    eval 'exec /usr/local/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
        if $running_under_some_shell;
# Usage:	bsd2cyrus inputfile
# Purpose:	Maps a user's Berkeley-format mail folder names into the
#		Cyrus namespace
# Input:	List of usernames, one per line
# Output:	Lines of the format
#		username:Cyrus-mailbox-name:BSD-mailbox-name
#$Id: bsd2cyrus,v 1.1 2004/02/04 12:59:42 karsten Exp $

require "find.pl";

# User's subdirectory where personal mail folders are stored 
# (typically $HOME/mail)
$maildir = "mail";

$inputfile  = "$ARGV[0]";
if (! $inputfile) { die "Usage: $0 inputfile\n"; }

open (DATA, $inputfile) || die "can't open $inputfile";
while (<DATA>) {
    ($user,$pw,$uid,$gid,$quota,$cmnt,$gcos,$home) = getpwnam $_;
    next if $home eq "";
close DATA;

foreach (@folders) {

    ($user,$folder) = split(/:/,$_,2);
    if (! rfc822($folder) ) { next; }
    @tokens = split(/\//, $folder);
    $mailbox = $tokens[$#tokens]; 

    # Sanity checks - earlier tests should have caught these.

    next if ($mailbox =~ /\.gz$/);      # Skip gzipped files
    next if ($mailbox =~ /\.Z$/);       # Skip compressed files
    next if ($mailbox =~ /^\./);        # Skip hidden files

    # Replace "bad" characters with an underscore followed by 
    # the ASCII representation of the "bad" character.

    $mailbox = rm_badchars($mailbox);
    print "$user:user.$user.$mailbox:$folder\n";

sub wanted {
    (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) &&
    -f _;
    if ($_ ne '.') { push @folders, "$user:$dir/$_"; }

sub rfc822 {

    my ($file) = @_;
    my ($rc) = 1;
    if (-d $file || -z $file || -B $file || -x $file) {
        $rc = 0;
    return $rc;

sub rm_badchars {

    my ($mailbox) = @_;
    $mailbox =~ s/ /_040/g;
    $mailbox =~ s/\!/_041/g;
    $mailbox =~ s/\"/_042/g;
    $mailbox =~ s/\#/_043/g;

    return $mailbox;