From 2cf06a6bea02c592b54558c8a071e830b2b253a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Takao Fujiwara <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 19:51:05 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Delete CI with STI

 .../defaults/main.yml                         |   3 -
 .../files/                    |  68 ------
 .../ibus-desktop-testing-role/meta/main.yml   |   4 -
 .../ibus-desktop-testing-role/tasks/main.yml  | 221 ------------------
 tests/tests.yml                               |  14 --
 5 files changed, 310 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/defaults/main.yml
 delete mode 100755 tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/files/
 delete mode 100644 tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/meta/main.yml
 delete mode 100644 tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/tasks/main.yml
 delete mode 100644 tests/tests.yml

diff --git a/tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/defaults/main.yml b/tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/defaults/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff7991..0000000
--- a/tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/defaults/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-  - rsync
-  - xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
diff --git a/tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/files/ b/tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/files/
deleted file mode 100755
index 32b6f16..0000000
--- a/tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
-    TEST_LOG="$1"
-    TEST_RUNTIME="$1"
-    TEST_STATUS="$2"
-    TEST_STATUS_UPPER="$(echo "$TEST_STATUS" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"
-    cat > results.xml << _EOF
-- test: results
-  result: $TEST_STATUS
-  runtime: $TEST_RUNTIME
-  logs:
-  - ${TEST_STATUS_UPPER}-str_results.log
-    DIR=$(dirname "$TEST_LOG")
-    if [ x"$TEST_LOG" != x ] ; then
-       cp "$TEST_LOG" "$DIR/${TEST_STATUS_UPPER}-str_results.log"
-    else
-       touch "$DIR/${TEST_STATUS_UPPER}-str_results.log"
-    fi
-    if [ x"$DIR" != x. ] ; then
-        mv results.xml "$DIR"
-    fi
-if [ $TEST_RUN_IN_RAWHIDE -eq 0 ] ; then
-    if grep -q -i rawhide /etc/fedora-release &> /dev/null ; then
-        gen_results "0" "pass"
-        echo -n PASS
-        exit 0
-    fi
-if [ ! -f $TEST_LOG ] ; then
-    gen_results "0" "fail"
-    echo -n ERROR
-    FAIL="$(grep "^FAIL: " $TEST_LOG | grep -v 'FAIL: 0$')"
-    RUNTIME_FAIL="$(grep -v 'frame' $TEST_LOG | grep "^FAIL: " | sed -e "s/FAIL: //")"
-    RUNTIME_PASS="$(grep -v 'frame' $TEST_LOG | grep "^PASS: " | sed -e "s/PASS: //")"
-    if [ x"$RUNTIME_FAIL" = x ] ; then
-        RUNTIME_FAIL="0"
-    fi
-    if [ x"$RUNTIME_PASS" = x ] ; then
-        RUNTIME_PASS="0"
-    fi
-    if [ x"$FAIL" != x ] ; then
-        gen_results "$RUNTIME" "fail"
-        echo -n ERROR
-    else
-        gen_results "$RUNTIME" "pass"
-        echo -n PASS
-    fi
diff --git a/tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/meta/main.yml b/tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/meta/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6626402..0000000
--- a/tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/meta/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-    - role: str-common-init
diff --git a/tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/tasks/main.yml b/tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7792d27..0000000
--- a/tests/roles/ibus-desktop-testing-role/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-- name: Check if Fedora desktop
-  register: fedora_desktop
-  stat:
-      path: "/etc/fedora-release"
-- name: Build and install GNOME installed-tests testing harness
-  block:
-    - name: Installing common GNOME desktop components
-      package:
-          name:
-            # IBus CI sets
-            - xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
-            - ibus
-            - ibus-desktop-testing
-            - dbus-x11
-            #
-            # dnf group info GNOME
-            # mandatory
-            - dconf
-            - gdm
-            - gnome-connections
-            - gnome-control-center
-            - gnome-initial-setup
-            - gnome-session-wayland-session
-            - gnome-session-xsession
-            - gnome-settings-daemon
-            - gnome-shell
-            - gnome-software
-            - gnome-terminal
-            - gnome-text-editor
-            - nautilus
-            - polkit
-            # default
-            - at-spi2-atk
-            - at-spi2-core
-            - avahi
-            - baobab
-            # Sometimes version mismatch with gnome-shell in rawhide
-            #- chrome-gnome-shell
-            - evince
-            - fprintd-pam
-            - glib-networking
-            - gnome-bluetooth
-            - gnome-calculator
-            - gnome-characters
-            - gnome-classic-session
-            - gnome-clocks
-            - gnome-color-manager
-            - gnome-disk-utility
-            - gnome-font-viewer
-            - gnome-logs
-            - gnome-remote-desktop
-            - gnome-system-monitor
-            - gnome-terminal-nautilus
-            - gnome-user-docs
-            - gvfs-fuse
-            - gvfs-goa
-            - gvfs-gphoto2
-            - gvfs-mtp
-            - gvfs-smb
-            - libcanberra-gtk3
-            - libproxy-duktape
-            - librsvg2
-            - libsane-hpaio
-            - mesa-dri-drivers
-            - mesa-libEGL
-            - ModemManager
-            - NetworkManager-adsl
-            - NetworkManager-ppp
-            - NetworkManager-wwan
-            - orca
-            - PackageKit-command-not-found
-            - PackageKit-gtk3-module
-            - sane-backends-drivers-scanners
-            # Move systemd-oomd-defaults to Post-Installing section
-            - tracker
-            - tracker-miners
-            - xdg-desktop-portal
-            - xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
-            - xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
-            - xdg-user-dirs-gtk
-    - name: Installing Fedora specific GNOME desktop components
-      when: fedora_desktop.stat.exists == true
-      package:
-          name:
-            - adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
-            - gnome-screenshot
-            - gnome-boxes
-            - yelp
-            - cheese
-            - eog
-            - evince-djvu
-            - gnome-backgrounds
-            - gnome-contacts
-            - gnome-maps
-            - gnome-photos
-            - gnome-themes-extra
-            - gnome-user-share
-            - gnome-weather
-            - gvfs-afc
-            - gvfs-afp
-            - gvfs-archive
-            - NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome
-            - NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome
-            - NetworkManager-pptp-gnome
-            - NetworkManager-ssh-gnome
-            - NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome
-            - rygel
-            - simple-scan
-            - sushi
-            - totem
-    - name: Installing GNOME installed-tests testing harness
-      when: fedora_desktop.stat.exists == true
-      package:
-          name:
-            - gnome-desktop-testing
-    - name: Installing build environment
-      when: fedora_desktop.stat.exists == false
-      package:
-          name:
-            - autoconf
-            - automake
-            - make
-            - gcc
-            - git
-            - libtool
-    - name: Fetching GNOME installed-tests testing harness source from remote repository
-      when: fedora_desktop.stat.exists == false
-      git:
-          repo: ''
-          dest: gnome-desktop-testing
-          force: yes
-    - name: Checkout v2021.1 tag in GNOME installed-tests testing harness
-      when: fedora_desktop.stat.exists == false
-      command: git checkout -b v2021.1 refs/tags/v2021.1
-      args:
-          chdir: gnome-desktop-testing
-    - name: Post-Installing common GNOME desktop components
-      package:
-          name:
-            # TODO: DNS no longer works after install packages in this section
-            # so dnf and git should be done before this section
-            - systemd-oomd-defaults
-    - name: Configure GNOME installed-tests testing harness build
-      when: fedora_desktop.stat.exists == false
-      command: ./ --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
-      args:
-          chdir: gnome-desktop-testing
-    - name: Build GNOME installed-tests testing harness
-      when: fedora_desktop.stat.exists == false
-      command: make
-      args:
-          chdir: gnome-desktop-testing
-    - name: Install GNOME installed-tests testing harness
-      when: fedora_desktop.stat.exists == false
-      command: make install
-      args:
-          chdir: gnome-desktop-testing
-- name: Start IBus installed-tests testing harness
-  environment:
-    ANSIBLE: 1
-    TMPDIR: '{{ remote_artifacts }}'
-    G_MESSAGES_DEBUG: 'all'
-    LANG: 'C.UTF-8'
-  block:
-  - name: Execute IBus tests
-    shell: |
-      set -e
-      # Delete LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8
-      export -n LC_CTYPE
-      status="FAIL: frame"
-      ibus-desktop-testing-runner \
-          --no-graphics \
-          --runner=gnome \
-          --tests='{{ installed_test_name }}' \
-          --output='{{ remote_artifacts }}/{{ installed_test_name }}.log' \
-          --result='{{ remote_artifacts }}/test.log' \
-          null
-      if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-          status="PASS: frame"
-      fi
-      if [ -f /var/tmp/ibus-ci-autostart.log ] ; then
-          echo "#### /var/tmp/ibus-ci-autostart.log"
-          cat /var/tmp/ibus-ci-autostart.log
-          rm /var/tmp/ibus-ci-autostart.log
-          echo "#"
-      fi
-      echo "${status}" >> {{ remote_artifacts }}/test.log
-      echo "#### {{ remote_artifacts }}/{{ installed_test_name }}.log"
-      if [ -f {{ remote_artifacts }}/{{ installed_test_name }}.log ] ; then
-          cat {{ remote_artifacts }}/{{ installed_test_name }}.log
-      fi
-      echo "#"
-      echo "#### {{ remote_artifacts }}/test.log"
-      if [ -f {{ remote_artifacts }}/test.log ] ; then
-          cat {{ remote_artifacts }}/test.log
-      fi
-      echo "#"
-  - name: Check the results
-    script: "{{ remote_artifacts }}/test.log" "0"
-    register: test_fails
-    failed_when: '"ERROR" in test_fails.stdout'
-  - name: Set role result
-    set_fact:
-      role_result: "{{ test_fails.stdout }}"
-      role_result_failed: "{{ (test_fails.stdout|d|length > 0) or (test_fails.stderr|d|length > 0) }}"
-      role_result_msg: "{{ test_fails.stdout|d('tests failed.') }}"
-  - include_role:
-      name: str-common-final
diff --git a/tests/tests.yml b/tests/tests.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 07a812e..0000000
--- a/tests/tests.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: localhost
-  roles:
-    - role: ibus-desktop-testing-role
-      installed_test_name: ibus
-      tags:
-      - classic
-      - gating
-      required_packages:
-      - ibus-tests
-      # ibus-compose test needs locales
-      - glibc-langpack-el
-      - glibc-langpack-fi
-      - glibc-langpack-pt