DistroBaker 7f3bf26ea4 Merged update from upstream sources
This is an automated DistroBaker update from upstream sources.
If you do not know what this is about or would like to opt out,
contact the OSCI team.

2021-02-22 12:38:05 +01:00

1627 lines
60 KiB

# This package calls binutils components directly and would need to pass
# in flags to enable the LTO plugins
# Disable LTO
%global _lto_cflags %{nil}
%undefine _hardened_build
%global tarversion 2.04
%undefine _missing_build_ids_terminate_build
%global _configure_gnuconfig_hack 0
%global gnulibversion fixes
Name: grub2
Epoch: 1
Version: 2.04
Release: 35%{?dist}
Summary: Bootloader with support for Linux, Multiboot and more
License: GPLv3+
Obsoletes: grub < 1:0.98
Source1: grub.macros
Source2: gnulib-%{gnulibversion}.tar.gz
Source3: 99-grub-mkconfig.install
Source5: theme.tar.bz2
Source6: gitignore
Source7: bootstrap
Source8: bootstrap.conf
Source9: strtoull_test.c
Source10: 20-grub.install
Source11: grub.patches
%include %{SOURCE1}
BuildRequires: gcc efi-srpm-macros
BuildRequires: flex bison binutils python3
BuildRequires: ncurses-devel xz-devel bzip2-devel
BuildRequires: freetype-devel libusb-devel
BuildRequires: fuse-devel
BuildRequires: rpm-devel rpm-libs
BuildRequires: autoconf automake device-mapper-devel
BuildRequires: freetype-devel gettext-devel git
BuildRequires: texinfo
BuildRequires: dejavu-sans-fonts
BuildRequires: help2man
# For %%_userunitdir macro
BuildRequires: systemd
%ifarch %{efi_arch}
BuildRequires: pesign >= 0.99-8
%if %{?_with_ccache: 1}%{?!_with_ccache: 0}
BuildRequires: ccache
ExcludeArch: s390 s390x
Obsoletes: %{name} <= %{evr}
%if 0%{with_legacy_arch}
Requires: %{name}-%{legacy_package_arch} = %{evr}
Requires: %{name}-%{package_arch} = %{evr}
%global desc \
The GRand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) is a highly configurable and \
customizable bootloader with modular architecture. It supports a rich \
variety of kernel formats, file systems, computer architectures and \
hardware devices.\
# generate with do-rebase
%include %{SOURCE11}
%package common
Summary: grub2 common layout
BuildArch: noarch
Conflicts: grubby < 8.40-18
%description common
This package provides some directories which are required by various grub2
%package tools
Summary: Support tools for GRUB.
Obsoletes: %{name}-tools < %{evr}
Requires: %{name}-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Requires: gettext os-prober which file
Requires(pre): dracut
Requires(post): dracut
%description tools
This subpackage provides tools for support of all platforms.
%ifarch x86_64
%package tools-efi
Summary: Support tools for GRUB.
Requires: gettext os-prober which file
Requires: %{name}-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: %{name}-tools < %{evr}
%description tools-efi
This subpackage provides tools for support of EFI platforms.
%package tools-minimal
Summary: Support tools for GRUB.
Requires: gettext
Requires: %{name}-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: %{name}-tools < %{evr}
%description tools-minimal
This subpackage provides tools for support of all platforms.
%package tools-extra
Summary: Support tools for GRUB.
Requires: gettext os-prober which file
Requires: %{name}-tools-minimal = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: %{name}-tools < %{evr}
%description tools-extra
This subpackage provides tools for support of all platforms.
%if 0%{with_efi_arch}
%{expand:%define_efi_variant %%{package_arch} -o}
%if 0%{with_alt_efi_arch}
%{expand:%define_efi_variant %%{alt_package_arch}}
%if 0%{with_legacy_arch}
%{expand:%define_legacy_variant %%{legacy_package_arch}}
%if 0%{with_emu_arch}
%package emu
Summary: GRUB user-space emulation.
Requires: %{name}-tools-minimal = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%description emu
This subpackage provides the GRUB user-space emulation support of all platforms.
%package emu-modules
Summary: GRUB user-space emulation modules.
Requires: %{name}-tools-minimal = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%description emu-modules
This subpackage provides the GRUB user-space emulation modules.
%if 0%{with_efi_arch}
mkdir grub-%{grubefiarch}-%{tarversion}
grep -A100000 '# stuff "make" creates' .gitignore > grub-%{grubefiarch}-%{tarversion}/.gitignore
cp %{SOURCE4} grub-%{grubefiarch}-%{tarversion}/unifont.pcf.gz
git add grub-%{grubefiarch}-%{tarversion}
%if 0%{with_alt_efi_arch}
mkdir grub-%{grubaltefiarch}-%{tarversion}
grep -A100000 '# stuff "make" creates' .gitignore > grub-%{grubaltefiarch}-%{tarversion}/.gitignore
cp %{SOURCE4} grub-%{grubaltefiarch}-%{tarversion}/unifont.pcf.gz
git add grub-%{grubaltefiarch}-%{tarversion}
%if 0%{with_legacy_arch}
mkdir grub-%{grublegacyarch}-%{tarversion}
grep -A100000 '# stuff "make" creates' .gitignore > grub-%{grublegacyarch}-%{tarversion}/.gitignore
cp %{SOURCE4} grub-%{grublegacyarch}-%{tarversion}/unifont.pcf.gz
git add grub-%{grublegacyarch}-%{tarversion}
%if 0%{with_emu_arch}
mkdir grub-emu-%{tarversion}
grep -A100000 '# stuff "make" creates' .gitignore > grub-emu-%{tarversion}/.gitignore
cp %{SOURCE4} grub-emu-%{tarversion}/unifont.pcf.gz
git add grub-emu-%{tarversion}
git commit -m "After making subdirs"
%if 0%{with_efi_arch}
%{expand:%do_primary_efi_build %%{grubefiarch} %%{grubefiname} %%{grubeficdname} %%{_target_platform} %%{efi_target_cflags} %%{efi_host_cflags}}
%if 0%{with_alt_efi_arch}
%{expand:%do_alt_efi_build %%{grubaltefiarch} %%{grubaltefiname} %%{grubalteficdname} %%{_alt_target_platform} %%{alt_efi_target_cflags} %%{alt_efi_host_cflags}}
%if 0%{with_legacy_arch}
%{expand:%do_legacy_build %%{grublegacyarch}}
%if 0%{with_emu_arch}
makeinfo --info --no-split -I docs -o docs/ \
makeinfo --info --no-split -I docs -o docs/ \
makeinfo --html --no-split -I docs -o docs/grub-dev.html \
makeinfo --html --no-split -I docs -o docs/grub.html \
set -e
%if 0%{with_efi_arch}
%{expand:%do_efi_install %%{grubefiarch} %%{grubefiname} %%{grubeficdname}}
%if 0%{with_alt_efi_arch}
%{expand:%do_alt_efi_install %%{grubaltefiarch} %%{grubaltefiname} %%{grubalteficdname}}
%if 0%{with_legacy_arch}
%{expand:%do_legacy_install %%{grublegacyarch} %%{alt_grub_target_name} 0%{with_efi_arch}}
%if 0%{with_emu_arch}
%{expand:%do_emu_install %%{package_arch}}
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/dir
ln -s %{name}-set-password ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sbindir}/%{name}-setpassword
echo '.so man8/%{name}-set-password.8' > ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_datadir}/man/man8/%{name}-setpassword.8
%ifnarch x86_64
rm -vf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_bindir}/%{name}-render-label
rm -vf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sbindir}/%{name}-bios-setup
rm -vf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sbindir}/%{name}-macbless
%{expand:%%do_install_protected_file %{name}-tools-minimal}
%find_lang grub
# Make selinux happy with exec stack binaries.
mkdir ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/prelink.conf.d/
cat << EOF > ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/prelink.conf.d/grub2.conf
# these have execstack, and break under selinux
-b /usr/bin/grub2-script-check
-b /usr/bin/grub2-mkrelpath
-b /usr/bin/grub2-mount
-b /usr/bin/grub2-fstest
-b /usr/sbin/grub2-bios-setup
-b /usr/sbin/grub2-probe
-b /usr/sbin/grub2-sparc64-setup
# Install kernel-install scripts
install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/kernel/install.d/
install -D -m 0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/kernel/install.d/ %{SOURCE10}
install -D -m 0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/kernel/install.d/ %{SOURCE3}
install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/kernel/install.d/
# Install systemd user service to set the boot_success flag
install -D -m 0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_userunitdir} \
install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_userunitdir}/
ln -s ../grub-boot-success.timer \
# Install systemd system-update unit to set boot_indeterminate for offline-upd
install -D -m 0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} docs/grub-boot-indeterminate.service
install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/
install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/
ln -s ../grub-boot-indeterminate.service \
ln -s ../grub2-systemd-integration.service \
# Don't run debuginfo on all the grub modules and whatnot; it just
# rejects them, complains, and slows down extraction.
%global finddebugroot "%{_builddir}/%{?buildsubdir}/debug"
%global dip RPM_BUILD_ROOT=%{finddebugroot} %{__debug_install_post}
%define __debug_install_post ( \
mkdir -p %{finddebugroot}/usr \
mv ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/bin %{finddebugroot}/usr/bin \
mv ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/sbin %{finddebugroot}/usr/sbin \
%{dip} \
install -m 0755 -d %{buildroot}/usr/lib/ %{buildroot}/usr/src/ \
cp -al %{finddebugroot}/usr/lib/debug/ \\\
%{buildroot}/usr/lib/debug/ \
cp -al %{finddebugroot}/usr/src/debug/ \\\
%{buildroot}/usr/src/debug/ ) \
mv %{finddebugroot}/usr/bin %{buildroot}/usr/bin \
mv %{finddebugroot}/usr/sbin %{buildroot}/usr/sbin \
%undefine buildsubdir
%pre tools
if [ -f /boot/grub2/user.cfg ]; then
if grep -q '^GRUB_PASSWORD=' /boot/grub2/user.cfg ; then
sed -i 's/^GRUB_PASSWORD=/GRUB2_PASSWORD=/' /boot/grub2/user.cfg
elif [ -f %{efi_esp_dir}/user.cfg ]; then
if grep -q '^GRUB_PASSWORD=' %{efi_esp_dir}/user.cfg ; then
elif [ -f /etc/grub.d/01_users ] && \
grep -q '^password_pbkdf2 root' /etc/grub.d/01_users ; then
if [ -f %{efi_esp_dir}/grub.cfg ]; then
# on EFI we don't get permissions on the file, but
# the directory is protected.
grep '^password_pbkdf2 root' /etc/grub.d/01_users | \
sed 's/^password_pbkdf2 root \(.*\)$/GRUB2_PASSWORD=\1/' \
> %{efi_esp_dir}/user.cfg
if [ -f /boot/grub2/grub.cfg ]; then
install -m 0600 /dev/null /boot/grub2/user.cfg
chmod 0600 /boot/grub2/user.cfg
grep '^password_pbkdf2 root' /etc/grub.d/01_users | \
sed 's/^password_pbkdf2 root \(.*\)$/GRUB2_PASSWORD=\1/' \
> /boot/grub2/user.cfg
%triggerun -- grub2 < 1:1.99-4
# grub2 < 1.99-4 removed a number of essential files in postun. To fix upgrades
# from the affected grub2 packages, we first back up the files in triggerun and
# later restore them in triggerpostun.
# Back up the files before uninstalling old grub2
mkdir -p /boot/grub2.tmp &&
mv -f /boot/grub2/*.mod \
/boot/grub2/*.img \
/boot/grub2/*.lst \
/boot/grub2/ \
/boot/grub2.tmp/ || :
%triggerpostun -- grub2 < 1:1.99-4
# ... and restore the files.
test ! -f /boot/grub2/ &&
test -d /boot/grub2.tmp &&
mv -f /boot/grub2.tmp/*.mod \
/boot/grub2.tmp/*.img \
/boot/grub2.tmp/*.lst \
/boot/grub2.tmp/ \
/boot/grub2/ &&
rm -r /boot/grub2.tmp/ || :
%files common -f grub.lang
%dir %{_libdir}/grub/
%dir %{_datarootdir}/grub/
%attr(0700,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/grub.d
%dir %{_datarootdir}/grub
%exclude %{_datarootdir}/grub/*
%dir /boot/%{name}
%dir /boot/%{name}/themes/
%dir /boot/%{name}/themes/system
%attr(0700,root,root) %dir /boot/grub2
%exclude /boot/grub2/*
%dir %attr(0700,root,root) %{efi_esp_dir}
%exclude %{efi_esp_dir}/*
%ghost %config(noreplace) %verify(not size mode md5 mtime) /boot/grub2/grubenv
%license COPYING
%doc docs/grub.html
%doc docs/grub-dev.html
%doc docs/font_char_metrics.png
%files tools-minimal
%attr(4755, root, root) %{_sbindir}/%{name}-set-bootflag
%attr(0644,root,root) %config(noreplace) /etc/dnf/protected.d/%{name}-tools-minimal.conf
%ifarch x86_64
%files tools-efi
%files tools
%attr(0644,root,root) %ghost %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/default/grub
%config %{_sysconfdir}/grub.d/??_*
%exclude %{_datarootdir}/grub/themes
%exclude %{_datarootdir}/grub/*.h
# exclude man pages from tools-extra
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man8/%{name}-sparc64-setup*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-fstest*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-glue-efi*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-kbdcomp*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-mkfont*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-mklayout*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-mknetdir*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-mkrescue*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-mkstandalone*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-syslinux2cfg*
# exclude man pages from tools-minimal
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man3/%{name}-get-kernel-settings*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man8/%{name}-set-default*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man8/%{name}-set*password*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-editenv*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-mkpasswd-*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man8/%{name}-macbless*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-render-label*
%if %{with_legacy_arch}
%ifarch x86_64
%exclude %{_sbindir}/%{name}-bios-setup
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man8/%{name}-bios-setup*
%ifarch %{sparc}
%exclude %{_sbindir}/%{name}-sparc64-setup
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man8/%{name}-sparc64-setup*
%ifarch %{sparc} ppc ppc64 ppc64le
%exclude %{_sbindir}/%{name}-ofpathname
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man8/%{name}-ofpathname*
%files tools-extra
%ifnarch %{sparc}
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-mkrescue*
%exclude %{_bindir}/%{name}-glue-efi
%exclude %{_sbindir}/%{name}-sparc64-setup
%exclude %{_sbindir}/%{name}-ofpathname
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}-glue-efi*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man8/%{name}-ofpathname*
%exclude %{_datadir}/man/man8/%{name}-sparc64-setup*
%exclude %{_datarootdir}/grub/themes/starfield
%if 0%{with_efi_arch}
%{expand:%define_efi_variant_files %%{package_arch} %%{grubefiname} %%{grubeficdname} %%{grubefiarch} %%{target_cpu_name} %%{grub_target_name}}
%if 0%{with_alt_efi_arch}
%{expand:%define_efi_variant_files %%{alt_package_arch} %%{grubaltefiname} %%{grubalteficdname} %%{grubaltefiarch} %%{alt_target_cpu_name} %%{alt_grub_target_name}}
%if 0%{with_legacy_arch}
%{expand:%define_legacy_variant_files %%{legacy_package_arch} %%{grublegacyarch}}
%if 0%{with_emu_arch}
%files emu
%files emu-modules
%exclude %{_libdir}/grub/%{emuarch}-emu/*.module
* Mon Feb 08 2021 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-35
- Remove -fcf-protection compiler flag to allow i386 builds (law)
Related: rhbz#1915452
- Unify GRUB configuration file location across all platforms
Related: rhbz#1918817
- Add 'at_keyboard_fallback_set' var to force the set manually (rmetrich)
- Add appended signatures support for ppc64le LPAR Secure Boot (daxtens)
* Tue Jan 12 2021 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-34
- at_keyboard: use set 1 when keyboard is in Translate mode (rmetrich)
* Thu Dec 31 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-33
- Add DNF protected.d fragments for GRUB packages
Resolves: rhbz#1874541
- Include keylayouts and at_keyboard modules in EFI builds
- Add GRUB enhanced debugging features
- ieee1275: Avoiding many unecessary open/close
- ieee1275: device mapper and fibre channel discovery support
- Fix tps-rpmtest failing due /boot/grub2/grubenv attributes mismatch
* Thu Nov 12 2020 Peter Hazenberg <> - 2.04-32
- Fixed some typos in grub-install.8 man page
* Mon Aug 31 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-31
- Roll over TFTP block counter to prevent timeouts with data packets
Resolves: rhbz#1869335
* Fri Aug 21 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-30
- Set TFTP blocksize to 1428 instead of 2048 to avoid IP fragmentation
Resolves: rhbz#1869335
* Fri Aug 21 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-29
- Fix TFTP timeouts when trying to fetch files larger than 65535 KiB
Resolves: rhbz#1869335
* Wed Aug 12 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-28
- Add support for "systemctl reboot --boot-loader-menu=xx" (hdegoede)
Related: rhbz#1857389
* Mon Aug 10 2020 Peter Jones <> - 2.04-27
- Attempt to enable dual-signing in f33
- "Minor" bug fixes. For f33:
Resolves: CVE-2020-10713
Resolves: CVE-2020-14308
Resolves: CVE-2020-14309
Resolves: CVE-2020-14310
Resolves: CVE-2020-14311
Resolves: CVE-2020-15705
Resolves: CVE-2020-15706
Resolves: CVE-2020-15707
* Tue Jun 30 2020 Jeff Law <> - 2.04-26
- Disable LTO
* Thu Jun 18 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-25
- Only mark GRUB as BLS supported in OSTree systems with a boot partition
* Mon Jun 08 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-24
- http: Prepend prefix when the HTTP path is relative as done in efi/http
- Fix build with rpm-4.16 (thierry.vignaud)
* Fri Jun 05 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-23
- Install GRUB as \EFI\BOOT\BOOTARM.EFI in armv7hl
* Tue May 26 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-22
- Fix an out of memory error when loading large initrd images
Resolves: rhbz#1838633
* Wed May 20 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-21
- Don't update BLS files that aren't managed by GRUB scripts
Resolves: rhbz#1837783
* Mon May 18 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-20
- Only enable the tpm module for EFI platforms
* Sat May 16 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-19
- Enable tpm module and make system to boot even if TPM measurements fail
Resolves: rhbz#1836433
* Thu May 14 2020 Adam Williamson <> - 2.04-18
- restore existence check in `get_sorted_bls`
Resolves: rhbz#1836020
* Wed May 13 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-17
- Store cmdline in BLS snippets instead of using a grubenv variable
* Tue May 12 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-16
- Fix a segfault in grub2-editenv when attempting to shrink a variable
* Thu Apr 30 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-15
- blscfg: Lookup default_kernelopts variable as fallback for options
Related: rhbz#1765297
- fix early exit due error when reading petitboot version
Resolves: rhbz#1827397
* Thu Apr 23 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-14
- efi: Set image base address before jumping to the PE/COFF entry point
Resolves: rhbz#1825411
* Thu Apr 16 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-13
- Make the grub-switch-to-blscfg and 10_linux scripts more robust
* Thu Apr 02 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-12
- Merge 10_linux_bls logic into 10_linux and avoid issues if blsdir is set
* Thu Mar 26 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-11
- grub-switch-to-blscfg: Update grub2 binary in ESP for OSTree systems
Related: rhbz#1751272
* Tue Mar 17 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-10
- Fix for entries having an empty initrd command and HTTP boot issues
Resolves: rhbz#1806022
* Thu Jan 16 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-9
- Add riscv64 support to grub.macros and RISC-V build fixes (davidlt)
- blscfg: Always use the root variable to search for BLS snippets
- bootstrap.conf: Force to use python3
* Mon Jan 13 2020 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-8
- Make the blscfg module honour the GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT option (fritz)
Resolves: rhbz#1704926
* Mon Jan 06 2020 Peter Jones <> - 2.04-7
- Add zstd to the EFI module list.
Related: rhbz#1418336
* Thu Dec 05 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-6
- Various grub2 cleanups (pbrobinson)
- Another fix for blscfg variable expansion support
- blscfg: Add support for sorting the plus ('+') higher than base version
Resolves: rhbz#1767395
* Wed Nov 27 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-5
- blscfg: add a space char when appending fields for variable expansion
- grub.d: Fix boot_indeterminate getting set on boot_success=0 boot
* Tue Nov 26 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-4
- grub-set-bootflag: Write new env to tmpfile and then rename (hdegoede)
Resolves: CVE-2019-14865
Resolves: rhbz#1776580
* Thu Oct 17 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-3
- 20-grub-install: Don't add an id field to generated BLS snippets
- 99-grub-mkconfig: Disable BLS usage for Xen machines
Resolves: rhbz#1703700
- Don't add a class option to menu entries generated for ppc64le
Resolves: rhbz#1758225
- Also use GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT to set kernelopts
- blscfg: Don't hardcode an env var as fallback for the BLS options field
Resolves: rhbz#1710483
* Wed Sep 18 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-2
- A couple of RISC-V fixes
- Remove grub2-tools %%posttrans scriptlet that migrates to a BLS config
- Add blscfg device tree support
Resolves: rhbz#1751307
* Thu Aug 15 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.04-1
- Update to 2.04
Resolves: rhbz#1727279
* Wed Aug 07 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-97
- Include regexp module in EFI builds
* Thu Aug 01 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-96
- Manual build for the Fedora 31 mass rebuild to succeed
* Thu Jul 25 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <>
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jul 18 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-94
- 20-grub-install: Restore default SELinux security contexts for BLS files
Resolves: rhbz#1726020
* Wed Jul 17 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-93
- Add btrfs snapshot submenu when BLS configuration is used
- Move grub2-probe to the grub2-tools-minimal subpackage
Resolves: rhbz#1715994
* Tue Jul 16 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-92
- Cleanup our patchset to reduce the number of patches
* Sat Jul 13 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-91
- Includes security modules in Grub2 EFI builds (benjamin.doron)
Resolves: rhbz#1722938
- Enable again multiboot and multiboot2 modules on EFI builds
Resolves: rhbz#1703872
* Fri Jul 05 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-90
- Fix failure to request grub.cfg over HTTP
- Some ARM fixes (pbrobinson)
- Preserve multi-device workflows (Yclept Nemo)
* Thu Jun 27 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-89
- Fix --bls-directory option comment in grub2-switch-to-blscfg man page
Resolves: rhbz#1714835
- 10_linux_bls: use '=' to separate --id argument due a Petitboot bug
- grub-set-bootflag: Print an error if failing to read from grubenv
Resolves: rhbz#1702354
- 10_linux: generate BLS section even if no kernels are found in /boot
- 10_linux: don't search for OSTree kernels
* Tue Jun 18 2019 Sergio Durigan Junior <> - 2.02-88
- Use '-g' instead of '-g3' when compiling grub2.
Resolves: rhbz#1708780
* Tue Jun 11 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-87
- Rebuild for RPM 4.15
* Mon Jun 10 22:13:19 CET 2019 Igor Gnatenko <>
- Rebuild for RPM 4.15
* Mon Jun 10 15:42:01 CET 2019 Igor Gnatenko <>
- Rebuild for RPM 4.15
* Mon May 20 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-84
- Don't try to switch to a BLS config if GRUB_ENABLE_BLSCFG is already set
* Wed May 15 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-83
- Fix error messages wrongly being printed when executing blscfg command
Resolves: rhbz#1699761
- Remove bogus load_env after blscfg command in 10_linux
* Tue May 07 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-82
- Make blscfg module compatible at least up to the Fedora 19 GRUB core
Related: rhbz#1652806
* Fri May 03 2019 Neal Gompa <> - 2.02-81
- Add grub2-mount to grub2-tools-minimal subpackage
Resolves: rhbz#1471267
* Fri May 03 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-80
- Add grub2-emu subpackage
* Fri May 03 2019 Tim Landscheidt <> - 2.02-79
- Fix description of grub2-pc
Resolves: rhbz#1484298
* Thu Apr 18 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-78
- Add 10_reset_boot_success to Makefile
Related: rhbz#17010
* Thu Apr 18 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-77
- Never remove boot loader configuration for other boot loaders from the ESP.
This would render machines with sd-boot unbootable (zbyszek)
- Execute grub2-switch-to-blscfg script in %%posttrans instead of %%post
- grub.d: Split out boot success reset from menu auto hide script (lorbus)
- HTTP boot: strncmp returns 0 on equal (stephen)
- Some grub2-emu fixes and make it to not print unnecessary messages
- Don't assume that boot commands will only return on fail
* Thu Mar 28 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-76
- 10_linux_bls: don't add --users option to generated menu entries
Resolves: rhbz#1693515
* Tue Mar 26 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-75
- A set of EFI fixes to support arm64 QCom UEFI firmwares (pbrobinson)
* Fri Mar 22 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-74
- Fix some BLS snippets not being displayed in the GRUB menu
Resolves: rhbz#1691232
- Fix possible undefined behaviour due wrong grub_efi_status_t type (pjones)
* Wed Mar 20 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-73
- Only set blsdir if /boot/loader/entries is in a btrfs or zfs partition
Related: rhbz#1688453
* Mon Mar 11 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-72
- Avoid grub2-efi package to overwrite existing /boot/grub2/grubenv file
Resolves: rhbz#1687323
- Switch to BLS in tools package %%post scriptlet
Resolves: rhbz#1652806
* Wed Feb 27 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-71
- 20-grub-install: Replace, rather than overwrite, the existing kernel (pjones)
Resolves: rhbz#1642402
- 99-grub-mkconfig: Don't update grubenv generating entries on ppc64le
Related: rhbz#1637875
- blscfg: fallback to default_kernelopts if BLS option field isn't set
Related: rhbz#1625124
- grub-switch-to-blscfg: copy increment.mod for legacy BIOS and ppc64
Resolves: rhbz#1652806
* Fri Feb 15 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-70
- Check if blsdir exists before attempting to get it's real path
Resolves: rhbz#1677415
* Wed Feb 13 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-69
- Don't make grub_strtoull() print an error if no conversion is performed
Resolves: rhbz#1674512
- Set blsdir if the BLS directory path isn't one of the looked up by default
Resolves: rhbz#1657240
* Mon Feb 04 2019 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-68
- Don't build the grub2-efi-ia32-* packages on i686 (pjones)
- Add efi-export-env and efi-load-env commands (pjones)
- Make it possible to subtract conditions from debug= (pjones)
- Try to set -fPIE and friends on libgnu.a (pjones)
- Add more options to blscfg command to make it more flexible
- Add support for prepend early initrds to the BLS entries
- Fix grub.cfg-XXX look up when booting over TFTP
* Fri Feb 01 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <>
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Dec 17 2018 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-66
- Don't exclude /etc/grub.d/01_fallback_counting anymore
* Tue Dec 11 2018 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-65
- BLS files should only be copied by grub-switch-to-blscfg if BLS isn't set
Related: rhbz#1638117
- Fix get_entry_number() wrongly dereferencing the tail pointer
Resolves: rhbz#1654936
- Make grub2-mkconfig to honour GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub
Resolves: rhbz#1637875
* Fri Nov 30 2018 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-64
- Add comments and revert logic changes in 01_fallback_counting
- Remove quotes when reading ID value from /etc/os-release
Related: rhbz#1650706
- blscfg: expand grub_users before passing to grub_normal_add_menu_entry()
Resolves: rhbz#1650706
- Drop buggy downstream patch "efinet: retransmit if our device is busy"
Resolves: rhbz#1649048
- Make the menu entry users option argument to be optional
Related: rhbz#1652434
- 10_linux_bls: add missing menu entries options
Resolves: rhbz#1652434
- Drop "Be more aggro about actually using the *configured* network device."
Resolves: rhbz#1654388
- Fix menu entry selection based on title
Resolves: rhbz#1654936
* Wed Nov 21 2018 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-63
- add 10_linux_bls grub.d snippet to generate menu entries from BLS files
Resolves: rhbz#1636013
- Only set kernelopts in grubenv if it wasn't set before
Resolves: rhbz#1636466
- kernel-install: Remove existing initramfs if it's older than the kernel (pjones)
Resolves: rhbz#1638405
- Update the saved entry correctly after a kernel install (pjones)
Resolves: rhbz#1638117
- blscfg: sort everything with rpm *package* comparison (pjones)
Related: rhbz#1638103
- blscfg: Make 10_linux_bls sort the same way as well
Related: rhbz#1638103
- don't set saved_entry on grub2-mkconfig
Resolves: rhbz#1636466
- Fix menu entry selection based on ID and title (pjones)
Resolves: rhbz#1640979
- Don't unconditionally set default entry when installing debug kernels
Resolves: rhbz#1636346
- Remove installkernel-bls script
Related: rhbz#1647721
* Thu Oct 04 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-62
- Exclude /etc/grub.d/01_fallback_counting until we work through some design
Resolves: rhbz#1614637
* Wed Oct 03 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-61
- Fix the fallback counting script even harder. Apparently, this wasn't
tested well enough.
Resolves: rhbz#1614637
* Tue Oct 02 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-60
- Fix grub.cfg boot counting snippet generation (lorbus)
Resolves: rhbz#1614637
- Fix spurrious allocation error reporting on EFI boot
Resolves: rhbz#1635319
- Stop doing TPM on BIOS *again*. It just doesn't work.
Related: rhbz#1579835
- Make blscfg module loadable on older grub2 i386-pc and powerpc-ieee1275
- Fix execstack cropping up in grub2-tools
- Ban stack trampolines with compiler flags.
* Tue Sep 25 2018 Hans de Goede <> - 2.02-59
- Stop using pkexec for grub2-set-bootflag, it does not work under gdm
instead make it suid root (it was written with this in mind)
* Tue Sep 25 2018 Peter Jones <>
- Use bounce buffers for addresses above 4GB
- Allow initramfs, cmdline, and params >4GB, but not kernel
* Wed Sep 12 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-58
- Add 2 conditions to boot-success timer and service:
- Don't run it for system users
Resolves: rhbz#1592201
- Don't run it when pkexec isn't available
Resolves: rhbz#1619445
- Use -Wsign-compare -Wconversion -Wextra in the build.
* Tue Sep 11 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-57
- Limit grub_malloc() on x86_64 to < 31bit addresses, as some devices seem to
have a colossally broken storage controller (or UEFI driver) that can't do
DMA to higher memory addresses, but fails silently.
Resolves: rhbz#1626844 (possibly really resolving it this time.)
- Also integrate Hans's attempt to fix the related error from -54, but do it
the other way around: try the low addresses first and *then* the high one if
the allocation fails. This way we'll get low regions by default, and if
kernel/initramfs don't fit anywhere, it'll try the higher addresses.
Related: rhbz#1624532
- Coalesce all the intermediate debugging junk from -54/-55/-56.
* Tue Sep 11 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-56
- Don't mangle fw_path even harder.
Resolves: rhbz#1626844
- Fix reboot being missing on some platforms, and make it alias to
"reset" as well.
- More dprintf().
* Mon Sep 10 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-55
- Fix UEFI memory problem in a different way.
Related: rhbz#1624532
- Don't mangle fw_path with a / unless we're on http
Resolves: rhbz#1626844
* Fri Sep 07 2018 Kevin Fenzi <> - 2.02-54
- Add patch from to fix uefi booting
Resolves: rhbz#1624532
* Thu Aug 30 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-53
- Fix AArch64 machines with no RAM latched lower than 1GB
Resolves: rhbz#1615969
- Set http_path and http_url when HTTP booting
- Hopefully slightly better error reporting in some cases
- Better allocation of kernel+initramfs on x86_64 and aarch64
Resolves: rhbz#1572126
* Mon Aug 20 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-52
- Update conflicts on grubby not to care about %%{?dist}
* Sun Aug 19 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-51
- Make it quieter.
* Thu Aug 16 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-50
- Fix arm32 off-by-one error on reading the PE header.
* Tue Aug 14 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-50
- Fix typo in /etc/grub.d/01_fallback_counting
Resolves: rhbz#1614637
* Fri Aug 10 2018 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-50
- Add an installkernel script for BLS configurations
* Tue Aug 07 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-49
- Temporarily make -cdboot perms 0700 again.
* Fri Aug 03 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-48
- Kill with fire.
Resolves: rhbz#1612339
* Thu Aug 02 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-47
- Enable armv7 EFI builds. This was way harder than I expected.
* Tue Jul 17 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-46
- Fix some minor BLS issues
- Rework the FDT module linking to make aarch64 build and boot right
* Mon Jul 16 2018 pjones <> - 2.02-45
- Rework SB patches and changes even harder.
Resolves: rhbz#1601578
* Mon Jul 16 2018 Hans de Goede <> - 2.02-44
- Make the user session automatically set the boot_success grubenv flag
- Make offline-updates increment the boot_indeterminate grubenv variable
* Mon Jul 16 2018 pjones <> - 2.02-43
- Rework SB patches and changes
* Fri Jul 13 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-42
- Revert broken moduledir fix *again*.
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-41
- Fix our linuxefi/linux command reunion.
* Wed Jul 11 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-40
- Port several fixes from the F28 tree and a WIP tree.
* Mon Jul 09 2018 pjones <> - 2.02-39
- Fix my fix of grub2-switch-to-blscfg (javierm and pjones)
* Mon Jul 02 2018 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-38
- Use BLS fragment filename as menu entry id and for sort criterion
* Tue Jun 26 2018 Javier Martinez Canillas <>
- Cleanups and fixes for grub2-switch-to-blscfg (pjones)
- Use /boot/loader/entries as BLS dir also on EFI (javierm)
* Tue Jun 19 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-37
- Fix some TPM errors on 32-bit (hdegoede)
- More fixups to avoid compiler changes (pjones)
- Put lsmmap into the EFI builds (pjones)
Related: rhbz#1572126
- Make 20-grub.install to exit if there is no machine ID set (javierm)
Resolves: rhbz#1576573
- More fixes for BLS (javierm)
Resolves: rhbz#1588184
* Wed May 16 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-37.fc29
- Fixups to work with gcc 8
- Experimental https boot support on UEFI
- XFS fixes for sparse inode support
Resolves: rhbz#1575797
* Thu May 10 2018 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-36
- Use version field to sort BLS entries if id field isn't defined
- Add version field to BLS fragments generated by 20-grub.install
* Tue Apr 24 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-35
- A couple of fixes needed by Fedora Atomic - javierm
* Mon Apr 23 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-34
- Put the os-prober dep back in - we need to change test plans and criteria
before it can go.
Resolves: rhbz#1569411
* Wed Apr 11 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-33
- Work around some issues with older automake found in CentOS.
- Make multiple initramfs images work in BLS.
* Wed Apr 11 2018 Javier Martinez Canillas <> - 2.02-32
- Make 20-grub.install to generate debug BLS when MAKEDEBUG is set.
* Fri Apr 06 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-31
- Pull in some TPM fixes I missed.
* Fri Apr 06 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-30
- Enable TPM measurements
- Set the default boot entry to the first entry when we're using BLS.
* Tue Apr 03 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-29
- Fix for BLS paths on BIOS / non-UEFI (javierm)
* Fri Mar 16 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-28
- Install kernel-install scripts. (javierm)
- Add grub2-switch-to-blscfg
* Tue Mar 06 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-27
- Build the blscfg module in on EFI builds.
* Wed Feb 28 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-26
- Try to fix things for new compiler madness.
I really don't know why gcc decided __attribute__((packed)) on a "typedef
struct" should imply __attribute__((align (1))) and that it should have a
warning that it does so. The obvious behavior would be to keep the alignment
of the first element unless it's used in another object or type that /also/
hask the packed attribute. Why should it change the default alignment at
- Merge in the BLS patches Javier and I wrote.
- Attempt to fix pmtimer initialization failures to not be super duper slow.
* Fri Feb 09 2018 Igor Gnatenko <>
- Escape macros in %%changelog
* Tue Jan 23 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-24
- Fix a merge error from 2.02-21 that affected kernel loading on Aarch64.
Related: rhbz#1519311
Related: rhbz#1506704
Related: rhbz#1502312
* Fri Jan 19 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-23
- Only nerf annobin, not -fstack-crash-protection.
- Fix a conflict on /boot/efi directory permissions between -cdboot and the
normal bootloader.
* Thu Jan 18 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-22
- Nerf some gcc 7.2.1-6 'features' that cause grub to crash on start.
* Thu Jan 18 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-21
- Fix grub2-efi-modules provides/obsoletes generation
Resolves: rhbz#1506704
- *Also* build grub-efi-ia32{,-*,!-modules} packages for i686 builds
Resolves: rhbz#1502312
- Make everything under /boot/efi be mode 0700, since that's what FAT will
show anyway.
* Wed Jan 17 2018 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-20
- Update to newer upstream for F28
- Pull in patches for Apollo Lake hardware
Resolves: rhbz#1519311
* Tue Oct 24 2017 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-19
- Handle xen module loading (somewhat) better
Resolves: rhbz#1486002
* Wed Sep 20 2017 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-18
- Make grub2-efi-aa64 provide grub2
Resolves: rhbz#1491045
* Mon Sep 11 2017 Dennis Gilmore <> - 2.02-17
- bump for Obsoletes again
* Wed Sep 06 2017 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-16
- Fix Obsoletes on grub2-pc
* Wed Aug 30 2017 Petr Šabata <> - 2.02-15
- Limit the pattern matching in do_alt_efi_install to files to
unbreak module builds
* Fri Aug 25 2017 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-14
- Revert the /usr/lib/.build-id/ change:
says (without any particularly convincing reasoning):
The main build-id file should not be in the debuginfo file, but in the
main package (this was always a problem since the package and debuginfo
package installed might not match). If we want to make usr/lib/debug/ a
network resource then we will need to move the symlink to another
location (maybe /usr/lib/.build-id).
So do it that way. Of course it doesn't matter, because exclude gets
ignored due to implementation details.
* Fri Aug 25 2017 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-13
- Add some unconditional Provides:
grub2-efi on grub2-efi-${arch}
grub2-efi-cdboot on grub2-efi-${arch}-cdboot
grub2 on all grub2-${arch} pacakges
- Something is somehow adding /usr/lib/.build-id/... to all the -tools
subpackages, so exclude all that.
* Thu Aug 24 2017 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-12
- Fix arm kernel command line allocation
Resolves: rhbz#1484609
- Get rid of the temporary extra efi packages hack.
* Wed Aug 23 2017 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-11
- Put grub2-mkimage in -tools, not -tools-extra.
- Fix i686 building
- Fix ppc HFS+ usage due to /boot/efi's presence.
* Fri Aug 18 2017 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-10
- Add the .img files into grub2-pc-modules (and all legacy variants)
* Wed Aug 16 2017 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-9
- Re-work for ia32-efi.
* Wed Aug 16 2017 pjones <> - 2.02-8
- Rebased to newer upstream for fedora-27
* Tue Aug 15 2017 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-7
- Rebuild again with new fixed rpm. (bug #1480407)
* Fri Aug 11 2017 Kevin Fenzi <> - 2.02-6
- Rebuild again with new fixed rpm. (bug #1480407)
* Thu Aug 10 2017 Kevin Fenzi <> - 2.02-5
- Rebuild for rpm soname bump again.
* Thu Aug 10 2017 Igor Gnatenko <> - 2.02-4
- Rebuilt for RPM soname bump
* Thu Aug 03 2017 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-3
- Rebuild so it gets SB signed correctly.
Related: rhbz#1335533
- Enable lsefi
* Mon Jul 24 2017 Michael Cronenworth <> - 2.02-2
- Fix symlink to work on both EFI and BIOS machines
Resolves: rhbz#1335533
* Mon Jul 10 2017 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-1
- Rebased to newer upstream for fedora-27
* Wed Feb 01 2017 Stephen Gallagher <> - 2.02-0.39
- Add missing %%license macro
- Fix deps that should have moved to -tools but didn't.
* Thu Dec 08 2016 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.38
- Fix regexp in power compile flags, and synchronize release number with
other branches.
* Fri Dec 02 2016 pjones <> - 1:2.02-0.37
- Rebased to newer upstream for fedora-26
* Thu Dec 01 2016 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.36
- Update version to .36 because I already built an f25 one named 0.35
* Thu Dec 01 2016 pjones <> - 1:2.02-0.35
- Rebased to newer upstream for fedora-26
* Thu Dec 01 2016 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.34
- Fix power6 makefile bits for newer autoconf defaults.
- efi/chainloader: fix wrong sanity check in relocate_coff() (Laszlo Ersek)
Resolves: rhbz#1347291
* Thu Aug 25 2016 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.34
- Update to be newer than f24's branch.
- Add grub2-get-kernel-settings
Related: rhbz#1226325
* Thu Apr 07 2016 pjones <> - 1:2.02-0.30
- Revert 27e66193, which was replaced by upstream's 49426e9fd
Resolves: rhbz#1251600
* Thu Apr 07 2016 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.29
- Fix ppc64 build failure and rebase to newer f24 code.
* Tue Apr 05 2016 pjones <> - 1:2.02-0.27
- Pull TPM updates from mjg59.
Resolves: rhbz#1318067
* Tue Mar 08 2016 pjones <> - 1:2.02-0.27
- Fix aarch64 build problem.
* Fri Mar 04 2016 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.26
- Rebased to newer upstream (grub-2.02-beta3) for fedora-24
* Thu Dec 10 2015 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.25
- Fix security issue when reading username and password
Related: CVE-2015-8370
- Do a better job of handling GRUB2_PASSWORD
Related: rhbz#1284370
* Fri Nov 20 2015 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.24
- Rebuild without multiboot* modules in the EFI image.
Related: rhbz#1264103
* Sat Sep 05 2015 Kalev Lember <> - 2.02-0.23
- Rebuilt for librpm soname bump
* Wed Aug 05 2015 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.21
- Back out one of the debuginfo generation patches; it doesn't work right on
aarch64 yet.
Resolves: rhbz#1250197
* Mon Aug 03 2015 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.20
- The previous fix was completely not right, so fix it a different way.
Resolves: rhbz#1249668
* Fri Jul 31 2015 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.19
- Fix grub2-mkconfig's sort to put kernels in the right order.
Related: rhbz#1124074
* Thu Jul 30 2015 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.18
- Fix a build failure on aarch64
* Wed Jul 22 2015 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.17
- Don't build hardened (fixes FTBFS) (pbrobinson)
- Reconcile with the current upstream
- Fixes for gcc 5
* Tue Apr 28 2015 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.16
- Make grub2-mkconfig produce the kernel titles we actually want.
Resolves: rhbz#1215839
* Sat Feb 21 2015 Till Maas <>
- Rebuilt for Fedora 23 Change
* Mon Jan 05 2015 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.15
- Bump release to rebuild with Ralf Corsépius's fixes.
* Sun Jan 04 2015 Ralf Corsépius <> - 2.02-0.14
- Move install-info scriptlets into *-tools package.
- Use sub-shell in %%__debug_install_post (RHBZ#1168732).
- Cleanup grub2-starfield-theme packaging.
* Thu Dec 04 2014 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.13
- Update minilzo to 2.08 for CVE-2014-4607
Resolves: rhbz#1131793
* Thu Nov 13 2014 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.12
- Make backtrace and usb conditional on !arm
- Make sure gcdaa64.efi is packaged.
Resolves: rhbz#1163481
* Fri Nov 07 2014 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.11
- fix a copy-paste error in patch 0154.
Resolves: rhbz#964828
* Mon Oct 27 2014 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.10
- Try to emit linux16/initrd16 and linuxefi/initrdefi when appropriate
in 30_os-prober.
Resolves: rhbz#1108296
- If $fw_path doesn't work to find the config file, try $prefix as well
Resolves: rhbz#1148652
* Mon Sep 29 2014 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.9
- Clean up the build a bit to make it faster
- Make grubenv work right on UEFI machines
Related: rhbz#1119943
- Sort debug and rescue kernels later than normal ones
Related: rhbz#1065360
- Allow "fallback" to include entries by title as well as number.
Related: rhbz#1026084
- Fix a segfault on aarch64.
- Load arm with SB enabled if available.
- Add some serial port options to GRUB_MODULES.
* Tue Aug 19 2014 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.8
- Add ppc64le support.
Resolves: rhbz#1125540
* Thu Jul 24 2014 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.7
- Enabled syslinuxcfg module.
* Wed Jul 02 2014 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.6
- Re-merge RHEL 7 changes and ARM works in progress.
* Mon Jun 30 2014 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.5
- Avoid munging raw spaces when we're escaping command line arguments.
Resolves: rhbz#923374
* Tue Jun 24 2014 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.4
- Update to latest upstream.
* Thu Mar 13 2014 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.3
- Merge in RHEL 7 changes and ARM works in progress.
* Mon Jan 06 2014 Peter Jones <> - 2.02-0.2
- Update to grub-2.02~beta2
* Sat Aug 10 2013 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-25
- Last build failed because of a hardware error on the builder.
* Mon Aug 05 2013 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-24
- Fix compiler flags to deal with -fstack-protector-strong
* Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:2.00-24
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jul 02 2013 Dennis Gilmore <> - 2.00-23
- add epoch to obsoletes
* Fri Jun 21 2013 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-22
- Fix linewrapping in edit menu.
Resolves: rhbz #976643
* Thu Jun 20 2013 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-21
- Fix obsoletes to pull in -starfield-theme subpackage when it should.
* Fri Jun 14 2013 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-20
- Put the theme entirely ento the subpackage where it belongs (#974667)
* Wed Jun 12 2013 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-19
- Rebase to upstream snapshot.
- Fix PPC build error (#967862)
- Fix crash on net_bootp command (#960624)
- Reset colors on ppc when appropriate (#908519)
- Left align "Loading..." messages (#908492)
- Fix probing of SAS disks on PPC (#953954)
- Add support for UEFI OSes returned by os-prober
- Disable "video" mode on PPC for now (#973205)
- Make grub fit better into the boot sequence, visually (#966719)
* Fri May 10 2013 Matthias Clasen <> - 2.00-18
- Move the starfield theme to a subpackage (#962004)
- Don't allow SSE or MMX on UEFI builds (#949761)
* Wed Apr 24 2013 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-17.pj0
- Rebase to upstream snapshot.
* Thu Apr 04 2013 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-17
- Fix booting from drives with 4k sectors on UEFI.
- Move bash completion to new location (#922997)
- Include lvm support for /boot (#906203)
* Thu Feb 14 2013 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-16
- Allow the user to disable submenu generation
- (partially) support BLS-style configuration stanzas.
* Tue Feb 12 2013 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-15.pj0
- Add various config file related changes.
* Thu Dec 20 2012 Dennis Gilmore <> - 2.00-15
- bump nvr
* Mon Dec 17 2012 Karsten Hopp <> 2.00-14
- add bootpath device to the device list (pfsmorigo, #886685)
* Tue Nov 27 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-13
- Add vlan tag support (pfsmorigo, #871563)
- Follow symlinks during PReP installation in grub2-install (pfsmorigo, #874234)
- Improve search paths for config files on network boot (pfsmorigo, #873406)
* Tue Oct 23 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-12
- Don't load modules when grub transitions to "normal" mode on UEFI.
* Mon Oct 22 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-11
- Rebuild with newer pesign so we'll get signed with the final signing keys.
* Thu Oct 18 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-10
- Various PPC fixes.
- Fix crash fetching from http (gustavold, #860834)
- Issue separate dns queries for ipv4 and ipv6 (gustavold, #860829)
- Support IBM CAS reboot (pfsmorigo, #859223)
- Include all modules in the core image on ppc (pfsmorigo, #866559)
* Mon Oct 01 2012 Peter Jones <> - 1:2.00-9
- Work around bug with using "\x20" in linux command line.
Related: rhbz#855849
* Thu Sep 20 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-8
- Don't error on insmod on UEFI/SB, but also don't do any insmodding.
- Increase device path size for ieee1275
Resolves: rhbz#857936
- Make network booting work on ieee1275 machines.
Resolves: rhbz#857936
* Wed Sep 05 2012 Matthew Garrett <> - 2.00-7
- Add Apple partition map support for EFI
* Thu Aug 23 2012 David Cantrell <> - 2.00-6
- Only require pesign on EFI architectures (#851215)
* Tue Aug 14 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-5
- Work around AHCI firmware bug in efidisk driver.
- Move to newer pesign macros
- Don't allow insmod if we're in secure-boot mode.
* Wed Aug 08 2012 Peter Jones <>
- Split module lists for UEFI boot vs UEFI cd images.
- Add raid modules for UEFI image (related: #750794)
- Include a prelink whitelist for binaries that need execstack (#839813)
- Include fix efi memory map fix from upstream (#839363)
* Wed Aug 08 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-4
- Correct grub-mkimage invocation to use efidir RPM macro (jwb)
- Sign with test keys on UEFI systems.
- PPC - Handle device paths with commas correctly.
Related: rhbz#828740
* Wed Jul 25 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-3
- Add some more code to support Secure Boot, and temporarily disable
some other bits that don't work well enough yet.
Resolves: rhbz#836695
* Wed Jul 11 2012 Matthew Garrett <> - 2.00-2
- Set a prefix for the image - needed for installer work
- Provide the font in the EFI directory for the same reason
* Thu Jun 28 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.00-1
- Rebase to grub-2.00 release.
* Mon Jun 18 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.37.beta6
- Fix double-free in grub-probe.
* Wed Jun 06 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.36.beta6
- Build with patch19 applied.
* Wed Jun 06 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.35.beta6
- More ppc fixes.
* Wed Jun 06 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.34.beta6
- Add IBM PPC fixes.
* Mon Jun 04 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.33.beta6
- Update to beta6.
- Various fixes from mads.
* Fri May 25 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.32.beta5
- Revert builddep change for crt1.o; it breaks ppc build.
* Fri May 25 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.31.beta5
- Add fwsetup command (pjones)
- More ppc fixes (IBM)
* Tue May 22 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.30.beta5
- Fix the /other/ grub2-tools require to include epoch.
* Mon May 21 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.29.beta5
- Get rid of efi_uga and efi_gop, favoring all_video instead.
* Mon May 21 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.28.beta5
- Name grub.efi something that's arch-appropriate (kiilerix, pjones)
- use EFI/$SOMETHING_DISTRO_BASED/ not always EFI/redhat/grub2-efi/ .
- move common stuff to -tools (kiilerix)
- spec file cleanups (kiilerix)
* Mon May 14 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.27.beta5
- Fix module trampolining on ppc (benh)
* Thu May 10 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.27.beta5
- Fix license of theme (mizmo)
Resolves: rhbz#820713
- Fix some PPC bootloader detection IBM problem
Resolves: rhbz#820722
* Thu May 10 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.26.beta5
- Update to beta5.
- Update how efi building works (kiilerix)
- Fix theme support to bring in fonts correctly (kiilerix, pjones)
* Wed May 09 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.25.beta4
- Include theme support (mizmo)
- Include locale support (kiilerix)
- Include html docs (kiilerix)
* Thu Apr 26 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.24
- Various fixes from Mads Kiilerich
* Thu Apr 19 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.23
- Update to 2.00~beta4
- Make fonts work so we can do graphics reasonably
* Thu Mar 29 2012 David Aquilina <> - 2.0-0.22
- Fix ieee1275 platform define for ppc
* Thu Mar 29 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.21
- Remove ppc excludearch lines (dwa)
- Update ppc terminfo patch (hamzy)
* Wed Mar 28 2012 Peter Jones <> - 2.0-0.20
- Fix ppc64 vs ppc exclude according to what dwa tells me they need
- Fix version number to better match policy.
* Tue Mar 27 2012 Dan Horák <dan[at]> - 1.99-19.2
- Add support for serial terminal consoles on PPC by Mark Hamzy
* Sun Mar 25 2012 Dan Horák <dan[at]> - 1.99-19.1
- Use Fix-tests-of-zeroed-partition patch by Mark Hamzy
* Thu Mar 15 2012 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-19
- Use --with-grubdir= on configure to make it behave like -17 did.
* Wed Mar 14 2012 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-18
- Rebase from 1.99 to 2.00~beta2
* Wed Mar 07 2012 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-17
- Update for newer autotools and gcc 4.7.0
Related: rhbz#782144
- Add /etc/sysconfig/grub link to /etc/default/grub
Resolves: rhbz#800152
- ExcludeArch s390*, which is not supported by this package.
Resolves: rhbz#758333
* Fri Feb 17 2012 Orion Poplawski <> - 1:1.99-16
- Build with -Os (bug 782144)
* Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:1.99-15
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Dec 14 2011 Matthew Garrett <> - 1.99-14
- fix up various grub2-efi issues
* Thu Dec 08 2011 Adam Williamson <> - 1.99-13
- fix hardwired call to grub-probe in 30_os-prober (rhbz#737203)
* Mon Nov 07 2011 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-12
- Lots of .spec fixes from Mads Kiilerich:
Remove comment about update-grub - it isn't run in any scriptlets
patch info pages so they can be installed and removed correctly when renamed
fix references to grub/grub2 renames in info pages (#743964)
update README.Fedora (#734090)
fix comments for the hack for upgrading from grub2 < 1.99-4
fix sed syntax error preventing use of $RPM_OPT_FLAGS (#704820)
make /etc/grub2*.cfg %%config(noreplace)
make grub.cfg %%ghost - an empty file is of no use anyway
create /etc/default/grub more like anaconda would create it (#678453)
don't create rescue entries by default - grubby will not maintain them anyway
set GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true so saved defaults works (rbhz#732058)
grub2-efi should have its own bash completion
don't set gfxpayload in efi mode - backport upstream r3402
- Handle dmraid better. Resolves: rhbz#742226
* Wed Oct 26 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:1.99-11
- Rebuilt for glibc bug#747377
* Wed Oct 19 2011 Adam Williamson <> - 1.99-10
- /etc/default/grub is explicitly intended for user customization, so
mark it as config(noreplace)
* Tue Oct 11 2011 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-9
- grub has an epoch, so we need that expressed in the obsolete as well.
Today isn't my day.
* Tue Oct 11 2011 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-8
- Fix my bad obsoletes syntax.
* Thu Oct 06 2011 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-7
- Obsolete grub
Resolves: rhbz#743381
* Wed Sep 14 2011 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-6
- Use mv not cp to try to avoid moving disk blocks around for -5 fix
Related: rhbz#735259
- handle initramfs on xen better (patch from Marko Ristola)
Resolves: rhbz#728775
* Sat Sep 03 2011 Kalev Lember <> - 1.99-5
- Fix upgrades from grub2 < 1.99-4 (#735259)
* Fri Sep 02 2011 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-4
- Don't do sysadminny things in %%preun or %%post ever. (#735259)
- Actually include the changelog in this build (sorry about -3)
* Thu Sep 01 2011 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-2
- Require os-prober (#678456) (patch from Elad Alfassa)
- Require which (#734959) (patch from Elad Alfassa)
* Thu Sep 01 2011 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-1
- Update to grub-1.99 final.
- Fix crt1.o require on x86-64 (fix from Mads Kiilerich)
- Various CFLAGS fixes (from Mads Kiilerich)
- -fexceptions and -m64
- Temporarily ignore translations (from Mads Kiilerich)
* Thu Jul 21 2011 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-0.3
- Use /sbin not /usr/sbin .
* Thu Jun 23 2011 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1:1.99-0.2
- Fixes for ppc and ppc64
* Wed Feb 09 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:1.98-4
- Rebuilt for