#!/bin/bash -x # Generates the 'source tarball' for JDK 8 projects and update spec infrastructure # By default, this script regenerate source as they are currently used. # so if the version of sources change, this file changes and is pushed # # In any case you have to set PROJECT_NAME REPO_NAME and VERSION. eg: # PROJECT_NAME=jdk8u OR aarch64-port # REPO_NAME=jdk8u60 OR jdk8u60 # VERSION=jdk8u60-b27 OR aarch64-jdk8u65-b17 OR for head, keyword 'tip' should do the job there # # If you don't, default are used and so already uploaded tarball regenerated # They are used to create correct name and are used in construction of sources url (unless REPO_ROOT is set) # # For other useful variables see generate_source_tarball.sh # # the used values are then substituted to spec and sources if [ ! "x$PR2126" = "x" ] ; then if [ ! -f "$PR2126" ] ; then echo "You have specified PR2126 as $PR2126 but it does not exists. exiting" exit 1 fi fi set -e if [ "x$PROJECT_NAME" = "x" ] ; then PROJECT_NAME="aarch64-port" fi if [ "x$REPO_NAME" = "x" ] ; then REPO_NAME="jdk8u-shenandoah" fi if [ "x$VERSION" = "x" ] ; then VERSION="aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u181-b15" fi if [ "x$COMPRESSION" = "x" ] ; then # rhel 5 needs tar.gz COMPRESSION=xz fi if [ "x$FILE_NAME_ROOT" = "x" ] ; then FILE_NAME_ROOT=${PROJECT_NAME}-${REPO_NAME}-${VERSION} fi if [ "x$PKG" = "x" ] ; then URL=`cat .git/config | grep url` PKG=${URL##*/} fi if [ "x$SPEC" = "x" ] ; then SPEC=${PKG}.spec fi if [ "x$RELEASE" = "x" ] ; then RELEASE=1 fi FILENAME=${FILE_NAME_ROOT}.tar.${COMPRESSION} if [ ! -f ${FILENAME} ] ; then echo "Generating ${FILENAME}" . ./generate_source_tarball.sh else echo "${FILENAME} already exists, using" fi echo "Touching spec: $SPEC" echo sed -i "s/^%global\s\+project.*/%global project ${PROJECT_NAME}/" $SPEC echo sed -i "s/^%global\s\+repo.*/%global repo ${REPO_NAME}/" $SPEC echo sed -i "s/^%global\s\+revision.*/%global revision ${VERSION}/" $SPEC # updated sources, resetting release echo sed -i "s/^Release:.*/Release: $RELEASE.%{buildver}%{?dist}/" $SPEC echo "New sources" cat sources a_sources=`cat sources | sed "s/.*(//g" | sed "s/).*//g" | sed "s/.*\s\+//g"` echo " you can get inspired by following %changelog template:" user_name=`whoami` user_record=$(getent passwd $user_name) user_gecos_field=$(echo "$user_record" | cut -d ':' -f 5) user_full_name=$(echo "$user_gecos_field" | cut -d ',' -f 1) spec_date=`date +"%a %b %d %Y"` # See spec: revision_helper=`echo ${MAIN_VERSION%-*}` updatever=`echo ${revision_helper##*u}` buildver=`echo ${MAIN_VERSION##*-}` echo "* $spec_date $user_full_name <$user_name@redhat.com> - 1:1.8.0.$updatever-$RELEASE.$buildver" echo "- updated to $MAIN_VERSION (from $PROJECT_NAME/$MAIN_REPO_NAME)" echo "- updated to $VERSION (from $PROJECT_NAME/$REPO_NAME) of hotspot" echo "- used $FILENAME as new sources" echo "- used $FILENAME_SH as new sources for hotspot" echo " execute:" echo "fedpkg/rhpkg new-sources "$a_sources echo " to upload sources" echo "you can verify by fedpkg/rhpkg prep --arch XXXX on all architectures: x86_64 i386 i586 i686 ppc ppc64 ppc64le s390 s390x aarch64 armv7hl"