Add 0111-RH-dont-show-pg-timeout.patch * The kernel doesn't support pg_timeout, so multipath shouldn't bother to display it Add 0112-RHBZ-1194917-add-config_dir-option.patch * multipath will now also read its configuration from files with the .conf suffix in the directory specified by config_dir which defaults to /etc/multipath/conf.d Add 0113-RHBZ-1194917-cleanup.patch * cleanup some unnecessary code Add 0114-RHBZ-1196394-delayed-reintegration.patch * Add "delay_watch_checks" and "delay_wait_checks" options to delay reintegration of flakey paths. Add 0115-RHBZ-1198418-fix-double-free.patch * multipath was freeing the multipath alias twice if it failed to create the multipath device. Add 0116-UPBZ-1188179-dell-36xxi.patch * new builtin configurations. Add 0117-RHBZ-1198424-autodetect-clariion-alua.patch * configure multipath to automatically detect alua settings on clariion devices.
32 lines
1006 B
32 lines
1006 B
libmultipath/hwtable.c | 2 ++
multipath.conf.defaults | 2 ++
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
Index: multipath-tools-130222/libmultipath/hwtable.c
--- multipath-tools-130222.orig/libmultipath/hwtable.c
+++ multipath-tools-130222/libmultipath/hwtable.c
@@ -272,6 +272,8 @@ static struct hwentry default_hw[] = {
.checker_name = EMC_CLARIION,
.prio_name = PRIO_EMC,
.prio_args = NULL,
+ .retain_hwhandler = RETAIN_HWHANDLER_ON,
+ .detect_prio = DETECT_PRIO_ON,
.vendor = "EMC",
Index: multipath-tools-130222/multipath.conf.defaults
--- multipath-tools-130222.orig/multipath.conf.defaults
+++ multipath-tools-130222/multipath.conf.defaults
@@ -261,6 +261,8 @@
# failback immediate
# rr_weight "uniform"
# no_path_retry 60
+# retain_attached_hw_handler yes
+# detect_prio yes
# }
# device {
# vendor "EMC"