- Had to rename the -T option to -timeout as ISC is now using -T - Allow package rebuilders to easily enable DHCPv6 support with: rpmbuild --with DHCPv6 dhcp.spec Note that Fedora is still using the 'dhcpv6' package, but some users may want to experiment with the ISC DHCPv6 implementation locally.
86 lines
2.5 KiB
86 lines
2.5 KiB
diff -up dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient.c.ifup dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient.c
--- dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient.c.ifup 2009-01-06 08:29:14.000000000 -1000
+++ dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient.c 2009-01-06 10:07:08.000000000 -1000
@@ -474,9 +474,81 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) {
kill(oldpid, SIGTERM);
+ } else {
+ /* handle release for interfaces requested with Red Hat
+ * /sbin/ifup - pidfile will be /var/run/dhclient-$interface.pid
+ */
+ if ((path_dhclient_pid == NULL) || (*path_dhclient_pid == '\0'))
+ path_dhclient_pid = "/var/run/dhclient.pid";
+ char *new_path_dhclient_pid;
+ struct interface_info *ip;
+ int pdp_len = strlen(path_dhclient_pid), pfx, dpfx;
+ /* find append point: beginning of any trailing '.pid'
+ * or '-$IF.pid' */
+ for (pfx=pdp_len; (pfx >= 0) && (path_dhclient_pid[pfx] != '.') && (path_dhclient_pid[pfx] != '/'); pfx--);
+ if (pfx == -1)
+ pfx = pdp_len;
+ if (path_dhclient_pid[pfx] == '/')
+ pfx += 1;
+ for (dpfx=pfx; (dpfx >= 0) && (path_dhclient_pid[dpfx] != '-') && (path_dhclient_pid[dpfx] != '/'); dpfx--);
+ if ((dpfx > -1) && (path_dhclient_pid[dpfx] != '/'))
+ pfx = dpfx;
+ for (ip = interfaces; ip; ip = ip->next) {
+ if (interfaces_requested && (ip->flags & (INTERFACE_REQUESTED)) && (ip->name != NULL)) {
+ int n_len = strlen(ip->name);
+ new_path_dhclient_pid = (char*) malloc(pfx + n_len + 6);
+ strncpy(new_path_dhclient_pid, path_dhclient_pid, pfx);
+ sprintf(new_path_dhclient_pid + pfx, "-%s.pid", ip->name);
+ if ((pidfd = fopen(new_path_dhclient_pid, "r")) != NULL) {
+ e = fscanf(pidfd, "%ld\n", &temp);
+ oldpid = (pid_t)temp;
+ if (e != 0 && e != EOF) {
+ if (oldpid) {
+ if (kill(oldpid, SIGTERM) == 0)
+ unlink(path_dhclient_pid);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(pidfd);
+ }
+ free(new_path_dhclient_pid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ FILE *pidfp = NULL;
+ long temp = 0;
+ pid_t dhcpid = 0;
+ int dhc_running = 0;
+ char procfn[256] = "";
+ if ((pidfp = fopen(path_dhclient_pid, "r")) != NULL) {
+ if ((fscanf(pidfp, "%ld", &temp)==1) && ((dhcpid=(pid_t)temp) > 0)) {
+ snprintf(procfn,256,"/proc/%u",dhcpid);
+ dhc_running = (access(procfn, F_OK) == 0);
+ }
+ fclose(pidfp);
+ }
+ if (dhc_running) {
+ log_fatal("dhclient(%u) is already running - exiting. ", dhcpid);
+ return(1);
+ write_client_pid_file();
if (!quiet) {
log_info("%s %s", message, PACKAGE_VERSION);