#!/bin/bash # # grubby wrapper to manage BootLoaderSpec files # # # Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . readonly SCRIPTNAME="${0##*/}" CMDLINE_LINUX_DEBUG=" systemd.log_level=debug systemd.log_target=kmsg" LINUX_DEBUG_VERSION_POSTFIX="_with_debugging" LINUX_DEBUG_TITLE_POSTFIX=" with debugging" declare -a bls_file declare -a bls_title declare -a bls_version declare -a bls_linux declare -a bls_initrd declare -a bls_options declare -a bls_id [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]] && . /etc/sysconfig/kernel [[ -f /etc/os-release ]] && . /etc/os-release read MACHINE_ID < /etc/machine-id arch=$(uname -m) if [[ $arch = 's390' || $arch = 's390x' ]]; then bootloader="zipl" else bootloader="grub2" fi print_error() { echo "$1" >&2 exit 1 } print_info() { echo "$1" >&2 } if [[ ${#} = 0 ]]; then print_error "no action specified" fi get_bls_value() { local bls="$1" && shift local key="$1" && shift echo "$(grep "^${key}[ \t]" "${bls}" | sed -e "s!^${key}[ \t]*!!")" } set_bls_value() { local bls="$1" && shift local key="$1" && shift local value="$1" && shift value=$(echo $value | sed -e 's/\//\\\//g') sed -i -e "s/^${key}.*/${key} ${value}/" "${bls}" } append_bls_value() { local bls="$1" && shift local key="$1" && shift local value="$1" && shift old_value="$(get_bls_value "${bls}" ${key})" set_bls_value "${bls}" "${key}" "${old_value}${value}" } get_bls_values() { count=0 local -a files local IFS=$'\n' files=($(for bls in ${blsdir}/*.conf ; do if ! [[ -e "${bls}" ]] ; then continue fi bls="${bls%.conf}" bls="${bls##*/}" echo "${bls}" done | /usr/libexec/grubby/rpm-sort -c rpmnvrcmp 2>/dev/null | tac)) || : for bls in "${files[@]}" ; do blspath="${blsdir}/${bls}.conf" bls_file[$count]="${blspath}" bls_title[$count]="$(get_bls_value ${blspath} title)" bls_version[$count]="$(get_bls_value ${blspath} version)" bls_linux[$count]="$(get_bls_value ${blspath} linux)" bls_initrd[$count]="$(get_bls_value ${blspath} initrd)" bls_options[$count]="$(get_bls_value ${blspath} options)" bls_id[$count]="${bls}" count=$((count+1)) done } get_default_index() { local default="" local index="-1" local title="" local version="" if [[ $bootloader = "grub2" ]]; then default="$(grep '^saved_entry=' ${env} | sed -e 's/^saved_entry=//')" else default="$(grep '^default=' ${zipl_config} | sed -e 's/^default=//')" fi if [[ -z $default ]]; then index=0 elif [[ $default =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then index="$default" fi for i in ${!bls_file[@]}; do if [[ $i -eq $index ]]; then echo $i return fi if [[ $default = ${bls_id[$i]} || $default = ${bls_title[$i]} ]]; then echo $i return fi done } display_default_value() { local prefix=$(get_prefix) case "$display_default" in kernel) echo "${prefix}${bls_linux[$default_index]}" exit 0 ;; index) echo "$default_index" exit 0 ;; title) echo "${bls_title[$default_index]}" exit 0 ;; esac } param_to_indexes() { local param="$1" local indexes="" if [[ $param = "ALL" ]]; then for i in ${!bls_file[@]}; do indexes="$indexes $i" done echo -n $indexes return fi if [[ $param = "DEFAULT" ]]; then echo -n $default_index return fi for i in ${!bls_file[@]}; do if [[ $param = "${bls_linux[$i]}" || "/${param##*/}" = "${bls_linux[$i]}" ]]; then indexes="$indexes $i" fi if [[ $param = "TITLE=${bls_title[$i]}" ]]; then indexes="$indexes $i" fi if [[ $param = $i ]]; then indexes="$indexes $i" fi done if [[ -n $indexes ]]; then echo -n $indexes return fi echo -n "-1" } get_prefix() { if [[ $bootloader = grub2 ]] && mountpoint -q /boot; then echo "/boot" else echo "" fi } expand_var() { local var=$1 if [[ $bootloader == "grub2" ]]; then local value="$(grub2-editenv "${env}" list | grep ${var##$} | sed -e "s/${var##$}=//")" value="$(echo ${value} | sed -e 's/\//\\\//g')" if [[ -n $value ]]; then var="$value" fi fi echo $var } has_kernelopts() { local args=${bls_options[$1]} local opts=(${args}) for opt in ${opts[*]}; do [[ $opt = "\$kernelopts" ]] && echo "true" done echo "false" } get_bls_args() { local args=${bls_options[$1]} local opts=(${args}) for opt in ${opts[*]}; do if [[ $opt =~ ^\$ ]]; then value="$(expand_var $opt)" args="$(echo ${args} | sed -e "s/${opt}/${value}/")" fi done echo ${args} } display_info_values() { local indexes=($(param_to_indexes "$1")) local prefix=$(get_prefix) if [[ $indexes = "-1" ]]; then print_error "The param $1 is incorrect" fi for i in ${indexes[*]}; do local root="" local value="" local args="$(get_bls_args "$i")" local opts=(${args}) for opt in ${opts[*]}; do if echo $opt | grep -q "^root="; then root="$(echo $opt | sed -e 's/root=//')" value="$(echo ${opt} | sed -e 's/\//\\\//g')" args="$(echo ${args} | sed -e "s/${value}[ \t]*//")" break fi done echo "index=$i" echo "kernel=\"${prefix}${bls_linux[$i]}\"" echo "args=\"${args}\"" if [[ -n $root ]]; then echo "root=\"${root}\"" fi echo "initrd=\"${prefix}${bls_initrd[$i]}\"" echo "title=\"${bls_title[$i]}\"" echo "id=\"${bls_id[$i]}\"" done exit 0 } mkbls() { local kernel=$1 && shift local kernelver=$1 && shift local datetime=$1 && shift local debugname="" local flavor="" local prefix="" if [[ $(get_prefix) = "" ]]; then prefix="/boot" fi if [[ $kernelver == *\+* ]] ; then local flavor=-"${kernelver##*+}" if [[ $flavor == "-debug" ]]; then local debugname="with debugging" local debugid="-debug" fi fi cat < "${bls_target}" if [[ -n $title ]]; then set_bls_value "${bls_target}" "title" "${title}" fi if [[ -n $options ]]; then set_bls_value "${bls_target}" "options" "${options}" fi if [[ -n $initrd ]]; then set_bls_value "${bls_target}" "initrd" "${initrd}" fi if [[ -n $extra_initrd ]]; then append_bls_value "${bls_target}" "initrd" "${extra_initrd}" fi if [[ $MAKEDEBUG = "yes" ]]; then bls_debug="$(echo ${bls_target} | sed -e "s/${kernelver}/${kernelver}~debug/")" cp -aT "${bls_target}" "${bls_debug}" append_bls_value "${bls_debug}" "title" "${LINUX_DEBUG_TITLE_POSTFIX}" append_bls_value "${bls_debug}" "version" "${LINUX_DEBUG_VERSION_POSTFIX}" append_bls_value "${bls_debug}" "options" "${CMDLINE_LINUX_DEBUG}" blsid="$(get_bls_value ${bls_debug} "id" | sed -e "s/${kernelver}/${kernelver}~debug/")" set_bls_value "${bls_debug}" "id" "${blsid}" fi get_bls_values if [[ $make_default = "true" ]]; then set_default_bls "TITLE=${title}" fi update_grubcfg exit 0 } update_args() { local args=$1 && shift local remove_args=($1) && shift local add_args=($1) && shift for arg in ${remove_args[*]}; do if [[ $arg = *"="* ]]; then arg="$(echo $arg | sed -e 's/\//\\\//g')" args="$(echo $args | sed -E "s/(^|[[:space:]])$arg([[:space:]]|$)/ /")" else args="$(echo $args | sed -E "s/(^|[[:space:]])$arg(([[:space:]]|$)|([=][^ ]*([$]*)))/ /g")" fi done for arg in ${add_args[*]}; do arg="${arg%%=*}" args="$(echo $args | sed -E "s/(^|[[:space:]])$arg(([[:space:]]|$)|([=][^ ]*([$]*)))/ /g")" done for arg in ${add_args[*]}; do args="$args $arg" done echo ${args} } update_bls_fragment() { local param="$1" local indexes=($(param_to_indexes "$1")) && shift local remove_args=$1 && shift local add_args=$1 && shift local initrd=$1 && shift local opts if [[ $indexes = "-1" ]]; then print_error "The param $(get_prefix)${param} is incorrect" fi if [[ $param = "ALL" && $bootloader = grub2 ]] && [[ -n $remove_args || -n $add_args ]]; then local old_args="$(source ${grub_etc_default}; echo ${GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX})" opts="$(update_args "${old_args}" "${remove_args}" "${add_args}")" opts=$(echo $opts | sed -e 's/\//\\\//g') sed -i -e "s/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX.*/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\\\"${opts}\\\"/" "${grub_etc_default}" old_args="$(grub2-editenv "${env}" list | grep kernelopts | sed -e "s/kernelopts=//")" opts="$(update_args "${old_args}" "${remove_args}" "${add_args}")" grub2-editenv "${env}" set kernelopts="${opts}" elif [[ $bootloader = grub2 ]]; then opts="$(grub2-editenv "${env}" list | grep kernelopts | sed -e "s/kernelopts=//")" fi for i in ${indexes[*]}; do if [[ -n $remove_args || -n $add_args ]]; then local old_args="$(get_bls_args "$i")" local new_args="$(update_args "${old_args}" "${remove_args}" "${add_args}")" if [[ $param != "ALL" || "$(has_kernelopts "$i")" = "false" ]]; then set_bls_value "${bls_file[$i]}" "options" "${new_args}" fi if [[ $bootloader = grub2 && "$(has_kernelopts "$i")" = "false" && $opts = $new_args ]]; then set_bls_value "${bls_file[$i]}" "options" "\$kernelopts" fi fi if [[ -n $initrd ]]; then set_bls_value "${bls_file[$i]}" "initrd" "${initrd}" fi done update_grubcfg } set_default_bls() { local index=($(param_to_indexes "$1")) if [[ $index = "-1" ]]; then print_error "The param $1 is incorrect" fi if [[ $bootloader = grub2 ]]; then grub2-editenv "${env}" set saved_entry="${bls_id[$index]}" else local default="${bls_title[$index]}" local current="$(grep '^default=' ${zipl_config} | sed -e 's/^default=//')" if [[ -n $current ]]; then sed -i -e "s,^default=.*,default=${default}," "${zipl_config}" else echo "default=${default}" >> "${zipl_config}" fi fi print_info "The default is ${bls_file[$index]} with index $index and kernel $(get_prefix)${bls_linux[$index]}" } remove_var_prefix() { local prefix="$1" [ -z "${prefix}" ] && return if [[ -n $remove_kernel && $remove_kernel =~ ^/ ]]; then remove_kernel="/${remove_kernel##${prefix}/}" fi if [[ -n $initrd ]]; then initrd="/${initrd##${prefix}/}" fi if [[ -n $extra_initrd ]]; then extra_initrd=" /${extra_initrd##${prefix}/}" fi if [[ -n $kernel ]]; then kernel="/${kernel##${prefix}/}" fi if [[ -n $update_kernel && $update_kernel =~ ^/ ]]; then update_kernel="/${update_kernel##${prefix}/}" fi } update_grubcfg() { if [[ $arch = 'ppc64' || $arch = 'ppc64le' ]]; then grub2-mkconfig --no-grubenv-update -o "${grub_config}" >& /dev/null fi } print_usage() { cat <&2 echo "Try '${SCRIPTNAME} --help' to list supported options" >&2 echo exit 1 ;; --) shift break ;; *) echo echo "${SCRIPTNAME}: invalid option \"${1}\"" >&2 echo "Try '${SCRIPTNAME} --help' for more information" >&2 echo exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [[ -z $update_kernel && -z $kernel ]] && [[ -n $args || -n $remove_args ]]; then print_error "no action specified" fi if [[ -z $blsdir ]]; then blsdir="/boot/loader/entries" fi if [[ -z $env ]]; then env="/boot/grub2/grubenv" fi if [[ -z $zipl_config ]]; then zipl_config="/etc/zipl.conf" fi if [[ -z $grub_config ]]; then grub_config="/boot/grub2/grub.cfg" fi if [[ -z $grub_etc_default ]]; then grub_etc_default="/etc/default/grub" fi get_bls_values default_index="$(get_default_index)" if [[ -n $display_default ]]; then display_default_value fi if [[ -n $display_info ]]; then display_info_values "${display_info}" fi remove_var_prefix "$(get_prefix)" if [[ -n $kernel ]]; then if [[ $copy_default = "true" ]]; then opts="${bls_options[$default_index]}" if [[ -n $args ]]; then opts="${opts} ${args}" fi else opts="${args}" fi add_bls_fragment "${kernel}" "${title}" "${opts}" "${initrd}" \ "${extra_initrd}" fi if [[ -n $remove_kernel ]]; then remove_bls_fragment "${remove_kernel}" fi if [[ -n $update_kernel ]]; then update_bls_fragment "${update_kernel}" "${remove_args}" "${args}" "${initrd}" fi if [[ -n $set_default ]]; then set_default_bls "${set_default}" fi exit 0