update to 0.17.0

This commit is contained in:
Jens Petersen 2023-01-23 01:25:27 +08:00
parent c16f830d5a
commit 29384825d9
4 changed files with 149 additions and 151 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
/memory-0.14.16.tar.gz /memory-0.14.16.tar.gz
/memory-0.14.18.tar.gz /memory-0.14.18.tar.gz
/memory-0.15.0.tar.gz /memory-0.15.0.tar.gz

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# generated by cabal-rpm-2.0.9 # generated by cabal-rpm-2.1.0
# https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Haskell/ # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Haskell/
%global pkg_name memory %global pkg_name memory
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
%bcond_without tests %bcond_without tests
Name: ghc-%{pkg_name} Name: ghc-%{pkg_name}
Version: 0.15.0 Version: 0.17.0
Release: 9%{?dist} Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Memory and related abstraction stuff Summary: Memory and related abstraction stuff
License: BSD License: BSD-3-Clause
Url: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkg_name} Url: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkg_name}
# Begin cabal-rpm sources: # Begin cabal-rpm sources:
Source0: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkgver}/%{pkgver}.tar.gz Source0: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkgver}/%{pkgver}.tar.gz
@ -19,12 +19,19 @@ Source1: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkgver}/%{pkg_name}.cabal#
# End cabal-rpm sources # End cabal-rpm sources
# Begin cabal-rpm deps: # Begin cabal-rpm deps:
BuildRequires: dos2unix
BuildRequires: ghc-Cabal-devel BuildRequires: ghc-Cabal-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-rpm-macros BuildRequires: ghc-rpm-macros
BuildRequires: ghc-base-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-basement-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-bytestring-devel
BuildRequires: ghc-deepseq-devel
%if %{with ghc_prof}
BuildRequires: ghc-base-prof BuildRequires: ghc-base-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-basement-prof BuildRequires: ghc-basement-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-bytestring-prof BuildRequires: ghc-bytestring-prof
BuildRequires: ghc-deepseq-prof BuildRequires: ghc-deepseq-prof
%if %{with tests} %if %{with tests}
BuildRequires: ghc-foundation-devel BuildRequires: ghc-foundation-devel
%endif %endif
@ -86,7 +93,7 @@ This package provides the Haskell %{pkg_name} profiling library.
%prep %prep
# Begin cabal-rpm setup: # Begin cabal-rpm setup:
%setup -q -n %{pkgver} %setup -q -n %{pkgver}
cp -bp %{SOURCE1} %{pkg_name}.cabal dos2unix -k -n %{SOURCE1} %{pkg_name}.cabal
# End cabal-rpm setup # End cabal-rpm setup
@ -130,6 +137,10 @@ cp -bp %{SOURCE1} %{pkg_name}.cabal
%changelog %changelog
* Sun Jan 22 2023 Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com> - 0.17.0-1
- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/memory-0.17.0/changelog
- refresh to cabal-rpm-2.1.0 with SPDX migration
* Thu Jul 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.15.0-9 * Thu Jul 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.15.0-9
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild

View File

@ -1,145 +1,131 @@
Name: memory Name: memory
version: 0.15.0 version: 0.17.0
x-revision: 2 x-revision: 1
Synopsis: memory and related abstraction stuff Synopsis: memory and related abstraction stuff
Description: Description:
Chunk of memory, polymorphic byte array management and manipulation Chunk of memory, polymorphic byte array management and manipulation
. .
* A polymorphic byte array abstraction and function similar to strict ByteString. * A polymorphic byte array abstraction and function similar to strict ByteString.
. .
* Different type of byte array abstraction. * Different type of byte array abstraction.
. .
* Raw memory IO operations (memory set, memory copy, ..) * Raw memory IO operations (memory set, memory copy, ..)
. .
* Aliasing with endianness support. * Aliasing with endianness support.
. .
* Encoding : Base16, Base32, Base64. * Encoding : Base16, Base32, Base64.
. .
* Hashing : FNV, SipHash * Hashing : FNV, SipHash
License: BSD3 License: BSD3
License-file: LICENSE License-file: LICENSE
Copyright: Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org> Copyright: Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
Author: Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org> Author: Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
Maintainer: vincent@snarc.org, Nicolas Di Prima <nicolas@primetype.co.uk> Maintainer: vincent@snarc.org, Nicolas Di Prima <nicolas@primetype.co.uk>
Category: memory Category: memory
Stability: experimental Stability: experimental
Build-Type: Simple Build-Type: Simple
Homepage: https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-memory Homepage: https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-memory
Bug-Reports: https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-memory/issues Bug-Reports: https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-memory/issues
cabal-version: 1.18 cabal-version: 1.18
extra-doc-files: README.md CHANGELOG.md extra-doc-files: README.md CHANGELOG.md
source-repository head source-repository head
type: git type: git
location: https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-memory location: https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-memory
Flag support_bytestring Flag support_bytestring
Description: add non-orphan bytearray support for bytestring Description: add non-orphan bytearray support for bytestring
Default: True Default: True
Manual: True Manual: True
Flag support_foundation Flag support_deepseq
Description: add support for foundation strings and unboxed array (deprecated use support_basement) Description: add deepseq instances for memory types
Default: True Default: True
Manual: True Manual: True
Flag support_basement Library
Description: add support for foundation strings and unboxed array Exposed-modules: Data.ByteArray
Default: True Data.ByteArray.Encoding
Manual: True Data.ByteArray.Mapping
Flag support_deepseq Data.ByteArray.Parse
Description: add deepseq instances for memory types Data.ByteArray.Hash
Default: True Data.Memory.Endian
Manual: True Data.Memory.PtrMethods
Library Data.Memory.Encoding.Base16
Exposed-modules: Data.ByteArray Data.Memory.Encoding.Base32
Data.ByteArray.Encoding Data.Memory.Encoding.Base64
Data.ByteArray.Mapping Other-modules: Data.Memory.Internal.Compat
Data.ByteArray.Pack Data.Memory.Internal.CompatPrim
Data.ByteArray.Parse Data.Memory.Internal.CompatPrim64
Data.ByteArray.Hash Data.Memory.Internal.DeepSeq
Data.Memory.Endian Data.Memory.Internal.Imports
Data.Memory.PtrMethods Data.Memory.Hash.SipHash
Data.Memory.ExtendedWords Data.Memory.Hash.FNV
Data.Memory.Encoding.Base16 Data.ByteArray.Pack.Internal
Data.Memory.Encoding.Base32 Data.ByteArray.Types
Data.Memory.Encoding.Base64 Data.ByteArray.Bytes
Other-modules: Data.Memory.Internal.Compat Data.ByteArray.ScrubbedBytes
Data.Memory.Internal.CompatPrim Data.ByteArray.Methods
Data.Memory.Internal.CompatPrim64 Data.ByteArray.MemView
Data.Memory.Internal.DeepSeq Data.ByteArray.View
Data.Memory.Internal.Imports if impl(ghc < 8.0)
Data.Memory.Internal.Scrubber buildable: False
Data.Memory.Hash.SipHash else
Data.Memory.Hash.FNV build-depends: base
Data.ByteArray.Pack.Internal , ghc-prim < 0.9
Data.ByteArray.Types -- FIXME armel or mispel is also little endian.
Data.ByteArray.Bytes -- might be a good idea to also add a runtime autodetect mode.
Data.ByteArray.ScrubbedBytes -- ARCH_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN
Data.ByteArray.Methods if (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64))
Data.ByteArray.MemView CPP-options: -DARCH_IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN
Data.ByteArray.View if os(windows)
Other-modules: Data.Memory.MemMap.Windows
build-depends: base >= 4.9 && < 4.15 else
if impl(ghc < 8.0) Other-modules: Data.Memory.MemMap.Posix
build-depends: base
else -- optional support bytearray instance for bytestring
build-depends: base if flag(support_bytestring)
-- FIXME armel or mispel is also little endian. Build-depends: bytestring
-- might be a good idea to also add a runtime autodetect mode. if flag(support_deepseq)
if (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)) Build-depends: deepseq >= 1.1
if os(windows) CPP-options: -DWITH_BASEMENT_SUPPORT
Other-modules: Data.Memory.MemMap.Windows Build-depends: basement >= 0.0.7
else exposed-modules: Data.ByteArray.Sized
Other-modules: Data.Memory.MemMap.Posix
ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs
-- optional support bytearray instance for bytestring default-language: Haskell2010
if flag(support_bytestring)
CPP-options: -DWITH_BYTESTRING_SUPPORT Test-Suite test-memory
Build-depends: bytestring type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
if flag(support_deepseq) hs-source-dirs: tests
CPP-options: -DWITH_DEEPSEQ_SUPPORT Main-is: Tests.hs
Build-depends: deepseq >= 1.1 Other-modules: Imports
if flag(support_foundation) || flag(support_basement) SipHash
Build-depends: basement >= 0.0.7 if impl(ghc < 8.0)
exposed-modules: Data.ByteArray.Sized buildable: False
ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs build-depends: base
default-language: Haskell2010 Build-Depends: bytestring
, memory
Test-Suite test-memory , basement >= 0.0.7
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 , foundation
hs-source-dirs: tests ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-missing-signatures -threaded
Main-is: Tests.hs default-language: Haskell2010
Other-modules: Imports CPP-options: -DWITH_BASEMENT_SUPPORT
Utils -- Test-Suite test-examples
if impl(ghc < 8.0) -- default-language: Haskell2010
buildable: False -- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
else -- hs-source-dirs: tests
build-depends: base -- ghc-options: -threaded
Build-Depends: bytestring -- Main-is: DocTests.hs
, memory -- Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5
, basement >= 0.0.7 -- , memory
, foundation -- , bytestring
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-missing-signatures -threaded -- , doctest
default-language: Haskell2010
if flag(support_foundation)
-- Test-Suite test-examples
-- default-language: Haskell2010
-- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
-- hs-source-dirs: tests
-- ghc-options: -threaded
-- Main-is: DocTests.hs
-- Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5
-- , memory
-- , bytestring
-- , doctest

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
SHA512 (memory-0.15.0.tar.gz) = 49aabf5fdaddae597df6d8f30a3e07c4d6d70fcc7b9146452a4ad4e81858786041676bc780e2b048fd683cc7c0d799d4579596c14fae940ea57954e9a7ee9129 SHA512 (memory-0.17.0.tar.gz) = ea8175094588680154cb1708a7ecdb6dfba0d29ae102cc2976996d789a4be10c8f106245eeff1d9573cc3e85e4cd5249c2305eeb7a5b14b833f8bed721c27daa