- GCC 10 turns on -fno-common by default, breaking the HotSpot build - There is a duplicate declaration of 'using MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf_base' in interp_masm_aarch64.hpp which GCC 10 doesn't like anymore. Backport of JDK-8224851 fixes that. - Update to January 2020 CPU sources (11.0.6+10). - Switch to GA mode. - Add JDK-8236039 backport to resolve OpenShift blocker. - Add JDK-8224851 backport to resolve AArch64 compiler issues. Contributed-by: Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew@redhat.com>
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390 B
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390 B
SHA512 (systemtap_3.2_tapsets_hg-icedtea8-9d464368e06d.tar.xz) = cf578221b77d8c7e019f69909bc86c419c5fb5e10bceba9592ff6e7f96887b0a7f07c9cefe90800975247a078785ca190fdec5c2d0f841bb447cee784b570f7d
SHA512 (shenandoah-jdk11-shenandoah-jdk-11.0.6+10-4curve.tar.xz) = 02fc8c49c9db1e14f01df38cd144aeb6baad0f3e95701965120e5ce069e860ab88825764fcf213c6001a112fd6262dbe96af5bbe592a2c1400ff229ae2309e00