diff --git a/migration.xml b/migration.xml
index 8f3a43d..e20c087 100644
--- a/migration.xml
+++ b/migration.xml
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ use for a particular command. shows how to
migrate from using &dbmmanage; on a DBM-format database with Apache
1.3, to &htdbm; in 2.0.
Migrating from &dbmmanage; to &htdbm;
@@ -798,28 +798,6 @@ file to be loaded, and hence for PHP to work, you must have the
statement Include conf.d/*.conf in your &httpdconf;
as described in .
-PHP is now implemented as a filter and must therefore be enabled
-Apache 1.3 PHP configuration
-AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
-AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
-Equivalent Apache 2.0 PHP configuration
-<Files *.php>
- SetOutputFilter PHP
- SetInputFilter PHP
In PHP 4.2.0 and later the default set of predefined variables
which are available in the global scope has changed. Individual input
and server variables are by default no longer placed directly into the
@@ -831,16 +809,17 @@ file /etc/php.ini or more selectivly by using
php_value register_globals 1 in your &httpdconf; or
in .htaccess files.
-Another change is that short open tags are now disabled to make
-it easier to develop PHP applications that serve XML or XHTML, so
-scripts must use <?php or <script
-language="php"> rather than <? to
-denote PHP code. This change may cause scripts to break, and you may
-revert to the old behaviour globally by setting
-short_open_tag to On in the file
-/etc/php.ini. Due to a bug in PHP it is not
-possible to set this more selectivly with php_value
+As of the php-4.3.6-5 package, the default
+/etc/php.ini has also changed: it is now based on
+the php.ini-recommended defaults included in PHP
+releases, rather than the php.ini-dist defaults
+as used previously. Notable differences are that:
+display_errors is now Off
+log_errors now On
+magic_quotes_gpc is now Off
+See also: