935 lines
36 KiB
935 lines
36 KiB
%define __python /opt/rh/gcc-toolset-9/root/usr/bin/python3
%{?scl:%scl_package annobin}
Name: %{?scl_prefix}annobin
Summary: Annotate and examine compiled binary files
Version: 9.29
Release: 2%{?dist}.3
License: GPLv3+
# ProtocolURL: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Toolchain/Watermark
# Maintainer: nickc@redhat.com
# Use "--without tests" to disable the testsuite.
%bcond_without tests
# Use "--without annocheck" to disable the installation of the annocheck program.
%bcond_without annocheck
# Use "--with debuginfod" to force support for debuginfod to be compiled into
# the annocheck program. By default the configure script will check for
# availablilty at build time, but this might not match the run time situation.
# FIXME: Add a --without debuginfod option to forcefully disable the configure
# time check for debuginfod support.
%bcond_with debuginfod
# Use "--with clangplugin" to build the annobin plugin for Clang.
%bcond_with clangplugin
# Use "--with llvmplugin" to build the annobin plugin for LLVM.
%bcond_with llvmplugin
# Set this to zero to disable the requirement for a specific version of gcc.
# This should only be needed if there is some kind of problem with the version
# checking logic or when building on RHEL-7 or earlier.
%global with_hard_gcc_version_requirement 1
# # Do not build the annobin plugin with annotation enabled.
# # This is because if we are bootstrapping a new build environment we can have
# # a new version of gcc installed, but without a new of annobin installed.
# # (i.e. we are building the new version of annobin to go with the new version
# # of gcc). If the *old* annobin plugin is used whilst building this new
# # version, the old plugin will complain that version of gcc for which it
# # was built is different from the version of gcc that is now being used, and
# # then it will abort.
# Suppress this for BZ 1630550.
# The problem should now only arise when rebasing to a new major version
# of gcc, in which case the undefine below can be temporarily reinstated.
%undefine _annotated_build
# Source: https://nickc.fedorapeople.org/annobin-%%{version}.tar.xz
Source: annobin-%{version}.tar.xz
# For the latest sources use: git clone git://sourceware.org/git/annobin.git
# Insert patches here, if needed.
Patch01: annobin.unicode.patch
# We need the gcc-toolset-9 to build annobin, as otherwise the versions will not match.
%{?scl:Requires:%scl_require_package %{scl} gcc}
BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix}gcc %{?scl_prefix}gcc-plugin-devel %{?scl_prefix}gcc-c++
%define gcc_for_annobin %{?_scl_root}/usr/bin/gcc
%define gxx_for_annobin %{?_scl_root}/usr/bin/g++
# [Stolen from gcc-python-plugin]
# GCC will only load plugins that were built against exactly that build of GCC
# We thus need to embed the exact GCC version as a requirement within the
# metadata.
# Define "gcc_vr", a variable to hold the VERSION-RELEASE string for the gcc
# we are being built against.
# Unfortunately, we can't simply run:
# rpm -q --qf="%%{version}-%%{release}"
# to determine this, as there's no guarantee of a sane rpm database within
# the chroots created by our build system
# So we instead query the version from gcc's output.
# gcc.spec has:
# Version: %%{gcc_version}
# Release: %%{gcc_release}%%{?dist}
# ...snip...
# echo 'Red Hat %%{version}-%%{gcc_release}' > gcc/DEV-PHASE
# So, given this output:
# $ gcc --version
# gcc (GCC) 4.6.1 20110908 (Red Hat 4.6.1-9)
# Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
# we can scrape out the "4.6.1" from the version line.
# The following implements the above:
%global gcc_vr %(%gcc_for_annobin --version | head -n 1 | sed -e 's|.*(Red\ Hat\ ||g' -e 's|)$||g')
# We need the major version of gcc.
%global gcc_major %(echo "%{gcc_vr}" | cut -f1 -d".")
%global gcc_next %(v="%{gcc_major}"; echo $((++v)))
# Needed when building the srpm.
%if 0%{?gcc_major} == 0
%global gcc_major 0
# This is a gcc plugin, hence gcc is required.
%if %{with_hard_gcc_version_requirement}
# BZ 1607430 - There is an exact requirement on the major version of gcc.
Requires: (%{?scl_prefix}gcc >= %{gcc_major} with %{?scl_prefix}gcc < %{gcc_next})
Requires: %{?scl_prefix}gcc
BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix}gcc %{?scl_prefix}gcc-plugin-devel %{?scl_prefix}gcc-c++
%if %{with clangplugin}
BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix}clang %{?scl_prefix}clang-devel %{?scl_prefix}llvm %{?scl_prefix}llvm-devel
%if %{with llvmplugin}
BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix}clang %{?scl_prefix}clang-devel %{?scl_prefix}llvm %{?scl_prefix}llvm-devel %{?scl_prefix}compiler-rt
Provides a plugin for GCC that records extra information in the files
that it compiles.
Note - the plugin is automatically enabled in gcc builds via flags
provided by the redhat-rpm-macros package.
%if %{with clangplugin}
Also provides a plugin for clang which performs a similar function.
%if %{with llvmplugin}
Also provides a plugin for LLVM which performs a similar function.
%if %{with tests}
%package tests
Summary: Test scripts and binaries for checking the behaviour and output of the annobin plugin
%description tests
Provides a means to test the generation of annotated binaries and the parsing
of the resulting files.
%if %{with debuginfod}
BuildRequires: elfutils-debuginfod-client-devel
%if %{with annocheck}
%package annocheck
Summary: A tool for checking the security hardening status of binaries
BuildRequires: gcc elfutils elfutils-devel elfutils-libelf-devel rpm-devel binutils-devel
%if %{with debuginfod}
BuildRequires: elfutils-debuginfod-client-devel
%description annocheck
Installs the annocheck program which uses the notes generated by annobin to
check that the specified files were compiled with the correct security
hardening options.
%global ANNOBIN_GCC_PLUGIN_DIR %(%gcc_for_annobin --print-file-name=plugin)
%if %{with clangplugin}
# FIXME: Clang does not appear to have an official plugin directory.
# Instead it just uses dlopen() with no pathname prefix. So we
# construct a (hopefully good) path and rely upon users of annobin
# knowing about this location.
# FIXME2: Currently this same path is hardcoded into the Makefile.in
# files in the clang-plugin and llvm-plugin source directories...
%global ANNOBIN_CLANG_PLUGIN_DIR %{?scl_prefix}/usr/lib64/clang/%(clang -dumpversion)/lib
if [ -z "%{gcc_vr}" ]; then
echo "*** Missing gcc_vr spec file macro, cannot continue." >&2
exit 1
echo "Requires: (%{?scl_prefix}gcc >= %{gcc_major} and %{?scl_prefix}gcc < %{gcc_next})"
# Cannot use autosetup as it untar's the sources into annobin-<version>
# but then tries to change directory into <scl-prefix>-annobin-<version>.
# %%autosetup -p1
%setup -q -n annobin-%{version}
%patch01 -p1
chmod +x tests/unicode-test
# The plugin has to be configured with the same arcane configure
# scripts used by gcc. Hence we must not allow the Fedora build
# system to regenerate any of the configure files.
touch aclocal.m4 gcc-plugin/config.h.in
touch configure */configure Makefile.in */Makefile.in
# Similarly we do not want to rebuild the documentation.
touch doc/annobin.info
%if %{with debuginfod}
CONFIG_ARGS="$CONFIG_ARGS --with-debuginfod"
# Note - we explicitly disable debuginfod support if it was not configured.
# This is because by default annobin's configue script will assume --with-debuginfod=auto
# and then run a build time test to see if debugingfod is available. It
# may well be, but the build time environment may not match the run time
# environment, and the rpm will not have a Requirement on the debuginfod
# client.
CONFIG_ARGS="$CONFIG_ARGS --without-debuginfod"
%if %{with clangplugin}
%if %{with llvmplugin}
%if %{without tests}
CONFIG_ARGS="$CONFIG_ARGS --without-test"
%configure --quiet --with-gcc-plugin-dir=%{ANNOBIN_GCC_PLUGIN_DIR} CC=%gcc_for_annobin CXX=%gxx_for_annobin ${CONFIG_ARGS} || cat config.log
# Rebuild the plugin, this time using the plugin itself! This
# ensures that the plugin works, and that it contains annotations
# of its own. This could mean that we end up with a plugin with
# double annotations in it. (If the build system enables annotations
# for plugins by default). I have not tested this yet, but I think
# that it should be OK.
cp gcc-plugin/.libs/annobin.so.0.0.0 %{_tmppath}/tmp_annobin.so
make -C gcc-plugin clean
BUILD_FLAGS="-fplugin=%{_tmppath}/tmp_annobin.so -fplugin-arg-tmp_annobin-rename"
# If building on RHEL7, enable the next option as the .attach_to_group assembler pseudo op is not available in the assembler.
# BUILD_FLAGS="$BUILD_FLAGS -fplugin-arg-tmp_annobin-no-attach"
make -C gcc-plugin CXXFLAGS="%{optflags} $BUILD_FLAGS"
rm %{_tmppath}/tmp_annobin.so
%if %{with clangplugin}
# FIXME: The symbolic link should not be needed.
ln -f -s ../annobin-global.h clang-plugin
make -C clang-plugin annobin.so
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_infodir}/dir
%if %{with clangplugin}
install -Dpm0755 -t %{buildroot}%{ANNOBIN_CLANG_PLUGIN_DIR} clang-plugin/annobin.so
%if %{with tests}
# On RHEL7 the assembler does not support all of the annobin tests.
# With scl the tests are run with the wrong version of gcc.
# Change the following line to "make check GCC=%gcc_for_annobin || :"
# on RHEL7 or if you need to see the test suite logs in order to
# diagnose a test failure.
make check GCC=%gcc_for_annobin
if [ -f tests/test-suite.log ]; then
cat tests/test-suite.log
%if %{with clangplugin}
%if %{with llvmplugin}
%exclude %{_datadir}/doc/annobin-plugin/COPYING3
%exclude %{_datadir}/doc/annobin-plugin/LICENSE
%doc %{_datadir}/doc/annobin-plugin/annotation.proposal.txt
%if %{with clangplugin}
%if %{with llvmplugin}
%if %{with annocheck}
%files annocheck
* Wed Dec 01 2021 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.29-2.3
- Bump NVR and rebuild. (#2027436)
* Tue Nov 2 2021 Siddhesh Poyarekar <siddhesh@redhat.com> - 9.29-1.2
- Bump and rebuild for new gcc. (#2017782)
* Mon Oct 25 2021 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.29-1.1
- Annocheck: Add test for multibyte characters in symbol names. (#2009282)
* Fri Aug 28 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.29-1
- Fix AArch64 checks in annobin plugin. (#1873416)
- gcc plugin: Detect any attempt to access the global_options array.
- gcc plugin: Do not complain about missing pre-processor options when examining a preprocessed input file. (#1862718)
- Use more robust checks for AArch64 options.
- Detect CLANG compiled assembler that is missing IBT support.
- Improved target pointer size discovery.
- Add support for installing clang and llvm plugins.
- Temporary suppression of aarch64 pointer size check. (#1860549)
* Mon Jul 13 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.23-2
- Annocheck: Do not skip tests of the short-enums notes. (#1743635)
- Add (optional) llvm plugin.
* Wed Jun 10 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.21-3
* Fri Jun 05 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.21-2
- NVR bump to allow rebuild.
* Tue Jun 02 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.21-1
- Initial check-in for scl-gcc-toolset-10 branch. (#1817171)
- Fix stack clash protection problem. (#1803173)
* Wed Apr 22 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.21-1
- Annobin: Fall back on using the flags if the option cannot be found in cl_options. (#1817659)
* Thu Apr 16 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.20-1
- Annocheck: Detect Fortran compiled programs. (#1824393)
* Wed Apr 01 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.19-1
- Annobin: If option name mismatch occurs, seach for the real option. (#1817452)
* Mon Mar 30 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.18-1
- Annocheck: Fix a division by zero error when parsing GO binaries. (#1818863)
* Fri Mar 27 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.16-1
- Annobin: Fix access to the -flto and -fsanitize flags.
* Thu Mar 26 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.14-1
- Annobin: Use offsets stored in gcc's cl_option structure to access the global_options array, thus removing the need to check for changes in the size of this structure.
* Thu Mar 26 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.13-2
- NVR bump to allow rebuilding against new gcc.
* Thu Mar 12 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.13-1
- Rename gcc plugin directory to gcc-plugin.
- Stop annocheck from complaining about missing options when the binary has been built in a mixed environment.
* Thu Mar 12 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.12-3
- And again, this time with annotation enabled. (#1810941)
* Thu Mar 12 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.12-2
- NVR bump to enable rebuild against updated gcc. (#1810941)
* Wed Mar 04 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.12-1
- Improve builtby tool.
- Stop annocheck complaining about missing notes when the binary is not compiled by either gcc or clang.
- Skip the check of the ENTRY instruction for binaries not compiled by gcc or clang. (#1809656)
* Fri Feb 28 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.11-1
- Fix infinite loop hangup in annocheck.
- Disable debuginfod support by default.
- Improve parsing of .comment section.
* Thu Feb 27 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.10-1
- Fix clang plugin to use hidden symbols.
* Tue Feb 25 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.09-1
- Add ability to build clang plugin (disabled by default).
* Mon Feb 17 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.08-1
- Annocheck: Fix error printing out the version number.
* Fri Feb 14 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.07-1
- Annobin: Add checks of the exact location of the examined switches.
* Tue Feb 11 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.06-1
- Annobin: Note when stack clash notes are generated.
- Annocheck: Handle multiple builder IDs in the .comment section.
* Fri Jan 31 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.05-1
- Add configure option to suppress building annocheck.
* Fri Jan 31 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.04-1
- Fix debuginfod test.
* Thu Jan 30 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.03-2
- Correct the build requirement for building with debuginfod support.
* Thu Jan 30 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.03-1
- Add debuginfod support.
* Tue Jan 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 9.01-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Jan 20 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.01-2
- Rebuild againt latest gcc-10.
* Mon Jan 20 2020 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 9.01-1
- Add clang plugin (experimental).
* Fri Dec 06 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.92-1
- Have annocheck ignore notes with an end address of 0.
* Mon Nov 18 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.91-1
- Improve checking of gcc versions.
* Fri Nov 15 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.90-1
- Do not skip positive results.
* Fri Nov 01 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.88-1
- Generate a WARN result for code compiled with instrumentation enabled. (#1753918)
* Tue Oct 22 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.87-1
- Replace address checks with dladdr1.
* Mon Oct 21 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.86-1
- Use libabigail like checking to ensure variable address consistency.
* Wed Oct 16 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.85-1
- Skip generation of global notes for hot/cold sections.
* Thu Oct 10 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.84-1
- Generate FAIL results if -Wall or -Wformat-security are missing.
* Thu Oct 03 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.83-1
- If notes cannot be found in the executable look for them in the debuginfo file, if available.
- Generate a FAIL if notes are missing from the executable/debuginfo file.
- Record and report the setting of the AArcht64 specific -mbranch-protection option.
* Mon Sep 23 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.81-1
- Improve detection of GO binaries.
- Add gcc version information to annobin notes.
- Do not complain about missing FORTIFY_SOURCE and GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS in LTO compilations.
* Wed Sep 04 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.79-2
- NVR bump to allow rebuild against latest gcc. (#1748529)
* Tue Aug 06 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.79-1
- Allow compiler used to run tests to be specified on the command line. (#1723401)
* Tue Aug 06 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.78-1
- Fix a memory allocation error in the annobin plugin. (#1737306)
* Wed Jul 24 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 8.77-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Jun 24 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.77-1
- Another attempt at fixing the detection and reporting of missing -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE options. (#1703500)
* Mon Jun 10 22:13:17 CET 2019 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> - 8.76-4
- Rebuild for RPM 4.15
* Mon Jun 10 15:42:00 CET 2019 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> - 8.76-3
- Rebuild for RPM 4.15
* Thu Jun 06 2019 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@redhat.com> - 8.76-2
- Really enable annocheck sub-package
* Tue Apr 30 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.76-1
- Report a missing -D_FORTIFY_SOUCRE option if -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS was detected. (#1703499)
- Do not report problems with -fstack-protection if the binary was not built by gcc or clang. (#1703788)
* Fri Apr 26 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.74-1
- Add tests of clang command line options recorded in the DW_AT_producer attribute.
* Wed Apr 24 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.73-1
- Fix test for an executable stack segment. (#1700924)
* Thu Apr 18 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.72-1
- Rebuild annobin with the latest rawhide gcc sources. (#1700923)
* Thu Feb 28 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.71-1
- Annobin: Suppress more calls to free() which are triggering memory checker errors. (#1684148)
* Fri Feb 01 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.70-1
- Add section flag matching ability to section size tool.
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 8.69-7
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue Jan 29 2019 Björn Esser <besser82@fedoraproject.org> - 8.69-6
- Use 'with' for rich dependency on gcc
* Tue Jan 29 2019 Björn Esser <besser82@fedoraproject.org> - 8.69-5
- Really fix rhbz#1607430.
* Mon Jan 28 2019 Björn Esser <besser82@fedoraproject.org> - 8.69-4
- Rebuilt with annotations enabled
* Mon Jan 28 2019 Björn Esser <besser82@fedoraproject.org> - 8.69-3
- Fix rpm query for gcc version.
* Mon Jan 28 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.69-2
- Add an exact requirement on the major version of gcc. (#1607430)
* Thu Jan 24 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.69-1
- Annobin: Add support for .text.startup and .text.exit sections generated by gcc 9.
- Annocheck: Add a note displaying tool.
* Wed Jan 23 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.68-1
- Annocheck: Skip checks for -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE and -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS if there is no compiler generated code in the binary.
* Mon Jan 21 2019 Björn Esser <besser82@fedoraproject.org> - 8.67-3
- Rebuilt with annotations enabled
* Mon Jan 21 2019 Björn Esser <besser82@fedoraproject.org> - 8.67-2
- Rebuilt for GCC 9
* Thu Jan 17 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.67-1
- Annocheck: Only skip specific checks for specific symbols. (#1666823)
- Annobin: Record the setting of the -fomit-frame-pointer option.
* Wed Jan 02 2019 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.66-1
- Annocheck: Do not ignore -Og when checking to see if an optimization level has been set. (#1624162)
* Tue Dec 11 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.65-1
- Annobin: Fix handling of multiple .text.unlikely sections.
* Fri Nov 30 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.64-1
- Annocheck: Skip gaps in PPC64 executables covered by start_bcax_ symbols. (#1630564)
* Mon Nov 26 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.63-1
- Annocheck: Disable ENDBR test for shared libraries. (#1652925)
* Mon Nov 26 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.62-1
- Annocheck: Add test for ENDBR instruction at entry address of x86/x86_64 executables. (#1652925)
* Tue Nov 20 2018 David Cantrell <dcantrell@redhat.com> - 8.61-2
- Adjust how the gcc_vr macro is set.
* Mon Nov 19 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.61-1
- Fix building with gcc version 4.
* Tue Nov 13 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.60-1
- Skip -Wl,-z,now and -Wl,-z,relro checks for non-gcc produced binaries. (#1624421)
* Mon Nov 05 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.59-1
- Ensure GNU Property notes are 8-byte aligned in x86_64 binaries. (#1645817)
* Thu Oct 18 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.58-1
- Skip PPC64 linker stubs created in the middle of text sections (again). (#1630640)
* Thu Oct 18 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.57-1
- Suppress free of invalid pointer. (#1638371)
* Thu Oct 18 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.56-1
- Skip PPC64 linker stubs created in the middle of text sections. (#1630640)
* Tue Oct 16 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.55-1
- Reset the (PPC64) section start symbol to 0 if its section is empty. (#1638251)
* Thu Oct 11 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.53-1
- Also skip virtual thinks created by G++. (#1630619)
* Wed Oct 10 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.52-1
- Use uppercase for all fail/mayb/pass results. (#1637706)
* Wed Oct 10 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.51-1
- Generate notes for unlikely sections. (#1630620)
* Mon Oct 08 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.50-1
- Fix edge case computing section names for end symbols. (#1637039)
* Mon Oct 08 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.49-1
- Skip dynamic checks for binaries without a dynamic segment. (#1636606)
* Fri Oct 05 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.48-1
- Delay generating attach_to_group directives until the end of the compilation. (#1636265)
* Mon Oct 01 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.47-1
- Fix bug introduced in previous delta which would trigger a seg-fault when scanning for gaps.
* Mon Oct 01 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.46-1
- Annobin: Fix section name selection for startup sections.
- Annocheck: Improve gap skipping heuristics. (#1630574)
* Mon Oct 01 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.45-1
- Fix function section support (again). (#1630574)
* Fri Sep 28 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.44-1
- Skip compiler option checks for non-GNU producers. (#1633749)
* Wed Sep 26 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.43-1
- Fix function section support (again). (#1630574)
* Tue Sep 25 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.42-1
- Ignore ppc64le notes where start = end + 2. (#1632259)
* Tue Sep 25 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.41-1
- Make annocheck ignore symbols suffixed with ".end". (#1639618)
* Mon Sep 24 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.40-1
- Reinstate building annobin with annobin enabled. (#1630550)
* Fri Sep 21 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.39-1
- Tweak tests.
* Fri Sep 21 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.38-1
- Generate notes and groups for .text.hot and .text.unlikely sections.
- When -ffunction-sections is active, put notes for startup sections into .text.startup.foo rather than .text.foo.
- Similarly put exit section notes into .text.exit.foo. (#1630574)
- Change annocheck's maybe result for GNU Property note being missing into a PASS if it is not needed and a FAIL if it is needed.
* Wed Sep 19 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.37-1
- Make the --skip-* options skip all messages about the specified test.
* Tue Sep 18 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.36-1
- Improve error message when an ET_EXEC binary is detected.
* Mon Sep 17 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.35-1
- Skip failures for PIC vs PIE. (#1629698)
* Mon Sep 17 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.34-1
- Ensure 4 byte alignment of note sub-sections. (#1629671)
* Wed Sep 12 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.33-1
- Add timing tool to report on speed of the checks.
- Add check for conflicting use of the -fshort-enum option.
- Add check of the GNU Property notes.
- Skip check for -O2 if compiled with -Og. (#1624162)
* Mon Sep 03 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.32-1
- Add test for ET_EXEC binaries. (#1625627)
- Document --report-unknown option.
* Thu Aug 30 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.31-1
- Fix bug in hardened tool which would skip gcc compiled files if the notes were too small.
- Fix bugs in section-size tool.
- Fix bug in built-by tool.
* Wed Aug 29 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.30-1
- Generate notes for comdat sections. (#1619267)
* Thu Aug 23 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.29-1
- Add more names to the gap skip list. (#1619267)
* Thu Aug 23 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.28-1
- Skip gaps covered by _x86.get_pc_thunk and _savegpr symbols. (#1619267)
- Merge ranges where one is wholly covered by another.
* Wed Aug 22 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.27-1
- Skip gaps at the end of functions. (#1619267)
* Tue Aug 21 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.26-1
- Fix thinko in ppc64 gap detection code. (#1619267)
* Mon Aug 20 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.25-1
- Skip gaps at the end of the .text section in ppc64 binaries. (#1619267)
* Wed Aug 15 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.24-1
- Skip checks in stack_chk_local_fail.c
- Treat gaps as FAIL results rather than MAYBE.
* Wed Aug 08 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.23-1
- Skip checks in __stack_chk_local_fail.
* Wed Aug 08 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.22-1
- Reduce version check to gcc major version number only. Skip compiler option checks if binary not built with gcc. (#1603089)
* Tue Aug 07 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.21-1
- Fix bug in annobin plugin. Add --section-size=NAME option to annocheck.
* Thu Aug 2 2018 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 8.20-2
- rebuild for new gcc
* Thu Aug 02 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.20-1
- Correct name of man page for run-on-binaries-in script. (#1611155)
* Wed Jul 25 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.19-1
- Allow $ORIGIN to be at the start of entries in DT_RPATH and DT_RUNPATH.
* Mon Jul 23 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.18-1
- Add support for big endian targets.
* Mon Jul 23 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.17-1
- Count passes and failures on a per-component basis and report gaps.
* Fri Jul 20 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.16-1
- Use our own copy of the targetm.asm_out.function_section() function. (#159861 comment#17)
* Fri Jul 20 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.15-1
- Generate grouped note section name all the time. (#159861 comment#16)
* Thu Jul 19 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.14-1
- Fix section conflict problem. (#1603071)
* Wed Jul 18 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.13-1
- Fix for building with gcc version 4.
- Fix symbol placement in functions with local assembler.
* Tue Jul 17 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.12-1
- Fix assertions in range checking code. Add detection of -U options.
* Tue Jul 17 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.11-1
- Handle function sections properly. Handle .text.startup and .text.unlikely sections. Improve gap detection and reporting. (#1601055)
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 8.10-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.10-1
- Fix construction of absolute versions of --dwarf-dir and --debug-rpm options.
* Tue Jul 10 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.9-1
- Fix buffer overrun when very long symbol names are encountered.
* Tue Jul 10 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.8-1
- Do not force the generation of function notes when -ffunction-sections is active. (#1598961)
* Mon Jul 09 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.7-1
- Skip the .annobin_ prfix when reporting symbols. (#1599315)
* Mon Jul 09 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.6-1
- Use the assembler (c++ mangled) version of function names when switching sections. (#1598579)
* Mon Jul 09 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.5-1
- Do not call function_section. (#1598961)
* Fri Jul 06 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.4-1
- Ignore cross-section gaps. (#1598551)
* Thu Jul 05 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.3-1
- Do not skip empty range notes in object files. (#1598361)
* Mon Jul 02 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.2-1
- Create the start symbol at the start of the function and the end symbol at the end. (#1596823)
* Mon Jul 02 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.1-1
- Fix --debug-rpm when used inside a directory.
* Thu Jun 28 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 8.0-1
- Use a prefix for all annobin generated symbols, and make them hidden.
- Only generate weak symbol definitions for linkonce sections.
* Wed Jun 27 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 7.1-1
- Skip some checks for relocatable object files, and dynamic objects.
- Stop bogus complaints about stackrealignment not being enabled.
* Mon Jun 25 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 7.0-1
- Add -debug-rpm= option to annocheck.
- Only use a 2 byte offset for the initial symbol on PowerPC.
* Fri Jun 22 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 6.6-1
- Use --dwarf-path when looking for build-id based debuginfo files.
* Fri Jun 22 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 6.5-1
- Fix premature closing of dwarf handle.
* Fri Jun 22 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 6.4-1
- Fix scoping bug computing the name of a separate debuginfo file.
* Tue Jun 19 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 6.3-1
- Fix file descriptor leak.
* Tue Jun 19 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 6.2-1
- Add command line options to annocheck to disable individual tests.
* Fri Jun 08 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 6.1-1
- Remove C99-ism from annocheck sources.
* Wed Jun 06 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 6.0-1
- Add the annocheck program.
* Fri Jun 01 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 5.11-1
- Do not use the SHF_GNU_BUILD_NOTE section flag.
* Thu May 31 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 5.10-1
- Remove .sh extension from shell scripts.
* Wed May 30 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 5.9-1
- Record the setting of the -mstackrealign option for i686 binaries.
* Mon May 14 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 5.8-1
- Hide the annobin start of file symbol.
* Tue May 08 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 5.7-1
- Fix script bug in hardended.sh. (Thanks to: Stefan Sørensen <stefan.sorensen@spectralink.com>)
* Thu May 03 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 5.6-3
- Version number bump so that the plugin can be rebuilt with the latest version of GCC.
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 5.6-2
- Rebuild the plugin with the newly created plugin enabled. (#1573082)
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 5.6-1
- Skip the isa_flags check in the ABI test because the crt[in].o files are compiled with different flags from the test files.
* Fri Apr 20 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 5.3-1
- Add manual pages for annobin and the scripts.
* Tue Apr 03 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 5.2-1
- Do not record a stack protection setting of -1. (#1563141)
* Tue Mar 20 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 5.1-1
- Do not complain about a dwarf_version value of -1. (#1557511)
* Thu Mar 15 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 5.0-1
- Bias file start symbols by 2 in order to avoid them confused with function symbols. (#1554332)
- Version jump is to sync the version number with the annobin plugins internal version number.
* Mon Mar 12 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 3.6-1
- Add --ignore-gaps option to check-abi.sh script.
- Use this option in the abi-test check.
- Tweak hardening test to skip pic and stack protection checks.
* Tue Mar 06 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 3.5-1
- Handle functions with specific assembler names. (#1552018)
* Fri Feb 23 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 3.4-2
- Add an explicit requirement on the version of gcc used to built the plugin. (#1547260)
* Fri Feb 09 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 3.4-1
- Change type and size of symbols to STT_NOTYPE/0 so that they do not confuse GDB. (#1539664)
- Add run-on-binaries-in.sh script to allow the other scripts to be run over a repository.
* Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.3-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue Jan 30 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 3.3-1
- Rebase on 3.3 release, which adds support for recording -mcet and -fcf-protection.
* Mon Jan 29 2018 Florian Weimer <fweimer@redhat.com> - 3.2-3
- Rebuild for GCC 8
* Fri Jan 26 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 3.2-2
- Fix the installation of the annobin.info file.
* Fri Jan 26 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 3.2-1
- Rebase on 3.2 release, which now contains documentation!
* Fri Jan 26 2018 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@redhat.com> - 3.1-3
- Rebuild against GCC 7.3.1.
* Tue Jan 16 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 3.1-2
- Add --with-gcc-plugin-dir option to the configure command line.
* Thu Jan 04 2018 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 3.1-1
- Rebase on version 3.1 sources.
* Mon Dec 11 2017 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 2.5.1-5
- Do not generate notes when there is no output file. (#1523875)
* Fri Dec 08 2017 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 2.5.1-4
- Invent an input filename when reading from a pipe. (#1523401)
* Thu Nov 30 2017 Florian Weimer <fweimer@redhat.com> - 2.5.1-3
- Use DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME for symbol references (#1519165)
* Tue Oct 03 2017 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> - 2.5.1-2
- Cleanups in spec
* Tue Sep 26 2017 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 2.5.1-1
- Touch the auto-generated files in order to stop them from being regenerated.
* Tue Sep 26 2017 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 2.5-2
- Stop the plugin complaining about compiler datestamp mismatches.
* Thu Sep 21 2017 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 2.4-1
- Tweak tests so that they will run on older machines.
* Thu Sep 21 2017 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 2.3-1
- Add annobin-tests subpackage containing some preliminary tests.
- Remove link-time test for unsupported targets.
* Wed Aug 02 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Jul 31 2017 Florian Weimer <fweimer@redhat.com> - 2.0-2
- Rebuild with binutils fix for ppc64le (#1475636)
* Wed Jun 28 2017 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 2.0-1
- Fixes for problems reported by the package submission review:
* Add %%license entry to %%file section.
* Update License and BuildRequires tags.
* Add Requires tag.
* Remove %%clean.
* Add %%check.
* Clean up the %%changelog.
- Update to use version 2 of the specification and sources.
* Thu May 11 2017 Nick Clifton <nickc@redhat.com> - 1.0-1
- Initial submission.