DistroBaker 0f3b46ba91 Merged update from upstream sources
This is an automated DistroBaker update from upstream sources.
If you do not know what this is about or would like to opt out,
contact the OSCI team.

Source: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/dnf.git#823e638e6e448728540d99c213b2e64fd5819e70
2020-12-03 16:36:23 +00:00

2713 lines
137 KiB

# Always build out-of-source
%undefine __cmake_in_source_build
# default dependencies
%global hawkey_version 0.55.1
%global libcomps_version 0.1.8
%global libmodulemd_version 2.9.3
%global rpm_version 4.14.0
# conflicts
%global conflicts_dnf_plugins_core_version 4.0.16
%global conflicts_dnf_plugins_extras_version 4.0.4
%global conflicts_dnfdaemon_version 0.3.19
# override dependencies for rhel 7
%if 0%{?rhel} == 7
%global rpm_version 4.11.3-32
%if 0%{?rhel} == 7 && 0%{?centos}
%global rpm_version 4.11.3-25.el7.centos.1
# override dependencies for fedora 26
%if 0%{?fedora} == 26
%global rpm_version
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
%bcond_with python3
%bcond_without python3
%if 0%{?rhel} >= 8 || 0%{?fedora} > 29
# Disable python2 build
%bcond_with python2
%bcond_without python2
# YUM compat subpackage configuration
# level=full -> deploy all compat symlinks (conflicts with yum < 4)
# level=minimal -> deploy a subset of compat symlinks only
# (no conflict with yum >= 3.4.3-505)*
# level=preview -> minimal level with altered paths (no conflict with yum < 4)
# *release 505 renamed /usr/bin/yum to /usr/bin/yum-deprecated
%global yum_compat_level full
%global yum_subpackage_name yum
%if 0%{?fedora}
# Avoid file conflict with yum < 4 in all Fedoras
# It can be resolved by pretrans scriptlet but they are not recommended in Fedora
%global yum_compat_level minimal
%if 0%{?fedora} < 31
# Avoid name conflict with yum < 4
%global yum_subpackage_name %{name}-yum
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
%global yum_compat_level preview
%global yum_subpackage_name nextgen-yum4
# paths
%global confdir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
%global pluginconfpath %{confdir}/plugins
%if %{with python2}
%global py2pluginpath %{python2_sitelib}/%{name}-plugins
%if %{with python3}
%global py3pluginpath %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}-plugins
# Use the same directory of the main package for subpackage licence and docs
%global _docdir_fmt %{name}
%global pkg_summary Package manager
%global pkg_description Utility that allows users to manage packages on their systems. \
It supports RPMs, modules and comps groups & environments.
Name: dnf
Version: 4.5.2
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: %{pkg_summary}
# For a breakdown of the licensing, see PACKAGE-LICENSING
License: GPLv2+
URL: https://github.com/rpm-software-management/dnf
Source0: %{url}/archive/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: cmake
BuildRequires: gettext
# Documentation
BuildRequires: systemd
BuildRequires: bash-completion
%if %{with python3}
BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/sphinx-build-3
Requires: python3-%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/sphinx-build
Requires: python2-%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
Requires: python-dbus
Requires: %{_bindir}/sqlite3
%if %{with python3}
Recommends: (python3-dbus if NetworkManager)
Recommends: (python2-dbus if NetworkManager)
Recommends: (%{_bindir}/sqlite3 if bash-completion)
Provides: dnf-command(alias)
Provides: dnf-command(autoremove)
Provides: dnf-command(check-update)
Provides: dnf-command(clean)
Provides: dnf-command(distro-sync)
Provides: dnf-command(downgrade)
Provides: dnf-command(group)
Provides: dnf-command(history)
Provides: dnf-command(info)
Provides: dnf-command(install)
Provides: dnf-command(list)
Provides: dnf-command(makecache)
Provides: dnf-command(mark)
Provides: dnf-command(provides)
Provides: dnf-command(reinstall)
Provides: dnf-command(remove)
Provides: dnf-command(repolist)
Provides: dnf-command(repoquery)
Provides: dnf-command(repository-packages)
Provides: dnf-command(search)
Provides: dnf-command(updateinfo)
Provides: dnf-command(upgrade)
Provides: dnf-command(upgrade-to)
Conflicts: python2-dnf-plugins-core < %{conflicts_dnf_plugins_core_version}
Conflicts: python3-dnf-plugins-core < %{conflicts_dnf_plugins_core_version}
Conflicts: python2-dnf-plugins-extras-common < %{conflicts_dnf_plugins_extras_version}
Conflicts: python3-dnf-plugins-extras-common < %{conflicts_dnf_plugins_extras_version}
%package data
Summary: Common data and configuration files for DNF
Requires: libreport-filesystem
Obsoletes: %{name}-conf <= %{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{name}-conf = %{version}-%{release}
%description data
Common data and configuration files for DNF
%package -n %{yum_subpackage_name}
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Summary: %{pkg_summary}
%if 0%{?fedora}
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 31
Provides: %{name}-yum = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: %{name}-yum < 5
Conflicts: yum < 3.4.3-505
%description -n %{yum_subpackage_name}
%if %{with python2}
%package -n python2-%{name}
Summary: Python 2 interface to DNF
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python2-%{name}}
BuildRequires: python2-devel
BuildRequires: python2-hawkey >= %{hawkey_version}
BuildRequires: python2-libdnf >= %{hawkey_version}
BuildRequires: python2-libcomps >= %{libcomps_version}
BuildRequires: python2-libdnf
BuildRequires: python2-nose
BuildRequires: libmodulemd >= %{libmodulemd_version}
Requires: libmodulemd >= %{libmodulemd_version}
%if (0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7)
BuildRequires: pygpgme
Requires: pygpgme
BuildRequires: python-enum34
Requires: python-enum34
BuildRequires: python2-gpg
Requires: python2-gpg
BuildRequires: python2-enum34
Requires: python2-enum34
Requires: %{name}-data = %{version}-%{release}
%if 0%{?fedora}
Recommends: deltarpm
# required for DNSSEC main.gpgkey_dns_verification https://dnf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/conf_ref.html
Recommends: python2-unbound
Requires: python2-hawkey >= %{hawkey_version}
Requires: python2-libdnf >= %{hawkey_version}
Requires: python2-libcomps >= %{libcomps_version}
Requires: python2-libdnf
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
BuildRequires: rpm-python >= %{rpm_version}
Requires: rpm-python >= %{rpm_version}
BuildRequires: python2-rpm >= %{rpm_version}
Requires: python2-rpm >= %{rpm_version}
Recommends: rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit
Conflicts: dnfdaemon < %{conflicts_dnfdaemon_version}
%description -n python2-%{name}
Python 2 interface to DNF.
# ^ %%{with python2}
%if %{with python3}
%package -n python3-%{name}
Summary: Python 3 interface to DNF
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-%{name}}
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-hawkey >= %{hawkey_version}
BuildRequires: python3-libdnf >= %{hawkey_version}
BuildRequires: python3-libcomps >= %{libcomps_version}
BuildRequires: python3-libdnf
BuildRequires: libmodulemd >= %{libmodulemd_version}
Requires: libmodulemd >= %{libmodulemd_version}
BuildRequires: python3-nose
BuildRequires: python3-gpg
Requires: python3-gpg
Requires: %{name}-data = %{version}-%{release}
%if 0%{?fedora}
Recommends: deltarpm
Requires: python3-hawkey >= %{hawkey_version}
Requires: python3-libdnf >= %{hawkey_version}
Requires: python3-libcomps >= %{libcomps_version}
Requires: python3-libdnf
BuildRequires: python3-rpm >= %{rpm_version}
Requires: python3-rpm >= %{rpm_version}
# required for DNSSEC main.gpgkey_dns_verification https://dnf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/conf_ref.html
Recommends: python3-unbound
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
Requires: rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit
Recommends: rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit
%description -n python3-%{name}
Python 3 interface to DNF.
%package automatic
Summary: %{pkg_summary} - automated upgrades
BuildRequires: systemd
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
%description automatic
Systemd units that can periodically download package upgrades and apply them.
%autosetup -p1
%if %{with python2}
%global _vpath_builddir build-py2
%cmake -DPYTHON_DESIRED:FILEPATH=%{__python2} -DDNF_VERSION=%{version}
%cmake_build --target doc-man
%if %{with python3}
%global _vpath_builddir build-py3
%cmake -DPYTHON_DESIRED:FILEPATH=%{__python3} -DDNF_VERSION=%{version}
%cmake_build --target doc-man
%if %{with python2}
%global _vpath_builddir build-py2
%if %{with python3}
%global _vpath_builddir build-py3
%find_lang %{name}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{confdir}/vars
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{confdir}/aliases.d
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pluginconfpath}/
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/modules.d
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/modules.defaults.d
%if %{with python2}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{py2pluginpath}/
%if %{with python3}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{py3pluginpath}/__pycache__/
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_var}/cache/dnf/
touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}.log
%if %{with python3}
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dnf-3 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dnf
mv %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dnf-automatic-3 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dnf-automatic
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dnf-2 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dnf
mv %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dnf-automatic-2 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dnf-automatic
rm -vf %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dnf-automatic-*
# Strict conf distribution
%if 0%{?rhel}
mv -f %{buildroot}%{confdir}/%{name}-strict.conf %{buildroot}%{confdir}/%{name}.conf
rm -vf %{buildroot}%{confdir}/%{name}-strict.conf
# YUM compat layer
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{confdir}/%{name}.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum.conf
%if %{with python3}
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dnf-3 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/yum
%if "%{yum_compat_level}" == "preview"
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dnf-2 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/yum4
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/dnf.8.gz %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/yum4.8.gz
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/yum.8.gz
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dnf-2 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/yum
%if "%{yum_compat_level}" == "full"
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{pluginconfpath} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{confdir}/protected.d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum/protected.d
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{confdir}/vars %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum/vars
%if %{with python2}
%global _vpath_builddir build-py2
%if %{with python3}
%global _vpath_builddir build-py3
%systemd_post dnf-makecache.timer
%systemd_preun dnf-makecache.timer
%systemd_postun_with_restart dnf-makecache.timer
%post automatic
%systemd_post dnf-automatic.timer
%systemd_post dnf-automatic-notifyonly.timer
%systemd_post dnf-automatic-download.timer
%systemd_post dnf-automatic-install.timer
%preun automatic
%systemd_preun dnf-automatic.timer
%systemd_preun dnf-automatic-notifyonly.timer
%systemd_preun dnf-automatic-download.timer
%systemd_preun dnf-automatic-install.timer
%postun automatic
%systemd_postun_with_restart dnf-automatic.timer
%systemd_postun_with_restart dnf-automatic-notifyonly.timer
%systemd_postun_with_restart dnf-automatic-download.timer
%systemd_postun_with_restart dnf-automatic-install.timer
%files -f %{name}.lang
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
%dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion
%dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions
%files data
%dir %{confdir}
%dir %{confdir}/modules.d
%dir %{confdir}/modules.defaults.d
%dir %{pluginconfpath}
%dir %{confdir}/protected.d
%dir %{confdir}/vars
%dir %{confdir}/aliases.d
%exclude %{confdir}/aliases.d/zypper.conf
%config(noreplace) %{confdir}/%{name}.conf
%config(noreplace) %{confdir}/protected.d/%{name}.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}
%ghost %attr(644,-,-) %{_localstatedir}/log/hawkey.log
%ghost %attr(644,-,-) %{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}.log
%ghost %attr(644,-,-) %{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}.librepo.log
%ghost %attr(644,-,-) %{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}.rpm.log
%ghost %attr(644,-,-) %{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}.plugin.log
%ghost %attr(755,-,-) %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/%{name}
%ghost %attr(644,-,-) %{_sharedstatedir}/%{name}/groups.json
%ghost %attr(755,-,-) %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/%{name}/yumdb
%ghost %attr(755,-,-) %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/%{name}/history
%files -n %{yum_subpackage_name}
%if "%{yum_compat_level}" == "full"
%config(noreplace) %{confdir}/protected.d/yum.conf
%exclude %{_sysconfdir}/yum.conf
%exclude %{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d
%exclude %{_sysconfdir}/yum/protected.d
%exclude %{_sysconfdir}/yum/vars
%exclude %{confdir}/protected.d/yum.conf
%exclude %{_mandir}/man5/yum.conf.5.*
%exclude %{_mandir}/man8/yum-shell.8*
%exclude %{_mandir}/man1/yum-aliases.1*
%if "%{yum_compat_level}" == "minimal"
%if "%{yum_compat_level}" == "preview"
%exclude %{_mandir}/man8/yum.8*
%if %{with python2}
%files -n python2-%{name}
%exclude %{python2_sitelib}/%{name}/automatic
%dir %{py2pluginpath}
%if %{with python3}
%files -n python3-%{name}
%exclude %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/automatic
%dir %{py3pluginpath}
%dir %{py3pluginpath}/__pycache__
%files automatic
%config(noreplace) %{confdir}/automatic.conf
%if %{with python3}
* Thu Dec 03 2020 Nicola Sella <nsella@redhat.com> - 4.5.2-1
- Update to 4.5.2
- Change behaviour of Package().from_repo
* Wed Dec 02 2020 Nicola Sella <nsella@redhat.com> - 4.5.1-1
- Add a get_current() method to SwdbInterface
- Add `from_repo` attribute for Package class (RhBug:1898968,1879168)
- Correct description of Package().reponane attribute
- Add unittest for new API
- Make rotated log file (mode, owner, group) match previous log settings (RhBug:1894344)
- [doc] Improve description of modular filtering
- [doc] add documentation for from_repo
- [doc] deprecated alias for dnf repoquery --deplist <deplist_option-label>
- New config option module_allow_stream_switch allows switching enabled streams
* Mon Nov 23 2020 Nicola Sella <nsella@redhat.com> - 4.4.2-1
- Update to 4.4.2
- spec: Fix building with new cmake macros (backport from downstream)
- Warn about key retrieval over http:
- Fix --setopt=cachedir writing outside of installroot
- Add vendor to dnf API (RhBug:1876561)
- Add allow_vendor_change option (RhBug:1788371) (RhBug:1788371)
* Thu Oct 29 2020 Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com> - 4.4.0-3
- Rebuild to keep NVR ahead of Fedora 32
* Tue Oct 13 2020 Ales Matej <amatej@redhat.com> - 4.4.0-2
- Increase required libdnf (hawkey) version
* Wed Oct 07 2020 Nicola Sella <nsella@redhat.com> - 4.4.0-1
- Update to 4.4.0
- Handle empty comps group name (RhBug:1826198)
- Remove dead history info code (RhBug:1845800)
- Improve command emmitter in dnf-automatic
- Enhance --querytags and --qf help output
- [history] add option --reverse to history list (RhBug:1846692)
- Add logfilelevel configuration (RhBug:1802074)
- Don't turn off stdout/stderr logging longer than necessary (RhBug:1843280)
- Mention the date/time that updates were applied
- [dnf-automatic] Wait for internet connection (RhBug:1816308)
- [doc] Enhance repo variables documentation (RhBug:1848161,1848615)
- Add librepo logger for handling messages from librepo (RhBug:1816573)
- [doc] Add package-name-spec to the list of possible specs
- [doc] Do not use <package-nevr-spec>
- [doc] Add section to explain -n, -na and -nevra suffixes
- Add alias 'ls' for list command
- README: Reference Fedora Weblate instead of Zanata
- remove log_lock.pid after reboot(Rhbug:1863006)
- comps: Raise CompsError when removing a non-existent group
- Add methods for working with comps to RPMTransactionItemWrapper
- Implement storing and replaying a transaction
- Log failure to access last makecache time as warning
- [doc] Document Substitutions class
- Dont document removed attribute ``reports`` for get_best_selector
- Change the debug log timestamps from UTC to local time
* Mon Jul 27 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 4.2.23-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue Jun 02 2020 Nicola Sella <nsella@redhat.com> - 4.2.23-1
- Fix behavior of install-n, autoremove-n, remove-n, repoquery-n
- Fix behavior of localinstall and list-updateinfo aliases
- Add updated field to verbose output of updateinfo list (RhBug: 1801092)
- Add comment option to transaction (RhBug:1773679)
- Add new API for handling gpg signatures (RhBug:1339617)
- Verify GPG signatures when running dnf-automatic (RhBug:1793298)
- Fix up Conflicts: on python-dnf-plugins-extras
- [doc] Move yum-plugin-post-transaction-actions to dnf-plugins-core
- Remove args "--set-enabled", "--set-disabled" from DNF (RhBug:1727882)
- Search command is now alphabetical (RhBug:1811802)
- Fix downloading packages with full URL as their location
- repo: catch libdnf.error.Error in addition to RuntimeError in load() (RhBug:1788182)
- History table to max size when redirect to file (RhBug:1786335,1786316)
* Sat May 23 2020 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@redhat.com> - 4.2.21-2
- Rebuilt for Python 3.9
* Wed Apr 01 2020 Aleš Matěj <amatej@redhat.com> - 4.2.21-1
- Update to 4.2.21
- Fix completion helper if solv files not in roon cache (RhBug:1714376)
- Add bash completion for 'dnf module' (RhBug:1565614)
- Check command no longer reports missing %pre and %post deps (RhBug:1543449)
- Check if arguments can be encoded in 'utf-8'
- [doc] Remove incorrect information about includepkgs (RhBug:1813460)
- Fix crash with "dnf -d 6 repolist" (RhBug:1812682)
- Do not print the first empty line for repoinfo
- Redirect logger and repo download progress when --verbose
- Respect repo priority when listing packages (RhBug:1800342)
- [doc] Document that list and info commands respect repo priority
- [repoquery] Do not protect running kernel for --unsafisfied (RhBug:1750745)
- Remove misleading green color from the "broken dependencies" lines (RhBug:1814192)
- [doc] Document color options
* Mon Feb 24 2020 Aleš Matěj <amatej@redhat.com> - 4.2.19-1
- List arguments: only first empty value is used (RhBug:1788154)
- Report missing profiles or default as broken module (RhBug:1790967)
- repoquery: fix rich deps matching by using provide expansion from libdnf (RhBug:1534123)
- [documentation] repoquery --what* with multiple arguments (RhBug:1790262)
- Format history table to use actual terminal width (RhBug:1786316)
- Update `dnf alias` documentation
- Handle custom exceptions from libdnf
- Fix _skipped_packages to return only skipped (RhBug:1774617)
- Add setter for tsi.reason
- Add new hook for commands: Run_resolved
- Add doc entry: include url (RhBug 1786072)
- Clean also .yaml repository metadata
- New API function base.setup_loggers() (RhBug:1788212)
- Use WantedBy=timers.target for all dnf timers (RhBug:1798475)
* Tue Jan 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 4.2.18-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Jan 15 2020 Aleš Matěj <amatej@redhat.com> - 4.2.18-1
- [doc] Remove note about user-agent whitelist
- Do a substitution of variables in repo_id (RhBug:1748841)
- Respect order of config files in aliases.d (RhBug:1680489)
- Unify downgrade exit codes with upgrade (RhBug:1759847)
- Improve help for 'dnf module' command (RhBug:1758447)
- Add shell restriction for local packages (RhBug:1773483)
- Fix detection of the latest module (RhBug:1781769)
- Document the retries config option only works for packages (RhBug:1783041)
- Sort packages in transaction output by nevra (RhBug:1773436)
- Honor repo priority with check-update (RhBug:1769466)
- Strip '\' from aliases when processing (RhBug:1680482)
- Print the whole alias definition in case of infinite recursion (RhBug:1680488)
- Add support of commandline packages by repoquery (RhBug:1784148)
- Running with tsflags=test doesn't update log files
- Restore functionality of remove --oldinstallonly
- Allow disabling individual aliases config files (RhBug:1680566)
* Fri Nov 29 2019 Ales Matej <amatej@redhat.com> - 4.2.17-1
- Enable versionlock for check-update command (RhBug:1750620)
- Add error message when no active modules matched (RhBug:1696204)
- Log mirror failures as warning when repo load fails (RhBug:1713627)
- dnf-automatic: Change all systemd timers to a fixed time of day (RhBug:1754609)
- DNF can use config from the remote location (RhBug:1721091)
- [doc] update reference to plugin documentation (RhBug:1706386)
- [yum compatibility] Report all packages in repoinfo
- [doc] Add definition of active/inactive module stream
- repoquery: Add a switch to disable modular excludes
- Report more informative messages when no match for argument (RhBug:1709563)
- [doc] Add description of excludes in dnf
- Report more descriptive message when removed package is excluded
- Add module repoquery command
- Fix assumptions about ARMv8 and the way the rpm features work (RhBug:1691430)
- Add Requires information into module info commands
- Enhance inheritance of transaction reasons (RhBug:1672618,1769788)
- Make DNF compatible with FIPS mode (RhBug:1762032)
- Return always alphabetically sorted modular profiles
* Tue Nov 12 2019 Ales Matej <amatej@redhat.com> - 4.2.15-2
- Revert: Fix messages for starting and failing scriptlets (RhBug:1724779)
- Fix traceback when trying to install package with fileconflict
* Wed Nov 06 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <pkratoch@redhat.com> - 4.2.15-1
- Update to 4.2.15
- Fix downloading local packages into destdir (RhBug:1727137)
- Report skipped packages with identical nevra only once (RhBug:1643109)
- Restore functionality of dnf remove --duplicates (RhBug:1674296)
- Improve API documentation
- Document NEVRA parsing in the man page
- Do not wrap output when no terminal (RhBug:1577889)
- Allow to ship alternative dnf.conf (RhBug:1752249)
- Don't check if repo is expired if it doesn't have loaded metadata (RhBug:1745170)
- Remove duplicate entries from "dnf search" output (RhBug:1742926)
- Set default value of repo name attribute to repo id (RhBug:1669711)
- Allow searching in disabled modules using "dnf module provides" (RhBug:1629667)
- Group install takes obsoletes into account (RhBug:1761137)
- Improve handling of vars
- Do not load metadata for repolist commands (RhBug:1697472,1713055,1728894)
- Fix messages for starting and failing scriptlets (RhBug:1724779)
- Don't show older install-only pkgs updates in updateinfo (RhBug:1649383,1728004)
- Add --ids option to the group command (RhBug:1706382)
- Add --with_cve and --with_bz options to the updateinfo command (RhBug:1750528)
* Tue Oct 01 2019 Ales Matej <amatej@redhat.com> - 4.2.11-2
- Fix required hawkey_version
* Tue Oct 01 2019 Ales Matej <amatej@redhat.com> - 4.2.11-1
- Improve modularity documentation (RhBug:1730162,1730162,1730807,1734081)
- Fix detection whether system is running on battery (used by metadata caching timer) (RhBug:1498680)
- New repoquery queryformat: %{reason}
- Print rpm errors during test transaction (RhBug:1730348)
- Fix: --setopt and repo with dots
- Fix incorrectly marked profile and stream after failed rpm transaction check (RhBug:1719679)
- Show transaction errors inside dnf shell (RhBug:1743644)
- Don't reinstall modified packages with the same NEVRA (RhBug:1644241)
- dnf-automatic now respects versionlock excludes (RhBug:1746562)
- Fully enable the modular fail safe mechanism (RhBug:1616167)
* Tue Sep 10 2019 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 4.2.9-3
- Backport patch to fix reinstalling packages with a different buildtime
* Fri Aug 16 2019 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@redhat.com> - 4.2.9-2
- Rebuilt for Python 3.8
* Tue Aug 13 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <pkratoch@redhat.com> - 4.2.9-1
- Update to 4.2.9
- Accept multiple specs in repoquery options (RhBug:1667898)
- Prevent switching modules in all cases (RhBug:1706215)
- [history] Don't store failed transactions as succeeded
- [history] Do not require root for informative commands
- [dnssec] Fix UnicodeWarning when using new rpm (RhBug:1699650)
- Print rpm error messages during transaction (RhBug:1677199)
- Report missing default profile as an error (RhBug:1669527)
- Apply excludes before modular excludes (RhBug:1709453)
- Improve help for command line arguments (RhBug:1659328)
- [doc] Describe a behavior when plugin is removed (RhBug:1700741)
- Add new modular API method ModuleBase.get_modules
- Mark features used by ansible, anaconda and subscription-manager as an API
- Prevent printing empty Error Summary (RhBug: 1690414)
- [doc] Add user_agent and countme options
* Mon Aug 12 2019 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> - 4.2.7-4
- Drop %%systemd_requires from main package
* Wed Jul 24 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 4.2.7-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Jul 22 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <pkratoch@redhat.com> - 4.2.7-2
- Revert patch: [rpm] add detection for armv7hcnl
* Thu Jul 04 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <pkratoch@redhat.com> - 4.2.7-1
- Update to 4.2.7
- librepo: Turn on debug logging only if debuglevel is greater than 2
- Fix issues with terminal hangs when attempting bash completion
- Rename man page from dnf.automatic to dnf-automatic to match command name
- [provides] Enhanced detecting of file provides (RhBug:1702621)
- [provides] Sort the output packages alphabetically
- Set default to skip_if_unavailable=false (RhBug:1679509)
- Fix package reinstalls during yum module remove (RhBug:1700529)
- Fail when "-c" option is given nonexistent file (RhBug:1512457)
- Reuse empty lock file instead of stopping dnf (RhBug:1581824)
- Propagate comps 'default' value correctly (RhBug:1674562)
- Better search of provides in /(s)bin/ (RhBug:1657993)
- Add detection for armv7hcnl (RhBug:1691430)
- Fix group install/upgrade when group is not available (RhBug:1707624)
- Report not matching plugins when using --enableplugin/--disableplugin
(RhBug:1673289) (RhBug:1467304)
- Add support of modular FailSafe (RhBug:1623128) (temporarily with warnings
instead of errors when installing modular RPMs without modular metadata)
- Replace logrotate with build-in log rotation for dnf.log and dnf.rpm.log
* Thu Jun 27 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <pkratoch@redhat.com> - 4.2.5-2
- Backport patches to enhance synchronization of rpm transaction to swdb
* Thu Apr 25 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <pkratoch@redhat.com> - 4.2.5-1
- Update to 4.2.5
- Fix multilib obsoletes (RhBug:1672947)
- Do not remove group package if other packages depend on it
- Remove duplicates from "dnf list" and "dnf info" outputs
- Installroot now requires absolute path
- Allow globs in setopt in repoid part
- Fix formatting of message about free space required
- [doc] Add info of relation update_cache with fill_sack (RhBug:1658694)
- Fix installation failiure when duplicit RPMs are specified (RhBug:1687286)
- Add command abbreviations (RhBug:1634232)
- Allow plugins to terminate dnf (RhBug:1701807)
* Thu Apr 04 15:15:12 CET 2019 Robert-André Mauchin <zebob.m@gmail.com> - 4.2.2-2
- Add patch fixing the installation of completion_helper.py
- Fix #1695853
* Wed Mar 27 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <pkratoch@redhat.com> - 4.2.2-1
- [conf] Use environment variables prefixed with DNF_VAR_
- Enhance documentation of --whatdepends option (RhBug:1687070)
- Allow adjustment of repo from --repofrompath (RhBug:1689591)
- Document cachedir option (RhBug:1691365)
- Retain order of headers in search results (RhBug:1613860)
- Solve traceback with the "dnf install @module" (RhBug:1688823)
- Build "yum" instead of "dnf-yum" on Fedora 31
* Mon Mar 11 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <pkratoch@redhat.com> - 4.2.1-1
- Do not allow direct module switch (RhBug:1669491)
- Use improved config parser that preserves order of data
- Fix alias list command (RhBug:1666325)
- Postpone yum conflict to F31
- Update documentation: implemented plugins; options; deprecated commands (RhBug:1670835,1673278)
- Support zchunk (".zck") compression
- Fix behavior of ``--bz`` option when specifying more values
- Follow RPM security policy for package verification
- Update modules regardless of installed profiles
- Add protection of yum package (RhBug:1639363)
- Fix ``list --showduplicates`` (RhBug:1655605)
* Wed Feb 13 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <pkratoch@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-1
- Update to 4.1.0
- Allow to enable modules that break default modules (RhBug:1648839)
- Enhance documentation - API examples
- Add --nobest option
- Revert commit that adds best as default behavior
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 4.0.10-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Dec 12 2018 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.10-1
- Update to 4.0.10
- Updated difference YUM vs. DNF for yum-updateonboot
- Added new command ``dnf alias [options] [list|add|delete] [<name>...]`` to allow the user to
define and manage a list of aliases
- Enhanced documentation
- Unifying return codes for remove operations
- [transaction] Make transaction content available for commands
- Triggering transaction hooks if no transaction (RhBug:1650157)
- Add hotfix packages to install pool (RhBug:1654738)
- Report group operation in transaction table
- [sack] Change algorithm to calculate rpmdb_version
* Thu Nov 22 2018 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.9-1
- Added dnf.repo.Repo.get_http_headers
- Added dnf.repo.Repo.set_http_headers
- Added dnf.repo.Repo.add_metadata_type_to_download
- Added dnf.repo.Repo.get_metadata_path
- Added dnf.repo.Repo.get_metadata_content
- Added --changelogs option for check-update command
- [module] Add information about active modules
- Hide messages created only for logging
- Enhanced --setopt option
- [module] Fix dnf remove @<module>
- [transaction] Make transaction content available for plugins
* Wed Nov 07 2018 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.4-2
- Backport fixes for RHBZ#1642796 from upstream master
* Mon Oct 15 2018 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.4-1
- Update to 4.0.4
- Add dnssec extension
- Set termforce to AUTO to automatically detect if stdout is terminal
- Repoquery command accepts --changelogs option (RhBug:1483458)
- Calculate sack version from all installed packages (RhBug:1624291)
- [module] Allow to enable module dependencies (RhBug:1622566)
* Tue Oct 09 2018 Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com> - 3.6.1-3
- Backport fixes for RHBZ#1616118 from upstream master
* Sat Sep 29 2018 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com> - 3.6.1-2
- Temp re-add python2 package to get rawhide composes working again.
* Tue Sep 25 2018 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 3.6.1-1
- [module] Improved module commands list, info
- [module] Reports error from module solver
- Fix: Error detected when calling 'RepoCB.fastestMirror' (RhBug:1628056)
- Preserve packages from other installed mod profiles (RhBug:1629841)
- [spec] Postpone conflict with yum to Fedora 30+ (RhBug:1600444)
- [cli] Install command recommends alternative packages (RhBug:1625586)
- [cli] Fix case insensitive hint (1628514)
- Fix installed profiles for module info (RhBug:1629689)
- Fix module provides not having consistent output (RhBug:1623866)
- Enhance label for transaction table (RhBug:1609919)
- Implement C_, the gettext function with a context (RhBug:1305340)
- Actually disambiguate some messages using C_ (RhBug:1305340)
- Restore 'strict' choice for group installs (#1461539)
- [repoquery] More strict queryformat parsing (RhBug:1631458)
- Redirect repo progress to std error (RhBug:1626011)
- Unify behavior of remove and module remove (RhBug:1629848)
- Change behavior of disabled module for module install (RhBug:1629711)
- Allow enablement on disabled plugin (RhBug:1614539)
* Thu Sep 20 2018 Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com> - 3.5.1-2
- Backport PR #1038 to make compose fail on missing group packages again
* Mon Sep 10 2018 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 3.5.1-1
- [module] Fixed list and info subcommands
* Fri Sep 07 2018 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 3.5.0-1
- New implementation of modularity
* Mon Aug 13 2018 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 3.3.0-1
- [misc] Fallback to os.getuid() if /proc/self/loginuid can't be read (RhBug:1597005)
- [translations] Update translations from zanata.
- [doc] Update module documentation.
- [module] Fix `module provides` output.
- [module] Add `module reset` command.
- [module] Fix module disable command
- [repo] Improve error message on broken repo (RhBug:1595796)
- [doc] Enhance a command documentation (RhBug:1361617)
- [module] Automatically save module persistor in do_transaction().
- [drpm] Fixed setting deltarpm_percentage=0 to switch drpm off
- [repo] Split base.download_packages into two functions
- [output] Use libdnf wrapper for smartcols
- [conf] Do not traceback on empty option (RhBug:1613577)
* Wed Aug 08 2018 Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com> - 3.2.0-2
- Fix a crash that breaks Rawhide composes (RhBug:1613577)
* Tue Aug 07 2018 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 3.2.0-1
- [sack] Use module_platform_id option.
- [module] Switch module persistor to libdnf implementation.
- [module] Auto-enable module streams based on installed RPMs.
- [transaction] Fix: show packages from the current transaction.
- [conf] Convert any VectorString type to list.
- [module] Replace 'enabled' config option with 'state'.
- [install_specs] Do not exclude groups' packages
- [module] Use module sack filtering from libdnf
- [module] Many UX fixes.
* Fri Jul 27 2018 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-1
- [module] Move 'hotfixes' conf option to libdnf and rename it to 'module_hotfixes'.
- [goal] Exclude @System repo packages from distro_sync.
- [conf] Setup configuration values using C++ bindings.
- [module] Drop module lock command.
- [crypto] Use handle from repo in dnf.crypto.retrieve().
- [module] Assume a 'default' profile exists for all modules (RhBug:1568165)
- [base] Introduce easy installation of package, group and module specs.
* Sun Jul 22 2018 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 3.0.4-1
- [transaction] Fix 'TransactionItem not found for key' error.
- [module] Allow removing module profile without specifying a stream.
- [module] Fix 'BaseCli' object has no attribute '_yumdb' error.
- [callback] Fix TransactionDisplay.PKG_ERASE redirect to a non-existing constant.
- [spec] Change yum compat package version to 4.0.version.
- [cache] Clean transaction temp files after successfull transaction
- [log] Log messages from libdnf logger
- [transaction] Add states to report rpm transaction progress
- [transaction] Cache TransactionItem during handling of RPM callback (RhBug:1599597)
- [systemd] dnf-makecache.timer: move to multi-user to fix loop
* Mon Jul 16 2018 Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com> - 3.0.3-4
- Backport fix for dnf-makecache.timer loop from git
- Resolves: rhbz#1600823
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.0.3-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Martin Hatina <mhatina@redhat.com> - 3.0.3-2
- Ensure that correct python version is used for build
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Martin Hatina <mhatina@redhat.com> - 3.0.3-1
- Bug fix release
* Fri Jun 29 2018 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 3.0.2-1
- Update to 3.0.2-1
* Tue Jun 26 2018 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 3.0.1-1
- Update to 3.0.1-1
- Support of MODULES - new DNF command `module`
- Add attribute dnf.conf.Conf.proxy_auth_method
- New repoquery option `--depends` and `--whatdepends`
- Enhanced support of variables
- Enhanced documentation
- Resolves: rhbz#1565599
- Resolves: rhbz#1508839
- Resolves: rhbz#1506486
- Resolves: rhbz#1506475
- Resolves: rhbz#1505577
- Resolves: rhbz#1505574
- Resolves: rhbz#1505573
- Resolves: rhbz#1480481
- Resolves: rhbz#1496732
- Resolves: rhbz#1497272
- Resolves: rhbz#1488100
- Resolves: rhbz#1488086
- Resolves: rhbz#1488112
- Resolves: rhbz#1488105
- Resolves: rhbz#1488089
- Resolves: rhbz#1488092
- Resolves: rhbz#1486839
- Resolves: rhbz#1486839
- Resolves: rhbz#1486827
- Resolves: rhbz#1486816
- Resolves: rhbz#1565647
- Resolves: rhbz#1583834
- Resolves: rhbz#1576921
- Resolves: rhbz#1270295
- Resolves: rhbz#1361698
- Resolves: rhbz#1369847
- Resolves: rhbz#1368651
- Resolves: rhbz#1563841
- Resolves: rhbz#1387622
- Resolves: rhbz#1575998
- Resolves: rhbz#1577854
- Resolves: rhbz#1387622
- Resolves: rhbz#1542416
- Resolves: rhbz#1542416
- Resolves: rhbz#1496153
- Resolves: rhbz#1568366
- Resolves: rhbz#1539803
- Resolves: rhbz#1552576
- Resolves: rhbz#1545075
- Resolves: rhbz#1544359
- Resolves: rhbz#1547672
- Resolves: rhbz#1537957
- Resolves: rhbz#1542920
- Resolves: rhbz#1507129
- Resolves: rhbz#1512956
- Resolves: rhbz#1512663
- Resolves: rhbz#1247083
- Resolves: rhbz#1247083
- Resolves: rhbz#1247083
- Resolves: rhbz#1519325
- Resolves: rhbz#1492036
- Resolves: rhbz#1391911
- Resolves: rhbz#1391911
- Resolves: rhbz#1479330
- Resolves: rhbz#1505185
- Resolves: rhbz#1305232
* Sat Jun 16 2018 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-18
- Rebuilt for Python 3.7
* Wed Jun 06 2018 Marek Blaha <mblaha@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-17
- Demote deltarpm to weak dependencies again
* Tue May 29 2018 Martin Hatina <mhatina@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-16
- Apply util-Correctly-source-errno.EEXIST patch
* Mon May 28 2018 Martin Hatina <mhatina@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-15
- Do not require libdnf
* Fri May 25 2018 Martin Hatina <mhatina@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-14
- Fix patch applying.
* Fri May 25 2018 Martin Hatina <mhatina@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-13
- Rebase to dnf from dnf-2-modularity-6 release.
* Wed Apr 18 2018 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-12
- Fix defaults loading.
* Tue Apr 17 2018 Martin Hatina <mhatina@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-11
- Rebase to dnf from dnf-2-modularity-4 release.
* Mon Mar 26 2018 Martin Hatina <mhatina@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-10
- Require libmodulemd.
* Mon Mar 26 2018 Martin Hatina <mhatina@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-9
- Rebase to dnf from dnf-2-modularity-3 release.
* Mon Feb 12 2018 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-8
- Rebase to dnf from dnf-2-modularity branch.
* Thu Feb 08 2018 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-7
- Demote deltarpm to weak dependencies
* Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.7.5-6
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Jan 03 2018 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-5
- Use %%systemd_requires
- Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards
(See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3)
* Wed Nov 29 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-4
- Fix problem with demands.cacheonly that caused problems for system-upgrade
* Tue Nov 07 2017 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-3
- Remove platform-python subpackage
* Fri Oct 27 2017 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-2
- Enable usage of rich deps for NM integration
* Wed Oct 18 2017 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-1
- Improve performance for excludes and includes handling (RHBZ #1500361)
- Fixed problem of handling checksums for local repositories (RHBZ #1502106)
- Fix traceback when using dnf.Base.close() (RHBZ #1503575)
* Mon Oct 16 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 2.7.4-1
- Update to 2.7.4-1
- Enhanced performance for excludes and includes handling
- Solved memory leaks at time of closing of dnf.Base()
- Resolves: rhbz#1480979 - I thought it abnormal that dnf crashed.
- Resolves: rhbz#1461423 - Memory leak in python-dnf
- Resolves: rhbz#1499564 - dnf list installed crashes
- Resolves: rhbz#1499534 - dnf-2 is much slower than dnf-1 when handling groups
- Resolves: rhbz#1499623 - Mishandling stderr vs stdout (dnf search, dnf repoquery)
* Fri Oct 06 2017 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> - 2.7.3-1
- Fix URL detection (RHBZ #1472847)
- Do not remove downloaded files with --destdir option (RHBZ #1498426)
- Fix handling of conditional packages in comps (RHBZ #1427144)
* Mon Oct 02 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-1
- Update to 2.7.2-1
- Added new option ``--comment=<comment>`` that adds a comment to transaction in history
- :meth:`dnf.Base.pre_configure_plugin` configure plugins by running their pre_configure() method
- Added pre_configure() methotd for plugins and commands to configure dnf before repos are loaded
- Resolves: rhbz#1421478 - dnf repository-packages: error: unrecognized arguments: -x rust-rpm-macros
- Resolves: rhbz#1491560 - 'dnf check' reports spurious "has missing requires of" errors
- Resolves: rhbz#1465292 - DNF remove protected duplicate package
- Resolves: rhbz#1279001 - [RFE] Missing dnf --downloaddir option
- Resolves: rhbz#1212341 - [RFE] Allow plugins to override the core configuration
- Resolves: rhbz#1299482 - mock --init fails with message "Failed calculating RPMDB checksum"
- Resolves: rhbz#1488398 - dnf upstream tests failures on f26
- Resolves: rhbz#1192811 - dnf whatprovides should show which provides matched a pattern
- Resolves: rhbz#1288845 - "dnf provides" wildcard matching is unreliable (not all packages with matches listed)
- Resolves: rhbz#1473933 - [abrt] dnf-automatic: resolved(): rpm_conf.py:58:resolved:AttributeError: 'Rpmconf' object has no attribute '_interactive'
- Resolves: rhbz#1237349 - dnf autoremove not removing what dnf list extras shows
- Resolves: rhbz#1470050 - the 'priority=' option in /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo is not respected
- Resolves: rhbz#1347927 - dnf --cacheonly downloads packages
- Resolves: rhbz#1478115 - [abrt] dnf: _hcmd_undo(): __init__.py:888:_hcmd_undo:IndexError: list index out of range
- Resolves: rhbz#1461171 - RFE: support --advisory= with install
- Resolves: rhbz#1448874 - "dnf needs-restarting" vanished from bash completion
- Resolves: rhbz#1495116 - Dnf version fails with traceback in container
* Mon Aug 07 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> 2.6.3-1
- Fix problem with dnf.Package().remote_location() (RhBug:1476215) (Jaroslav
- Change behavior of -C according to documentation (RhBug:1473964) (Jaroslav
- It should prevent to ask attribute of None (RhBug:1359482) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Solve a problems with --arch options (RhBug:1476834) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Use security plugin code for dnf-automatic (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Fix unicode error for python2 (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Inform about packages installed for group (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Provide info if pkg is removed due to dependency (RhBug:1244755) (Jaroslav
- Unify format of %%{_mandir} paths in dnf.spec (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Remove test_yumlayer.py as unneeded test (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Provide yum4 package for rhel7 build (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Make yum compatible layer very minimal (RhBug:1476748) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Remove metadata_expire from yum compatible layer (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Remove keepcache from yum compatibility layer (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Remove options from yum conf (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Remove unused functionality from yum compatible layer (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add deplist command for dnf (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Fix problems with --downloaddir options (RhBug:1476464) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Move description of --forcearch into proper place (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Provide description of --downloaddir option (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Fix if in spec file (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add description of "test" tsflags (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Enable import gpg_keys with tsflag test (RhBug:1464192) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Keep old reason when undoing erase (RhBug:1463107) (Eduard Čuba)
- spec: eliminate other weak dependencies for el<=7 (Igor Gnatenko)
- spec: do not strongly require inhibit plugin (Igor Gnatenko)
- Inform that packages are only downloaded (RhBug:1426196) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Move releasever check after the etc/dnf/vars substitutions. (Alexander
- Provide substitution for Repodict.add_new_repo() (RhBug:1457507) (Jaroslav
* Mon Jul 24 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> 2.6.2-1
- Remove autodeglob optimization (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Integrate --destdir with --destdir from download plugin (Ondřej Sojka)
- Add CLI option --destdir (RhBug:1279001) (Ondřej Sojka)
- Add myself to the AUTHORS file (Nathaniel McCallum)
- Add the --forcearch CLI flag (Nathaniel McCallum)
- Add 'ignorearch' option (Nathaniel McCallum)
- Provide an API for setting 'arch' and 'basearch' (Nathaniel McCallum)
- Add nevra forms for repoquery command (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Fix UnicodeDecodeError during checkSig() on non UTF-8 locale (RhBug:1397848)
(Jaroslav Rohel)
- Add dnf option --noautoremove (RhBug:1361424) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add group argument for mark command (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Report problems for each pkg during gpgcheck (RhBug:1387925) (Jaroslav
- fix minor spelling mistakes (René Genz)
- Print warning when wrong delimiter in cache (RhBug:1332099) (Vítek Hoch)
- Fix the loading of config for dnf-automatic command_email (RhBug:1470116)
(Jaroslav Rohel)
- Enable download progress bar if redirected output (RhBug:1161950) (Jaroslav
- Support short abbrevations of commands (RhBug:1320254) (Vítek Hoch)
- Remove unused variables kwargs (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Not reinstall packages if install from repository-pkgs used (Jaroslav Mracek)
- bump dnf version to 2.6.0 (Igor Gnatenko)
- spec: use python2- prefix for hawkey (Igor Gnatenko)
- spec: use sphinx-build binary rather than package name (Igor Gnatenko)
- spec: python-bugzilla is not needed for building (Igor Gnatenko)
- spec: fix instructions about generating tarball (Igor Gnatenko)
- po: Update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- Add an example of installation without weak-deps (RhBug:1424723) (Jaroslav
- Add detection if mirrorlist is used for metalink (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Rename variable (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add --groupmember option to repoquery (RhBug:1462486) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Check checksum for local repositories (RhBug:1314405) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Spelling fixes (Ville Skyttä)
- repoquery --obsoletes prints obsoletes (RhBug:1457368) (Matěj Cepl)
- Provide pkg name hint for icase (RhBug:1339280) (RhBug:1138978) (Jaroslav
- Return only latest pkgs for "dnf list upgrades" (RhBug:1423472) (Jaroslav
- cleanup code not executed in case of exception (Marek Blaha)
- Allow to modify message for user confirmation (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add autocheck_running_kernel config option (Štěpán Smetana)
- Inform about skipped packages for group install (RhBug:1427365) (Jaroslav
- Remove group remove unneeded pkgs (RhBug:1398871) (RhBug:1432312) (Jaroslav
- po: update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
* Mon Jun 12 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> 2.5.1-1
- bump version to 2.5.1 + update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Fix: dnf update --refresh fails for repo_gpgcheck=1 (RhBug:1456419) (Daniel
- Don't try to cut datetime message (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Use localized datetime format (RhBug:1445021) (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Work with locale date (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Use ISO 8601 time format in logfile (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Add unitest to prevent callbacks breakage (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Provide compatibility for tools that do not use total_drpms (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Requires strict usage of repoquery --recursive (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Fix output for --resolve with --installed for repoquery (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Remove unnecessary inheritance of yum conf options (Martin Hatina)
- Remove alwaysprompt option support (RhBug:1400714) (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Allow to install groups with multilib_policy=all (RhBug:1250702) (Jaroslav
- Redesign Base.install() to provide alternatives (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Report excludes includes into logger.debug (RhBug:1381988) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Provide new API to parse string to NEVRA () (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add more repoquery querytags (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Not hide tracebacks (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Solve error handling for get attr in yumdb (RhBug:1397848) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Provide a better error if throttle to low (RhBug:1321407) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Change timeout to 30s (RhBug:1291867) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add pre_transaction hook for plugins (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Not download metadata if "dnf history [info|list|userinstalled]" (Jaroslav
- Not download metadata if "dnf repo-pkgs <repo> list --installed" (Jaroslav
- Not download metadata if "dnf list --installed" (RhBug:1372895) (Jaroslav
- Format pkg str for repoquery --tree due to -qf (RhBug:1444751) (Jaroslav
* Mon May 22 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> 2.5.0-1
- Update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Change documentation for history --userinstalled (RhBug:1370062) (Jaroslav
- Change example to install plugin using versionlock (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Remove unused method Goal.best_run_diff() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Change recommendations if some problems appear (RhBug:1293067) (Jaroslav
- Report problems for goals with optional=True (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Format resolve problem messages in method in dnf.util (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Enhance reports about broken dep (RhBug:1398040)(RhBug:1393814) (Jaroslav
- search: do not generate error if not match anything (RhBug:1342157) (Jaroslav
- Check if any plugin is removed in transaction (RhBug:1379906) (Jaroslav
- Show progress for DRPM (RhBug:1198975) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Fix disabledplugin option (Iavael)
- [history]: fixed info command merged output (Eduard Čuba)
* Thu May 11 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> 2.4.1-1
- bump version to 2.4.1 + update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek)
- goal: do not mark weak dependencies as userinstalled (Igor Gnatenko)
- fix typo in supplements (RhBug:1446756) (Igor Gnatenko)
- Describe present behavior of installonly_limit conf option (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Reset all transaction for groups if Base.reset() (RhBug:1446432) (Jaroslav
- Explain how add negative num for --latest-limit (RhBug:1446641) (Jaroslav
- trivial: don't duplicate option names (Igor Gnatenko)
- Add support for --userinstalled for repoquery command (RhBug:1278124)
(Jaroslav Rohel)
- Fix header of search result sections (RhBug:1301868) (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Filter out src for get_best_selector (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add minor changes in formating of documentation (Jaroslav Mracek)
* Tue May 02 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> 2.4.0-1
- po: Update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- po: Update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- introduce '--enableplugin' option (Martin Hatina)
- Improve detection of file patterns (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add method _get_nevra_solution() for subject (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Do not add "*" into query filter in _nevra_to_filters() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Remove usage of nevra_possibilities_real() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Increase performance for downgrade_to() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add additional keys for get_best_query() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Increase performance for get_best_selector() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Increase performance for get_best_query() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Fix "Package" text translation (RhBug:1302935) (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Create a warning if releasever is None (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Adds cost, excludepkgs, and includepkgs to Doc (RhBug:1248684) (Jaroslav
- Change auto-detection of releasever in empty installroot (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Do not load system repo for makecache command (RhBug:1441636) (Jaroslav
- Do not raise assertion if group inst and rmv pkgs (RhBug:1438438) (Jaroslav
- yum layer using python3 (Martin Hatina)
- Filter url protocols for baseurl in Package.remote_location (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add armv5tl to arm basearch (Neal Gompa)
- Setup additional parameters for handler for remote packages (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Use same method for user/password setting of every librepo.handle (Jaroslav
- Fix PEP8 violations and remove unused import (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Handle unknown file size in download progress (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Allow to delete cashed files from command line by clean command (Jaroslav
- Save command line packages into chachedir (RhBug:1256313) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add progress bar for download of commandline pkgs (RhBug:1161950) (Jaroslav
- Fix minor typo Closes: #781 Approved by: ignatenkobrain (Yuri Chornoivan)
- Mark unremoved packages as failed (RhBug:1421244) (Jaroslav Mracek)
* Mon Apr 10 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> 2.3.0-1
- update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek)
- po: Update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- Add require of subcommand for repo-pkgs command (Jaroslav Rohel)
- shell: Fix commands initialization (Jaroslav Rohel)
- po: Update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- Add support for --location for repoquery command (RhBug:1290137) (Jaroslav
- Add support of --recursive with --resolve in repoquery (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add --recursive option for repoquery (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add --whatconflicts for repoquery (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add support for multiple options for repoquery (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add multiple format option for repoquery (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Fix problem with "dnf repoquery --querytags" (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add support of 3 options into updateinfo command (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add inheritance of reason for obsoleting packages (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Mark installonlypkgs correctly as user installed (RhBug:1349314) (Jaroslav
- Solve a problem with None names in callbacks (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Solve a problem for callbacks (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Revert "remove: CLI: --randomwait" (RhBug:1247122) (Ondřej Sojka)
- po: update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- po: update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- Set strings for translations (RhBug:1298717) (Jaroslav Mracek)
* Mon Mar 27 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> 2.2.0-1
- bump version to 2.2.0 + update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add documentation of new API callback actions (RhBug:1411432) (Jaroslav
- Fix python2 doesn't have e.__traceback__ attribute (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Do not report erasing package as None. (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Display scriplet for transaction (RhBug:1411423) (RhBug:1406130) (Jaroslav
- Add support for rpmcallbacks (Jaroslav Mracek)
- AUTHORS: updated (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Not show expiration check if no repo enabled (RhBug:1369212) (Jaroslav
- Fix changelog in dnf spec file (Jaroslav Mracek)
- po: update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- Add myself (mhatina) to AUTHORS (Martin Hatina)
- po: Update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
* Tue Mar 21 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> 2.1.1-1
- bump version to 2.1.1 + update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Sync the translation with locale (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Disable exceptions in logging (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Fix severity info in "updateinfo info" (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add help for shell commands (Jaroslav Rohel)
- shell: no crash if missing args (Jaroslav Rohel)
- proper check of releasever, when using installroot (RhBug:1417542) (Martin
- Inform about "Cache was expired" with "dnf clean" (RhBug:1401446) (Jaroslav
- crypto: port to the official gpgme bindings (Igor Gnatenko)
- Fix doc example for `fill_sack` method (Lubomír Sedlář)
- po: update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- Not try to install src package (RhBug:1416699) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add usage for add_new_repo() with repofrompath option (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add new API add_new_repo() in RepoDict() (RhBug:1427132) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- docs: adds documentation for dnf-automatic's Command and CommandEmail
emitters. (rhn)
- docs: fixes typo in section description in automatic (rhn)
- Adds new emitters for dnf-automatic. (rhn)
- po: update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- Ensure that callback will not kill dnf transaction (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Ensure that name will be not requested on None (RhBug:1397047) (Jaroslav
- Python 3.6 invalid escape sequence deprecation fix (Ville Skyttä)
- display severity information in updateinfo (#741) (Michael Mraka)
- po: update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- Add --nodocs option for dnf (RhBug:1379628) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Replace passive plugin noroot (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Fix incorrect formating of string for logger.info (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Not print help if empty line in script for shell command (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Run fill_sack after all repos have changed status (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Remove Hawkey object from repo if rerun of dnf.fill_sack (Jaroslav Mracek)
- util/on_metered_connection: be more polite to failures (Igor Gnatenko)
- cosmetic: i18n: rewording of 'Login user' (RhBug:1424939) (Jan Silhan)
- Fix problem with --whatprovides in repoquery (RhBug:1396992) (Jaroslav
- Add -a and --all option for repoquery (RhBug:1412970) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Change camel-case of output of grouplist (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Minor correction in release notes (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Minor correction in release notes (Jaroslav Mracek)
* Thu Feb 16 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> 2.1.0-1
- bump version to 2.1.0 + update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Fix problem with --recent option in repoquery (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Fix problem with duplicated --obsoletes (RhBug:1421835) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Python 3.6 invalid escape sequence deprecation fixes (Ville Skyttä)
- Add --repoid as alias for --repo (Jaroslav Mracek)
- introduce dnf.base.Base.update_cache() (Martin Hatina)
- Try to install uninstalled packages if group installed (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Enable search of provides in /usr/(s)bin (RgBug:1421618) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- style: ignore E261 (Igor Gnatenko)
- makecache: do not run on metered connections (RhBug:1415711) (Igor Gnatenko)
- change '--disableplugins' to '--disableplugin' (Martin Hatina)
- cosmetic: removed unused import (Jan Silhan)
- show hint how to display why package was skipped (RhBug:1417627) (Jan Silhan)
- spec: add information how to obtain archive (Igor Gnatenko)
- fix messages (UX) (Jaroslav Rohel)
- zanata update (Jan Silhan)
* Thu Feb 09 2017 Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com> 2.0.1-1
- bump version to 2.0.1 + update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek)
- introduce cli 'obsoletes' option (Martin Hatina)
- swap tids if they are in wrong order (RhBug:1409361) (Michael Mraka)
- Disable shell command recursion (Jaroslav Rohel)
- Honor additional arguments for DNF shell repo list command (Jaroslav Rohel)
- don't traceback when bug title is not set (Michael Mraka)
- introducing list-security, info-security etc. commands (Michael Mraka)
- Add lsedlar to contributors list (Lubomír Sedlář)
- Return just name from Package.source_name (Lubomír Sedlář)
- introduce dnf.conf.config.MainConf.exclude() (Martin Hatina)
- systemd: Disable daemons on ostree-managed systems (Colin Walters)
- introduced dnf.base.Base.autoremove() (RhBug:1414512) (Martin Hatina)
- po: update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- build: use relative directory for translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- Temporary eliminate a problem with install remove loop (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Handle info message when DRPM wastes data (RhBug:1238808) (Daniel
- Fix output for better translation (RhBug:1386085) (Abhijeet Kasurde)
- yum layer refactored (Martin Hatina)
- return values changed to match yum's (Martin Hatina)
- Reword sentence after removing package (RhBug:1286553) (Abhijeet Kasurde)
- Minor documentation revisions (Mark Szymanski)
- Minor code fix (Abhijeet Kasurde)
- automatic: email emitter date header (David Greenhouse)
- Solve problem when no repo and only rpms with upgrade command (Jaroslav
- bash_completion: use system-python if it's available (Igor Gnatenko)
- spec: use system-python for dnf-yum as well (Igor Gnatenko)
- comps/groups: fix tests (Michal Luscon)
- comps: adjust group_upgrade to new CompsTransPkg style (Michal Luscon)
- groups: refactored installation (RhBug:1337731, RhBug:1336879) (Michal
- Increase requirement for hawkey (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Change reporting problems for downgradePkgs() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Use selector for base.package_upgrade() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add usage of selectors for base.package_install() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Use selector for base.package_downgrade() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Redirect base.downgrade() to base.downgrade_to() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Enable wildcard for downgrade command (RhBug:1173349) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Refactor downgrade cmd behavior (RhBug:1329617)(RhBug:1283255) (Jaroslav
- Redirect logger.info into stderr for repolist (RhBug:1369411) (Jaroslav
- Redirect logger.info into stderr for repoquery (RhBug:1243393) (Jaroslav
- Add possibility for commands to redirect logger (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Put information about metadata expiration into stdout (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Change warning about added repo into info (RhBug:1243393) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Move grouplist output from logger into stdout (Jaroslav Mracek)
- let repo exclude work the same way as global exclude (Michael Mraka)
- Fix wrong assumptions about metalinks (RhBug:1411349) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- handle --disablerepo/--enablerepo properly with strict (RhBug:1345976)
(Štěpán Smetana)
- Add fix to notify user about no repos (RhBug:1369212) (Abhijeet Kasurde)
- Add information about "hidden" option in dnf doc (RhBug:1349247) (Abhijeet
- Fix for 'history package-list' (Amit Upadhye)
- Enable multiple args for repoquery -f (RhBug:1403930) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Set default repo.name as repo._section (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Create from self.forms value forms in cmd.run() (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add description of swap command into documentation (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add swap command (RhBug:1403465) (RhBug:1110780) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Solve a problem with shell when empty line or EOF (Jaroslav Mracek)
- shell: add history of commands (RhBug:1405333) (Michal Luscon)
- Add info if no files with repoquery -l (RhBug:1254879) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- po: update translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- po: migrate to zanata python client and trivial fixes in build (Igor
- po: include all possible languages from zanata (Igor Gnatenko)
- po: include comments for translations (Igor Gnatenko)
- shell: catch exceptions from depsolving (Michal Luscon)
- shell: update documentation (Michal Luscon)
- shell: add transaction reset cmd (Michal Luscon)
- shell: add transaction resolve cmd (Michal Luscon)
- shell: provide rewritable demands for cmds (Michal Luscon)
- shell: catch tracebacks from shlex (Michal Luscon)
- shell: handle ctrl+D more gracefully (Michal Luscon)
- groups: set demands in configure instead of run (Michal Luscon)
- shell: implement config cmd (Michal Luscon)
- shell: add help (Michal Luscon)
- shell: make alias repo list -> repolist (Michal Luscon)
- shell: catch exceptions from do_transaction (Michal Luscon)
- shell: resolve transaction in ts run (Michal Luscon)
- shell: add default value for internal methods argument (Michal Luscon)
- shell: create run alias for ts run (Michal Luscon)
- shell: add ts list cmd (Michal Luscon)
- shell: refill sack after every successful repo cmd (Michal Luscon)
- shell: allow running multiple transaction in one session (Michal Luscon)
- shell: add ts command (Michal Luscon)
- shell: catch cmd parsing and run exceptions (Michal Luscon)
- shell: allow to run scripts (Michal Luscon)
- shell: add repo cmd (Michal Luscon)
- shell: add resolving + transaction run support (Michal Luscon)
- shell: implement quit method (Michal Luscon)
- shell: add custom cmds stubs (Michal Luscon)
- shell: implement basic logic (Michal Luscon)
- shell: register new cmd (Michal Luscon)
* Wed Dec 14 2016 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 2.0.0-1
- tests: catch ModuleNotFoundError as well (Igor Gnatenko)
- Switch out automatic service for automatic-download and automatic-install
(Pat Riehecky)
- Make upgrade-to alias for upgrade (RhBug:1327999) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- skip appending an empty option (RhBug: 1400081) (Michael Mraka)
- Add description of nevra foems for commands and autoremove args (Jaroslav
- Add support of arguments nevra forms for autoremove command (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add nevra forms for remove command (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add nevra forms for install command (Jaroslav Mracek)
- add bin/yum into .gitignore (Michal Luscon)
- clean: acquire all locks before cleaning (RhBug:1293782) (Michal Luscon)
- Change hawkey version requirement (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add information for translators (RhBug:1386078) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Change info to warning for clean repoquery output (RhBug:1358245) (Jaroslav
- Add description of pkg flag for Query (RhBug:1243393) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Add minor changes in documentation (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Do not always overwrite the name with the repo ID (Neal Gompa)
* Fri Dec 02 2016 Martin Hatina <mhatina@redhat.com> 2.0.0-0.rc2.1
- See http://dnf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release_notes.html
* Thu Sep 29 2016 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 2.0.0-0.rc1.1
- See http://dnf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release_notes.html
* Thu Sep 08 2016 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> - 1.1.10-2
- Obsolete dnf-langpacks
- Backport patch for dnf repolist disabled
* Thu Aug 18 2016 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> - 1.1.10-1
- Update to 1.1.10
* Tue Aug 09 2016 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> - 1.1.9-6
- Fix typo
* Tue Aug 09 2016 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> - 1.1.9-5
- Also change shebang for %%{?system_python_abi} in %%{_bindir}/dnf
* Tue Aug 09 2016 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> - 1.1.9-4
- Add %%{?system_python_abi}
* Tue Jul 19 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.1.9-3
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
* Tue May 24 2016 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.9-2
- Revert "group: treat mandatory pkgs as mandatory if strict=true" (RhBug:1337731)
- enforce-api: reflect changes from #992475 in completion_helper (RhBug:1338504)
- enforce-api: add compatibility methods for renamed counterparts (RhBug:1338564)
* Thu May 19 2016 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> 1.1.9-1
- doc: release notes 1.1.9 (Igor Gnatenko)
- spec: correctly set up requirements for python subpkg (Igor Gnatenko)
- spec: follow new packaging guidelines & make compatible with el7 (Igor
- zanata update (Jan Silhan)
- enforce-api: add missing bits of Base class (Michal Luscon)
- help: unify help msg strings (Michal Luscon)
- enforce-api: decorate Base class (Michal Luscon)
- util: add decorator informing users of nonapi functions (Michal Luscon)
- Added description for 'autoremove' in dnf help (RhBug:1324086) (Abhijeet
- i18n: fixup for 0db13feed (Michal Luscon)
- i18n: use fallback mode if terminal does not support UTF-8 (RhBug:1332012)
(Michal Luscon)
- Revert "spec: follow new packaging guidelines & make compatible with el7"
(Michal Luscon)
- move autoglob feature directly to filterm() and filter() (Michael Mraka)
- group: treat mandatory pkgs as mandatory if strict=true (RhBug:1292892)
(Michal Luscon)
- locks: fix lock paths in tmpfsd config since cachedir has been changed
(Michal Luscon)
- remove formating from translation strings (Michal Luscon)
- base: set diskspace check filter before applying the filters (RhBug:1328674)
(Michal Luscon)
- order repos by priority and cost (Michael Mraka)
- spec: follow new packaging guidelines & make compatible with el7 (Igor
- bash-completion: first try to set fallback to BASH_COMPLETION_COMPATDIR (Igor
- updated copyrights for files changed this year (Michael Mraka)
- cli: fix warning from re.split() about non-empty pattern (RhBug:1286556)
(Igor Gnatenko)
- update authors file (Michal Luscon)
- Define __hash__ method for YumHistoryPackage (RhBug:1245121) (Max Prokhorov)
* Tue Apr 05 2016 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.8-1
- refactor: repo: add md_expired property (Michal Domonkos)
- test: fix cachedir usage in LocalRepoTest (Michal Domonkos)
- clean: operate on all cached repos (RhBug:1278225) (Michal Domonkos)
- refactor: repo: globally define valid repoid chars (Michal Domonkos)
- RepoPersistor: only write to disk when requested (Michal Domonkos)
- clean: remove dead subcommands (Michal Domonkos)
- doc: --best in case of problem (RhBug:1309408) (Jan Silhan)
- Added fix for correct error message for group info (RhBug:1209649) (Abhijeet
- repo: don't get current timeout for librepo (RhBug:1272977) (Igor Gnatenko)
- doc: fix default timeout value (Michal Luscon)
- cli: inform only about nonzero md cache check interval (Michal Luscon)
- base: report errors in batch at the end of md downloading (Michal Luscon)
- repo: produce more sane error if md download fails (Michal Luscon)
- zanata update (RhBug:1322226) (Jan Silhan)
- doc: Fixed syntax of `assumeyes` and `defaultyes` ref lables in
`conf_ref.rst` (Matt Sturgeon)
- Fix output headers for dnf history command (Michael Dunphy)
- doc: change example of 'dnf-command(repoquery)' (Jaroslav Mracek)
- makacache.service: shorten journal logs (RhBug:1315349) (Michal Luscon)
- config: improve UX of error msg (Michal Luscon)
- Added user friendly message for out of range value (RhBug:1214562) (Abhijeet
- doc: prefer repoquery to list (Jan Silhan)
- history: fix empty history cmd (RhBug:1313215) (Michal Luscon)
- Very minor tweak to the docs for `--assumeyes` and `--assumeno` (Matt
* Thu Feb 25 2016 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.7-1
- Add `/etc/distro.repos.d` as a path owned by the dnf package (Neal Gompa
- Change order of search and add new default repodirs (RhBug:1286477) (Neal
Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ))
- group: don't mark available packages as installed (RhBug:1305356) (Jan
- history: adjust demands for particular subcommands (RhBug:1258503) (Michal
- Added extension command for group list (RhBug:1283432) (Abhijeet Kasurde)
- perf: dnf repository-packages <repo> upgrade (RhBug:1306304) (Jan Silhan)
- sack: Pass base.conf.substitutions["arch"] to sack in build_sack() function.
(Daniel Mach)
- build: make python2/3 binaries at build time (Michal Domonkos)
- fix dnf history traceback (RhBug:1303149) (Jan Silhan)
- cli: truncate expiration msg (RhBug:1302217) (Michal Luscon)
* Mon Jan 25 2016 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.6-1
- history: don't fail if there is no history (RhBug:1291895) (Michal Luscon)
- Allow dnf to use a socks5 proxy, since curl support it (RhBug:1256587)
(Michael Scherer)
- output: do not log rpm info twice (RhBug:1287221) (Michal Luscon)
- dnf owns /var/lib/dnf dir (RhBug:1294241) (Jan Silhan)
- Fix handling of repo that never expire (RhBug:1289166) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Filter out .src packages when multilib_proto=all (Jeff Smith)
- Enable string for translation (RhBug:1294355) (Parag Nemade)
- Let logging format messages on demand (Ville Skyttä)
- clean: include metadata of local repos (RhBug:1226322) (Michal Domonkos)
- completion: Install to where bash-completion.pc says (Ville Skyttä)
- spec: bash completion is not a %%config file (Ville Skyttä)
- Change assertion handling for rpmsack.py (RhBug:1275878) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- cli: fix storing arguments in history (RhBug:1239274) (Ting-Wei Lan)
* Thu Dec 17 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.5-1
- base: save group persistor only after successful transaction (RhBug:1229046)
(Michal Luscon)
- base: do not clean tempfiles after remove transaction (RhBug:1282250) (Michal
- base: clean packages that do not belong to any trans (Michal Luscon)
- upgrade: allow group upgrade via @ syntax (RhBug:1265391) (Michal Luscon)
- spec: Mark license files as %%license where available (Ville Skyttä)
- Remove unused imports (Ville Skyttä)
- Spelling fixes (Ville Skyttä)
- Fix typos in documentation (Rob Cutmore)
- parser: add support for braces in substitution (RhBug:1283017) (Dave
- completion_helper: Don't omit "packages" from clean completions (Ville
- bash-completion: Avoid unnecessary python invocation per _dnf_helper (Ville
- repo: Download drpms early (RhBug:1260421) (Ville Skyttä)
- clean: Don't hardcode list of args in two places (Ville Skyttä)
- cli: don't crash if y/n and sys.stdin is None (RhBug:1278382) (Adam
- sp err "environement" -> "environment" (Michael Goodwin)
- Remove -OO from #!/usr/bin/python (RhBug:1230820) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- cli: warn if plugins are disabled (RhBug:1280240) (Michal Luscon)
* Mon Nov 16 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.4-1
- AUTHORS: updated (Jan Silhan)
- query: add compatibility methods (Michal Luscon)
- query: add recent, extras and autoremove methods to Query (Michal Luscon)
- query: add duplicated and latest-limit queries into api (Michal Luscon)
- format the email message with its as_string method (Olivier Andrieu)
- added dnf.i18n.ucd* functions as deprecated API (Jan Silhan)
- i18n: unicode resulting translations (RhBug:1278031) (Jan Silhan)
- po: get rid of new lines in translation (Jan Silhan)
- output: add skip count to summary (RhBug:1264032) (Michal Domonkos)
- groups: fix environment upgrade (Michal Luscon)
- Fix plural strings extraction (RhBug:1209056) (Baurzhan Muftakhidinov)
- po: fixed malformed beginning / ending (Jan Silhan)
- zanata update (Jan Silhan)
- cli: prevent tracebacks after C^ (RhBug:1274946) (Michal Luscon)
* Wed Oct 14 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.3-1
- Update command_ref.rst (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Change in automatic.conf email settings to prevent email error with default
sender name (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Replace assert_called() with assert_called_with() for Py35 support (Neal
Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ))
- doc: improve documentation (Jaroslav Mracek)
- doc: update the instructions related to nightly builds (Radek Holy)
- Revert "Add the continuous integration script" (Radek Holy)
- Revert "cosmetic: ci: fix the Copr name in the README" (Radek Holy)
- Fix typo in Command.canonical's doctring (Timo Wilken)
- base: group_install is able to exclude mandatory packages
(Related:RhBug:1199868) (Jan Silhan)
* Wed Sep 30 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.2-4
- don't import readline as it causes crashes in Anaconda
* Tue Sep 22 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.2-3
- Revert "completion_helper: don't get IndexError (RhBug:1250038)"
* Tue Sep 22 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.2-2
- add hawkey version requirement
- revert commit #70956
* Tue Sep 22 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.2-1
- doc: release notes 1.1.2 (Michal Luscon)
- sanitize non Unicode command attributes (RhBug:1262082) (Jan Silhan)
- don't redirect confirmation to stderr RhBug(1258364) (Vladan Kudlac)
- clean: add rpmdb to usage (Vladan Kudlac)
- completion_helper: don't get IndexError (RhBug:1250038) (Vladan Kudlac)
- add --downloadonly switch (RhBug:1048433) (Adam Salih)
- Add globbing support to base.by_provides() (RhBug:11259650) (Valentina
- spec: packaging python(3)-dnf according to new Fedora guidelines
(RhBug:1260198) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- Bug in Source0: URL in dnf.spec fixed (RhBug:126255) (Jaroslav Mracek)
- To dnf.spec added provides dnf-command(command name) for 21 dnf commands
(RhBug:1259657) (jmracek)
- Expire repo cache on failed package download (Valentina Mukhamedzhanova)
- cosmetic: ci: fix the Copr name in the README (Radek Holy)
- Add the continuous integration script (Radek Holy)
- Set proper charset on email in dnf-automatic (RhBug:1254982) (Valentina
- doc: improve configuration description (RhBug:1261766) (Michal Luscon)
- remove: show from which repo a package is (Vladan Kudlac)
- list: show from which repo a package is (RhBug:1234491) (Vladan Kudlac)
- Spelling/grammar fixes (Ville Skyttä)
- install: fix crash when terminal window is small (RhBug:1256531) (Vladan
- install: mark unification of the progress bar (Vladan Kudlac)
- fix translations in python3 (RhBug:1254687) (Michal Luscon)
- group: CompsQuery now returns group ids (RhBug:1261656) (Michal Luscon)
* Tue Sep 08 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.1-2
- fix access to demands (RhBug:1259194) (Jan Silhan)
- make clean_requiremets_on_remove=True (RhBug:1260280) (Jan Silhan)
* Mon Aug 31 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.1-1
- Fixed typo (RhBug:1249319) (Adam Salih)
- fixed downgrade with wildcard (RhBug:1234763) (Adam Salih)
- reorganize logic of get_best_selector(s) and query (RhBug:1242946) (Adam
- completion_helper: don't crash if exception occurred (RhBug:1225225) (Igor
- base: expire cache if repo is not available (Michal Luscon)
- Don't suggest --allowerasing if it is enabled (Christian Stadelmann)
- translation works in python3 (RhBug:1254687) (Jan Silhan)
- logrotate less often (RhBug:1247766) (Jan Silhan)
- implement dnf mark command (RhBug:1125925) (Michal Luscon)
- groups: use comps data to migrate persistor (Michal Luscon)
- groups: preserve api compatibility (Michal Luscon)
- groups: use persistor data for removing env/group (Michal Luscon)
- persistor: add migration and bump version (Michal Luscon)
- persistor: store name and ui_name of group (Michal Luscon)
- show real metadata timestamp on the server in verbose mode (Jan Silhan)
- lock: make rpmdb lock blocking (RhBug:1210289) (Michal Luscon)
* Wed Aug 12 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.0-2
- update: installonly pkgs are not shown in both install and skipped section
(RhBug:1252415) (Jan Silhan)
- output: sort skipped packages (Jan Silhan)
- output: skipped conflicts are set (RhBug:1252032) (Jan Silhan)
- keep the dwongrading package installed if transaction fails (RhBug:1249379)
(Jan Silhan)
- don't store empty attributes (RhBug:1246928) (Michael Mraka)
- doc: correct dnf.conf man section (RhBug:1245349) (Michal Luscon)
* Mon Aug 10 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.1.0-1
- print skipped pkg with broken deps too (Related:RhBug:1210445) (Jan Silhan)
- history: set commands output as default (RhBug:1218401) (Michal Luscon)
- Update es.po. save:guardar -> save:ahorrar (Máximo Castañeda)
- cosmetic: option arg in Base.*install is replaced with strict (Jan Silhan)
- group: don't fail on first non-existing group (Jan Silhan)
- install: skips local pkgs of lower version when strict=0
(Related:RhBug:1227952) (Jan Silhan)
- install: skip broken/conflicting packages in groups when strict=0 (Jan
- install: skip broken/conflicting packages when strict=0 (Jan Silhan)
- implemented `strict` config option working in install cmd (RhBug:1197456)
(Jan Silhan)
- fixed 'dnf --quiet repolist' lack of output (RhBug:1236310) (Nick Coghlan)
- Add support for MIPS architecture (Michal Toman)
- package: respect baseurl attribute in localPkg() (RhBug:1219638) (Michal
- Download error message is not written on the same line as progress bar
anymore (RhBug: 1224248) (Adam Salih)
- dnf downgrade does not try to downgrade not installed packages (RhBug:
1243501) (max9631)
- pkgs not installed due to rpm error are reported (RhBug:1207981) (Adam Salih)
- dnf install checks availability of all given packages (RhBug:1208918) (Adam
- implemented install_weak_deps config option (RhBug:1221635) (Jan Silhan)
- ignore SIGPIPE (RhBug:1236306) (Michael Mraka)
- always add LoggingTransactionDisplay to the list of transaction displays
(RhBug:1234639) (Radek Holy)
- Add missing FILES section (RhBug: 1225237) (Adam Salih)
- doc: Add yum vs dnf hook information (RhBug:1244486) (Parag Nemade)
- doc: clarify the expected type of the do_transactions's display parameter
(Radek Holy)
- apichange: add dnf.cli.demand.DemandSheet.transaction_display (Radek Holy)
- apichange: add dnf.callback.TransactionProgress (Radek Holy)
- move the error output from TransactionDisplay into a separate class (Radek
- rename TransactionDisplay.errorlog to TransactionDisplay.error (Radek Holy)
- report package verification as a regular RPM transaction event (Radek Holy)
- rename TransactionDisplay.event to TransactionDisplay.progress (Radek Holy)
- apichange: deprecate dnf.callback.LoggingTransactionDisplay (Radek Holy)
- use both CliTransactionDisplay and demands.transaction_display (Radek Holy)
- apichange: accept multiple displays in do_transaction (Radek Holy)
- support multiple displays in RPMTransaction (Radek Holy)
* Fri Jul 31 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.0.2-3
- Fix regression in group list command introduced by 02c3cc3 (Adam Salih)
- AUTHORS: updated (Jan Silhan)
- stop saying "experimental" (Matthew Miller)
* Tue Jul 21 2015 Jan Silhan <jsilhan@redhat.com> 1.0.2-2
- fixed python3 syntax error from f427aa2 (Jan Silhan)
* Fri Jul 17 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.0.2-1
- give --allowerasing hint when error occurs during resolution (RhBug:1148630)
(Jan Silhan)
- show --best hint with skipped packages every time (RhBug:1176351) (Jan Silhan)
- notify about skipped packages when upgrade (RhBug:1210445) (Jan Silhan)
- dnf-automatic: Document apply_updates=no behavior wrt keepcache (Ville
- persistor: share functionality of JSONDB (Jan Silhan)
- keepcache=0 persists packages till next successful transaction
(RhBug:1220074) (Jan Silhan)
- do not use releasever in cache path (related to RhBug:1173107) (Michael
- doc: add dnf list use case (Michal Luscon)
- repo: allow ntlm proxy auth (RhBug:1219199) (Michal Luscon)
- add a script which updates release notes (Radek Holy)
- doc: reverse the order of release notes (Radek Holy)
- completion_helper: fix tb if list XXX is not known arg (RhBug:1220040) (Igor
- configurable maximum number of parallel downloads (RhBug:1230975) (Igor
- add info to bash_completion (1nsan3)
- dnf upgrade does not try to upgrade uninstalled packages (RhBug: 1234763)
(Adam Salih)
- dnf group list now checks every package and prints out only invalid ones
(Adam Salih)
- install: return zero exit code if group is already installed (RhBug:1232815)
(Michal Luscon)
- doc: add -b which does the same as --best (Igor Gnatenko)
- support category groups (Michael Mraka)
- cli test update for repofrompath (Michael Mraka)
- documentation for --repofrompath (Michael Mraka)
- implemented --repofrompath option (RhBug:1113384) (Michael Mraka)
- doc: document filter provides and obsoletes (Michal Luscon)
- doc: extend --quiet explanation (RhBug:1133979) (Jan Silhan)
- fixed dnf-automatic email emitter unicode error (RhBug:1238958) (Jan Silhan)
- doc: be specific what 'available' means in list/info (Jan Silhan)
- cosmetic: fixed typo (RhBug:1238252) (Jan Silhan)
- groups: clean dependencies (Michal Luscon)
- groups: fix removing of env that contains previously removed group (Michal
- groups: fix removing of empty group (Michal Luscon)
- AUTHORS: updated (Jan Silhan)
- bash-completion: ignore sqlite3 user configuration (Peter Simonyi)
- Fix package name for rawhide .repo files (Frank Dana)
- Add 'transaction_display' to DemandSheet (Will Woods)
- translation: update (Jan Silhan)
- translation: use zanata instead of transifex (Jan Silhan)
- Updated Polish translation (Piotr Drąg)
- updated georgian translation (George Machitidze)
- group: fixed installing of already installed environment (Jan Silhan)
- conf: change minrate threshold to librepo default (RhBug:1212320) (Michal
* Tue Jun 09 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.0.1-2
- conf: change minrate threshold to librepo default (RhBug:1212320)
- group: fixed installation of already installed environments
* Tue Jun 09 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.0.1-1
- doc: document variables in repo conf (Michal Luscon)
- groups: temporary fix for group remove (RhBug:1214968) (Michal Luscon)
- group: print summary of marked groups / environments together at the end (Jan
- group: fixed marking as installed (RhBug:1222694) (Jan Silhan)
- doc: Spelling fixes (Ville Skyttä)
- dnf-automatic: Fix systemd service description (thanks Ville Skyttä) (Jan
- doc: assumeyes added to Base.conf and config option (Jan Silhan)
- optionparser: deleted --obsoletes option that conflicted with repoquery
plugin (Jan Silhan)
- dnf-automatic: Document emit_via default (Ville Skyttä)
- man: yum2dnf don;t show content (RhBug:1225246) (Thanks Adam Salih) (Jan
- doc: allowed chars of repo ID (Jan Silhan)
- doc: minimal repo config file (Jan Silhan)
- doc: configuration files replacement policy (Jan Silhan)
- fixed typo in man page (RhBug:1225168) (Michael Mraka)
- Update authors (Michal Luscon)
- dnf-automatic: add random_sleep option (RhBug:1213985) (Vladan Kudlac)
- don't print bug report statement when rpmdb is corrupted
(Related:RhBug:1225277) (Jan Silhan)
- comps: fix unicode issue (RhBug:1223932) (Thanks Parag) (Parag Nemade)
- logging: setup librepo log in verbose mode (Michal Luscon)
- doc: document the versioning scheme (Radek Holy)
- groups: end up empty group removal before solving (Michal Luscon)
- groups: end up empty installation before solving (RhBug:1223614) (Michal
- doc: add support for transactions/packages/ranges in "dnf history list"
(Radek Holy)
- doc: add support for transaction ranges in "dnf history info" (Radek Holy)
- support ssl client certificates (RhBug:1203661) (Michael Mraka)
- doc: document the "mirrorlist" configuration option (Radek Holy)
- doc: document the "metalink" configuration option (Radek Holy)
- doc: document the "baseurl" configuration option (Radek Holy)
- doc: document the "enabled" configuration option (Radek Holy)
- doc: document the "name" configuration option (Radek Holy)
- Revert "spec: added sqlite requirement" (Jan Silhan)
- spec: added sqlite requirement (Jan Silhan)
- cosmetic: fixed typo in comment (Jan Silhan)
- man: added reference to bug reporting guide (Jan Silhan)
- test: ignore user terminal width (Jan Silhan)
- cosmetic: base: import dnf.util.first (Jan Silhan)
- base.upgrade: inform user when pkg not installed and skipped (RhBug:1187741)
(Jan Silhan)
- disable buildtime c/c++ dependency (Michael Mraka)
- doc: document the new virtual provides (Radek Holy)
- AUTHORS: updated (Jan Silhan)
- AUTHORS: distuinguish authors and contributors (Jan Silhan)
- Create ka.po (George Machitidze)
- Parser: fix path handling (Haikel Guemar)
- doc: metadata_timer_sync checked every hour (Jan Silhan)
* Wed Apr 29 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 1.0.0-1
- doc: release notes dnf-1.0.0 (Michal Luscon)
- completion: don't do aliases (RhBug:1215289) (Jan Silhan)
- use Sack.load_repo() instead of Sack.load_yum_repo() (Jan Silhan)
- Repo.name has default value of repo ID (RhBug:1215560) (Jan Silhan)
- cosmetic: get rid of user visible yum references (Jan Silhan)
- moved install_or_skip to dnf.comps (Jan Silhan)
- group: see already installed group during installation (RhBug:1199648) (Jan
- group: install_or_skip returns num of packages to install (Jan Silhan)
- group: made global function install_or_skip (Jan Silhan)
- AUTHORS: updated (Radek Holy)
- describe --refresh option in --help output (Pádraig Brady)
- better no such command message (RhBug:1208773) (Jan Silhan)
- doc: package-cleanup example doesn't print 'No match for argument:...'
garbage (Jan Silhan)
- mention yum check replacement (Michael Mraka)
- added ref to dnf list (Michael Mraka)
- added package-cleanup to dnf translation table (Michael Mraka)
- python3: Repo comparison (RhBug:1208018) (Jan Silhan)
- python3: YumHistoryRpmdbProblem comparison (RhBug:1207861) (Jan Silhan)
- python3: YumHistoryTransaction comparison (Jan Silhan)
- tests: use packages in test_transaction (Radek Holy)
- cosmetic: fix some Pylint errors (Radek Holy)
- updated documentation wrt installonlypkgs and auto removal (Michael Mraka)
- mark installonly packages always as userinstalled (RhBug:1201445) (Michael
- mark username/password as api (Michael Mraka)
- document username/password repo attributes (Michael Mraka)
- support HTTP basic auth (RhBug:1210275) (Michael Mraka)
- cli: better metadata timestamp info (Michal Luscon)
- repo: add metadata mirror failure callback (Michal Luscon)
- dnf-yum: cosmetic: lower case after comma (Jan Silhan)
- dnf-yum: print how to install migrate plugin (Jan Silhan)
- doc: show the real package for each tool in dnf-plugins-extras (Tim
- doc: improve the documentation of repo costs (Radek Holy)
- doc: fix debuginfo-install package name (Michal Luscon)
- doc: release notes 0.6.5 (Michal Luscon)
- bash-completion: allow only one subcmd for help (Igor Gnatenko)
- bash-completion: add history completion (Igor Gnatenko)
- bash-completion: add completion for help (Igor Gnatenko)
- bash-completion: check where pointing bin/dnf (Igor Gnatenko)
- bash-completion: implement completion for clean cmd (Igor Gnatenko)
- bash_completion: implement downgrade command (Igor Gnatenko)
- bash-completion: refactor to python helper (Igor Gnatenko)
- command downgrade does downgrade_to (RhBug:1191275) (Jan Silhan)
- AUTHORS: updated (Jan Silhan)
- clean: 'dnf clean all' should also clean presto and updateinfo solvx files
(Parag Nemade)
- dnf-yum: modified warning message (RhBug:1207965) (Jan Silhan)
* Tue Mar 31 2015 Michal Luscon <mluscon@redhat.com> 0.6.5-1
- subject: expand every glob name only once (RhBug:1203151) (Michal Luscon)
- group mark: skips already installed groups (Jan Silhan)
- Merge pull request #246 from mluscon/yum2dnf (mluscon)
- Add yum2dnf man page (Michal Luscon)
- doc: extend cli_vs_yum (Michal Luscon)
- dnf-yum package does not conflict with yum 3.4.3-505+ (Jan Silhan)
- fixed double set of demand from 0e4276f (Jan Silhan)
- group: remove cmd don't load available_repos, see 04da412 (Jan Silhan)
- spec: /var/lib/dnf owned by dnf-conf (Jan Silhan)
- spec: apply the weak dependencies only on F21+ (Radek Holy)
- dnf-automatic: fixed python_sitelib (RhBug:1199450) (Jan Silhan)
- Add release instructions (Michal Luscon)
- setup tito to bump version in VERSION.cmake (Michal Luscon)
- initialize to use tito (Michal Luscon)
- prepare repo for tito build system (Michal Luscon)
- spec: recommends bash-completion (RhBug:1190671) (Jan Silhan)
- completion: work with just python(3)-dnf (Jan Silhan)
- spec: move necessary files inside python(3) subpackages (RhBug:1191579) (Jan Silhan)
- bash-completion: use python method to get commands (RhBug:1187579) (Igor Gnatenko)
- api: exposed pluginconfpath main config (RhBug:1195325) (Jan Silhan)
- updated AUTHORS (Jan Silhan)
- add reinstall to bash_completion (Alberto Ruiz)
- added new packages to @System for duplicated query test (Michael Mraka)
- test for duplicated, installonly and latest_limit pkgs (Michael Mraka)
- tests for autoremove, extras and recent pkgs (Michael Mraka)
- moved push_userinstalled from base to goal (Michael Mraka)
- filter or skip 'n' latest packages (Michael Mraka)
- moved recent to query (Michael Mraka)
- moved autoremove to query (Michael Mraka)
- moved extras list to query (Michael Mraka)
- create query for installonly packages (Michael Mraka)
- create query for duplicated packages (Michael Mraka)
- cosmetic: base: fixed pylint warnings (Jan Silhan)
- do transaction cleanup after plugin hook (RhBug:1185977) (Michal Luscon)
- base: extend download lock (RhBug:1157233) (Michal Luscon)
- lock: output meaningful error for malformed lock file (Michal Luscon)
- util: fix race condition in ensure_dir() (Michal Luscon)
- lock: switch metadata lock to blocking mode (Michal Luscon)
- install nonmandatory group packages as optional (Related:RhBug:1167881) (Michal Luscon)
- remove command deletes whole dependency tree (RhBug:1154202) (Jan Silhan)
- cmd list takes <package-name-specs> as parameter, revert of 526e674 (Jan Silhan)
- spec: own /var/lib/dnf directory (RhBug:1198999) (Jan Silhan)
- transifex update (Jan Silhan)
- doc: fixed systemd execution of dnf-automatic (Jan Silhan)
- doc: how to run dnf-automatic (RhBug:1195240) (Jan Silhan)
- cosmetic: added forgotten :api mark from 05b03fc (Jan Silhan)
- api: exposed Repo.skip_if_unavailable config (RhBug:1189083) (Jan Silhan)
- updated documentation for 'dnf list autoremove' (Michael Mraka)
- reuse list_autoremove() in autoremove command (Michael Mraka)
- function for autoremove package list (Michael Mraka)
- implemented dnf list autoremove (Michael Mraka)
- exclude not documented history subcommands (RhBug:1193914,1193915) (Jan Silhan)
- better file pattern recognition (RhBug:1195385) (Jan Silhan)
- spec: fix Obsoletes of the new DNF (Radek Holy)
- remove boot only constraint and add missing download lock (Michal Luscon)
- util: remove unused user_run_dir() function (Michal Luscon)
- lock: change the destination folder of locks to allow suided programs work properly (RhBug:1195661) (Michal Luscon)
- install dnf-3 only when python3 is enabled (thanks glensc) (Jan Silhan)
- fixed unicode Download error (RhBug:1190458) (Jan Silhan)
- log: print metadata age along with timestamp (Petr Spacek)
- cli: fix double expansion of cachedir (RhBug:1194685) (Michal Luscon)
- removed unused dnf-makecache.cron (Jan Silhan)
- renamed erase command to remove (RhBug:1160806) (Jan Silhan)
- spec: made python3-dnf package installed by default in f23 (Jan Silhan)
- AUTHORS: changed email address (Jan Silhan)
- doc: improve the documentation of the "install" command (Radek Holy)
- "dnf install non-existent" should fail (Radek Holy)
- tests: add some tests of Base.install (Radek Holy)
- tests: add some tests of Base.package_install (Radek Holy)
- Revert "doesn't upgrade packages by installing local packages" (RhBug:1160950) (Radek Holy)
- lint: fix all Pylint errors in test_install (Radek Holy)
- tests: add some tests to test_install (Radek Holy)
- tests: improve some tests in test_install (Radek Holy)
- cosmetic: reorder tests in test_install (Radek Holy)
- cosmetic: rename some tests in test_install and add some docstrings (Radek Holy)
- AUTHORS: updated (Jan Silhan)
- Add support for armv6hl (Peter Hjalmarsson)
- doc: subject.__init__(): what is pkg_spec (Jan Silhan)
- doc: mentioning raising IOError from Base.fill_sack() (Jan Silhan)
- option_parser: fixed splitting multiple values (RhBug:1186710) (Jan Silhan)
- AUTHORS: updated (Jan Silhan)
- Standardize words describing boolean data type (Christopher Meng)
* Wed Feb 4 2015 Jan Silhan <jsilhan@redhat.com> - 0.6.4-1
- Adapt to librepo-1.7.13, metalink and mirrorlist are not loaded anymore when the repo is local. (Radek Holy)
- not raises value error when no metadata exist (Jan Silhan)
- Remove lock files during boot (RhBug:1154476) (Michal Luscon)
- doc: groups are ordered not categories (Jan Silhan)
- doc: added Package attributes to API (Jan Silhan)
- README: link to bug reporting guide (Jan Silhan)
- README: the official documentation is on readthedoc (Jan Silhan)
- i18n: unicode encoding does not throw error (RhBug:1155877) (Jan Silhan)
- conf: added minrate repo option (Related:RhBug:1175466) (Jan Silhan)
- conf: added timeout repo option (RhBug:1175466) (Jan Silhan)
- doc: api_queries: add 'file' filter description (RhBug:1186461) (Igor Gnatenko)
- doc: documenting enablegroups (Jan Silhan)
- log: printing metadata timestamp (RhBug:1170156) (Jan Silhan)
- base: setup default cachedir value (RhBug:1184943) (Michal Luscon)
- orders groups/environments by display_order tag (RhBug:1177002) (Jan Silhan)
- no need to call create_cmdline_repo (Jan Silhan)
- base: package-spec matches all packages which the name glob pattern fits (RhBug:1169165) (Michal Luscon)
- doc: move dnf.conf to appropriate man page section (RhBug:1167982) (Michal Luscon)
- tests: add test for blocking process lock (Michal Luscon)
- lock: fix several race conditions in process lock mechanism (Michal Luscon)
- base: use blocking process lock during download phase (RhBug:1157233) (Michal Luscon)
- Update the Source0 generation commands in dnf.spec.in file (Parag Nemade)
- Enhancement to dnf.spec.in file which follows current fedora packaging guidelines (Parag Nemade)
- doc: add some examples and documentation of the core use case (RhBug:1138096) (Radek Holy)
- bash-completion: enable downgrading packages for local files (RhBug:1181189) (Igor Gnatenko)
- group: prints plain package name when package not in any repo (RhBug:1181397) (Jan Silhan)
- spec: own __pycache__ for python 3 (Igor Gnatenko)
- changed hawkey.log dir to /var/log (RhBug:1175434) (Jan Silhan)
- bash-completion: handle sqlite errors (Igor Gnatenko)
- use LANG=C when invoking 'dnf help' and 'sed' with regular expressions (Jakub Dorňák)
- spec: own __pycache__ directory for py3 (Igor Gnatenko)
- doc: mentioning Install command accepts path to local rpm package (Jan Silhan)
- groups: in erase and install cmd non-existent group does not abort transaction (Jan Silhan)
- doc: running tests in README (Jan Silhan)
- api: transaction: added install_set and remove_set (RhBug:1162887) (Jan Silhan)
- cosmetic: fixed some typos in documentation (Jan Silhan)
- groups: environments described after @ sign works (RhBug:1156084) (Jan Silhan)
- own /etc/dnf/protected.d (RhBug:1175098) (Jan Silhan)
- i18n: computing width of char right (RhBug:1174136) (Jan Silhan)
- cosmetic: renamed _splitArg -> _split_arg (Jan Silhan)
- conf: removed include name conflict (RhBug:1055910) (Jan Silhan)
- output: removed unpredictable decision based on probability introduced in ab4d2c5 (Jan Silhan)
- output: history list is not limited to 20 records (RhBug:1155918) (Jan Silhan)
- doc: referenced forgotten bug fix to release notes (Jan Silhan)
- cosmetic: doc: removed duplicated word (Jan Silhan)
- doc: described unavailable package corner case with skip_if_unavailable option (RhBug:1119030) (Jan Silhan)
- log: replaced size with maxsize directive (RhBug:1177394) (Jan Silhan)
- spec: fixed %ghost log file names (Jan Silhan)
* Mon Dec 8 2014 Jan Silhan <jsilhan@redhat.com> - 0.6.3-2
- logging: reverted naming from a6dde81
* Mon Dec 8 2014 Jan Silhan <jsilhan@redhat.com> - 0.6.3-1
- transifex update (Jan Silhan)
- bash-completion: don't query if we trying to use local file (RhBug:1153543) (Igor Gnatenko)
- bash-completion: fix local completion (RhBug:1151231) (Igor Gnatenko)
- bash-completion: use sqlite cache from dnf-plugins-core (Igor Gnatenko)
- base: output a whole list of installed packages with glob pattern (RhBug:1163063) (Michal Luscon)
- cli: _process_demands() does not respect --caheonly (RhBug:1151854) (Michal Luscon)
- new authors added (Jan Silhan)
- install: allow installation of provides with glob (Related:RhBug:1148353) (Michal Luscon)
- tests: removed mock patch for _, P_ (Jan Silhan)
- fixed error summary traceback (RhBug:1151740) (Jan Silhan)
- doc: swap command alternative mentioned (RhBug:1110780) (Jan Silhan)
- base: package_reinstall works only with the same package versions (Jan Silhan)
- base: package_install allows install different arch of installed package (Jan Silhan)
- base: package_downgrade prints message on failure (Jan Silhan)
- base: package_upgrade does not reinstall or downgrade (RhBug:1149972) (Jan Silhan)
- groups: searches also within localized names (RhBug:1150474) (Jan Silhan)
- Run tests with C locales. (Daniel Mach)
- Adds new motd emitter for dnf-automatic (RhBug:995537) (Kushal Das)
- Fix wrong cache directory path used to clean up binary cache (Satoshi Matsumoto)
- fix: traceback in history info <name> (RhBug: 1149952) (Tim Lauridsen)
- logging: added logrotate script for hawkey.log (RhBug:1149350) (Jan Silhan)
- output: renamed displayPkgsInGroups (Jan Silhan)
- logging: renamed log files (RhBug:1074715)" (Jan Silhan)
- comps: Environment differentiates optional and mandatory groups (Jan Silhan)
- group info handles environments (RhBug:1147523) (Jan Silhan)
- deltarpm enabled by default (RhBug:1148208) (Jan Silhan)
- doc: deplist command (Jan Silhan)
- doc: minor fixes + repo references changed (Jan Silhan)
- spec: requires rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit (RhBug:1109927) (Jan Silhan)
* Fri Oct 3 2014 Jan Silhan <jsilhan@redhat.com> - 0.6.2-1
- transifex update (Jan Silhan)
- refactor: move MakeCacheCommand out into its own file. (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: add dnf.cli.CliError. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Update user_faq.rst (Stef Krie)
- Make --refresh play nice with lazy commands. (Ales Kozumplik)
- bash-completion: more faster completing install/remove (Igor Gnatenko)
- bash-completion: complete 'clean|groups|repolist' using help (Igor Gnatenko)
- Allow some commands to use stale metadata. (RhBug:909856) (Ales Kozumplik)
- does not install new pkgs when updating from local pkgs (RhBug:1134893) (Jan Silhan)
- doesn't upgrade packages by installing local packages (Related:RhBug:1138700) (Jan Silhan)
- refactor: repo: separate concepts of 'expiry' and 'sync strategy'. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: dnf.cli.util.* leaks file handles. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: YumRPMTransError. (Ales Kozumplik)
- rename: Base's runTransaction -> _run_transaction(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- drop unused parameter of Base.verify_transaction(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- bash-completion: new completion from scratch (RhBug:1070902) (Igor Gnatenko)
- py3: add queue.Queue to pycomp. (Ales Kozumplik)
- locking: store lockfiles with the resource they are locking. (RhBug:1124316) (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: marks reason 'group' for packages that have no record yet (RhBug:1136584) (Jan Silhan)
- goal: renamed undefined name variable (Jan Silhan)
- refactor: split out and clean up the erase command. (Ales Kozumplik)
- py3: fix traceback in fmtColumns() on a non-subscriptable 'columns'. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: allow erasing depending packages on remove (RhBug:1135861) (Ales Kozumplik)
- history: fixed wrong set operation (RhBug:1136223) (Jan Silhan)
- base: does not reinstall pkgs from local rpms with install command (RhBug:1122617) (Jan Silhan)
- refactor: crypto: drop the integer keyid representation altogether. (Ales Kozumplik)
- crypto: fix importing rpmfusion keys. (RhBug:1133830) (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: crypto: Key is a class, not an "info" dict. (Ales Kozumplik)
- repos: fix total downloaded size reporting for cached packages. (RhBug:1121184) (Ales Kozumplik)
* Thu Aug 28 2014 Jan Silhan <jsilhan@redhat.com> - 0.6.1-1
- packaging: add dnf-yum. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cli: added plugins missing hint (RhBug:1132335) (Jan Silhan)
- using ts.addReinstall for package reinstallation (RhBug:1071854) (Jan Silhan)
- Add history redo command. (Radek Holy)
- Add a TransactionConverter class. (Radek Holy)
- bash-completion: complete `help` with commands (Igor Gnatenko)
- bash-completion: generate commands dynamically (Igor Gnatenko)
- base: group_install accepts glob exclude names (RhBug:1131969) (Jan Silhan)
- README: changed references to new repo location (Jan Silhan)
- transifex update (Jan Silhan)
- syntax: fixed indentation (Jan Silhan)
- removed lt.po which was accidentally added in c2e9b39 (Jan Silhan)
- lint: fix convention violations in the new source files (Radek Holy)
- Fix setting of the resolving demand for repo-pkgs command. (Radek Holy)
- Add repository-packages remove-or-distro-sync command. (RhBug:908764) (Radek Holy)
- fix: traceback that GroupPersistor._original might not exist. (RhBug:1130878) (Ales Kozumplik)
- pycomp: drop to_ord(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: crypto.keyids_from_pubring() using _extract_signing_subkey(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: another 32-bit hex() problem in crypto. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: pgpmsg.py. (Ales Kozumplik)
- replace the whole of pgpmsg.py with gpgme and a dummy context. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cosmetic: sort methods of Repo according to the coding standard. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Fix dnf.crypto.keyinfo2keyid(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- util: get rid of an inconvenient 'default_handle' constant. (Ales Kozumplik)
- simplify misc.import_key_to_pubring()'s signature. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cleanup: header of dnf.yum.pgpmsg. (Ales Kozumplik)
- crypto: add crypto.retrieve() and drop Base._retrievePublicKey() (Ales Kozumplik)
- cosmetic: order of functions in dnf.crypto. (Ales Kozumplik)
- unicode: fixed locale.format error (RhBug:1130432) (Jan Silhan)
- remove: misc.valid_detached_sig(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: some tests for dnf.crypto. (Ales Kozumplik)
- crypto: use pubring_dir() context manager systematically. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Drop unused argument from getgpgkeyinfo(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: Base._log_key_import(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: cosmetic: conf_ref: maintain alphabetical order of the options. (Ales Kozumplik)
- crypto: document crypto options for repo. (Ales Kozumplik)
- crypto: fixup procgpgkey() to work with Py3 bytes. (Ales Kozumplik)
- dnf.util.urlopen(): do not create unicode streams for Py3 and bytes for Py2 by default. (Ales Kozumplik)
- lint: delinting of the repo_gpgcheck patchset. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Add CLI parts to let the user confirm key imports. (RhBug:1118236) (Ales Kozumplik)
- gpg: make key decoding work under Py3. (Ales Kozumplik)
- crypto: add dnf.crypto and fix things up so untrusted repo keys can be imported. (Ales Kozumplik)
- transifex update (Jan Silhan)
- syntax: fixed indentation (Jan Silhan)
- packaging: pygpgme is a requirement. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: support for gpgcakey gets dropped for now. (Ales Kozumplik)
- repo: smarter _DetailedLibrepoError construction. (Ales Kozumplik)
- repo: nicer error message on librepo's perform() failure. (Ales Kozumplik)
- get_best_selector returns empty selector instead of None (Jan Silhan)
- packaging: add automatic's systemd unit files. (RhBug:1109915) (Ales Kozumplik)
- automatic: handle 'security' update_cmd. (Ales Kozumplik)
* Tue Aug 12 2014 Aleš Kozumplík <ales@redhat.com> - 0.6.0-1
- lint: fix convention violations in the new source files (Radek Holy)
- Add "updateinfo [<output>] [<availability>] security" command. (RhBug:850912) (Radek Holy)
- Add "updateinfo [<output>] [<availability>] bugfix" command. (Radek Holy)
- Add "updateinfo [<output>] [<availability>] enhancement" command. (Radek Holy)
- Add "updateinfo [<output>] [<availability>] [<package-name>...]" command. (Radek Holy)
- Add "updateinfo [<output>] [<availability>] [<advisory>...]" command. (Radek Holy)
- Add "updateinfo [<output>] all" command. (Radek Holy)
- Add "updateinfo [<output>] updates" command. (Radek Holy)
- Add "updateinfo [<output>] installed" command. (Radek Holy)
- Add "-v updateinfo info" command. (Radek Holy)
- Add "updateinfo info" command. (Radek Holy)
- Add "updateinfo list" command. (Radek Holy)
- Add "updateinfo available" command. (Radek Holy)
- Add "updateinfo summary" command. (Radek Holy)
- Add basic updateinfo command. (Radek Holy)
- test: add updateinfo to the testing repository (Radek Holy)
- test: support adding directory repos to Base stubs (Radek Holy)
- test: really don't break other tests with the DRPM fixture (Radek Holy)
- Load UpdateInfo.xml during the sack preparation. (Radek Holy)
- Add Repo.updateinfo_fn. (Radek Holy)
- lint: add Selector calls to false positives, it's a hawkey type. (Ales Kozumplik)
- removed recursive calling of ucd in DownloadError (Jan Silhan)
- does not throw error when selector is empty (RhBug:1127206) (Jan Silhan)
- remove etc/version-groups.conf, not used. (Ales Kozumplik)
- lint: dnf.conf.parser (Ales Kozumplik)
- rename: dnf.conf.parser.varReplace()->substitute() (Ales Kozumplik)
- pycomp: add urlparse/urllib.parser. (Ales Kozumplik)
- move: dnf.yum.parser -> dnf.conf.parser. (Ales Kozumplik)
- packaging: add dnf-automatic subpackage. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: properly list the authors. (Ales Kozumplik)
- automatic: add documentation, including dnf.automatic(8) man page. (Ales Kozumplik)
- dnf-automatic: tool supplying the yum-cron functionality. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: cosmetic: fixed indent in proxy directive (Jan Silhan)
- include directive support added (RhBug:1055910) (Jan Silhan)
- refactor: move MultiCallList to util. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cli: do not output that extra starting newline in list_transaction(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: extract CLI cachedir magic to cli.cachedir_fit. (Ales Kozumplik)
- transifex update (Jan Silhan)
- move: test_output to tests/cli. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: move Term into its own module. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactoring: cleanup and linting in dnf.exceptions. (Ales Kozumplik)
- lint: test_cli.py (Ales Kozumplik)
- lint: rudimentary cleanups in tests.support. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: loggers are module-level variables. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: promote unknown-reason installed packages to 'group' on group install. (RhBug:1116666) (Ales Kozumplik)
- c82267f refactoring droppped plugins.run_transaction(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- cli: sort packages in the transaction summary. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: cli: massively simplify how errors are propagated from do_transaction(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: rearrange things in CLI so user has to confirm the group changes. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: committing the persistor data should only happen at one place. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: visualizing the groups transactions. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Add dnf.util.get_in() to navigate nested dicts with sequences of keys. (Ales Kozumplik)
- group persistor: generate diffs between old and new DBs. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Better quoting in dnf_pylint. (Ales Kozumplik)
- lint: logging.py. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Do not print tracebacks to the tty on '-d 10' (RhBug:1118272) (Ales Kozumplik)
- search: do not double-report no matches. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: move UpgradeToCommand to its own module. (Ales Kozumplik)
* Mon Jul 28 2014 Aleš Kozumplík <ales@redhat.com> - 0.5.5-1
- packaging: also add pyliblzma to BuildRequires. (Ales Kozumplik)
- essential cleanup in dnf.yum.misc, removing a couple of functions too. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: Base.findDeps and friends. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Make pyliblzma a requriement. (RhBug:1123688) (Ales Kozumplik)
- whole user name can contain non-ascii chars (RhBug:1121280) (Jan Silhan)
- Straighten up the exceptions when getting a packages header. (RhBug:1122900) (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: refactor: rename test_resource_path() -> resource_path() and use it more. (Ales Kozumplik)
- transifex update (Jan Silhan)
- remove: conf.commands. (Ales Kozumplik)
- proxy username and password, for both CLI and API. (RhBug:1120583) (Ales Kozumplik)
- conf: only 'main' is a reserved section name. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactoring: cleanup a couple of lint warnings in base.py. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactoring: move repo reading implementation out of dnf.Base. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: repo_setopts is a CLI thing and doesn't belong to Base. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: move cleanup methods to dnf.cli.commands.clean. (Ales Kozumplik)
- depsolving: doesn't install both architectures of pkg by filename (RhBug:1100946) (Jan Silhan)
- refactor: put CleanCommand in its own module. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cli: avoid 'Error: None' output on malformed CLI commands. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove the special SIGQUIT handler. (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: In Repo(), cachedir is a required argument. (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: better describe how Repos should be created, example. (RhBug:1117789) (Ales Kozumplik)
- Base._conf lasts the lifetime of Base and can be passed via constructor. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: faq: having Yum and DNF installed at the same time. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: protected_packages config option, it has been ignored. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: misleading error message when no repo is enabled. (Ales Kozumplik)
* Wed Jul 16 2014 Aleš Kozumplík <ales@redhat.com> - 0.5.4-1
- pkg name from rpm transaction callback is in Unicode (RhBug:1118796) (Jan Silhan)
- packaging: python3-dnf depends on dnf. (RhBug:1119032) (Ales Kozumplik)
- Ship /usr/bin/dnf-3 to run DNF under Py3. (RhBug:1117678) (Ales Kozumplik)
- packaging: own /etc/dnf/plugins. (RhBug:1118178) (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: pluginconfpath is a list. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cosmetic: use classmethod as a decorator in config.py. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cleanup: imports in dnf.cli.output (Ales Kozumplik)
- lint: straightforward lint fixes in dnf.cli.output. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Repo.__setattr__ has to use the parsed value. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Repo priorities. (RhBug:1048973) (Ales Kozumplik)
- repo: simplify how things are propagated to repo.hawkey_repo. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: concentrate Repo.hawkey_repo construction in Repo.__init__(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- bash-completion: Update command and option lists, sort in same order as --help (Ville Skyttä)
- bash-completion: Use grep -E instead of deprecated egrep (Ville Skyttä)
- output: fixed identation of info command output (Jan Silhan)
- i18n: calculates right width of asian utf-8 strings (RhBug:1116544) (Jan Silhan)
- transifex update + renamed po files to Fedora conventions (Jan Silhan)
- remove: CLI: --randomwait (Ales Kozumplik)
- cli: fix: --installroot has to be used with --releasever (RhBug:1117293) (Ales Kozumplik)
- Base.reset(goal=True) also resets the group persistor (RhBug:1116839) (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: fix failing DistroSync.test_distro_sync(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- logging: RPM transaction markers are too loud. (Ales Kozumplik)
- logging: silence drpm a bit. (Ales Kozumplik)
- logging: put timing functionality into one place. (Ales Kozumplik)
- repolist: fix traceback with disabled repos. (RhBug:1116845) (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: cleanups in repolist. (Ales Kozumplik)
- lint: remove some unused imports. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cli: break out the repolsit command into a separate module. (Ales Kozumplik)
- does not crash with non-ascii user name (RhBug:1108908) (Jan Silhan)
- doc: document 'pluginpath' configuration option. (RhBug:1117102) (Ales Kozumplik)
- Spelling fixes (Ville Skyttä)
- cli: Fix software name in --version help (Ville Skyttä)
- doc: ip_resolve documented at two places. remove one. (Ales Kozumplik)
* Thu Jul 3 2014 Aleš Kozumplík <ales@redhat.com> - 0.5.3-1
- packaging: bump hawkey dep to 0.4.17. (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: remove Base.select_group(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: cleanup our base test case classes a bit. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Add DNF itself among the protected packages. (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: plugins: add the resolved() hook. (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: expose Transaction introspecting in the API. (RhBug:1067156) (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: add basic documentation for dnf.package.Package. (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: cosmetic: conf.protected_packages is ignored, drop it in FakeConf. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cli: simplify exception handling more. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Fixed a minor typo in user_faq - 'intall' should be 'install' (Martin Preisler)
- fixed encoding of parsed config line (RhBug:1110800) (Jan Silhan)
- syntax: replaced tab with spaces (Jan Silhan)
- doc: acknowledge the existence of plugins on the man page (RhBug:1112669) (Ales Kozumplik)
- improve the 'got root?' message of why a transaction couldn't start. (RhBug:1111569) (Ales Kozumplik)
- traceback in Base.do_transaction. to_utf8() is gone since 06fb280. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix traceback from broken string formatting in _retrievePublicKey(). (RhBug:1111997) (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: replace Yum with DNF in command_ref.rst (Viktor Ashirov)
- Fix a missing s in the title (mscherer)
- api: add dnf.rpm.detect_releasever() (Ales Kozumplik)
- Detect distroverpkg from 'system-release(release)' (RhBug:1047049) (Ales Kozumplik)
- bulid: add dnf/conf to cmake. (Ales Kozumplik)
- lint: clean up most lint messages in dnf.yum.config (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: couple of dead-code methods in dnf.yum.config. (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: document client's responsibility to preset the substitutions. (RhBug:1104757) (Ales Kozumplik)
- move: rpmUtils -> rpm. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: move yumvar out into its proper module dnf.conf.substitutions. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: turn dnf.conf into a package. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: api_base.rst pointing to nonexistent method. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: some logging from Transaction.populate_rpm_ts(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- Update cli_vs_yum.rst (James Pearson)
- api: doc: queries relation specifiers, with an example. (RhBug:1105009) (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: phrasing in ip_resolve documentation. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cli: refactored transferring cmdline options to conf (Jan Silhan)
- cli: added -4/-6 option for using ipv4/ipv6 connection (RhBug:1093420) (Jan Silhan)
- cosmetic: empty set inicialization (Jan Silhan)
- repo: improve the RepoError message to include URL. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: dnf.yum.config.writeRawRepoFile(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: bunch of (now) blank config options. (Ales Kozumplik)
- removed unique function (Jan Silhan)
- tests: mock.assert_has_calls() enforces its iterable arguments in py3.4. (Ales Kozumplik)
- logging: improve how repolist logs the total number of packages. (Ales Kozumplik)
- logging: Base.close() should not log to the terminal. (Ales Kozumplik)
* Wed May 28 2014 Aleš Kozumplík <ales@redhat.com> - 0.5.2-1
- doc: packaging: add license block to each .rst. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cosmetic: replaced yum with dnf in comment (Jan Silhan)
- takes non-ascii cmd line input (RhBug:1092777) (Jan Silhan)
- replaced 'unicode' conversion functions with 'ucd' (RhBug:1095861) (Jan Silhan)
- using write_to_file py2/py3 compatibility write function (Jan Silhan)
- encoding: all encode methods are using utf-8 coding instead of default ascii (Jan Silhan)
- fixed rpmbuild warning of missing file (Jan Silhan)
- transifex update (Jan Silhan)
- fixed typos in comments (Jan Silhan)
- Drop --debugrepodata and susetags generation with it. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: document --debugsolver. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: 'dnf repo-pkgs' failures (RhBug:1092006) (Radek Holy)
- lint: make dnf_pylint take '-s' that suppresses line/column numbers. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: cli_vs_yum: we do not promote installs to the obsoleting package. (RhBug:1096506) (Ales Kozumplik)
- dealing with installonlies, we always need RPMPROB_FILTER_OLDPACKAGE (RhBug:1095580) (Ales Kozumplik)
- transifex update (Jan Silhan)
- arch: recognize noarch as noarch's basearch. (RhBug:1094594) (Ales Kozumplik)
- pylint: clean up dnf.repo. (Ales Kozumplik)
- sslverify: documentation and bumped librepo require. (Ales Kozumplik)
- repos: support sslverify setting. (RhBug:1076045) (Ales Kozumplik)
- search: exact matches should propagate higher. (RhBug:1093888) (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: concentrate specific search functionality in commands.search. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: SearchCommand in its own file. (Ales Kozumplik)
- pylint: fix around one hundred pylint issues in dnf.base. (Ales Kozumplik)
- pylint: add simple pylint script (Ales Kozumplik)
- autoerase: write out the debugdata used to calculate redundant packages. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cosmetic: fix pylint comment in test_group.py. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: err_mini_usage() is public. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: fix several pylint errors in dnf.cli.commands.group. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: 'dnf remove' is deprecated so autoremove should be autoerase. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: command_ref: remove the deprecated aliases from the initial list. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Add autoremove command. (RhBug:963345) (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: Base.push_userinstalled() is public. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Remove sudo from dnf-completion.bash RhBug:1073457 (Elad Alfassa)
- exclude switch takes <package-spec> as a parameter (Jan Silhan)
- using nevra glob query during list command (RhBug:1083679) (Jan Silhan)
- removed rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_REPLACEOLDFILES filter flag (Jan Silhan)
- test: changed tests according to new distro-sync behavior (Jan Silhan)
- packaging: cosmetic: copyright years in bin/dnf. (Ales Kozumplik)
- bin/dnf: run the python interpreter with -OO. (Ales Kozumplik)
* Fri May 2 2014 Aleš Kozumplík <ales@redhat.com> - 0.5.1-1
- drpm: output stats (RhBug:1065882) (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: architectures. (Ales Kozumplik)
- cli: be lot less verbose about dep processing. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: do not error out if group install/remove produces no RPM transaction. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: do not traceback on comps remove operations if proper pkg reasons can not be found. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: tracebacks in 'group remove ...' (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: move all the logic of persistor saving from main.py to Base. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: auto-saving the groups persistor. (RhBug:1089864) (Ales Kozumplik)
- transifex update (Jan Silhan)
- remove: profiling code from cli.main. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: removal of dead code (Miroslav Suchý)
- doc: changes to rhbug.py to work on readthedocs.org. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: build the documentation without any dependencies (on DNF or anything else). (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: make clear where one should expect bin/dnf (Miroslav Suchý)
- abrt: disable abrt for 'dnf makecache timer' run from systemd.service. (RhBug:1081753) (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: stray itertools import from group.py. (Ales Kozumplik)
* Wed Apr 23 2014 Aleš Kozumplík <ales@redhat.com> - 0.5.0-1
- doc: fix formatting in api_cli.rst. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: document operation of 'group upgrade'. (Ales Kozumplik)
- comps: ensure only packages of 'group' reason get deleted on 'group erase'. (Ales Kozumplik)
- comps: store 'group' reason when installing a group-membering package. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Override Goal.get_reason(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- Add dnf.goal.Goal deriving from hawkey.Goal. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: encoding of yumdb directory names in py3. (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: clean up the functions that load seeded comps a bit. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: cli._*aybeYouMeant(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- simplify groups/envs API methods in Base a lot. (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: add test for Base._translate_comps_pkg_types() (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: move the group listing etc. methods() away from Base into GroupCommand. (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: add group.upgrade opration to Base and CLI (RhBug:1029022) (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: OriginalGroupPersistor. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: store format version of the groups db. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: saving the persistent data. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: extract out the transactioning part of _main(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: Integrate the redone components with Base. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Add comps Solver. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: redo the GroupPersistor class. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: faq: why we don't check for root. (RhBug:1088166) (Ales Kozumplik)
- cosmetic: reordered import statements (Jan Silhan)
- added --refresh option (RhBug:1064226) (Jan Silhan)
- added forgotten import (Jan Silhan)
- fixed import errors after yum/i18n.py removal (Jan Silhan)
- removed to_utf8 from yum/i18n.py (Jan Silhan)
- removed to_str from yum/i18n.py (Jan Silhan)
- removed utf8_text_fill from yum/i18n.py (Jan Silhan)
- removed utf8_width from yum/i18n.py (Jan Silhan)
- removed utf8_width_fill from yum/i18n.py (Jan Silhan)
- removed to_unicode from yum/i18n.py (Jan Silhan)
- make all strings unicode_literals implicitly (Jan Silhan)
- moved _, P_ to dnf/i18n.py (Jan Silhan)
- removed utf8_valid from yum/i18n.py (Jan Silhan)
- removed str_eq from yum/i18n.py (Jan Silhan)
- removed exception2msg from yum/i18n.py (Jan Silhan)
- removed dummy_wrapper from yum/i18n.py (Jan Silhan)
- cosmetics: leave around the good things from 660c3e5 (documentation, UT). (Ales Kozumplik)
- Revert "fix: provides are not recognized for erase command. (RhBug:1087063)" (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: provides are not recognized for erase command. (RhBug:1087063) (Ales Kozumplik)
- test: fix UsageTest test, so it work without dnf is installed on the system PEP8 cleanup (Tim Lauridsen)
- cleanup: getSummary() and getUsage() can be dropped entirely now. (Ales Kozumplik)
- test: use Command.usage & Command.summary API in unittest (Tim Lauridsen)
- show plugin commands in separate block api: add new public Command.usage & Command.summary API cleanup: make Commands (Tim Lauridsen)
- tests: move libcomps test to a separate test file. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: put DistoSyncCommand into its own file (Tim Lauridsen)
- refactor: commands.group: _split_extcmd is a static method. (Ales Kozumplik)
- GroupsCommand: make the way comps are searched more robust. (RhBug:1051869) (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: move GroupCommand tests to a more proper place. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix leak: Base.__del__ causes GC-uncollectable circles. (Ales Kozumplik)
- gruops: 'list' and similar commands should run without root. (RhBug:1080331) (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: conf is given to Output on instantiation. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: Command.done_command_once and Command.hidden. (Ales Kozumplik)
- [doc] improve documentation of '--best' (RhBug:1084553) (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: Command.base and Command.cli are API attributes. (Ales Kozumplik)
- demands: similarly to 78661a4, commands should set the exit success_exit_status directly. (Ales Kozumplik)
- demands: commands requiring resolving dymamically need to set the demand now. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: typo in group doc. (RhBug:1084139) (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: Base.resolve() takes allow_erasing. (RhBug:1073859) (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: OptionParser._checkAbsInstallRoot is static. (Ales Kozumplik)
- option_parser: remove base dependency. (Ales Kozumplik)
- move: dnf.cli.cli.OptionParser -> dnf.cli.option_parser.OptionParser. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: 'clean packages' incorrectly mentions we do not delete cached packages. (RhBug:1083767) (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: TypeError in dnf history info <id> (RHBug: #1082230) (Tim Lauridsen)
- Start new version: 0.5.0. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: instance attrs of Base, namely cacheonly. (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: remove: support.MockCli. (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: fix locale independence. (Radek Holy)
- cleanups in cli.OptionParser. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: PendingDeprecationWarning from RPM in gpgKeyCheck(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: add Cli.demands.root_user (RhBug:1062889) (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: add Cli.demands and Command.config() to the API (RhBug:1062884) (Ales Kozumplik)
- Integrate DemandSheet into CLI. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Command.configure() takes the command arguments like run(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- Add dnf.cli.demand.DemandSheet. (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: dead code for deplist, version and check-rpmdb commands. (Ales Kozumplik)
- sync with transifex (Jan Silhan)
- removed _enc method that did nothing without specspo (Jan Silhan)
- fixed local reinstall error (Jan Silhan)
- Fix Term.MODE setting under Python 3 in case of incapable tty stdout. (Radek Holy)
- tests: move Term tests to better file. (Radek Holy)
- refactor: move ReinstallCommand in its own module. (Ales Kozumplik)
- rename: yumbase (case insensitive) -> base. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fixed py3 error thrown by search command (Jan Silhan)
- fixed wrong named variable (Jan Silhan)
- fixed local downgrade error (Jan Silhan)
- doc: fix Package references that are ambiguous now. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: resource leak in yum.misc.checksum() under py3. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix: leak: couple of files objects left open. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fix PendingDepreaction warning from rpm in _getsysver(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- repo: Repo.cachedir is not a list. (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: add Base.package_install et al. and Base.add_remote_rpm(). (RhBug:1079519) (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: fix tests broken under foreign locale after 32818b2. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: move install, downgrade and upgrade commands into separate modules. (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: refactor: make Term tests more isolated. (Radek Holy)
- tests: fix terminfo capability independence. (Radek Holy)
- api: explain that Base is a context manager with a close(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- cosmetic: move stuff around in comps. (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: groups: add comps.Package, add group.package_iter(). (RhBug:1079932) (Ales Kozumplik)
- fixed installation of conflicted packages (RhBug:1061780) (Jan Silhan)
- removed never executed code based on _ts_saved_file variable (Jan Silhan)
- added logrotate script and ownership of log files to dnf (RhBug:1064211) (Jan Silhan)
- fixed: highlight characters broken under py3 (RhBug:1076884) (Jan Silhan)
- remove: base.deselectGroup(). it is not used. (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: fix broken InstallMultilib.test_install_src_fails(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: support manipulation with environments (RhBug:1063666) (Ales Kozumplik)
- add dnf.util.partition(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: RepoPersistor: use the global logger instead of an instance variable. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: besides installed groups also store persistently the environments. (Ales Kozumplik)
- rename: persistor.Groups -> ClonableDict. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: cli_vs_yum: typography in bandwidth limiting section. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: cli_vs_yum: we do not partially allow operations that install .srpm. (RhBug:1080489) (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: imports order in cli/commands/__init__.py. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: groups: make all commands use _patterns2groups(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- kernel: remove kernel-source from const.INSTALLONLYPKGS. (Ales Kozumplik)
- build: 0.4.19-1 (Ales Kozumplik)
- New version: 0.4.19 (Ales Kozumplik)
- downloads: bump number of downloaded files on a skip. (RhBug:1079621) (Ales Kozumplik)
- packaging: add dnf.cli.commands to the installation. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: put GroupCommand into its separate module. (Ales Kozumplik)
- rename: make cli.commands a subpackage. (Ales Kozumplik)
- AUTHORS: added Albert. (Ales Kozumplik)
- test: fixed CacheTest.test_noroot() when running as root (Albert Uchytil)
- AUTHORS: added Tim. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fixes TypeError: '_DownloadErrors' object is not iterable (RhBug:1078832) (Tim Lauridsen)
- fixed not including .mo files (Jan Silhan)
- comps: _by_pattern() no longer does the comma splitting. (Ales Kozumplik)
* Mon Mar 24 2014 Aleš Kozumplík <ales@redhat.com> - 0.4.19-1
- downloads: bump number of downloaded files on a skip. (RhBug:1079621) (Ales Kozumplik)
- packaging: add dnf.cli.commands to the installation. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: put GroupCommand into its separate module. (Ales Kozumplik)
- rename: make cli.commands a subpackage. (Ales Kozumplik)
- AUTHORS: added Albert. (Ales Kozumplik)
- test: fixed CacheTest.test_noroot() when running as root (Albert Uchytil)
- AUTHORS: added Tim. (Ales Kozumplik)
- fixes TypeError: '_DownloadErrors' object is not iterable (RhBug:1078832) (Tim Lauridsen)
- fixed not including .mo files (Jan Silhan)
- comps: _by_pattern() no longer does the comma splitting. (Ales Kozumplik)
- including .mo files correctly (Jan Silhan)
- tests: fix locale independence. (Radek Holy)
- remove: unused trashy methods in dnf.yum.misc. (Ales Kozumplik)
- persistor: do not save Groups if it didn't change (RhBug:1077173) (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: simplify the traceback logging. (Ales Kozumplik)
- main: log IO errors etc. thrown even during Base.__exit__. (Ales Kozumplik)
- logging: do not log IOError tracebacks in verbose mode. (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: move out main._main()'s inner error handlers. (Ales Kozumplik)
- added gettext as a build dependency for translation files (Jan Silhan)
- translation: updated .pot file and fetched fresh .po files from transifex (Jan Silhan)
- removed redundant word from persistor translation (Jan Silhan)
- translation: show relative path in generated pot file (Jan Silhan)
- refactor: replaced type comparisons with isinstance (Jan Silhan)
- translation: added mo files generation and including them in rpm package (Jan Silhan)
- removed unused imports in base.py (Jan Silhan)
- doc: typo in Base.group_install(). (Ales Kozumplik)
* Mon Mar 17 2014 Aleš Kozumplík <ales@redhat.com> - 0.4.18-1
- api: drop items deprecated since 0.4.9 or earlier. (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: deprecate Base.select_group() (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: document the group marking operations. (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: add Base.group_install() with exclude capability. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: recognize 'mark install' instead of 'mark-install'. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Allow installing optional packages from a group. (RhBug:1067136) (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: add installing groups the object marking style. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: add Base.group_remove(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: add support for marking/unmarking groups. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: add dnf.persistor.GroupPersistor(), to store the installed groups. (Ales Kozumplik)
- logging: log plugin import tracebacks on the subdebug level. (Ales Kozumplik)
- rename: dnf.persistor.Persistor -> RepoPersistor. (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: update README and FAQ with the unabbreviated name. (Ales Kozumplik)
- groups: fix grouplist crashes with new libcomps. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Do not terminate for unreadable repository config. (RhBug:1071212) (Ales Kozumplik)
- cli: get rid of ridiculous slashes and the file:// scheme on config read fails. (Ales Kozumplik)
- repo: log more than nothing about a remote repo MD download. (Ales Kozumplik)
- drpm: fallback to .rpm download on drpm rebuild error. (RhBug:1071501) (Ales Kozumplik)
- remove: Base.download_packages()' inner function mediasort(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: tidy up the imports, in particular import mock from support. (Ales Kozumplik)
- changed documentation of distro-sync command (Jan Silhan)
- added distro-sync explicit packages support (RhBug:963710) (Jan Silhan)
- renamed testcase to distro_sync_all (Jan Silhan)
- Minor spelling (Arjun Temurnikar)
- i18n: translate repo sync error message. (Ales Kozumplik)
- add support for ppc64le (Dennis Gilmore)
- there is no arch called arm64 it is aarch64 (Dennis Gilmore)
* Wed Mar 5 2014 Aleš Kozumplík <ales@redhat.com> - 0.4.17-1
- doc: in the faq, warn users who might install rawhide packages on stable. (RhBug:1071677) (Ales Kozumplik)
- cli: better format the download errors report. (Ales Kozumplik)
- drpm: properly report applydeltarpm errors. (RhBug:1071501) (Ales Kozumplik)
- fixed Japanese translatated message (RhBug:1071455) (Jan Silhan)
- generated and synchronized translations with transifex (Jan Silhan)
- added transifex support to cmake (gettext-export, gettext-update) (Jan Silhan)
- api: expose RepoDict.get_matching() and RepoDict.all() (RhBug:1071323) (Ales Kozumplik)
- api: add Repo.set_progress_bar() to the API. (Ales Kozumplik)
- tests: test_cli_progress uses StringIO to check the output. (Ales Kozumplik)
- downloads: fix counting past 100% on mirror failures (RhBug:1070598) (Ales Kozumplik)
- repo: log callback calls to librepo. (Ales Kozumplik)
- Add repository-packages remove-or-reinstall command. (Radek Holy)
- Support negative filtering by new repository name in Base.reinstall. (Radek Holy)
- Support removal N/A packages in Base.reinstall. (Radek Holy)
- Add repository-packages remove command. (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Reduce amount of code in repository-packages subcommands. (Radek Holy)
- Support filtering by repository name in Base.remove. (Radek Holy)
- remove: BaseCli.erasePkgs (Radek Holy)
- Add repository-packages reinstall command. (Radek Holy)
- exceptions: improve empty key handling in DownloadError.__str__(). (Ales Kozumplik)
- downloads: fix fatal error message return value from download_payloads() (RhBug:1071518) (Ales Kozumplik)
- fixes problem with TypeError in Base.read_comps() in python3 (RhBug:1070710) (Tim Lauridsen)
- fix read_comps: not throwing exceptions when repo has no repodata (RhBug:1059704) (Jan Silhan)
- not decompressing groups when --cacheonly option is set (RhBug:1058224) (Jan Silhan)
- added forgotten import (Jan Silhan)
- Add repository-packages move-to command. (Radek Holy)
- Add repository-packages reinstall-old command. (Radek Holy)
- Support filtering by repository name in Base.reinstall. (Radek Holy)
- tests: test effects instead of mock calls. (Radek Holy)
- Wrap some recently added long lines. (Radek Holy)
- remove: BaseCli.reinstallPkgs (Radek Holy)
- repos: repos can never expire. (RhBug:1069538) (Ales Kozumplik)
- build: rebuild with 9d95442 (updated summaries_cache). (Ales Kozumplik)
- doc: update summaries_cache. (Ales Kozumplik)
* Wed Feb 26 2014 Aleš Kozumplík <ales@redhat.com> - 0.4.16-1
- fix: ensure MDPayload always has a valid progress attribute. (RhBug:1069996) (Ales Kozumplik)
- refactor: Move repo-pkgs upgrade-to to a standalone class instead of reusing the UpgradeToCommand. (Radek Holy)
- remove: BaseCli.updatePkgs (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Remove the reference to updatePkgs from UpgradeSubCommand. (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Remove the reference to updatePkgs from UpgradeCommand. (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Move repo-pkgs upgrade to a standalone class instead of reusing the UpgradeCommand. (Radek Holy)
- remove: BaseCli.installPkgs (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Remove the reference to installPkgs from InstallSubCommand. (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Remove the reference to installPkgs from InstallCommand. (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Move repo-pkgs install to a standalone class instead of reusing the InstallCommand. (Radek Holy)
- Revert "Support filtering by repository name in install_groupie." (Radek Holy)
- Revert "Support filtering by repository name in Base.select_group." (Radek Holy)
- Drop group filtering by repository name from installPkgs. (Radek Holy)
- Drop "repo-pkgs install @Group" support. (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Move CheckUpdateCommand.check_updates to BaseCli. (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Move repo-pkgs check-update to a standalone class instead of reusing the CheckUpdateCommand. (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Move repo-pkgs list to a standalone class instead of reusing the ListCommand. (Radek Holy)
- tests: Add tests of repo-pkgs info against the documentation. (Radek Holy)
- Fix "repo-pkgs info installed" behavior with respect to the documentation. (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Move MockBase methods to BaseStubMixin. (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Move repo-pkgs info to a standalone class instead of reusing the InfoCommand. (Radek Holy)
- refactor: Move InfoCommand._print_packages to BaseCli.output_packages. (Radek Holy)