skip goldenfiles tests The golden files include memory dumps from a x86_64 machine. Integers are stored as little endian on x86, but as big endian on s390x, therefore loading this memory dump fails on s390x. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 320f40f3bd..20f5fa4f46 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ func CheckGoldenJSONFrame(t *testing.T, dir string, name string, f *data.Frame, // CheckGoldenJSONResponse will verify that the stored JSON file matches the given backend.DataResponse. func CheckGoldenJSONResponse(t *testing.T, dir string, name string, dr *backend.DataResponse, updateFile bool) { t.Helper() + t.Skip("skipping test: x86_64 memory dump is not compatible with other architectures") fpath := path.Join(dir, name+".jsonc") expected, err := readGoldenJSONFile(fpath)