The versions being too low meant that on upgrade from F21 to F22 or F23 you didn't get the obsolete kicking in as it should.
1322 lines
57 KiB
1322 lines
57 KiB
%if (0%{?fedora} >= 13 || 0%{?rhel} > 7)
%global with_python3 1
%if (0%{?fedora} >= 23 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8)
%global use_python3 1
Summary: A firewall daemon with D-Bus interface providing a dynamic firewall
Name: firewalld
Release: 4%{?dist}
License: GPLv2+
%if 0%{?fedora}
Source1: FedoraServer.xml
Source2: FedoraWorkstation.xml
%if 0%{?fedora}
Patch0: firewalld-0.2.6-MDNS-default.patch
Patch1: firewalld-
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: gettext
BuildRequires: intltool
# glib2-devel is needed for gsettings.m4
BuildRequires: glib2, glib2-devel
BuildRequires: systemd-units
BuildRequires: docbook-style-xsl
BuildRequires: python2-devel
%if 0%{?with_python3}
BuildRequires: python3-devel
%endif #0%{?with_python3}
Requires: iptables, ebtables
Requires(post): systemd
Requires(preun): systemd
Requires(postun): systemd
Requires: firewalld-filesystem = %{version}-%{release}
%if 0%{?use_python3}
Requires: python3-firewall = %{version}-%{release}
%else #0%{?use_python3}
Requires: python-firewall = %{version}-%{release}
%endif #0%{?use_python3}
%if 0%{?fedora} == 21
Requires: firewalld-config
%if 0%{?fedora} > 21
Provides: variant_config(Server)
Provides: variant_config(Workstation)
# Remove old config subpackages
Obsoletes: firewalld-config-standard <= 0.3.15
Obsoletes: firewalld-config-cloud <= 0.3.15
Obsoletes: firewalld-config-server <= 0.3.15
Obsoletes: firewalld-config-workstation <= 0.3.15
firewalld is a firewall service daemon that provides a dynamic customizable
firewall with a D-Bus interface.
%package -n python-firewall
Summary: Python2 bindings for firewalld
Provides: python2-firewall
Obsoletes: python2-firewall
Requires: dbus-python
Requires: python-slip-dbus
Requires: python-decorator
Requires: pygobject3-base
%description -n python-firewall
Python2 bindings for firewalld.
%if 0%{?with_python3}
%package -n python3-firewall
Summary: Python3 bindings for firewalld
Requires: python3-dbus
Requires: python3-slip-dbus
Requires: python3-decorator
%if (0%{?fedora} >= 23 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8)
Requires: python3-gobject-base
Requires: python3-gobject
%description -n python3-firewall
Python3 bindings for firewalld.
%endif #0%{?with_python3}
%package -n firewalld-filesystem
Summary: Firewalld directory layout and rpm macros
%description -n firewalld-filesystem
This package provides directories and rpm macros which
are required by other packages that add firewalld configuration files.
%package -n firewall-applet
Summary: Firewall panel applet
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: firewall-config = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: hicolor-icon-theme
%if 0%{?use_python3}
Requires: python3-PyQt4
Requires: python3-gobject
Requires: PyQt4
Requires: pygobject3-base
Requires: libnotify
Requires: NetworkManager-glib
%description -n firewall-applet
The firewall panel applet provides a status information of firewalld and also
the firewall settings.
%package -n firewall-config
Summary: Firewall configuration application
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: hicolor-icon-theme
Requires: gtk3
%if 0%{?use_python3}
Requires: python3-gobject
Requires: pygobject3-base
Requires: NetworkManager-glib
%description -n firewall-config
The firewall configuration application provides an configuration interface for
%if 0%{?fedora} == 21
%package config-standard
Summary: Firewalld standard configuration settings
Requires: firewalld = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: firewalld-config
Conflicts: system-release-server
Conflicts: firewalld-config-server
Conflicts: system-release-workstation
Conflicts: firewalld-config-workstation
%description config-standard
Standard product firewalld configuration settings.
%package config-server
Summary: Firewalld server configuration settings
Provides: firewalld-config
Requires: firewalld = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: system-release-server
Conflicts: firewalld-config-workstation
Conflicts: firewalld-config-standard
%description config-server
Server product specific firewalld configuration settings.
%package config-workstation
Summary: Firewalld workstation configuration settings
Provides: firewalld-config
Requires: firewalld = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: system-release-workstation
Conflicts: firewalld-config-server
Conflicts: firewalld-config-standard
%description config-workstation
Workstation product specific firewalld configuration settings.
%setup -q
%if 0%{?fedora}
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%if 0%{?with_python3}
rm -rf %{py3dir}
cp -a . %{py3dir}
%if 0%{?use_python3}
sed -i -e 's|/usr/bin/python -Es|%{__python3} -Es|' %{py3dir}/
sed -i 's|/usr/bin/python|%{__python3}|' %{py3dir}/config/lockdown-whitelist.xml
%endif #0%{?use_python3}
%endif #0%{?with_python3}
%configure --enable-sysconfig --enable-rpmmacros
%if 0%{?with_python3}
pushd %{py3dir}
%configure --enable-sysconfig --enable-rpmmacros PYTHON=%{__python3}
%endif #0%{?with_python3}
%if 0%{?use_python3}
make -C src install-nobase_dist_pythonDATA PYTHON=%{__python2} DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
make install PYTHON=%{__python2} DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
%endif #0%{?use_python3}
%if 0%{?with_python3}
pushd %{py3dir}
%if 0%{?use_python3}
make install PYTHON=%{__python3} DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
make -C src install-nobase_dist_pythonDATA PYTHON=%{__python3} DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
%endif #0%{?use_python3}
%endif #0%{?with_python3}
desktop-file-install --delete-original \
--dir %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/xdg/autostart \
desktop-file-install --delete-original \
--dir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications \
%if 0%{?fedora} > 20
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/firewalld/zones/
install -c -m 644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/firewalld/zones/FedoraServer.xml
install -c -m 644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/firewalld/zones/FedoraWorkstation.xml
# standard firewalld.conf
mv %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf \
# server firewalld.conf
cp -a %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld-standard.conf \
sed -i 's|^DefaultZone=.*|DefaultZone=FedoraServer|g' \
# workstation firewalld.conf
cp -a %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld-standard.conf \
sed -i 's|^DefaultZone=.*|DefaultZone=FedoraWorkstation|g' \
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy
%find_lang %{name} --all-name
%systemd_post firewalld.service
%systemd_preun firewalld.service
%systemd_postun_with_restart firewalld.service
%if 0%{?fedora} > 21
# If we don't yet have a symlink or existing file for firewalld.conf,
# create it. Note: this will intentionally reset the policykit policy
# at the same time, so they are in sync.
# Import /etc/os-release to get the variant definition
. /etc/os-release || :
if [ ! -e %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf ]; then
case "$VARIANT_ID" in
ln -sf firewalld-server.conf %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf || :
ln -sf firewalld-workstation.conf %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf || :
ln -sf firewalld-standard.conf %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf
if [ ! -e %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy ]; then
case "$VARIANT_ID" in
ln -sf org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.desktop.policy %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy || :
# For all other editions, we'll use the Server polkit policy
ln -sf org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.server.policy %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy || :
%post -n firewall-applet
/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
%postun -n firewall-applet
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null
/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
/usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas &> /dev/null || :
%posttrans -n firewall-applet
/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
/usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas &> /dev/null || :
%post -n firewall-config
/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
%postun -n firewall-config
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null
/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
/usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas &> /dev/null || :
%posttrans -n firewall-config
/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
/usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas &> /dev/null || :
%if 0%{?fedora} == 21
%post config-standard
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then # Initial installation
# link standard config
rm -f %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf
ln -sf firewalld-standard.conf %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf || :
%triggerin config-standard -- firewalld
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
# link server policy
rm -f %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy
ln -sf org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.server.policy %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy || :
%post config-server
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then # Initial installation
# link server config
rm -f %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf
ln -sf firewalld-server.conf %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf || :
%triggerin config-server -- firewalld
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
# link server policy
rm -f %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy
ln -sf org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.server.policy %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy || :
%post config-workstation
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then # Initial installation
# link workstation config
rm -f %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf
ln -sf firewalld-workstation.conf %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf || :
%triggerin config-workstation -- firewalld
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
# link desktop policy
rm -f %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy
ln -sf org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.desktop.policy %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy || :
%files -f %{name}.lang
%dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions
%attr(0750,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld
%if 0%{?fedora} <= 20
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf
%if 0%{?fedora} > 21
%ghost %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld-standard.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld-server.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld-workstation.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/lockdown-whitelist.xml
%attr(0750,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/icmptypes
%attr(0750,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/services
%attr(0750,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/zones
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/firewalld
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/FirewallD.conf
%if 0%{?fedora} <= 20
%if 0%{?fedora} > 21
%ghost %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy
%files -n python-firewall
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python2_sitelib}/firewall
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python2_sitelib}/firewall/config
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python2_sitelib}/firewall/core
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python2_sitelib}/firewall/core/io
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python2_sitelib}/firewall/server
%if 0%{?with_python3}
%files -n python3-firewall
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python3_sitelib}/firewall
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python3_sitelib}/firewall/__pycache__
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python3_sitelib}/firewall/config
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python3_sitelib}/firewall/config/__pycache__
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python3_sitelib}/firewall/core
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python3_sitelib}/firewall/core/__pycache__
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python3_sitelib}/firewall/core/io
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python3_sitelib}/firewall/core/io/__pycache__
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python3_sitelib}/firewall/server
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{python3_sitelib}/firewall/server/__pycache__
%endif #0%{?with_python3}
%files -n firewalld-filesystem
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/firewalld
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/firewalld/icmptypes
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/firewalld/services
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/firewalld/zones
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/firewalld/xmlschema
%files -n firewall-applet
%files -n firewall-config
%if 0%{?fedora} == 21
%files config-standard
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld-standard.conf
%ghost %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf
%ghost %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy
%files config-server
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld-server.conf
%ghost %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf
%ghost %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy
%files config-workstation
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld-workstation.conf
%ghost %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/firewalld/firewalld.conf
%ghost %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policy
* Wed Jul 22 2015 Adam Williamson <> -
- bump versions on old config package obsoletes (f21 is on 0.3.14 now)
* Mon Jul 13 2015 Thomas Woerner <> -
- Require python3-gobject-base for fedora >= 23 and rhel >= 8 (RHBZ#1242076)
- Fix rhel defines: No python3 for rhel-7
* Thu Jun 18 2015 Thomas Woerner <> -
- Fixed 'pid_file' referenced before assignment (RHBZ#1233232)
* Wed Jun 17 2015 Thomas Woerner <> -
- reunification of the firewalld spec files for all Fedora releases
- fix dependencies for -applet and -config: use_python3 is the proper switch
not with_python3 (RHBZ#1232493)
- firewalld.spec:
- fixed requirements for -applet and -config
- man pages:
- adapted firewall-applet man page to new version
- firewall-applet:
- Only honour active connections for zone changes
- Change QSettings path and file names
- firewall-config:
- Only honour active connections for zone changes in the “Change Zones of Connections” menu
- Translations:
- updated translations
- marked translations for “Connections” for review
* Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <> -
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jun 16 2015 Stephen Gallagher <>
- Fix issue with missing polkit policy when installing firewalld on
Cloud Edition.
* Fri Jun 12 2015 Thomas Woerner <> -
- firewall-applet
- do not use isSystemTrayAvailable check to fix KDE5 startup
- dropped gtk applet remain: org.fedoraproject.FirewallApplet.gschema.xml
* Fri Jun 12 2015 Thomas Woerner <> - 0.3.14-1
- renamed python2-firewall to python-firewall
- fixed requirements for GUI parts with Python3
- dropped upstream merged python3 patch
- firewalld:
- print real zone names in error messages
- iptables 1.4.21 does not accept limits of 1/day, minimum is 2/day now
- rate limit fix for rich rules
- fix readdition of removed permanent direct settings
- adaption of the polkit domains to use PK_ACTION_DIRECT_INFO
- fixed two minor Python3 issues in
- fixed use of fallback configuration values
- fixed use without firewalld.conf
- firewalld main restructureization
- IPv6_rpfilter now also available as a property on D-Bus in the config interface
- fixed wait option use for ipXtables
- added --concurrent support for ebtables
- richLanguage: allow masquerading with destination
- richLanguage: limit masquerading forward rule to new connections
- ipXtables: No dns lookups in available_tables and _detect_wait_option
- full ebtables support: start, stop, reload, panic mode, direct chains and rules
- fix for reload with direct rules
- fix or flaws found by
- pid file handling fixes in case of pid file removal
- fix for client issue in case of a dbus NoReply error
- configuration
- new services: dropbox-lansync, ptp
- new icmptypes: timestamp-request, timestamp-reply
- man pages:
- firewalld.zones(5): fixed typos
- firewalld.conf(5): Fixed wrong reference to firewalld.lockdown-whitelist page
- firewall-applet:
- new version using Qt4 fixing several issues with the Gtk version
- spec file:
- enabled Python3 support: new backends python-firewall and python3-firewall
- some cleanup
- git:
- migrated to github
- translations:
- migrated to zanata
- build environment:
- no need for autoconf-2.69, 2.68 is sufficient
* Thu May 07 2015 Stephen Gallagher <> 0.3.13-7
- Use VARIANT_ID instead of VARIANT for making decisions
* Thu Apr 16 2015 Stephen Gallagher <> 0.3.13-6
- Switch to using $VARIANT directly from /etc/os-release
* Fri Mar 13 2015 Stephen Gallagher <> 0.3.13-5
- Fix bugs with posttrans
- Remove nonexistent fedora-cloud.conf symlink
* Fri Mar 13 2015 Stephen Gallagher <> 0.3.13-4
- Remove per-edition config files
- Decide on default configuration based on /etc/os-release
* Mon Feb 23 2015 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.13-3
- use python3 bindings on fedora >=23
* Wed Jan 28 2015 Thomas Woerner <> - 0.3.13-2
- enable python2 and python3 bindings for fedora >= 20 and rhel >= 7
- use python3 bindings on fedora >= 22 and rhel >= 8 for firewalld,
firewall-config and firewall-applet
* Thu Dec 04 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.13-1
- firewalld:
- ipXtables: use -w or -w2 if supported (RHBZ#1161745, RHBZ#1151067)
- DROP INVALID packets (RHBZ#1169837)
- don't use ipv6header for protocol matching. (RHBZ#1065565)
- removeAllPassthroughs(): remove passthroughs in reverse order (RHBZ#1167100)
- fix config.service.removeDestination() (RHBZ#1164584)
- firewall-config:
- portProtoDialog: other protocol excludes port number/range
- better fix for updating zoneStore also in update_active_zones()
- fix typo in menu
- configuration:
- new services: tinc, vdsm, mosh, iscsi-target, rsyncd
- ship and install XML Schema files. (#8)
- man pages:
- firewalld.dbus,, firewalld, firewall-cmd
- spec file:
- filesystem subpackage
- make dirs&files in /usr/lib/ world-readable (RHBZ#915988)
* Tue Oct 14 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.12-1
- firewalld:
- new runtimeToPermanent and tracked passsthrough support
- make permanent D-Bus interfaces more fine grained like the runtime versions (RHBZ#1127706)
- richLanguage: allow using destination with forward-port
- Rich_Rule.check(): action can't be used with icmp-block/forward-port/masquerade
- fixed Python specific D-Bus exception (RHBZ#1132441)
- firewall-cmd:
- new --runtime-to-permanent to create permanent from runtime configuration
- use new D-Bus methods for permanent changes
- show target REJECT instead of %%REJECT%% (RHBZ#1058794)
- --direct: make fail messages consistent (RHBZ#1141835)
- firewall-config:
- richRuleDialog - OK button tooltip indicates problem
- use new D-Bus methods for permanent changes
- show target REJECT instead of %%REJECT%% (RHBZ#1058794)
- update "Change Zones of Connections" menu on default zone change (RHBZ#11120212)
- fixed rename of zones, services and icmptypes to not create new entry (RBHZ#1131064)
- configuration:
- new service for Squid HTTP proxy server
- new service for Kerberos admin server
- new services for syslog and syslog-tls
- new services for SNMP and SNMP traps
- add Keywords to .desktop to improve software searchability
- docs:
- updated translations
- firewalld.richlanguage: improvements suggested by Rufe Glick
- firewalld.dbus: various improvements
- better description of Limit tag
- mention new homepage everywhere
* Wed Aug 27 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.11-3
- Quiet systemctl if cups-browsed.service is not installed
* Mon Aug 25 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.11-2
- add few Requires to spec (RHBZ#1133167)
* Wed Aug 20 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.11-1
- firewalld:
- improve error messages
- check built-in chains in direct chain handling functions (RHBZ#1120619)
- dbus_to_python() check whether input is of expected type (RHBZ#1122018)
- handle negative timeout values (RHBZ#1124476)
- warn when Command/Uid/Use/Context already in lockdown whitelist (RHBZ#1126405)
- make --lockdown-{on,off} work again (RHBZ#1111573)
- firewall-cmd:
- --timeout now accepts time units (RHBZ#994044)
- firewall-config:
- show active (not default) zones in bold (RHBZ#993655)
- configuration:
- remove ipp-client service from all zones (RHBZ#1105639).
- fallbacks for missing values in firewalld.conf
- create missing dirs under /etc if needed
- add -Es to python command in lockdown-whitelist.xml (RHBZ#1099065)
- docs:
- 'direct' methods concern only chains/rules added via 'direct' (RHBZ#1120619)
- --remove-[interface/source] don't need a zone to be specified (RHBZ#1125851)
- various fixes in, firewalld.dbus(5),
- others:
- rpm macros for easier packaging of e.g. services
* Tue Jul 22 2014 Thomas Woerner <> - 0.3.10-5
- Fixed wrong default zone names for server and workstation (RHBZ#1120296)
* Tue Jul 8 2014 Thomas Woerner <> - 0.3.10-4
- renamed fedora specific zones to FedoraServer and FedoraWorkstation for
zone name limitations (length and allowed chars)
* Mon Jul 7 2014 Thomas Woerner <> - 0.3.10-3
- New support for Fedora per-product configuration settings for
- Added Fedora server zone (RHBZ#1110711)
- Added Fedora workstation zone(RHBZ#1113775)
* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.3.10-2
- Rebuilt for
* Wed May 28 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.10-1
- new services: freeipa-*, puppermaster, amanda-k5, synergy,
xmpp-*, tor, privoxy, sane
- do not use at_console in D-Bus policies (RHBZ#1094745)
- apply all rich rules for non-default targets
- AppData file (RHBZ#1094754)
- separate Polkit actions for desktop & server (RHBZ#1091068)
- sanitize missing ip6t_rpfilter (RHBZ#1074427)
- firewall/core/io/*: few improvements (RHBZ#1065738)
- no load failed error for absent direct.xml file
- new DBUS_INTERFACE.getZoneSettings to get all run-time zone settings
- fixed creation and deletion of zones, services and icmptypes over D-Bus signals
- FirewallClientZoneSettings: Set proper default target
- if Python2 then encode strings from sax parser (RHBZ#1059104, RHBZ#1058853)
- firewall-cmd:
- don't colour output of query commands (RHBZ#1097841)
- use "default" instead of {chain}_{zone} (RHBZ#1075675)
- New --get-target and --set-target
- Create and remove permanent zones, services and icmptypes
- firewall-config:
- Adding services and icmptypes resulted in duplicates in UI
- Use left button menu of -applet in Option menu
- firewall-offline-cmd: same functionality as 'firewall-cmd --permanent'
- firewall-applet: ZoneConnectionEditor was missing the Default Zone entry
- bash-completion: getting zones/services/icmps is different with/without --permanent
- removed superfluous slash (RHBZ#1091575)
- updated translations
* Wed Feb 05 2014 Jiri Popelka <> -
- Fixed persistent port forwarding (RHBZ#1056154)
- Stop default zone rules being applied to all zones (RHBZ#1057875)
- Enforce trust, block and drop zones in the filter table only (RHBZ#1055190)
- Allow RAs prior to applying IPv6_rpfilter (RHBZ#1058505)
- Fix writing of rule.audit in zone_writer()
* Fri Jan 17 2014 Jiri Popelka <> -
- fix regression introduced in 0.3.9 (RHBZ#1053932)
* Thu Jan 16 2014 Jiri Popelka <> -
- fix regressions introduced in 0.3.9 (RHBZ#1054068, RHBZ#1054120)
* Mon Jan 13 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.9-1
- translation updates
- New IPv6_rpfilter setting to enable source address validation (RHBZ#847707)
- Do not mix original and customized zones in case of target changes,
apply only used zones
- firewall-cmd: fix --*_lockdown_whitelist_uid to work with uid 0
- Don't show main window maximized. (RHBZ#1046811)
- Use rmmod instead of 'modprobe -r' (RHBZ#1031102)
- Deprecate 'enabled' attribute of 'masquerade' element
- firewall-config: new zone was added twice to the list
- firewalld.dbus(5)
- Enable python shebang fix again
- firewall/client: handle_exceptions: Use loop in decorator
- firewall-offline-cmd: Do not mask firewalld service with disabled option
- firewall-config: richRuleDialogActionRejectType Entry -> ComboBox
- Rich_Rule: fix parsing of reject element (RHBZ#1027373)
- Show combined zones in permanent configuration (RHBZ#1002016)
- firewall-cmd(1): document exit code 2 and colored output (RHBZ#1028507)
- firewall-config: fix RHBZ#1028853
* Tue Nov 05 2013 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.8-1
- fix memory leaks
- New option --debug-gc
- Python3 compatibility
- Better non-ascii support
- several firewall-config & firewall-applet fixes
- New --remove-rules commands for firewall-cmd and removeRules methods for D-Bus
- Fixed FirewallDirect.get_rules to return proper list
- Fixed LastUpdatedOrderedDict.keys()
- Enable rich rule usage in trusted zone (RHBZ#994144)
* Thu Oct 17 2013 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.7-1
- Don't fail on missing ip[6]tables/ebtables table. (RHBZ#967376)
- bash-completion: --permanent --direct options
- firewall/core/ fix checking for iptables & ip6tables (RHBZ#1017087)
- firewall-cmd: use client's exception_handler instead of catching exceptions ourselves
- FirewallClientZoneSettings: fix {add|remove|query}RichRule()
- Extend amanda-client service with 10080/tcp (RHBZ#1016867)
- Simplify Rich_Rule()_lexer() by using functions.splitArgs()
- Fix encoding problems in exception handling (RHBZ#1015941)
* Fri Oct 04 2013 Jiri Popelka <> -
- firewall-offline-cmd: --forward-port 'toaddr' is optional (RHBZ#1014958)
- firewall-cmd: fix variable name (RHBZ#1015011)
* Thu Oct 03 2013 Jiri Popelka <> -
- remove superfluous po files from archive
* Wed Oct 02 2013 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.6-1
- firewalld.richlanguage.xml: correct log levels (RHBZ#993740)
- firewall-config: Make sure that all zone settings are updated properly on firewalld restart
- Rich_Limit: Allow long representation for duration (RHBZ#994103
- firewall-config: Show "Changes applied." after changes (RHBZ#993643)
- Use own connection dialog to change zones for NM connections
- Rename service cluster-suite to high-availability (RHBZ#885257)
- Permanent direct support for firewall-config and firewall-cmd
- Try to avoid file descriptor leaking (RHBZ#951900)
- New functions to split and join args properly (honoring quotes)
- firewall-cmd(1): 2 simple examples
- Better IPv6 NAT checking.
- Ship
* Mon Sep 30 2013 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.5-1
- Only use one PK action for configuration (RHBZ#994729)
- firewall-cmd: indicate non-zero exit code with red color
- rich-rule: enable to have log without prefix & log_level & limit
- log-level warn/err -> warning/error (RHBZ#1009436)
- Use policy DROP while reloading, do not reset policy in restart twice
- Add _direct chains to all table and chain combinations
- documentation improvements
- New man page docbook source
- tests/ make rich language tests work
- Rich_Rule._import_from_string(): improve error messages (RHBZ#994150)
- direct.passthrough wasn't always matching out_signature (RHBZ#967800)
- firewall-config: twist ICMP Type IP address family logic.
- firewall-config: port-forwarding/masquerading dialog (RHBZ#993658)
- firewall-offline-cmd: New --remove-service=<service> option (BZ#969106)
- firewall-config: Options->Lockdown was not changing permanent.
- firewall-config: edit line on doubleclick (RHBZ#993572)
- firewall-config: System Default Zone -> Default Zone (RHBZ#993811)
- New direct D-Bus interface, persistent direct rule handling, enabled passthough
- src/firewall-cmd: Fixed help output to use more visual parameters
- src/firewall-cmd: New usage output, no redirection to man page anymore
- src/firewall/core/ Fixed forwad port destinations
- src/firewall-offline-cmd: Early enable/disable handling now with mask/unmask
- doc/xml/ Added more information about masquerade use
- Prefix to log message is optional (RHBZ#998079)
- firewall-cmd: fix --permanent --change-interface (RHBZ#997974)
- Sort zones/interfaces/service/icmptypes on output.
- wbem-https service (RHBZ#996668)
- applet&config: add support for KDE NetworkManager connection editor
- firewall/core/ New method update_lockdown_whitelist
- Added missing file watcher for lockdown whitelist in config D-Bus interface
- firewall/core/watcher: New add_watch_file for lockdown-whitelist and direct
- Make use of IPv6 NAT conditional, based on kernel number (RHBZ#967376)
* Tue Jul 30 2013 Thomas Woerner <> 0.3.4-1
- several rich rule check enhancements and fixes
- firewall-cmd: direct options - check ipv4|ipv6|eb (RHBZ#970505)
- firewall-cmd(1): improve description of direct options (RHBZ#970509)
- several firewall-applet enhancements and fixes
- several doc and man page fixes
- Service definitions for PCP daemons (RHBZ#972262)
- bash-completion: add lockdown and rich language options
- firewall-cmd: add --permanent --list-all[-zones]
- firewall-cmd: new -q/--quiet option
- firewall-cmd: warn when default zone not active (RHBZ#971843)
- firewall-cmd: check priority in --add-rule (RHBZ#914955)
- add dhcpv6 (for server) service (RHBZ#917866)
- firewall-cmd: add --permanent --get-zone-of-interface/source --change-interface/source
- firewall-cmd: print result (yes/no) of all --query-* commands
- move permanent-getZoneOf{Interface|Source} from firewall-cmd to server
- Check Interfaces/sources when updating permanent zone settings.
- FirewallDConfig: getZoneOfInterface/Source can actually return more zones
- Fixed toaddr check in forward port to only allow single address, no range
- firewall-cmd: various output improvements
- fw_zone: use check_single_address from firewall.functions
- getZoneOfInterface/Source does not need to throw exception
- firewall.functions: Use socket.inet_pton in checkIP, fixed checkIP*nMask
- Properly check port/proto and destination address
- Install applet desktop file into /etc/xdg/autostart
- Fixed option problem with rich rule destinations (RHBZ#979804)
- Better exception creation in dbus_handle_exceptions() decorator (RHBZ#979790)
- Updated firewall-offline-cmd
- Use priority in add, remove, query and list of direct rules (RHBZ#979509)
- New documentation (man pages are created from docbook sources)
- firewall/core/io/ use prirority for rule methods, new get_all_ methods
- direct: pass priority also to and firewall-cmd
- applet: New blink and blink-count settings
- firewall.functions: New function ppid_of_pid
- applet: Check for gnome3 and fix it, use new settings, new size-changed cb
- firewall-offline-cmd: Fix use of systemctl in chroot
- firewall-config: use string.ascii_letters instead of string.letters
- dbus_to_python(): handle non-ascii chars in dbus.String.
- Modernize old syntax constructions.
- dict.keys() in Python 3 returns a "view" instead of list
- Use gettext.install() to install _() in builtins namespace.
- Allow non-ascii chars in 'short' and 'description'
- README: More information for "Working With The Source Repository"
- Build environment fixes
- firewalld.spec: Added missing checks for rhel > 6 for pygobject3-base
- firewall-applet: New setting show-inactive
- Don't stop on reload when lockdown already enabled (RHBZ#987403)
- firewall-cmd: --lockdown-on/off did not touch firewalld.conf
- FirewallApplet.gschema.xml: Dropped unused sender-info setting
- doc/firewall-applet.xml: Added information about gsettings
- several debug and log message fixes
- Add chain for sources so they can be checked before interfaces (RHBZ#903222)
- Add dhcp and proxy-dhcp services (RHBZ#986947)
- io/Zone(): don't error on deprecated family attr of source elem
- Limit length of zone file name (to 12 chars) due to Netfilter internals.
- It was not possible to overload a zone with defined source(s).
- DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET: {chain}_ZONE_{zone} -> {chain}_{zone}
- New runtime get<X>Settings for services and icmptypes, fixed policies callbacks
- functions: New functions checkUser, checkUid and checkCommand
- src/firewall/client: Fixed lockdown-whitelist-updated signal handling
- firewall-cmd(1): move firewalld.richlanguage(5) reference in --*-rich-rule
- Rich rule service: Only add modules for accept action
- firewall/core/rich: Several fixes and enhanced checks
- Fixed reload of direct rules
- firewall/client: New functions to set and get the exception handler
- firewall-config: New and enhanced UI to handle lockdown and rich rules
- zone's immutable attribute is redundant
- Do not allow to set settings in config for immutable zones.
- Ignore deprecated 'immutable' attribute in zone files.
- Eviscerate 'immutable' completely.
- FirewallDirect.query_rule(): fix it
- permanent direct: activate reader
- core/io/*: simplify getting of character data
- FirewallDirect.set_config(): allow reloading
* Thu Jun 20 2013 Jiri Popelka <>
- Remove migrating to a systemd unit file from a SysV initscript
- Remove pointless "ExclusiveOS" tag
* Fri Jun 7 2013 Thomas Woerner <> 0.3.3-2
- Fixed rich rule check for use in D-Bus
* Thu Jun 6 2013 Thomas Woerner <> 0.3.3-1
- new service files
- relicensed under GPLv2+
- firewall-config: sometimes we don't want to use client's exception handler
- When removing Service/IcmpType remove it from zones too (RHBZ#958401)
- firewall-config: work-around masquerade_check_cb() being called more times
- Zone(IO): add interfaces/sources to D-Bus signature
- Added missing UNKNOWN_SOURCE error code
- fw_zone.check_source: Raise INVALID_FAMILY if family is invalid
- New changeZoneOfInterface method, marked changeZone as deprecated
- Fixed firewall-cmd man page entry for --panic-on
- firewall-applet: Fixed possible problems of unescaped strings used for markup
- New support to bind zones to source addresses and ranges (D-BUS, cmd, applet
- Cleanup of unused variables in FirewallD.start
- New firewall/ with LastUpdatedOrderedDict
- direct.chains, direct.rules: Using LastUpdatedOrderedDict
- Support splitted zone files
- New reader and writer for stored direct chains and rules
- LockdownWhitelist: fix write(), add get_commands/uids/users/contexts()
- fix service_writer() and icmptype_writer() to put newline at end of file
- firewall-cmd: fix --list-sources
- No need to specify whether source address family is IPv4 or IPv6
- add getZoneOfSource() to D-Bus interface
- Add tests and bash-completion for the new "source" operations
- Convert all input args in D-Bus methods
- setDefaultZone() was calling accessCheck() *after* the action
- New uniqify() function to remove duplicates from list whilst preserving order
- Zone.combine() merge also services and ports
- config/applet: silence DBusException during start when FirewallD is not running (RHBZ#966518)
- firewall-applet: more fixes to make the address sources family agnostic
- Better defaults for lockdown white list
- Use auth_admin_keep for allow_any and allow_inactive also
- New D-Bus API for lockdown policies
- Use IPv4, IPv6 and BRIDGE for FirewallD properties
- Use rich rule action as audit type
- Prototype of string-only D-Bus interface for rich language
- Fixed wrongly merged source family check in firewall/core/io/
- handle_cmr: report errors, cleanup modules in error case only, mark handling
- Use audit type from rule action, fixed rule output
- Fixed lockdown whitelist D-Bus handling method names
- New rich rule handling in runtime D-Bus interface
- Added interface, source and rich rule handling (runtime and permanent)
- Fixed dbus_obj in FirewallClientConfigPolicies, added queryLockdown
- Write changes in setLockdownWhitelist
- Fixed typo in policies log message in method calls
- firewall-cmd: Added rich rule, lockdown and lockdown whitelist handling
- Don't check access in query/getLockdownWhitelist*()
- firewall-cmd: Also output masquerade flag in --list-all
- firewall-cmd: argparse is able to convert argument to desired type itself
- tests for permanent interfaces/sources and lockdown whitelist
- add missing files
- tests for rich rules
- Added lockdown, source, interface and rich rule docs to firewall-cmd
- Do not masquerade lo if masquerade is enabled in the default zone (RHBZ#904098)
- Use <rule> in metavar for firewall-cmd parser
* Fri May 10 2013 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.2-2
- removed unintentional en_US.po from tarball
* Tue Apr 30 2013 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.2-1
- Fix signal handling for SIGTERM
- Additional service files (RHBZ#914859)
- Updated po files
- s/persistent/permanent/ (Trac Ticket #7)
- Better behaviour when running without valid DISPLAY (RHBZ#955414)
- client.handle_exceptions(): do not loop forever
- Set Zone.defaults in zone_reader (RHBZ#951747)
- client: do not pass the dbus exception name to handler
- IO_Object_XMLGenerator: make it work with Python 2.7.4 (RHBZ#951741)
- firewall-cmd: do not use deprecated BaseException.message
- fix handle_exceptions() (RHBZ#951314)
- firewall-config: check zone/service/icmptype name (RHBZ#947820)
- Allow 3121/tcp (pacemaker_remote) in cluster-suite service. (RHBZ#885257)
- firewall-applet: fix default zone hangling in 'shields-up' (RHBZ#947230)
- FirewallError.get_code(): check for unknown error
* Wed Apr 17 2013 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.3.1-2
- Make permanenent changes work with Python 2.7.4 (RHBZ#951741)
* Thu Mar 28 2013 Thomas Woerner <> 0.3.1-1
- Use explicit file lists for make dist
- New rich rule validation check code
- New global check_port and check_address functions
- Allow source white and black listing with the rich rule
- Fix error handling in case of unsupported family in rich rule
- Enable ip_forwarding in masquerade and forward-port
- New functions to read and write simple files using filename and content
- Add --enable-sysconfig to install Fedora-specific sysconfig config file.
- Add chains for security table (RHBZ#927015)
- firewalld.spec: no need to specify --with-systemd-unitdir
- firewalld.service: remove and
- firewalld.service: replace hard-coded paths
- Move bash-completion to new location.
- Revert "Added configure for new build env"
- Revert "Added files"
- Revert "Added po/"
- Revert "Added po/LINGUAS"
- Revert "Added aclocal.m4"
- Amend zone XML Schema
* Wed Mar 20 2013 Thomas Woerner <> 0.3.0-1
- Added rich language support
- Added lockdown feature
- Allow to bind interfaces and sources to zones permanently
- Enabled IPv6 NAT support
masquerading and port/packet forwarding for IPv6 only with rich language
- Handle polkit errors in client class and firewall-config
- Added priority description for --direct --add-rule in firewall-cmd man page
- Add XML Schemas for zones/services/icmptypes XMLs
- Don't keep file descriptors open when forking
- Introduce --nopid option for firewalld
- Update cluster-suite service (RHBZ#885257)
- firewall-cmd: rename --enable/disable-panic to --panic-on/off (RHBZ#874912)
- Fix interaction problem of changed event of gtk combobox with polkit-kde
by processing all remaining events (RHBZ#915892)
- Stop default zone rules being applied to all zones (RHBZ#912782)
- Firewall.start(): don't call set_default_zone()
- Add wiki's URL to firewalld(1) and firewall-cmd(1) man pages
- firewalld-cmd: make --state verbose (RHBZ#886484)
- improve firewalld --help (RHBZ#910492)
- firewall-cmd: --add/remove-* can be used multiple times (RHBZ#879834)
- Continue loading zone in case of wrong service/port etc. (RHBZ#909466)
- Check also services and icmptypes in Zone() (RHBZ#909466)
- Increase the maximum length of the port forwarding fields from 5 to 11 in
- firewall-cmd: add usage to fail message
- firewall-cmd: redefine usage to point to man page
- firewall-cmd: fix visible problems with arg. parsing
- Use argparse module for parsing command line options and arguments
- firewall-cmd.1: better clarify where to find ACTIONs
- firewall-cmd Bash completion
- firewall-cmd.1: comment --zone=<zone> usage and move some options
- Use zone's target only in %s_ZONES chains
- default zone in firewalld.conf was set to public with every restart (#902845)
- man page cleanup
- code cleanup
* Thu Mar 07 2013 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.2.12-5
- Another fix for RHBZ#912782
* Wed Feb 20 2013 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.2.12-4
- Stop default zone rules being applied to all zones (RHBZ#912782)
* Wed Feb 13 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.2.12-3
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jan 22 2013 Jiri Popelka <> - 0.2.12-2
- Default zone in firewalld.conf was reseted with every restart (RHBZ#902845)
- Add icon cache related scriptlets for firewall-config (RHBZ#902680)
- Fix typo in firewall-config (RHBZ#895812)
- Fix few mistakes in firewall-cmd(1) man page
* Mon Jan 14 2013 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.12-1
- firewall-cmd: use -V instead of -v for version info (RHBZ#886477)
- firewall-cmd: don't check reload()'s return value (RHBZ#886461)
- actually install firewalld.zones.5
- firewall-config: treat exceptions when adding new zone/service/icmp
- firewalld.spec: Fixed requirements of firewall-config to use gtk2 and
- Fail gracefully when running in non X environment.(RHBZ#886551)
- offline-cmd: fail gracefully when no s-c-f config
- fix duplicated iptables rules (RHBZ#886515)
- detect errors and duplicates in config file (RHBZ#886581)
- firewall-config: don't make 'Edit Service' and 'Edit ICMP Type' insensitive
- firewalld.spec: fixed requirements, require pygobject3-base
- frewall-applet: Unused code cleanup
- firewall-applet: several usability fixes and enhancements
(RHBZ#886531) (RHBZ#886534)
- firewall/server/ fixed KeyboardInterrupt message (RHBZ#886558)
- Moved fallback zone and minimal_mark to firewall.config.__init__
- Do not raise ZONE_ALREADY_SET in change_zone if old zone is set again
- Make default zone default for all unset connections/interfaces
(RHBZ#888288) (RHBZ#882736)
- firewall-config: Use Gtk.MessageType.WARNING for warning dialog
- firewall-config: Handle unknown services and icmptypes in persistent mode
- firewall-config: Do not load settings more than once
- firewall-config: UI cleanup and fixes (RHBZ#888242)
- firewall-cmd: created alias --change-zone for --change-interface
- firewall-cmd man page updates (RHBZ#806511)
- Merged branch 'build-cleanups'
- dropped call to in build stage, not needed anymore due to
'build-cleanups' merge
* Thu Dec 13 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.11-2
- require pygobject3-base instead of pygobject3 (no cairo needed) (RHBZ#874378)
- fixed dependencies of firewall-config to use gtk3 with pygobject3-base and
not pygtk2
* Tue Dec 11 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.11-1
- Fixed more _xmlplus (PyXML) incompatibilities to python xml
- Several man page updates
- Fixed error in addForwardPort, removeForwardPort and queryForwardPort
- firewall-cmd: use already existing queryForwardPort()
- Update firewall.cmd man page, use man page as firewall-cmd usage (rhbz#876394)
- firewall-config: Do not force to show labels in the main toolbar
- firewall-config: Dropped "Change default zone" from toolbar
- firewall-config: Added menu entry to change zones of connections
- firewall-applet: Zones can be changed now using nm-connection-editor
- translation updates: cs, hu, ja
* Tue Nov 20 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.10-1
- tests/ tests for config.service and config.icmptype
- FirewallClientConfigServiceSettings(): destinations are dict not list
- service/zone/icmptype: do not write deprecated name attribute
- New service ntp
- firewall-config: Fixed name of about dialog
- Fixed getting of error codes
- Added coding to all pyhton files
- Fixed copyright years
- Beautified file headers
- Force use of pygobject3 in python-slip (RHBZ#874378)
- Log: firewall.server.config_icmptype, firewall.server.config_service and
firewall.server.config_zone: Prepend full path
- Allow ":" in interface names for interface aliases
- Add name argument to Updated and Renamed signal
- Disable IPv4, IPv6 and EB tables if missing - for IPv4/IPv6 only environments
- file cleanup
- firewall-config: loadDefaults() can throw exception
- Use toolbars for Add/Edit/Remove/LoadDefaults buttons for zones, services
and icmp types
- New vnc-server service, opens ports for displays :0 to :3 (RHBZ#877035)
- firewall-cmd: Fix typo in help output, allow default zone usage for
permanenent options
- Translation updates: cs, fr, ja, pt_BR and zh_CN
* Wed Oct 17 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.9-1
- firewall-config: some UI usability changes
- firewall-cmd: New option --list-all-zones, output of --list-all changed,
more option combination checks
- firewall-applet: Replaced NMClient by direct DBUS calls to fix python core
dumps in case of connection activates/deactivates
- Use fallback 'C' locale if current locale isn't supported (RHBZ#860278)
- Add interfaces to zones again after reload
- firewall-cmd: use FirewallClient().connected value
- firewall-cmd: --remove-interface was not working due to a typo
- Do not use restorecon for new and backup files
- Fixed use of properties REJECT and DROP
- check interfaces after reload
- Translation updates
- Renamed firewall-convert-scfw-config to firewall-offline-cmd, used by
anaconda for firewall configuration (e.g. kickstart)
- Fix python shebang to use -Es at installation time for bin_SCRIPTS and
sbin_SCRIPTS and at all times in
- tests/ update test_zones() test case
- Config interface: improve renaming of zones/services/icmp_types
- Move emiting of Added signals closer to source.
- FirewallClient(): config:ServiceAdded signal was wrongly mapped
- Add argument 'name' to Removed signal
- firewall-config: Add callbacks for config:[service|icmp]-[added|removed]
- firewall-config: catch INVALID_X error when removing zone/service/icmp_type
- firewall-config: remove unused code
- Revert "Neutralize _xmlplus instead of conforming it"
- firewall-applet: some UI usability changes
* Fri Sep 7 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.8-1
- Do not apply old settings to zones after reload
- FirewallClient: Added callback structure for firewalld signals
- New firewall-config with full zone, service and icmptype support
- Added Shields Up/Down configuration dialog to firewall-applet
- Name attribute of main tag deprecated for zones, services and icmptypes,
will be ignored if present
- Fixed wrong references in firewalld man page
- Unregister DBus interfaces after sending out the Removed signal
- Use proper DBus signature in addIcmpType, addService and addZone
- New builtin property for config interfaces
- New test case for Config interface
- spec: use new systemd-rpm macros (rhbz#850110)
- More config file verifications
- Lots of smaller fixes and enhancements
* Tue Aug 21 2012 Jiri Popelka <> 0.2.7-2
- use new systemd-rpm macros (rhbz#850110)
* Mon Aug 13 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.7-1
- Update of firewall-config
- Some bug fixes
* Tue Aug 7 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.6-1
- New D-BUS interface for persistent configuration
- Aded support for persistent zone configuration in firewall-cmd
- New Shields Up feature in firewall-applet
- New requirements for python-decorator and pygobject3
- New firewall-config sub-package
- New firewall-convert-scfw-config config script
* Fri Apr 20 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.5-1
- Fixed traceback in firewall-cmd for failed or canceled authorization,
return proper error codes, new error codes NOT_RUNNING and NOT_AUTHORIZED
- Enhanced firewalld service file (RHBZ#806868) and (RHBZ#811240)
- Fixed duplicates in zone after reload, enabled timed settings after reload
- Removed conntrack --ctstate INVALID check from default ruleset, because it
results in ICMP problems (RHBZ#806017).
- Update interfaces in default zone after reload (rhbz#804814)
- New man pages for firewalld(1), firewalld.conf(5), firewalld.icmptype(5),
firewalld.service(5) and, updated firewall-cmd man page
- Fixed firewall-cmd help output
- Fixed missing icon for firewall-applet (RHBZ#808759)
- Added root user check for firewalld (RHBZ#767654)
- Fixed requirements of firewall-applet sub package (RHBZ#808746)
- Update interfaces in default zone after changing of default zone (RHBZ#804814)
- Start firewalld before NetworkManager (RHBZ#811240)
- Add Type=dbus and BusName to service file (RHBZ#811240)
* Fri Mar 16 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.4-1
- fixed firewalld.conf save exception if no temporary file can be written to
* Thu Mar 15 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.3-1
- firewall-cmd: several changes and fixes
- code cleanup
- fixed icmp protocol used for ipv6 (rhbz#801182)
- added and fixed some comments
- properly restore zone settings, timeout is always set, check for 0
- some FirewallError exceptions were actually not raised
- do not REJECT in each zone
- removeInterface() don't require zone
- new tests in firewall-test script
- dbus_to_python() was ignoring certain values
- added functions for the direct interface: chains, rules, passthrough
- fixed inconsistent data after reload
- some fixes for the direct interface: priority positions are bound to ipv,
table and chain
- added support for direct interface in firewall-cmd:
- added isImmutable(zone) to zone D-Bus interface
- renamed policy file
- enhancements for error messages, enables output for direct.passthrough
- added allow_any to firewald policies, using at leas auth_admin for policies
COMMAND_FAILED, resorted error codes
- new firewalld configuration setting CleanupOnExit
- enabled polkit again, found a fix for property problem with slip.dbus.service
- added dhcpv6-client to 'public' (the default) and to 'internal' zones.
- fixed missing settings form zone config files in
"firewall-cmd --list=all --zone=<zone>" call
- added list functions for services and icmptypes, added --list=services and
--list=icmptypes to firewall-cmd
* Tue Mar 6 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.2-1
- enabled dhcpv6-client service for zones home and work
- new dhcpv6-client service
- firewall-cmd: query mode returns reversed values
- new zone.changeZone(zone, interface)
- moved zones, services and icmptypes to /usr/lib/firewalld, can be overloaded
by files in /etc/firewalld (no overload of immutable zones block, drop,
- reset MinimalMark in firewalld.cnf to default value
- fixed service destination (addresses not used)
- fix xmlplus to be compatible with the python xml sax parser and python 3
by adding __contains__ to xml.sax.xmlreader.AttributesImpl
- use icon and glib related post, postun and posttrans scriptes for firewall
- firewall-cmd: fix typo in state
- firewall-cmd: fix usage()
- firewall-cmd: fix interface action description in usage()
- fix definition of queryInterface()
- fix typo in getInterfaces()
- firewalld.service: do not fork
- firewall-cmd: fix bug in --list=port and --port action help message
- firewall-cmd: fix bug in --list=service
* Mon Mar 5 2012 Thomas Woerner <>
- moved zones, services and icmptypes to /usr/lib/firewalld, can be overloaded
by files in /etc/firewalld (no overload of immutable zones block, drop,
* Tue Feb 21 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.1-1
- added missing firewall.dbus_utils
* Tue Feb 7 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.0-2
- added glib2-devel to build requires, needed for gsettings.m4
- added --with-system-unitdir arg to fix installaiton of system file
- added glib-compile-schemas calls for postun and posttrans
- added EXTRA_DIST file lists
* Mon Feb 6 2012 Thomas Woerner <> 0.2.0-1
- version 0.2.0 with new FirewallD1 D-BUS interface
- supports zones with a default zone
- new direct interface as a replacement of the partial virt interface with
additional passthrough functionality
- dropped custom rules, use direct interface instead
- dropped trusted interface funcionality, use trusted zone instead
- using zone, service and icmptype configuration files
- not using any system-config-firewall parts anymore
* Mon Feb 14 2011 Thomas Woerner <> 0.1.3-1
- new version 0.1.3
- restore all firewall features for reload: panic and virt rules and chains
- string fixes for firewall-cmd man page (by Jiri Popelka)
- fixed firewall-cmd port list (by Jiri Popelka)
- added firewall dbus client connect check to firewall-cmd (by Jiri Popelka)
- translation updates: de, es, gu, it, ja, kn, ml, nl, or, pa, pl, ru, ta,
uk, zh_CN
* Mon Jan 3 2011 Thomas Woerner <> 0.1.2-1
- fixed package according to package review (rhbz#665395):
- non executable scripts: dropped shebang
- using newer GPL license file
- made /etc/dbus-1/system.d/FirewallD.conf config(noreplace)
- added requires(post) and (pre) for chkconfig
* Mon Jan 3 2011 Thomas Woerner <> 0.1.1-1
- new version 0.1.1
- fixed source path in POTFILES*
- added missing
- added misssing space for spec_ver line
- using firewall_config.VARLOGFILE
- added date to logging output
- also log fatal and error logs to stderr and firewall_config.VARLOGFILE
- make log message for active_firewalld fatal
* Mon Dec 20 2010 Thomas Woerner <> 0.1-1
- initial package (proof of concept implementation)