#!/bin/sh echo -e "Run \"pip download --no-binary PyYAML,msgpack,netifaces -r requirements-$1.txt\" to update,\n\ and add output from \"sha512sum --tag \" to sources, and update spec-file." exit 0 ## export PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND="keyring.backends.null.Keyring" find -maxdepth 1 -not -name "fence-agents-*.tar.gz" -and -not -name "awscli-*.tar.gz" -and -not -name "botocore-2*.zip" -and \( -name "*.whl" -or -name "*.tar.?z*" \) -delete sed -i -n -E '/\(fence-agents-|\(awscli-|\(botocore-2/p' sources sha512sum --tag requirements-*.txt >> sources for x in requirements-*.txt; do echo "# $x" | sed -E "s/requirements-(.*).txt/\1/" >> sources pip download --no-binary PyYAML,msgpack,netifaces -r $x | awk '/Saved/{gsub("./", "", $2); print $2}' | sort | xargs sha512sum --tag >> sources done awk 'NR<11{next} /^# /{print}; /^[^#]/{gsub("[()]", "", $2); printf "Source%d: %s\n", 1000+c++, $2}' sources sed -i '/^#/d' sources if ! git diff --quiet sources; then cat << EOF Upload new sources by running: awk '/^[^#]/{gsub("[()]", "", \$2); printf "%s ", \$2}' sources | xargs centpkg new-sources EOF fi