From b1a4947e382c5e2ba1137ed606ecffc69fcf00e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mohit Agrawal <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 17:30:17 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 205/221] glusterd: Can't run rebalance due to long unix socket

Problem: glusterd populate unix socket file name based
         on volname and if volname is lengthy socket
         system call's are failed due to breach maximum length
         is defined in the kernel.

Solution:Convert unix socket name to hash to resolve the issue

> Change-Id: I5072e8184013095587537dbfa4767286307fff65
> fixes: bz#1720566
> (Cherry pick from commit 2d7b77eb971700c1073db2b74f5877c1ae8293fc)
> (Reviewed on upstream link

BUG: 1720192
Change-Id: I5072e8184013095587537dbfa4767286307fff65
Signed-off-by: Mohit Agrawal <>
Tested-by: RHGS Build Bot <>
Reviewed-by: Atin Mukherjee <>
 tests/bugs/glusterd/bug-1720566.t              | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd-rebalance.c | 38 +-------------------
 xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd.h           | 23 +++++-------
 3 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/bugs/glusterd/bug-1720566.t

diff --git a/tests/bugs/glusterd/bug-1720566.t b/tests/bugs/glusterd/bug-1720566.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99bcf6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bugs/glusterd/bug-1720566.t
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+. $(dirname $0)/../../include.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/../../cluster.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/../../volume.rc
+TEST launch_cluster 2;
+TEST $CLI_1 peer probe $H2;
+$CLI_1 volume create $V0 $H1:$B1/$V0  $H2:$B2/$V0
+EXPECT 'Created' cluster_volinfo_field 1 $V0 'Status';
+$CLI_1 volume create $V1 $H1:$B1/$V1  $H2:$B2/$V1
+EXPECT 'Created' cluster_volinfo_field 1 $V1 'Status';
+$CLI_1 volume start $V0
+EXPECT 'Started' cluster_volinfo_field 1 $V0 'Status';
+$CLI_1 volume start $V1
+EXPECT 'Started' cluster_volinfo_field 1 $V1 'Status';
+#Mount FUSE
+TEST glusterfs -s $H1 --volfile-id=$V0 $M0;
+#Mount FUSE
+TEST glusterfs -s $H1 --volfile-id=$V1 $M1;
+TEST mkdir $M0/dir{1..4};
+TEST touch $M0/dir{1..4}/files{1..4};
+TEST mkdir $M1/dir{1..4};
+TEST touch $M1/dir{1..4}/files{1..4};
+TEST $CLI_1 volume add-brick $V0 $H1:$B1/${V0}_1 $H2:$B2/${V0}_1
+TEST $CLI_1 volume add-brick $V1 $H1:$B1/${V1}_1 $H2:$B2/${V1}_1
+TEST $CLI_1 volume rebalance $V0 start
+TEST $CLI_1 volume rebalance $V1  start
+EXPECT_WITHIN $REBALANCE_TIMEOUT "completed" cluster_rebalance_status_field 1 $V0
+EXPECT_WITHIN $REBALANCE_TIMEOUT "completed" cluster_rebalance_status_field 1  $V1
diff --git a/xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd-rebalance.c b/xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd-rebalance.c
index cbed9a9..b419a89 100644
--- a/xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd-rebalance.c
+++ b/xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd-rebalance.c
@@ -266,18 +266,7 @@ glusterd_handle_defrag_start(glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, char *op_errstr,
     if (dict_get_strn(this->options, "transport.socket.bind-address",
-                      &volfileserver) == 0) {
-        /*In the case of running multiple glusterds on a single machine,
-         *we should ensure that log file and unix socket file should be
-         *unique in given cluster */
-        GLUSTERD_GET_DEFRAG_SOCK_FILE_OLD(sockfile, volinfo, priv);
-        snprintf(logfile, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s-%s-%s.log",
-                 DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY, volinfo->volname,
-                 (cmd == GF_DEFRAG_CMD_START_TIER ? "tier" : "rebalance"),
-                 uuid_utoa(MY_UUID));
-    } else {
+                      &volfileserver) != 0) {
         volfileserver = "localhost";
@@ -378,9 +367,6 @@ glusterd_rebalance_rpc_create(glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo)
     glusterd_defrag_info_t *defrag = volinfo->rebal.defrag;
     glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL;
     xlator_t *this = NULL;
-    struct stat buf = {
-        0,
-    };
     this = THIS;
@@ -396,28 +382,6 @@ glusterd_rebalance_rpc_create(glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo)
         goto out;
     GLUSTERD_GET_DEFRAG_SOCK_FILE(sockfile, volinfo);
-    /* Check if defrag sockfile exists in the new location
-     * in /var/run/ , if it does not try the old location
-     */
-    ret = sys_stat(sockfile, &buf);
-    /* TODO: Remove this once we don't need backward compatibility
-     * with the older path
-     */
-    if (ret && (errno == ENOENT)) {
-        gf_msg(this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING, errno, GD_MSG_FILE_OP_FAILED,
-               "Rebalance sockfile "
-               "%s does not exist. Trying old path.",
-               sockfile);
-        GLUSTERD_GET_DEFRAG_SOCK_FILE_OLD(sockfile, volinfo, priv);
-        ret = sys_stat(sockfile, &buf);
-        if (ret && (ENOENT == errno)) {
-            gf_msg(this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, GD_MSG_REBAL_NO_SOCK_FILE,
-                   "Rebalance "
-                   "sockfile %s does not exist",
-                   sockfile);
-            goto out;
-        }
-    }
     /* Setting frame-timeout to 10mins (600seconds).
      * Unix domain sockets ensures that the connection is reliable. The
diff --git a/xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd.h b/xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd.h
index f96bca3..7d07d33 100644
--- a/xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd.h
+++ b/xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd.h
@@ -910,30 +910,23 @@ typedef ssize_t (*gd_serialize_t)(struct iovec outmsg, void *args);
         }                                                                      \
     } while (0)
-#define GLUSTERD_GET_DEFRAG_SOCK_FILE_OLD(path, volinfo, priv)                 \
-    do {                                                                       \
-        char defrag_path[PATH_MAX];                                            \
-        int32_t _sockfile_old_len;                                             \
-        GLUSTERD_GET_DEFRAG_DIR(defrag_path, volinfo, priv);                   \
-        _sockfile_old_len = snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s.sock",             \
-                                     defrag_path, uuid_utoa(MY_UUID));         \
-        if ((_sockfile_old_len < 0) || (_sockfile_old_len >= PATH_MAX)) {      \
-            path[0] = 0;                                                       \
-        }                                                                      \
-    } while (0)
 #define GLUSTERD_GET_DEFRAG_SOCK_FILE(path, volinfo)                           \
     do {                                                                       \
         char operation[NAME_MAX];                                              \
+        char tmppath[PATH_MAX] = {                                             \
+            0,                                                                 \
+        };                                                                     \
         int32_t _defrag_sockfile_len;                                          \
         GLUSTERD_GET_DEFRAG_PROCESS(operation, volinfo);                       \
         _defrag_sockfile_len = snprintf(                                       \
-            path, UNIX_PATH_MAX,                                               \
-            DEFAULT_VAR_RUN_DIRECTORY "/gluster-%s-%s.sock", operation,        \
-            uuid_utoa(volinfo->volume_id));                                    \
+            tmppath, PATH_MAX,                                                 \
+            DEFAULT_VAR_RUN_DIRECTORY "/gluster-%s-%s-%s.sock", operation,     \
+            volinfo->volname, uuid_utoa(MY_UUID));                             \
         if ((_defrag_sockfile_len < 0) ||                                      \
             (_defrag_sockfile_len >= PATH_MAX)) {                              \
             path[0] = 0;                                                       \
+        } else {                                                               \
+            glusterd_set_socket_filepath(tmppath, path, sizeof(path));         \
         }                                                                      \
     } while (0)