- Had to rename the -T option to -timeout as ISC is now using -T - Allow package rebuilders to easily enable DHCPv6 support with: rpmbuild --with DHCPv6 dhcp.spec Note that Fedora is still using the 'dhcpv6' package, but some users may want to experiment with the ISC DHCPv6 implementation locally.
741 lines
25 KiB
741 lines
25 KiB
diff -up dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient.8.man dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient.8
--- dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient.8.man 2008-11-20 04:55:14.000000000 -1000
+++ dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient.8 2009-01-06 11:51:30.000000000 -1000
@@ -111,6 +111,33 @@ relay
.B -w
+.B -B
+.B -I
+.I dhcp-client-identifier
+.B -H
+.I host-name
+.B -F
+.I fqdn.fqdn
+.B -V
+.I vendor-class-identifier
+.B -R
+.I request-option-list
+.B -timeout
+.I timeout
.B -v
@@ -138,32 +165,6 @@ important details about the network to w
the location of a default router, the location of a name server, and
so on.
-If given the -4 command line argument (default), dhclient will use the
-DHCPv4 protocol to obtain an IPv4 address and configuration parameters.
-If given the -6 command line argument, dhclient will use the DHCPv6
-protocol to obtain whatever IPv6 addresses are available along with
-configuration parameters. But with
-.B -S
-it uses Information-request to get only (i.e., without address)
-stateless configuration parameters.
-The default DHCPv6 behavior is modified too with
-.B -T
-which asks for IPv6 temporary addresses, one set per
-.B -T
-.B -P
-enables the IPv6 prefix delegation.
-As temporary addresses or prefix delegation disables the normal
-address query,
-.B -N
-restores it. Note it is not recommended to mix queries of different types
-together, or even to share the lease file between them.
-If given the --version command line argument, dhclient will print its
-version number and exit.
On startup, dhclient reads the
.IR dhclient.conf
for configuration instructions. It then gets a list of all the
@@ -217,141 +218,259 @@ file. If interfaces are specified in t
only configure interfaces that are either specified in the
configuration file or on the command line, and will ignore all other
-If the DHCP client should listen and transmit on a port other than the
-standard (port 68), the
-.B -p
-flag may used. It should be followed by the udp port number that
-dhclient should use. This is mostly useful for debugging purposes.
-If a different port is specified for the client to listen on and
-transmit on, the client will also use a different destination port -
-one less than the specified port.
-The DHCP client normally transmits any protocol messages it sends
-before acquiring an IP address to,, the IP limited
-broadcast address. For debugging purposes, it may be useful to have
-the server transmit these messages to some other address. This can
-be specified with the
-.B -s
-flag, followed by the IP address or domain name of the destination.
-This feature is not supported by DHCPv6.
-For testing purposes, the giaddr field of all packets that the client
-sends can be set using the
-.B -g
-flag, followed by the IP address to send. This is only useful for testing,
-and should not be expected to work in any consistent or useful way.
-The DHCP client will normally run in the foreground until it has
-configured an interface, and then will revert to running in the
-background. To run force dhclient to always run as a foreground
-process, the
-.B -d
-flag should be specified. This is useful when running the client
-under a debugger, or when running it out of inittab on System V
-The dhclient daemon creates its own environment when executing the
-dhclient-script to do the grunt work of interface configuration.
-To define extra environment variables and their values, use the
-.B -e
-flag, followed by the environment variable name and value assignment,
-just as one would assign a variable in a shell. Eg:
-.B -e
-The client normally prints no output during its startup sequence. It
-can be made to emit verbose messages displaying the startup sequence events
-until it has acquired an address by supplying the
-.B -v
-command line argument. In either case, the client logs messages using
-.B syslog (3)
-facility. A
-.B -q
-command line argument is provided for backwards compatibility, but since
-dhclient is quiet by default, it has no effect.
-The client normally doesn't release the current lease as it is not
-required by the DHCP protocol. Some cable ISPs require their clients
-to notify the server if they wish to release an assigned IP address.
-.B -r
-flag explicitly releases the current lease, and once the lease has been
-released, the client exits.
+.BI \-4
+Use the DHCPv4 protocol to obtain an IPv4 address and configuration
+parameters (default).
+.BI \-6
+Use the DHCPv6 protocol to obtain whatever IPv6 addresses are available
+along with configuration parameters. The functionality of DHCPv6 mode
+may be modified with the
+.BI \-S
+.BI \-T
+, and
+.BI \-N
+.BI \-S
+Perform an information-only request over DHCPv6 to get stateless
+configuration parameters. It is not recommended to combine this option
+with the
+.BI \-N
+.BI \-P
+, or
+.BI \-T
+options or to share lease files between different modes of operation. Only
+valid with the
+.BI \-6
+.BI \-N
+Perform a normal (IA_NA) address query over DHCPv6. It is not recommended
+to combine this option with the
+.BI \-P
+.BI \-S
+, or
+.BI \-T
+options or to share lease files between different modes of operation. Only
+valid with the
+.BI \-6
+.BI \-T
+Perform a temporary (IA_TA) address query over DHCPv6 (disables normal address
+query). It is not recommended to combine this option with the
+.BI \-N
+.BI \-P
+, or
+.BI \-S
+options or to share lease files between different modes of operation. Only
+valid with the
+.BI \-6
+.BI \-P
+Enable IPv6 prefix delegation (disables normal address query). It is not
+not recommended to combine this option with the
+.BI \-N
+.BI \-S
+, or
+.BI \-T
+options or to share lease files between different modes of operation. Only
+valid with the
+.BI \-6
+.BI \-p\ <port\ number>
+The UDP port number the DHCP client should listen and transmit on. If
+.B dhclient
+uses the default port 68. This option is mostly useful for debugging
+purposes. If a different port is specified for the client to listen and
+transmit on, the client will also use a different destination port - one
+less than the specified port.
+.BI \-d
+.B dhclient
+to run as a foreground process. This is useful when running the client
+under a debugger, or when running it out of inittab on System V systems.
+.BI \-e\ VAR=value
+Define additional environment variables for the environment where
+dhclient-script executes. You may specify multiplate
+.B \-e
+options on the command line. For example:
+.B \-e IF_METRIC=1
+.BI \-q
+Suppress all terminal and log output except error messages.
+.BI \-1
+Try once to get a lease. One failure, exit with code 2.
+.BI \-r
+.B dhclient
+to release the current lease it has from the server. This is not required
+by the DHCP protocol, but some ISPs require their clients to notify the
+server if they wish to release an assigned IP address.
+.BI \-lf\ <lease-file>
+Path to the lease database file. If unspecified, the default
+.B DBDIR/dhclient.leases
+is used.
+.BI \-pf\ <pid-file>
+Path to the process ID file. If unspecified, the default
+.B RUNDIR/dhclient.pid
+is used.
+.BI \-cf\ <config-file>
+Path to the client configuration file. If unspecified, the default
+.B ETCDIR/dhclient.conf
+is used.
+.BI \-sf\ <script-file>
+Path to the network configuration script invoked by
+.B dhclient
+when it gets a lease. If unspecified, the default
+.B /sbin/dhclient-script
+is used.
+.BI \-s\ <server>
+Specifiy the server IP address or fully qualified domain name to transmit
+DHCP protocol messages to. Normally,
+.B dhclient
+transmits these messages to (the IP limited broadcast
+address). Overriding this is mostly useful for debugging purposes.
+.BI \-g\ <relay>
+Only for debugging. Set the giaddr field of all packets the client
+sends to the IP address specified. This should not be expected to work
+in any consistent or useful way.
+.BI \-n
+Do not configure any interfaces. Most useful combined with the
+.B -w
+.BI \-nw
+Become a daemon process immediately (nowait) rather than waiting until an IP
+address has been acquired.
+.BI \-w
+Keep running even if no network interfaces are found. The
+.B omshell
+program can be used to notify the client when a network interface has been
+added or removed so it can attempt to configure an IP address on that
+.BI \-B
+Set the BOOTP broadcast flag in request packets so servers will always
+broadcast replies.
+.BI \-I\ <dhcp-client-identifier>
+Specify the dhcp-client-identifier option to send to the DHCP server.
+.BI \-H\ <host-name>
+Specify the host-name option to send to the DHCP server. The host-name
+string only contains the client's hostname prefix, to which the server will
+append the ddns-domainname or domain-name options, if any, to derive the
+fully qualified domain name of the client. The
+.B -H
+option cannot be used with the
+.B -F
+.BI \-F\ <fqdn.fqdn>
+Specify the fqdn.fqdn option to send to the DHCP server. This option cannot
+be used with the
+.B -H
+option. The fqdn.fqdn option must specify the complete domain name of the
+client host, which the server may use for dynamic DNS updates.
+.BI \-V\ <vendor-class-identifier>
+Specify the vendor-class-identifier option to send to the DHCP server.
+.BI \-R\ <option>[,<option>...]
+Specify the list of options the client is to request from the server. The
+option list must be a single string consisting of option names separated
+by at least one command and optional space characters. The default option
+list is:
+ subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
+ domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name, nis-domain,
+ nis-servers, ntp-servers
-.B -x
-flag tells any currently running client to exit gracefully without
-releasing leases first.
+.B -R
+option does not append options to the default request, it overrides the
+default request list. Keep this in mind if you want to request an
+additional option besides the default request list. You will have to
+specify all option names for the
+.B -R
+.BI \-timeout\ <timeout>
+Specify the time after which
+.B dhclient
+will decide that no DHCP servers can be contacted when no responses have been
+.BI \-v
+Enable verbose log messages.
-If the client is killed by a signal (for example at shutdown or reboot)
-it won't execute the
+If the client is killed by a signale (for example at shutdown or reboot), it
+will not execute the
.B dhclient-script (8)
-at exit. However if you shut the client down gracefully with
-.B -r
+at exit. However, if you shut the client down gracefully with
+.BI \-r
-.B -x
+.BI \-x
it will execute
.B dhclient-script (8)
-at shutdown with the specific reason for calling the script set.
-.B -1
-flag will cause dhclient to try once to get a lease. If it fails, dhclient
-exits with exit code two. In DHCPv6 the
-.B -1
-flag sets the max duration of the initial exchange to
-.I timeout
-.IR dhclient.conf ,
-default sixty seconds).
-The DHCP client normally gets its configuration information from
-.B ETCDIR/dhclient.conf,
-its lease database from
-.B DBDIR/dhclient.leases,
-stores its process ID in a file called
-.B RUNDIR/dhclient.pid,
-and configures the network interface using
-.B CLIENTBINDIR/dhclient-script
-To specify different names and/or locations for these files, use the
-.B -cf,
-.B -lf,
-.B -pf
-.B -sf
-flags, respectively, followed by the name of the file. This can be
-particularly useful if, for example,
-has not yet been mounted when the DHCP client is started.
-The DHCP client normally exits if it isn't able to identify any
-network interfaces to configure. On laptop computers and other
-computers with hot-swappable I/O buses, it is possible that a
-broadcast interface may be added after system startup. The
-.B -w
-flag can be used to cause the client not to exit when it doesn't find
-any such interfaces. The
-.B omshell (1)
-program can then be used to notify the client when a network interface
-has been added or removed, so that the client can attempt to configure an IP
-address on that interface.
-The DHCP client can be directed not to attempt to configure any interfaces
-using the
-.B -n
-flag. This is most likely to be useful in combination with the
-.B -w
-The client can also be instructed to become a daemon immediately, rather
-than waiting until it has acquired an IP address. This can be done by
-supplying the
-.B -nw
+at shutdown with the specific reason for calling the script set in the
+environment table.
The syntax of the dhclient.conf(5) file is discussed separately.
@@ -386,7 +505,7 @@ do a DHCPRELEASE. To pause it, set its
resume it, set its state attribute to 4.
-.B CLIENTBINDIR/dhclient-script,
+.B /sbin/dhclient-script,
.B ETCDIR/dhclient.conf, DBDIR/dhclient.leases, RUNDIR/dhclient.pid,
.B DBDIR/dhclient.leases~.
diff -up dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient.conf.5.man dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient.conf.5
--- dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient.conf.5.man 2008-03-07 08:58:29.000000000 -1000
+++ dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient.conf.5 2009-01-06 10:50:40.000000000 -1000
@@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ responding to the client send the client
options. Only the option names should be specified in the request
statement - not option parameters. By default, the DHCP server
requests the subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
-domain-name, domain-name-servers and host-name options. Note that if
-you enter a 'request' statement, you over-ride this default and these
-options will not be requested.
+domain-name, domain-name-servers host-name, nis-domain, nis-servers,
+and ntp-servers options. Note that if you enter a 'request' statement,
+you over-ride this default and these options will not be requested.
In some cases, it may be desirable to send no parameter request list
at all. To do this, simply write the request statement but specify
@@ -627,6 +627,18 @@ database and will record the media type
Whenever the client tries to renew the lease, it will use that same
media type. The lease must expire before the client will go back to
cycling through media types.
+ \fBbootp-broadcast-always;\fR
+.B bootp-broadcast-always
+statement instructs dhclient to always set the bootp broadcast flag in
+request packets, so that servers will always broadcast replies.
+This is equivalent to supplying the dhclient -B argument, and has
+the same effect as specifying 'always-broadcast' in the server's dhcpd.conf.
+This option is provided as an extension to enable dhclient to work
+on IBM s390 Linux guests.
The following configuration file is used on a laptop running NetBSD
1.3. The laptop has an IP alias of, and has one
@@ -648,12 +660,12 @@ interface "ep0" {
send host-name "andare.fugue.com";
send dhcp-client-identifier 1:0:a0:24:ab:fb:9c;
send dhcp-lease-time 3600;
- supersede domain-name "fugue.com rc.vix.com home.vix.com";
+ supersede domain-search "fugue.com rc.vix.com home.vix.com";
prepend domain-name-servers;
request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
- domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name;
+ domain-search, domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name;
require subnet-mask, domain-name-servers;
- script "CLIENTBINDIR/dhclient-script";
+ script "/sbin/dhclient-script";
media "media 10baseT/UTP", "media 10base2/BNC";
diff -up dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient-script.8.man dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient-script.8
--- dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient-script.8.man 2006-02-24 13:16:27.000000000 -1000
+++ dhcp-4.1.0/client/dhclient-script.8 2009-01-06 10:50:40.000000000 -1000
@@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ customizations are needed, they should b
exit hooks provided (see HOOKS for details). These hooks will allow the
user to override the default behaviour of the client in creating a
.B /etc/resolv.conf
+file, and to handle DHCP options not handled by default.
No standard client script exists for some operating systems, even though
the actual client may work, so a pioneering user may well need to create
a new script or modify an existing one. In general, customizations specific
to a particular computer should be done in the
-.B ETCDIR/dhclient.conf
+.B /usr/local/etc/dhclient.conf
file. If you find that you can't make such a customization without
-.B ETCDIR/dhclient.conf
+.B /usr/local/etc/dhclient.conf
or using the enter and exit hooks, please submit a bug report.
When it starts, the client script first defines a shell function,
@@ -68,33 +68,53 @@ the enter hook script.
On after defining the make_resolv_conf function, the client script checks
for the presence of an executable
-.B ETCDIR/dhclient-enter-hooks
+.B /usr/local/etc/dhclient-enter-hooks
script, and if present, it invokes the script inline, using the Bourne
shell '.' command. The entire environment documented under OPERATION
is available to this script, which may modify the environment if needed
to change the behaviour of the script. If an error occurs during the
execution of the script, it can set the exit_status variable to a nonzero
value, and
-.B CLIENTBINDIR/dhclient-script
+.B /sbin/dhclient-script
will exit with that error code immediately after the client script exits.
After all processing has completed,
-.B CLIENTBINDIR/dhclient-script
+.B /sbin/dhclient-script
checks for the presence of an executable
-.B ETCDIR/dhclient-exit-hooks
+.B /usr/local/etc/dhclient-exit-hooks
script, which if present is invoked using the '.' command. The exit
status of dhclient-script will be passed to dhclient-exit-hooks in the
exit_status shell variable, and will always be zero if the script
succeeded at the task for which it was invoked. The rest of the
environment as described previously for dhclient-enter-hooks is also
present. The
-.B ETCDIR/dhclient-exit-hooks
+.B /usr/local/etc/dhclient-exit-hooks
script can modify the valid of exit_status to change the exit status
of dhclient-script.
+Immediately after dhclient brings an interface UP with a new IP address,
+subnet mask, and routes, in the REBOOT/BOUND states, it will check for the
+existence of an executable
+.B /usr/local/etc/dhclient-up-hooks
+script, and source it if found. This script can handle DHCP options in
+the environment that are not handled by default. A per-interface.
+.B /usr/local/etc/dhclient-${IF}-up-hooks
+script will override the generic script and be sourced when interface
+$IF has been brought up.
+Immediately before dhclient brings an interface DOWN, removing its IP
+address, subnet mask, and routes, in the STOP/RELEASE states, it will
+check for the existence of an executable
+.B /usr/local/etc/dhclient-down-hooks
+script, and source it if found. This script can handle DHCP options in
+the environment that are not handled by default. A per-interface
+.B /usr/local/etc/dhclient-${IF}-down-hooks
+script will override the generic script and be sourced when interface
+$IF is about to be brought down.
When dhclient needs to invoke the client configuration script, it
defines a set of variables in the environment, and then invokes
-.B CLIENTBINDIR/dhclient-script.
+.B /sbin/dhclient-script.
In all cases, $reason is set to the name of the reason why the script
has been invoked. The following reasons are currently defined:
diff -up dhcp-4.1.0/common/dhcp-options.5.man dhcp-4.1.0/common/dhcp-options.5
--- dhcp-4.1.0/common/dhcp-options.5.man 2008-11-21 03:59:56.000000000 -1000
+++ dhcp-4.1.0/common/dhcp-options.5 2009-01-06 10:50:40.000000000 -1000
@@ -905,6 +905,21 @@ classless IP routing - it does not inclu
classless IP routing is now the most widely deployed routing standard,
this option is virtually useless, and is not implemented by any of the
popular DHCP clients, for example the Microsoft DHCP client.
+NOTE to Fedora dhclient users:
+dhclient-script interprets trailing 0 octets of the target as indicating
+the subnet class of the route, so for the following static-routes value:
+ option static-routes,
+dhclient-script will create routes:
+ 172/8 via dev $interface
+ 192.168/16 via dev $interface
diff -up dhcp-4.1.0/server/dhcpd.conf.5.man dhcp-4.1.0/server/dhcpd.conf.5
--- dhcp-4.1.0/server/dhcpd.conf.5.man 2008-11-03 08:13:58.000000000 -1000
+++ dhcp-4.1.0/server/dhcpd.conf.5 2009-01-06 10:50:40.000000000 -1000
@@ -519,6 +519,9 @@ pool {
+Dynamic BOOTP leases are not compatible with failover, and, as such,
+you need to disallow BOOTP in pools that you are using failover for.
The server currently does very little sanity checking, so if you
configure it wrong, it will just fail in odd ways. I would recommend
therefore that you either do failover or don't do failover, but don't
@@ -533,9 +536,9 @@ primary server might look like this:
failover peer "foo" {
address anthrax.rc.vix.com;
- port 519;
+ port 647;
peer address trantor.rc.vix.com;
- peer port 520;
+ peer port 847;
max-response-delay 60;
max-unacked-updates 10;
mclt 3600;
@@ -594,9 +597,7 @@ statement
.B port \fIport-number\fR\fB;\fR
The \fBport\fR statement declares the TCP port on which the server
-should listen for connections from its failover peer. This statement
-may not currently be omitted, because the failover protocol does not
-yet have a reserved TCP port number.
+should listen for connections from its failover peer.
@@ -608,10 +609,8 @@ statement
The \fBpeer port\fR statement declares the TCP port to which the
server should connect to reach its failover peer for failover
-messages. This statement may not be omitted because the failover
-protocol does not yet have a reserved TCP port number. The port
-number declared in the \fBpeer port\fR statement may be the same as
-the port number declared in the \fBport\fR statement.
+messages. The port number declared in the \fBpeer port\fR statement
+may be the same as the port number declared in the \fBport\fR statement.
@@ -1278,7 +1277,7 @@ the zone containing PTR records - for IS
- algorithm HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT;
+ algorithm hmac-md5;
secret pRP5FapFoJ95JEL06sv4PQ==;
@@ -1301,7 +1300,7 @@ dhcpd.conf file:
- algorithm HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT;
+ algorithm hmac-md5;
secret pRP5FapFoJ95JEL06sv4PQ==;
@@ -2302,7 +2301,7 @@ statement
.I Name
should be the name of the DHCP server's lease file. By default, this
-is DBDIR/dhcpd.leases. This statement \fBmust\fR appear in the outer
+is /private/var/db/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases. This statement \fBmust\fR appear in the outer
scope of the configuration file - if it appears in some other scope,
it will have no effect. Furthermore, it has no effect if overridden
by the
@@ -2337,7 +2336,7 @@ statement
.I Name
is the name of the lease file to use if and only if the server is running
-in DHCPv6 mode. By default, this is DBDIR/dhcpd6.leases. This statement,
+in DHCPv6 mode. By default, this is /private/var/db/dhcpd/dhcpd6.leases. This statement,
.I lease-file-name,
\fBmust\fR appear in the outer scope of the configuration file. It
@@ -2495,7 +2494,8 @@ statement
The \fInext-server\fR statement is used to specify the host address of
the server from which the initial boot file (specified in the
\fIfilename\fR statement) is to be loaded. \fIServer-name\fR should
-be a numeric IP address or a domain name.
+be a numeric IP address or a domain name. If no \fInext-server\fR statement
+applies to a given client, the address is used.
@@ -2540,7 +2540,7 @@ statement
.I Name
should be the name of the DHCP server's process ID file. This is the
file in which the DHCP server's process ID is stored when the server
-starts. By default, this is RUNDIR/dhcpd.pid. Like the
+starts. By default, this is /private/var/run/dhcpd.pid. Like the
.I lease-file-name
statement, this statement must appear in the outer scope
of the configuration file. It has no effect if overridden by the
@@ -2558,7 +2558,7 @@ statement
.I Name
is the name of the pid file to use if and only if the server is running
-in DHCPv6 mode. By default, this is DBDIR/dhcpd6.pid. This statement,
+in DHCPv6 mode. By default, this is /private/var/db/dhcpd/dhcpd6.pid. This statement,
.I pid-file-name,
\fBmust\fR appear in the outer scope of the configuration file. It