- Translation update from Weblate (de, nl, pl, sv, tr, uk updated to 100%) - Update emoji annotations from CLDR - Improve code to determine the default dictionaries and input methods for the current locale (Resolves: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/209) - Improve behaviour of key combinations which normally select text when a preëdit is open (Resolves: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/210) - Show possible compose completions on request (Resolves: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/208) - When setting self._input_mode to False (direct input), set self._hide_input to False as well - Never mix context from surrounding text with remembered context (Resolves: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/204) - Rename the option “Use a workaround for a bug in Qt im module” to “Avoid using the forward_key_event() function” (Resolves: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/200) - Handle End, Home, KP_End, KP_Home also as commit trigger keys. For normal preedits *and* for compose preedits. (Resolves: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/199) - Improve typing space or Tab when the cursor is not at the end of the preedit (Resolves: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/198) - Completly new implementation of reopening the preedit on arrow-keys, BackSpace and Delete. Should be much more reliable. (Resolves: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/196) - Special handling of Left and BackSpace when a candidate is manually selected (Resolves: https://github.com/mike-fabian/ibus-typing-booster/issues/178)
2 lines
174 B
2 lines
174 B
SHA512 (ibus-typing-booster-2.14.0.tar.gz) = 5db5791e25caba4fa845c33198c20365c1e07cbbbfd6fe2d1d3145771b16031cc9baa55f950870fc11d4079ce04dac246603e45285550e856fc403342ae51676