
104 lines
3.8 KiB

Summary: A Hebrew spell checker
Name: hspell
Version: 0.9
Release: 6
URL: http://ivrix.org.il/projects/spell-checker/
Source: http://ivrix.org.il/projects/spell-checker/hspell-%{version}.tar.gz
License: GPL
Group: Applications/Text
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
Obsoletes: hspell-fat
Provides: hspell-fat = %{version}-%{release}
Hspell is a Hebrew SPELLer . It currently provides a mostly spell-like
interface (gives the list of wrong words in the input text), but can also
suggest corrections (-c). It also provides a true (yet incomplete)
morphological analizer (-l), that prints all known meanings of a Hebrew
Note: it is a fully working Hebrew spellchecker, not a toy release. On typical
documents it should recognize the majority of correct words. However, users
of this release must take into account that it still will not recognize *all*
the correct words; The dictionary is still admittedly not complete, and this
situation will continue to improve in the next releases. On the other hand,
barring bugs Hspell should not recognize incorrect words - extreme attention
has been given to the correctness and consistency of the dictionary.
%description -l he
Hspell äåà îàééú òáøé, äîñô÷ (áéðúééí) îðù÷ ãîåé-spell - ôåìè øùéîä ùì äîéìéí
äùâåéåú äîåôéòåú á÷ìè. æå âøñä ôåòìú, àåìí äéà àéððä ùìîä òãééï - îéìéí ú÷ðéåú
øáåú àéðï îåëøåú åäï îãååçåú ëùâéàåú. ä÷ôãðå îàåã òì-îðú ùîéìéí ùäéà *ëï* îëéøä
éàåéúå ðëåðä òì-ôé ëììé äà÷ãîéä äòáøéú ìëúéá çñø ðé÷åã )"ëúéá îìà"(. ëîå ëï,
Hspell îñô÷ (-l) îðúç îåøôåìåâé àîúé (àí-ëé ìà ùìí) àùø îãôéñ àú ëì äîùîòåéåú
äàôùøéåú ùì îçøåæú àåúéåú òáøéú.
%package devel
Summary: Library and include files for Hspell, the hebrew spell checker
Group: Applications/Text
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
%description devel
Library and include files for applications that want to use Hspell.
%description -l he devel
ñôøééä å÷åáöé ëåúøú òáåø ééùåîéí ùøåöéí ìäùúîù á-Hspell.
%setup -q
%configure --enable-fatverb --enable-linginfo
rm -rf %{buildroot}
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
rm -rf %{buildroot}
%files devel
* Mon Sep 26 2005 Dan Kenigsberg <danken@cs.technion.ac.il> 0.9-6
- Add the text of the GPL to the binary package. It seems that I'll do anything
to make my sponsor Tom happy.
* Thu Sep 23 2005 Dan Kenigsberg <danken@cs.technion.ac.il> 0.9-5
- According to Tom's request, distribute the fat version.
- Add short Hebrew description to the devel package.
* Thu Sep 20 2005 Dan Kenigsberg <danken@cs.technion.ac.il> 0.9-4
- Distribute the "slim" flavor, as I suspect it is better suited for the casual
user (even though I personally enjoy the chubby morphological analizer).
* Mon Sep 19 2005 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa@redhat.com> 0.9-3
- minor spec file cleanups, eliminate "fat" variant
* Thu Sep 15 2005 Dan Kenigsberg <danken@cs.technion.ac.il> 0.9-2
- version 0.9, some magic to silence rpmlint
* Fri Jun 4 2004 Dan Kenigsberg <danken@cs.technion.ac.il> 0.8-1
- Some cleanups, and a devel package
* Fri Dec 20 2003 Dan Kenigsberg <danken@cs.technion.ac.il> 0.7-1
- Changes for version 0.7
* Tue Jul 29 2003 Dan Kenigsberg <danken@cs.technion.ac.il> 0.6-1
- Tiny changes for the C frontend
* Fri May 2 2003 Dan Kenigsberg <danken@cs.technion.ac.il> 0.5-1
- create the "fat" variant
* Mon Feb 17 2003 Dan Kenigsberg <danken@cs.technion.ac.il> 0.3-2
- The release includes only the compressed database.
- Added signature, and some other minor changes.
* Sun Jan 5 2003 Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir@technion.ac.il> 0.2-1
- Initial build.