it up for multilib systems
- install config files and init scripts using -p
- pull in patch to build with current automake (#229010, Jacek Konieczny
and Robert Scheck)
- remove prereq on ldconfig: RPM should pick it up based on the -libs
- pull in patch to correctly detect gsskrb5_register_acceptor_identity
(#200892, Mirko Streckenbach)
- pull CVS fix for not tripping over extra commas in digest-md5 challenges
- drop patches which were needed to keep static builds going
- remove static build, which is no longer a useful option because not all
of our dependencies are available as static libraries
- drop gssapi-generic patch due to lack of interest
- update the bundled copy of db to 4.5.20 (#229012)
- drop dbconverter-2, as we haven't bundled v1 libraries since FC4