PURPOSE of /tools/glibc/Regression/bz531576-memusage-cmd-segfaults-on-perl-scripts
Description: Test for bz531576 ([RHEL5] memusage cmd segfaults if run on a perl)
Author: Petr Muller <pmuller@redhat.com>
Bug summary: [RHEL5] memusage cmd segfaults if run on a perl script that has 'use' in it
Bugzilla link: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=531576


Description of problem:

memusage utility is part of glibc-devel

memusage cmd segfaults if run on a perl script that has 'use' in it.


[my_name@my_host ~]$ ./memusage --png=out.png -x 800 -y 300 ./perltest.pl

This works (contents of perltest.pl):

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    print "my_name\n";

This segfaults:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use Net::SSH::Perl;
    print "my_name\n";

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:


Steps to Reproduce:
1.create perl script:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # perltest.pl
    use Net::SSH::Perl;
    print "my_name\n";

2. run memusage on script:
    [my_name@my_host ~]$ ./memusage --png=out.png -x 800 -y 300 ./perltest.pl
Actual results:

my_name@my_host /tmp % memusage --png=out.png -x 800 -y 300 ./perltest.pl
/usr/bin/memusage: line 253: 29483 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) LD_PRELOAD=/usr/\$LIB/libmemusage.so MEMUSAGE_OUTPUT=/tmp/memusage.S29480 "$@"
/usr/bin/memusage: line 265: 29484 Floating point exception(core dumped) $memusagestat $memusagestat_args "$datafile" "$png"

Expected results:

my_name@my_host /tmp % memusage --png=out.png -x 800 -y 300 ./perltest.pl

Memory usage summary: heap total: 278236, heap peak: 271027, stack peak: 10816
         total calls   total memory   failed calls
 malloc|        684         277100              0
realloc|         14           1136              0  (nomove:6, dec:1, free:0)
 calloc|          0              0              0
   free|         94          20735
Histogram for block sizes:
    0-15            215  30% ==================================================
   16-31            110  15% =========================
   32-47             36   5% ========
   48-63            110  15% =========================
   64-79             34   4% =======
   80-95             64   9% ==============
   96-111            63   9% ==============
  112-127             3  <1%
  128-143             8   1% =
  144-159             2  <1%
  160-175             4  <1%
  240-255             4  <1%
  256-271             8   1% =
  512-527             2  <1%
  592-607             1  <1%
  800-815             3  <1%
 1024-1039            3  <1%
 1568-1583            1  <1%
 2400-2415            1  <1%
 4032-4047            2  <1%
 4048-4063            1  <1%
 4064-4079            1  <1%
 4080-4095            7   1% =
 4096-4111           10   1% ==
 4224-4239            1  <1%
 4368-4383            2  <1%
 7904-7919            1  <1%
   large              1  <1%

Additional info:

I have no ulimit and yet there does not appear to be a core file.