- Reorganize patches by feature/bug per packaging guidelines (#225691) - Move the following files from patches to source files: linux.dbus-example, linux, Makefile.dist, dhcp4client.h, libdhcp_control.h - Compile with -fno-strict-aliasing as ISC coding standards generally don't agree well with gcc 4.x.x
518 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
518 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Brian Masney <masneyb@ntelos.net>
# To use this script, set your base DN below. Then run
# ./dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl < /path-to-dhcpd-conf/dhcpd.conf > output-file
# The output of this script will generate entries in LDIF format. You can use
# the slapadd command to add these entries into your LDAP server. You will
# definately want to double check that your LDAP entries are correct before
# you load them into LDAP.
# This script does not do much error checking. Make sure before you run this
# that the DHCP server doesn't give any errors about your config file
use Sys::Hostname;
my $basedn = "dc=ntelos, dc=net";
sub next_token
local ($lowercase) = @_;
local ($token, $newline);
if (!defined ($line) || length ($line) == 0)
$line = <>;
return undef if !defined ($line);
chop $line;
$token_number = 0;
$line =~ s/#.*//;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
while (length ($line) == 0);
if (($token, $newline) = $line =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)/)
$line = $newline;
$token = $line;
$line = '';
$token =~ y/[A-Z]/[a-z]/ if $lowercase;
return ($token);
sub remaining_line
local ($tmp, $str);
$str = "";
while (($tmp = next_token (0)))
$str .= ' ' if !($str eq "");
$str .= $tmp;
last if $tmp =~ /;\s*$/;
$str =~ s/;$//;
return ($str);
local ($dn) = @_;
$current_dn = "$dn, $current_dn";
$current_dn =~ s/^.*?,\s*//;
print "Parse error on line number $line_number at token number $token_number\n";
exit (1);
return if (scalar keys %curentry == 0);
if (!defined ($curentry{'type'}))
$host = hostname ();
$hostdn = "cn=$host, $basedn";
print "dn: $hostdn\n";
print "objectClass: top\n";
print "objectClass: dhcpServer\n";
print "cn: $host\n";
print "dhcpServiceDN: $current_dn\n\n";
print "dn: $current_dn\n";
print "cn: DHCP Config\n";
print "objectClass: top\n";
print "objectClass: dhcpService\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'options'}))
print "objectClass: dhcpOptions\n";
print "dhcpPrimaryDN: $hostdn\n";
elsif ($curentry{'type'} eq 'subnet')
print "dn: $current_dn\n";
print "cn: " . $curentry{'ip'} . "\n";
print "objectClass: top\n";
print "objectClass: dhcpSubnet\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'options'}))
print "objectClass: dhcpOptions\n";
print "dhcpNetMask: " . $curentry{'netmask'} . "\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'range'}))
print "dhcpRange: " . $curentry{'range'} . "\n";
elsif ($curentry{'type'} eq 'shared-network')
print "dn: $current_dn\n";
print "cn: " . $curentry{'descr'} . "\n";
print "objectClass: top\n";
print "objectClass: dhcpSharedNetwork\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'options'}))
print "objectClass: dhcpOptions\n";
elsif ($curentry{'type'} eq 'group')
print "dn: $current_dn\n";
print "cn: group\n";
print "objectClass: top\n";
print "objectClass: dhcpGroup\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'options'}))
print "objectClass: dhcpOptions\n";
elsif ($curentry{'type'} eq 'host')
print "dn: $current_dn\n";
print "cn: " . $curentry{'host'} . "\n";
print "objectClass: top\n";
print "objectClass: dhcpHost\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'options'}))
print "objectClass: dhcpOptions\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'hwaddress'}))
print "dhcpHWAddress: " . $curentry{'hwaddress'} . "\n";
elsif ($curentry{'type'} eq 'pool')
print "dn: $current_dn\n";
print "cn: pool\n";
print "objectClass: top\n";
print "objectClass: dhcpPool\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'options'}))
print "objectClass: dhcpOptions\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'range'}))
print "dhcpRange: " . $curentry{'range'} . "\n";
elsif ($curentry{'type'} eq 'class')
print "dn: $current_dn\n";
print "cn: " . $curentry{'class'} . "\n";
print "objectClass: top\n";
print "objectClass: dhcpClass\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'options'}))
print "objectClass: dhcpOptions\n";
elsif ($curentry{'type'} eq 'subclass')
print "dn: $current_dn\n";
print "cn: " . $curentry{'subclass'} . "\n";
print "objectClass: top\n";
print "objectClass: dhcpSubClass\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'options'}))
print "objectClass: dhcpOptions\n";
print "dhcpClassData: " . $curentry{'class'} . "\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'statements'}))
foreach $statement (@{$curentry{'statements'}})
print "dhcpStatements: $statement\n";
if (defined ($curentry{'options'}))
foreach $statement (@{$curentry{'options'}})
print "dhcpOption: $statement\n";
print "\n";
undef (%curentry);
sub parse_netmask
local ($netmask) = @_;
local ($i);
if ((($a, $b, $c, $d) = $netmask =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) != 4)
parse_error ();
$num = (($a & 0xff) << 24) |
(($b & 0xff) << 16) |
(($c & 0xff) << 8) |
($d & 0xff);
for ($i=1; $i<=32 && $num & (1 << (32 - $i)); $i++)
return ($i);
sub parse_subnet
local ($ip, $tmp, $netmask);
print_entry () if %curentry;
$ip = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($ip);
$tmp = next_token (1);
parse_error () if !defined ($tmp);
parse_error () if !($tmp eq 'netmask');
$tmp = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($tmp);
$netmask = parse_netmask ($tmp);
$tmp = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($tmp);
parse_error () if !($tmp eq '{');
add_dn_to_stack ("cn=$ip");
$curentry{'type'} = 'subnet';
$curentry{'ip'} = $ip;
$curentry{'netmask'} = $netmask;
sub parse_shared_network
local ($descr, $tmp);
print_entry () if %curentry;
$descr = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($descr);
$tmp = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($tmp);
parse_error () if !($tmp eq '{');
add_dn_to_stack ("cn=$descr");
$curentry{'type'} = 'shared-network';
$curentry{'descr'} = $descr;
sub parse_host
local ($descr, $tmp);
print_entry () if %curentry;
$host = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($host);
$tmp = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($tmp);
parse_error () if !($tmp eq '{');
add_dn_to_stack ("cn=$host");
$curentry{'type'} = 'host';
$curentry{'host'} = $host;
sub parse_group
local ($descr, $tmp);
print_entry () if %curentry;
$tmp = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($tmp);
parse_error () if !($tmp eq '{');
add_dn_to_stack ("cn=group");
$curentry{'type'} = 'group';
sub parse_pool
local ($descr, $tmp);
print_entry () if %curentry;
$tmp = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($tmp);
parse_error () if !($tmp eq '{');
add_dn_to_stack ("cn=pool");
$curentry{'type'} = 'pool';
sub parse_class
local ($descr, $tmp);
print_entry () if %curentry;
$class = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($class);
$tmp = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($tmp);
parse_error () if !($tmp eq '{');
$class =~ s/\"//g;
add_dn_to_stack ("cn=$class");
$curentry{'type'} = 'class';
$curentry{'class'} = $class;
sub parse_subclass
local ($descr, $tmp);
print_entry () if %curentry;
$class = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($class);
$subclass = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($subclass);
$tmp = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($tmp);
parse_error () if !($tmp eq '{');
add_dn_to_stack ("cn=$subclass");
$curentry{'type'} = 'subclass';
$curentry{'class'} = $class;
$curentry{'subclass'} = $subclass;
sub parse_hwaddress
local ($type, $hw, $tmp);
$type = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($type);
$hw = next_token (0);
parse_error () if !defined ($hw);
$hw =~ s/;$//;
$curentry{'hwaddress'} = "$type $hw";
sub parse_range
local ($tmp, $str);
$str = remaining_line ();
if (!($str eq ''))
$str =~ s/;$//;
$curentry{'range'} = $str;
sub parse_statement
local ($token) = shift;
local ($str);
if ($token eq 'option')
$str = remaining_line ();
push (@{$curentry{'options'}}, $str);
$str = $token . " " . remaining_line ();
push (@{$curentry{'statements'}}, $str);
my $token;
my $token_number = 0;
my $line_number = 0;
my %curentry;
$current_dn = "cn=DHCP Config, $basedn";
$curentry{'descr'} = 'DHCP Config';
$line = '';
while (($token = next_token (1)))
if ($token eq '}')
print_entry () if %curentry;
remove_dn_from_stack ();
elsif ($token eq 'subnet')
parse_subnet ();
elsif ($token eq 'shared-network')
parse_shared_network ();
elsif ($token eq 'class')
parse_class ();
elsif ($token eq 'subclass')
parse_subclass ();
elsif ($token eq 'pool')
parse_pool ();
elsif ($token eq 'group')
parse_group ();
elsif ($token eq 'host')
parse_host ();
elsif ($token eq 'hardware')
parse_hwaddress ();
elsif ($token eq 'range')
parse_range ();
parse_statement ($token);