Some "HOSTNAME", "Set the hostname of the guest to C<HOSTNAME>. You can use a\ndotted hostname.domainname (FQDN) if you want.";
+ (
+ [ L"inject-blnsvr" ],
+ Getopt.String (s_"METHOD", fun s -> List.push_front (`InjectBalloonServer s) ops),
+ s_"Inject the Balloon Server into a Windows guest"
+ ),
+ Some "METHOD", "Inject the Balloon Server (F<blnsvr.exe>) into a Windows guest.\nThis operation also injects a firstboot script so that the Balloon\nServer is installed when the guest boots.\n\nThe parameter is the same as used by the I<--inject-virtio-win> operation.\n\nNote that to do a full conversion of a Windows guest from a\nforeign hypervisor like VMware (which involves many other operations)\nyou should use the L<virt-v2v(1)> tool instead of this.";
[ L"inject-qemu-ga" ],
Getopt.String (s_"METHOD", fun s -> List.push_front (`InjectQemuGA s) ops),
+ (* We usually find blnsvr.exe in two locations (drivers/by-os and
+ * drivers/by-driver). Pick the first.
+ *)
+ | blnsvr :: _ ->
+ configure_blnsvr t blnsvr;
+ true
and add_guestor_to_registry t ((g, root) as reg) drv_name drv_pciid =
let ddb_node = g#hivex_node_get_child root "DriverDatabase" in
@@ -351,6 +365,11 @@ and copy_qemu_ga t =
(fun () ->
error (f_"root directory ‘/’ is missing from the virtio-win directory or ISO.\n\nThis should not happen and may indicate that virtio-win or virt-v2v is broken in some way. Please report this as a bug with a full debug log."))
+and copy_blnsvr t =
+ copy_from_virtio_win t "/" "/" (virtio_iso_path_matches_blnsvr t)
+ (fun () ->
+ error (f_"root directory ‘/’ is missing from the virtio-win directory or ISO.\n\nThis should not happen and may indicate that virtio-win or virt-v2v is broken in some way. Please report this as a bug with a full debug log."))
(* Copy all files from virtio_win directory/ISO located in [srcdir]
* subdirectory and all its subdirectories to the [destdir]. The directory
* hierarchy is not preserved, meaning all files will be directly in [destdir].
@@ -513,6 +532,10 @@ and virtio_iso_path_matches_qemu_ga t path =
| ("x86_64", "rhev-qga64.msi") -> true
| _ -> false
+(* Find blnsvr for the current Windows version. *)
+and virtio_iso_path_matches_blnsvr t path =
+ virtio_iso_path_matches_guest_os t path && PCRE.matches re_blnsvr path
(* Look up in libosinfo for the OS, and copy all the locally
* available files specified as drivers for that OS to the [destdir].
@@ -586,3 +609,10 @@ and configure_qemu_ga t files =