- Reorganize patches by feature/bug per packaging guidelines (#225691) - Move the following files from patches to source files: linux.dbus-example, linux, Makefile.dist, dhcp4client.h, libdhcp_control.h - Compile with -fno-strict-aliasing as ISC coding standards generally don't agree well with gcc 4.x.x
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# Makefile.dist for libdhcp4client
# We get the libdhcp4client library from the patched ISC source code. We
# rebuild key C files with -DLIBDHCP to turn on the library features we
# need. Normal build results in standard ISC code (i.e., not LIBDHCP
# stuff enabled). We then link together a static library and a shared
# library with the new resulting objects.
# David Cantrell <dcantrell@redhat.com>
# What version of ISC DHCP is this?
VER = $(shell grep DHCP_VERSION ../../includes/version.h | head -1 | cut -d '"' -f 2 | cut -d 'V' -f 2 | cut -d '-' -f 1)
PROGS = libdhcp4client.a libdhcp4client-$(VER).so.0
# NOTE: The ordering of these file lists is important! We are using the
# whole program optimization features of gcc, so the order matters here.
# Source files shared by all objects
COMMON_SRCS = client_clparse.c client_dhclient.c common_alloc.c common_bpf.c \
common_comapi.c common_conflex.c common_discover.c \
common_dispatch.c common_dns.c common_ethernet.c \
common_execute.c common_inet.c common_lpf.c common_memory.c \
common_options.c common_packet.c common_parse.c common_print.c \
common_socket.c common_tables.c common_tr.c common_tree.c \
dst_dst_api.c dst_base64.c dst_hmac_link.c dst_md5_dgst.c \
omapip_alloc.c omapip_array.c omapip_auth.c omapip_buffer.c \
omapip_connection.c omapip_convert.c omapip_dispatch.c \
omapip_errwarn.c omapip_handle.c omapip_hash.c \
omapip_listener.c omapip_mrtrace.c omapip_result.c \
omapip_support.c omapip_toisc.c omapip_trace.c
# Source files for libdhcp4client.o
CLIENT_SRCS = common_ctrace.c common_dlpi.c common_nit.c common_upf.c \
dst_dst_support.c dst_prandom.c omapip_generic.c \
omapip_message.c omapip_protocol.c
# Source files for libres.o (minires)
MINIRES_SRCS = minires_ns_date.c minires_ns_name.c minires_ns_parse.c \
minires_ns_samedomain.c minires_ns_sign.c minires_ns_verify.c \
minires_res_comp.c minires_res_findzonecut.c \
minires_res_init.c minires_res_mkquery.c \
minires_res_mkupdate.c minires_res_query.c minires_res_send.c \
minires_res_sendsigned.c minires_res_update.c
HDRS = dhcp4client.h libdhcp_control.h
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
INCLUDES = -I$(TOP) -I$(TOP)/includes -I$(TOP)/dst -I.
all: $(PROGS)
install: all
install -p -m 0755 -D libdhcp4client-$(VER).so.0 $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libdhcp4client-$(VER).so.0
ln -sf libdhcp4client-$(VER).so.0 $(DESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR)/libdhcp4client.so
install -p -m 0644 -D libdhcp4client.a $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libdhcp4client.a
install -p -m 0644 -D dhcp4client.h $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)/dhcp4client/dhcp4client.h
install -p -m 0644 -D libdhcp_control.h $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)/dhcp4client/libdhcp_control.h
( cd $(TOP)/includes ; \
find . -name "*.h" -type f | while read h ; do \
install -p -m 0644 -D $$h $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)/dhcp4client/isc_dhcp/$$h ; \
done ; \
-rm -f $(OBJS)
realclean: clean
-rm -f $(PROG) *~ #*
distclean: realclean
-rm -f Makefile
# This isn't the cleanest way to set up links, but I prefer this so I don't
# need object targets for each subdirectory. The idea is simple. Since
# libdhcp4client is a linked together wad of objects from across the source
# tree, we change / to _ when linking source files here. Follow this example:
# We need to use client/dhclient.c, so we make this link:
# rm -f client_dhclient.c
# ln -s $(TOP)/client/dhclient.c client_dhclient.c
# Simple. Given the way the ISC build system works, this is the easiest to
# maintain and least invasive.
# David Cantrell <dcantrell@redhat.com>
@for target in $(SRCS); do \
source="`echo $$target | sed -e 's|_|/|'`"; \
if [ ! -b $$target ]; then \
rm -f $$target; \
fi; \
ln -s $(TOP)/$$source $$target; \
done; \
for hdr in $(HDRS); do \
if [ ! -b $$hdr ]; then \
rm -f $$hdr; \
fi; \
ln -s $(TOP)/libdhcp4client/$$hdr $$hdr; \
# minires is difficult to build because it overrides things in common and dst,
# so we just link with the already built libres.a since we need it all anyway
if [ ! -f ../minires/$@ ]; then \
$(MAKE) -C ../minires; \
fi; \
ln ../minires/libres.a .; \
$(AR) x libres.a
# Create the libraries
# minires/res_query.o contains an undefined symbol __h_errno_set, is not
# used by any dhcp code, and is optimized out by the linker when producing
# the dhclient executable or a shared library
libdhcp4client.a: $(OBJS) libres.a
$(AR) crus $@ $(OBJS) `$(AR) t libres.a | grep -v res_query.o`
libdhcp4client-$(VER).so.0: $(OBJS) libres.a
$(CC) -shared -o $@ -Wl,-soname,$@ $(OBJS) `$(AR) t libres.a | grep -v res_query.o`
# Dependencies (semi-automatically-generated)