import Caolan McNamara's srpm

This commit is contained in:
Dan Kenigsberg 2007-06-20 05:54:49 +00:00
parent 5c2841b003
commit 21692a2cd2
4 changed files with 515 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

453 Normal file
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# - A script to convert transliterated Arabic
# (using the Buckwalter system) to Unicode.
# Version 0.2 - 15th September 2004
# Andrew Roberts (andyr [at] comp (dot) leeds [dot] ac (dot) uk)
# Project homepage:
# Now, listen carefully...
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import sys, getopt, codecs, os, re
# Declare a dictionary with Buckwalter's ASCII symbols as the keys, and
# their unicode equivalents as values.
buck2uni = {"'": u"\u0621", # hamza-on-the-line
"|": u"\u0622", # madda
">": u"\u0623", # hamza-on-'alif
"&": u"\u0624", # hamza-on-waaw
"<": u"\u0625", # hamza-under-'alif
"}": u"\u0626", # hamza-on-yaa'
"A": u"\u0627", # bare 'alif
"b": u"\u0628", # baa'
"p": u"\u0629", # taa' marbuuTa
"t": u"\u062A", # taa'
"v": u"\u062B", # thaa'
"j": u"\u062C", # jiim
"H": u"\u062D", # Haa'
"x": u"\u062E", # khaa'
"d": u"\u062F", # daal
"*": u"\u0630", # dhaal
"r": u"\u0631", # raa'
"z": u"\u0632", # zaay
"s": u"\u0633", # siin
"$": u"\u0634", # shiin
"S": u"\u0635", # Saad
"D": u"\u0636", # Daad
"T": u"\u0637", # Taa'
"Z": u"\u0638", # Zaa' (DHaa')
"E": u"\u0639", # cayn
"g": u"\u063A", # ghayn
"_": u"\u0640", # taTwiil
"f": u"\u0641", # faa'
"q": u"\u0642", # qaaf
"k": u"\u0643", # kaaf
"l": u"\u0644", # laam
"m": u"\u0645", # miim
"n": u"\u0646", # nuun
"h": u"\u0647", # haa'
"w": u"\u0648", # waaw
"Y": u"\u0649", # 'alif maqSuura
"y": u"\u064A", # yaa'
"F": u"\u064B", # fatHatayn
"N": u"\u064C", # Dammatayn
"K": u"\u064D", # kasratayn
"a": u"\u064E", # fatHa
"u": u"\u064F", # Damma
"i": u"\u0650", # kasra
"~": u"\u0651", # shaddah
"o": u"\u0652", # sukuun
"`": u"\u0670", # dagger 'alif
"{": u"\u0671", # waSla
# For a reverse transliteration (Unicode -> Buckwalter), a dictionary
# which is the reverse of the above buck2uni is essential.
uni2buck = {}
# Iterate through all the items in the buck2uni dict.
for (key, value) in buck2uni.iteritems():
# The value from buck2uni becomes a key in uni2buck, and vice
# versa for the keys.
uni2buck[value] = key
# Declare some global variables...
inFilename = "" # Name of filename containing input.
outFilename = "" # Name of filename to send the output
inEnc = "" # The text encoding of the input file
outEnc = "" # The text encoding for the output file
ignoreChars = "" # If lines begin with these symbols, ignore.
columnRange = "" # Holds columns numbers to transliterate.
delimiter = "" # Holds user-defined column delimiter.
reverse = 0 # When equal to 1, perform reverse transliteration, i.e.,
# Unicode -> Buckwalter.
# A function to print to screen the usage details of this script.
def usage():
print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "-i INFILE -o OUTFILE [-g CHARS -c RANGE -d CHAR"
print " ", sys.argv[0], "-l"
print " ", sys.argv[0], "-h"
print ""
print " -i INFILE, --input=INFILE:"
print " Path to text file to be transliterated to Unicode."
print " -o OUTFILE, --output=OUTFILE:"
print " Path of file to output the newly transliterated text."
print " -e ENC, --input-encoding=ENC:"
print " Specify the text encoding of the source file. Default: latin_1."
print " -E ENC, --output-encoding=ENC:"
print " Specify the text encoding of the target file. Default: utf_8."
print " -g CHARS, --ignore-lines=CHARS:"
print " Will not transliterate lines that start with any of the CHARS"
print " given. E.g., -g #; will not alter lines starting with # or ;."
print " (May need to be -g \#\; on some platforms. See README.txt.)"
print " -c RANGE, --columns=RANGE:"
print " If in columns, select columns to apply transliteration. Can be"
print " comma separated numbers, or a range. E.g., -c 1, -c 1-3, -c 1,3."
print " -d CHAR, --delimiter=CHAR:"
print " Specify the delimiter that defines the column if using the -c"
print " option above. Default is ' ' (space)."
print " -r, --reverse:"
print " Reverses the transliteration, i.e., Arabic to Buckwalter."
print " When used, it will change the default input encoding to utf_8 and"
print " output encoding to latin_1"
print " -l, --list-encodings:"
print " Displays all supported file encodings."
print " -h, --help:"
print " Displays this page."
print ""
# A function to print to screen all the available encodings supported by
# Python.
def displayEncodings():
print "Codec Aliases Languages"
print "ascii 646, us-ascii English"
print "cp037 IBM037, IBM039 English"
print "cp424 EBCDIC-CP-HE, IBM424 Hebrew"
print "cp437 437, IBM437 English"
print "cp500 EBCDIC-CP-BE, EBCDIC-CP-CH, IBM500 Western Europe"
print "cp737 Greek"
print "cp775 IBM775 Baltic languages"
print "cp850 850, IBM850 Western Europe"
print "cp852 852, IBM852 Central and Eastern Europe"
print "cp855 855, IBM855 Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian"
print "cp856 Hebrew"
print "cp857 857, IBM857 Turkish"
print "cp860 860, IBM860 Portuguese"
print "cp861 861, CP-IS, IBM861 Icelandic"
print "cp862 862, IBM862 Hebrew"
print "cp863 863, IBM863 Canadian"
print "cp864 IBM864 Arabic"
print "cp865 865, IBM865 Danish, Norwegian"
print "cp869 869, CP-GR, IBM869 Greek"
print "cp874 Thai"
print "cp875 Greek"
print "cp1006 Urdu"
print "cp1026 ibm1026 Turkish"
print "cp1140 ibm1140 Western Europe"
print "cp1250 windows-1250 Central and Eastern Europe"
print "cp1251 windows-1251 Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian"
print "cp1252 windows-1252 Western Europe"
print "cp1253 windows-1253 Greek"
print "cp1254 windows-1254 Turkish"
print "cp1255 windows-1255 Hebrew"
print "cp1256 windows-1256 Arabic"
print "cp1257 windows-1257 Baltic languages"
print "cp1258 windows-1258 Vietnamese"
print "latin_1 iso-8859-1, iso8859-1, 8859, cp819, latin, latin1, L1 West Europe"
print "iso8859_2 iso-8859-2, latin2, L2 Central and Eastern Europe"
print "iso8859_3 iso-8859-3, latin3, L3 Esperanto, Maltese"
print "iso8859_4 iso-8859-4, latin4, L4 Baltic languagues"
print "iso8859_5 iso-8859-5, cyrillic Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian"
print "iso8859_6 iso-8859-6, arabic Arabic"
print "iso8859_7 iso-8859-7, greek, greek8 Greek"
print "iso8859_8 iso-8859-8, hebrew Hebrew"
print "iso8859_9 iso-8859-9, latin5, L5 Turkish"
print "iso8859_10 iso-8859-10, latin6, L6 Nordic languages"
print "iso8859_13 iso-8859-13 Baltic languages"
print "iso8859_14 iso-8859-14, latin8, L8 Celtic languages"
print "iso8859_15 iso-8859-15 Western Europe"
print "koi8_r Russian"
print "koi8_u Ukrainian"
print "mac_cyrillic maccyrillic Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian"
print "mac_greek macgreek Greek"
print "mac_iceland maciceland Icelandic"
print "mac_latin2 maclatin2, maccentraleurope Central and Eastern Europe"
print "mac_roman macroman Western Europe"
print "mac_turkish macturkish Turkish"
print "utf_16 U16, utf16 all languages"
print "utf_16_be UTF-16BE all languages (BMP only)"
print "utf_16_le UTF-16LE all languages (BMP only)"
print "utf_7 U7 all languages"
print "utf_8 U8, UTF, utf8 all languages"
def parseIgnoreString(string):
symbols = []
for char in string:
return symbols
# Begin parsing the command-line arguments...
(options, args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "i:o:e:E:g:c:d:rlh",
["input=","output=", "input-encoding=", "output-encoding=",
"ignore-lines=", "columns=", "delimiter=" "reverse", "list-encodings",
except getopt.GetoptError:
# print help information and exit:
# Loop over all arguments supplied by the user.
for (x, y) in options:
if x in ("-h", "--help"):
if x in ("-l", "--list-encodings"):
if x in ("-i", "--input"): inFilename = y
if x in ("-o", "--output"): outFilename = y
if x in ("-e", "--input-encoding"): inEnc= y
if x in ("-E", "--output-encoding"): outEnc= y
if x in ("-r", "--reverse"): reverse = 1
if x in ("-g", "--ignore-lines"): ignoreChars = y
if x in ("-c", "--columns"): columnRange = y
if x in ("-d", "--delimiter"):
delimiter = y
# Tabs come in off the command line from "\\t" to "\t". However,
# that's equivalent to "\\t" from python's point of view.
# Therefore replace any inputted "tabs" with proper tabs before
# proceeding.
delimiter = delimiter.replace("\\t", "\t")
# Do some error checking
if len(delimiter) > 1:
print >>sys.stderr, "Delimeter should only be a single character. Using first character" + delimiter[0]
delimiter = delimiter[0]
if buck2uni.get(delimiter):
print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid delimiter. \"" + delimiter + "\" is part of the Buckwalter character set."
print >> sys.stderr, "This will obviously cause much confusion as a delimiter!"
print >> sys.stderr, "Please try again. Aborting..."
# If no delimiter was set then, set the default to " " (space)
if not delimiter:
delimiter = " "
# If user didn't specify the encoding of the input file, then revert to
# defaults. The defaults can depending on the direction of
# transliteration:
# Buckwalter -> Unicode, default = latin1
# Unicode -> Buckwalter, default = utf_8
if not inEnc:
if reverse:
inEnc = "utf_8"
inEnc = "latin_1"
# Similarly, if user didn't specify the encoding of the output file,
# then revert to defaults. The defaults can depending on the direction
# of transliteration:
# Buckwalter -> Unicode, default = utf_8
# Unicode -> Buckwalter, default # = latin_1
if not outEnc:
if reverse:
outEnc = "latin_1"
outEnc = "utf_8"
# Ok, let's get the files open!
# Providing a file for output was specified...
if outFilename:
# Create a file object, set it to "write" mode using the
# specified output encoding.
outFile =, "w", outEnc)
except IOError, msg:
# A problem occurred when trying to open this file. Report to
# user...
print msg
# Script can not work without somewhere to store the transliteration.
# Exit.
print "Must specify a file to use store the output! Aborting..."
# Providing a file for input was specified...
if inFilename:
# Create a file object, set it to "read" mode using the
# specified input encoding.
inFile =, "r", inEnc)
except IOError, msg:
# A problem occurred when trying to open this file. Report to
# user...
print msg
# This script requires a file to read from. Exit.
print "Must specify a file to use as input! Aborting..."
def getColsFromRange(cRange):
columns = []
hyphenSearch = re.compile(r'-')
rangeElements = cRange.split(",")
for i in rangeElements:
# If it contains a hyphen (e.g., 1-3)
[start, end] = i.split("-")
columns = columns + range(int(start)-1,int(end))
return columns
# This function transliterates a given string. It checks the direction
# of the transliteration and then uses the appropriate dictionary. A
# transliterated string is returned.
def transliterate(inString, lineNumber):
out = ""
if columnRange:
columns = getColsFromRange(columnRange)
# Split the line on the delimiter
lineCols = inString.split(delimiter)
# Iterate over each column. If it's one of the ones in the range
# specified, then transliterate, otherwise just output column
# unchanged.
for i in range(len(lineCols)):
# If first column, then don't prefix the delimiter
if i == 0:
if i in columns:
out = transliterateString(lineCols[i])
else :
out = lineCols[i]
else :
if i in columns:
out = out + delimiter + transliterateString(lineCols[i])
else :
out = out + delimiter + lineCols[i]
out = transliterateString(inString)
return out
def transliterateString(inString):
out = ""
# For normal Buckwalter -> Unicode transliteration..
if not reverse:
# Loop over each character in the string, inString.
for char in inString:
# Look up current char in the dictionary to get its
# respective value. If there is no match, e.g., chars like
# spaces, then just stick with the current char without any
# conversion.
out = out + buck2uni.get(char, char)
# Same as above, just in the other direction.
for char in inString:
out = out + uni2buck.get(char, char)
return out
#while 1:
# line = inFile.readline().strip()
# line = line.decode(inEnc)
# if not line:
# break
# process string
# outFile.write(transliterate(line) + os.linesep)
# Read in the lines of the input file.
lines = inFile.readlines()
currentLineNumber = 1
# Loop over each line
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
# Transliterate the current line, and then write the output to
# file.
if not ignoreChars:
outFile.write(transliterate(line, currentLineNumber) + " " + os.linesep)
if line[0] in parseIgnoreString(ignoreChars):
outFile.write(line + " " + os.linesep)
outFile.write(transliterate(line, currentLineNumber) + " " + os.linesep)
currentLineNumber = currentLineNumber + 1
except UnicodeError, msg:
# A problem when writing occurred. Report to user...
print msg
# All done! Better close the files used before terminating...
# ... and relax! :)

hunspell-ar.spec Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
Name: hunspell-ar
Summary: Arabic hunspell dictionaries
%define upstreamid 20060208
Version: 0.%{upstreamid}
Release: 1%{?dist}
Group: Applications/Text
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
License: GPL
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: hunspell
Arabic (Egypt, Algeria, etc.) hunspell dictionaries
%setup -q -n buckwalter_morphan_1_hunspell_patch
cp %{SOURCE1} convert2hunspell
chmod +x
cd convert2hunspell
./ -i arabic_alias.dic -o ../ar_LB.dic
grep -v '^.FX' arabic_alias.aff > nonFX
grep '^.FX' arabic_alias.aff >
./ -i -d ' ' -c 4 -o FX
cat nonFX FX > ../ar_LB.aff
tr -d '\r' < ../doc/readme.txt > ../doc/
mv -f ../doc/ ../doc/readme.txt
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/myspell
cp -p *.dic *.aff $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/myspell
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/myspell/
ar_LB_aliases="ar_AE ar_BH ar_DZ ar_EG ar_IN ar_IQ ar_JO ar_KW ar_LY ar_MA ar_OM ar_QA ar_SA ar_SD ar_SY ar_TN ar_YE"
for lang in $ar_LB_aliases; do
ln -s ar_LB.aff $lang.aff
ln -s ar_LB.dic $lang.dic
%doc gpl.txt doc/readme.txt convert2hunspell/README
* Wed Jun 06 2007 Caolan McNamara <> - 0.20060208-1
- initial version

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28c3b7dce962051d55b23ac5e51f264b buckwalter_morphan_1_hunspell_patch.tar.gz