DistroBaker 79bc8b4d05 Merged update from upstream sources
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2021-02-05 14:30:53 +01:00

533 lines
21 KiB

%global _eclipsedir %{_prefix}/lib/eclipse
%global emf_tag R2_24_0
%global xsd_tag R2_24_0
# Set this flag to avoid building everything except for the core bundles
# Allows building into a brand new buildroot before Eclipse is even built
%bcond_with bootstrap
Epoch: 1
Name: eclipse-emf
Version: 2.24.0
Release: 2%{?dist}
Summary: EMF and XSD Eclipse plug-ins
License: EPL-2.0
# Avoid hard build-time dep on nebula (not in Fedora)
Patch0: 0001-Remove-dependency-on-nebula.patch
# Remove test that requires internet connection
Patch1: 0002-Remove-test-that-requires-talking-to-the-internet.patch
BuildRequires: tycho
BuildRequires: tycho-extras
%if %{without bootstrap}
BuildRequires: eclipse-pde
BuildArch: noarch
# Upstream Eclipse no longer supports non-64bit arches
ExcludeArch: s390 %{arm} %{ix86}
The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and XML Schema Definition (XSD) plug-ins.
%package core
Summary: Eclipse EMF Core Bundles
# Obsolete SDK packages since F33
Obsoletes: %{name}-sdk < 1:2.23.0-3
Obsoletes: eclipse-xsd-sdk < 1:2.23.0-3
%description core
Core EMF bundles required by the Eclipse platform.
%if %{without bootstrap}
%package runtime
Summary: Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Eclipse plug-in
%description runtime
The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) allows developers to build tools and
other applications based on a structured data model. From a model
specification described in XMI, EMF provides tools and run-time support to
produce a set of Java classes for the model, along with a set of adapter
classes that enable viewing and command-based editing of the model, and a
basic editor.
%package xsd
Summary: XML Schema Definition (XSD) Eclipse plug-in
# Obsoletes added in F28
Obsoletes: eclipse-xsd < %{version}-%{release}
Provides: eclipse-xsd = %{version}-%{release}
%description xsd
The XML Schema Definition (XSD) plug-in is a library that provides an API for
manipulating the components of an XML Schema as described by the W3C XML
Schema specifications, as well as an API for manipulating the DOM-accessible
representation of XML Schema as a series of XML documents.
%setup -c -T -q -a 0 -a 1
mv org.eclipse.emf-%{emf_tag}/ org.eclipse.emf/
mv org.eclipse.xsd-%{xsd_tag}/ org.eclipse.xsd/
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
pushd org.eclipse.emf
%pom_remove_plugin ":maven-toolchains-plugin" releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent
# TODO: ODA, GWT, Xtext and RAP components are not packaged, so don't build corresponding bundles
sed -i -e '/org.eclipse.emf.gwt/d' releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent/{plugins,features}/pom.xml
sed -i -e '/org.eclipse.emf.oda/d' releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent/{plugins,features}/pom.xml
sed -i -e '/org.eclipse.emf.rap/d' releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent/{plugins,features}/pom.xml
sed -i -e '/codegen.ecore.xtext/d' releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent/{plugins,features}/pom.xml
sed -i -e '/ecore.xcore/d' releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent/{plugins,features}/pom.xml
sed -i -e '/test.edit.ui.rap/d' releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent/{plugins,features}/pom.xml
%pom_xpath_remove "plugin[@id='org.eclipse.emf.test.edit.ui.rap']" tests/org.eclipse.emf.tests-feature/feature.xml
# Disable example bundles, we don't want to ship them
%pom_disable_module "../../../examples/org.eclipse.emf.examples-feature" releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent/features
%pom_disable_module "../../../../org.eclipse.xsd/features/org.eclipse.xsd.example-feature" releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent/features
sed -i -e '/<module>.*examples/d' releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent/plugins/pom.xml
%pom_xpath_remove "plugin[@id='org.eclipse.emf.test.examples']" tests/org.eclipse.emf.tests-feature/feature.xml
# Disable modules unneeded for tycho build
%pom_disable_module "tp" releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent
%pom_disable_module "../" releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent
%pom_disable_module '../../../features/org.eclipse.emf.all-feature' releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent/features
# Disable jgit/target platform stuff that we can't use in RPM builds
%pom_remove_plugin :target-platform-configuration releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent
%pom_remove_dep :tycho-sourceref-jgit releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent
%pom_remove_dep :tycho-buildtimestamp-jgit releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent
%pom_xpath_remove 'pom:configuration/pom:timestampProvider' releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent
%pom_xpath_remove 'pom:configuration/pom:jgit.ignore' releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent
%pom_xpath_remove 'pom:configuration/pom:jgit.dirtyWorkingTree' releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent
%pom_xpath_remove 'pom:configuration/pom:sourceReferences' releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent
%if %{with bootstrap}
# Only build core modules when bootstrapping
%pom_xpath_replace "pom:modules" "<modules>
</modules>" releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent/features
%pom_xpath_replace "pom:modules" "<modules>
</modules>" releng/org.eclipse.emf.parent/plugins
# Don't install poms or license features
%mvn_package "::pom::" __noinstall
%mvn_package ":org.eclipse.{emf,xsd}.license" __noinstall
%mvn_package ":org.eclipse.emf.base" __noinstall
# No need to ship tests as they are run at buildtime
%mvn_package ":org.eclipse.emf.tests" __noinstall
%mvn_package ":org.eclipse.emf.test.*" __noinstall
# Don't install SDK features
%mvn_package ":::{sources,sources-feature}:" __noinstall
%mvn_package ":org.eclipse.emf.{sdk,doc,cheatsheets,example.installer}" __noinstall
%mvn_package ":org.eclipse.xsd.{sdk,doc,cheatsheets,example.installer}" __noinstall
%mvn_package "org.eclipse.emf.features:org.eclipse.emf.{base,common,ecore}"
%mvn_package "org.eclipse.emf:org.eclipse.emf.{common,ecore,ecore.change,ecore.xmi}"
%mvn_package ":org.eclipse.xsd*" xsd
%mvn_package ":org.eclipse.emf.mapping.xsd**" xsd
%mvn_package ":" runtime
# Qualifier generated from last modification time of source tarball
QUALIFIER=$(date -u -d"$(stat --format=%y %{SOURCE0})" +v%Y%m%d-%H%M)
%mvn_build -j -- -f org.eclipse.emf/pom.xml -DforceContextQualifier=$QUALIFIER -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true \
# Move to libdir due to being part of core platform
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_eclipsedir}
mv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/eclipse/droplets/emf/{plugins,features} %{buildroot}%{_eclipsedir}
rm -r %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/eclipse/droplets/emf
# Fixup metadata
sed -i -e 's|%{_datadir}/eclipse/droplets/emf|%{_eclipsedir}|' %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/maven-metadata/eclipse-emf.xml
sed -i -e 's|%{_datadir}/eclipse/droplets/emf/features/|%{_eclipsedir}/features/|' \
-e 's|%{_datadir}/eclipse/droplets/emf/plugins/|%{_eclipsedir}/plugins/|' .mfiles
sed -i -e '/droplets/d' .mfiles
# Remove any symlinks that might be created during bootstrapping due to missing platform bundles
for del in $( (cd %{buildroot}%{_eclipsedir}/plugins && ls | grep -v -e '^org\.eclipse\.emf' ) ) ; do
rm %{buildroot}%{_eclipsedir}/plugins/$del
sed -i -e "/$del/d" .mfiles
%files core -f .mfiles
%license org.eclipse.emf/features/org.eclipse.emf.license-feature/*.html
%if %{without bootstrap}
%files runtime -f .mfiles-runtime
%files xsd -f .mfiles-xsd
* Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:2.24.0-2
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jan 13 2021 Mat Booth <> - 1:2.24.0-1
- Update to latest upstream release
* Thu Nov 19 2020 Mat Booth <> - 1:2.23.0-2
- Obsolete SDK subpackages
* Wed Oct 28 2020 Mat Booth - 1:2.23.0-1
- Update to latest upstream release
* Mon Jul 27 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:2.22.0-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jun 18 2020 Mat Booth <> - 1:2.22.0-1
- Update to latest upstream release
* Fri Mar 20 2020 Mat Booth <> - 1:2.21.0-1
- Update to latest upstream release
* Tue Jan 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:2.20.0-5
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jan 14 2020 Mat Booth <> - 1:2.20.0-4
- Use Epoch for all subpackages to avoid repo sanity check failures
* Thu Dec 19 2019 Mat Booth <> - 2.20.0-3
- Full build
* Wed Dec 18 2019 Mat Booth <> - 2.20.0-2
- Enable bootstrap mode
* Wed Dec 18 2019 Mat Booth <> - 2.20.0-1
- Update to latest upstream release
* Fri Sep 13 2019 Mat Booth <> - 2.19.0-1
- Update to latest upstream release
- Don't ship base feature
* Sat Jun 15 2019 Mat Booth <> - 2.18.0-1
- Update to latest upstream release
* Wed May 08 2019 Mat Booth <> - 2.16.0-3
- Restrict to same architectures as Eclipse itself
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.16.0-2
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Mat Booth <> - 2.16.0-1
- Update to 2018-12 release
* Mon Aug 20 2018 Mat Booth <> - 2.15.0-0.3.gitd1e5fdd
- Non-bootstrap build
* Sun Aug 19 2018 Mat Booth <> - 2.15.0-0.2.gitd1e5fdd
- Fix bootstrap build mode
* Fri Aug 17 2018 Mat Booth <> - 2.15.0-0.1.gitd1e5fdd
- License correction and update to latest snapshot
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.14.0-2
- Rebuilt for
* Wed May 09 2018 Mat Booth <> - 2.14.0-1
- Update to Photon release
- Add XSD sub-package (in line with upstream's new combined tycho build)
- Run tests during maven build, no longer any need to package them
- Also drop examples sub-package
* Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.13.0-4
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.13.0-3
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jun 15 2017 Mat Booth <> - 2.13.0-2
- Allow conditionally building tests
- Add a bootstrap mode for building in new buildroots
* Thu Jun 15 2017 Mat Booth <> - 2.13.0-1
- Update to Oxygen release
* Tue May 16 2017 Mat Booth <> - 2.13.0-0.1.git72f1720
- Update to latest Oxygen snapshot
* Thu Apr 06 2017 Mat Booth <> - 2.12.0-5
- Make package noarch now that Eclipse is in the same location on all arches
- Drop old obsoletes/provides
* Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.12.0-4
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Nov 07 2016 Mat Booth <> - 2.12.0-3
- Re-add XSD dep
* Mon Nov 07 2016 Mat Booth <> - 2.12.0-2
- Set qualifiers to source-modification-time instead of build-time, to eliminate
descrepancies between architectures
- Temporarily remove dep on XSD
* Mon Jun 13 2016 Mat Booth <> - 2.12.0-1
- Update to Neon release
* Tue May 10 2016 Mat Booth <> - 2.12.0-0.1.git2021583
- Update to latest Neon snapshot
* Sat Feb 27 2016 Mat Booth <> - 2.11.2-1
- Update to Mars.2 release
* Wed Feb 03 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.11.1-2
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Sep 28 2015 Mat Booth <> - 2.11.1-1
- Update to Mars.1 release
- Build with maven/tycho
- Add tests package
* Mon Jun 29 2015 Mat Booth <> - 2.11.0-4
- Remove incomplete SCL macros
* Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.11.0-3
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jun 02 2015 Mat Booth <> - 2.11.0-2
- Revert moving bundles into core package
* Tue Jun 02 2015 Mat Booth <> - 2.11.0-1
- Update to 2.11.0 release
- Move extra e4 tools deps into core package
- Switch to xz tarball
* Sat May 30 2015 Alexander Kurtakov <> 1:2.10.2-2
- Move emf.edit to core as it's required by e4 now.
* Wed Mar 04 2015 Mat Booth <> - 2.10.2-1
- Update to Luna SR2 release
* Thu Nov 20 2014 Mat Booth <> - 2.10.1-3
- Qualifier must be same on all arches in archful builds
* Wed Nov 19 2014 Mat Booth <> - 2.10.1-2
- Make core package archful so it can be installed into libdir
where eclipse-platform expects it to be
- Move eclipse-emf -> eclipse-emf-runtime, this is because we can have
noarch sub-packages of an archful package, but cannot have archful
sub-packages of a noarch package
- Fix some minor rpmlint errors
* Wed Oct 01 2014 Mat Booth <> - 2.10.1-1
- Update to Luna SR1 release
- Drop ancient obsoletes on emf-sdo package
* Wed Jun 25 2014 Mat Booth <> - 2.10.0-1
- Update to latest upstream release
- Fix obsoletes on emf-core package, rhbz #1095431
- Move edit plugin from core to main package
* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.9.2-3
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Apr 17 2014 Mat Booth <> - 2.9.2-2
- Drop XSD packages, these are now packaged separately
- Drop ancient obsolete of emf-standalone.
* Wed Mar 12 2014 Mat Booth <> - 2.9.2-1
- Update to latest upstream, Kepler SR2
- Drop requires on java, rhbz #1068039
- Remove unused patch
- Update project URL
* Mon Sep 30 2013 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.9.1-1
- Update to latest upstream.
* Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.9.0-2
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun 21 2013 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.9.0-1
- Update to Kepler release.
* Fri Jun 21 2013 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.9.0-0.2.git352e28
- 974108: Remove versions and timestamps from EMF filenames.
* Wed May 1 2013 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.9.0-0.1.git352e28
- Update to latest upstream.
* Thu Mar 21 2013 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.8.1-20
- Initial SCLization.
* Mon Jan 28 2013 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.8.1-7
- Really fix RHBZ#894154.
* Thu Jan 17 2013 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.8.1-6
- Move emf.edit back to eclipse-emf-core and symlink it.
* Thu Jan 17 2013 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.8.1-5
- Fix for RHBZ#894154
* Mon Dec 17 2012 Alexander Kurtakov <> 1:2.8.1-4
- Remove unneeded things.
* Mon Oct 8 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.8.1-3
- Avoid generating automatic OSGi dependencies (yet another attempt).
* Mon Oct 8 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.8.1-2
- Avoid generating automatic OSGi dependencies. (fix)
* Mon Oct 1 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.8.1-1
- Update to upstream 2.8.1 release
* Wed Sep 12 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.8.0-17
- Avoid generating automatic OSGi dependencies.
* Wed Aug 15 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.8.0-16
- Removed obsolete.
* Tue Aug 14 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.8.0-15
- Moved Obs emf-core to emf-core package.
- Removed dropins symlinks.
* Tue Aug 14 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 1:2.8.0-14
- Added Epoch to eclipse-emf-core.
- Updated eclipse-pde dependency version to 4.2.0.
* Mon Aug 13 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 2.8.0-13
- Move emf.edit to eclipse-emf-core.
* Fri Aug 10 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 2.8.0-12
- Lower eclipse-platform version requirement (CBI Eclipse is not in yet).
* Fri Aug 10 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 2.8.0-11
- Get rid off conflicts clause.
* Thu Aug 2 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 2.8.0-10
- Moving core back to emf package (for CBI build).
* Wed Jul 18 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.8.0-2
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jul 10 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 2.8.0-1
- Update to upstream Juno.
* Mon May 7 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 2.8.0-0.7.e674bb28ad412fc9bc786f2f9b3c157eb2cbdae0
- Update to M7.
* Mon Apr 16 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 2.8.0-0.6.postM6
- Bugs 812870, 812872 - fix building index for documentation.
* Tue Apr 10 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 2.8.0-0.5.postM6
- Remove %%clean section.
- Remove duplicated plugins.
* Mon Apr 2 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 2.8.0-0.4.postM6
- Use %%{bindir}/eclipse-pdebuild.
* Thu Mar 29 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 2.8.0-0.3.postM6
- Back noarch.
- Use the eclipse-emf-core from main eclipse-emf.
* Thu Mar 29 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 2.8.0-0.2.postM6
- Removed the noarch tag.
* Thu Mar 29 2012 Krzysztof Daniel <> 2.8.0-0.1.postM6
- Update to latest upstream version.
- Package eclipse-emf-core created for the need of Eclipse 4.2.
- Removed usage of Eclipse reconciler script.
* Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.7.1-2
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Nov 29 2011 Jeff Johnston <> 2.7.1-1
- Update to 2.7.1.
- Add rhel flags.
* Wed Oct 5 2011 Sami Wagiaalla <> 2.7.0-2
- Use the reconciler to install/uninstall plugins during rpm
post and postun respectively.
* Thu Sep 15 2011 Roland Grunberg <> 2.7.0-1
- Update to 2.7.0.
- Re-apply necessary patches, content-handler error fixed upstream.
- licenses now exist in org.eclipse.{emf,xsd}.license-feature only.
* Wed Sep 14 2011 Roland Grunberg <> 2.6.1-2
- Fix RHBZ #716165 using old patches.
- Fix ContentHandler casting issue.
* Fri Mar 18 2011 Mat Booth <> 2.6.1-1
- Update to 2.6.1.
* Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.6.0-2
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jul 19 2010 Charley Wang <> - 2.6.0-1
- Update to 2.6.0
* Sat Sep 19 2009 Mat Booth <> - 2.5.0-4
- Re-enable jar repacking now that RHBZ #461854 has been resolved.
* Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.5.0-3
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jul 02 2009 Mat Booth <> 2.5.0-2
- SDK requires PDE for example plug-in projects.
* Sun Jun 28 2009 Mat Booth <> 2.5.0-1
- Update to 2.5.0 final release (Galileo).
- Build the features seperately to allow for a saner %%files section.
* Fri May 22 2009 Alexander Kurtakov <> 2.5.0-0.2.RC1
- Update to 2.5.0 RC1.
- Use %%global instead of %%define.
* Sat Apr 18 2009 Mat Booth <> 2.5.0-0.1.M6
- Update to Milestone 6 release of 2.5.0.
- Require Eclipse 3.5.0.
* Tue Apr 7 2009 Alexander Kurtakov <> 2.4.2-3
- Fix directory ownership.
* Mon Mar 23 2009 Alexander Kurtakov <> 2.4.2-2
- Rebuild to not ship p2 context.xml.
- Remove context.xml from %%files section.
* Sat Feb 28 2009 Mat Booth <> 2.4.2-1
- Update for Ganymede SR2.
* Tue Feb 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.4.1-5
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Feb 03 2009 Mat Booth <> 2.4.1-4
- Make context qualifier the same as upstream.
* Sat Jan 10 2009 Mat Booth <> 2.4.1-3
- Removed AOT bits and change package names to what they used to be.
- Obsolete standalone package.
* Tue Dec 23 2008 Mat Booth <> 2.4.1-2
- Build example installer plugins using the source from the tarball instead of
trying to get the examples from source control a second time.
* Fri Dec 12 2008 Mat Booth <> 2.4.1-1
- Initial release, based on eclipse-gef spec file, but with disabled AOT
compiled bits because of RHBZ #477707.