# Use 64-bit pointers on POWER and z/Series %ifarch ppc64 s390x %define bigptrs -DPTRSIZE_64BIT %endif # The workdir is used in the build system for ISC dhcp, we set it to this # value to avoid any problems guessing what it might be during installation. %define workdir work.linux-2.2 # The vendor name to append to the version number %define vvendor Fedora Summary: DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server and relay agent Name: dhcp Version: 3.0.6 Release: 8%{?dist} Epoch: 12 License: ISC Group: System Environment/Daemons URL: http://isc.org/products/DHCP/ Source0: ftp://ftp.isc.org/isc/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: dhcpd.conf.sample Source2: dhcpd.init Source3: dhcrelay.init Source4: dhcpd.conf Source5: libdhcp4client.pc Source6: README.ldap Source7: draft-ietf-dhc-ldap-schema-01.txt Source8: dhcpd-conf-to-ldap Source9: linux Source10: Makefile.dist Source11: dhcp4client.h Source12: libdhcp_control.h Patch0: %{name}-3.0.5-Makefile.patch Patch1: %{name}-3.0.5-warnings.patch Patch2: %{name}-3.0.5-errwarn-message.patch Patch3: %{name}-3.0.5-ldap-configuration.patch Patch4: %{name}-3.0.6-memory.patch Patch5: %{name}-3.0.6-options.patch Patch6: %{name}-3.0.5-release-by-ifup.patch Patch7: %{name}-3.0.5-dhclient-decline-backoff.patch Patch8: %{name}-3.0.5-enable-timeout-functions.patch Patch9: %{name}-3.0.5-inherit-leases.patch Patch10: %{name}-3.0.5-unicast-bootp.patch Patch11: %{name}-3.0.5-fast-timeout.patch Patch12: %{name}-3.0.5-failover-ports.patch Patch13: %{name}-3.0.6-dhclient-usage.patch Patch14: %{name}-3.0.5-default-requested-options.patch Patch15: %{name}-3.0.5-prototypes.patch Patch16: %{name}-3.0.6-manpages.patch Patch17: %{name}-3.0.6-libdhcp4client.patch Patch18: %{name}-3.0.6-xen-checksum.patch Patch19: %{name}-3.0.5-dhclient-anycast.patch Patch20: %{name}-3.0.6-ignore-hyphen-x.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: groff openldap-devel Requires(post): /sbin/chkconfig Requires(preun): /sbin/chkconfig Requires(preun): /sbin/service Requires(postun): /sbin/service %description DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a protocol which allows individual devices on an IP network to get their own network configuration information (IP address, subnetmask, broadcast address, etc.) from a DHCP server. The overall purpose of DHCP is to make it easier to administer a large network. The dhcp package includes the ISC DHCP service and relay agent. To use DHCP on your network, install a DHCP service (or relay agent), and on clients run a DHCP client daemon. The dhcp package provides the ISC DHCP service and relay agent. %package -n dhclient Summary: Provides the dhclient ISC DHCP client daemon and dhclient-script Group: System Environment/Base Requires: initscripts >= 6.75 Obsoletes: dhcpcd <= 1.3.22pl1-7 Provides: dhcpcd = 1.3.22pl1-8 %description -n dhclient DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a protocol which allows individual devices on an IP network to get their own network configuration information (IP address, subnetmask, broadcast address, etc.) from a DHCP server. The overall purpose of DHCP is to make it easier to administer a large network. To use DHCP on your network, install a DHCP service (or relay agent), and on clients run a DHCP client daemon. The dhclient package provides the ISC DHCP client daemon. %package devel Summary: Development headers and libraries for interfacing to the DHCP server Group: Development/Libraries Requires: dhcp = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} %description devel Header files and API documentation for using the ISC DHCP libraries. %package static Summary: Static archives of libdhcpctl and libomapi Group: Development/Libraries Requires: dhcp-devel = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}, openldap-devel %description static The dhcp-static package contains the static archive for libdhcpctl and libomapi. %package -n libdhcp4client Summary: ISC DHCP IPv4 client in a library for invocation from other programs Group: Development/Libraries %description -n libdhcp4client The Internet Software Consortium (ISC) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) client software in a library suitable for linkage with and invocation by other programs. %package -n libdhcp4client-devel Summary: Header files for development with the ISC DHCP IPv4 client library Group: Development/Libraries Requires: libdhcp4client = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Requires: openldap-devel pkgconfig %description -n libdhcp4client-devel Header files for development with the Internet Software Consortium (ISC) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) client library. %package -n libdhcp4client-static Summary: Static archive for libdhcp4client Group: Development/Libraries Requires: libdhcp4client-devel = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} %description -n libdhcp4client-static The libdhcp4client-static package contains the static archive for libdhcp4client. %prep %setup -q # Add vendor to the version number %{__sed} -e 's|V%{version}|V%{version}-%{vvendor}|g' includes/version.h > includes/version.h.new %{__mv} includes/version.h.new includes/version.h # Use $(MAKE) and $(CC) in the Makefiles %patch0 -p1 -b .Makefile # Fix up anything that fails -Wall -Werror %patch1 -p1 -b .warnings # Replace the standard ISC warning message about requesting help with an # explanation that this is a patched build of ISC DHCP and bugs should be # reported through bugzilla.redhat.com %patch2 -p1 -b .message # Add support for dhcpd.conf data in LDAP %patch3 -p1 -b .ldap # Fix memory alignment and initialization problems in common/packet.c # Fix buffer overflow in minires library # Init struct sock_prog in common/lpf.c to NULL %patch4 -p1 -b .memory # Add more dhclient options (-I, -B, -H, -F, -T, -V, and -R) %patch5 -p1 -b .options # Handle releasing interfaces requested by /sbin/ifup # pid file is assumed to be /var/run/dhclient-$interface.pid %patch6 -p1 -b .release # If we receive a DHCP offer in dhclient and it's DECLINEd in dhclient-script, # backoff for an amount of time before trying again %patch7 -p1 -b .decline # Enable cancel_all_timeouts() and relinquish_timeouts() regardless of # the DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAKAGE_ON_EXIT macro %patch8 -p1 -b .etf # Inherit active leases %patch9 -p1 -b .inherit # Support unicast BOOTP for IBM pSeries systems (and maybe others) %patch10 -p1 -b .unicast # Fast timeout for dhclient %patch11 -p1 -b .fast # Use the following IANA-registered failover ports: # dhcp-failover 647/tcp # dhcp-failover 647/udp # dhcp-failover 847/tcp # dhcp-failover 847/udp %patch12 -p1 -b .failover # Update the usage screen for dhclient(8) indicating new options # Use printf() rather than log_info() to display the information # Also, return EXIT_FAILURE when the usage() screen is displayed (stop parsing) %patch13 -p1 -b .usage # Add NIS domain, NIS servers, and NTP servers to the list of default # requested DHCP options %patch14 -p1 -b .dho # Add missing prototypes to take care of gcc warnings # in dst/dst_api.c: add b64_pton() and b64_ntop() # in includes/minires/minires.h: remove macro for b64_pton # in minires/res_mkupdate.c: add b64_pton() and dn_comp() # in minires/res_comp.c: add ns_name_uncompress(), ns_name_compress(), and # ns_name_skip() # in minires/res_init.c: add res_randomid() %patch15 -p1 -b .prototypes # Man page updates explaining new features added from the above patches. # Normally these man page changes would be included in the feature patch, # however, man page changes generate more hunk failures when applying only # a select set of patches. Instead, the man page changes are grouped # together in one patch so changes can be made to just those more easily # and not affect the code changes in the other patches. It's actually # pretty common to update or alter these man pages independent of the code # changes. %patch16 -p1 -b .manpages # Add the libdhcp4client target (library version of dhclient) %patch17 -p1 -b .libdhcp4client # Handle Xen partial UDP checksums %patch18 -p1 -b .xen # Add anycast support to dhclient (for OLPC) %patch19 -p1 -b .anycast # Ignore the old extended new option info command line switch (-x) %patch20 -p1 -b .enoi # Copy in documentation and example scripts for LDAP patch to dhcpd %{__install} -p -m 0644 %SOURCE6 . %{__install} -p -m 0644 %SOURCE7 doc %{__install} -p -m 0755 %SOURCE8 contrib # Copy in the Fedora/RHEL dhclient script %{__install} -p -m 0755 %SOURCE9 client/scripts # Copy in the libdhcp4client headers and Makefile.dist %{__mkdir} -p libdhcp4client %{__install} -p -m 0644 %SOURCE10 libdhcp4client %{__install} -p -m 0644 %SOURCE11 libdhcp4client %{__install} -p -m 0644 %SOURCE12 libdhcp4client # Ensure we don't pick up Perl as a dependency from the scripts and modules # in the contrib directory (we copy this to /usr/share/doc in the final # package). %{__cp} -a contrib __fedora_contrib %{__chmod} -x __fedora_contrib/3.0b1-lease-convert %{__chmod} -x __fedora_contrib/dhcpd-conf-to-ldap %{__mv} __fedora_contrib/ms2isc/Registry.pm __fedora_contrib/ms2isc/Registry.perlmodule # We want UNIX-style line endings %{__sed} -i -e 's/\r//' __fedora_contrib/ms2isc/readme.txt %{__sed} -i -e 's/\r//' __fedora_contrib/ms2isc/Registry.perlmodule %{__sed} -i -e 's/\r//' __fedora_contrib/ms2isc/ms2isc.pl %build %{__cp} %SOURCE1 . %{__cat} < site.conf VARDB=%{_localstatedir}/lib/dhcpd ADMMANDIR=%{_mandir}/man8 FFMANDIR=%{_mandir}/man5 LIBMANDIR=%{_mandir}/man3 USRMANDIR=%{_mandir}/man1 LIBDIR=%{_libdir} INCDIR=%{_includedir} EOF %{__cat} <> includes/site.h #define _PATH_DHCPD_DB "%{_localstatedir}/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases" #define _PATH_DHCLIENT_DB "%{_localstatedir}/lib/dhclient/dhclient.leases" EOF # Disable gcc's strict aliasing since ISC code tends to cast a lot. ## ## Use -fvisibility=hidden for libdhcp4client. The way that library is ## constructed, we need to follow the hide-by-default/expose-what-we-need ## plan for the library API. #COPTS="-fPIC -Werror -Dlint -fno-strict-aliasing -fvisibility=hidden" COPTS="-fPIC -Werror -Dlint -fno-strict-aliasing" # DO NOT use the %%configure macro because this configure script is not autognu CC="%{__cc}" ./configure \ --copts "$RPM_OPT_FLAGS $COPTS %{?bigptrs}" \ --work-dir %{workdir} %{__sed} 's/@DHCP_VERSION@/%{version}/' < %SOURCE5 > libdhcp4client.pc %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} CC="%{__cc}" %install %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig %{__make} install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_initrddir} %{__install} -p -m 0755 %SOURCE2 %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}/dhcpd touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/dhclient/ %{__cat} < %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/dhcpd # Command line options here DHCPDARGS= EOF %{__install} -p -m 0755 %SOURCE3 %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}/dhcrelay %{__cat} < %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/dhcrelay # Command line options here INTERFACES="" DHCPSERVERS="" EOF # Copy sample dhclient.conf file into position %{__cp} -p client/dhclient.conf dhclient.conf.sample %{__chmod} 0755 %{buildroot}/sbin/dhclient-script # Install default (empty) dhcpd.conf: %{__cp} -fp %SOURCE4 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir} %{__install} -p -m 0644 -D libdhcp4client.pc %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libdhcp4client.pc # Sources files can't be symlinks for debuginfo package generation find %{workdir} -type l | while read f; do %{__rm} -f linkderef %{__cp} $f linkderef %{__rm} -f $f %{__mv} linkderef $f done %clean %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %post # This adds the proper /etc/rc*.d links for the script /sbin/chkconfig --add dhcpd /sbin/chkconfig --add dhcrelay %preun if [ $1 = 0 ]; then /sbin/service dhcpd stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || : /sbin/service dhcrelay stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || : /sbin/chkconfig --del dhcpd /sbin/chkconfig --del dhcrelay fi %postun if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; then /sbin/service dhcpd condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 || : /sbin/service dhcrelay condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 || : fi %post -n libdhcp4client -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libdhcp4client -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc README README.ldap RELNOTES dhcpd.conf.sample doc/IANA-arp-parameters %doc doc/IANA-arp-parameters doc/api+protocol doc/*.txt __fedora_contrib %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/dhcpd %verify(not size md5 mtime) %config(noreplace) %{_localstatedir}/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/dhcpd %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/dhcrelay %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/dhcpd.conf %{_initrddir}/dhcpd %{_initrddir}/dhcrelay %{_bindir}/omshell %{_sbindir}/dhcpd %{_sbindir}/dhcrelay %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man1/omshell.1.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man5/dhcpd.conf.5.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man5/dhcpd.leases.5.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man8/dhcpd.8.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man8/dhcrelay.8.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man5/dhcp-options.5.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man5/dhcp-eval.5.gz %files -n dhclient %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc dhclient.conf.sample %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/dhclient /sbin/dhclient /sbin/dhclient-script %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man5/dhclient.conf.5.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man5/dhclient.leases.5.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man8/dhclient.8.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man8/dhclient-script.8.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man5/dhcp-options.5.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man5/dhcp-eval.5.gz %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_includedir}/dhcpctl.h %{_includedir}/isc-dhcp %{_includedir}/omapip %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man3/omshell.3.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man3/dhcpctl.3.gz %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man3/omapi.3.gz %files static %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_libdir}/libdhcpctl.a %{_libdir}/libomapi.a %files -n libdhcp4client %defattr(0755,root,root,0755) %{_libdir}/libdhcp4client-%{version}.so.* %files -n libdhcp4client-devel %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{_includedir}/dhcp4client %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libdhcp4client.pc %{_libdir}/libdhcp4client.so %files -n libdhcp4client-static %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{_libdir}/libdhcp4client.a %changelog * Mon Oct 08 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.6-8 - Init script fixes (#320761) - Removed linux.dbus-example script since we aren't using dhcdbd now - Remove dhcdbd leftovers from dhclient-script (#306381) * Wed Sep 26 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.6-7 - In dhcp.conf.5, explain that if no next-server statement applies to the requesting client, the address is used (#184484). * Wed Sep 26 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.6-6 - Init script fixes for dhcpd and dhcrelay (#278601) * Mon Sep 10 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.6-5 - Fix typos in ldap.c and correct LDAP macros (#283391) * Tue Sep 04 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.6-4 - Do not override manually configured NTP servers in /etc/ntp.conf (#274761) * Wed Aug 15 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.6-3 - Remove the -x switch enabling extended new option info. If given to dhclient now, it's ignored. * Wed Jul 18 2007 Florian La Roche - 12:3.0.6-2 - use a new macro name vendor -> vvendor to not overwrite the RPMTAG_VENDOR setting * Tue Jul 10 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.6-1 - Upgrade to ISC dhcp-3.0.6 - Remove the -TERM option from killproc command (#245317) * Wed Jun 20 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-37 - For init script functions, echo new line after OK or FAIL msg (#244956) * Fri Jun 15 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-36 - BOOTP_BROADCAST_ALWAYS is not the same as ATSFP, fixed - Added anycast mac support to dhclient for OLPC * Tue May 22 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-35 - Disable -fvisibility=hidden for now as it breaks dhcpv4_client() from the shared library (#240804) * Thu Apr 26 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-34 - Init script fixes (#237985, #237983) - Reference correct scripts in dhclient-script.8 man page (#238036) * Fri Apr 20 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-33 - Rename -devel-static packages to -static (#225691) * Tue Apr 17 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-32 - Added missing newline on usage() screen in dhclient * Thu Apr 12 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-31 - Spec file cleanups (#225691) - Put libdhcpctl.a and libomapi.a in dhcp-devel-static package - Put libdhcp4client.a in libdhcp4client-devel-static package * Wed Apr 11 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-30 - Enable Xen patch again, kernel bits present (#231444) * Tue Apr 10 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-29 - Spec file cleanups (#225691) * Mon Apr 09 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-28 - Remove Xen patch (#235649, from RHEL-5, doesn't work correctly for Fedora) * Sun Apr 01 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-27 - Ensure that Perl and Perl modules are not added as dependencies (#234688) - Reorganize patches by feature/bug per packaging guidelines (#225691) - Move the following files from patches to source files: linux.dbus-example, linux, Makefile.dist, dhcp4client.h, libdhcp_control.h - Compile with -fno-strict-aliasing as ISC coding standards generally don't agree well with gcc 4.x.x * Wed Mar 21 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-26 - Fix formatting problems in dhclient man page (#233076). * Mon Mar 05 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-25 - Man pages need 0644 permissions (#222572) * Thu Mar 01 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-24 - Include contrib/ subdirectory in /usr/share/doc (#230476) - Added back Requires for perl since dhcpd-conf-to-ldap needs it (#225691) - Put copies of dhcp-options and dhcp-eval man pages in the dhcp and dhclient packages rather than having the elaborate symlink collection - Explicitly name man pages in the %%files listings - Use the %%{_sysconfdir} and %%{_initrddir} macros (#225691) - Use macros for commands in %%build and %%install - Split README.ldap, draft-ietf-dhc-ldap-schema-01.txt, and dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl out of the LDAP patch - Split linux.dbus-example script out of the extended new option info patch - Remove unnecessary changes from the Makefile patch * Wed Feb 28 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-23 - Update Xen partial checksums patch - Remove perl Requires (#225691) - Make dhcp-devel depend on dhcp = e:v-r (#225691) - libdhcp4client-devel Requires pkgconfig (#225691) - Do not add to RPM_OPT_FLAGS, use COPTS variable instead (#225691) - Use %%{buildroot} macro instead of RPM_BUILD_ROOT variable (#225691) - Preserve timestamps on all installed data files (#225691) - Remove dhcp-options.5.gz and dhcp-eval.5.gz symlinking in post (#225691) - Use %%defattr(-,root,root,-) (#225691) - Do not flag init scripts as %%config in %%files section (#225691) * Tue Feb 27 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-22 - Change license field to say ISC * Sat Feb 17 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-21 - Obsoletes dhcpcd <= 1.3.22 (#225691) * Fri Feb 16 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-20 - Review cleanups (#225691) * Fri Feb 09 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-19 - Require openldap-devel on dhcp-devel and libdhcp4client-devel packages * Thu Feb 08 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-18 - Fix libdhcp4client visibility _again_ (#198496) * Thu Feb 08 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-17 - Remove period from summary line (package review) - Use preferred BuildRoot (package review) * Sun Feb 04 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-16 - Disable xen-checksums patch for now as it breaks dhclient (#227266) - Updated fix-warnings patch * Sun Feb 04 2007 David Woodhouse - 12:3.0.5-15 - Fix broken file reading due to LDAP patch * Fri Feb 02 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-14 - Only export the symbols we want in libdhcp4client (#198496) * Wed Jan 31 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-13 - Add support for dhcpd(8) to read dhcpd.conf from an LDAP server (#224352) - Remove invalid ja_JP.eucJP man pages from /usr/share/doc * Wed Jan 31 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-12 - Rebuild * Tue Jan 30 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-11 - Remove FORTIFY_SOURCE=0 leftovers from testing last week (whoops) * Tue Jan 30 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-10 - Fix Xen networking problems with partial checksums (#221964) * Mon Jan 29 2007 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-9 - Remove dhcptables.pl from the source package - Mark libres.a symbols hidden (#198496) - Set DT_SONAME on libdhcp4client to libdhcp4client-VERSION.so.0 - Make function definition for dst_hmac_md5_init() match the prototype * Wed Nov 29 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-8 - Roll md5 patch in to libdhcp4client patch since it's related - Do not overwrite /etc/ntp/step-tickers (#217663) - Resolves: rhbz#217663 * Wed Nov 22 2006 Peter Jones - 12:3.0.5-7 - Build the MD5 functions we link against. * Thu Nov 16 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-6 - Set permission of libdhcp4client.so.1 to 0755 (#215910) * Tue Nov 14 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-5 - Do not link res_query.o in to libdhcp4client (#215501) * Mon Nov 13 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-4 - Enable relinquish_timeouts() and cancel_all_timeouts() even when DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAKAGE_ON_EXIT is not defined - Add prototypes for b64_pton() and b64_ntop in dst/ - Move variable declarations and labels around in the fix-warnings patch - Expand the list of objects needed for libdhcp4client (#215328) - Use libres.a in libdhcp4client since it gives correct minires objects - Remove the dhcp options table in C, Perl, Python, and text format (these were reference files added to /usr/share/doc) * Mon Nov 13 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-3 - Remove struct universe *universe from envadd_state in the client patch - Add struct universe *universe to envadd_state in the enoi patch - Add example dbusified dhclient-script in the enoi patch * Fri Nov 10 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-2 - Change the way libdhcp4client is compiled (patch main source, create new Makefile rather than copy and patch code after main patches) - Fix up problems generating compiler warnings - Use 'gcc' for making dependencies - Pass -fPIC instead of -fpie/-fPIE in compiler flags - Combine the extended new option info changes in to one patch file (makes it easier for outside projects that want to use dhcdbd and NetworkManager) * Tue Nov 07 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.5-1 - Upgrade to ISC dhcp-3.0.5 * Fri Oct 27 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.4-24 - Put typedef for dhcp_state_e before it's used in libdhcp_control.h (#212612) - Remove dhcpctl.3 from minires/Makefile.dist because it's in dhcpctl - Remove findptrsize.c and just set compiler flag for ppc64 and s390x * Sat Oct 14 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.4-23 - Remove NODEBUGINFO junk from the spec file as well as old/unused code - Rolled all 68 patches in to one patch since more than half of them get overridden by later patches anyway. * Fri Oct 13 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.4-22 - Send usage() screen in dhclient to stdout rather than the syslog (#210524) * Mon Sep 11 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.4-21 - Rebuild (#205505) * Fri Aug 18 2006 Jesse Keating - 12:3.0.4-20 - rebuilt with latest binutils to pick up 64K -z commonpagesize on ppc* (#203001) * Thu Aug 17 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.4-19 - Fix mkdir problem in libdhcp4client.Makefile * Thu Aug 17 2006 David Cantrell - 12:3.0.4-18 - Fix dhclient on s390x platform (#202911) * Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating - 12:3.0.4-17.1 - rebuild * Wed Jun 28 2006 Peter Jones - 12:3.0.4-17 - export timeout cancellation functions in libdhcp4client * Wed Jun 28 2006 Florian La Roche - 12:3.0.4-16 - add proper coreutils requires for the scripts * Thu Jun 22 2006 Peter Jones - 12:3.0.4-15 - Make timeout dispatch code not recurse while traversing a linked list, so it doesn't try to free an entries that have been removed. (bz #195723) - Don't patch in a makefile, do it in the spec. * Thu Jun 08 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 12:3.0.4-14 - fix bug 191461: preserve ntp.conf local clock fudge statements - fix bug 193047: both dhcp and dhclient need to ship common man-pages: dhcp-options(5) dhcp-eval(5) * Tue May 30 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 12:3.0.4-12 - Make -R option take effect in per-interface client configs * Fri May 26 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 12:3.0.4-10 - fix bug 193047: allow $METRIC to be specified for dhclient routes - add a '-R ' dhclient argument * Fri May 26 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 12:3.0.4-8.1 - fix a libdhcp4client memory leak (1 strdup) and fill in client->packet.siaddr before bind_lease() for pump nextServer option. * Fri May 19 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 12:3.0.4-8 - Make libdhcp4client a versioned .so (BZ 192146) * Wed May 17 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 12:3.0.4-4 - Enable libdhcp4client build * Tue May 16 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 12:3.0.4-2 - Fix bug 191470: prevent dhcpd writing 8 byte dhcp-lease-time option in packets on 64-bit platforms * Sun May 14 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 12:3.0.4-2 - Add the libdhcp4client library package for use by the new libdhcp package, which enables dhclient to be invoked by programs in a single process from the library. The normal dhclient code is unmodified by this. * Mon May 08 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 12:3.0.4-2 - Add new dhclient command line argument: -V * Sat May 06 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 12:3.0.4-1 - Upgrade to upstream version 3.0.4, released Friday 2006-05-05 . - Add new dhclient command line arguments: -H : parse as dhclient.conf 'send host-name "";' -F : parse as dhclient.conf 'send fqdn.fqdn "";' -T : parse as dhclient.conf 'timeout ;' * Thu Mar 02 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-26 - fix bug 181908: enable dhclient to operate on IBM zSeries z/OS linux guests: o add -I dhclient command line option o add -B "always broadcast" dhclient command line option o add 'bootp-broadcast-always;' dhclient.conf statement * Mon Feb 20 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-24 - Apply upstream fix for bug 176615 / ISC RT#15811 * Tue Feb 14 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-22 - fix bug 181482: resolv.conf not updated on RENEW : since dhcp-3.0.1rc12-RHScript.patch: "$new_domain_servers" should have been "$new_domain_name_servers" :-( * Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating - 11:3.0.3-21.1.1 - bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64) * Mon Feb 06 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-21.1 - Rebuild for new gcc, glibc and glibc-kernheaders * Sun Jan 22 2006 Dan Williams - 11:3.0.3-21 - Fix dhclient-script to use /bin/dbus-send now that all dbus related binaries are in /bin rather than /usr/bin * Mon Jan 16 2006 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-20 - fix bug 177845: allow client ip-address as default router - fix bug 176615: fix DDNS update when Windows-NT client sends host-name with trailing nul * Tue Dec 20 2005 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-18 - fix bug 176270: allow routers with an octet of 255 in their IP address * Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating - rebuilt * Mon Dec 05 2005 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-16 - fix gcc 4.1 compile warnings (-Werror) * Fri Nov 19 2005 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-12 - fix bug 173619: dhclient-script should reconfig on RENEW if subnet-mask, broadcast-address, mtu, routers, etc. have changed - apply upstream improvements to trailing nul options fix of bug 160655 * Tue Nov 15 2005 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-11 - Rebuild for FC-5 - fix bug 167028 - test IBM's unicast bootp patch (from xma@us.ibm.com) - fix bug 171312 - silence chkconfig error message if ypbind not installed - fix dhcpd.init when -cf arg given to dhcpd - make dhcpd init touch /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases, not /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases * Tue Oct 18 2005 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-10 - Allow dhclient route metrics to be specified with DHCP options: The dhcp-options(5) man-page states: 'option routers ... Routers should be listed in order of preference' and 'option static-routes ... are listed in descending order of priority' . No preference / priority could be set with previous dhclient-script . Now, dhclient-script provides: Default Gateway (option 'routers') metrics: Instead of allowing only one default gateway, if more than one router is specified in the routers option, routers following the first router will have a 'metric' of their position in the list (1,...N>1). Option static-routes metrics: If a target appears in the list more than once, routes for duplicate targets will have successively greater metrics, starting at 1. * Mon Oct 17 2005 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-8 - further fix for bug 160655 / ISC bug 15293 - upstream patch: do NOT always strip trailing nulls in the dhcpd server - handle static-routes option properly in dhclient-script : trailing 0 octets in the 'target' IP specify the class - ie ' w.x.y.z' specifies '172.16/16 via w.x.y.z'. * Fri Sep 23 2005 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-7 - fix bug 169164: separate /var/lib/{dhcpd,dhclient} directories - fix bug 167292: update failover port info in dhcpd.conf.5; give failover ports default values in server/confpars.c * Mon Sep 12 2005 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-6 - fix bug 167273: time-offset should not set timezone by default tzdata's Etc/* files are named with reverse sign for hours west - ie. 'GMT+5' is GMT offset -18000seconds. * Mon Aug 29 2005 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-4 - fix bug 166926: make dhclient-script handle interface-mtu option make dhclient-script support /etc/dhclient{,-$IF}-{up,down}-hooks scripts to allow easy customization to support other non-default DHCP options - documented in 'man 8 dhclient-script' . - handle the 'time-offset' DHCP option, requested by default. * Tue Aug 23 2005 Jason Vas Dias - 11:3.0.3-3 - fix bug 160655: strip trailing '\0' bytes from text options before append - fix gcc4 compiler warnings ; now compiles with -Werror - add RPM_OPT_FLAGS to link as suggested in gcc man-page on '-pie' option - change ISC version string to 'V3.0.3-RedHat' at request of ISC * Tue Aug 9 2005 Jeremy Katz - 11:3.0.3-2 - don't explicitly require 2.2 era kernel, it's fairly overkill at this point * Fri Jul 29 2005 Jason Vas Dias 11:3.0.3-1 - Upgrade to upstream version 3.0.3 - Don't apply the 'default boot file server' patch: legacy dhcp behaviour broke RFC 2131, which requires that the siaddr field only be non-zero if the next-server or tftp-server-name options are specified. - Try removing the 1-5 second wait on dhclient startup altogether. - fix bug 163367: supply default configuration file for dhcpd * Thu Jul 14 2005 Jason Vas Dias 10:3.0.3rc1-1 - Upgrade to upstream version 3.0.3rc1 - fix bug 163203: silence ISC blurb on configtest - fix default 'boot file server' value (packet->siaddr): In dhcp-3.0.2(-), this was defaulted to the server address; now it defaults to (a rather silly default!) and must be specified with the 'next-server' option (not the tftp-boot-server option ?!?) which causes PXE boot clients to fail to load anything after the boot file. * Fri Jul 08 2005 Jason Vas Dias 10:3.0.2-14.FC5 - Allow package to compile with glibc-headers-2.3.5-11 (tr.c's use of __u16) * Fri May 10 2005 Jason Vas Dias 10:3.0.2-14 - Fix bug 159929: prevent dhclient flooding network on repeated DHCPDECLINE - dhclient fast startup: remove dhclient's random 1-5 second delay on startup if only configuring one interface remove dhclient_script's "sleep 1" on PREINIT - fix new gcc-4.0.0-11 compiler warnings for binding_state_t * Tue May 03 2005 Jason Vas Dias 10:3.0.2-12 - Rebuild for new glibc - Fix dhcdbd set for multiple interfaces * Wed Apr 27 2005 Jason Vas Dias 10:3.0.2-11 - as pointed out by Peter Jones, dhclient-script spews - 'chkconfig: Usage' if run in init state 1 (runlevel returns "unknown".) - this is now corrected. * Mon Apr 25 2005 Jason Vas Dias 10:3.0.2-10 - dhclient-script dhcdbd extensions. - Tested to have no effect unless dhcdbd invokes dhclient. * Thu Apr 21 2005 Jason Vas Dias 10:3.0.2-9 - bugs 153244 & 155143 are now fixed with SELinux policy; autotrans now works for dhcpc_t, so restorecons are not required, and dhclient runs OK under dhcpc_t with SELinux enforcing. - fix bug 155506: 'predhclien' typo (emacs!). * Mon Apr 18 2005 Jason Vas Dias 10:3.0.2-8 - Fix bugs 153244 & 155143: o restore dhclient-script 'restorecon's o give dhclient and dhclient-script an exec context of 'system_u:object_r:sbin_t' that allows them to run domainname / hostname and to update configuration files in dhclient post script. - Prevent dhclient emitting verbose ISC 'blurb' on error exit in -q mode * Mon Apr 04 2005 Jason Vas Dias 10:3.0.2-7 - Add '-x' "extended option environment" dhclient argument: - When -x option given to dhclient: - dhclient enables arbitrary option processing by writing information - about user or vendor defined option space options to environment. - - fix bug 153244: dhclient should not use restorecon - fix bug 151023: dhclient no 'headers & libraries' - fix bug 149780: add 'DHCLIENT_IGNORE_GATEWAY' variable - remove all usage of /sbin/route from dhclient-script * Thu Mar 24 2005 Florian La Roche - add "exit 0" to post script * Mon Mar 07 2005 Jason Vas Dias - rebuild for gcc4/glibc-2.3.4-14; fix bad memset * Thu Feb 24 2005 Jason Vas Dias 10:3.0.2-2 - Fix bug 143640: do not allow more than one dhclient to configure an interface * Mon Feb 21 2005 Jason Vas Dias 10:3.0.2-1 - Upgrade to ISC 3.0.2 Final Release (documentation change only). * Tue Feb 14 2005 Jason Vas Dias 8:3.0.2rc3-8 - Add better execshield security link options - fix dhcpd.init when no /etc/dhcpd.conf exists and -cf in DHCPDARGS * Mon Feb 14 2005 Jason Vas Dias 8:3.0.2rc3-4 - make dhclient-script TIMEOUT mode do exactly the same configuration - as BOUND / RENEW / REBIND / REBOOT if router ping succeeds * Mon Feb 14 2005 Jason Vas Dias 3.0.2rc3-4 - fix bug 147926: dhclient-script should do restorecon for modified conf files - optimize execshield protection * Thu Feb 10 2005 Jason Vas Dias - fix bug 147375: dhcpd heap corruption on 32-bit 'subnet' masks - fix bug 147502: dhclient should honor GATEWAYDEV and GATEWAY settings - fix bug 146600: dhclient's timeout mode ping should use -I - fix bug 146524: dhcpd.init should discard dhcpd's initial output message - fix bug 147739: dhcpd.init configtest should honor -cf in DHCPDARGS * Mon Jan 24 2005 Jason Vas Dias 8:3.0.2rc3-2 - fix bug 145997: allow hex 32-bit integers in user specified options * Thu Jan 06 2005 Jason Vas Dias 8:3.0.2rc3-1 - still need an epoch to get past nvre test * Thu Jan 06 2005 Jason Vas Dias 3.0.2rc3-1 - fix bug 144417: much improved dhclient-script * Thu Jan 06 2005 Jason Vas Dias 3.0.2rc3-1 - Upgrade to latest release from ISC, which includes most of our - recent patches anyway. * Thu Jan 06 2005 Jason Vas Dias 7:3.0.1-17 - fix bug 144250: gcc-3.4.3-11 is broken : - log_error ("Lease with bogus binding state: %%d size: %%d", - comp -> binding_state, - sizeof(comp->binding_state)); - prints: 'Lease with bogus binding state: 257 1' ! - compiling with gcc33 (compat-gcc-8- fixes for now). * Mon Jan 03 2005 Jason Vas Dias 7:3.0.1-16 - fix bug 143704: dhclient -r does not work if lease held by - dhclient run from ifup . dhclient will now look for the pid - files created by ifup. * Wed Nov 17 2004 Jason Vas Dias 7:3.0.1-14 - NTP: fix bug 139715: merge in new ntp servers only rather than replace - all the ntp configuration files; restart ntpd if configuration changed. * Tue Nov 16 2004 Jason Vas Dias 7:3.0.1-12 - fix bug 138181 & bug 139468: do not attempt to listen/send on - unconfigured loopback, point-to-point or non-broadcast - interfaces (don't generate annoying log messages) - fix bug 138869: dhclient-script: check if '$new_routers' is - empty before doing 'set $new_routers;...;ping ... $1' * Wed Oct 06 2004 Jason Vas Dias 7:3.0.1-11 - dhcp-3.0.2b1 came out today. A diff of the 'ack_lease' function - Dave Hankins and I patched exposed a missing '!' on an if clause - that got dropped with the 'new-host' patch. Replacing the '!'. - Also found one missing host_dereference. * Wed Oct 06 2004 Jason Vas Dias 7:3.0.1-10 - clean-up last patch: new-host.patch adds host_reference(host) - without host_dereference(host) before returns in ack_lease - (dhcp-3.0.1-host_dereference.patch) * Mon Sep 27 2004 Jason Vas Dias 7:3.0.1-9 - Fix bug 133522: - PXE Boot clients with static leases not given 'file' option - 104 by server - PXE booting was disabled for 'fixed-address' - clients. * Fri Sep 10 2004 Jason Vas Dias 7:3.0.1-8 - Fix bug 131212: - If "deny booting" is defined for some group of hosts, - then after one of those hosts is denied booting, all - hosts are denied booting, because of a pointer not being - cleared in the lease record. - An upstream patch was obtained which will be in dhcp-3.0.2. * Mon Aug 16 2004 Jason Vas Dias 7:3.0.1-7 - Forward DNS update by client was disabled by a bug that I - found in code where 'client->sent_options' was being - freed too early. - Re-enabled it after contacting upstream maintainer - who confirmed that this was a bug (bug #130069) - - submitted patch dhcp-3.0.1.preserve-sent-options.patch. - Upstream maintainer informs me this patch will be in dhcp-3.0.2 . * Tue Aug 3 2004 Jason Vas Dias 6:3.0.1-6 - Allow 2.0 kernels to obtain default gateway via dhcp * Mon Aug 2 2004 Jason Vas Dias 5:3.0.1-5 - Invoke 'change_resolv_conf' function to change resolv.conf * Fri Jul 16 2004 Jason Vas Dias 3:3.0.1 - Upgraded to new ISC 3.0.1 version * Thu Jun 24 2004 Dan Walsh 1:3.0.1rc14-5 - Allow dhclient-script to continue without a config file. - It will use default values. * Wed Jun 23 2004 Dan Walsh 1:3.0.1rc14-4 - fix inherit-leases patch * Tue Jun 22 2004 Dan Walsh 1:3.0.1rc14-2 - Turn on inherit-leases patch * Tue Jun 22 2004 Dan Walsh 1:3.0.1rc14-1 - User kernelversion instead of uname-r - Update to latest package from ISC - Remove inherit-leases patch for now. * Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Thu Jun 10 2004 Dan Walsh 1:3.0.1rc13-1 - Update to latest package from ISC * Thu Jun 10 2004 Dan Walsh 1:3.0.1rc12-9 - add route back in after route up call * Wed Jun 9 2004 Dan Walsh 1:3.0.1rc12-8 - add alex's dhcp-3.0.1rc12-inherit-leases.patch patch * Tue Jun 8 2004 Bill Nottingham 1:3.0.1rc12-7 - set device on default gateway route * Mon May 17 2004 Thomas Woerner 1:3.0.1rc12-6 - compiling dhcpd PIE * Thu Mar 25 2004 Dan Walsh 1:3.0.1rc12-5 - Add static routes patch to dhclient-script * Wed Mar 25 2004 Dan Walsh 1:3.0.1rc12-4 - Fix init to check config during restart * Wed Mar 24 2004 Dan Walsh 1:3.0.1rc12-3 - Fix init script to create leases file if missing * Tue Mar 02 2004 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Fri Feb 13 2004 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Wed Jan 21 2004 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.20 - Fix initialization of memory to prevent compiler error * Mon Jan 5 2004 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.19 - Close leaseFile before exec, to fix selinux error message * Mon Dec 29 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.18 - Add BuildRequires groff - Replace resolv.conf if renew and data changes * Sun Nov 30 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.17 - Add obsoletes dhcpcd * Wed Oct 8 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.16 - Fix location of ntp driftfile * Fri Sep 5 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.15 - Bump Release * Fri Sep 5 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.14 - Add div0 patch * Wed Aug 20 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.13 - Add SEARCH to client script * Wed Aug 20 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.12 - Bump Release * Wed Aug 20 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.11 - Add configtest * Fri Aug 1 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.10 - increment for base * Fri Aug 1 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.9 - Don't update resolv.conf on renewals * Tue Jul 29 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.8 - increment for base * Tue Jul 29 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.7 - Fix name of driftfile * Tue Jul 29 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.6 - increment for base * Tue Jul 29 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.5 - Change dhcrelay script to check DHCPSERVERS * Mon Jul 7 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.4 - increment for base * Mon Jul 7 2003 Dan Walsh 1:3.0pl2-6.3 - Fix dhclient-script to support PEERNTP and PEERNIS flags. - patch submitted by aoliva@redhat.com * Sun Jun 8 2003 Tim Powers 1:3.0pl2-6.1 - add epoch to dhcp-devel versioned requires on dhcp - build for RHEL * Wed Jun 04 2003 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Tue May 27 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl2-5 - Fix memory leak in parser. * Mon May 19 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl2-4 - Change Rev for RHEL * Mon May 19 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl2-3 - Change example to not give out 255 address. * Tue Apr 29 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl2-2 - Change Rev for RHEL * Mon Apr 28 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl2-1 - upgrade to 3.0pl2 * Wed Mar 26 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-26 - add usage for dhcprelay -c - add man page for dhcprelay -c * Fri Mar 7 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-25 - Fix man dhcpd.conf man page * Tue Mar 4 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-24 - Fix man dhcpctl.3 page * Mon Feb 3 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-23 - fix script to handle ntp.conf correctly * Thu Jan 29 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-22 - Increment release to add to 8.1 * Wed Jan 29 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-21 - Implement max hops patch * Wed Jan 29 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-20 - It has now been decided to just have options within dhclient kit * Sun Jan 26 2003 Florian La Roche - add defattr() to have files not owned by root * Fri Jan 24 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-17 - require kernel version * Fri Jan 24 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-16 - move dhcp-options to separate package * Wed Jan 22 2003 Tim Powers - rebuilt * Thu Jan 9 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-15 - eliminate dhcp-options from dhclient in order to get errata out * Wed Jan 8 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-14 - VU#284857 - ISC DHCPD minires library contains multiple buffer overflows * Mon Jan 6 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-13 - Fix when ntp is not installed. * Mon Jan 6 2003 Dan Walsh 3.0pl1-12 - Fix #73079 (dhcpctl man page) * Thu Nov 14 2002 Elliot Lee 3.0pl1-11 - Use generic PTRSIZE_64BIT detection instead of ifarch. * Thu Nov 14 2002 Preston Brown 3.0pl1-10 - fix parsing of command line args in dhclient. It was missing a few. * Mon Oct 07 2002 Florian La Roche - work on 64bit archs * Wed Aug 28 2002 Elliot Lee 3.0pl1-9 - Fix #72795 * Mon Aug 26 2002 Elliot Lee 3.0pl1-8 - More #68650 (modify requested options) - Fix #71453 (dhcpctl man page) and #71474 (include libdst.a) and #72622 (hostname setting) * Thu Aug 15 2002 Elliot Lee 3.0pl1-7 - More #68650 (modify existing patch to also set NIS domain) * Tue Aug 13 2002 Elliot Lee 3.0pl1-6 - Patch102 (dhcp-3.0pl1-dhcpctlman-69731.patch) to fix #69731 * Tue Aug 13 2002 Elliot Lee 3.0pl1-5 - Patch101 (dhcp-3.0pl1-dhhostname-68650.patch) to fix #68650 * Fri Jul 12 2002 Elliot Lee 3.0pl1-4 - Fix unaligned accesses when decoding a UDP packet * Thu Jul 11 2002 Elliot Lee 3.0pl1-3 - No apparent reason for the dhclient -> dhcp dep mentioned in #68001, so removed it * Wed Jun 27 2002 David Sainty 3.0pl1-2 - Move dhclient.conf.sample from dhcp to dhclient * Mon Jun 25 2002 David Sainty 3.0pl1-1 - Change to dhclient, dhcp, dhcp-devel packaging - Move to 3.0pl1, do not strip binaries - Drop in sysconfig-enabled dhclient-script * Thu May 23 2002 Tim Powers - automated rebuild * Sat Jan 26 2002 Florian La Roche - prereq chkconfig * Tue Jan 22 2002 Elliot Lee 3.0-5 - Split headers/libs into a devel subpackage (#58656) * Wed Jan 09 2002 Tim Powers - automated rebuild * Fri Dec 28 2001 Elliot Lee 3.0-3 - Fix the #52856 nit. - Include dhcrelay scripts from #49186 * Thu Dec 20 2001 Elliot Lee 3.0-2 - Update to 3.0, include devel files installed by it (as part of the main package). * Sun Aug 26 2001 Elliot Lee 2.0pl5-8 - Fix #26446 * Mon Aug 20 2001 Elliot Lee - Fix #5405 for real - it is dhcpd.leases not dhcp.leases. * Mon Jul 16 2001 Elliot Lee - /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd - Include dhcp.leases file (#5405) * Sun Jun 24 2001 Elliot Lee - Bump release + rebuild. * Wed Feb 14 2001 Tim Waugh - Fix initscript typo (bug #27624). * Wed Feb 7 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød - Improve spec file i18n * Mon Feb 5 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - i18nize init script (#26084) * Sun Sep 10 2000 Florian La Roche - update to 2.0pl5 - redo buildroot patch * Wed Aug 30 2000 Matt Wilson - rebuild to cope with glibc locale binary incompatibility, again * Mon Aug 14 2000 Preston Brown - check for existence of /var/lib/dhcpd.leases in initscript before starting * Wed Jul 19 2000 Jakub Jelinek - rebuild to cope with glibc locale binary incompatibility * Sat Jul 15 2000 Bill Nottingham - move initscript back * Wed Jul 12 2000 Prospector - automatic rebuild * Fri Jul 7 2000 Florian La Roche - /etc/rc.d/init.d -> /etc/init.d - fix /var/state/dhcp -> /var/lib/dhcp * Fri Jun 16 2000 Preston Brown - condrestart for initscript, graceful upgrades. * Thu Feb 03 2000 Erik Troan - gzipped man pages - marked /etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcp as a config file * Mon Jan 24 2000 Jakub Jelinek - fix booting of JavaStations (reported by Pete Zaitcev ). - fix SIGBUS crashes on SPARC (apparently gcc is too clever). * Fri Sep 10 1999 Bill Nottingham - chkconfig --del in %%preun, not %%postun * Mon Aug 16 1999 Bill Nottingham - initscript munging * Fri Jun 25 1999 Jeff Johnson - update to 2.0. * Fri Jun 18 1999 Bill Nottingham - don't run by default * Wed Jun 2 1999 Jeff Johnson - update to 2.0b1pl28. * Tue Apr 06 1999 Preston Brown - strip binaries * Mon Apr 05 1999 Cristian Gafton - copy the source file in prep, not move * Sun Mar 21 1999 Cristian Gafton - auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 4) * Mon Jan 11 1999 Erik Troan - added a sample dhcpd.conf file - we don't need to dump rfc's in /usr/doc * Sun Sep 13 1998 Cristian Gafton - modify dhcpd.init to exit if /etc/dhcpd.conf is not present * Sat Jun 27 1998 Jeff Johnson - Upgraded to 2.0b1pl6 (patch1 no longer needed). * Thu Jun 11 1998 Erik Troan - applied patch from Chris Evans which makes the server a bit more paranoid about dhcp requests coming in from the wire * Mon Jun 01 1998 Erik Troan - updated to dhcp 2.0b1pl1 - got proper man pages in the package * Tue Mar 31 1998 Erik Troan - updated to build in a buildroot properly - don't package up the client, as it doens't work very well * Tue Mar 17 1998 Bryan C. Andregg - Build rooted and corrected file listing. * Mon Mar 16 1998 Mike Wangsmo - removed the actual inet.d links (chkconfig takes care of this for us) and made the %%postun section handle upgrades. * Mon Mar 16 1998 Bryan C. Andregg - First package.