# Exclude automatically generated requires on java interpreter which is not # owned by any package %global __requires_exclude ^/usr/lib/jvm/java # Don't run OSGi dependency generators on private (bundled) JARs %global __requires_exclude_from \\.jar$ %global __provides_exclude_from \\.jar$ %global mavenHomePath %{_datadir}/%{name} %global metadataPath %{mavenHomePath}/maven-metadata %global artifactsPath %{_javadir} %global launchersPath %{_libexecdir}/%{name} Name: javapackages-bootstrap Version: 1.4.0 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: A means of bootstrapping Java Packages Tools # For detailed info see the file javapackages-bootstrap-PACKAGE-LICENSING License: ASL 2.0 and ASL 1.1 and (ASL 2.0 or EPL-2.0) and (EPL-2.0 or GPLv2 with exceptions) and MIT and BSD with advertising and BSD and EPL-1.0 and EPL-2.0 and CDDL-1.0 and xpp and CC0 and Public Domain URL: https://github.com/fedora-java/javapackages-bootstrap BuildArch: noarch Source0: https://github.com/fedora-java/javapackages-bootstrap/releases/download/%{version}/javapackages-bootstrap-%{version}.tar.xz # License breakdown Source1: javapackages-bootstrap-PACKAGE-LICENSING # To obtain the following sources: # tar -xf ${name}-${version}.tar.xz # pushd ${name}-${version} # ./downstream.sh clone # ./downstream.sh prep # ./downstream.sh archive # The results are in the archive directory Source1002: apache-pom.tar.xz Source1001: ant.tar.xz Source1003: apiguardian.tar.xz Source1004: asm.tar.xz Source1005: assertj-core.tar.xz Source1006: bnd.tar.xz Source1007: build-helper-maven-plugin.tar.xz Source1008: byte-buddy.tar.xz Source1009: cdi.tar.xz Source1010: cglib.tar.xz Source1011: common-annotations-api.tar.xz Source1012: commons-beanutils.tar.xz Source1013: commons-cli.tar.xz Source1014: commons-codec.tar.xz Source1015: commons-collections.tar.xz Source1016: commons-compress.tar.xz Source1017: commons-io.tar.xz Source1018: commons-jxpath.tar.xz Source1019: commons-lang.tar.xz Source1020: commons-logging.tar.xz Source1021: commons-parent-pom.tar.xz Source1022: cup.tar.xz Source1023: easymock.tar.xz Source1024: felix-parent-pom.tar.xz Source1025: felix-utils.tar.xz Source1026: fusesource-pom.tar.xz Source1027: guava.tar.xz Source1028: guice.tar.xz Source1029: hamcrest.tar.xz Source1030: httpcomponents-client.tar.xz Source1031: httpcomponents-core.tar.xz Source1032: httpcomponents-parent-pom.tar.xz Source1033: injection-api.tar.xz Source1034: jansi.tar.xz Source1035: jcommander.tar.xz Source1036: jdom.tar.xz Source1037: jdom2.tar.xz Source1038: jflex.tar.xz Source1039: jsoup.tar.xz Source1040: jsr-305.tar.xz Source1041: junit4.tar.xz Source1042: junit5.tar.xz Source1043: maven-antrun-plugin.tar.xz Source1044: maven-archiver.tar.xz Source1045: maven-artifact-transfer.tar.xz Source1046: maven-assembly-plugin.tar.xz Source1047: maven-bundle-plugin.tar.xz Source1048: maven-common-artifact-filters.tar.xz Source1049: maven-compiler-plugin.tar.xz Source1050: maven-dependency-analyzer.tar.xz Source1051: maven-dependency-plugin.tar.xz Source1052: maven-dependency-tree.tar.xz Source1053: maven-enforcer.tar.xz Source1054: maven-file-management.tar.xz Source1055: maven-filtering.tar.xz Source1056: maven-jar-plugin.tar.xz Source1057: maven-parent-pom.tar.xz Source1058: maven-plugin-testing.tar.xz Source1059: maven-plugin-tools.tar.xz Source1060: maven-remote-resources-plugin.tar.xz Source1061: maven-resolver.tar.xz Source1062: maven-resources-plugin.tar.xz Source1063: maven-resources.tar.xz Source1064: maven-shared-incremental.tar.xz Source1065: maven-shared-io.tar.xz Source1066: maven-shared-utils.tar.xz Source1067: maven-source-plugin.tar.xz Source1068: maven-surefire.tar.xz Source1069: maven-verifier.tar.xz Source1070: maven-wagon.tar.xz Source1071: maven.tar.xz Source1072: mockito.tar.xz Source1073: modello.tar.xz Source1074: mojo-parent-pom.tar.xz Source1075: munge-maven-plugin.tar.xz Source1076: objenesis.tar.xz Source1077: opentest4j.tar.xz Source1078: osgi-annotation.tar.xz Source1079: osgi-cmpn.tar.xz Source1080: osgi-core.tar.xz Source1081: oss-parent-pom.tar.xz Source1082: plexus-archiver.tar.xz Source1083: plexus-cipher.tar.xz Source1084: plexus-classworlds.tar.xz Source1085: plexus-compiler.tar.xz Source1086: plexus-components-pom.tar.xz Source1087: plexus-containers.tar.xz Source1088: plexus-interpolation.tar.xz Source1089: plexus-io.tar.xz Source1090: plexus-languages.tar.xz Source1091: plexus-pom.tar.xz Source1092: plexus-resources.tar.xz Source1093: plexus-sec-dispatcher.tar.xz Source1094: plexus-utils.tar.xz Source1095: qdox.tar.xz Source1096: servlet-api.tar.xz Source1097: sisu-build-api.tar.xz Source1098: sisu-inject.tar.xz Source1099: sisu-mojos.tar.xz Source1100: sisu-plexus.tar.xz Source1101: slf4j.tar.xz Source1102: testng.tar.xz Source1103: univocity-parsers.tar.xz Source1104: velocity-engine.tar.xz Source1105: xbean.tar.xz Source1106: xmlunit.tar.xz Source1107: xmvn.tar.xz Source1108: xz-java.tar.xz Patch0: 0001-Bind-to-OpenJDK-11-for-runtime.patch Provides: bundled(ant) = 1.10.9 Provides: bundled(apache-parent) = 23 Provides: bundled(apiguardian) = 1.1.1 Provides: bundled(objectweb-asm) = 9.0 Provides: bundled(assertj-core) = 3.19.0 Provides: bundled(aqute-bnd) = 5.2.0 Provides: bundled(maven-plugin-build-helper) = 3.2.0 Provides: bundled(byte-buddy) = 1.10.20 Provides: bundled(cdi-api) = 2.0.2 Provides: bundled(cglib) = 3.3.0 Provides: bundled(jakarta-annotations) = 1.3.5 Provides: bundled(apache-commons-beanutils) = 1.9.4 Provides: bundled(apache-commons-cli) = 1.4 Provides: bundled(apache-commons-codec) = 1.15 Provides: bundled(apache-commons-collections) = 3.2.2 Provides: bundled(apache-commons-compress) = 1.20 Provides: bundled(apache-commons-io) = 2.8.0 Provides: bundled(apache-commons-jxpath) = 1.3 Provides: bundled(apache-commons-lang3) = 3.11 Provides: bundled(apache-commons-logging) = 1.2 Provides: bundled(apache-commons-parent) = 52 Provides: bundled(java_cup) = 0.11b Provides: bundled(easymock) = 4.2 Provides: bundled(felix-parent) = 7 Provides: bundled(felix-utils) = 1.11.6 Provides: bundled(fusesource-pom) = 1.12 Provides: bundled(guava) = 30.1 Provides: bundled(google-guice) = 4.2.3 Provides: bundled(hamcrest) = 2.2 Provides: bundled(httpcomponents-client) = 4.5.11 Provides: bundled(httpcomponents-core) = 4.4.13 Provides: bundled(httpcomponents-project) = 12 Provides: bundled(atinject) = 1.0.3 Provides: bundled(jansi) = 1.18 Provides: bundled(beust-jcommander) = 1.78 Provides: bundled(jdom) = 1.1.3 Provides: bundled(jdom2) = 2.0.6 Provides: bundled(jflex) = 1.7.0 Provides: bundled(jsoup) = 1.13.1 Provides: bundled(jsr-305) = 3.0.2 Provides: bundled(junit) = 4.13.1 Provides: bundled(junit5) = 5.7.0 Provides: bundled(maven-antrun-plugin) = 3.0.0 Provides: bundled(maven-archiver) = 3.5.1 Provides: bundled(maven-artifact-transfer) = 0.13.1 Provides: bundled(maven-assembly-plugin) = 3.3.0 Provides: bundled(maven-plugin-bundle) = 5.1.1 Provides: bundled(maven-common-artifact-filters) = 3.1.0 Provides: bundled(maven-compiler-plugin) = 3.8.1 Provides: bundled(maven-dependency-analyzer) = 1.11.3 Provides: bundled(maven-dependency-plugin) = 3.1.2 Provides: bundled(maven-dependency-tree) = 3.0.1 Provides: bundled(maven-enforcer) = 3.0.0~M2 Provides: bundled(maven-file-management) = 3.0.0 Provides: bundled(maven-filtering) = 3.2.0 Provides: bundled(maven-jar-plugin) = 3.2.0 Provides: bundled(maven-parent) = 34 Provides: bundled(maven-plugin-testing) = 3.3.0 Provides: bundled(maven-plugin-tools) = 3.6.0 Provides: bundled(maven-remote-resources-plugin) = 1.7.0 Provides: bundled(maven-resolver) = 1.6.1 Provides: bundled(maven-resources-plugin) = 3.2.0 Provides: bundled(maven-resources) = 1.4 Provides: bundled(maven-shared-incremental) = 1.1 Provides: bundled(maven-shared-io) = 3.0.0 Provides: bundled(maven-shared-utils) = 3.3.3 Provides: bundled(maven-source-plugin) = 3.2.1 Provides: bundled(maven-surefire) = 3.0.0~M3 Provides: bundled(maven-verifier) = 1.7.2 Provides: bundled(maven-wagon) = 3.4.2 Provides: bundled(maven) = 3.6.3 Provides: bundled(mockito) = 3.7.13 Provides: bundled(modello) = 1.11 Provides: bundled(mojo-parent) = 60 Provides: bundled(munge-maven-plugin) = 1.0 Provides: bundled(objenesis) = 3.1 Provides: bundled(opentest4j) = 1.2.0 Provides: bundled(osgi-annotation) = 8.0.0 Provides: bundled(osgi-compendium) = 7.0.0 Provides: bundled(osgi-core) = 8.0.0 Provides: bundled(sonatype-oss-parent) = 7 Provides: bundled(plexus-archiver) = 4.2.2 Provides: bundled(plexus-cipher) = 1.7 Provides: bundled(plexus-classworlds) = 2.6.0 Provides: bundled(plexus-compiler) = 2.8.8 Provides: bundled(plexus-components-pom) = 6.4 Provides: bundled(plexus-containers) = 2.1.0 Provides: bundled(plexus-interpolation) = 1.26 Provides: bundled(plexus-io) = 3.2.0 Provides: bundled(plexus-languages) = 1.0.6 Provides: bundled(plexus-pom) = 7 Provides: bundled(plexus-resources) = 1.1.0 Provides: bundled(plexus-sec-dispatcher) = 1.4 Provides: bundled(plexus-utils) = 3.3.0 Provides: bundled(qdox) = 2.0.0 Provides: bundled(jakarta-servlet) = 4.0.3 Provides: bundled(plexus-build-api) = 0.0.7 Provides: bundled(sisu) = 0.3.4 Provides: bundled(sisu-mojos) = 0.3.4 Provides: bundled(sisu-plexus) = 0.3.4 Provides: bundled(slf4j) = 1.7.30 Provides: bundled(testng) = 7.3.0 Provides: bundled(univocity-parsers) = 2.9.1 Provides: bundled(velocity) = 1.7 Provides: bundled(xbean) = 4.18 Provides: bundled(xmlunit) = 2.8.2 Provides: bundled(xmvn) = 4.0.0~SNAPSHOT Provides: bundled(xz-java) = 1.8 BuildRequires: byaccj BuildRequires: java-11-openjdk-devel BuildRequires: javapackages-generators Requires: bash Requires: coreutils Requires: java-11-openjdk-devel Requires: procps-ng %description In a nutshell, Java Packages Bootstrap (JPB) is a standalone build of all Java software packages that are required for Java Packages Tools (JPT) to work. In order to achieve reliable and reproducible builds of Java packages while meeting Fedora policy that requires everything to be built from source, without using prebuilt binary artifacts, it is necessary to build the packages in a well-defined, acyclic order. Dependency cycles between packages are the biggest obstacle to achieving this goal and JPT is the biggest offender -- it requires more than a hundred of Java packages, all of which in turn build-require JPT. JPB comes with a solution to this problem -- it builds everything that JPT needs to work, without reliance on any Java software other than OpenJDK. JPT can depend on JPB for everything, without depending on any other Java packages. For example, JPB contains embedded version of XMvn, removing dependency of JPT on XMvn, allowing JPT to be used before one builds XMvn package. %prep %setup -q # leave out the first source as it has already been extracted # leave out licensing breakdown file other_sources=$(echo %{sources} | cut -d' ' -f3-) for source in ${other_sources} do tar -xf "${source}" done %patch0 -p1 for patch_path in patches/*/* do package_name="$(echo ${patch_path} | cut -f2 -d/)" patch_name="$(echo ${patch_path} | cut -f3 -d/)" pushd "downstream/${package_name}" patch -p1 < "../../patches/${package_name}/${patch_name}" popd done %build export LC_ALL=C.utf8 JAVA_HOME=%{java_home} ./mbi.sh build -parallel %install JAVA_HOME=%{java_home} ./mbi.sh dist \ -basePackageName=%{name} \ -installRoot=%{buildroot} \ -mavenHomePath=%{mavenHomePath} \ -metadataPath=%{metadataPath} \ -artifactsPath=%{artifactsPath} \ -launchersPath=%{launchersPath} \ -licensesPath=%{_licensedir}/%{name} \ # fix permissions for f in mvn mvnDebug mvnyjp do chmod +x "%{buildroot}%{mavenHomePath}/bin/${f}" done # Use toolchains.xml provided by javapackages-tools ln -sf %{_datadir}/xmvn/conf/toolchains.xml %{buildroot}%{mavenHomePath}/conf/toolchains.xml install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_rpmmacrodir} echo '%%jpb_env PATH=/usr/libexec/javapackages-bootstrap:$PATH' >%{buildroot}%{_rpmmacrodir}/macros.%{name} %check %{buildroot}%{launchersPath}/xmvn --version %files %{mavenHomePath} %{metadataPath}/* %{artifactsPath}/* %{launchersPath}/* %{_rpmmacrodir} %license %{_licensedir}/%{name} %doc README.md %doc AUTHORS %changelog * Wed Jun 09 2021 Mikolaj Izdebski - 1.4.0-2 - Rebuild to workaround DistroBaker issue * Thu Mar 18 2021 Mikolaj Izdebski - 1.4.0-1 - Update to upstream version 1.4.0 * Mon Feb 08 2021 Marian Koncek - 1.3.0-1 - Update to upstream version 1.3.0 * Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.2.0-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Dec 16 2020 Mikolaj Izdebski - 1.2.0-1 - Update to upstream version 1.2.0 * Thu Dec 3 2020 Mikolaj Izdebski - 1.1.0-1 - Update to upstream version 1.1.0 * Wed Nov 25 2020 Marian Koncek - 1.0.0-1 - Initial commit