit 4.11 true asm asm 3.3.1 true asm asm-tree 3.3.1 true log4j log4j 1.2.17 true net.sourceforge.cobertura cobertura true net.sourceforge.cobertura cobertura-runtime true @jdk@