#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. This copyrighted material # is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, copy, or # redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General # Public License v.2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # # Author: Jakub Krysl """dmpd_library.py: Complete library providing functionality for device-mapper-persistent-data upstream test.""" import platform from os.path import expanduser import re #regex import sys, os import subprocess import time import fileinput # TODO: Is this really necessary? Unlikely we will run into python2 in rawhide # again... from __future__ import print_function def _print(string): module_name = __name__ string = re.sub("DEBUG:", "DEBUG:("+ module_name + ") ", string) string = re.sub("FAIL:", "FAIL:("+ module_name + ") ", string) string = re.sub("FATAL:", "FATAL:("+ module_name + ") ", string) string = re.sub("WARN:", "WARN:("+ module_name + ") ", string) print(string) return def run(cmd, return_output=False, verbose=True, force_flush=False): """Run a command line specified as cmd. The arguments are: \tcmd (str): Command to be executed \tverbose: if we should show command output or not \tforce_flush: if we want to show command output while command is being executed. eg. hba_test run \treturn_output (Boolean): Set to True if want output result to be returned as tuple. Default is False Returns: \tint: Return code of the command executed \tstr: As tuple of return code if return_output is set to True """ #by default print command output if (verbose == True): #Append time information to command date = "date \"+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"" p = subprocess.Popen(date, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() stdout = stdout.rstrip("\n") _print("INFO: [%s] Running: '%s'..." % (stdout, cmd)) #enabling shell=True, because was the only way I found to run command with '|' if not force_flush: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() else: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) stdout = "" stderr = "" while p.poll() is None: new_data = p.stdout.readline() stdout += new_data if verbose: sys.stdout.write(new_data) sys.stdout.flush() retcode = p.returncode output = stdout + stderr #remove new line from last line output = output.rstrip() #by default print command output #if force_flush we already printed it if verbose == True and not force_flush: print(output) if return_output == False: return retcode else: return retcode, output def atomic_run(message, success=True, return_output=False, **kwargs): errors = kwargs.pop("errors") command = kwargs.pop("command") params = [] for a in kwargs: params.append(str(a) + " = " + str(kwargs[a])) params = ", ".join([str(i) for i in params]) _print("\nINFO: " + message + " with params %s" % params) if return_output: kwargs["return_output"] = True ret, output = command(**kwargs) else: ret = command(**kwargs) expected_break = {True: False, False: True} print("(Returned, Expected)") if command == run: expected_break = {True: 1, False: 0} if ret in expected_break: print(not expected_break[ret], success) else: print(ret, success) else: print(ret, success) if ret == expected_break[success]: error = "FAIL: " + message + " with params %s failed" % params _print(error) errors.append(error) sleep(0.2) if return_output: return output else: return ret def sleep(duration): """ It basically call sys.sleep, but as stdout and stderr can be buffered We flush them before sleep """ sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() time.sleep(duration) return def mkdir(new_dir): if os.path.isdir(new_dir): _print("INFO: %s already exist" % new_dir) return True cmd = "mkdir -p %s" % new_dir retcode, output = run(cmd, return_output=True, verbose=False) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: could create directory %s" % new_dir) print(output) return False return True def dist_release(): """ Find out the release number of Linux distribution. """ dist = platform.release() if not dist: _print("WARN: dist_release() - Could not determine dist release") return None return dist def dist_ver(): """ Check the Linux distribution version. """ release = dist_release() if not release: return None m = re.match("(\d+).\d+", release) if m: return int(m.group(1)) # See if it is only digits, in that case return it m = re.match("(\d+)", release) if m: return int(m.group(1)) _print("WARN: dist_ver() - Invalid release output %s" % release) return None def show_sys_info(): print("### Kernel Info: ###") ret, kernel = run ("uname -a", return_output=True, verbose=False) ret, taint_val = run("cat /proc/sys/kernel/tainted", return_output=True, verbose=False) print("Kernel version: %s" % kernel) print("Kernel tainted: %s" % taint_val) print("### IP settings: ###") run("ip a") if run("rpm -q device-mapper-multipath") == 0: #Abort test execution if multipath is not working well if run("multipath -l 2>/dev/null") != 0: print("WARN: Multipath is not configured correctly") return #Flush all unused multipath devices before starting the test run("multipath -F") run("multipath -r") def get_free_space(path): """ Get free space of a path. Path could be: \t/dev/sda \t/root \t./ """ if not path: return None cmd = "df -B 1 %s" % (path) retcode, output = run(cmd, return_output=True, verbose=False) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: get_free_space() - could not run %s" % (cmd)) print(output) return None fs_list = output.split("\n") # delete the header info del fs_list[0] if len(fs_list) > 1: #Could be the information was too long and splited in lines tmp_info = "".join(fs_list) fs_list[0] = tmp_info #expected order #Filesystem 1B-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on free_space_regex = re.compile("\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)") m = free_space_regex.search(fs_list[0]) if m: return int(m.group(1)) return None def size_human_2_size_bytes(size_human): """ Usage size_human_2_size_bytes(size_human) Purpose Convert human readable stander size to B Parameter size_human # like '1KiB' Returns size_bytes # like 1024 """ if not size_human: return None # make sure size_human is a string, could be only numbers, for example size_human = str(size_human) if not re.search("\d", size_human): # Need at least 1 digit return None size_human_regex = re.compile("([\-0-9\.]+)(Ki|Mi|Gi|Ti|Ei|Zi){0,1}B$") m = size_human_regex.match(size_human) if not m: if re.match("^\d+$", size_human): # Assume size is already in bytes return size_human _print("WARN: '%s' is an invalid human size format" % size_human) return None number = None fraction = 0 # check if number is fractional f = re.match("(\d+)\.(\d+)", m.group(1)) if f: number = int(f.group(1)) fraction = int(f.group(2)) else: number = int(m.group(1)) unit = m.group(2) if not unit: unit = 'B' for valid_unit in ['B', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']: if unit == valid_unit: if unit == 'B': # cut any fraction if was given, as it is not valid return str(number) return int(number + fraction) number *= 1024 fraction *= 1024 fraction /= 10 return int(number + fraction) def size_bytes_2_size_human(num): if not num: return None #Even if we receive string we convert so we can process it num = int(num) for unit in ['B','KiB','MiB','GiB','TiB','PiB','EiB','ZiB']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: size_human = "%3.1f%s" % (num, unit) #round it down removing decimal numbers size_human = re.sub("\.\d+", "", size_human) return size_human num /= 1024.0 #Very big number!! size_human = "%.1f%s" % (num, 'Yi') #round it down removing decimal numbers size_human = re.sub("\.\d+", "", size_human) return size_human def install_package(pack): """ Install a package "pack" via `yum install -y ` """ #Check if package is already installed ret, ver = run("rpm -q %s" % pack, verbose=False, return_output=True) if ret == 0: _print("INFO: %s is already installed (%s)" % (pack, ver)) return True if run("yum install -y %s" % pack) != 0: msg = "FAIL: Could not install %s" % pack _print(msg) return False _print("INFO: %s was successfully installed" % pack) return True def create_filesystem(vg_name, lv_name, filesystem="xfs"): if filesystem not in ["xfs", "ext4", "btrfs"]: _print("WARN: Unknown filesystem.") return False if run("mkfs.%s /dev/%s/%s" % (filesystem, vg_name, lv_name), verbose=True) != 0: _print("WARN: Could not create filesystem %s on %s/%s" % (filesystem, vg_name, lv_name)) return False return True def metadata_snapshot(vg_name, lv_name): if run("dmsetup suspend /dev/mapper/%s-%s-tpool" % (vg_name, lv_name), verbose=True) != 0: _print("WARN: Device mapper could not suspend /dev/mapper/%s-%s-tpool" % (vg_name, lv_name)) return False if run("dmsetup message /dev/mapper/%s-%s-tpool 0 reserve_metadata_snap" % (vg_name, lv_name), verbose=True) != 0: _print("WARN: Device mapper could not create metadata snaphot on /dev/mapper/%s-%s-tpool" % (vg_name, lv_name)) return False if run("dmsetup resume /dev/mapper/%s-%s-tpool" % (vg_name, lv_name), verbose=True) != 0: _print("WARN: Device mapper could not resume /dev/mapper/%s-%s-tpool" % (vg_name, lv_name)) return False return True class LogChecker: def __init__(self): segfault_msg = " segfault " calltrace_msg = "Call Trace:" self.error_mgs = [segfault_msg, calltrace_msg] def check_all(self): """Check for error on the system Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue is no error was found \t\tFalse if some error was found """ _print("INFO: Checking for error on the system") error = 0 if not self.kernel_check(): error += 1 if not self.abrt_check(): error += 1 if not self.messages_dump_check(): error += 1 if not self.dmesg_check(): error += 1 if not self.console_log_check(): error += 1 if not self.kdump_check(): error += 1 if error: log_messages = "/var/log/messages" if os.path.isfile(log_messages): print("submit %s, named messages.log" % log_messages) run("cp %s messages.log" % log_messages) run("rhts-submit-log -l messages.log") _print("INFO: Umounting NFS to avoid sosreport being hang there") run("umount /var/crash") ret_code = run("which sosreport", verbose=False) if ret_code != 0: _print("WARN: sosreport is not installed") _print("INFO: Mounting NFS again") run("mount /var/crash") return False print("Generating sosreport log") disable_plugin = "" if run("sosreport --list-plugins | grep emc") == 0: disable_plugin = "-n emc" ret_code, sosreport_log = run("sosreport --batch %s" % disable_plugin, return_output=True) if ret_code != 0: _print("WARN: sosreport command failed") _print("INFO: Mounting NFS again") run("mount /var/crash") return False sos_lines = sosreport_log.split("\n") sos_file = None for line in sos_lines: #In RHEL7 sosreport is saving under /var/tmp while RHEL6 uses /tmp... m = re.match(r"\s+((\/var)?\/tmp\/sosreport\S+)", line) if m: sos_file = m.group(1) if not sos_file: _print("WARN: could not save sosreport log") _print("INFO: Mounting NFS again") run("mount /var/crash") return False run("rhts-submit-log -l %s" % sos_file) _print("INFO: Mounting NFS again") run("mount /var/crash") return False return True @staticmethod def abrt_check(): """Check if abrtd found any issue Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue no error was found \t\tFalse some error was found """ _print("INFO: Checking abrt for error") if run("rpm -q abrt", verbose=False) != 0: _print("WARN: abrt tool does not seem to be installed") _print("WARN: skipping abrt check") return True if run("pidof abrtd", verbose=False) != 0: _print("WARN: abrtd is not running") return False ret, log = run("abrt-cli list", return_output=True) if ret != 0: _print("WARN: abrt-cli command failed") return False # We try to match for "Directory" to check if # abrt-cli list is actually listing any issue error = False if log: lines = log.split("\n") for line in lines: m = re.match(r"Directory:\s+(\S+)", line) if m: directory = m.group(1) filename = directory filename = filename.replace(":", "-") filename += ".tar.gz" run("tar cfzP %s %s" % (filename, directory)) run("rhts-submit-log -l %s" % filename) # if log is saved on beaker, it can be deleted from server # it avoids next test from detecting this failure run("abrt-cli rm %s" % directory) error = True if error: _print("WARN: Found abrt error") return False _print("PASS: no Abrt entry has been found.") return True @staticmethod def kernel_check(): """ Check if kernel got tainted. It checks /proc/sys/kernel/tainted which returns a bitmask. The values are defined in the kernel source file include/linux/kernel.h, and explained in kernel/panic.c cd /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`/ Sources are provided by kernel-devel Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if did not find any issue \t\tFalse if found some issue """ _print("INFO: Checking for tainted kernel") previous_tainted_file = "/tmp/previous-tainted" ret, tainted = run("cat /proc/sys/kernel/tainted", return_output=True) tainted_val = int(tainted) if tainted_val == 0: run("echo %d > %s" % (tainted_val, previous_tainted_file), verbose=False) _print("PASS: Kernel is not tainted.") return True _print("WARN: Kernel is tainted!") if not os.path.isfile(previous_tainted_file): run("echo 0 > %s" % previous_tainted_file, verbose=False) ret, prev_taint = run("cat %s" % previous_tainted_file, return_output=True) prev_taint_val = int(prev_taint) if prev_taint_val == tainted_val: _print("INFO: Kernel tainted has already been handled") return True run("echo %d > %s" % (tainted_val, previous_tainted_file), verbose=False) # check all bits that are set bit = 0 while tainted_val != 0: if tainted_val & 1: _print("\tTAINT bit %d is set\n" % bit) bit += 1 # shift tainted value tainted_val /= 2 # List all tainted bits that are defined print("List bit definition for tainted kernel") run("cat /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`/include/linux/kernel.h | grep TAINT_") found_issue = False # try to find the module which tainted the kernel, tainted module have a mark between '('')' ret, output = run("cat /proc/modules | grep -e '(.*)' | cut -d' ' -f1", return_output=True) tainted_mods = output.split("\n") # For example during iscsi async_events scst tool loads an unsigned module # just ignores it, so we will ignore this tainted if there is no tainted # modules loaded if not tainted_mods: _print("INFO: ignoring tainted as the module is not loaded anymore") else: ignore_modules = ["ocrdma", "nvme_fc", "nvmet_fc"] for tainted_mod in tainted_mods: if tainted_mod: _print("INFO: The following module got tainted: %s" % tainted_mod) run("modinfo %s" % tainted_mod) # we are ignoring ocrdma module if tainted_mod in ignore_modules: _print("INFO: ignoring tainted on %s" % tainted_mod) run("echo %d > %s" % (tainted_val, previous_tainted_file), verbose=False) continue found_issue = True run("echo %s > %s" % (tainted, previous_tainted_file), verbose=False) if found_issue: return False return True @staticmethod def _date2num(date): date_map = {"Jan": "1", "Feb": "2", "Mar": "3", "Apr": "4", "May": "5", "Jun": "6", "Jul": "7", "Aug": "8", "Sep": "9", "Oct": "10", "Nov": "11", "Dec": "12"} date_regex = r"(\S\S\S)\s(\d+)\s(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)" m = re.match(date_regex, date) month = date_map[m.group(1)] day = str(m.group(2)) # if day is a single digit, add '0' to begin if len(day) == 1: day = "0" + day hour = m.group(3) hour = hour.replace(":", "") value = month + day + hour return value @staticmethod def clear_dmesg(): cmd = "dmesg --clear" if dist_ver() < 7: cmd = "dmesg -c" run(cmd, verbose=False) return True def messages_dump_check(self): previous_time_file = "/tmp/previous-dump-check" log_msg_file = "/var/log/messages" if not os.path.isfile(log_msg_file): _print("WARN: Could not open %s" % log_msg_file) return True log_file = open(log_msg_file, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") log = log_file.read() begin_tag = "\\[ cut here \\]" end_tag = "\\[ end trace " if not os.path.isfile(previous_time_file): first_time = "Jan 01 00:00:00" time = self._date2num(first_time) run("echo %s > %s" % (time, previous_time_file)) # Read the last time test ran ret, last_run = run("cat %s" % previous_time_file, return_output=True) _print("INFO: Checking for stack dump messages after: %s" % last_run) # Going to search the file for text that matches begin_tag until end_tag dump_regex = begin_tag + "(.*?)" + end_tag m = re.findall(dump_regex, log, re.MULTILINE) if m: _print("INFO: Checking if it is newer than: %s" % last_run) print(m.group(1)) # TODO _print("PASS: No recent dump messages has been found.") return True def dmesg_check(self): """ Check for error messages on dmesg ("Call Trace and segfault") """ _print("INFO: Checking for errors on dmesg.") error = 0 for msg in self.error_mgs: ret, output = run("dmesg | grep -i '%s'" % msg, return_output=True) if output: _print("WARN: found %s on dmesg" % msg) run("echo '\nINFO found %s Saving it\n'>> dmesg.log" % msg) run("dmesg >> dmesg.log") run("rhts-submit-log -l dmesg.log") error = + 1 self.clear_dmesg() if error: return False _print("PASS: No errors on dmesg have been found.") return True def console_log_check(self): """ Checks for error messages on console log ("Call Trace and segfault") """ error = 0 console_log_file = "/root/console.log" prev_console_log_file = "/root/console.log.prev" new_console_log_file = "/root/console.log.new" if not os.environ.get('LAB_CONTROLLER'): _print("WARN: Could not find lab controller") return True if not os.environ.get('RECIPEID'): _print("WARN: Could not find recipe ID") return True lab_controller = os.environ['LAB_CONTROLLER'] recipe_id = os.environ['RECIPEID'] # get current console log url = "http://%s:8000/recipes/%s/logs/console.log" % (lab_controller, recipe_id) if (run("wget -q %s -O %s" % (url, new_console_log_file)) != 0): _print("INFO: Could not get console log") # return sucess if could not get console.log return True # if there was previous console log, we just check the new part run("diff -N -n --unidirectional-new-file %s %s > %s" % ( prev_console_log_file, new_console_log_file, console_log_file)) # backup the current full console.log # next time we run the test we will compare just # what has been appended to console.log run("mv -f %s %s" % (new_console_log_file, prev_console_log_file)) _print("INFO: Checking for errors on %s" % console_log_file) for msg in self.error_mgs: ret, output = run("cat %s | grep -i '%s'" % (console_log_file, msg), return_output=True) if output: _print("INFO found %s on %s" % (msg, console_log_file)) run("rhts-submit-log -l %s" % console_log_file) error = + 1 if error: return False _print("PASS: No errors on %s have been found." % console_log_file) return True @staticmethod def kdump_check(): """ Check for kdump error messages. It assumes kdump is configured on /var/crash """ error = 0 previous_kdump_check_file = "/tmp/previous-kdump-check" kdump_dir = "/var/crash" ret, hostname = run("hostname", verbose=False, return_output=True) if not os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (kdump_dir, hostname)): _print("INFO: No kdump log found for this server") return True ret, output = run("ls -l %s/%s | awk '{print$9}'" % (kdump_dir, hostname), return_output=True) kdumps = output.split("\n") kdump_dates = [] for kdump in kdumps: if kdump == "": continue # parse on the date, remove the ip of the uploader m = re.match(".*?-(.*)", kdump) if not m: _print("WARN: unexpected format for kdump (%s)" % kdump) continue date = m.group(1) # Old dump were using "." date = date.replace(r"\.", "-") # replace last "-" with space to format date properly index = date.rfind("-") date = date[:index] + " " + date[index + 1:] _print("INFO: Found kdump from %s" % date) kdump_dates.append(date) # checks if a file to store last run exists, if not create it if not os.path.isfile("%s" % previous_kdump_check_file): # time in seconds ret, time = run(r"date +\"\%s\"", verbose=False, return_output=True) run("echo -n %s > %s" % (time, previous_kdump_check_file), verbose=False) _print("INFO: kdump check is executing for the first time.") _print("INFO: doesn't know from which date should check files.") _print("PASS: Returning success.") return True # Read the last time test ran ret, previous_check_time = run("cat %s" % previous_kdump_check_file, return_output=True) # just add new line to terminal because the file should not have already new line character print("") for date in kdump_dates: # Note %% is escape form to use % in a string ret, kdump_time = run("date --date=\"%s\" +%%s" % date, return_output=True) if ret != 0: _print("WARN: Could not convert date %s" % date) continue if not kdump_time: continue if (int(kdump_time) > int(previous_check_time)): _print("WARN: Found a kdump log from %s (more recent than %s)" % (date, previous_check_time)) _print("WARN: Check %s/%s" % (kdump_dir, hostname)) error += 1 ret, time = run(r"date +\"\%s\"", verbose=False, return_output=True) run("echo -n %s > %s" % (time, previous_kdump_check_file), verbose=False) if error: return False _print("PASS: No errors on kdump have been found.") return True class TestClass: #we currently support these exit code for a test case tc_sup_status = {"pass" : "PASS: ", "fail" : "ERROR: ", "skip" : "SKIP: "} tc_pass = [] tc_fail = [] tc_skip = [] #For some reason it did not execute tc_results = [] #Test results stored in a list test_dir = "%s/.stqe-test" % expanduser("~") test_log = "%s/test.log" % test_dir def __init__(self): print("################################## Test Init ###################################") self.log_checker = LogChecker() if not os.path.isdir(self.test_dir): mkdir(self.test_dir) # read entries on test.log, there will be entries if tend was not called # before starting a TC class again, usually if the test case reboots the server if not os.path.isfile(self.test_log): #running the test for the first time show_sys_info() #Track memory usage during test run("free -b > init_mem.txt", verbose=False) run("top -b -n 1 > init_top.txt", verbose=False) else: try: f = open(self.test_log) file_data = f.read() f.close() except: _print("WARN: TestClass() could not read %s" % self.test_log) return finally: f.close() log_entries = file_data.split("\n") #remove the file, once tlog is ran it will add the entries again... run("rm -f %s" % (self.test_log), verbose=False) if log_entries: _print("INFO: Loading test result from previous test run...") for entry in log_entries: self.tlog(entry) print("################################################################################") return def tlog(self, string): """print message, if message begins with supported message status the test message will be added to specific test result array """ print(string) if re.match(self.tc_sup_status["pass"], string): self.tc_pass.append(string) self.tc_results.append(string) run("echo '%s' >> %s" % (string, self.test_log), verbose=False) if re.match(self.tc_sup_status["fail"], string): self.tc_fail.append(string) self.tc_results.append(string) run("echo '%s' >> %s" % (string, self.test_log), verbose=False) if re.match(self.tc_sup_status["skip"], string): self.tc_skip.append(string) self.tc_results.append(string) run("echo '%s' >> %s" % (string, self.test_log), verbose=False) return None @staticmethod def trun(cmd, return_output=False): """Run the cmd and format the log. return the exitint status of cmd The arguments are: \tCommand to run \treturn_output: if should return command output as well (Boolean) Returns: \tint: Command exit code \tstr: command output (optional) """ return run(cmd, return_output) def tok(self, cmd, return_output=False): """Run the cmd and expect it to pass. The arguments are: \tCommand to run \treturn_output: if should return command output as well (Boolean) Returns: \tBoolean: return_code \t\tTrue: If command excuted successfully \t\tFalse: Something went wrong \tstr: command output (optional) """ cmd_code = None ouput = None ret_code = None if not return_output: cmd_code = run(cmd) else: cmd_code, output = run(cmd, return_output) if cmd_code == 0: self.tpass(cmd) ret_code = True else: self.tfail(cmd) ret_code = False if return_output: return ret_code, output else: return ret_code def tnok(self, cmd, return_output=False): """Run the cmd and expect it to fail. The arguments are: \tCommand to run \treturn_output: if should return command output as well (Boolean) Returns: \tBoolean: return_code \t\tFalse: If command excuted successfully \t\tTrue: Something went wrong \tstr: command output (optional) """ cmd_code = None ouput = None ret_code = None if not return_output: cmd_code = run(cmd) else: cmd_code, output = run(cmd, return_output) if cmd_code != 0: self.tpass(cmd + " [exited with error, as expected]") ret_code = True else: self.tfail(cmd + " [expected to fail, but it did not]") ret_code = False if return_output: return ret_code, output else: return ret_code def tpass(self, string): """Will add PASS + string to test log summary """ self.tlog(self.tc_sup_status["pass"] + string) return None def tfail(self, string): """Will add ERROR + string to test log summary """ self.tlog(self.tc_sup_status["fail"] + string) return None def tskip(self, string): """Will add SKIP + string to test log summary """ self.tlog(self.tc_sup_status["skip"] + string) return None def tend(self): """It checks for error in the system and print test summary Returns: \tBoolean \t\tTrue if all test passed and no error was found on server \t\tFalse if some test failed or found error on server """ if self.log_checker.check_all(): self.tpass("Search for error on the server") else: self.tfail("Search for error on the server") print("################################ Test Summary ##################################") #Will print test results in order and not by test result order for tc in self.tc_results: print(tc) n_tc_pass = len(self.tc_pass) n_tc_fail = len(self.tc_fail) n_tc_skip = len(self.tc_skip) print("#############################") print("Total tests that passed: " + str(n_tc_pass)) print("Total tests that failed: " + str(n_tc_fail)) print("Total tests that skipped: " + str(n_tc_skip)) print("################################################################################") sys.stdout.flush() #Added this sleep otherwise some of the prints were not being shown.... sleep(1) run("rm -f %s" % (self.test_log), verbose=False) run("rmdir %s" % (self.test_dir), verbose=False) #If at least one test failed, return error if n_tc_fail > 0: return False return True class LoopDev: def __init__(self): self.image_path = "/tmp" @staticmethod def _get_loop_path(name): loop_path = name if "/dev/" not in name: loop_path = "/dev/" + name return loop_path @staticmethod def _get_image_file(name, image_path): image_file = "%s/%s.img" % (image_path, name) return image_file @staticmethod def _standardize_name(name): """ Make sure use same standard for name, for example remove /dev/ from it if exists """ if not name: _print("WARN: _standardize_name() - requires name as parameter") return None return name.replace("/dev/", "") def create_loopdev(self, name=None, size=1024): """ Create a loop device Parameters: \tname: eg. loop0 (optional) \tsize: Size in MB (default: 1024MB) """ ret_fail = False if not name: cmd = "losetup -f" retcode, output = run(cmd, return_output=True, verbose=False) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not find free loop device") print(output) return None name = output ret_fail = None name = self._standardize_name(name) fname = self._get_image_file(name, self.image_path) _print("INFO: Creating loop device %s with size %d" % (fname, size)) _print("INFO: Checking if %s exists" % fname) if not os.path.isfile(fname): # make sure we have enough space to create the file free_space_bytes = get_free_space(self.image_path) # Convert the size given in megabytes to bytes size_bytes = int(size_human_2_size_bytes("%sMiB" % size)) if free_space_bytes <= size_bytes: _print("WARN: Not enough space to create loop device with size %s" % size_bytes_2_size_human(size_bytes)) _print("available space: %s" % size_bytes_2_size_human(free_space_bytes)) return ret_fail _print("INFO: Creating file %s" % fname) # cmd = "dd if=/dev/zero of=%s seek=%d bs=1M count=0" % (fname, size) cmd = "fallocate -l %sM %s" % (size, fname) try: # We are just creating the file, not writting zeros to it retcode = run(cmd) if retcode != 0: _print("command failed with code %s" % retcode) _print("WARN: Could not create loop device image file") return ret_fail except OSError as e: print("command failed: ", e, file=sys.err) return ret_fail loop_path = self._get_loop_path(name) # detach loop device if it exists self.detach_loopdev(loop_path) # Going to associate the file to the loopdevice cmd = "losetup %s %s" % (loop_path, fname) retcode = run(cmd) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not create loop device") return ret_fail if ret_fail is None: return loop_path return True def delete_loopdev(self, name): """ Delete a loop device Parameters: \tname: eg. loop0 or /dev/loop0 """ if not name: _print("WARN: delete_loopdev() - requires name parameter") return False _print("INFO: Deleting loop device %s" % name) name = self._standardize_name(name) loop_path = self._get_loop_path(name) # detach loop device if it exists if not self.detach_loopdev(name): _print("WARN: could not detach %s" % loop_path) return False fname = self._get_image_file(name, self.image_path) if os.path.isfile(fname): cmd = "rm -f %s" % fname retcode = run(cmd) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not delete loop device %s" % name) return False # check if loopdev file is deleted as it sometimes remains if os.path.isfile(fname): _print("WARN: Deleted loop device file %s but it is still there" % fname) return False return True @staticmethod def get_loopdev(): # example of output on rhel-6.7 # /dev/loop0: [fd00]:396428 (/tmp/loop0.img) retcode, output = run("losetup -a | awk '{print$1}'", return_output=True, verbose=False) # retcode, output = run("losetup -l | tail -n +2", return_output=True, verbose=False) if (retcode != 0): _print("WARN: get_loopdev failed to execute") print(output) return None devs = None if output: devs = output.split("\n") # remove the ":" character from all devices devs = [d.replace(':', "") for d in devs] return devs def detach_loopdev(self, name=None): cmd = "losetup -D" if name: devs = self.get_loopdev() if not devs: # No device was found return False name = self._standardize_name(name) # Just try to detach if device is connected, otherwise ignore # print("INFO: Checking if ", loop_path, " exists, to be detached") dev_path = self._get_loop_path(name) if dev_path in devs: cmd = "losetup -d %s" % dev_path else: # if loop device does not exist just ignore it return True # run losetup -D or -d retcode = run(cmd) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not detach loop device") return False return True class LVM: ########################################### # VG section ########################################### @staticmethod def vg_query(verbose=False): """Query Volume Groups and return a dictonary with VG information for each VG. The arguments are: \tNone Returns: \tdict: Return a dictionary with VG info for each VG """ cmd = "vgs --noheadings --separator \",\"" retcode, output = run(cmd, return_output=True, verbose=verbose) if (retcode != 0): _print("INFO: there is no VGs") return None vgs = output.split("\n") # format of VG info: name #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree vg_info_regex = "\s+(\S+),(\S+),(\S+),(.*),(.*),(.*),(.*)$" vg_dict = {} for vg in vgs: m = re.match(vg_info_regex, vg) if not m: continue vg_info_dict = {"num_pvs": m.group(2), "num_lvs": m.group(3), "num_sn": m.group(4), # not sure what it is "attr": m.group(5), "vsize": m.group(6), "vfree": m.group(7)} vg_dict[m.group(1)] = vg_info_dict return vg_dict @staticmethod def vg_create(vg_name, pv_name, force=False, verbose=True): """Create a Volume Group. The arguments are: \tPV name Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ if not vg_name or not pv_name: _print("WARN: vg_create requires vg_name and pv_name") return False options = "" if force: options += "--force" cmd = "vgcreate %s %s %s" % (options, vg_name, pv_name) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if (retcode != 0): # _print("WARN: Could not create %s" % vg_name) return False return True def vg_remove(self, vg_name, force=False, verbose=True): """Delete a Volume Group. The arguments are: \tVG name \tforce (boolean) Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ if not vg_name: _print("WARN: vg_remove requires vg_name") return False vg_dict = self.vg_query() if vg_name not in vg_dict.keys(): _print("INFO: vg_remove - %s does not exist. Skipping..." % vg_name) return True options = "" if force: options += "--force" cmd = "vgremove %s %s" % (options, vg_name) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if (retcode != 0): return False return True ########################################### # LV section ########################################### @staticmethod def lv_query(options=None, verbose=False): """Query Logical Volumes and return a dictonary with LV information for each LV. The arguments are: \toptions: If not want to use default lvs output. Use -o for no default fields Returns: \tdict: Return a list with LV info for each LV """ # Use \",\" as separator, as some output might contain ',' # For example, lvs -o modules on thin device returns "thin,thin-pool" cmd = "lvs -a --noheadings --separator \\\",\\\"" # format of LV info: Name VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert lv_info_regex = "\s+(\S+)\",\"(\S+)\",\"(\S+)\",\"(\S+)\",\"(.*)\",\"(.*)\",\"(.*)\",\"(.*)\",\"(.*)\",\"(.*)\",\"(.*)\",\"(.*)$" # default parameters returned by lvs -a param_names = ["name", "vg_name", "attr", "size", "pool", "origin", "data_per", "meta_per", "move", "log", "copy_per", "convert"] if options: param_names = ["name", "vg_name"] # need to change default regex lv_info_regex = "\s+(\S+)\",\"(\S+)" parameters = options.split(",") for param in parameters: lv_info_regex += "\",\"(.*)" param_names.append(param) lv_info_regex += "$" cmd += " -o lv_name,vg_name,%s" % options retcode, output = run(cmd, return_output=True, verbose=verbose) if (retcode != 0): _print("INFO: there is no LVs") return None lvs = output.split("\n") lv_list = [] for lv in lvs: m = re.match(lv_info_regex, lv) if not m: _print("WARN: (%s) does not match lvs output format" % lv) continue lv_info_dict = {} for index in range(len(param_names)): lv_info_dict[param_names[index]] = m.group(index + 1) lv_list.append(lv_info_dict) return lv_list def lv_info(self, lv_name, vg_name, options=None, verbose=False): """ Show information of specific LV """ if not lv_name or not vg_name: _print("WARN: lv_info() - requires lv_name and vg_name as parameters") return None lvs = self.lv_query(options=options, verbose=verbose) if not lvs: return None for lv in lvs: if (lv["name"] == lv_name and lv["vg_name"] == vg_name): return lv return None @staticmethod def lv_create(vg_name, lv_name, options=(""), verbose=True): """Create a Logical Volume. The arguments are: \tVG name \tLV name \toptions Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ if not vg_name or not lv_name: _print("WARN: lv_create requires vg_name and lv_name") return False cmd = "lvcreate %s %s -n %s" % (" ".join(str(i) for i in options), vg_name, lv_name) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if (retcode != 0): # _print("WARN: Could not create %s" % lv_name) return False return True @staticmethod def lv_activate(lv_name, vg_name, verbose=True): """Activate a Logical Volume The arguments are: \tLV name \tVG name Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue in case of success \t\tFalse if something went wrong """ if not lv_name or not vg_name: _print("WARN: lv_activate requires lv_name and vg_name") return False cmd = "lvchange -ay %s/%s" % (vg_name, lv_name) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if (retcode != 0): _print("WARN: Could not activate LV %s" % lv_name) return False # Maybe we should query the LVs and make sure it is really activated return True @staticmethod def lv_deactivate(lv_name, vg_name, verbose=True): """Deactivate a Logical Volume The arguments are: \tLV name \tVG name Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue in case of success \t\tFalse if something went wrong """ if not lv_name or not vg_name: _print("WARN: lv_deactivate requires lv_name and vg_name") return False cmd = "lvchange -an %s/%s" % (vg_name, lv_name) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if (retcode != 0): _print("WARN: Could not deactivate LV %s" % lv_name) return False # Maybe we should query the LVs and make sure it is really deactivated return True def lv_remove(self, lv_name, vg_name, verbose=True): """Remove an LV from a VG The arguments are: \tLV name \tVG name Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue in case of success \t\tFalse if something went wrong """ if not lv_name or not vg_name: _print("WARN: lv_remove requires lv_name and vg_name") return False lvs = self.lv_query() lv_names = lv_name.split() for lv_name in lv_names: if not self.lv_info(lv_name, vg_name): _print("INFO: lv_remove - LV %s does not exist. Skipping" % lv_name) continue cmd = "lvremove --force %s/%s" % (vg_name, lv_name) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if (retcode != 0): _print("WARN: Could not remove LV %s" % lv_name) return False if self.lv_info(lv_name, vg_name): _print("INFO: lv_remove - LV %s still exists." % lv_name) return False return True @staticmethod def lv_convert(vg_name, lv_name, options, verbose=True): """Change Logical Volume layout. The arguments are: \tVG name \tLV name \toptions Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ if not options: _print("WARN: lv_convert requires at least some options specified.") return False if not lv_name or not vg_name: _print("WARN: lv_convert requires vg_name and lv_name") return False cmd = "lvconvert %s %s/%s" % (" ".join(options), vg_name, lv_name) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not convert %s" % lv_name) return False return True ########################################### # Config file ########################################### @staticmethod def get_config_file_path(): return "/etc/lvm/lvm.conf" def update_config(self, key, value): config_file = self.get_config_file_path() search_regex = re.compile("(\s*)%s(\s*)=(\s*)\S*" % key) for line in fileinput.input(config_file, inplace=1): m = search_regex.match(line) if m: line = "%s%s = %s" % (m.group(1), key, value) # print saves the line to the file # need to remove new line character as print will add it line = line.rstrip('\n') print(line) class DMPD: def __init__(self): self.lvm = LVM() def _get_devices(self): lv_list = self.lvm.lv_query() return lv_list @staticmethod def _get_active_devices(): cmd = "ls /dev/mapper/" retcode, output = run(cmd, return_output=True, verbose=False) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not find active dm devices") return False devices = output.split() return devices @staticmethod def _get_device_path(vg_name, lv_name): device_path = vg_name + "-" + lv_name if "/dev/mapper/" not in device_path: device_path = "/dev/mapper/" + device_path return device_path def _check_device(self, vg_name, lv_name): devices = self._get_devices() device_list = [x["name"] for x in devices] if lv_name not in device_list: _print("WARN: %s is not a device" % lv_name) return False for x in devices: if x["name"] == lv_name and x["vg_name"] == vg_name: _print("INFO: Found device %s in group %s" % (lv_name, vg_name)) return True return False def _activate_device(self, vg_name, lv_name): devices_active = self._get_active_devices() if vg_name + "-" + lv_name not in devices_active: ret = self.lvm.lv_activate(lv_name, vg_name) if not ret: _print("WARN: Could not activate device %s" % lv_name) return False _print("INFO: device %s was activated" % lv_name) _print("INFO: device %s is active" % lv_name) return True @staticmethod def _fallocate(_file, size, command_message): cmd = "fallocate -l %sM %s" % (size, _file) try: retcode = run(cmd) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Command failed with code %s." % retcode) _print("WARN: Could not create file to %s metadata to." % command_message) return False except OSError as e: print("command failed: ", e, file=sys.err) return False return True @staticmethod def get_help(cmd): commands = ["cache_check", "cache_dump", "cache_metadata_size", "cache_repair", "cache_restore", "era_check", "era_dump", "era_invalidate", "era_restore", "thin_check", "thin_delta", "thin_dump", "thin_ls", "thin_metadata_size", "thin_repair", "thin_restore", "thin_rmap", "thin_show_duplicates", "thin_trim"] if cmd not in commands: _print("WARN: Unknown command %s" % cmd) return False command = "%s -h" % cmd retcode = run(command, verbose=True) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not get help for %s." % cmd) return False return True @staticmethod def get_version(cmd): commands = ["cache_check", "cache_dump", "cache_metadata_size", "cache_repair", "cache_restore", "era_check", "era_dump", "era_invalidate", "era_restore", "thin_check", "thin_delta", "thin_dump", "thin_ls", "thin_metadata_size", "thin_repair", "thin_restore", "thin_rmap", "thin_show_duplicates", "thin_trim"] if cmd not in commands: _print("WARN: Unknown command %s" % cmd) return False command = "%s -V" % cmd retcode = run(command, verbose=True) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not get version of %s." % cmd) return False return True def _get_dev_id(self, dev_id, path=None, lv_name=None, vg_name=None): dev_ids = [] if path is None: retcode, data = self.thin_dump(source_vg=vg_name, source_lv=lv_name, formatting="xml", return_output=True) if not retcode: _print("WARN: Could not dump metadata from %s/%s" % (vg_name, lv_name)) return False data_lines = data.splitlines() for line in data_lines: blocks = line.split() for block in blocks: if not block.startswith("dev_"): continue else: dev_ids.append(int(block[8:-1])) else: with open(path, "r") as meta: for line in meta: blocks = line.split() for block in blocks: if not block.startswith("dev_"): continue else: dev_ids.append(int(block[8:-1])) if dev_id in dev_ids: return True return False @staticmethod def _metadata_size(source=None, lv_name=None, vg_name=None): if source is None: cmd = "lvs -a --units m" ret, data = run(cmd, return_output=True) if ret != 0: _print("WARN: Could not list LVs") data_line = data.splitlines() for line in data_line: cut = line.split() if not cut or lv_name != cut[0] and vg_name != cut[1]: continue cut = cut[3] cut = cut.split("m") size = float(cut[0]) cmd = "rm -f /tmp/meta_size" run(cmd) return int(size) _print("WARN: Could not find %s %s in lvs, setting size to 100m" % (lv_name, vg_name)) return 100 else: return int(os.stat(source).st_size) / 1000000 ########################################### # cache section ########################################### def cache_check(self, source_file=None, source_vg=None, source_lv=None, quiet=False, super_block_only=False, clear_needs_check_flag=False, skip_mappings=False, skip_hints=False, skip_discards=False, verbose=True): """Check cache pool metadata from either file or device. The arguments are: \tsource_file \tsource_vg VG name \tsource_lv LV name \tquiet Mute STDOUT \tsuper_block_only \tclear_needs_check_flag \tskip_mappings \tskip_hints \tskip_discards Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ options = "" if not source_file and (not source_vg or not source_lv): _print("WARN: cache_check requires either source_file OR source_vg and source_lv.") return False if not source_file: ret = self._check_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False ret = self._activate_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False device = self._get_device_path(source_vg, source_lv) else: if not os.path.isfile(source_file): _print("WARN: Source file is not a file.") return False device = source_file if quiet: options += "--quiet " if super_block_only: options += "--super-block-only " if clear_needs_check_flag: options += "--clear-needs-check-flag " if skip_mappings: options += "--skip-mappings " if skip_hints: options += "--skip-hints " if skip_discards: options += "--skip-discards " cmd = "cache_check %s %s" % (device, options) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not check %s metadata" % device) return False return True def cache_dump(self, source_file=None, source_vg=None, source_lv=None, output=None, repair=False, verbose=True, return_output=False): """Dumps cache metadata from device of source file to standard output or file. The arguments are: \tsource_file \tsource_vg VG name \tsource_lv LV name \toutput specify output xml file \treturn_output see 'Returns', not usable with output=True \trepair Repair the metadata while dumping it Returns: \tOnly Boolean if return_output False: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure \tBoolean and data if return_output True """ options = "" if return_output and output: _print("INFO: Cannot return to both STDOUT and file, returning only to file.") return_output = False if return_output: ret_fail = (False, None) else: ret_fail = False if not source_file and (not source_vg or not source_lv): _print("WARN: cache_dump requires either source_file OR source_vg and source_lv.") return ret_fail if not source_file: ret = self._check_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return ret_fail ret = self._activate_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return ret_fail device = self._get_device_path(source_vg, source_lv) else: if not os.path.isfile(source_file): _print("WARN: Source file is not a file.") return ret_fail device = source_file if output: if not os.path.isfile(output): size = self._metadata_size(source_file, source_lv, source_vg) ret = self._fallocate(output, size + 1, "dump") if not ret: return ret_fail options += "-o %s " % output if repair: options += "--repair" cmd = "cache_dump %s %s" % (device, options) if return_output: retcode, data = run(cmd, return_output=True, verbose=verbose) else: retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not dump %s metadata." % device) return ret_fail if return_output: return True, data return True def cache_repair(self, source_file=None, source_vg=None, source_lv=None, target_file=None, target_vg=None, target_lv=None, verbose=True): """Repairs cache metadata from source file/device to target file/device The arguments are: \tsource as either source_file OR source_vg and source_lv \ttarget as either target_file OR target_vg and target_lv Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ if not source_file and (not source_vg or not source_lv): _print("WARN: cache_repair requires either source_file OR source_vg and source_lv as source.") return False if not target_file and (not target_vg or not target_lv): _print("WARN: cache_repair requires either target_file OR target_vg and target_lv as target.") return False if not source_file: ret = self._check_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False ret = self._activate_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False source = self._get_device_path(source_vg, source_lv) else: if not os.path.isfile(source_file): _print("WARN: Source file is not a file.") return False source = source_file if not target_file: ret = self._check_device(target_vg, target_lv) if not ret: return False ret = self._activate_device(target_vg, target_lv) if not ret: return False target = self._get_device_path(target_vg, target_lv) else: if not os.path.isfile(target_file): size = self._metadata_size(source_file, source_lv, source_vg) ret = self._fallocate(target_file, size + 1, "repair") if not ret: return False target = target_file cmd = "cache_repair -i %s -o %s" % (source, target) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not repair metadata from %s to %s" % (source, target)) return False return True def cache_restore(self, source_file, target_vg=None, target_lv=None, target_file=None, quiet=False, metadata_version=None, omit_clean_shutdown=False, override_metadata_version=None, verbose=True): """Restores cache metadata from source xml file to target device/file The arguments are: \tsource_file Source xml file \ttarget as either target_file OR target_vg and target_lv \tquiet Mute STDOUT \tmetadata_version Specify metadata version to restore \tomit_clean_shutdown Disable clean shutdown \toverride_metadata_version DEBUG option to override metadata version without checking Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ options = "" if source_file is None: _print("WARN: cache_restore requires source file.") return False if not target_file and (not target_vg or not target_lv): _print("WARN: cache_restore requires either target_file OR target_vg and target_lv as target.") return False if not os.path.isfile(source_file): _print("WARN: Source file is not a file.") return False if not target_file: ret = self._check_device(target_vg, target_lv) if not ret: return False ret = self._activate_device(target_vg, target_lv) if not ret: return False target = self._get_device_path(target_vg, target_lv) else: if not os.path.isfile(target_file): size = self._metadata_size(source_file) ret = self._fallocate(target_file, size + 1, "restore") if not ret: return False target = target_file if quiet: options += "--quiet " if metadata_version: options += "--metadata-version %s " % metadata_version if omit_clean_shutdown: options += "--omit-clean-shutdown " if override_metadata_version: options += "--debug-override-metadata-version %s" % override_metadata_version cmd = "cache_restore -i %s -o %s %s" % (source_file, target, options) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not restore metadata from %s to %s" % (source_file, target)) return False return True ########################################### # thinp section ########################################### def thin_check(self, source_file=None, source_vg=None, source_lv=None, quiet=False, super_block_only=False, clear_needs_check_flag=False, skip_mappings=False, ignore_non_fatal_errors=False, verbose=True): """Check thin pool metadata from either file or device. The arguments are: \tsource_file \tsource_vg VG name \tsource_lv LV name \tquiet Mute STDOUT \tsuper_block_only \tclear_needs_check_flag \tskip_mappings \tignore_non_fatal_errors Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ options = "" if not source_file and (not source_vg or not source_lv): _print("WARN: thin_check requires either source_file OR source_vg and source_lv.") return False if not source_file: ret = self._check_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False ret = self._activate_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False device = self._get_device_path(source_vg, source_lv) else: if not os.path.isfile(source_file): _print("WARN: Source file is not a file.") return False device = source_file if quiet: options += "--quiet " if super_block_only: options += "--super-block-only " if clear_needs_check_flag: options += "--clear-needs-check-flag " if skip_mappings: options += "--skip-mappings " if ignore_non_fatal_errors: options += "--ignore-non-fatal-errors " cmd = "thin_check %s %s" % (device, options) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not check %s metadata" % device) return False return True def thin_ls(self, source_vg, source_lv, no_headers=False, fields=None, snapshot=False, verbose=True): """List information about thin LVs on thin pool. The arguments are: \tsource_vg VG name \tsource_lv LV name \tfields list of fields to output, default is all \tsnapshot If use metadata snapshot, able to run on live snapshotted pool Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ options = "" if not source_vg or not source_lv: _print("WARN: thin_ls requires source_vg and source_lv.") return False ret = self._check_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False ret = self._activate_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False device = self._get_device_path(source_vg, source_lv) if no_headers: options += "--no-headers " fields_possible = ["DEV", "MAPPED_BLOCKS", "EXCLUSIVE_BLOCKS", "SHARED_BLOCKS", "MAPPED_SECTORS", "EXCLUSIVE_SECTORS", "SHARED_SECTORS", "MAPPED_BYTES", "EXCLUSIVE_BYTES", "SHARED_BYTES", "MAPPED", "EXCLUSIVE", "TRANSACTION", "CREATE_TIME", "SHARED", "SNAP_TIME"] if fields is None: options += " --format \"%s\" " % ",".join([str(i) for i in fields_possible]) else: for field in fields: if field not in fields_possible: _print("WARN: Unknown field %s specified." % field) _print("INFO: Possible fields are: %s" % ", ".join([str(i) for i in fields_possible])) return False options += " --format \"%s\" " % ",".join([str(i) for i in fields]) if snapshot: options += "--metadata-snap" cmd = "thin_ls %s %s" % (device, options) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not list %s metadata" % device) return False return True def thin_dump(self, source_file=None, source_vg=None, source_lv=None, output=None, repair=False, formatting=None, snapshot=None, dev_id=None, skip_mappings=False, verbose=True, return_output=False): """Dumps thin metadata from device of source file to standard output or file. The arguments are: \tsource_file \tsource_vg VG name \tsource_lv LV name \toutput specify output xml file \treturn_output see 'Returns', not usable with output=True \trepair Repair the metadata while dumping it \tformatting Specify output format [xml, human_readable, custom='file'] \tsnapshot (Boolean/Int) Use metadata snapshot. If Int provided, specifies block number \tdev_id ID of the device Returns: \tOnly Boolean if return_output False: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure \tBoolean and data if return_output True """ options = "" if return_output and output: _print("INFO: Cannot return to both STDOUT and file, returning only to file.") return_output = False if return_output: ret_fail = (False, None) else: ret_fail = False if not source_file and (not source_vg or not source_lv): _print("WARN: thin_dump requires either source_file OR source_vg and source_lv.") return ret_fail if not source_file: ret = self._check_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return ret_fail ret = self._activate_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return ret_fail device = self._get_device_path(source_vg, source_lv) else: if not os.path.isfile(source_file): _print("WARN: Source file is not a file.") return ret_fail device = source_file if output: if not os.path.isfile(output): size = self._metadata_size(source_file, source_lv, source_vg) ret = self._fallocate(output, size + 1, "dump") if not ret: return ret_fail options += "-o %s " % output if repair: options += "--repair " if snapshot: if isinstance(snapshot, bool): options += "--metadata-snap " elif isinstance(snapshot, int): options += "--metadata-snap %s " % snapshot else: _print("WARN: Unknown snapshot value, use either Boolean or Int.") return ret_fail if formatting: if formatting in ["xml", "human_readable"]: options += "--format %s " % formatting elif formatting.startswith("custom="): if not os.path.isfile(formatting[8:-1]): _print("WARN: Specified custom formatting file is not a file.") return ret_fail options += "--format %s " % formatting else: _print("WARN: Unknown formatting specified, please use one of [xml, human_readable, custom='file'].") return ret_fail if dev_id: if isinstance(dev_id, int): if self._get_dev_id(dev_id, source_file, source_lv, source_vg): options += "--dev-id %s " % dev_id else: _print("WARN: Unknown dev_id value, device with ID %s does not exist." % dev_id) return ret_fail else: _print("WARN: Unknown dev_id value, must be Int.") return ret_fail if skip_mappings: options += "--skip-mappings " cmd = "thin_dump %s %s" % (device, options) if return_output: retcode, data = run(cmd, return_output=True, verbose=verbose) else: retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not dump %s metadata." % device) return ret_fail if return_output: return True, data return True def thin_restore(self, source_file, target_vg=None, target_lv=None, target_file=None, quiet=False, verbose=True): """Restores thin metadata from source xml file to target device/file The arguments are: \tsource_file Source xml file \ttarget as either target_file OR target_vg and target_lv \tquiet Mute STDOUT \tmetadata_version Specify metadata version to restore \tomit_clean_shutdown Disable clean shutdown \toverride_metadata_version DEBUG option to override metadata version without checking Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ options = "" if source_file is None: _print("WARN: thin_restore requires source file.") return False if not target_file and (not target_vg or not target_lv): _print("WARN: thin_restore requires either target_file OR target_vg and target_lv as target.") return False if not os.path.isfile(source_file): _print("WARN: Source file is not a file.") return False if not target_file: ret = self._check_device(target_vg, target_lv) if not ret: return False ret = self._activate_device(target_vg, target_lv) if not ret: return False target = self._get_device_path(target_vg, target_lv) else: if not os.path.isfile(target_file): size = self._metadata_size(source_file) ret = self._fallocate(target_file, size + 1, "restore") if not ret: return False target = target_file if quiet: options += "--quiet" cmd = "thin_restore -i %s -o %s %s" % (source_file, target, options) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not restore metadata from %s to %s" % (source_file, target)) return False return True def thin_repair(self, source_file=None, source_vg=None, source_lv=None, target_file=None, target_vg=None, target_lv=None, verbose=True): """Repairs thin metadata from source file/device to target file/device The arguments are: \tsource as either source_file OR source_vg and source_lv \ttarget as either target_file OR target_vg and target_lv Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ if not source_file and (not source_vg or not source_lv): _print("WARN: thin_repair requires either source_file OR source_vg and source_lv as source.") return False if not target_file and (not target_vg or not target_lv): _print("WARN: thin_repair requires either target_file OR target_vg and target_lv as target.") return False if not source_file: ret = self._check_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False ret = self._activate_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False source = self._get_device_path(source_vg, source_lv) else: if not os.path.isfile(source_file): _print("WARN: Source file is not a file.") return False source = source_file if not target_file: ret = self._check_device(target_vg, target_lv) if not ret: return False ret = self._activate_device(target_vg, target_lv) if not ret: return False target = self._get_device_path(target_vg, target_lv) else: if not os.path.isfile(target_file): size = self._metadata_size(source_file, source_lv, source_vg) ret = self._fallocate(target_file, size + 1, "repair") if not ret: return False target = target_file cmd = "thin_repair -i %s -o %s" % (source, target) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not repair metadata from %s to %s" % (source, target)) return False return True def thin_rmap(self, region, source_file=None, source_vg=None, source_lv=None, verbose=True): """Output reverse map of a thin provisioned region of blocks from metadata device. The arguments are: \tsource_vg VG name \tsource_lv LV name Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ if not source_file and (not source_vg or not source_lv): _print("WARN: thin_rmap requires either source_file OR source_vg and source_lv as source.") return False if not source_file: ret = self._check_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False ret = self._activate_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False device = self._get_device_path(source_vg, source_lv) else: if not os.path.isfile(source_file): _print("WARN: Source file is not a file.") return False device = source_file regions = region.split(".") try: int(regions[0]) if regions[1] != '': raise ValueError int(regions[2]) if regions[3] is not None: raise ValueError except ValueError: _print("WARN: Region must be in format 'INT..INT'") return False except IndexError: pass # region 1..-1 must be valid, using usigned 32bit ints if int(regions[0]) & 0xffffffff >= int(regions[2]) & 0xffffffff: _print("WARN: Beginning of the region must be before its end.") return False options = "--region %s" % region cmd = "thin_rmap %s %s" % (device, options) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not output reverse map from %s metadata device" % device) return False return True def thin_trim(self, target_vg, target_lv, force=True, verbose=True): """Issue discard requests for free pool space. The arguments are: \ttarget_vg VG name \ttarget_lv LV name \tforce suppress warning message and disable prompt, default True Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ options = "" if force: options += " --pool-inactive" if not target_vg or not target_lv: _print("WARN: thin_trim requires target_vg and target_lv.") return False ret = self._check_device(target_vg, target_lv) if not ret: return False ret = self._activate_device(target_vg, target_lv) if not ret: return False device = self._get_device_path(target_vg, target_lv) cmd = "thin_trim %s %s" % (device, options) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not discard free pool space on device %s." % device) return False return True def thin_delta(self, thin1, thin2, source_file=None, source_vg=None, source_lv=None, snapshot=False, verbosity=False, verbose=True): """Print the differences in the mappings between two thin devices.. The arguments are: \tsource_vg VG name \tsource_lv LV name \tthin1 numeric identificator of first thin volume \tthin2 numeric identificator of second thin volume \tsnapshot (Boolean/Int) Use metadata snapshot. If Int provided, specifies block number \tverbosity Provide extra information on the mappings Returns: \tBoolean: \t\tTrue if success \t'tFalse in case of failure """ options = "" if not source_file and (not source_vg or not source_lv): _print("WARN: thin_delta requires either source_file OR source_vg and source_lv.") return False if not source_file: ret = self._check_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False ret = self._activate_device(source_vg, source_lv) if not ret: return False device = self._get_device_path(source_vg, source_lv) else: if not os.path.isfile(source_file): _print("WARN: Source file is not a file.") return False device = source_file if snapshot: if isinstance(snapshot, bool): options += "--metadata-snap " elif isinstance(snapshot, int): options += "--metadata-snap %s " % snapshot else: _print("WARN: Unknown snapshot value, use either Boolean or Int.") return False if verbosity: options += "--verbose" if self._get_dev_id(thin1, source_file, source_lv, source_vg) and \ self._get_dev_id(thin2, source_file, source_lv, source_vg): cmd = "thin_delta %s --thin1 %s --thin2 %s %s" % (options, thin1, thin2, device) retcode = run(cmd, verbose=verbose) if retcode != 0: _print("WARN: Could not get differences in mappings between two thin LVs.") return False else: _print("WARN: Specified ID does not exist.") return False return True