diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index bb0d7a7..db344d0 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/gdb-testsuite-pagination-read1.patch b/gdb-testsuite-pagination-read1.patch
index 58fb132..d0c2a82 100644
--- a/gdb-testsuite-pagination-read1.patch
+++ b/gdb-testsuite-pagination-read1.patch
@@ -1,93 +1,232 @@
-Subject: [testsuite patch] Fix paginate-*.exp race for "read1"
+Subject: Re: [testsuite patch] Fix paginate-*.exp race for "read1"
+Hi Jan,
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
-Content-Disposition: inline
+Thanks for noticing this.  It'd be very nice IMO to put that read1
+trick in the sources somewhere, to make it easy (easier) to use.  Ideally
+we'd have a simple Makefile flag to activate it, like 'make check READ1="1"'
+or some such, but really just putting the files as attached to the PR, as
+is, with absolutely no other glue at all, not even a Makefile, under
+gdb/contrib/read1 or some such would already be great.  We can always
+improve and integrate things more incrementally.  WDYT?
-Hi Pedro,
+On 07/22/2014 06:36 PM, Jan Kratochvil wrote:
-these testcase have racy results:
-	gdb.base/double-prompt-target-event-error.exp
-	gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp
-	gdb.base/paginate-bg-execution.exp
-	gdb.base/paginate-execution-startup.exp
-	gdb.base/paginate-inferior-exit.exp
+> +	global saw_continuing
+>  	set saw_continuing 0
+>  	set test "continue to pagination"
+> -	gdb_test_multiple "$command" $test {
+> -	    -re "$pagination_prompt$" {
+> -		if {$saw_continuing} {
+> -		    pass $test
+> -		} else {
+> -		    send_gdb "\n"
+> -		    exp_continue
+> -		}
+> +	gdb_test_pagination $command $test {
+> +	    global saw_continuing
+> +	    if {$saw_continuing} {
+> +		pass $test
+> +	    } else {
+> +		send_gdb "\n"
+> +		exp_continue
+>  	    }
+> +	} {
+>  	    -re "Continuing" {
+> +		global saw_continuing
+>  		set saw_continuing 1
-reproducible with "read1" from:
-	reproducer for races of expect incomplete reads
-	http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=12649
+The need for these "global"s indicates an issue
+with uplevel/upvar in the new procedure.
-# Prevent gdb_test_multiple considering an error -re "<return>" match.
-# For unknown reason -notransfer -re "<return>" { exp_continue } does not
-# prevent it.
+>  		exp_continue
+>  	    }
+> -	    -notransfer -re "<return>" {
+> -		# Otherwise gdb_test_multiple considers this an error.
+> -		exp_continue
+> -	    }
+>  	}
+>  	# We're now stopped in a pagination query while handling a
-Tested on Fedora 20 x86_64 and Fedora Rawhide x86_64 that -notransfer does not
-work there:
-	expect-5.45-10.fc20.x86_64
-	expect-5.45-16.fc21.x86_64
+> +proc gdb_test_pagination { command test { code_prompt3 {} } { code_append {} } } {
+> +    append code_append {
+> +	-re "${pagination_prompt3}$" {
+> +	    if { $saw_pagination_prompt != 2 } {
+> +		fail "$test (3)"
+> +	    }
+> +	    set saw_pagination_prompt 3
+> +	    eval $code_prompt3
-Sure if someone gets -notransfer working this patch could be dropped.
+The issue is that $code_prompt3 and $code_append should really be
+evaluated in this function's caller ...
+> +	}
+> +    }
+> +
+> +    set saw_pagination_prompt 0
+> +    gdb_test_multiple $command $test $code_append
+... but gdb_test_multiple evaluates the passed in $code_append
+in the context of "uplevel 1" (and likewise it does a couple
+upvar's with level one.  To make that work, you'd need to
+rename gdb_test_multiple to gdb_test_multiple_with_level or
+some such, add a 'level' parameter, and pass that as level to
+the existing uplevel/upvar calls.  Then in gdb_test_pagination
+you'd pass in "two levels up", like:
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
-Content-Disposition: inline; filename=1
+    gdb_test_multiple_with_level 2 $command $test $code_append
+instead, and likewise gdb_test_multiple would be reimplemented in
+terms of gdb_test_multiple_with_level.
+But...  We don't really need ...
+> +# Prevent gdb_test_multiple considering an error -re "<return>" match.
+> +# For unknown reason -notransfer -re "<return>" { exp_continue } does not
+> +# prevent it.
+> +
+> +proc gdb_test_pagination { command test { code_prompt3 {} } { code_append {} } } {
+> +    global pagination_prompt1 pagination_prompt2 pagination_prompt3
+> +    global gdb_prompt
+> +
+> +    # A regexp that matches the pagination prompt.
+> +    set pagination_prompt1 "---Type <return"
+> +    set pagination_prompt2 "> to continue, or q <return"
+> +    set pagination_prompt3 "> to quit---"
+> +
+... this, if we instead tackle what IMO is the root of the
+issue, and make gdb_test_multiple match the whole pagination
+prompt, like in the patch below.  I should really have done
+this in the first place.  :-/
+This fixes the races for me, even when stressing them in
+parallel mode, as mentioned in the commit log.
+Does this fix them for you too?
+>From 0c6260e734bdb28272119d50b0150fb777a458ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pedro Alves <palves@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 17:00:21 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix paginate-*.exp races
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix paginate-*.exp races
+These testcases have racy results:
+  gdb.base/double-prompt-target-event-error.exp
+  gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp
+  gdb.base/paginate-bg-execution.exp
+  gdb.base/paginate-execution-startup.exp
+  gdb.base/paginate-inferior-exit.exp
+This is easily reproducible with "read1" from:
+  [reproducer for races of expect incomplete reads]
+  http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=12649
+The '-notransfer -re "<return>" { exp_continue }' trick in the current
+tests doesn't actually work.
+The issue that led to the -notransfer trick was that
+  "---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---"
+has two "<return>"s.  If one wants gdb_test_multiple to not hit the
+built-in "<return>" match that results in FAIL, one has to expect the
+pagination prompt in chunks, first up to the first "<return>", then
+again, up to the second.  Something around these lines:
+  gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
+      -re "<return>" {
+	  exp_continue
+      }
+      -re "to quit ---" {
+	  pass $test
+      }
+  }
+The intent was for -notransfer+exp_continue to make expect fetch more
+input, and rerun the matches against the now potentially fuller
+buffer, and then eventually the -re that includes the full pagination
+prompt regex would match instead (because it's listed higher up, it
+would match first).  But, once that "<return>" -notransfer -re
+matches, it keeps re-matching forever.  It seems like with
+exp_continue, expect immediately retries matching, instead of first
+reading in more data into the buffer, if available.
+Fix this like I should have done in the first place.  There's actually
+no good reason for gdb_test_multiple to only match "<return>".  We can
+make gdb_test_multiple expect the whole pagination prompt text
+instead, which is store in the 'pagination_prompt' global (similar to
+'gdb_prompt').  Then a gdb_test_multiple caller that doesn't want the
+default match to trigger, because it wants to see one pagination
+prompt, does simply:
+  gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
+      -re "$pagination_prompt$" {
+	  pass $test
+      }
+  }
+which is just like when we don't want the default $gdb_prompt match
+within gdb_test_multiple to trigger, like:
+  gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
+      -re "$gdb_prompt $" {
+	  pass $test
+      }
+  }
+Tested on x86_64 Fedora 20.  In addition, I've let the racy tests run
+all in parallel in a loop for 30 minutes, and they never failed.
-2014-07-22  Jan Kratochvil  <jan.kratochvil@redhat.com>
+2014-07-24  Pedro Alves  <palves@redhat.com>
-	* gdb.base/double-prompt-target-event-error.exp: Use
-	gdb_test_pagination.
-	* gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp: Likewise.
-	* gdb.base/paginate-bg-execution.exp: Likewise.
-	* gdb.base/paginate-execution-startup.exp: Likewise.
-	* gdb.base/paginate-inferior-exit.exp: Likewise.
-	* lib/gdb.exp (pagination_prompt): Remove.
-	(gdb_test_pagination): New.
+	* gdb.base/double-prompt-target-event-error.exp
+	(cancel_pagination_in_target_event): Remove '-notransfer <return>'
+	match.
+	(cancel_pagination_in_target_event): Rework double prompt
+	detection.
+	* gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp
+	(test_ctrlc_while_target_running_paginates): Remove '-notransfer
+	<return>' match.
+	* gdb.base/paginate-bg-execution.exp
+	(test_bg_execution_pagination_return)
+	(test_bg_execution_pagination_cancel): Remove '-notransfer
+	<return>' matches.
+	* gdb.base/paginate-execution-startup.exp
+	(test_fg_execution_pagination_return)
+	(test_fg_execution_pagination_cancel): Remove '-notransfer
+	<return>' matches.
+	* gdb.base/paginate-inferior-exit.exp
+	(test_paginate_inferior_exited): Remove '-notransfer <return>'
+	match.
+	* lib/gdb-utils.exp (string_to_regexp): Move here from lib/gdb.exp.
+	* lib/gdb.exp (pagination_prompt): Run text through
+	string_to_regexp.
+	(gdb_test_multiple): Match $pagination_prompt instead of
+	"<return>".
+	(string_to_regexp): Move to lib/gdb-utils.exp.
+ .../gdb.base/double-prompt-target-event-error.exp  | 26 +++++++++++++---------
+ .../gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp     |  4 ----
+ gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-bg-execution.exp   |  9 --------
+ .../gdb.base/paginate-execution-startup.exp        |  8 -------
+ gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-inferior-exit.exp  |  4 ----
+ gdb/testsuite/lib/gdb-utils.exp                    |  9 ++++++++
+ gdb/testsuite/lib/gdb.exp                          | 14 +++---------
+ 7 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/double-prompt-target-event-error.exp b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/double-prompt-target-event-error.exp
-index 5571cdf..803e256 100644
+index 5571cdf..84c6c45 100644
 --- a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/double-prompt-target-event-error.exp
 +++ b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/double-prompt-target-event-error.exp
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ if {[prepare_for_testing "failed to prepare" $testfile $srcfile debug] == -1} {
- proc cancel_pagination_in_target_event { command } {
-     global binfile srcfile
--    global gdb_prompt pagination_prompt
-+    global gdb_prompt
-     set testline [gdb_get_line_number "after sleep"]
-@@ -60,25 +60,23 @@ proc cancel_pagination_in_target_event { command } {
- 	# Wait for pagination prompt after the "Continuing" line,
- 	# indicating the program was running and then stopped.
-+	global saw_continuing
- 	set saw_continuing 0
- 	set test "continue to pagination"
--	gdb_test_multiple "$command" $test {
--	    -re "$pagination_prompt$" {
--		if {$saw_continuing} {
--		    pass $test
--		} else {
--		    send_gdb "\n"
--		    exp_continue
--		}
-+	gdb_test_pagination $command $test {
-+	    global saw_continuing
-+	    if {$saw_continuing} {
-+		pass $test
-+	    } else {
-+		send_gdb "\n"
-+		exp_continue
- 	    }
-+	} {
- 	    -re "Continuing" {
-+		global saw_continuing
+@@ -75,10 +75,6 @@ proc cancel_pagination_in_target_event { command } {
  		set saw_continuing 1
@@ -98,60 +237,46 @@ index 5571cdf..803e256 100644
  	# We're now stopped in a pagination query while handling a
-@@ -88,15 +86,20 @@ proc cancel_pagination_in_target_event { command } {
+@@ -87,18 +83,28 @@ proc cancel_pagination_in_target_event { command } {
+ 	# output.
  	send_gdb "\003p 1\n"
++	# Note gdb_test_multiple has a default match for the prompt,
++	# which issues a FAIL.  Consume the first prompt.
++	set test "first prompt"
++	gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
++	    -re "$gdb_prompt" {
++		pass "first prompt"
++	    }
++	}
++	# We should only see one prompt more, and it should be
++	# preceeded by print's output.
  	set test "no double prompt"
--	gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
+ 	gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
 -	    -re "$gdb_prompt.*$gdb_prompt.*$gdb_prompt $" {
--		fail $test
--	    }
++	    -re "$gdb_prompt.*$gdb_prompt $" {
++		# The bug is present, and expect managed to read
++		# enough characters into the buffer to fill it with
++		# both prompts.
+ 		fail $test
+ 	    }
 -	    -re "$gdb_prompt .* = 1\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
-+	global saw_prompt
-+	set saw_prompt 0
-+	gdb_test_pagination "" $test {
-+	    exp_continue
-+	} {
 +	    -re " = 1\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
  		pass $test
 -	    -notransfer -re "<return>" {
 -		# Otherwise gdb_test_multiple considers this an error.
-+	    -re "\r\n$gdb_prompt " {
-+		global saw_prompt
-+		if { $saw_prompt != 0 } {
-+		    fail $test
-+		}
-+		set saw_prompt 1
- 		exp_continue
- 	    }
- 	}
-diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp
-index 0ed8c92..3323fe7 100644
---- a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp
-+++ b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp
-@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ if {[build_executable "failed to prepare" $testfile $srcfile debug] == -1} {
- proc test_ctrlc_while_target_running_paginates {} {
-     global binfile srcfile
--    global gdb_prompt pagination_prompt
-     set testline [gdb_get_line_number "after sleep"]
-@@ -61,19 +60,13 @@ proc test_ctrlc_while_target_running_paginates {} {
- 	# the user can respond to the pagination query.
- 	set test "got prompt"
- 	set saw_pagination_prompt 0
--	gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
--	    -re "$pagination_prompt$" {
--		set saw_pagination_prompt 1
--		send_gdb "\n"
 -		exp_continue
 -	    }
-+	gdb_test_pagination "" $test {
-+	    send_gdb "\n"
-+	    exp_continue
-+	} {
+ 	}
+ 	# In case the board file wants to send further commands.
+diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp
+index 0ed8c92..5898d5b 100644
+--- a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp
++++ b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-after-ctrl-c-running.exp
+@@ -70,10 +70,6 @@ proc test_ctrlc_while_target_running_paginates {} {
  	    -re "$gdb_prompt $" {
  		gdb_assert $saw_pagination_prompt $test
@@ -163,182 +288,63 @@ index 0ed8c92..3323fe7 100644
  	# Confirm GDB can still process input.
 diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-bg-execution.exp b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-bg-execution.exp
-index dcff8ad..3ba46a3 100644
+index dcff8ad..116cc2b 100644
 --- a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-bg-execution.exp
 +++ b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-bg-execution.exp
-@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ if {[build_executable "failed to prepare" $testfile $srcfile debug] == -1} {
- proc test_bg_execution_pagination_return {} {
-     global binfile
--    global pagination_prompt
-     with_test_prefix "paginate" {
- 	clean_restart $binfile
-@@ -43,21 +42,12 @@ proc test_bg_execution_pagination_return {} {
- 	gdb_test "continue&" "Continuing\."
--	set test "pagination handled, breakpoint hit"
--	set saw_pagination_prompt 0
--	gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
--	    -re "$pagination_prompt$" {
--		set saw_pagination_prompt 1
--		send_gdb "\n"
--		exp_continue
--	    }
+@@ -51,11 +51,6 @@ proc test_bg_execution_pagination_return {} {
+ 		send_gdb "\n"
+ 		exp_continue
+ 	    }
 -	    -notransfer -re "<return>" {
 -		# Otherwise gdb_test_multiple considers this an
 -		# error.
 -		exp_continue
 -	    }
-+	gdb_test_pagination "" "pagination handled, breakpoint hit" {
-+	    send_gdb "\n"
-+	    exp_continue
-+	} {
  	    -re "after sleep\[^\r\n\]+\r\n$" {
--		gdb_assert $saw_pagination_prompt $test
-+		gdb_assert { $saw_pagination_prompt == 3 } $test
+ 		gdb_assert $saw_pagination_prompt $test
+ 	    }
+@@ -96,10 +91,6 @@ proc test_bg_execution_pagination_cancel { how } {
+ 	    -re "$pagination_prompt$" {
+ 		pass $test
- 	}
-@@ -75,7 +65,7 @@ proc test_bg_execution_pagination_return {} {
- proc test_bg_execution_pagination_cancel { how } {
-     global binfile
--    global gdb_prompt pagination_prompt
-+    global gdb_prompt
-     with_test_prefix "cancel with $how" {
- 	clean_restart $binfile
-@@ -92,14 +82,8 @@ proc test_bg_execution_pagination_cancel { how } {
- 	gdb_test "continue&" "Continuing\."
- 	set test "continue& paginates"
--	gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
--	    -re "$pagination_prompt$" {
--		pass $test
--	    }
 -	    -notransfer -re "<return>" {
 -		# Otherwise gdb_test_multiple considers this an error.
 -		exp_continue
 -	    }
-+	gdb_test_pagination "" $test {
-+	    pass $test
  	set test "cancel pagination"
 diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-execution-startup.exp b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-execution-startup.exp
-index dc713ec..4dc2376 100644
+index dc713ec..1628a0f 100644
 --- a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-execution-startup.exp
 +++ b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-execution-startup.exp
-@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ proc probe_can_run_cmdline  {} {
- proc test_fg_execution_pagination_return {} {
-     global file_arg
-     global saved_gdbflags GDBFLAGS
--    global gdb_prompt pagination_prompt
-     set GDBFLAGS $saved_gdbflags
-     append GDBFLAGS " -ex \"set height 2\""
-@@ -92,10 +91,9 @@ proc test_fg_execution_pagination_return {} {
- 	    fail $test
- 	    return $res
- 	}
--	gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
--	    -re "$pagination_prompt$" {
--		pass $test
--	    }
-+	gdb_test_pagination "" $test {
-+	    pass $test
-+	} {
- 	    -re "$gdb_prompt $" {
- 		fail $test
+@@ -111,10 +111,6 @@ proc test_fg_execution_pagination_return {} {
+ 		send_gdb "\n"
+ 		exp_continue
-@@ -103,20 +101,13 @@ proc test_fg_execution_pagination_return {} {
- 	send_gdb "\n"
--	set saw_pagination_prompt 0
- 	set test "send \\n to GDB"
--	gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
--	    -re "$pagination_prompt$" {
--		set saw_pagination_prompt 1
--		send_gdb "\n"
--		exp_continue
--	    }
 -	    -notransfer -re "<return>" {
 -		# Otherwise gdb_test_multiple considers this an error.
 -		exp_continue
 -	    }
-+	gdb_test_pagination "" $test {
-+	    send_gdb "\n"
-+	    exp_continue
-+	} {
  	    -re "$gdb_prompt $" {
--		gdb_assert $saw_pagination_prompt $test
-+		gdb_assert { $saw_pagination_prompt == 3 } $test
+ 		gdb_assert $saw_pagination_prompt $test
+ 	    }
+@@ -154,10 +150,6 @@ proc test_fg_execution_pagination_cancel { how } {
+ 	    -re "$pagination_prompt$" {
+ 		pass $test
- 	}
-@@ -133,7 +124,7 @@ proc test_fg_execution_pagination_return {} {
- proc test_fg_execution_pagination_cancel { how } {
-     global file_arg
-     global saved_gdbflags GDBFLAGS
--    global gdb_prompt pagination_prompt
-+    global gdb_prompt
-     set GDBFLAGS $saved_gdbflags
-@@ -150,14 +141,8 @@ proc test_fg_execution_pagination_cancel { how } {
- 	    fail $test
- 	    return $res
- 	}
--	gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
--	    -re "$pagination_prompt$" {
--		pass $test
--	    }
 -	    -notransfer -re "<return>" {
 -		# Otherwise gdb_test_multiple considers this an error.
 -		exp_continue
 -	    }
-+	gdb_test_pagination "" $test {
-+	    pass $test
  	set test "cancel pagination"
 diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-inferior-exit.exp b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-inferior-exit.exp
-index 0e37be9..d43a245 100644
+index 0e37be9..7c63289 100644
 --- a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-inferior-exit.exp
 +++ b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/paginate-inferior-exit.exp
-@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ if {[build_executable "failed to prepare" $testfile $srcfile debug] == -1} {
- #
- proc test_paginate_inferior_exited {} {
-     global binfile
--    global gdb_prompt pagination_prompt
-+    global gdb_prompt
-     global inferior_exited_re
-     with_test_prefix "paginate" {
-@@ -45,23 +45,18 @@ proc test_paginate_inferior_exited {} {
- 	# Wait for the "Starting program" line, indicating the program
- 	# is running.
- 	set saw_starting 0
--	gdb_test_multiple "continue" $test {
--	    -re "$pagination_prompt" {
--		if {$saw_starting} {
--		    pass $test
--		} else {
--		    send_gdb "\n"
--		    exp_continue
--		}
-+	gdb_test_pagination "continue" $test {
-+	    if {$saw_starting} {
-+		pass $test
-+	    } else {
-+		send_gdb "\n"
-+		exp_continue
- 	    }
-+	} {
- 	    -re "Continuing" {
+@@ -58,10 +58,6 @@ proc test_paginate_inferior_exited {} {
  		set saw_starting 1
@@ -350,66 +356,60 @@ index 0e37be9..d43a245 100644
  	# We're now stopped in a pagination output while handling a
 diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/lib/gdb.exp b/gdb/testsuite/lib/gdb.exp
-index 7a00efb..d953a50 100644
+index 7a00efb..8cb98ae 100644
 --- a/gdb/testsuite/lib/gdb.exp
 +++ b/gdb/testsuite/lib/gdb.exp
-@@ -70,9 +70,6 @@ if ![info exists gdb_prompt] then {
-     set gdb_prompt "\[(\]gdb\[)\]"
+@@ -71,7 +71,15 @@ if ![info exists gdb_prompt] then {
--# A regexp that matches the pagination prompt.
+ # A regexp that matches the pagination prompt.
++# Given an input string, adds backslashes as needed to create a
++# regexp that will match the string.
++proc string_to_regexp {str} {
++    set result $str
++    regsub -all {[]*+.|()^$\[\\]} $str {\\&} result
++    return $result
 -set pagination_prompt "---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---"
++set pagination_prompt [string_to_regexp "---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---"]
  # The variable fullname_syntax_POSIX is a regexp which matches a POSIX 
  # absolute path ie. /foo/ 
- set fullname_syntax_POSIX {/[^\n]*/}
-@@ -4846,5 +4843,46 @@ proc capture_command_output { command prefix } {
-     return $output_string
+@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ proc gdb_internal_error_resync {} {
+ #
+ proc gdb_test_multiple { command message user_code } {
+     global verbose use_gdb_stub
+-    global gdb_prompt
++    global gdb_prompt pagination_prompt
+     global GDB
+     global inferior_exited_re
+     upvar timeout timeout
+@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ proc gdb_test_multiple { command message user_code } {
+ 	    }
+ 	    set result 1
+ 	}
+-	"<return>" {
++	-re "$pagination_prompt" {
+ 	    send_gdb "\n"
+ 	    perror "Window too small."
+ 	    fail "$message"
+@@ -1109,14 +1109,6 @@ proc test_print_reject { args } {
+     }
+-# Given an input string, adds backslashes as needed to create a
+-# regexp that will match the string.
+-proc string_to_regexp {str} {
+-    set result $str
+-    regsub -all {[]*+.|()^$\[\\]} $str {\\&} result
+-    return $result
-+# Prevent gdb_test_multiple considering an error -re "<return>" match.
-+# For unknown reason -notransfer -re "<return>" { exp_continue } does not
-+# prevent it.
-+proc gdb_test_pagination { command test { code_prompt3 {} } { code_append {} } } {
-+    global pagination_prompt1 pagination_prompt2 pagination_prompt3
-+    global gdb_prompt
-+    # A regexp that matches the pagination prompt.
-+    set pagination_prompt1 "---Type <return"
-+    set pagination_prompt2 "> to continue, or q <return"
-+    set pagination_prompt3 "> to quit---"
-+    append code_append {
-+	-re "${pagination_prompt1}" {
-+	    if { $saw_pagination_prompt != 0 && $saw_pagination_prompt != 3 } {
-+		fail "$test (1)"
-+	    }
-+	    set saw_pagination_prompt 1
-+	    exp_continue
-+	}
-+	-re "${pagination_prompt2}" {
-+	    if { $saw_pagination_prompt != 1 } {
-+		fail "$test (2)"
-+	    }
-+	    set saw_pagination_prompt 2
-+	    exp_continue
-+	}
-+	-re "${pagination_prompt3}$" {
-+	    if { $saw_pagination_prompt != 2 } {
-+		fail "$test (3)"
-+	    }
-+	    set saw_pagination_prompt 3
-+	    eval $code_prompt3
-+	}
-+    }
-+    set saw_pagination_prompt 0
-+    gdb_test_multiple $command $test $code_append
- # Always load compatibility stuff.
- load_lib future.exp
+ # Same as gdb_test, but the second parameter is not a regexp,
+ # but a string that must match exactly.
diff --git a/gdb-upstream.patch b/gdb-upstream.patch
index 028fe7a..0d17e73 100644
--- a/gdb-upstream.patch
+++ b/gdb-upstream.patch
@@ -65,3 +65,91 @@ index 0e0202d..d849b4c 100644
  # gdbserver does not have this issue.
  if ![is_remote target] {
      setup_kfail "*-*-*" gdb/15934
+commit c46269f24eccce534b3cababbf47c6b6b290ed03
+Author: Pedro Alves <palves@redhat.com>
+Date:   Thu Jul 24 16:00:37 2014 +0100
+    Fix pagination crash when the TUI is active
+    The TUI currently crashes when the user types <return> in response to
+    a pagination prompt:
+      $ gdb --tui ...
+      *the TUI is now active*
+      (gdb) set height 2
+      (gdb) help
+      List of classes of commands:
+      Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
+      strlen () at ../sysdeps/x86_64/strlen.S:106
+      106             movdqu  (%rax), %xmm12
+      (top-gdb) bt
+      #0  strlen () at ../sysdeps/x86_64/strlen.S:106
+      #1  0x000000000086be5f in xstrdup (s=0x0) at ../src/libiberty/xstrdup.c:33
+      #2  0x00000000005163f9 in tui_prep_terminal (notused1=1) at ../src/gdb/tui/tui-io.c:296
+      #3  0x000000000077a7ee in _rl_callback_newline () at ../src/readline/callback.c:82
+      #4  0x000000000077a853 in rl_callback_handler_install (prompt=0x0, linefunc=0x618b60 <command_line_handler>) at ../src/readline/callback.c:102
+      #5  0x0000000000718a5c in gdb_readline_wrapper_cleanup (arg=0xfd14d0) at ../src/gdb/top.c:788
+      #6  0x0000000000596d08 in do_my_cleanups (pmy_chain=0xcf0b38 <cleanup_chain>, old_chain=0x1043d10) at ../src/gdb/cleanups.c:155
+      #7  0x0000000000596d75 in do_cleanups (old_chain=0x1043d10) at ../src/gdb/cleanups.c:177
+      #8  0x0000000000718bd9 in gdb_readline_wrapper (prompt=0x7fffffffcfa0 "---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---")
+          at ../src/gdb/top.c:835
+      #9  0x000000000071cf74 in prompt_for_continue () at ../src/gdb/utils.c:1894
+      #10 0x000000000071d434 in fputs_maybe_filtered (linebuffer=0x1043db0 "List of classes of commands:\n\n", stream=0xf72e20, filter=1)
+          at ../src/gdb/utils.c:2111
+      #11 0x000000000071da0f in vfprintf_maybe_filtered (stream=0xf72e20, format=0x89aef8 "List of classes of %scommands:\n\n", args=0x7fffffffd118, filter=1)
+          at ../src/gdb/utils.c:2339
+      #12 0x000000000071da4a in vfprintf_filtered (stream=0xf72e20, format=0x89aef8 "List of classes of %scommands:\n\n", args=0x7fffffffd118)
+          at ../src/gdb/utils.c:2347
+      #13 0x000000000071dc72 in fprintf_filtered (stream=0xf72e20, format=0x89aef8 "List of classes of %scommands:\n\n") at ../src/gdb/utils.c:2399
+      #14 0x00000000004f90ab in help_list (list=0xe6d100, cmdtype=0x89ad8c "", class=all_classes, stream=0xf72e20)
+          at ../src/gdb/cli/cli-decode.c:1038
+      #15 0x00000000004f8dba in help_cmd (arg=0x0, stream=0xf72e20) at ../src/gdb/cli/cli-decode.c:946
+    Git 0017922 added:
+        @@ -776,6 +777,12 @@ gdb_readline_wrapper_cleanup (void *arg)
+         gdb_assert (input_handler == gdb_readline_wrapper_line);
+         input_handler = cleanup->handler_orig;
+      +
+      +  /* Reinstall INPUT_HANDLER in readline, without displaying a
+      +     prompt.  */
+      +  if (async_command_editing_p)
+      +    rl_callback_handler_install (NULL, input_handler);
+    and tui_prep_terminal simply misses handling the case of a NULL
+    rl_prompt.
+    I also checked that readline's sources do similar checks.
+    gdb/
+    2014-07-24  Pedro Alves  <palves@redhat.com>
+    	* tui/tui-io.c (tui_prep_terminal): Handle NULL rl_prompt.
+### a/gdb/ChangeLog
+### b/gdb/ChangeLog
+## -1,3 +1,7 @@
++2014-07-24  Pedro Alves  <palves@redhat.com>
++	* tui/tui-io.c (tui_prep_terminal): Handle NULL rl_prompt.
+ 2014-07-22  Jan Kratochvil  <jan.kratochvil@redhat.com>
+ 	* stack.c (read_frame_arg): Verify value_optimized_out before calling
+--- a/gdb/tui/tui-io.c
++++ b/gdb/tui/tui-io.c
+@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ tui_prep_terminal (int notused1)
+      (we can't use gdb_prompt() due to secondary prompts and can't use
+      rl_prompt because it points to an alloca buffer).  */
+   xfree (tui_rl_saved_prompt);
+-  tui_rl_saved_prompt = xstrdup (rl_prompt);
++  tui_rl_saved_prompt = rl_prompt != NULL ? xstrdup (rl_prompt) : NULL;
+ }
+ /* Readline callback to restore the terminal.  It is called once each
diff --git a/gdb.spec b/gdb.spec
index 8367b22..85ce0b2 100644
--- a/gdb.spec
+++ b/gdb.spec
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Summary: A GNU source-level debugger for C, C++, Fortran, Go and other languages
 Name: %{?scl_prefix}gdb
 # Freeze it when GDB gets branched
-%global snapsrc    20140721
+%global snapsrc    20140724
 # See timestamp of source gnulib installed into gdb/gnulib/ .
 %global snapgnulib 20121213
 %global tarname gdb-7.7.91.%{snapsrc}
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Version: 7.8
 # The release always contains a leading reserved number, start it at 1.
 # `upstream' is not a part of `name' to stay fully rpm dependencies compatible for the testing.
-Release: 13%{?dist}
+Release: 14%{?dist}
 License: GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and GPL+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD and Public Domain and GFDL
 Group: Development/Debuggers
@@ -516,11 +516,6 @@ Patch914: gdb-readline-6.3.5.patch
 # Continue backtrace even if a frame filter throws an exception (Phil Muldoon).
 Patch918: gdb-btrobust.patch
-# Fix crash on optimized-out entry data values (BZ 1111910).
-Patch922: gdb-entryval-crash-1of3.patch
-Patch923: gdb-entryval-crash-2of3.patch
-Patch919: gdb-entryval-crash-3of3.patch
 # Python completion w/overriden completer (Sergio Durigan Junior, BZ 1075199).
 Patch920: gdb-python-completer-1of2.patch
 Patch921: gdb-python-completer-2of2.patch
@@ -806,9 +801,6 @@ find -name "*.info*"|xargs rm -f
 %patch918 -p1
 %patch920 -p1
 %patch921 -p1
-%patch922 -p1
-%patch923 -p1
-%patch919 -p1
 %patch924 -p1
 %patch848 -p1
@@ -1300,6 +1292,10 @@ then
+* Thu Jul 24 2014 Jan Kratochvil <jan.kratochvil@redhat.com> - 7.8-14.fc21
+- Rebase to FSF GDB (pre-7.8 snapshot).
+- Import TUI regression fix (Pedro Alves, BZ 1123003).
 * Tue Jul 22 2014 Jan Kratochvil <jan.kratochvil@redhat.com> - 7.8-13.fc21
 - Bump the package version number to final 7.8; still using
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index 024c845..da00631 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 4981307aa9619bbec5b73261e4e41c8d  gdb-libstdc++-v3-python-r155978.tar.bz2
-e482a840e0bf8e928268c72cb2241646  gdb-
+8d19580f8559ada4e6a3380a822a1451  gdb-