Fix upgrades from grub2 < 1.99-4 ()

grub2 versions older than 1.99-4 had the following in %preun:
  # XXX Ugly
  rm -f /boot/%{name}/*.mod
  rm -f /boot/%{name}/*.img
  rm -f /boot/%{name}/*.lst
  rm -f /boot/%{name}/

This change tries to work around the damage caused on upgrades, by first
backuping the files and later restoring them after the old packages's
%preun has been run.

Complements the change in 5c9195d.
This commit is contained in:
Kalev Lember 2011-09-03 21:11:08 +03:00
parent 6098d129ab
commit eb5089f407

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
Name: grub2
Epoch: 1
Version: 1.99
Release: 4%{?dist}
Release: 5%{?dist}
Summary: Bootloader with support for Linux, Multiboot and more
Group: System Environment/Base
@ -222,6 +222,30 @@ if [ "$1" = 1 ]; then
/sbin/install-info --info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/ || :
# grub2 < 1.99-4 removed a number of essential files in postun. To fix upgrades
# from the affected grub2 packages, we first back up the files in triggerun and
# later restore them in triggerpostun.
%triggerun -- grub2 < 1:1.99-4
# Back up the files before uninstalling old grub2
mkdir -p /boot/grub2.tmp &&
cp -a /boot/grub2/*.mod \
/boot/grub2/*.img \
/boot/grub2/*.lst \
/boot/grub2/ \
/boot/grub2.tmp/ || :
%triggerpostun -- grub2 < 1:1.99-4
# ... and restore the files.
test ! -f /boot/grub2/ &&
test -d /boot/grub2.tmp &&
mv -f /boot/grub2.tmp/*.mod \
/boot/grub2.tmp/*.img \
/boot/grub2.tmp/*.lst \
/boot/grub2.tmp/ \
/boot/grub2/ &&
rm -r /boot/grub2.tmp/ || :
if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
/sbin/install-info --delete --info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/ || :
@ -328,6 +352,9 @@ fi
* Sat Sep 03 2011 Kalev Lember <> - 1.99-5
- Fix upgrades from grub2 < 1.99-4 (#735259)
* Fri Sep 02 2011 Peter Jones <> - 1.99-4
- Don't do sysadminny things in %preun or %post ever. (#735259)
- Actually include the changelog in this build (sorry about -3)