Add 0102-RHBZ-1160478-mpathconf-template.patch
* mpathconf no longer copies the default config template for the
docs directory. It simply writes the template itself.
Resolves: bz# 1160478
Modify multipath.conf
* remove getuid_callout example
Re-add 0050-RH-listing-speedup.patch
Add 0081-RHBZ-1066264-check-prefix-on-rename.patch
* make multipath check the prefix on kpartx partitions during rename, and
copy the existing behaviour
Add 0082-UPBZ-1109995-no-sync-turs-on-pthread_cancel.patch
* If async tur checker fails on threads, don't retry with the sync version
Add 0083-RHBZ-1080055-orphan-paths-on-reload.patch
* Fix case where pathlist wasn't getting updated properly
Add 0084-RHBZ-1110000-multipath-man.patch
* fix errors in multipath man page
Add 0085-UPBZ-1110006-datacore-config.patch
* Add support for DataCore Virtual Disk
Add 0086-RHBZ-1110007-orphan-path-on-failed-add.patch
* If multipathd fails to add path correctly, it now fully orphans the path
Add 0087-RHBZ-1110013-config-error-checking.patch
* Improve multipath.conf error checking.
Add 0088-RHBZ-1069811-configurable-prio-timeout.patch
* checker_timeout now adjusts the timeouts of the prioritizers as well.
Add 0089-RHBZ-1110016-add-noasync-option.patch
* Add a new defaults option, "force_sync", that disables the async mode
of the path checkers. This is for cases where to many parallel checkers
hog the cpu
Add 0090-UPBZ-1080038-reorder-paths-for-round-robin.patch
* make multipathd order paths for better throughput in round-robin mode
Add 0091-RHBZ-1069584-fix-empty-values-fast-io-fail-and-dev-loss.patch
* check for null pointers in configuration reading code.
Add 0092-UPBZ-1104605-reload-on-rename.patch
* Reload table on rename if necessary
Add 0093-UPBZ-1086825-user-friendly-name-remap.patch
* Keep existing user_friend_name if possible
Add 0094-RHBZ-1086825-cleanup-remap.patch
* Cleanup issues with upstream patch
Add 0095-RHBZ-1127944-xtremIO-config.patch
* Add support for EMC ExtremIO devices
Add 0096-RHBZ-979474-new-wildcards.patch
* Add N, n, R, and r path wildcards to print World Wide ids
Add 0097-RH-fix-coverity-errors.patch
* Fix a number of unterminated strings and memory leaks on failure
Add 0098-UPBZ-1067171-mutipath-i.patch
* Add -i option to ignore wwids file when checking for valid paths
Add 0099-RH-add-all-devs.patch
* Add new devices config option all_devs. This makes the configuration
overwrite the specified values in all builtin configs
Add 0100-RHBZ-1067171-multipath-i-update.patch
* make -i work correctly with find_multipaths
Add 0101-RH-adapter-name-wildcard.patch
* Add 'a' path wildcard to print adapter name
Modify 0076-RHBZ-1056686-add-hw_str_match.patch
* free temporary memory used during configuration
Add 0078-RHBZ-1054044-fix-mpathconf-manpage.patch
* fix typo
Add 0079-RHBZ-1070581-add-wwid-option.patch
* add multipath option "-a". To add a device's wwid to the wwids file
Add 0080-RHBZ-1075796-cmdline-wwid.patch
* add multipath option "-A" to add wwids specified by the kernel
command line mapth.wwid options.
Add 0074-RHBZ-1056976-dm-mpath-rules.patch
* Add rules to keep from doing work in udev if there are no
active paths, or if the event was for a multipath device
reloading its table due to a path change.
Add 0075-RHBZ-1056976-reload-flag.patch
* multipath code to identify reloads that the new rules can
Add 0076-RHBZ-1056686-add-hw_str_match.patch
* add a new default config paramter, "hw_str_match", to make user
device configs only overwrite builtin device configs if the
identifier strings match exactly, like the default in RHEL6.
Modify 0072-RHBZ-1039199-check-loop-control.patch
* only call close on the /dev/loop-control fd the open succeeds
Add 0073-RH-update-build-flags.patch
* fix print call to work with -Werror=format-security compile flag
Add 0072-RHBZ-1039199-check-loop-control.patch
* Make kpartx use LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE and loop-control to find a free
loop device. This will autoload the loop module.
Add 0067-RHBZ-1022899-fix-udev-partition-handling.patch
* Make sure to wipe partition devices on change event if they weren't
wiped on the device add event
Add 0068-RHBZ-1034578-label-partition-devices.patch
* Make sure that partition devices are labeled like the whole device
Add 0069-UPBZ-1033791-improve-rdac-checker.patch
* Use RTPG data in RDAC checker
Add 0070-RHBZ-1036503-blacklist-td-devs.patch
Add 0071-RHBZ-1031546-strip-dev.patch
* make multipathd interactive commands able to handle /dev/<devnode>
instead of just <devnode>
Add 0063-RH-fix-warning.patch
* Fix complier warning
* make multipath create a timestamp file /run/multipathd/timestamp, and
add -T<timestamp>:<valid> option to shortcut processing if the
timestamp hasn't changed
Add 0061-RH-display-find-mpaths.patch
* display the find_multipaths value in show config
Add 0062-RH-dont-free-vecs.patch
* don't free the vecs structure on shutdown. It's more pain than
it's worth.
Modify 0015-RH-fix-output-buffer.patch
* Fix memory leak
Add 0048-RH-print-defaults.patch
Add 0049-RH-remove-ID_FS_TYPE.patch
* remove ID_FS_TYPE udev enviroment variable for multipath devices
Add 0051-UP-fix-cli-resize.patch
* check before dereferencing variables
Add 0052-RH-fix-bad-derefs.patch
* setup multipath free the multipath device when it fails, so don't keep
using it.
Add 0053-UP-fix-failback.patch
* setting failback in the devices section was broken
Add 0054-UP-keep-udev-ref.patch
* multipathd needs to keep the same udev object across reconfigures
Add 0055-UP-handle-quiesced-paths.patch
* quiesced paths should be treated as down
Add 0056-UP-alua-prio-fix.patch
* Don't count the preferred bit for paths that are active/optimized
Add 0057-UP-fix-tmo.patch
* Cleanup how multipath sets dev_loss_tmo and fast_io_fail_tmo. Also
make multipath get changing values directly from sysfs, instead of
from udev, which caches them.
Add 0058-UP-fix-failback.patch
* make failback print the default value when you show configs.
Add 0059-UP-flush-failure-queueing.patch
* If you can't flush a multipath device, restore the queue_if_no_paths
Add 0060-UP-uevent-loop-udev.patch
* make ueventloop grab it's own udev reference, since it is cancelled
Add 0044-RHBZ-976688-fix-wipe-wwids.patch
* Seek back to the start of the file after truncating it
Add 0045-RHBZ-977297-man-page-fix.patch
* update man page to match actual defaults
Add 0046-RHBZ-883981-move-udev-rules.patch
* move udev rules file from /lib to /usr/lib
Resolves: bz #883981, #976688, #977297
Add 0038-RHBZ-799860-netapp-config.patch
Add 0039-RH-detect-prio-fix.patch
* Don't autodetect ALUA prioritizer unless it actually can get a priority
Add 0040-RH-bindings-fix.patch
* Do a better job of trying to get the first free user_friendly_name
Add 0041-RH-check-for-erofs.patch
* Don't create/reload a device read-only unless doing it read/write fails
with EROFS
Remove 0017-RH-fix-sigusr1.patch
* fix signal handling upstream way instead
Add 0042-UP-fix-signal-handling.patch
* uxlsnr now handles all the signals sent to multipathd. This makes its
signal handling posix compliant, and harder to mess up.
Add 0043-RH-signal-waiter.patch
* ioctl isn't a pthread cancellation point. Send a signal to the waiter
thread to break out of waiting in ioctl for a dm event.
Add 0032-RHBZ-956464-mpathconf-defaults.patch
* fix defaults listed in usage
Add 0033-RHBZ-829963-e-series-conf.patch
Add 0034-RHBZ-851416-mpathconf-display.patch
* display whether or not multipathd is running in the status
Add 0035-RHBZ-891921-list-mpp.patch
* add a new path format wilcard to list the multipath device associated
with a path
Add 0036-RHBZ-949239-load-multipath-module.patch
* load the dm-multipath kernel module when multipathd starts
Add 0037-RHBZ-768873-fix-rename.patch
* When deciding on a multipth devices name on reload, don't default to
the existing name if there is no config file alias and user_friendly_names
isn't set. Use the wwid.
Modify multipath.conf
Resolves: bz #768873, #950252
Add 0031-RHBZ-957188-kpartx-use-dm-name.patch
* use the basename of the devices that will be created to choose the
delimiter instead of using the device name from the command line
Resolves: bz #957188
Add 0026-fix-checker-time.patch
* Once multipathd hit it max checker interval, it was reverting to
to shortest checker interval
Add 0027-RH-get-wwid.patch
* Multipath wasn't correctly setting the multipath wwid when it read devices
in from the kernel
Add 0028-RHBZ-929078-refresh-udev-dev.patch
* Make multipath try to get the UID of down devices. Also, on ev_add_path,
make multipathd reinitialize existing devices that weren't fully
initialized before.
Add 0021-RHBZ-919119-respect-kernel-cmdline.patch
* keep the multipath.rules udev file from running and multipathd from
starting if nompath is on the kernel command line
Add 0022-RH-multipathd-check-wwids.patch
* Whenever multipath runs configure, it will check the wwids, and
add any missing ones to the wwids file
Add 0023-RH-multipath-wipe-wwid.patch
* multipath's -w command will remove a wwid from the wwids file
Add 0024-RH-multipath-wipe-wwids.patch
* multipath's -W command will set reset the wwids file to just the current
Add 0025-UPBZ-916668_add_maj_min.patch
Resolves: bz #919119
Updated to latest upstrem 0.4.9 code: multipath-tools-130222
(git commit id: 67b82ad6fe280caa1770025a6bb8110b633fa136)
Refresh 0001-RH-dont_start_with_no_config.patch
Modify 0002-RH-multipath.rules.patch
Modify 0003-RH-Make-build-system-RH-Fedora-friendly.patch
Refresh 0004-RH-multipathd-blacklist-all-by-default.patch
Refresh 0005-RH-add-mpathconf.patch
Refresh 0006-RH-add-find-multipaths.patch
Add 0008-RH-revert-partition-changes.patch
Rename 0008-RH-RHEL5-style-partitions.patch to
Rename 0009-RH-dont-remove-map-on-enomem.patch to
Rename 0010-RH-deprecate-uid-gid-mode.patch to
Rename 0013-RH-kpartx-msg.patch to 0012-RH-kpartx-msg.patch
Rename 0035-RHBZ-883981-cleanup-rpmdiff-issues.patch to
Rename 0039-RH-handle-other-sector-sizes.patch to
Rename 0040-RH-fix-output-buffer.patch to 0015-RH-fix-output-buffer.patch
Add 0016-RH-dont-print-ghost-messages.patch
Add 0017-RH-fix-sigusr1.patch
* Actually this fixes a number of issues related to signals
Rename 0018-RH-remove-config-dups.patch to 0018-RH-fix-factorize.patch
* just the part that isn't upstream
Add 0019-RH-fix-sockets.patch
* makes abstract multipathd a cli sockets use the correct name.
Set find_multipaths in the default config
Add 0034-RHBZ-887737-check-for-null-key.patch
Add 0035-RHBZ-883981-cleanup-rpmdiff-issues.patch
* Compile multipathd with full RELRO and PIE and install to /usr
Add 0033-RH-dont-disable-libdm-failback-for-sync-case.patch
* make kpartx -s and multipath use libdm failback device creation, so
that they work in environments without udev
Add 0026-RH-fix-mpathpersist-fns.patch
Add 0027-RH-default-partition-delimiters.patch
* Only use the -p delimiter when the device name ends in a number
Add 0028-RH-storagetek-config.patch
Add 0029-RH-kpartx-retry.patch
* retry delete on busy loop devices
Add 0030-RH-early-blacklist.patch
* multipath will now blacklist devices by device type and wwid in
store_pathinfo, so that it doesn't do a bunch of unnecessary work
on paths that it would only be removing later on.
Modify 0016-RH-retain_hwhandler.patch
* Check the dm-multipath module version, and don't enable
retain_attached_hw_handler if the kernel doesn't support it
Add 0019-RH-detect-prio.patch
* add detect_prio option, to make multipath check if the device
supports the ALUA prio, before defaulting to the configured prio
Remove 0017-RH-netapp_config.patch
Add 0020-RH-netapp-config.patch
* new netapp config that uses retain_attached_hw_handler and
detect_prio to autoconfigure ALUA and non-ALUA devices.
Add 0014-RH-dm_reassign.patch
* Fix reassign_maps option
Add 0015-RH-selector_change.patch
* devices default to using service-time selector
Add 0016-RH-retain_hwhandler.patch
* add retain_attached_hw_handler option, to let multipath keep an
already attached scsi device handler
Add 0017-RH-netapp_config.patch
Add 0018-RH-remove-config-dups.patch
* Clean up duplicates in the devices and blacklist sections
(git commit id: cb0f7127ba90ab5e8e71fc534a0a16cdbe96a88f)
Add 0001-RH-remove_callout.patch
* multipath no longer uses the getuid callout. It now gets the
wwid from the udev database or the environment variables
Add 0004-RH-fix-cciss-names.patch
* convert cciss device names from cciss/cXdY to sysfs style cciss!cXdY
Split 0009-RH-add-find-multipaths.patch into 0002-RH-add-wwids-file.patch
and 0010-RH-add-find-multipaths.patch
Add 0016-RH-change-configs.patch
* default fast_io_fail to 5 and don't set the path selector in the
builtin configs.
Resolves: bz #831978
Add 0104-RHBZ-737989-systemd-unit-fix.patch
* systemd will only start multipathd if /etc/multipath.conf exists
Add 0105-fix-oom-adj.patch
* first try setting oom_score_adj
Modify 0021-RHBZ-548874-add-find-multipaths.patch
Modify 0022-RHBZ-557845-RHEL5-style-partitions.patch
Add 0025-RHBZ-508827-update-multipathd-manpage.patch through
* sync with current state of RHEL6. Next release should include a updated
source tarball with most of these fixes rolled in.
Add 0102-RHBZ-690828-systemd-unit-file.patch
* Add Jóhann B. Guðmundsson's unit file for systemd.
* Add sub-package sysvinit for SysV init script.
Resolves: bz #690828
with 0012-RH-udev-sync-support.patch
Add udev sync support to kpartx and multipath. In kpartx it is disabled
unless you use the -s option. Refresh
0013-RH-add-weighted_prio-prioritizer.patch Refresh
0021-RHBZ-548874-add-find-multipaths.patch Modify
kpartx now creates a 2 sector large device for dos extended partitions,
just like the kernel does on the regular block devices. Add
0023-RHBZ-557810-emc-invista-config.patch Add
Multipath has a new option checker_timeout. If this is not set, all path
checker functions with explicit timeouts use
/sys/block/sd<x>/device/timeout. If this is set, they use it instead.
0002-RH-path-checker.patch Modify
Fix udev rules to use DM_SBIN_PATH when calling kpartx
install udev rules to /lib/udev/rules.d instead of /etc/udev/rules.d Modify
0014-RH-add-hp_tur-checker.patch Add
0003-for-upstream-default-configs.patch Add
0016-RHBZ-554561-fix-init-error-msg.patch Add
0017-RHBZ-554592-man-page-note.patch Add
0018-RHBZ-554596-SUN-6540-config.patch Add
0019-RHBZ-554598-fix-multipath-locking.patch Add
0020-RHBZ-554605-fix-manual-failover.patch Add
Added find_multipaths multipath.conf option
Added /sbin/mpathconf for simple editting of multipath.conf Add
Make kpartx deal with logical partitions like it did in RHEL5. Don't create
a dm-device for the extended partition itself. Create the logical
partitions on top of the dm-device for the whole disk.
statically link against it. Fixed an error with binding file and WWIDs
that include spaces. Cleaned up the messages from the directio checker
function. Fixed the udev rules. Fixed a regression in multipath.conf
parsing Fixed 457530, 457589