large update for simplified reworked revision of Packaging Guidelines

- see for discussion
- move section and multiple library metamacros to new extra subpackage
- packaging no longer depends on availability of shared libs
  so is same now for all primary and secondary archs: ie there is always
  a binary base library package
- drop ghc_add_basepkg_file macro and ghc_exclude_docdir
This commit is contained in:
Jens Petersen 2013-04-23 18:12:25 +09:00
parent 9921428d92
commit 73b0bd180f
3 changed files with 154 additions and 164 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# RPM Macros for packaging Haskell cabalized packages -*-rpm-spec-*-
# see for more details
# see for more details
# "cabal"
%cabal [ -x Setup ] || ghc --make %{!?ghc_user_conf:-no-user-package-conf} %{!?ghc_without_dynamic:-dynamic} Setup\
@ -43,28 +43,11 @@ fi
%define docdir %{ghclibdocdir}/%{pkgnamever}\
rm -f %{basepkg}.files %{basepkg}-devel.files\
if [ -d "%{buildroot}%{pkgdir}" ]; then\
echo "%dir %{pkgdir}" >> %{basepkg}%{?ghc_without_shared:-devel}.files\
echo "%dir %{pkgdir}" >> %{basepkg}.files\
%if %{undefined ghc_without_shared}\
echo "%attr(755,root,root) %{pkgdir}/libHS%{pkgnamever}-ghc%{ghc_version}.so" >> %{basepkg}.files\
%if %{defined ghc_without_shared}\
if [ "%{name}" = "%{basepkg}" -o -n "%{?1}" ]; then\
if [ -d "%{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{basepkg}-%{pkgver}" ]; then\
mv %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{basepkg}-%{pkgver} %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{basepkg}-devel-%{pkgver}\
%if %{undefined ghc_exclude_docdir}\
echo "%{_docdir}/%{basepkg}-devel-%{version}" >> %{basepkg}-devel.files\
%if %{undefined ghc_exclude_docdir}\
if [ -d "%{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}" ]; then\
echo "%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}" >> %{basepkg}%{?ghc_without_shared:-devel}.files\
elif [ -d "%{buildroot}%{_docdir}/ghc-%{pkgnamever}" ]; then\
echo "%{_docdir}/ghc-%{pkgnamever}" >> %{basepkg}%{?ghc_without_shared:-devel}.files\
echo "%{ghclibdir}/package.conf.d/%{pkgnamever}*.conf" >> %{basepkg}-devel.files\
if [ -d "%{buildroot}%{pkgdir}" ]; then\
find %{buildroot}%{pkgdir} -mindepth 1 -type d | sed "s/^/%dir /" >> %{basepkg}-devel.files\
@ -73,17 +56,13 @@ fi\
if [ -d "%{buildroot}%{docdir}" ]; then\
echo "%{docdir}" >> %{basepkg}-devel.files\
for i in %{!?ghc_without_shared:%{basepkg}.files} %{basepkg}-devel.files; do\
for i in %{basepkg}.files %{basepkg}-devel.files; do\
if [ -f "$i" ]; then\
sed -i -e "s!%{buildroot}!!g" $i\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkg_name}\
echo "%*" >> %{basepkg}%{?ghc_without_shared:-devel}.files
# compiler version
%ghc_version %{!?ghc_version_override:%(ghc --numeric-version)}%{?ghc_version_override}
@ -102,139 +81,10 @@ install --mode=0644 %{pkgnamever}.conf %{buildroot}%{ghclibdir}/package.conf.d\
%ghc_devel_requires Requires: ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}\
Requires(post): ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}\
Requires(postun): ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}\
%if %{undefined ghc_without_shared} && 0%{!?-m:1}\
Requires: ghc-%{?pkg_name}%{!?pkg_name:%{pkgname}} = %{?pkgver}%{!?pkgver:%{version}}-%{release}\
%if %{undefined ghc_without_shared}\
%files -n %{basepkg} -f %{basepkg}.files\
%{?base_doc_files:%doc %base_doc_files}\
# ghc_lib_package [-c cdepslist] [-h pkgdepslist]
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
# ghc_package [-l licensetag] [name] [version]
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define pkgver %{?2}%{!?2:%{version}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
%package -n %{basepkg}\
Summary: %{?common_summary}%{!?common_summary:Haskell %{pkgname} library}\
Group: System Environment/Libraries\
%{?1:Version: %{pkgver}}\
%{-l:License: %{-l*}}\
%{?ghc_pkg_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %(echo "%{ghc_pkg_obsoletes}" | sed -e "s/\\(ghc-[^, ]*\\)-devel/\\1/g")}
# ghc_description [name] [version]
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
%description -n %{basepkg}\
%{?common_description}%{!?common_description:Haskell %{pkgname} library.}\
%if %{defined ghc_version} && %{undefined ghc_without_shared}\
This package provides the shared library.\
# ghc_lib_subpackage [-c cdepslist] [-h pkgdepslist] [-l licensetag] [-x] [name] [version]
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define pkgver %{?2}%{!?2:%{version}}\
%define pkgnamever %{pkgname}-%{pkgver}\
%{!-x:%{?1:%global ghc_packages_list %{?ghc_packages_list} %{pkgnamever}}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
Requires: ghc-%{?pkg_name}%{!?pkg_name:%{pkgname}} = %{?pkgver}%{!?pkgver:%{version}}-%{release}
%ghc_pkg_recache %{_bindir}/ghc-pkg recache --no-user-package-conf || :
# (deprecated) for docs post and postun
%ghc_reindex_haddock :
%files -n %{basepkg}-devel -f %{basepkg}-devel.files\
%if %{defined ghc_without_shared}\
%{?base_doc_files:%doc %base_doc_files}\
%{?devel_doc_files:%doc %devel_doc_files}\
%{?1:%define base_doc_files %*}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkg_name}\
# ghc_devel_package [-c cdepslist] [-h pkgdepslist] [-l licensetag] [-m] [name] [version]
# -m : meta-package
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define pkgver %{?2}%{!?2:%{version}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
%package -n %{basepkg}-devel\
Summary: %{?common_summary}%{!?common_summary:Haskell %{pkgname} library} development files\
Group: Development/Libraries\
%{?1:Version: %{pkgver}}\
%{-l:License: %{-l*}}\
%{-h:Requires: %{-h*}}\
%{?ghc_pkg_c_deps:Requires: %{ghc_pkg_c_deps}}\
%{-c:Requires: %{-c*}}\
%{?ghc_pkg_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %{ghc_pkg_obsoletes}}\
%{?ghc_pkg_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %(echo "%{ghc_pkg_obsoletes}" | sed -e "s/\\(ghc-[^, ]*\\)-devel/\\1-doc/g")}\
Obsoletes: %{basepkg}-doc < %{pkgver}-%{release}\
Provides: %{basepkg}-doc = %{pkgver}-%{release}\
Obsoletes: %{basepkg}-prof < %{pkgver}-%{release}\
%if %{undefined without_prof}\
Provides: %{basepkg}-prof = %{pkgver}-%{release}\
# ghc_devel_description
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
%description -n %{basepkg}-devel\
%{?common_description}%{!?common_description:Haskell %{pkgname} library.}\
This package contains the development files.
# ghc_devel_post_postun
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
%post -n %{basepkg}-devel\
%postun -n %{basepkg}-devel\
# ghc_package_devel [-c cdepslist] [-h pkgdepslist] [-l licensetag] [name] [version]
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
# ghc_strip_dynlinked
%if %{undefined __debug_package}\
@ -312,5 +162,3 @@ done\
%global ghc_without_shared 1\
%global ghc_without_dynamic 1\
%ghc_exclude_docdir 1

ghc-rpm-macros.ghc-extra Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
# RPM Macros for packaging Haskell packages with multiple libs -*-rpm-spec-*-
%files -n %{basepkg} -f %{basepkg}.files\
%{?base_doc_files:%doc %base_doc_files}\
# ghc_lib_package [-c cdepslist] [-h pkgdepslist]
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
# ghc_package [-l licensetag] [name] [version]
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define pkgver %{?2}%{!?2:%{version}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
%package -n %{basepkg}\
Summary: %{?common_summary}%{!?common_summary:Haskell %{pkgname} library}\
%{?1:Version: %{pkgver}}\
%{-l:License: %{-l*}}\
%{?ghc_pkg_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %(echo "%{ghc_pkg_obsoletes}" | sed -e "s/\\(ghc-[^, ]*\\)-devel/\\1/g")}
# ghc_description [name] [version]
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
%description -n %{basepkg}\
%{?common_description}%{!?common_description:Haskell %{pkgname} library.}
# ghc_lib_subpackage [-c cdepslist] [-h pkgdepslist] [-l licensetag] [-x] [name] [version]
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define pkgver %{?2}%{!?2:%{version}}\
%define pkgnamever %{pkgname}-%{pkgver}\
%{!-x:%{?1:%global ghc_packages_list %{?ghc_packages_list} %{pkgnamever}}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
%ghc_pkg_recache %{_bindir}/ghc-pkg recache --no-user-package-conf || :
# (deprecated) for docs post and postun
%ghc_reindex_haddock :
%files -n %{basepkg}-devel -f %{basepkg}-devel.files\
%{?devel_doc_files:%doc %devel_doc_files}\
%{?1:%define base_doc_files %*}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkg_name}\
# ghc_devel_package [-c cdepslist] [-h pkgdepslist] [-l licensetag] [-m] [name] [version]
# -m : meta-package
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define pkgver %{?2}%{!?2:%{version}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
%package -n %{basepkg}-devel\
Summary: %{?common_summary}%{!?common_summary:Haskell %{pkgname} library} development files\
%{?1:Version: %{pkgver}}\
%{-l:License: %{-l*}}\
%{-h:Requires: %{-h*}}\
%{?ghc_pkg_c_deps:Requires: %{ghc_pkg_c_deps}}\
%{-c:Requires: %{-c*}}\
%{?ghc_pkg_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %{ghc_pkg_obsoletes}}\
%{?ghc_pkg_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %(echo "%{ghc_pkg_obsoletes}" | sed -e "s/\\(ghc-[^, ]*\\)-devel/\\1-doc/g")}\
Obsoletes: %{basepkg}-doc < %{pkgver}-%{release}\
Provides: %{basepkg}-doc = %{pkgver}-%{release}\
Obsoletes: %{basepkg}-prof < %{pkgver}-%{release}\
%if %{undefined without_prof}\
Provides: %{basepkg}-prof = %{pkgver}-%{release}\
# ghc_devel_description
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
%description -n %{basepkg}-devel\
%{?common_description}%{!?common_description:Haskell %{pkgname} library.}\
This package contains the development files.
# ghc_devel_post_postun
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\
%post -n %{basepkg}-devel\
%postun -n %{basepkg}-devel\
# ghc_package_devel [-c cdepslist] [-h pkgdepslist] [-l licensetag] [name] [version]
%define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\
%define basepkg ghc-%{pkgname}\

View File

@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
%global debug_package %{nil}
%global macros_file %{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.ghc
%global macros_dir %{_sysconfdir}/rpm
# uncomment to bootstrap without hscolour
#%%global without_hscolour 1
Name: ghc-rpm-macros
Version: 0.98.1
Release: 4%{?dist}
Summary: Macros for building packages for GHC
Version: 0.99
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: RPM macros for building packages for GHC
Group: Development/Libraries
License: GPLv3
@ -24,6 +23,7 @@ Source2: AUTHORS
Source4: cabal-tweak-dep-ver
Source5: cabal-tweak-flag
Source6: ghc-rpm-macros.ghc-extra
Requires: redhat-rpm-config
%if %{undefined without_hscolour}
BuildRequires: redhat-rpm-config
@ -37,6 +37,13 @@ of the Fedora Haskell SIG. ghc needs to be installed in order to make use of
these macros.
%package extra
Summary: Extra RPM macros for building Haskell packages with several libs
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
%description extra
%setup -c -T
cp %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE2} .
@ -47,7 +54,8 @@ echo no build stage needed
install -p -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE0} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{macros_file}
install -p -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE0} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{macros_dir}/macros.ghc
install -p -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE6} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{macros_dir}/macros.ghc-extra
install -p -D -m 0755 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/lib/rpm/
@ -57,7 +65,7 @@ install -p -D -m 0755 %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/cabal-tweak-flag
# this is why this package is now arch-dependent:
# turn off shared libs and dynamic linking on secondary archs
%ifnarch %{ix86} x86_64
cat >> %{buildroot}/%{macros_file} <<EOF
cat >> %{buildroot}/%{macros_dir}/macros.ghc <<EOF
# shared libraries are only supported on primary intel archs
%%ghc_without_dynamic 1
@ -68,13 +76,27 @@ EOF
%files extra
* Tue Apr 23 2013 Jens Petersen <> - 0.99-1
- update for simplified revised Haskell Packaging Guidelines
- packaging for without_shared is now done the same way as shared
to make non-shared arch packages same as shared ones:
so all archs will now have base library binary packages
- move spec section metamacros and multiple library packaging macros still
needed for ghc and haskell-platform to new extra subpackage
- drop ghc_add_basepkg_file macro and ghc_exclude_docdir
* Wed Mar 20 2013 Ralf Corsépius <> - 0.98.1-4
- Remove %%config from %%{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.*