From bd5e3b9f4284182b7c65a887818b12ad85ebc638 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: eabdullin <>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2025 12:46:06 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] import UBI glibc-2.28-251.el8_10.13

 SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-1.patch  | 463 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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 SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-2.patch  | 133 +++++++++
 SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-3.patch  |  67 +++++
 SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-4.patch  | 107 +++++++
 SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-5.patch  | 172 ++++++++++++
 SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-6.patch  |  94 +++++++
 SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-7.patch  | 218 +++++++++++++++
 SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-8.patch  | 147 ++++++++++
 SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-9.patch  | 179 ++++++++++++
 SPECS/glibc.spec                 |  18 +-
 11 files changed, 1636 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-1.patch
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 create mode 100644 SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-8.patch
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diff --git a/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-1.patch b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-1.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f98b0f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+commit 1db84775f831a1494993ce9c118deaf9537cc50a
+Author: Frank Barrus <>
+Date:   Wed Dec 4 07:55:02 2024 -0500
+    pthreads NPTL: lost wakeup fix 2
+    This fixes the lost wakeup (from a bug in signal stealing) with a change
+    in the usage of g_signals[] in the condition variable internal state.
+    It also completely eliminates the concept and handling of signal stealing,
+    as well as the need for signalers to block to wait for waiters to wake
+    up every time there is a G1/G2 switch.  This greatly reduces the average
+    and maximum latency for pthread_cond_signal.
+    The g_signals[] field now contains a signal count that is relative to
+    the current g1_start value.  Since it is a 32-bit field, and the LSB is
+    still reserved (though not currently used anymore), it has a 31-bit value
+    that corresponds to the low 31 bits of the sequence number in g1_start.
+    (since g1_start also has an LSB flag, this means bits 31:1 in g_signals
+    correspond to bits 31:1 in g1_start, plus the current signal count)
+    By making the signal count relative to g1_start, there is no longer
+    any ambiguity or A/B/A issue, and thus any checks before blocking,
+    including the futex call itself, are guaranteed not to block if the G1/G2
+    switch occurs, even if the signal count remains the same.  This allows
+    initially safely blocking in G2 until the switch to G1 occurs, and
+    then transitioning from G1 to a new G1 or G2, and always being able to
+    distinguish the state change.  This removes the race condition and A/B/A
+    problems that otherwise ocurred if a late (pre-empted) waiter were to
+    resume just as the futex call attempted to block on g_signal since
+    otherwise there was no last opportunity to re-check things like whether
+    the current G1 group was already closed.
+    By fixing these issues, the signal stealing code can be eliminated,
+    since there is no concept of signal stealing anymore.  The code to block
+    for all waiters to exit g_refs can also be removed, since any waiters
+    that are still in the g_refs region can be guaranteed to safely wake
+    up and exit.  If there are still any left at this time, they are all
+    sent one final futex wakeup to ensure that they are not blocked any
+    longer, but there is no need for the signaller to block and wait for
+    them to wake up and exit the g_refs region.
+    The signal count is then effectively "zeroed" but since it is now
+    relative to g1_start, this is done by advancing it to a new value that
+    can be observed by any pending blocking waiters.  Any late waiters can
+    always tell the difference, and can thus just cleanly exit if they are
+    in a stale G1 or G2.  They can never steal a signal from the current
+    G1 if they are not in the current G1, since the signal value that has
+    to match in the cmpxchg has the low 31 bits of the g1_start value
+    contained in it, and that's first checked, and then it won't match if
+    there's a G1/G2 change.
+    Note: the 31-bit sequence number used in g_signals is designed to
+    handle wrap-around when checking the signal count, but if the entire
+    31-bit wraparound (2 billion signals) occurs while there is still a
+    late waiter that has not yet resumed, and it happens to then match
+    the current g1_start low bits, and the pre-emption occurs after the
+    normal "closed group" checks (which are 64-bit) but then hits the
+    futex syscall and signal consuming code, then an A/B/A issue could
+    still result and cause an incorrect assumption about whether it
+    should block.  This particular scenario seems unlikely in practice.
+    Note that once awake from the futex, the waiter would notice the
+    closed group before consuming the signal (since that's still a 64-bit
+    check that would not be aliased in the wrap-around in g_signals),
+    so the biggest impact would be blocking on the futex until the next
+    full wakeup from a G1/G2 switch.
+    Signed-off-by: Frank Barrus <>
+    Reviewed-by: Carlos O'Donell <>
+# Conflicts:
+#	nptl/pthread_cond_common.c (timed wait refactor)
+#	nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c (textual conflicts)
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
+index 479e54febb417675..9175e6779ebff244 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
+@@ -341,7 +341,6 @@ static bool __attribute__ ((unused))
+ __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
+     unsigned int *g1index, int private)
+ {
+-  const unsigned int maxspin = 0;
+   unsigned int g1 = *g1index;
+   /* If there is no waiter in G2, we don't do anything.  The expression may
+@@ -362,84 +361,46 @@ __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
+      * New waiters arriving concurrently with the group switching will all go
+        into G2 until we atomically make the switch.  Waiters existing in G2
+        are not affected.
+-     * Waiters in G1 will be closed out immediately by setting a flag in
+-       __g_signals, which will prevent waiters from blocking using a futex on
+-       __g_signals and also notifies them that the group is closed.  As a
+-       result, they will eventually remove their group reference, allowing us
+-       to close switch group roles.  */
+-  /* First, set the closed flag on __g_signals.  This tells waiters that are
+-     about to wait that they shouldn't do that anymore.  This basically
+-     serves as an advance notificaton of the upcoming change to __g1_start;
+-     waiters interpret it as if __g1_start was larger than their waiter
+-     sequence position.  This allows us to change __g1_start after waiting
+-     for all existing waiters with group references to leave, which in turn
+-     makes recovery after stealing a signal simpler because it then can be
+-     skipped if __g1_start indicates that the group is closed (otherwise,
+-     we would have to recover always because waiters don't know how big their
+-     groups are).  Relaxed MO is fine.  */
+-  atomic_fetch_or_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1, 1);
+-  /* Wait until there are no group references anymore.  The fetch-or operation
+-     injects us into the modification order of __g_refs; release MO ensures
+-     that waiters incrementing __g_refs after our fetch-or see the previous
+-     changes to __g_signals and to __g1_start that had to happen before we can
+-     switch this G1 and alias with an older group (we have two groups, so
+-     aliasing requires switching group roles twice).  Note that nobody else
+-     can have set the wake-request flag, so we do not have to act upon it.
+-     Also note that it is harmless if older waiters or waiters from this G1
+-     get a group reference after we have quiesced the group because it will
+-     remain closed for them either because of the closed flag in __g_signals
+-     or the later update to __g1_start.  New waiters will never arrive here
+-     but instead continue to go into the still current G2.  */
+-  unsigned r = atomic_fetch_or_release (cond->__data.__g_refs + g1, 0);
+-  while ((r >> 1) > 0)
+-    {
+-      for (unsigned int spin = maxspin; ((r >> 1) > 0) && (spin > 0); spin--)
+-	{
+-	  /* TODO Back off.  */
+-	  r = atomic_load_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_refs + g1);
+-	}
+-      if ((r >> 1) > 0)
+-	{
+-	  /* There is still a waiter after spinning.  Set the wake-request
+-	     flag and block.  Relaxed MO is fine because this is just about
+-	     this futex word.
+-	     Update r to include the set wake-request flag so that the upcoming
+-	     futex_wait only blocks if the flag is still set (otherwise, we'd
+-	     violate the basic client-side futex protocol).  */
+-	  r = atomic_fetch_or_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_refs + g1, 1) | 1;
+-	  if ((r >> 1) > 0)
+-	    futex_wait_simple (cond->__data.__g_refs + g1, r, private);
+-	  /* Reload here so we eventually see the most recent value even if we
+-	     do not spin.   */
+-	  r = atomic_load_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_refs + g1);
+-	}
+-    }
+-  /* Acquire MO so that we synchronize with the release operation that waiters
+-     use to decrement __g_refs and thus happen after the waiters we waited
+-     for.  */
+-  atomic_thread_fence_acquire ();
++     * Waiters in G1 will be closed out immediately by the advancing of
++       __g_signals to the next "lowseq" (low 31 bits of the new g1_start),
++       which will prevent waiters from blocking using a futex on
++       __g_signals since it provides enough signals for all possible
++       remaining waiters.  As a result, they can each consume a signal
++       and they will eventually remove their group reference.  */
+   /* Update __g1_start, which finishes closing this group.  The value we add
+      will never be negative because old_orig_size can only be zero when we
+      switch groups the first time after a condvar was initialized, in which
+-     case G1 will be at index 1 and we will add a value of 1.  See above for
+-     why this takes place after waiting for quiescence of the group.
++     case G1 will be at index 1 and we will add a value of 1.
+      Relaxed MO is fine because the change comes with no additional
+      constraints that others would have to observe.  */
+   __condvar_add_g1_start_relaxed (cond,
+       (old_orig_size << 1) + (g1 == 1 ? 1 : - 1));
+-  /* Now reopen the group, thus enabling waiters to again block using the
+-     futex controlled by __g_signals.  Release MO so that observers that see
+-     no signals (and thus can block) also see the write __g1_start and thus
+-     that this is now a new group (see __pthread_cond_wait_common for the
+-     matching acquire MO loads).  */
+-  atomic_store_release (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1, 0);
++  unsigned int lowseq = ((old_g1_start + old_orig_size) << 1) & ~1U;
++  /* If any waiters still hold group references (and thus could be blocked),
++     then wake them all up now and prevent any running ones from blocking.
++     This is effectively a catch-all for any possible current or future
++     bugs that can allow the group size to reach 0 before all G1 waiters
++     have been awakened or at least given signals to consume, or any
++     other case that can leave blocked (or about to block) older waiters..  */
++  if ((atomic_fetch_or_release (cond->__data.__g_refs + g1, 0) >> 1) > 0)
++   {
++    /* First advance signals to the end of the group (i.e. enough signals
++       for the entire G1 group) to ensure that waiters which have not
++       yet blocked in the futex will not block.
++       Note that in the vast majority of cases, this should never
++       actually be necessary, since __g_signals will have enough
++       signals for the remaining g_refs waiters.  As an optimization,
++       we could check this first before proceeding, although that
++       could still leave the potential for futex lost wakeup bugs
++       if the signal count was non-zero but the futex wakeup
++       was somehow lost.  */
++    atomic_store_release (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1, lowseq);
++    futex_wake (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1, INT_MAX, private);
++   }
+   /* At this point, the old G1 is now a valid new G2 (but not in use yet).
+      No old waiter can neither grab a signal nor acquire a reference without
+@@ -451,6 +412,10 @@ __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
+   g1 ^= 1;
+   *g1index ^= 1;
++  /* Now advance the new G1 g_signals to the new lowseq, giving it
++     an effective signal count of 0 to start.  */
++  atomic_store_release (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1, lowseq);
+   /* These values are just observed by signalers, and thus protected by the
+      lock.  */
+   unsigned int orig_size = wseq - (old_g1_start + old_orig_size);
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+index ebf07ca82d87de7d..4fb22b28a7a20ecd 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+@@ -239,9 +239,7 @@ __condvar_cleanup_waiting (void *arg)
+    signaled), and a reference count.
+    The group reference count is used to maintain the number of waiters that
+-   are using the group's futex.  Before a group can change its role, the
+-   reference count must show that no waiters are using the futex anymore; this
+-   prevents ABA issues on the futex word.
++   are using the group's futex.
+    To represent which intervals in the waiter sequence the groups cover (and
+    thus also which group slot contains G1 or G2), we use a 64b counter to
+@@ -301,11 +299,12 @@ __condvar_cleanup_waiting (void *arg)
+        last reference.
+      * Reference count used by waiters concurrently with signalers that have
+        acquired the condvar-internal lock.
+-   __g_signals: The number of signals that can still be consumed.
++   __g_signals: The number of signals that can still be consumed, relative to
++     the current g1_start.  (i.e. bits 31 to 1 of __g_signals are bits
++     31 to 1 of g1_start with the signal count added)
+      * Used as a futex word by waiters.  Used concurrently by waiters and
+        signalers.
+-     * LSB is true iff this group has been completely signaled (i.e., it is
+-       closed).
++     * LSB is currently reserved and 0.
+    __g_size: Waiters remaining in this group (i.e., which have not been
+      signaled yet.
+      * Accessed by signalers and waiters that cancel waiting (both do so only
+@@ -329,18 +328,6 @@ __condvar_cleanup_waiting (void *arg)
+    sufficient because if a waiter can see a sufficiently large value, it could
+    have also consume a signal in the waiters group.
+-   Waiters try to grab a signal from __g_signals without holding a reference
+-   count, which can lead to stealing a signal from a more recent group after
+-   their own group was already closed.  They cannot always detect whether they
+-   in fact did because they do not know when they stole, but they can
+-   conservatively add a signal back to the group they stole from; if they
+-   did so unnecessarily, all that happens is a spurious wake-up.  To make this
+-   even less likely, __g1_start contains the index of the current g2 too,
+-   which allows waiters to check if there aliasing on the group slots; if
+-   there wasn't, they didn't steal from the current G1, which means that the
+-   G1 they stole from must have been already closed and they do not need to
+-   fix anything.
+    It is essential that the last field in pthread_cond_t is __g_signals[1]:
+    The previous condvar used a pointer-sized field in pthread_cond_t, so a
+    PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER from that condvar implementation might only
+@@ -431,6 +418,9 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+     {
+       while (1)
+ 	{
++          uint64_t g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
++          unsigned int lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
+ 	  /* Spin-wait first.
+ 	     Note that spinning first without checking whether a timeout
+ 	     passed might lead to what looks like a spurious wake-up even
+@@ -442,35 +432,45 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	     having to compare against the current time seems to be the right
+ 	     choice from a performance perspective for most use cases.  */
+ 	  unsigned int spin = maxspin;
+-	  while (signals == 0 && spin > 0)
++	  while (spin > 0 && ((int)(signals - lowseq) < 2))
+ 	    {
+ 	      /* Check that we are not spinning on a group that's already
+ 		 closed.  */
+-	      if (seq < (__condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond) >> 1))
+-		goto done;
++	      if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
++		break;
+ 	      /* TODO Back off.  */
+ 	      /* Reload signals.  See above for MO.  */
+ 	      signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
++              g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
++              lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
+ 	      spin--;
+ 	    }
+-	  /* If our group will be closed as indicated by the flag on signals,
+-	     don't bother grabbing a signal.  */
+-	  if (signals & 1)
+-	    goto done;
+-	  /* If there is an available signal, don't block.  */
+-	  if (signals != 0)
++          if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
++	    {
++              /* If the group is closed already,
++	         then this waiter originally had enough extra signals to
++	         consume, up until the time its group was closed.  */
++	       goto done;
++            }
++	  /* If there is an available signal, don't block.
++             If __g1_start has advanced at all, then we must be in G1
++	     by now, perhaps in the process of switching back to an older
++	     G2, but in either case we're allowed to consume the available
++	     signal and should not block anymore.  */
++	  if ((int)(signals - lowseq) >= 2)
+ 	    break;
+ 	  /* No signals available after spinning, so prepare to block.
+ 	     We first acquire a group reference and use acquire MO for that so
+ 	     that we synchronize with the dummy read-modify-write in
+ 	     __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 if we read from that.  In turn,
+-	     in this case this will make us see the closed flag on __g_signals
+-	     that designates a concurrent attempt to reuse the group's slot.
++	     in this case this will make us see the advancement of __g_signals
++	     to the upcoming new g1_start that occurs with a concurrent
++	     attempt to reuse the group's slot.
+ 	     We use acquire MO for the __g_signals check to make the
+ 	     __g1_start check work (see spinning above).
+ 	     Note that the group reference acquisition will not mask the
+@@ -478,15 +478,24 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	     an atomic read-modify-write operation and thus extend the release
+ 	     sequence.  */
+ 	  atomic_fetch_add_acquire (cond->__data.__g_refs + g, 2);
+-	  if (((atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g) & 1) != 0)
+-	      || (seq < (__condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond) >> 1)))
++	  signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
++          g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
++          lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
++          if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
+ 	    {
+-	      /* Our group is closed.  Wake up any signalers that might be
+-		 waiting.  */
++              /* group is closed already, so don't block */
+ 	      __condvar_dec_grefs (cond, g, private);
+ 	      goto done;
+ 	    }
++	  if ((int)(signals - lowseq) >= 2)
++	    {
++	      /* a signal showed up or G1/G2 switched after we grabbed the refcount */
++	      __condvar_dec_grefs (cond, g, private);
++	      break;
++            }
+ 	  // Now block.
+ 	  struct _pthread_cleanup_buffer buffer;
+ 	  struct _condvar_cleanup_buffer cbuffer;
+@@ -500,7 +509,7 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	    {
+ 	      /* Block without a timeout.  */
+ 	      err = futex_wait_cancelable (
+-		  cond->__data.__g_signals + g, 0, private);
++		  cond->__data.__g_signals + g, signals, private);
+ 	    }
+ 	  else
+ 	    {
+@@ -531,13 +540,13 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 		    err = ETIMEDOUT;
+ 		  else
+ 		    err = futex_reltimed_wait_cancelable
+-			(cond->__data.__g_signals + g, 0, &rt, private);
++			(cond->__data.__g_signals + g, signals, &rt, private);
+ 		}
+ 	      else
+ 		{
+ 		  /* Use CLOCK_REALTIME.  */
+ 		  err = futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable
+-		      (cond->__data.__g_signals + g, 0, abstime, private);
++		      (cond->__data.__g_signals + g, signals, abstime, private);
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+@@ -562,6 +571,8 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	  signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+ 	}
++       if (seq < (__condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond) >> 1))
++	 goto done;
+     }
+   /* Try to grab a signal.  Use acquire MO so that we see an up-to-date value
+      of __g1_start below (see spinning above for a similar case).  In
+@@ -570,69 +581,6 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+   while (!atomic_compare_exchange_weak_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g,
+ 						&signals, signals - 2));
+-  /* We consumed a signal but we could have consumed from a more recent group
+-     that aliased with ours due to being in the same group slot.  If this
+-     might be the case our group must be closed as visible through
+-     __g1_start.  */
+-  uint64_t g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
+-  if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
+-    {
+-      /* We potentially stole a signal from a more recent group but we do not
+-	 know which group we really consumed from.
+-	 We do not care about groups older than current G1 because they are
+-	 closed; we could have stolen from these, but then we just add a
+-	 spurious wake-up for the current groups.
+-	 We will never steal a signal from current G2 that was really intended
+-	 for G2 because G2 never receives signals (until it becomes G1).  We
+-	 could have stolen a signal from G2 that was conservatively added by a
+-	 previous waiter that also thought it stole a signal -- but given that
+-	 that signal was added unnecessarily, it's not a problem if we steal
+-	 it.
+-	 Thus, the remaining case is that we could have stolen from the current
+-	 G1, where "current" means the __g1_start value we observed.  However,
+-	 if the current G1 does not have the same slot index as we do, we did
+-	 not steal from it and do not need to undo that.  This is the reason
+-	 for putting a bit with G2's index into__g1_start as well.  */
+-      if (((g1_start & 1) ^ 1) == g)
+-	{
+-	  /* We have to conservatively undo our potential mistake of stealing
+-	     a signal.  We can stop trying to do that when the current G1
+-	     changes because other spinning waiters will notice this too and
+-	     __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 has checked that there are no
+-	     futex waiters anymore before switching G1.
+-	     Relaxed MO is fine for the __g1_start load because we need to
+-	     merely be able to observe this fact and not have to observe
+-	     something else as well.
+-	     ??? Would it help to spin for a little while to see whether the
+-	     current G1 gets closed?  This might be worthwhile if the group is
+-	     small or close to being closed.  */
+-	  unsigned int s = atomic_load_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+-	  while (__condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond) == g1_start)
+-	    {
+-	      /* Try to add a signal.  We don't need to acquire the lock
+-		 because at worst we can cause a spurious wake-up.  If the
+-		 group is in the process of being closed (LSB is true), this
+-		 has an effect similar to us adding a signal.  */
+-	      if (((s & 1) != 0)
+-		  || atomic_compare_exchange_weak_relaxed
+-		       (cond->__data.__g_signals + g, &s, s + 2))
+-		{
+-		  /* If we added a signal, we also need to add a wake-up on
+-		     the futex.  We also need to do that if we skipped adding
+-		     a signal because the group is being closed because
+-		     while __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 could have closed
+-		     the group, it might stil be waiting for futex waiters to
+-		     leave (and one of those waiters might be the one we stole
+-		     the signal from, which cause it to block using the
+-		     futex).  */
+-		  futex_wake (cond->__data.__g_signals + g, 1, private);
+-		  break;
+-		}
+-	      /* TODO Back off.  */
+-	    }
+-	}
+-    }
+  done:
+   /* Confirm that we have been woken.  We do that before acquiring the mutex
diff --git a/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-10.patch b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-10.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f84af6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-10.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Partial revert of commit c36fc50781995e6758cae2b6927839d0157f213c
+to restore the layout of pthread_cond_t and avoid a downstream
+rpminspect and abidiff (libabigail tooling) spurious warning
+about internal ABI changes.  Without this change all RHEL developers
+using pthread_cond_t would have to audit and waive the warning.
+The alternative is to update the supression lists used in abidiff,
+propagate that to the rpminspect service, and wait for that to
+complete before doing the update. The more conservative position
+is the partial revert of the layout change.
+This is a downstream-only change and is not required upstream.
+diff --git a/sysdeps/nptl/bits/thread-shared-types.h b/sysdeps/nptl/bits/thread-shared-types.h
+index dcb799b130178f3f..798e0de31680065b 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/nptl/bits/thread-shared-types.h
++++ b/sysdeps/nptl/bits/thread-shared-types.h
+@@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ struct __pthread_cond_s
+       unsigned int __high;
+     } __g1_start32;
+   };
+-  unsigned int __g_size[2] __LOCK_ALIGNMENT;
++  unsigned int __glibc_unused___g_refs[2] __LOCK_ALIGNMENT;
++  unsigned int __g_size[2];
+   unsigned int __g1_orig_size;
+   unsigned int __wrefs;
+   unsigned int __g_signals[2];
+diff --git a/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h b/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h
+index 4f7adccdab1d6e9e..df049abf74d47522 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h
++++ b/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h
+@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ enum
+ /* Conditional variable handling.  */
+-#define PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER { { {0}, {0}, {0, 0}, 0, 0, {0, 0} } }
++#define PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER { { {0}, {0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, 0, 0, {0, 0} } }
+ /* Cleanup buffers */
diff --git a/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-2.patch b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..975dc0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+commit 0cc973160c23bb67f895bc887dd6942d29f8fee3
+Author: Malte Skarupke <>
+Date:   Wed Dec 4 07:55:22 2024 -0500
+    nptl: Update comments and indentation for new condvar implementation
+    Some comments were wrong after the most recent commit. This fixes that.
+    Also fixing indentation where it was using spaces instead of tabs.
+    Signed-off-by: Malte Skarupke <>
+    Reviewed-by: Carlos O'Donell <>
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
+index 9175e6779ebff244..36ec30a103390b3e 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
+@@ -361,8 +361,9 @@ __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
+      * New waiters arriving concurrently with the group switching will all go
+        into G2 until we atomically make the switch.  Waiters existing in G2
+        are not affected.
+-     * Waiters in G1 will be closed out immediately by the advancing of
+-       __g_signals to the next "lowseq" (low 31 bits of the new g1_start),
++     * Waiters in G1 have already received a signal and been woken. If they
++       haven't woken yet, they will be closed out immediately by the advancing
++       of __g_signals to the next "lowseq" (low 31 bits of the new g1_start),
+        which will prevent waiters from blocking using a futex on
+        __g_signals since it provides enough signals for all possible
+        remaining waiters.  As a result, they can each consume a signal
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+index 4fb22b28a7a20ecd..2964c2d1be046b8a 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ __condvar_cleanup_waiting (void *arg)
+    figure out whether they are in a group that has already been completely
+    signaled (i.e., if the current G1 starts at a later position that the
+    waiter's position).  Waiters cannot determine whether they are currently
+-   in G2 or G1 -- but they do not have too because all they are interested in
++   in G2 or G1 -- but they do not have to because all they are interested in
+    is whether there are available signals, and they always start in G2 (whose
+    group slot they know because of the bit in the waiter sequence.  Signalers
+    will simply fill the right group until it is completely signaled and can
+@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+     }
+   /* Now wait until a signal is available in our group or it is closed.
+-     Acquire MO so that if we observe a value of zero written after group
++     Acquire MO so that if we observe (signals == lowseq) after group
+      switching in __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1, we synchronize with that
+      store and will see the prior update of __g1_start done while switching
+      groups too.  */
+@@ -418,8 +418,8 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+     {
+       while (1)
+ 	{
+-          uint64_t g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
+-          unsigned int lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
++	  uint64_t g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
++	  unsigned int lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
+ 	  /* Spin-wait first.
+ 	     Note that spinning first without checking whether a timeout
+@@ -443,21 +443,21 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	      /* Reload signals.  See above for MO.  */
+ 	      signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+-              g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
+-              lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
++	      g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
++	      lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
+ 	      spin--;
+ 	    }
+-          if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
++	  if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
+ 	    {
+-              /* If the group is closed already,
++	      /* If the group is closed already,
+ 	         then this waiter originally had enough extra signals to
+ 	         consume, up until the time its group was closed.  */
+ 	       goto done;
+-            }
++	    }
+ 	  /* If there is an available signal, don't block.
+-             If __g1_start has advanced at all, then we must be in G1
++	     If __g1_start has advanced at all, then we must be in G1
+ 	     by now, perhaps in the process of switching back to an older
+ 	     G2, but in either case we're allowed to consume the available
+ 	     signal and should not block anymore.  */
+@@ -479,22 +479,23 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	     sequence.  */
+ 	  atomic_fetch_add_acquire (cond->__data.__g_refs + g, 2);
+ 	  signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+-          g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
+-          lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
++	  g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
++	  lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
+-          if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
++	  if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
+ 	    {
+-              /* group is closed already, so don't block */
++	      /* group is closed already, so don't block */
+ 	      __condvar_dec_grefs (cond, g, private);
+ 	      goto done;
+ 	    }
+ 	  if ((int)(signals - lowseq) >= 2)
+ 	    {
+-	      /* a signal showed up or G1/G2 switched after we grabbed the refcount */
++	      /* a signal showed up or G1/G2 switched after we grabbed the
++	         refcount */
+ 	      __condvar_dec_grefs (cond, g, private);
+ 	      break;
+-            }
++	    }
+ 	  // Now block.
+ 	  struct _pthread_cleanup_buffer buffer;
+@@ -574,10 +575,8 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+        if (seq < (__condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond) >> 1))
+ 	 goto done;
+     }
+-  /* Try to grab a signal.  Use acquire MO so that we see an up-to-date value
+-     of __g1_start below (see spinning above for a similar case).  In
+-     particular, if we steal from a more recent group, we will also see a
+-     more recent __g1_start below.  */
++  /* Try to grab a signal.  See above for MO.  (if we do another loop
++     iteration we need to see the correct value of g1_start)  */
+   while (!atomic_compare_exchange_weak_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g,
+ 						&signals, signals - 2));
diff --git a/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-3.patch b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2611f74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+commit b42cc6af11062c260c7dfa91f1c89891366fed3e
+Author: Malte Skarupke <>
+Date:   Wed Dec 4 07:55:50 2024 -0500
+    nptl: Remove unnecessary catch-all-wake in condvar group switch
+    This wake is unnecessary. We only switch groups after every sleeper in a group
+    has been woken. Sure, they may take a while to actually wake up and may still
+    hold a reference, but waking them a second time doesn't speed that up. Instead
+    this just makes the code more complicated and may hide problems.
+    In particular this safety wake wouldn't even have helped with the bug that was
+    fixed by Barrus' patch: The bug there was that pthread_cond_signal would not
+    switch g1 when it should, so we wouldn't even have entered this code path.
+    Signed-off-by: Malte Skarupke <>
+    Reviewed-by: Carlos O'Donell <>
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
+index 36ec30a103390b3e..f6d8c72b7f30ecff 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
+@@ -361,13 +361,7 @@ __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
+      * New waiters arriving concurrently with the group switching will all go
+        into G2 until we atomically make the switch.  Waiters existing in G2
+        are not affected.
+-     * Waiters in G1 have already received a signal and been woken. If they
+-       haven't woken yet, they will be closed out immediately by the advancing
+-       of __g_signals to the next "lowseq" (low 31 bits of the new g1_start),
+-       which will prevent waiters from blocking using a futex on
+-       __g_signals since it provides enough signals for all possible
+-       remaining waiters.  As a result, they can each consume a signal
+-       and they will eventually remove their group reference.  */
++     * Waiters in G1 have already received a signal and been woken.  */
+   /* Update __g1_start, which finishes closing this group.  The value we add
+      will never be negative because old_orig_size can only be zero when we
+@@ -380,29 +374,6 @@ __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
+   unsigned int lowseq = ((old_g1_start + old_orig_size) << 1) & ~1U;
+-  /* If any waiters still hold group references (and thus could be blocked),
+-     then wake them all up now and prevent any running ones from blocking.
+-     This is effectively a catch-all for any possible current or future
+-     bugs that can allow the group size to reach 0 before all G1 waiters
+-     have been awakened or at least given signals to consume, or any
+-     other case that can leave blocked (or about to block) older waiters..  */
+-  if ((atomic_fetch_or_release (cond->__data.__g_refs + g1, 0) >> 1) > 0)
+-   {
+-    /* First advance signals to the end of the group (i.e. enough signals
+-       for the entire G1 group) to ensure that waiters which have not
+-       yet blocked in the futex will not block.
+-       Note that in the vast majority of cases, this should never
+-       actually be necessary, since __g_signals will have enough
+-       signals for the remaining g_refs waiters.  As an optimization,
+-       we could check this first before proceeding, although that
+-       could still leave the potential for futex lost wakeup bugs
+-       if the signal count was non-zero but the futex wakeup
+-       was somehow lost.  */
+-    atomic_store_release (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1, lowseq);
+-    futex_wake (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1, INT_MAX, private);
+-   }
+   /* At this point, the old G1 is now a valid new G2 (but not in use yet).
+      No old waiter can neither grab a signal nor acquire a reference without
+      noticing that __g1_start is larger.
diff --git a/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-4.patch b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-4.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d44c625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-4.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+commit 4f7b051f8ee3feff1b53b27a906f245afaa9cee1
+Author: Malte Skarupke <>
+Date:   Wed Dec 4 07:56:13 2024 -0500
+    nptl: Remove unnecessary quadruple check in pthread_cond_wait
+    pthread_cond_wait was checking whether it was in a closed group no less than
+    four times. Checking once is enough. Here are the four checks:
+    1. While spin-waiting. This was dead code: maxspin is set to 0 and has been
+       for years.
+    2. Before deciding to go to sleep, and before incrementing grefs: I kept this
+    3. After incrementing grefs. There is no reason to think that the group would
+       close while we do an atomic increment. Obviously it could close at any
+       point, but that doesn't mean we have to recheck after every step. This
+       check was equally good as check 2, except it has to do more work.
+    4. When we find ourselves in a group that has a signal. We only get here after
+       we check that we're not in a closed group. There is no need to check again.
+       The check would only have helped in cases where the compare_exchange in the
+       next line would also have failed. Relying on the compare_exchange is fine.
+    Removing the duplicate checks clarifies the code.
+    Signed-off-by: Malte Skarupke <>
+    Reviewed-by: Carlos O'Donell <>
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+index 2964c2d1be046b8a..8358784867f6074a 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+@@ -367,7 +367,6 @@ static __always_inline int
+ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+     const struct timespec *abstime)
+ {
+-  const int maxspin = 0;
+   int err;
+   int result = 0;
+@@ -421,33 +420,6 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	  uint64_t g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
+ 	  unsigned int lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
+-	  /* Spin-wait first.
+-	     Note that spinning first without checking whether a timeout
+-	     passed might lead to what looks like a spurious wake-up even
+-	     though we should return ETIMEDOUT (e.g., if the caller provides
+-	     an absolute timeout that is clearly in the past).  However,
+-	     (1) spurious wake-ups are allowed, (2) it seems unlikely that a
+-	     user will (ab)use pthread_cond_wait as a check for whether a
+-	     point in time is in the past, and (3) spinning first without
+-	     having to compare against the current time seems to be the right
+-	     choice from a performance perspective for most use cases.  */
+-	  unsigned int spin = maxspin;
+-	  while (spin > 0 && ((int)(signals - lowseq) < 2))
+-	    {
+-	      /* Check that we are not spinning on a group that's already
+-		 closed.  */
+-	      if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
+-		break;
+-	      /* TODO Back off.  */
+-	      /* Reload signals.  See above for MO.  */
+-	      signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+-	      g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
+-	      lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
+-	      spin--;
+-	    }
+ 	  if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
+ 	    {
+ 	      /* If the group is closed already,
+@@ -478,24 +450,6 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	     an atomic read-modify-write operation and thus extend the release
+ 	     sequence.  */
+ 	  atomic_fetch_add_acquire (cond->__data.__g_refs + g, 2);
+-	  signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+-	  g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
+-	  lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
+-	  if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
+-	    {
+-	      /* group is closed already, so don't block */
+-	      __condvar_dec_grefs (cond, g, private);
+-	      goto done;
+-	    }
+-	  if ((int)(signals - lowseq) >= 2)
+-	    {
+-	      /* a signal showed up or G1/G2 switched after we grabbed the
+-	         refcount */
+-	      __condvar_dec_grefs (cond, g, private);
+-	      break;
+-	    }
+ 	  // Now block.
+ 	  struct _pthread_cleanup_buffer buffer;
+@@ -571,9 +525,6 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	  /* Reload signals.  See above for MO.  */
+ 	  signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+ 	}
+-       if (seq < (__condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond) >> 1))
+-	 goto done;
+     }
+   /* Try to grab a signal.  See above for MO.  (if we do another loop
+      iteration we need to see the correct value of g1_start)  */
diff --git a/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-5.patch b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-5.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c5608c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-5.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+commit c36fc50781995e6758cae2b6927839d0157f213c
+Author: Malte Skarupke <>
+Date:   Wed Dec 4 07:56:38 2024 -0500
+    nptl: Remove g_refs from condition variables
+    This variable used to be needed to wait in group switching until all sleepers
+    have confirmed that they have woken. This is no longer needed. Nothing waits
+    on this variable so there is no need to track how many threads are currently
+    asleep in each group.
+    Signed-off-by: Malte Skarupke <>
+    Reviewed-by: Carlos O'Donell <>
+# Conflicts:
+#	nptl/tst-cond22.c (64-bit atomic counter refactor missing)
+#	sysdeps/nptl/bits/thread-shared-types.h (Likewise)
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+index 8358784867f6074a..b2bf3bd0a7af43e8 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+@@ -144,23 +144,6 @@ __condvar_cancel_waiting (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t seq, unsigned int g,
+     }
+ }
+-/* Wake up any signalers that might be waiting.  */
+-static void
+-__condvar_dec_grefs (pthread_cond_t *cond, unsigned int g, int private)
+-  /* Release MO to synchronize-with the acquire load in
+-     __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1.  */
+-  if (atomic_fetch_add_release (cond->__data.__g_refs + g, -2) == 3)
+-    {
+-      /* Clear the wake-up request flag before waking up.  We do not need more
+-	 than relaxed MO and it doesn't matter if we apply this for an aliased
+-	 group because we wake all futex waiters right after clearing the
+-	 flag.  */
+-      atomic_fetch_and_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_refs + g, ~(unsigned int) 1);
+-      futex_wake (cond->__data.__g_refs + g, INT_MAX, private);
+-    }
+ /* Clean-up for cancellation of waiters waiting for normal signals.  We cancel
+    our registration as a waiter, confirm we have woken up, and re-acquire the
+    mutex.  */
+@@ -172,8 +155,6 @@ __condvar_cleanup_waiting (void *arg)
+   pthread_cond_t *cond = cbuffer->cond;
+   unsigned g = cbuffer->wseq & 1;
+-  __condvar_dec_grefs (cond, g, cbuffer->private);
+   __condvar_cancel_waiting (cond, cbuffer->wseq >> 1, g, cbuffer->private);
+   /* FIXME With the current cancellation implementation, it is possible that
+      a thread is cancelled after it has returned from a syscall.  This could
+@@ -328,15 +309,6 @@ __condvar_cleanup_waiting (void *arg)
+    sufficient because if a waiter can see a sufficiently large value, it could
+    have also consume a signal in the waiters group.
+-   It is essential that the last field in pthread_cond_t is __g_signals[1]:
+-   The previous condvar used a pointer-sized field in pthread_cond_t, so a
+-   PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER from that condvar implementation might only
+-   initialize 4 bytes to zero instead of the 8 bytes we need (i.e., 44 bytes
+-   in total instead of the 48 we need).  __g_signals[1] is not accessed before
+-   the first group switch (G2 starts at index 0), which will set its value to
+-   zero after a harmless fetch-or whose return value is ignored.  This
+-   effectively completes initialization.
+    Limitations:
+    * This condvar isn't designed to allow for more than
+@@ -436,21 +408,6 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	  if ((int)(signals - lowseq) >= 2)
+ 	    break;
+-	  /* No signals available after spinning, so prepare to block.
+-	     We first acquire a group reference and use acquire MO for that so
+-	     that we synchronize with the dummy read-modify-write in
+-	     __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 if we read from that.  In turn,
+-	     in this case this will make us see the advancement of __g_signals
+-	     to the upcoming new g1_start that occurs with a concurrent
+-	     attempt to reuse the group's slot.
+-	     We use acquire MO for the __g_signals check to make the
+-	     __g1_start check work (see spinning above).
+-	     Note that the group reference acquisition will not mask the
+-	     release MO when decrementing the reference count because we use
+-	     an atomic read-modify-write operation and thus extend the release
+-	     sequence.  */
+-	  atomic_fetch_add_acquire (cond->__data.__g_refs + g, 2);
+ 	  // Now block.
+ 	  struct _pthread_cleanup_buffer buffer;
+ 	  struct _condvar_cleanup_buffer cbuffer;
+@@ -509,18 +466,11 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	  if (__glibc_unlikely (err == ETIMEDOUT))
+ 	    {
+-	      __condvar_dec_grefs (cond, g, private);
+-	      /* If we timed out, we effectively cancel waiting.  Note that
+-		 we have decremented __g_refs before cancellation, so that a
+-		 deadlock between waiting for quiescence of our group in
+-		 __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 and us trying to acquire
+-		 the lock during cancellation is not possible.  */
++	      /* If we timed out, we effectively cancel waiting.  */
+ 	      __condvar_cancel_waiting (cond, seq, g, private);
+ 	      result = ETIMEDOUT;
+ 	      goto done;
+ 	    }
+-	  else
+-	    __condvar_dec_grefs (cond, g, private);
+ 	  /* Reload signals.  See above for MO.  */
+ 	  signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+diff --git a/nptl/tst-cond22.c b/nptl/tst-cond22.c
+index 64f19ea0a55af057..ebeeeaf666070076 100644
+--- a/nptl/tst-cond22.c
++++ b/nptl/tst-cond22.c
+@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ do_test (void)
+       status = 1;
+     }
+-  printf ("cond = { %llu, %llu, %u/%u/%u, %u/%u/%u, %u, %u }\n",
++  printf ("cond = { %llu, %llu, %u/%u, %u/%u, %u, %u }\n",
+ 	  c.__data.__wseq, c.__data.__g1_start,
+-	  c.__data.__g_signals[0], c.__data.__g_refs[0], c.__data.__g_size[0],
+-	  c.__data.__g_signals[1], c.__data.__g_refs[1], c.__data.__g_size[1],
++	  c.__data.__g_signals[0], c.__data.__g_size[0],
++	  c.__data.__g_signals[1], c.__data.__g_size[1],
+ 	  c.__data.__g1_orig_size, c.__data.__wrefs);
+   if (pthread_create (&th, NULL, tf, (void *) 1l) != 0)
+@@ -149,10 +149,10 @@ do_test (void)
+       status = 1;
+     }
+-  printf ("cond = { %llu, %llu, %u/%u/%u, %u/%u/%u, %u, %u }\n",
++  printf ("cond = { %llu, %llu, %u/%u, %u/%u, %u, %u }\n",
+ 	  c.__data.__wseq, c.__data.__g1_start,
+-	  c.__data.__g_signals[0], c.__data.__g_refs[0], c.__data.__g_size[0],
+-	  c.__data.__g_signals[1], c.__data.__g_refs[1], c.__data.__g_size[1],
++	  c.__data.__g_signals[0], c.__data.__g_size[0],
++	  c.__data.__g_signals[1], c.__data.__g_size[1],
+ 	  c.__data.__g1_orig_size, c.__data.__wrefs);
+   return status;
+diff --git a/sysdeps/nptl/bits/thread-shared-types.h b/sysdeps/nptl/bits/thread-shared-types.h
+index 05c94e7a710c0eb9..dcb799b130178f3f 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/nptl/bits/thread-shared-types.h
++++ b/sysdeps/nptl/bits/thread-shared-types.h
+@@ -188,8 +188,7 @@ struct __pthread_cond_s
+       unsigned int __high;
+     } __g1_start32;
+   };
+-  unsigned int __g_refs[2] __LOCK_ALIGNMENT;
+-  unsigned int __g_size[2];
++  unsigned int __g_size[2] __LOCK_ALIGNMENT;
+   unsigned int __g1_orig_size;
+   unsigned int __wrefs;
+   unsigned int __g_signals[2];
+diff --git a/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h b/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h
+index df049abf74d47522..4f7adccdab1d6e9e 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h
++++ b/sysdeps/nptl/pthread.h
+@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ enum
+ /* Conditional variable handling.  */
+-#define PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER { { {0}, {0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, 0, 0, {0, 0} } }
++#define PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER { { {0}, {0}, {0, 0}, 0, 0, {0, 0} } }
+ /* Cleanup buffers */
diff --git a/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-6.patch b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-6.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ca72b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-6.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+commit 929a4764ac90382616b6a21f099192b2475da674
+Author: Malte Skarupke <>
+Date:   Wed Dec 4 08:03:44 2024 -0500
+    nptl: Use a single loop in pthread_cond_wait instaed of a nested loop
+    The loop was a little more complicated than necessary. There was only one
+    break statement out of the inner loop, and the outer loop was nearly empty.
+    So just remove the outer loop, moving its code to the one break statement in
+    the inner loop. This allows us to replace all gotos with break statements.
+    Signed-off-by: Malte Skarupke <>
+    Reviewed-by: Carlos O'Donell <>
+# Conflicts:
+#	nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c (Missing EOVERFLOW checks for y2038)
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+index b2bf3bd0a7af43e8..8f12fc4ee288cf4a 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+@@ -378,17 +378,15 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+       return err;
+     }
+-  /* Now wait until a signal is available in our group or it is closed.
+-     Acquire MO so that if we observe (signals == lowseq) after group
+-     switching in __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1, we synchronize with that
+-     store and will see the prior update of __g1_start done while switching
+-     groups too.  */
+-  unsigned int signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+-  do
+-    {
+       while (1)
+ 	{
++	  /* Now wait until a signal is available in our group or it is closed.
++	     Acquire MO so that if we observe (signals == lowseq) after group
++	     switching in __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1, we synchronize with that
++	     store and will see the prior update of __g1_start done while switching
++	     groups too.  */
++	  unsigned int signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+ 	  uint64_t g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
+ 	  unsigned int lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
+@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	      /* If the group is closed already,
+ 	         then this waiter originally had enough extra signals to
+ 	         consume, up until the time its group was closed.  */
+-	       goto done;
++	       break;
+ 	    }
+ 	  /* If there is an available signal, don't block.
+@@ -406,7 +404,16 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	     G2, but in either case we're allowed to consume the available
+ 	     signal and should not block anymore.  */
+ 	  if ((int)(signals - lowseq) >= 2)
+-	    break;
++	    {
++	      /* Try to grab a signal.  See above for MO.  (if we do another loop
++		 iteration we need to see the correct value of g1_start)  */
++		      if (atomic_compare_exchange_weak_acquire (
++		      		cond->__data.__g_signals + g,
++			&signals, signals - 2))
++		      	break;
++		      else
++		      	continue;
++	    }
+ 	  // Now block.
+ 	  struct _pthread_cleanup_buffer buffer;
+@@ -469,19 +476,9 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+ 	      /* If we timed out, we effectively cancel waiting.  */
+ 	      __condvar_cancel_waiting (cond, seq, g, private);
+ 	      result = ETIMEDOUT;
+-	      goto done;
++	      break;
+ 	    }
+-	  /* Reload signals.  See above for MO.  */
+-	  signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+ 	}
+-    }
+-  /* Try to grab a signal.  See above for MO.  (if we do another loop
+-     iteration we need to see the correct value of g1_start)  */
+-  while (!atomic_compare_exchange_weak_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g,
+-						&signals, signals - 2));
+- done:
+   /* Confirm that we have been woken.  We do that before acquiring the mutex
+      to allow for execution of pthread_cond_destroy while having acquired the
diff --git a/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-7.patch b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-7.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61ef7d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-7.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+commit ee6c14ed59d480720721aaacc5fb03213dc153da
+Author: Malte Skarupke <>
+Date:   Wed Dec 4 08:04:10 2024 -0500
+    nptl: Fix indentation
+    In my previous change I turned a nested loop into a simple loop. I'm doing
+    the resulting indentation changes in a separate commit to make the diff on
+    the previous commit easier to review.
+    Signed-off-by: Malte Skarupke <>
+    Reviewed-by: Carlos O'Donell <>
+# Conflicts:
+#	nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c (Missing futex_wait_cancelable cleanup)
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+index 8f12fc4ee288cf4a..964591449dc57758 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+@@ -379,107 +379,108 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+     }
+-      while (1)
+-	{
+-	  /* Now wait until a signal is available in our group or it is closed.
+-	     Acquire MO so that if we observe (signals == lowseq) after group
+-	     switching in __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1, we synchronize with that
+-	     store and will see the prior update of __g1_start done while switching
+-	     groups too.  */
+-	  unsigned int signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+-	  uint64_t g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
+-	  unsigned int lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
+-	  if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
+-	    {
+-	      /* If the group is closed already,
+-	         then this waiter originally had enough extra signals to
+-	         consume, up until the time its group was closed.  */
+-	       break;
+-	    }
+-	  /* If there is an available signal, don't block.
+-	     If __g1_start has advanced at all, then we must be in G1
+-	     by now, perhaps in the process of switching back to an older
+-	     G2, but in either case we're allowed to consume the available
+-	     signal and should not block anymore.  */
+-	  if ((int)(signals - lowseq) >= 2)
+-	    {
+-	      /* Try to grab a signal.  See above for MO.  (if we do another loop
+-		 iteration we need to see the correct value of g1_start)  */
+-		      if (atomic_compare_exchange_weak_acquire (
+-		      		cond->__data.__g_signals + g,
++  while (1)
++    {
++      /* Now wait until a signal is available in our group or it is closed.
++         Acquire MO so that if we observe (signals == lowseq) after group
++         switching in __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1, we synchronize with that
++         store and will see the prior update of __g1_start done while switching
++         groups too.  */
++      unsigned int signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
++      uint64_t g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
++      unsigned int lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
++      if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
++        {
++          /* If the group is closed already,
++             then this waiter originally had enough extra signals to
++             consume, up until the time its group was closed.  */
++           break;
++        }
++      /* If there is an available signal, don't block.
++         If __g1_start has advanced at all, then we must be in G1
++         by now, perhaps in the process of switching back to an older
++         G2, but in either case we're allowed to consume the available
++         signal and should not block anymore.  */
++      if ((int)(signals - lowseq) >= 2)
++        {
++	  /* Try to grab a signal.  See above for MO.  (if we do another loop
++	     iteration we need to see the correct value of g1_start)  */
++	    if (atomic_compare_exchange_weak_acquire (
++			cond->__data.__g_signals + g,
+ 			&signals, signals - 2))
+-		      	break;
+-		      else
+-		      	continue;
+-	    }
++	      break;
++	    else
++	      continue;
++	}
+-	  // Now block.
+-	  struct _pthread_cleanup_buffer buffer;
+-	  struct _condvar_cleanup_buffer cbuffer;
+-	  cbuffer.wseq = wseq;
+-	  cbuffer.cond = cond;
+-	  cbuffer.mutex = mutex;
+-	  cbuffer.private = private;
+-	  __pthread_cleanup_push (&buffer, __condvar_cleanup_waiting, &cbuffer);
++      // Now block.
++      struct _pthread_cleanup_buffer buffer;
++      struct _condvar_cleanup_buffer cbuffer;
++      cbuffer.wseq = wseq;
++      cbuffer.cond = cond;
++      cbuffer.mutex = mutex;
++      cbuffer.private = private;
++      __pthread_cleanup_push (&buffer, __condvar_cleanup_waiting, &cbuffer);
+-	  if (abstime == NULL)
+-	    {
+-	      /* Block without a timeout.  */
+-	      err = futex_wait_cancelable (
+-		  cond->__data.__g_signals + g, signals, private);
+-	    }
+-	  else
++      if (abstime == NULL)
++	{
++	  /* Block without a timeout.  */
++	  err = futex_wait_cancelable
++		(cond->__data.__g_signals + g, signals, private);
++	}
++      else
++	{
++	  /* Block, but with a timeout.
++	     Work around the fact that the kernel rejects negative timeout
++	     values despite them being valid.  */
++	  if (__glibc_unlikely (abstime->tv_sec < 0))
++	    err = ETIMEDOUT;
++	  else if ((flags & __PTHREAD_COND_CLOCK_MONOTONIC_MASK) != 0)
+ 	    {
+-	      /* Block, but with a timeout.
+-		 Work around the fact that the kernel rejects negative timeout
+-		 values despite them being valid.  */
+-	      if (__glibc_unlikely (abstime->tv_sec < 0))
+-	        err = ETIMEDOUT;
+-	      else if ((flags & __PTHREAD_COND_CLOCK_MONOTONIC_MASK) != 0)
++	      /* CLOCK_MONOTONIC is requested.  */
++	      struct timespec rt;
++	      if (__clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &rt) != 0)
++		__libc_fatal ("clock_gettime does not support "
++			      "CLOCK_MONOTONIC\n");
++	      /* Convert the absolute timeout value to a relative
++		 timeout.  */
++	      rt.tv_sec = abstime->tv_sec - rt.tv_sec;
++	      rt.tv_nsec = abstime->tv_nsec - rt.tv_nsec;
++	      if (rt.tv_nsec < 0)
+ 		{
+-		  /* CLOCK_MONOTONIC is requested.  */
+-		  struct timespec rt;
+-		  if (__clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &rt) != 0)
+-		    __libc_fatal ("clock_gettime does not support "
+-				  "CLOCK_MONOTONIC\n");
+-		  /* Convert the absolute timeout value to a relative
+-		     timeout.  */
+-		  rt.tv_sec = abstime->tv_sec - rt.tv_sec;
+-		  rt.tv_nsec = abstime->tv_nsec - rt.tv_nsec;
+-		  if (rt.tv_nsec < 0)
+-		    {
+-		      rt.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
+-		      --rt.tv_sec;
+-		    }
+-		  /* Did we already time out?  */
+-		  if (__glibc_unlikely (rt.tv_sec < 0))
+-		    err = ETIMEDOUT;
+-		  else
+-		    err = futex_reltimed_wait_cancelable
+-			(cond->__data.__g_signals + g, signals, &rt, private);
++		  rt.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
++		  --rt.tv_sec;
+ 		}
++	      /* Did we already time out?  */
++	      if (__glibc_unlikely (rt.tv_sec < 0))
++		err = ETIMEDOUT;
+ 	      else
+-		{
+-		  /* Use CLOCK_REALTIME.  */
+-		  err = futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable
+-		      (cond->__data.__g_signals + g, signals, abstime, private);
+-		}
++		err = futex_reltimed_wait_cancelable
++			(cond->__data.__g_signals + g, signals,
++			 &rt, private);
+ 	    }
+-	  __pthread_cleanup_pop (&buffer, 0);
+-	  if (__glibc_unlikely (err == ETIMEDOUT))
++	  else
+ 	    {
+-	      /* If we timed out, we effectively cancel waiting.  */
+-	      __condvar_cancel_waiting (cond, seq, g, private);
+-	      result = ETIMEDOUT;
+-	      break;
++	      /* Use CLOCK_REALTIME.  */
++	      err = futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable
++			(cond->__data.__g_signals + g, signals,
++			 abstime, private);
+ 	    }
+ 	}
++      __pthread_cleanup_pop (&buffer, 0);
++      if (__glibc_unlikely (err == ETIMEDOUT))
++	{
++	  /* If we timed out, we effectively cancel waiting.  */
++	  __condvar_cancel_waiting (cond, seq, g, private);
++	  result = ETIMEDOUT;
++	  break;
++	}
++    }
+   /* Confirm that we have been woken.  We do that before acquiring the mutex
+      to allow for execution of pthread_cond_destroy while having acquired the
+      mutex.  */
diff --git a/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-8.patch b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-8.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2da30d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-8.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+commit 4b79e27a5073c02f6bff9aa8f4791230a0ab1867
+Author: Malte Skarupke <>
+Date:   Wed Dec 4 08:04:54 2024 -0500
+    nptl: rename __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1
+    This function no longer waits for threads to leave g1, so rename it to
+    __condvar_switch_g1
+    Signed-off-by: Malte Skarupke <>
+    Reviewed-by: Carlos O'Donell <>
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c
+index e6bcb9b61b0055a5..1ec746ec3df51c4f 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ __pthread_cond_broadcast (pthread_cond_t *cond)
+ 				cond->__data.__g_size[g1] << 1);
+       cond->__data.__g_size[g1] = 0;
+-      /* We need to wake G1 waiters before we quiesce G1 below.  */
++      /* We need to wake G1 waiters before we switch G1 below.  */
+       /* TODO Only set it if there are indeed futex waiters.  We could
+ 	 also try to move this out of the critical section in cases when
+ 	 G2 is empty (and we don't need to quiesce).  */
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ __pthread_cond_broadcast (pthread_cond_t *cond)
+   /* G1 is complete.  Step (2) is next unless there are no waiters in G2, in
+      which case we can stop.  */
+-  if (__condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 (cond, wseq, &g1, private))
++  if (__condvar_switch_g1 (cond, wseq, &g1, private))
+     {
+       /* Step (3): Send signals to all waiters in the old G2 / new G1.  */
+       atomic_fetch_add_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1,
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
+index f6d8c72b7f30ecff..770f8e7c5d347f6b 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
+@@ -329,16 +329,15 @@ __condvar_get_private (int flags)
+     return FUTEX_SHARED;
+ }
+-/* This closes G1 (whose index is in G1INDEX), waits for all futex waiters to
+-   leave G1, converts G1 into a fresh G2, and then switches group roles so that
+-   the former G2 becomes the new G1 ending at the current __wseq value when we
+-   eventually make the switch (WSEQ is just an observation of __wseq by the
+-   signaler).
++/* This closes G1 (whose index is in G1INDEX), converts G1 into a fresh G2,
++   and then switches group roles so that the former G2 becomes the new G1
++   ending at the current __wseq value when we eventually make the switch
++   (WSEQ is just an observation of __wseq by the signaler).
+    If G2 is empty, it will not switch groups because then it would create an
+    empty G1 which would require switching groups again on the next signal.
+    Returns false iff groups were not switched because G2 was empty.  */
+ static bool __attribute__ ((unused))
+-__condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
++__condvar_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
+     unsigned int *g1index, int private)
+ {
+   unsigned int g1 = *g1index;
+@@ -354,8 +353,7 @@ __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
+ 	  + cond->__data.__g_size[g1 ^ 1]) == 0)
+ 	return false;
+-  /* Now try to close and quiesce G1.  We have to consider the following kinds
+-     of waiters:
++  /* We have to consider the following kinds of waiters:
+      * Waiters from less recent groups than G1 are not affected because
+        nothing will change for them apart from __g1_start getting larger.
+      * New waiters arriving concurrently with the group switching will all go
+@@ -363,12 +361,12 @@ __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
+        are not affected.
+      * Waiters in G1 have already received a signal and been woken.  */
+-  /* Update __g1_start, which finishes closing this group.  The value we add
+-     will never be negative because old_orig_size can only be zero when we
+-     switch groups the first time after a condvar was initialized, in which
+-     case G1 will be at index 1 and we will add a value of 1.
+-     Relaxed MO is fine because the change comes with no additional
+-     constraints that others would have to observe.  */
++  /* Update __g1_start, which closes this group.  The value we add will never
++     be negative because old_orig_size can only be zero when we switch groups
++     the first time after a condvar was initialized, in which case G1 will be
++     at index 1 and we will add a value of 1. Relaxed MO is fine because the
++     change comes with no additional constraints that others would have to
++     observe.  */
+   __condvar_add_g1_start_relaxed (cond,
+       (old_orig_size << 1) + (g1 == 1 ? 1 : - 1));
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c
+index 3db3d1fbeb165ea4..24c9d813e7c0ada6 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c
+@@ -70,18 +70,17 @@ __pthread_cond_signal (pthread_cond_t *cond)
+   bool do_futex_wake = false;
+   /* If G1 is still receiving signals, we put the signal there.  If not, we
+-     check if G2 has waiters, and if so, quiesce and switch G1 to the former
+-     G2; if this results in a new G1 with waiters (G2 might have cancellations
+-     already, see __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1), we put the signal in the
+-     new G1.  */
++     check if G2 has waiters, and if so, switch G1 to the former G2; if this
++     results in a new G1 with waiters (G2 might have cancellations already,
++     see __condvar_switch_g1), we put the signal in the new G1. */
+   if ((cond->__data.__g_size[g1] != 0)
+-      || __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 (cond, wseq, &g1, private))
++      || __condvar_switch_g1 (cond, wseq, &g1, private))
+     {
+       /* Add a signal.  Relaxed MO is fine because signaling does not need to
+-	 establish a happens-before relation (see above).  We do not mask the
+-	 release-MO store when initializing a group in
+-	 __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 because we use an atomic
+-	 read-modify-write and thus extend that store's release sequence.  */
++         establish a happens-before relation (see above).  We do not mask the
++         release-MO store when initializing a group in __condvar_switch_g1
++         because we use an atomic read-modify-write and thus extend that
++         store's release sequence.  */
+       atomic_fetch_add_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1, 2);
+       cond->__data.__g_size[g1]--;
+       /* TODO Only set it if there are indeed futex waiters.  */
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+index c97b5d22cb31ca6b..5b82ce639367e0c0 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+@@ -350,8 +350,7 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+      because we do not need to establish any happens-before relation with
+      signalers (see __pthread_cond_signal); modification order alone
+      establishes a total order of waiters/signals.  We do need acquire MO
+-     to synchronize with group reinitialization in
+-     __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1.  */
++     to synchronize with group reinitialization in __condvar_switch_g1.  */
+   uint64_t wseq = __condvar_fetch_add_wseq_acquire (cond, 2);
+   /* Find our group's index.  We always go into what was G2 when we acquired
+      our position.  */
+@@ -383,9 +382,9 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+     {
+       /* Now wait until a signal is available in our group or it is closed.
+          Acquire MO so that if we observe (signals == lowseq) after group
+-         switching in __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1, we synchronize with that
+-         store and will see the prior update of __g1_start done while switching
+-         groups too.  */
++         switching in __condvar_switch_g1, we synchronize with that store and
++         will see the prior update of __g1_start done while switching groups
++         too.  */
+       unsigned int signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+       uint64_t g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
+       unsigned int lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
diff --git a/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-9.patch b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-9.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b3f73b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/glibc-RHEL-8381-9.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+commit 91bb902f58264a2fd50fbce8f39a9a290dd23706
+Author: Malte Skarupke <>
+Date:   Wed Dec 4 08:05:40 2024 -0500
+    nptl: Use all of g1_start and g_signals
+    The LSB of g_signals was unused. The LSB of g1_start was used to indicate
+    which group is G2. This was used to always go to sleep in pthread_cond_wait
+    if a waiter is in G2. A comment earlier in the file says that this is not
+    correct to do:
+     "Waiters cannot determine whether they are currently in G2 or G1 -- but they
+      do not have to because all they are interested in is whether there are
+      available signals"
+    I either would have had to update the comment, or get rid of the check. I
+    chose to get rid of the check. In fact I don't quite know why it was there.
+    There will never be available signals for group G2, so we didn't need the
+    special case. Even if there were, this would just be a spurious wake. This
+    might have caught some cases where the count has wrapped around, but it
+    wouldn't reliably do that, (and even if it did, why would you want to force a
+    sleep in that case?) and we don't support that many concurrent waiters
+    anyway. Getting rid of it allows us to use one more bit, making us more
+    robust to wraparound.
+    Signed-off-by: Malte Skarupke <>
+    Reviewed-by: Carlos O'Donell <>
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c
+index 1ec746ec3df51c4f..14d3e533ad4b24d7 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ __pthread_cond_broadcast (pthread_cond_t *cond)
+     {
+       /* Add as many signals as the remaining size of the group.  */
+       atomic_fetch_add_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1,
+-				cond->__data.__g_size[g1] << 1);
++				cond->__data.__g_size[g1]);
+       cond->__data.__g_size[g1] = 0;
+       /* We need to wake G1 waiters before we switch G1 below.  */
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ __pthread_cond_broadcast (pthread_cond_t *cond)
+     {
+       /* Step (3): Send signals to all waiters in the old G2 / new G1.  */
+       atomic_fetch_add_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1,
+-				cond->__data.__g_size[g1] << 1);
++				cond->__data.__g_size[g1]);
+       cond->__data.__g_size[g1] = 0;
+       /* TODO Only set it if there are indeed futex waiters.  */
+       do_futex_wake = true;
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
+index 770f8e7c5d347f6b..1fe0448d8705c326 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_common.c
+@@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ __condvar_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
+      behavior.
+      Note that this works correctly for a zero-initialized condvar too.  */
+   unsigned int old_orig_size = __condvar_get_orig_size (cond);
+-  uint64_t old_g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond) >> 1;
+-  if (((unsigned) (wseq - old_g1_start - old_orig_size)
+-	  + cond->__data.__g_size[g1 ^ 1]) == 0)
++  uint64_t old_g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
++  uint64_t new_g1_start = old_g1_start + old_orig_size;
++  if (((unsigned) (wseq - new_g1_start) + cond->__data.__g_size[g1 ^ 1]) == 0)
+ 	return false;
+   /* We have to consider the following kinds of waiters:
+@@ -361,16 +361,10 @@ __condvar_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
+        are not affected.
+      * Waiters in G1 have already received a signal and been woken.  */
+-  /* Update __g1_start, which closes this group.  The value we add will never
+-     be negative because old_orig_size can only be zero when we switch groups
+-     the first time after a condvar was initialized, in which case G1 will be
+-     at index 1 and we will add a value of 1. Relaxed MO is fine because the
+-     change comes with no additional constraints that others would have to
+-     observe.  */
+-  __condvar_add_g1_start_relaxed (cond,
+-      (old_orig_size << 1) + (g1 == 1 ? 1 : - 1));
+-  unsigned int lowseq = ((old_g1_start + old_orig_size) << 1) & ~1U;
++  /* Update __g1_start, which closes this group.  Relaxed MO is fine because
++     the change comes with no additional constraints that others would have
++     to observe.  */
++  __condvar_add_g1_start_relaxed (cond, old_orig_size);
+   /* At this point, the old G1 is now a valid new G2 (but not in use yet).
+      No old waiter can neither grab a signal nor acquire a reference without
+@@ -382,13 +376,13 @@ __condvar_switch_g1 (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t wseq,
+   g1 ^= 1;
+   *g1index ^= 1;
+-  /* Now advance the new G1 g_signals to the new lowseq, giving it
++  /* Now advance the new G1 g_signals to the new g1_start, giving it
+      an effective signal count of 0 to start.  */
+-  atomic_store_release (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1, lowseq);
++  atomic_store_release (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1, (unsigned)new_g1_start);
+   /* These values are just observed by signalers, and thus protected by the
+      lock.  */
+-  unsigned int orig_size = wseq - (old_g1_start + old_orig_size);
++  unsigned int orig_size = wseq - new_g1_start;
+   __condvar_set_orig_size (cond, orig_size);
+   /* Use and addition to not loose track of cancellations in what was
+      previously G2.  */
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c
+index 24c9d813e7c0ada6..9f04833119fd3f59 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ __pthread_cond_signal (pthread_cond_t *cond)
+          release-MO store when initializing a group in __condvar_switch_g1
+          because we use an atomic read-modify-write and thus extend that
+          store's release sequence.  */
+-      atomic_fetch_add_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1, 2);
++      atomic_fetch_add_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_signals + g1, 1);
+       cond->__data.__g_size[g1]--;
+       /* TODO Only set it if there are indeed futex waiters.  */
+       do_futex_wake = true;
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+index 5b82ce639367e0c0..031ec717ca64f66f 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ __condvar_cancel_waiting (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t seq, unsigned int g,
+      not hold a reference on the group.  */
+   __condvar_acquire_lock (cond, private);
+-  uint64_t g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond) >> 1;
++  uint64_t g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
+   if (g1_start > seq)
+     {
+       /* Our group is closed, so someone provided enough signals for it.
+@@ -260,7 +260,6 @@ __condvar_cleanup_waiting (void *arg)
+      * Waiters fetch-add while having acquire the mutex associated with the
+        condvar.  Signalers load it and fetch-xor it concurrently.
+    __g1_start: Starting position of G1 (inclusive)
+-     * LSB is index of current G2.
+      * Modified by signalers while having acquired the condvar-internal lock
+        and observed concurrently by waiters.
+    __g1_orig_size: Initial size of G1
+@@ -281,11 +280,9 @@ __condvar_cleanup_waiting (void *arg)
+      * Reference count used by waiters concurrently with signalers that have
+        acquired the condvar-internal lock.
+    __g_signals: The number of signals that can still be consumed, relative to
+-     the current g1_start.  (i.e. bits 31 to 1 of __g_signals are bits
+-     31 to 1 of g1_start with the signal count added)
++     the current g1_start.  (i.e. g1_start with the signal count added)
+      * Used as a futex word by waiters.  Used concurrently by waiters and
+        signalers.
+-     * LSB is currently reserved and 0.
+    __g_size: Waiters remaining in this group (i.e., which have not been
+      signaled yet.
+      * Accessed by signalers and waiters that cancel waiting (both do so only
+@@ -387,9 +384,8 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+          too.  */
+       unsigned int signals = atomic_load_acquire (cond->__data.__g_signals + g);
+       uint64_t g1_start = __condvar_load_g1_start_relaxed (cond);
+-      unsigned int lowseq = (g1_start & 1) == g ? signals : g1_start & ~1U;
+-      if (seq < (g1_start >> 1))
++      if (seq < g1_start)
+         {
+           /* If the group is closed already,
+              then this waiter originally had enough extra signals to
+@@ -402,13 +398,13 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+          by now, perhaps in the process of switching back to an older
+          G2, but in either case we're allowed to consume the available
+          signal and should not block anymore.  */
+-      if ((int)(signals - lowseq) >= 2)
++      if ((int)(signals - (unsigned int)g1_start) > 0)
+         {
+ 	  /* Try to grab a signal.  See above for MO.  (if we do another loop
+ 	     iteration we need to see the correct value of g1_start)  */
+ 	    if (atomic_compare_exchange_weak_acquire (
+ 			cond->__data.__g_signals + g,
+-			&signals, signals - 2))
++			&signals, signals - 1))
+ 	      break;
+ 	    else
+ 	      continue;
diff --git a/SPECS/glibc.spec b/SPECS/glibc.spec
index 6565cf1..9e6f364 100644
--- a/SPECS/glibc.spec
+++ b/SPECS/glibc.spec
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ end \
 Summary: The GNU libc libraries
 Name: glibc
 Version: %{glibcversion}
-Release: %{glibcrelease}.11
+Release: %{glibcrelease}.13
 # In general, GPLv2+ is used by programs, LGPLv2+ is used for
 # libraries.
@@ -1248,6 +1248,16 @@ Patch1013: glibc-RHEL-61255.patch
 Patch1014: glibc-RHEL-61259-1.patch
 Patch1015: glibc-RHEL-61259-2.patch
 Patch1016: glibc-RHEL-67806.patch
+Patch1017: glibc-RHEL-8381-1.patch
+Patch1018: glibc-RHEL-8381-2.patch
+Patch1019: glibc-RHEL-8381-3.patch
+Patch1020: glibc-RHEL-8381-4.patch
+Patch1021: glibc-RHEL-8381-5.patch
+Patch1022: glibc-RHEL-8381-6.patch
+Patch1023: glibc-RHEL-8381-7.patch
+Patch1024: glibc-RHEL-8381-8.patch
+Patch1025: glibc-RHEL-8381-9.patch
+Patch1026: glibc-RHEL-8381-10.patch
 # Continued list of core "glibc" package information:
@@ -2909,6 +2919,12 @@ fi
+* Fri Feb  7 2025 Carlos O'Donell <> - 2.28-251.13
+- Restore internal ABI to avoid tooling false positives (RHEL-8381)
+* Thu Jan 30 2025 Carlos O'Donell <> - 2.28-251.12
+- Fix missed wakeup in POSIX thread condition variables (RHEL-8381)
 * Mon Dec  9 2024 DJ Delorie <> - 2.28-251.11
 - add GB18030-2022 charmap and tests (RHEL-67806)