Summary: A PostScript(TM) interpreter and renderer. Name: ghostscript Version: 6.51 Release: 16 License: GPL URL: Group: Applications/Publishing Source0:{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 %define jpeg_ver 6b Source1:{jpeg_ver}.tar.gz %define hpdj_ver 2.6 Source2:{hpdj_ver}.tar.gz %define md2k_ver 0.2a Source3:{md2k_ver}.tar.gz Source4: %define gimp_ver 4.0.5 Source5:{gimp_ver}.tar.gz %define lxm_ver 0.4.1-gs5.50 Source6:{lxm_ver}-src.tar.gz Source7: Source8: # Url for gs-cjk project, the source of Source9: # %define cjk_ver 6.51-cjk-M2-R1 Source9:{cjk_ver}.tar.gz %define gsj_ver gs550j1 Source11: %{gsj_ver}.tar.gz # Source12 is gs6.51 friendly contrib.mak-add for gsj Source12: contrib.mak-gsj651.add Source13: %define vflib_ver gs650 Source15:{vflib_ver} Source16: Source17: gdevgdi.c Source18: Source20: ghostscript-6.51-cjk.tar.gz Patch0: ghostscript-6.51-config.patch Patch1: ghostscript-6.51-linuxtime.patch Patch2: ghostscript-6.51-mkstemp.patch Patch3: ghostscript-6.51-gcc296.patch # Patch5 is gs6.51 friendly patch for gsj Patch5: ghostscript-6.51-gsj.patch Patch6: ghostscript-6.51-_ds.patch Patch7: ghostscript-6.51-gx_device.patch Patch8: ghostscript-6.51-gsj_update.patch Patch10: ghostscript-6.51-config.kfvflib.patch Patch12: ghostscript-6.51-vflib.fixup.patch Patch13: ghostscript-6.51-res_path.patch Patch14: ghostscript-6.51-ps2epsi.patch Patch15: ghostscript-6.51-Omni_glib.patch Patch16: ghostscript-6.51-gdevgdi.patch Patch17: ghostscript-6.51-Epson_eplaseren.patch Patch18: ghostscript-6.51-gs_path.patch Patch19: ghostscript-6.51-ia64_jmp_buf.patch Patch20: ghostscript-6.51-PARANOIDSAFER.patch Patch21: ghostscript-6.51-Omni.090501.update.patch Patch22: ghostscript-6.51-Omni_path.patch Patch23: ghostscript-6.51-Omni_quiet.patch # I dont think this patch is needed anymore, so it is not applied. # but I might be wrong, and dont really understand it, so it is still # included. -Crutcher Patch11: gs5.50-rth.patch # xtt-fonts -> ttfonts-ja Requires: VFlib2, ttfonts-ja, zlib, libpng, glib Requires: urw-fonts >= 1.1, ghostscript-fonts Requires: Omni BuildRequires: zlib, zlib-devel, libpng, libpng-devel BuildRequires: VFlib2-devel, glib-devel, XFree86-devel BuildPreReq: freetype-devel BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root %description Ghostscript is a set of software that provides a PostScript(TM) interpreter, a set of C procedures (the Ghostscript library, which implements the graphics capabilities in the PostScript language) and an interpreter for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Ghostscript translates PostScript code into many common, bitmapped formats, like those understood by your printer or screen. Ghostscript is normally used to display PostScript files and to print PostScript files to non-PostScript printers. If you need to display PostScript files or print them to non-PostScript printers, you should install ghostscript. If you install ghostscript, you also need to install the ghostscript-fonts package. %prep %setup -q # Set up the jpeg library tar xzf %{SOURCE1} ln -s jpeg-%{jpeg_ver} jpeg # Setting linux as a platform that needs AND %patch1 -p1 -b .linuxtime # Patch to use mkstemp for making temp files, for security %patch2 -p1 -b .mkstemp # Apply the gs-cjk patches tar xzf %{SOURCE9} (cd gs%{cjk_ver}; rm src_time_.h.patch \ src_unix-gcc.mak.patch \ src_gp_unifs.c.patch ) cat gs%{cjk_ver}/*.patch | patch -p0 -b -V simple -z .cjk # Create a Resource directory %patch13 -p1 -b .res_path mkdir Resource mkdir Resource/Font mkdir Resource/CIDFont tar xzf %{SOURCE13} -C Resource tar xzf %{SOURCE16} -C Resource tar xzf gs%{cjk_ver}/install-cid.tar.gz -C Resource tar xzf %{SOURCE20} -C Resource/CIDFont # Add the VFlib/jpdf patch # The unix-gcc.mak portions of this patch are in the config patch below mkdir vflib-source unzip %{SOURCE15} -d vflib-source %patch12 -p1 -b .vflib.fixup patch -p1 -b -V simple -z .vflib < vflib-source/%{vflib_ver}-j-vlib.diff # RPM configuration changes to the makefile # The config patch sets up the use of a symbol, _XXX_RPM_GS_DEVICES_XXX_ which # gets replaced by sed with the contents of the variable GS_DEVS. This # allows devices to be added to the Makefile by adding them to the # GS_DEVS string in this spec file. New devices in this spec file # should be added with the line: # GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) ' <-- note the space # Those paying attention will wonder why it works this way, the reason is that # the DEVICE_DEVS? are NOT treated as real variables by ghostscript's build # system, and so we have to actually change the file. # %patch0 -p1 -b .config # Includes japanese changes %patch10 -p1 -b .config.kfvflib # Turn on every possibly pertinent builtin device GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) ' ## Add a monkey-load of Japanese Printers mkdir gsj tar xzf %{SOURCE11} -C gsj # Zap the older version of the okidata driver rm gsj/gdevop4w.* cp gsj/*.[ch] src/ cp gsj/*.{ps,src} lib/ %patch5 -p1 -b .gsj # Repair the gsj code %patch6 -p1 -b ._ds %patch7 -p1 -b .gx_device %patch8 -p1 -b .gsj_update # update the make files GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) ' cat %{SOURCE12} >> src/contrib.mak # Turn on IBM's Omni print driver interface GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) ' # Repair Omni for glib changes # (this patch must come after the vflib patch) %patch15 -p2 -b .Omni_glib # Apply appropriate portions of the 090501 update %patch21 -p1 -b .Omni.090501 # Adjust omni to seek in /usr/lib/Omni/ first. %patch22 -p1 -b .Omni_path # Turn off the debugging output from the gomni driver %patch23 -p1 -b .Omni_quiet # Turn on HP's hpijs print driver interface GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) ' # the following hpijs device got missed in gs6.51 echo ' ### ----------------------- HP hpijs device ------------------ ### $(DD) : $(hpijs_) $(DD) $(SETPDEV) $(DD)hpijs $(hpijs_) ' >> src/contrib.mak # update from hpijs 0.96 to 0.97 sed -e 's/DESKJET_MARGINS_LETTER 0.25, 0.44, -0.25, 0.33/DESKJET_MARGINS_LETTER 0.25, 0.44, -0.25, 0.167/' < src/gdevhpij.c > src/gdevhpij.c.tmp mv src/gdevhpij.c.tmp src/gdevhpij.c # Add hpdj driver support for some other HP printers mkdir hpdj tar xzfO %{SOURCE2} hpdj-%{hpdj_ver}/hpdj.tar | tar xf - -C hpdj mv hpdj/*.c hpdj/*.h src/ mv hpdj/*.1 man # update the make files GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) ' cat hpdj/contrib.mak-5.94.add >> src/contrib.mak # Add support for ALPS printers tar xzf %{SOURCE3} mv gdevmd2k-%{md2k_ver}/*.[ch] src/ # update the make files GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) ' cat gdevmd2k-%{md2k_ver}/gdevmd2k.mak-5.8x >> src/contrib.mak # Add *.upp files for Epson 740 tar xzf %{SOURCE4} mv epson740/*.upp lib/ # Add the gimp-print stp driver tar xzf %{SOURCE5} mv print-%{gimp_ver}/Ghost/*.[ch] src/ # update the make files GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) ' cat print-%{gimp_ver}/Ghost/contrib.mak.addon >> src/contrib.mak # Add Daniel Gordini's lxm3200 driver tar xzf %{SOURCE6} mv lxm3200-%{lxm_ver}-src/*.[ch] src/ # update the make files GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) ' echo ' ### ---------------- Lexmark 3200 device ----------------- ### lxm3200_=$(GLOBJ)gdevlx32.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gdevlx32.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevlx32.c $(PDEVH) $(gsparam_h) $(GLCC) $(GLO_)gdevlx32.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevlx32.c $(DD) $(lxm3200_) $(DD) $(SETPDEV) $(DD)lxm3200 $(lxm3200_) ' >> src/contrib.mak # Add the lx5000 driver cp %{SOURCE7} src/ GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) ' echo ' ### ----------------- Lexmark 5000 printer ----------------------------- ### ### Note: this driver was contributed by users. Please contact: ### ### Peter B. West ### ### Reported to work with Z51. May work with 5700 & 7000 ### ### Provides colour and black-only, unidirectional 300/600x600dpi. ### lx5000_=$(GLOBJ)gdevlx50.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gdevlx50.$(OBJ) : $(GLSRC)gdevlx50.c $(PDEVH) $(GLCC) $(GLO_)gdevlx50.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevlx50.c $(DD) $(lx5000_) $(DD) $(SETPDEV) $(DD)lx5000 $(lx5000_) ' >> src/contrib.mak # Add Henryk Paluch's additional lexmark drivers tar xzf %{SOURCE8} cp lexmarkgs/gdevlx7.c src/ # update the make files GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) ' echo ' ### ------ Lexmark 2050, 3200, 5700 and 7000 devices ------- ### lex7000_=$(GLOBJ)gdevlx7.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gdevlx7.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevlx7.c $(PDEVH) $(gsparam_h) $(GLCC) $(GLO_)gdevlx7.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevlx7.c $(DD) $(lex7000_) $(DD) $(SETPDEV) $(DD)lex7000 $(lex7000_) $(DD) $(lex7000_) $(DD) $(SETPDEV) $(DD)lex5700 $(lex7000_) $(DD) $(lex7000_) $(DD) $(SETPDEV) $(DD)lex3200 $(lex7000_) $(DD) $(lex7000_) $(DD) $(SETPDEV) $(DD)lex2050 $(lex7000_) ' >> src/contrib.mak # Add Samsung GDI driver for ML-4500 cp %{SOURCE17} src/ %patch16 -p1 -b .gdevgdi # update the make files GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) ' echo ' ### ---------------- The Samsung SmartGDI laser printer devices --------- ### ### Note : this driver is used by Samsung SmartGDI compatible printers. ### ### GDIMONO=$(GLOBJ)gdevgdi.$(OBJ) $(HPPCL) $(GLOBJ)gdevgdi.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevgdi.c $(PDEVH) $(gsparam_h) $(GLCC) $(GLO_)gdevgdi.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevgdi.c $(DD) $(GDIMONO) $(DD) $(SETPDEV) $(DD)gdi $(GDIMONO) ' >> src/contrib.mak # Add Epson's old eplaseren drivers tar xzf %{SOURCE18} -C src %patch17 -p1 -b .Epson_eplaseren GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) ' GS_DEVS=$GS_DEVS'$(DD) $(DD) ' cat src/eplaser/*.mak >> src/contrib.mak # Patch to make gcc296 happier %patch3 -p1 -b .gcc296 # Patch to make ps2espi better/work %patch14 -p1 -b .ps2epsi # Fix the gs path in %patch18 -p1 -b .gs_path # Stupid ia64 jmp_buf alignment patch %patch19 -p1 -b .ia64_jmp_buf # add -dPARANOIDSAFER to let us breathe a little easier in the print spooler. %patch20 -p1 -b .PARANOIDSAFER # Set up for a unix os, gcc compiler build, and replace our insertion string sed -e "s/_XXX_RPM_GS_DEVICES_XXX_/$GS_DEVS/;" src/unix-gcc.mak > Makefile %build make RPM_OPT_FLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" prefix=/usr %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/{%{_mandir},%{_bindir},%{_datadir},%{_docdir}} make install prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr \ mandir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir} \ datadir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir} \ bindir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir} \ docdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version} ln -sf gs.1.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/ghostscript.1.gz ln -sf gs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/ghostscript cp -a Resource $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/ghostscript/ MAIN_PWD=`pwd` (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT; find ./usr/share/ghostscript/%{version}/{lib,vflib,examples}/* | \ sed -e 's/\.//;' | grep -v lib/Fontmap* | grep -v > $MAIN_PWD/rpm.sharelist) %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files -f rpm.sharelist %defattr(-,root,root) /usr/bin/* %dir /usr/share/ghostscript %dir /usr/share/ghostscript/Resource %dir /usr/share/ghostscript/%{version} %dir /usr/share/ghostscript/%{version}/lib %dir /usr/share/ghostscript/%{version}/vflib %dir /usr/share/ghostscript/%{version}/examples %config /usr/share/ghostscript/%{version}/lib/ %config /usr/share/ghostscript/%{version}/lib/Fontmap* /usr/share/ghostscript/Resource/* %{_mandir}/*/* %changelog * Thu Oct 18 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-16 - update the Omni driver, and patch it to seek in /usr/lib/Omni/ first - require Omni * Mon Oct 01 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-15 - change -dPARANOIDSAFER to punch a hole for OutputFile * Mon Sep 17 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-14 - add -dPARANOIDSAFER to let us breathe a little easier in the print spooler. * Thu Sep 13 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-13 - apply jakub's fix to ghostscript's jmp_buf problems; #49591 * Wed Sep 5 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-12 - fix; #50925 * Fri Aug 24 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-11 - added Epson's old eplaseren drivers, - pointed out by Till Kamppeter * Tue Aug 21 2001 Paul Howarth 6.51-10 - included Samsung GDI driver for ML-4500 printer support. * Sun Aug 19 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-9 - applied IBM's glib patches for Omni, which now works. - BE AWARE: we now link against libstdc++ and glib for this, and use a c++ - link stage to do the dirty. - added glib-devel buildreq and glib req, I don't think we require everything - yet, I could pull in sasl. * Sun Aug 19 2001 David Suffield 6.51-8 - Added gs device hpijs and updated gdevhpij.c to hpijs 0.97 * Wed Aug 15 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-7 - pull in ynakai's update to the cjk resources. * Thu Aug 9 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-6 - turn dmprt and cdj880 back on. for some reason, they work now. - voodoo, who knows. * Thu Aug 9 2001 Yukihiro Nakai 6.51-5 - Add cjk resources * Thu Aug 1 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-4 - applied's patch for #50300 - fixed build deps on zlib-devel and libpng-devel, #49853 - made a config file; #25096 - O\^/nZ the daTa directorieZ now; #50693 * Tue Jul 24 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-3 - wired up the Resource dir and the Font and CIDFont maps. * Mon Jul 23 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 6.51-2 - luckily, I had a spare chicken. Thanks to some work by Nakai, and one last - desperate search through google, everything /seems/ to be working. I know - that there are going to be problems in the japanese code, and I need to turn - on the cjk font map from adobe, but it /works/ at the moment. * Thu Jun 21 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant - upgraded to 6.51, a major version upgrade - rewrote spec file, threw out some patches - turned on IBM's Omni print drivers interface - turned on HP's hpijs print drivers interface - turned on every driver that looked usable from linux - sacrificed a chicken to integrate the old Japanese drivers - - This didn't work. The japanese patches are turned off, pending review. - - I can do loops with C, but the bugs are in Postscript init files * Wed Apr 11 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant - added P. B. West's lx5000 driver * Tue Feb 27 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant - added xtt-fonts requirement (for VFlib) * Fri Feb 9 2001 Adrian Havill - cmpskit removed as a build prereq * Thu Feb 8 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant - merged in some patches that got away: - * Fri Sep 1 2000 Mitsuo Hamada - add support JIS B size - fix the problem of reconverting GNUPLOT output * Thu Feb 8 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant - switched to japanese for everybody * Thu Feb 8 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant - tweaked time_.h to test for linux, and include the right - header * Wed Feb 7 2001 Crutcher Dunnavnat - added the lxm3200 driver * Mon Dec 11 2000 Crutcher Dunnavant - merged in the (accendental) branch that contained the mktemp - and LD_RUN_PATH bug fixes. * Tue Oct 17 2000 Jeff Johnson - tetex using xdvi with ghostscript patch (#19212). * Tue Sep 12 2000 Michael Stefaniuc - expanded the gcc296 patch to fix a compilation issue with the new stp driver * Mon Sep 11 2000 Michael Stefaniuc - added the stp driver from the gimp-print project. It supports high quality printing especialy with Epson Stylus Photo. * Wed Aug 2 2000 Matt Wilson - rebuilt against new libpng * Wed Aug 2 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Fix up the cdj880 patch (Bug #14978) - Fix build with gcc 2.96 * Fri Jul 21 2000 Bill Nottingham - turn off japanese support * Thu Jul 13 2000 Prospector - automatic rebuild * Fri Jul 07 2000 Trond Eivind Glomsrød - fixed the broken inclusion of files in /usr/doc - Build requires freetype-devel * Fri Jun 16 2000 Matt Wilson - build japanese support in main distribution - FHS manpage paths * Sun Mar 26 2000 Chris Ding - enabled bmp16m driver * Thu Mar 23 2000 Matt Wilson - added a boatload of Japanese printers * Thu Mar 16 2000 Matt Wilson - add japanese support, enable_japanese macro * Mon Feb 14 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - 5.50 at last... - hpdj 2.6 - Added 3rd party drivers: - Lexmark 5700 (lxm5700m) - Alps MD-* (md2k, md5k) - Lexmark 2050, 3200, 5700 and 7000 (lex2050, lex3200, lex5700, lex7000) * Fri Feb 4 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - rebuild to compress man page - fix gs.1 symlink * Wed Jan 26 2000 Bill Nottingham - add stylus 740 uniprint files * Thu Jan 13 2000 Preston Brown - add lq850 dot matrix driver (#6357) * Thu Oct 28 1999 Bill Nottingham - oops, include oki182 driver. * Tue Aug 24 1999 Bill Nottingham - don't optimize on Alpha. This way it works. * Thu Jul 29 1999 Michael K. Johnson - added hpdj driver - changed build to use tar_cat so adding new drivers is sane * Thu Jul 1 1999 Bill Nottingham - add OkiPage 4w+, HP 8xx drivers * Mon Apr 5 1999 Bill Nottingham - fix typo in config patch. * Sun Mar 21 1999 Cristian Gafton - auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 6) * Mon Mar 15 1999 Cristian Gafton - added patch from rth to fix alignement problems on the alpha. * Wed Feb 24 1999 Preston Brown - Injected new description and group. * Mon Feb 08 1999 Bill Nottingham - add uniprint .upp files * Sat Feb 06 1999 Preston Brown - fontpath update. * Wed Dec 23 1998 Preston Brown - updates for ghostscript 5.10 * Fri Nov 13 1998 Preston Brown - updated to use shared urw-fonts package. * Mon Nov 09 1998 Preston Brown - turned on truetype (ttf) font support. * Thu Jul 2 1998 Jeff Johnson - updated to 4.03. * Tue May 05 1998 Cristian Gafton - enabled more printer drivers - buildroot * Mon Apr 27 1998 Prospector System - translations modified for de, fr, tr * Mon Mar 03 1997 Erik Troan - Made /usr/share/ghostscript/3.33/Fontmap a config file.