update to 2.2, drop upstreamed patch, fix FTBFS BZ#434409
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}
%{!?python_sitearch: %define python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)")}
%{!?python_sitearch: %define python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)")}
%define alphatag 20060223cvs
Name: fonttools
Name: fonttools
Version: 2.0
Version: 2.2
Release: 0.12.%{alphatag}%{?dist}
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: A tool to convert True/OpenType fonts to XML and back
Summary: A tool to convert True/OpenType fonts to XML and back
Group: Development/Tools
Group: Development/Tools
License: BSD
License: BSD
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fonttools/
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/%{name}/
Source0: http://fonttools.sourceforge.net/cvs-snapshots/bzip2/fonttools-2006-02-23.085153.tar.bz2
Source0: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
Patch1: fonttools-uni5.patch
BuildRequires: python-devel python-numeric
BuildRequires: python-devel python-numeric
Requires: python-numeric
Requires: python-numeric
Provides: ttx
Provides: ttx = %{version}-%{release}
TTX/FontTools is a tool for manipulating TrueType and OpenType fonts. It is
TTX/FontTools is a tool for manipulating TrueType and OpenType fonts. It is
@ -25,8 +24,7 @@ TrueType and OpenType fonts to an XML-based text format and vice versa.
%setup -q -n %{name}
%setup -q
%patch1 -p1 -b .uni5
%{__sed} -i.nobang '1 d' Lib/fontTools/ttx.py
%{__sed} -i.nobang '1 d' Lib/fontTools/ttx.py
%{__chmod} a-x LICENSE.txt
%{__chmod} a-x LICENSE.txt
@ -40,7 +38,9 @@ CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" %{__python} setup.py build
%{__python} setup.py install -O1 --skip-build --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
%{__python} setup.py install -O1 --skip-build --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python_sitearch}/FontTools/fontTools/ttLib/test
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python_sitearch}/FontTools/fontTools/ttLib/test
chmod 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python_sitearch}/FontTools/fontTools/misc/eexecOp.so
mkdir -p -m 0755 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}/man1
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1/ttx.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
%doc LICENSE.txt
%doc LICENSE.txt
%doc Doc/bugs.txt Doc/ChangeLog.txt Doc/changes.txt Doc/documentation.html
%doc Doc/ChangeLog.txt Doc/changes.txt Doc/documentation.html
%dir %{python_sitearch}/FontTools
%dir %{python_sitearch}/FontTools
%dir %{python_sitearch}/FontTools/fontTools
%dir %{python_sitearch}/FontTools/fontTools
@ -63,10 +63,16 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
* Tue Sep 16 2008 Matt Domsch <mdomsch@fedoraproject.org> - 2.2-1
- update to 2.2, drop upstreamed patch, fix FTBFS BZ#434409
* Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0-0.12.20060223cvs
* Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0-0.12.20060223cvs
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
Reference in New Issue
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